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Rise of Blackthorn City

Rise of Blackthorn City


You're planet destroyed along with you're government. You find yourself trapped within a barrier that confines you to the last city,taken over by The Scarred Legion,An underground gang. Will you join their ranks,or fight to the last man?

2,239 readers have visited Rise of Blackthorn City since duramon created it.


Brief Overview
Currently looking for Role-players to fill the roles of
(Leader of Black Hand)
(One-Three Resistance leaders)
Before the main plot can begin!

Rise of Blackthorn City is intended to be a futuristic fantasy RP based in and around the City of Blackthorn,formerly The City of New Glim. By incorporating futuristic technology and a dystopian world, with locations,weapons,magic,races etc that are associated with the fantasy genre aswell as the sci-fi genre. I intend for alot of the content to be added by the player's but sadly,for the sake of not having god's and demi-gods roaming the place,or other such characters,races or random magic abilities that can easily take on The Legion. I will be keeping some form of tabs on as much as I can to keep the basic plot together. This by no means that despite the plot being there and available that you are confined to it, Player's are free to go off and do their own side plots or things on their own. I am providing the world and the main plot-line,not forcing you into a story.

For the sake of character creation and easy reference here are a few things to think about.

It's The Year 4110
Geography: The Planet is called Kandor and is an Alternate Earth. Upto around 2300 nation and geography wise its the same as now. Beyond that nations are simply re-named and the world itself remains relatively the same map-wise.
The City: The city itself is humungous. It is not simply a single city as we see them now,but a massive undertaking that spread a city across a space of land the rough size of Tasmania (That little thing at the bottom of Australia.) When compared to the rest of the world its rather small,but for one city its large enough to be its own state.
Technology: Technology is highly advanced and futuristic,Think Sci-Fi here! Happily and sadly though, Apple does not exist here,nor Microsoft. Both were gone from this world almost 1000 years ago.
Races etc: Think of anything you want! Aslong as I can look at you're character and not see nonesense or a ridiculously overpowered creation then anything is welcome! Get Creative!

Without further ado,here is the story itself!


The city of New Glim was a relatively normal trading city. Relying on mostly markets and trades with other city economically the city was blessed with large deposits of resources. Spices,fertile land and Melaktite deposits were numerous and the city was rich enough to be named one of the planet's super powers. The nation of Glim was thriving and the city itself had a low crime-rate due to high pay-rates for officers of the law and even bounty hunters. The entire city was peaceful despite it being a melting pot of cultures,races and technology,that is until the event. One fine day during festivities celebrating New Glim's mere one hundred years in existence however disaster, as it does,struck at the most opportune and inconvenient moment. Much of what happened that day was lost along with the rest of the world but what was,and can never be forgotten was how it happened.

All of a sudden during the festivities, a great barrier was brought up to surround the city. The people were of course confused,there was no attack nothing had gone wrong,and so they continued celebrating. Oblivious to the destruction outside, The government kept up the charade of it being a mere test of defensive measures until the celebrations ended,the people wanted to go back to their homes outside the main hub of the city to see their families. To go back to their normal lives now that the festivities were over and the drunk had been corralled into hotels, but the government could not let them. They sealed off the city and covered the barrier in fog the moment the festivities had begun to die out. The people were angry and rightfully so,riots broke out all over the streets and crime rates shot sky high. This lasted over a week until eventually an announcement came atop the clock-tower in the center of New Glim on a holographic screen. They promised to show them why they couldn't lower the barrier if they returned to their homes...and so they did. Everyone returned home and stared hopefully out of their windows,watching and waiting until the barrier suddenly turned transparent.

The reason nobody could go home,was because their was no home. Only New Glim stood alive,floating through a debris field of what was left of the planet,orbiting around a star,but this was not the star that they had last seen. The glowing orange globe that hid lit up the sky during the day was gone,replaced by a gigantic blue orb that was encircled by various satellites and covered in planet sized lines of circuitry and wires that seemed to be apart of the orbs very surface. It was beautiful yes,but the people were out-raged and in despair. Everyone they ever knew was dead or trapped inside the barrier with them. In an instant the police,the citizens and even the criminals tore the government down. Leaving New Glim in a state of chaos. It was a free for all.

That is,until The Scarred Legion came. An underground crime syndicate that had kept it's head low and under the radar from the police and the government. After both had been over-thrown or dissolved by the worlds people they had risen seemingly from hell itself. An army of the damned,the insane or the broken rising up from the sewers and the slums of New Glim to take control. The people had no chance, pockets of resistance tried to fight back but The Legion had been preparing for war for years and easily took control of the city. They created their own "government" and the resources and taxes all went to them. In less then a month it became a city ruled by fear and force. It wasn't all bad though, The Scarred Legion had made a promise when they created their government, a speech was made by their leader who was only ever known by his nickname. The War Torn Wolf.

"Impale,Burn and Shred. The Scarred Legion shall rise, and aye have we risen New Glim! I made a promise to ye all back in the hay-day of The Legion. Ye can break it down,tear the planet apart and burn it but I'll still rebuild it mehself,in my own image! Well citizens of New Glim,that's exactly what I intend to do! Starting from now,half o' the resources and taxes are to be put towards rebuildin' the damn planet, but none of this high-tech nonesense yer all so fond of. No,I'll rebuild it, as you lot seem to like putting it. Just as nature intended,sure there'll be a few hints of tech in there I ain't god,but as far as I'm concerned this is my world now, if I change my mind and make a few high-tech pieces o' land then who are ye to complain?, Now go about yer business as normal but, just one more thing. Remember kiddies, The Legion is alway's in control,always watching, ye will NEVER get rid o' us." -The War Torn Wolf.

In that instant half of what was already a now tiny world, the last city. Was burnt, nothing but rubble and industrial wasteland lay's to the north of the clocktower now, The resistance fights heavier there but the air is so thick with smog and pollution,the land so scorching hot that most every humanoid has to wear a cloak and breathing mask. The clocktower became The Legions new fortress and hub of control and it is around this time that you come into the picture.

The year is 4110 on The City of Blackthorn,The place once known as New Glim and The Planet that had been known as Kandor, Your choices are laid before you.

You may Join The Legion,if you have the talent for it.
Perhaps you're content to simply live you're life.
Or maybe,just maybe, you'll join the resistance and fight back against their control.

Overly Large and Complicated Looking Skelly

This is the Skelly I am providing made by EarthWanderer08 for character's,You are not required to use it however if you have you're own.

Enter Full Name


Full name: - Write
Alias/Nicknames: - Write
Gender: - Write
Species/Race: – Write
Nationality: – Write
Birth Date: - Write
Age: - Write
Zodiac Sign: - Write
Descendent(of): - Write
Current Residence: - Write
Job/Profession: - Write
Title: - Write
Allegiance/Alignment: - Write

Height: - Write
Weight: - Write
Build: - Write
Eye Color: - Write
Hair Color: - Write
Handedness: - Write
Skin Shade/Color: - Write
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: - Write
Description: – Write A Descriptive Paragraph or Two.


Sexuality/Preference: - Write
Relationship/Marital status: - Write
Family/relatives: - Write
Sanity: - Write
Friends: - Write
Mental Skills: Write
Likes: - Write
Dislikes: - Write
Hobbies: - Write
Personality: – Write A Descriptive Vibrant Paragraph for Exciting Roleplay.

Weapons: – Describe All Weapons’ Attributes
Combat Attire: – Get Creative.
Accessories: – Necessary Items of Interest Maybe?
Miscellaneous: – Extra Hidden Things Maybe?

General/Preferred Style: – Write A Few Sentences
Hand-to-Hand: – Write A Few Sentences
Weapons Style: – Write A Few Sentences
Special Abilities: – Write A Few Sentences

Chant Magic: - Write
Rune Magic: - Write
Elemental Magic: - Write
Psychic Magic: – Write
Conjuring Magic: – Write
Enchantment Magic: – Write
Space/Time Magic: – Write
Arcane Magic: - Write

Relationship Status: – IF you Have One
Family: – Try and Be Creative
Known Languages: – Could Be Anything
Proficiency(Affinity): – Special Skills?
Personal History/Background: - Please Try Here
Clans (Family Clan or Otherwise): - Maybe?


Toggle Rules

Rule 1: No Powergaming
Rule 2: No Meta-gaming
Rule 3: No Demi-gods/gods.

Browse All » 7 Settings to roleplay in

Blackthorn City

Blackthorn City by duramon

The street's are lined with the hungry and the air is thick with pollution, You have entered the center of Blackthorn City,in the distance you see the massive fortress held by The Scarred Legion. The floor below you is paved with cobble and rusted metal.

Southern Walk-way

Southern Walk-way by duramon

Walking out onto the southern walkway you look down to see rivers of booze and blood. All around you are a seemingly endless ammount of tunnels leading to different areas of the city. This is where the Black Cloaks seem to be thickest.

Walk-way Tunnel

Walk-way Tunnel by duramon

One of the many walkways leading off of the Southern Walk-way's tunnels, Looking above and below it you would be able to notice various other walk-ways stemming from other tunnels. Oddly enough the entire thing itself is again,encased in a giant tunnel.

The Imperium Train

The Imperium Train by duramon

Walking to the North you eventually enter a heavily decorated and expensive looking train station,Only One Train runs,however the nearby car-park seems to lead to a large high-way that leads around the city.All roads seem to pass through The Imperium.

The Imperium (Outside)

The Imperium (Outside) by duramon

You stand before The Great Fortress known as The Imperium,created from the old clock-tower by The Scarred Legion. All road's pass through it but nobody but members of the Legion are allowed inside.

The Imperium (Inside)

The Imperium (Inside) by duramon

The inside of The Imperium is a very tech focused and stoicly coloured place., The Main room has a map of the old planet cracking as its centre, Three tunnels lead off,each leading to a different group of the legion. Assassins,Thieves and Mercenaries.

Northern Wastes (Outer City)

Northern Wastes (Outer City) by duramon

The burnt-out and apocalyptic wastelands that stretch out past The Imperium. The land past here is mutated and absolutely anything could have formed or be found out here, The heavier hitting resistance groups reside here,Aswell as smog producing oil rigs.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 0 authors

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Add Group » View All » 6 Factions to align with

Here's the current leaderboard.

The Scarred Legion

The underground gang that now runs the city, Lead by The War Torn Wolf.

Black Lotus Clan

Highly-Experienced Assassins working for The Scarred Legion as one of the three main branches.

Clan Ragnarok

Berserkers,Fighters,Mages and All. Clan Ragnarok is a group of mercenaries and warriors from all walks of life working for The Scarred Legion as one of it's three branches.

Black Cloaks

Undead Minions and Golems who all wear tattered black cloaks and robes and Bull Skull Masks, Enforcers and Shock Troops belong in this group. They make up one of the three branches of The Scarred Legion

True Legion

The Secret Inner Circle of The Scarred Legion. Only Five member's outside of it know of its existence,The most elite of the elite end up here. Their members are scattered through-out the other groups and are instructed to hold back their powers.

The Black Hand

Thieves and Scavengers belong to this group, In the day's before they owned the city,they used to bring in most of The Legions income and resources. Now,The Black Hand works to fund the various resistance groups.



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Add Setting » 7 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Blackthorn City

Blackthorn City by duramon

The street's are lined with the hungry and the air is thick with pollution, You have entered the center of Blackthorn City,in the distance you see the massive fortress held by The Scarred Legion. The floor below you is paved with cobble and rusted metal.

Southern Walk-way

Southern Walk-way by duramon

Walking out onto the southern walkway you look down to see rivers of booze and blood. All around you are a seemingly endless ammount of tunnels leading to different areas of the city. This is where the Black Cloaks seem to be thickest.

Walk-way Tunnel

Walk-way Tunnel by duramon

One of the many walkways leading off of the Southern Walk-way's tunnels, Looking above and below it you would be able to notice various other walk-ways stemming from other tunnels. Oddly enough the entire thing itself is again,encased in a giant tunnel.

The Imperium Train

The Imperium Train by duramon

Walking to the North you eventually enter a heavily decorated and expensive looking train station,Only One Train runs,however the nearby car-park seems to lead to a large high-way that leads around the city.All roads seem to pass through The Imperium.

The Imperium (Outside)

The Imperium (Outside) by duramon

You stand before The Great Fortress known as The Imperium,created from the old clock-tower by The Scarred Legion. All road's pass through it but nobody but members of the Legion are allowed inside.

The Imperium (Inside)

The Imperium (Inside) by duramon

The inside of The Imperium is a very tech focused and stoicly coloured place., The Main room has a map of the old planet cracking as its centre, Three tunnels lead off,each leading to a different group of the legion. Assassins,Thieves and Mercenaries.

Northern Wastes (Outer City)

Northern Wastes (Outer City) by duramon

The burnt-out and apocalyptic wastelands that stretch out past The Imperium. The land past here is mutated and absolutely anything could have formed or be found out here, The heavier hitting resistance groups reside here,Aswell as smog producing oil rigs.


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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
Character Portrait: Jericho Aspenth
Character Portrait: Eclipse
Character Portrait: Mizaru
Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
Character Portrait: Brein Choktrek
Character Portrait: Nina Kelosa


Character Portrait: Nina Kelosa
Nina Kelosa

"How do you do?"

Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
Arlathina Dalisia

"You can choose to see only the darkness or you can acknowledge the stars..."

Character Portrait: Eclipse

Model A73N93G26E937L

Character Portrait: Jericho Aspenth
Jericho Aspenth

Kill me you say? Oh, please, try, I've been longing for death since both gatekeepers refused my entrance

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
Wrathgar Shadowhide

The War Torn Walf, Leader of The Scarred Legion and Tyrant Extraordinarie


Character Portrait: Eclipse

Model A73N93G26E937L

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
Wrathgar Shadowhide

The War Torn Walf, Leader of The Scarred Legion and Tyrant Extraordinarie

Character Portrait: Nina Kelosa
Nina Kelosa

"How do you do?"

Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
Arlathina Dalisia

"You can choose to see only the darkness or you can acknowledge the stars..."

Character Portrait: Jericho Aspenth
Jericho Aspenth

Kill me you say? Oh, please, try, I've been longing for death since both gatekeepers refused my entrance

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Wrathgar Shadowhide
Wrathgar Shadowhide

The War Torn Walf, Leader of The Scarred Legion and Tyrant Extraordinarie

Character Portrait: Eclipse

Model A73N93G26E937L

Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
Arlathina Dalisia

"You can choose to see only the darkness or you can acknowledge the stars..."

Character Portrait: Jericho Aspenth
Jericho Aspenth

Kill me you say? Oh, please, try, I've been longing for death since both gatekeepers refused my entrance

Character Portrait: Nina Kelosa
Nina Kelosa

"How do you do?"

View All » Places

Blackthorn City

Blackthorn City by duramon

The street's are lined with the hungry and the air is thick with pollution, You have entered the center of Blackthorn City,in the distance you see the massive fortress held by The Scarred Legion. The floor below you is paved with cobble and rusted metal.

Southern Walk-way

Southern Walk-way by duramon

Walking out onto the southern walkway you look down to see rivers of booze and blood. All around you are a seemingly endless ammount of tunnels leading to different areas of the city. This is where the Black Cloaks seem to be thickest.

Walk-way Tunnel

Walk-way Tunnel by duramon

One of the many walkways leading off of the Southern Walk-way's tunnels, Looking above and below it you would be able to notice various other walk-ways stemming from other tunnels. Oddly enough the entire thing itself is again,encased in a giant tunnel.

The Imperium Train

The Imperium Train by duramon

Walking to the North you eventually enter a heavily decorated and expensive looking train station,Only One Train runs,however the nearby car-park seems to lead to a large high-way that leads around the city.All roads seem to pass through The Imperium.

The Imperium (Outside)

The Imperium (Outside) by duramon

You stand before The Great Fortress known as The Imperium,created from the old clock-tower by The Scarred Legion. All road's pass through it but nobody but members of the Legion are allowed inside.

The Imperium (Inside)

The Imperium (Inside) by duramon

The inside of The Imperium is a very tech focused and stoicly coloured place., The Main room has a map of the old planet cracking as its centre, Three tunnels lead off,each leading to a different group of the legion. Assassins,Thieves and Mercenaries.

Northern Wastes (Outer City)

Northern Wastes (Outer City) by duramon

The burnt-out and apocalyptic wastelands that stretch out past The Imperium. The land past here is mutated and absolutely anything could have formed or be found out here, The heavier hitting resistance groups reside here,Aswell as smog producing oil rigs.

The Imperium (Inside)

The inside of The Imperium is a very tech focused and stoicly coloured place., The Main room has a map of the old planet cracking as its centre, Three tunnels lead off,each leading to a different group of the legion. Assassins,Thieves and Mercenaries.

Northern Wastes (Outer City)

The burnt-out and apocalyptic wastelands that stretch out past The Imperium. The land past here is mutated and absolutely anything could have formed or be found out here, The heavier hitting resistance groups reside here,Aswell as smog producing oil rigs.

The Imperium (Outside)

You stand before The Great Fortress known as The Imperium,created from the old clock-tower by The Scarred Legion. All road's pass through it but nobody but members of the Legion are allowed inside.

The Imperium Train

Walking to the North you eventually enter a heavily decorated and expensive looking train station,Only One Train runs,however the nearby car-park seems to lead to a large high-way that leads around the city.All roads seem to pass through The Imperium.

Southern Walk-way

Walking out onto the southern walkway you look down to see rivers of booze and blood. All around you are a seemingly endless ammount of tunnels leading to different areas of the city. This is where the Black Cloaks seem to be thickest.

Walk-way Tunnel

One of the many walkways leading off of the Southern Walk-way's tunnels, Looking above and below it you would be able to notice various other walk-ways stemming from other tunnels. Oddly enough the entire thing itself is again,encased in a giant tunnel.

Blackthorn City

The street's are lined with the hungry and the air is thick with pollution, You have entered the center of Blackthorn City,in the distance you see the massive fortress held by The Scarred Legion. The floor below you is paved with cobble and rusted metal.

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Most recent OOC posts in Rise of Blackthorn City

Re: Rise of Blackthorn City

Be our guest. Doesn't look like anyone else is grabbing it. :)

Re: Rise of Blackthorn City

Are you guys still looking for an applicant for the Black Hand Leader? If so, I'd be willing to take that part.

Re: Rise of Blackthorn City

EDIT: PM me I guess if nobody steps in to be the Black Hand Leader.

Re: Rise of Blackthorn City

I see what you did there. Why, thank you, thank you ;) I've been meaning to work on her, but I require access to a laptop. My new one should be arriving soon. I also do look forward to both their personalities and powers clashing.

Re: Rise of Blackthorn City

I really like your character. With her control of fire and Arlathina's control of plant life, I think there could be some interesting dynamic between our two characters. And lesbihonest, she's just hot. ;)

Re: Rise of Blackthorn City

WIP for a Resistance Leader submitted. I'll try and have her done soon!

Well, darn. I wanted to submit someone of dragon race, but I was beaten to it. For the sake of diversity, it's back to the drawing board.

Re: Rise of Blackthorn City

I submitted a character to be the leader of Clan Ragnarok. I worked very hard on her, and I hope you like it. If you have any suggestions or changes that you want made, please just tell me.

EDIT: Upon reading through the application, I was really disappointed with myself. I had kind of blazed through and left out all of the details, mostly because it was like midnight when I had wrote it and I was in a hurry to go to bed, but I rewrote most of my history and some other little things in there as well. If you haven't already, please read!

Re: Rise of Blackthorn City

My sincerest of apologies to all who currently have characters! I had planned to make a post quite...we'll quite along time ago now. But until recently I have been pre-occupied with schooling and other such none sense. To begin if people are interested in doing so We simply need Roleplayers to fill the roles that are now mentioned in the introduction! I'll be sending an edited version of this message to Roleplayers currently with characters!

Re: Rise of Blackthorn City

How many people are you waiting for until we start? cause i can maybe get 2 more people to join

Rise of Blackthorn City

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Rise of Blackthorn City"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.