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Scarny Pretige

"To heal a million would harm a trillion"

0 · 884 views · located in Danaleya

a character in “Rise of Hybrid Creatures of Magic”, as played by ScarnyLuv


Name: Scarny
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Magic Creature Hybrid: Elf
Magic Creature Look:
Magic Creature info link:
Power: She can speak to you in your head(and read your thoughts) and she can feel nature's distress and naive healing
Hobbies: She likes to sit in the woods and talk to the creatures around her
Likes: Woods, Weeping Willow Tree's, Nature
Dislikes: Death, Distruction, Healing Things
Suitors: None as of now
Mate: None as of now
Pet/Protecter: Dragon
Pet/Protecter Look:
Other: She wears a necklace that allows her to find her dragon and vice versa

So begins...

Scarny Pretige's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rilletta Zalea Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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"I grew up in these waters. I have never seen you here until today." Her anger had gotten to her so she got close to the girl and knelt down so she could be close to her face. "Your songs are meant to get people into the water . . . and kill them." She pulled back away from her face. "You 'friends' you haven't seen in a while, yeah its because you killed them. They are gone and never coming back." She walked back to where she was sitting and sat back down. She blocked the sight of them with the sear serpents, very large, face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda Character Portrait: Rilletta Zalea Character Portrait: Zella Fathrone Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Roth Quellesh
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Ahura placed a paw on his head. "Ah yes. It might just be my own bias opinion of how I see a basilisk. Yes, I'm sure he is a nice boy..." He barks over the wind. 'But from the looks of things, he wanted to kill me or at least...Give me a good scare...' He thinks and chuckles at the last comment.

His ear twitched as Scarny spoke. "All your life eh? Well, just my luck then. Someone to show me around the place." He grins. "Like a tour!" His grin widens and his mind scans the terrain. Vibrations emanated off of a fixated point. Close to where they just left. "Hmm...It appears that the commotion from earlier is still going on..." After a brief pause, Ahura speaks once more. "I do hope that our acquaintances are safe and on friendly terms with one another...I can heal the wounded but I cannot heal the destructive forces of emotions..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Scarny shook her head. "No, I can not show you around I am sorry." She patted the dragon entwined a part where he had hair. "I am going to land." She told him before dive bombing the ground. She had jumped off of the dragon and he had thought fast and swooped down to catch her before she hit the ground. He managed to get her a few fit about some trees and landed her safely in the forest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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"No, I can not show you around I am sorry."

This statement disappointed Ahura. Nevertheless, he stayed calm and resisted the urge to ask 'Why not?'. Over the many decades, he has learned to keep his tongue down in situations like this unless it is of major importance and although the Angha's prying mind is always looking for and storing information, his brain had trained himself what and what not to say. However, this mechanism has sometimes either overestimated or underestimated a simple statement.

He would never in his right mind say this out loud, but his brain has failed to comprehend regular or common emotions such as love, sadness, or loneliness. He was born as an Angha with incredible knowledge and wisdom yet he can't tell the difference between the heartache for a companion to the heartache over the loss of a loved one. Both hurt incredibly, but each effect the brain in different ways. Ways that Ahura has obviously failed to understand(And, quite frankly, doesn't want to understand). And instead of learning these emotions he wanders the world, meeting new friends and leaving them with an emotionless gaze set straight on the road before him.

"I am going to land."

Ahura was suddenly yanked out of thought and into reality at Scarny's voice ringing through the air. "Ah yes...I shall land to..." Ahura manages to spit out before he slowly makes his descent toward the earth. As he nears land, Ahura senses Scarny landing a calculates the number of seconds he has to prepare. In those seconds, he folds his wings up and moves his paws forward. Once his paws had hit the ground the flapping ceases and Ahura takes some time to gain his stability on land.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Scarny hopped off of the dragon. Once she was off she knelt down and placed her hand on the ground. She searched for a certain place using the world around her. Her mind connected with the earth and it used her memories to show her the directions to go for certain places she had been before. She chose one and set out towards it at a brisk pace. She had left the spot she landed within a matter of seconds after getting off of the dragon. She was off into the woods her dragon following before Ahura landed. She wasn't really running away from him just needing to find a certain spot so that she did not have to answer certain questions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Ahura shakes his messed up fur and feathers. "What a wonderful flight don't you think Miss. Scarny?" His answer was that of the bristling leaves in the trees. His ears flicked toward the direction in which he had sensed Scarny land. "Scarny?" His head turns toward the ground and his tail and wings spread and fold over the earth as he begins to sense farther vibrations. In a matter of seconds, he had caught Scarny's dragons vibrations and the elf herself moving at a hasty pace through the woods.

Almost instantly, his thoughts raced through his mind, picking out reasons that were the cause of Scarny's actions. Much to his dismay, his mind had rebelliously picked reasons that HE must have done to somehow upset the elf. Did I say something offensive? Do something offensive? Was I being a bit too cheerful? Whatever the reason must have been, it left the Angha in dead thought. Just standing there thinking of what he must do or say to Scarny to somehow explain her actions so that his mind would finally settle down. Eventually he was left with the decision to not follow her and instead trek toward the camp.

From all of the commotion today, he was quite exhausted. And the day wasn't even half way over with. "Who new spending time with a bunch like this could be so tiring..." He sighs to nobody in particular.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Doran Zhonya
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The sounds of the forest, the rush of blood in his ears and the scent of his prey's fear. This is why Doran loved the thrill of the hunt. There just wasn't something nearly as satisfying as catching your own food. He was sure the deer he was chasing thought differently. His feet pounded the hard soil of the forest as Doran sprinted after his meal. After his earlier ambush, he had dug his claws inside the deer's tough hide and let it run. With the poison now in it's veins, it wouldn't last long. Besides, the running before death made the meat not as tough. Sure enough, the deer had slowed down to a mere crawl, struggling to move even a step more. Doran sighed and slit the creatures neck. He hated seeing animal's suffer. His sharp claw cut through the underbelly like butter as he set about cleaning his fresh kill.

About ten minutes later, the venison was sizzling on the giant rock he used for cooking. The rock was heated through a hot spring that rested just below it. Doran much preferred his little swamp to the campgrounds. The camp was always loud and full of people but here, no one came here but his food and himself. There was plenty of pools if he decided to go for a swim, something he did after every meal, but most importantly, it was much to wet and humid here to make a fire. Doran hated fire more then he hated people taking his food. The flickering red mass struck chords of fear deep inside of him that he could not overcome. Perhaps it was because it was the only thing that could stop his regenerative abilities or maybe it was just because it's damn hot. He had no idea. The Hydra picked a piece of meat off the slab and gave it an experimental lick. "Perfect! The Thyme and Dandelion mix excellently!" With the ferocity of a hungry animal, Doran tore into the muscle, devouring the whole deer in five minutes.

With a great splash, the redhead jumped into the water, his glasses safely resting on the shoreline. He let out a small gasp at how cold it was but quickly became used to it and began floating down the stream. Doran closed his eyes and placed his hands behind his head, using his legs to keep him afloat. It was so relaxing he would have fallen asleep in the water if not for the sound of footsteps echoing throughout his precious swamp. He stopped and crawled onto the shore of the river, hiding in the dense underbrush. He was still a little peckish, perhaps he would have a little snack before he went to camp. When an elf came into view, Doran huffed with disappointment. He couldn't eat an elf. They looked too much like a human and human meat tasted bitter. Along side her was a dragon, though this one did not look nearly as cool as his did. Now he definitely wouldn't be eating her.

He rose form the underbrush as quietly as he could, so not to startle her. 'Maybe if I strike up a conversation with her, she won't tell anyone about my secret place." Doran strode towards the elf, completely aware of the fact he was naked. "What, may I ask you, are you doing in my swamp?" Doran asked with a little smile.