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Melissa Bellhouse

"Open your eyes and see the world around you."

0 · 317 views · located in The Tunnels

a character in “Rift”, originally authored by Talisman, as played by RolePlayGateway






Lady Bellhouse is an impossibly sweet child, very well mannered and perhaps the politest thing to come out of Thania. She loves people, loves being around them, and loves talking to them. She has a soft spoken, comforting voice that doesn't seem able to raise above room volume. The only time she ever seems miffed is when she's overlooked. As a Princess, it's one thing she's not used to. Despite her upbringing as a princess, she never lost contact with the common man. Her family has always acted in the interests of their people, and she's no exception. Lissa is always willing to hold out a helping hand, and she's eager to please. She's also rather intelligent for her age. Despite that, she can be willful without outwardly appearing so. She doesn't argue, she debates. She's a great debater. So much so that many give up and relent before she does. Then she'll smile and express gratitude. She's more clever than she has any right to be, and sharp as a tack.

She's proud of her heritage and of her country. She loves her Father and her Mother, but she is most definitely a daddy's girl. She respects them both immensely and will often find herself missing them terribly at long stretches without. This respect leads her to be fiercely protective of their names, she won't see the monarchy of Thania driven through the mud. She possesses a naivity that betrays her youth. Hate, war, and death are foreign concepts, spoken of only in her history lessons. She doesn't understand that sometimes there are just bad people who want to hurt. Lissa is the girl who would wander right into the face of danger because, to her, there is no danger.

Lissa possess the brightest silver tongue this side of the Dragon's pass, and enough wits to let that serve where her Guardian's sword arm cannot. She has cultivated a politician's skillset that will serve her well once she becomes Queen. Debate and compromise are her weapons. The mind is sharper than the sword, as her tutors always told her. Speaking of tutors, she's gifted with a bright mind belying her age thanks to the best possible tutors in Thania. While this doesn't necessarily translate into battle tactics, she is quick on her feet and clever, adaptable. She's also, if you cut right down to it, quite adorable. Only a souless monster could harm a tiny girl with big blue eyes-- a deadly combination when you take the puppy-dog eyes she has cultivated into account. What she can't debate her way into, she can guilt. What she can't guilt, well... That's what her Guardian's for.

The big one is that she's still a child. Still in her teens, and that causes her to be overlooked in many situations. Sometimes her voice of reason is disregarded entirely, and it irrates her. She's no warrior, nor is she a mage, she has no physical offense or defense aside from her Guardian, and she relies on him to protect her bodily. As noted before, she's also incredibily naive, and (despite the politician moniker) has trouble sifted fact from fiction. She'd more than readily take anything at face value, though she's clever enough to figure out an outright lie. Also the fact that she's a Princess is a weakness of itself. One word she's a Bellhouse and a opportunistic bandit may try to kidnap her for a ransom.

What's there to say about little Lissa Bellhouse? She's a tiny thing at a mere five feet flat, and doesn't weigh an ounce over a hundred pounds sopping wet. She's slender, almost fragile looking in nature like a strong enough wind or a large enough bird could pick her up and carry her off-- though she's still growing she'd vehemently state. A mess of bright red curls sets on her head and bounces far after she has stopped. It can be straightened out and be presentable, if she has an afternoon free. Wide light blue orbs sit in her eye sockets, giving her a pleasant and kindly appearance. Since she's out and about incognito, she wears common clothing, a bland dress and and bland cloak-- though little help it does to hide her stature. She has her pride written on her forehead and her gait is smooth and unfettered. Lissa also has an intelligent, learned dialect, punctuated with verbal flourishes that just happen of their own accord.

Considering Lissa is still only a child, she hasn't had time for much life to happen. She was born in the Thanian castle to the King and Queen of the country. Nothing interesting has happened to her whilst in the castle, unless her lessons count (they don't). In fact, the reason she's exploring the world stems from this nothingness. In order to become a truly great leader she needs to see the world, and not just the walls of her castle. Plus, who doesn't like a little adventure every now and then? She brought up seeing the world to her parents and after a series of good points (and hours of "Debate") they relented. So now she travels with her bodyguard, and she has since found herself in Ley.

Lissa might want you to think of her a woman and lady, but she still has her childish moments. She loves stories of grand adventure and daring. She loves sweets, especially cookies, and small fluffly animals. So much so that an adorable bunny would crack her princessly manner and send her into a fit of squees. She also loves her daddy.

King and Lionheart
Of Monsters and Men
Taking over this town they should worry,
But these problems aside I think I taught you well.
That we won't run, and we won't run, and we won't run.
That we won't run, and we won't run, and we won't run.

And in the winter night sky ships are sailing,
Looking down on these bright blue city lights.
And they won't wait, and they won't wait, and they won't wait.
We're here to stay, we're here to stay, we're here to stay.

Howling ghosts – they reappear
In mountains that are stacked with fear
But you're a king and I'm a lionheart.
A lionheart.

His crown lit up the way as we moved slowly
Past the wondering eyes of the ones that were left behind.
Though far away, though far away, though far away
We're still the same, we're still the same, we're still the same.

Howling ghosts – they reappear
In mountains that are stacked with fear
But you're a king and I'm a lionheart.
And in the sea that's painted black,
Creatures lurk below the deck
But you're a king and I'm a lionheart.

And as the world comes to an end
I'll be here to hold your hand
'Cause you're my king and I'm your lionheart.
A lionheart. [8x]

Howling ghosts – they reappear
In mountains that are stacked with fear
But you're a king and I'm a lionheart.
And in the sea that's painted black,
Creatures lurk below the deck
But you're a king and I'm a lionheart.
A lionheart. [8x]

So begins...

Melissa Bellhouse's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kai Silverwood Character Portrait: Iridian Valka Character Portrait: Flynn Rowe Character Portrait: Cadbury Roverfield Character Portrait: Phile Mortimer Character Portrait: Jacia "Z" Zash
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Surprisingly enough, the first person to respond to Kai's question had been Jacia. Well, Iridian didn't think that the fact the mage had spoken was surprising, but rather that she had kept too quiet around them for the entirety of the battle. Then again, she was a scholar, and he did not know very many a things about those who chose the knowledge of books over the honor of serving their country. Their two different paths of life seldom collided. Perhaps, the Holy Way had witnessed the closest cooperation of mages and soldiers in recent history, in select squadrons that had reinforced their ranks with spellcasters, though the ratio of soliders-to-mages had probably never come closer than 20 to 1. Any citizen could pick up an axe (though certainly not excel at it from one day to the next) but rare few were those with the... whatever it was mages possessed. Plus, as far as Irid could gather, proper magics required years of study, especially in battle. Sending a thunderbolt upon your own platoon in the midst of battle couldn't be good news. (He wondered if perhaps that's why Jacia hadn't decided to partake in the Battle of Ley.)

The thought of war, however, brought a shiver down Irid's back. Gar had attacked Akhar, a past ally, without provocation. At least, none that they'd received word about. Ley wasn't a hub for rumors so few messenger pigeons or talkative merchants ever came their way. Citizens of Akhar had been killed in cold blood by Garian military, a town had been lost. If their ruler so wished it, it could lead to war. If his reagents deemed it so, Irid would march proudly, with the Akharian shield emblazoned on his uniform. After all, it was his job to protect the people of the realm.

But what would the dragons do if it ever came to that? That sent shivers down his spine again. He'd never seen Thorak, but he'd heard stories...

The soldier realized he was taking things too far in his mind. The villagers needed him now. He and his siblings-in-arms would keep them safe. A road would have its dangers, particularly for refugees, but they'd be the shepherds to the unfortunate band of sheep.

Speaking of... Iridian hadn't seen a single person who shared his uniform in the tunnels. Well, only Sir Cole, his girth making him easy to spot even in the dark. He reasoned he'd joined the villagers in the tunnels at the very end, so he'd likely missed the other guards that had gone on ahead of the group. Plus, when he'd run alongside Flynn to the market, they'd likely missed a few people who'd made it to the abbey. The guard tried to shake off the feeling that was crawling upon him like a legsy spider. He wasn't entirely successful.

"I agree with Mage Zash. It won't do to make detailed plans that may crumble down when we discover where we're headed. " Iridian say, trying to sound as confident as he didn't feel. Walking through the tunnels wasn't exactly an easy feat. It was humid, with several patches in the roof dripping what was probably water from the stream that ran near Ley. Consequently, though the floor was flat enough, it was muddy, and made the trek that much harder for the villagers who still suffered some kind of wound. A few of the taller villagers had to stoop.

"Unless of course we have any idea where we're headed. Priestess, do you have any knowledge of these tunnels? Or, do you, Mage Zash?" He hoped so. The former resided over the entrance to the tunnels, and the latter... well, surely this wasn't the only temple with an entrance leading underground. Maybe all of Sol's temples shared a similar trait. Forcibly, he shut down his wishful thinking. Were that to be true, it would help them know where they went, but it also made it all the more likely for Gar to know about the tunnels. Suddenly, he wished it wasn't so.

Waiting for an answer, Irid's eyes briefly met Flynn's gaze. And the weapon in his hand. The soldier's own lance. A moment of hesitation flashed in his mind. The stranger from the Rift was armed, and judging by his tactical knowledge, dispatching them in such close quarters when they were so tired could be an easy enough feat. Iridian balled his fists.

Then he relaxed them. As much as he might suspect anything to come from a Rift, Flynn had proven himself a valuable ally. Why help them in the battle if he aimed for their demise? His plan had saved several villagers' lives. He offered a quick smile to the foreigner. He would let him have the lance.

(But only for now, Iridian would offer to swap his sword for the lance. He had better training with the latter.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kai Silverwood Character Portrait: Iridian Valka Character Portrait: Flynn Rowe Character Portrait: Cadbury Roverfield Character Portrait: Phile Mortimer Character Portrait: Jacia "Z" Zash
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#, as written by Flexar

In the brief silence that followed Kai's question, Jacia decided to ignite one of the torches that Cole had left, but not by any conventional means. A spell soon had the torch burning with a green flame and spitting sparks in all directions. Kai considered the safety of lighting the torch in such a fashion questionable, but he knew better than to argue with Jacia.
“Perhaps we should first discover where this tunnel leads.”
Kai wanted to point out that he didn't mean it quite so immediately, but Iridian spoke first, telling the group that plans for later may be rendered useless. Kai agreed with him, but he still didn't want to leave the tunnels with no idea of what to do.
"Well then, sounds like we ought to get going." Kai stated.
With that, Kai raised his torch and began walking down into the tunnels.

The walk was hardly pleasant, water continually dripped from the ceiling onto Kai's head, and he almost slipped over multiple times. At least he didn't have to fear for his life down here; the discomfort in the tunnels was nothing compared to the terror on the surface. Still, that didn't make the experience any more enjoyable, just slightly more bearable.

To make matters worse, the group soon arrived at a fork in the road.
"Well, isn't this just great." Kai grumbled.
He held out his torch down each tunnel to see if he could see anything that might suggest which way to go. The path to the right yielded no results, but the tunnel on the left had something much worse. The butt of a musket swung from the shadows, and its wielder soon followed, along with others of his kind. More Garian soldiers. Kai quickly raised his torch in defense, which proved not be be such a great idea. The torch lit the gunpowder inside the musket, firing its round into the cave's ceiling. The round exploded upon impact, causing stones, bricks and flaming debris to fall down, creating a wall. Looked like they were still beneath the abbey. Fortunately, one soldier had been crushed beneath a state of Sol, but not so fortunately, four of Kai's companions were on the other side of the wall. He didn't have time to look at who was with him and who was on the other side of the wall before he was slammed against the wall with the barrel of the musket being pressed horizontally into his throat. Struggling for breath, he reached for the dagger he had taken earlier and plunged it into the soldier's stomach. He recoiled and released the musket, giving Kai the chance to drive the dagger into his neck. The man fell to the floor with a sickening thud and Kai felt his stomach heave; he had just killed someone. He was inhaling loud, exasperated breaths and struggling to stand while he attempted to come to terms with what he had just done. He took some consolation in the fact that it was a kill-or-be-killed situation, but the fact of the matter was that he had killed a man. However, he knew in order to survive he may well have to kill again, so he raised his axe and waited for the next strike to be made.