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Arrow Cobain

0 · 192 views · located in Earth

a character in “Rock n Roll, the Next Generation”, as played by bandgeek


Build God, Then We'll Talk by Panic! At The Disco
❝ Revenge loves company, three makes it a crowd. ❞ - You Me At Six, Underdog


Name╎ Arrow Cobain

Gender╎ Female

Age╎ Twenty One

Parents╎ Kurt Cobain & Courtney Love

Height╎ Five foot

Weight╎ Hundred and twelve pounds

Band╎ Drummer for Chicago Loop



Apparel╎ You'll rarely catch her in a skirt, actually she doesn't even own one. Though you'll also rarely catch her with pants on, unless in public. She prefers to wear longer shirts[ longer, heh, just long enough to cover everything ], often old band tee shirts or even some of her brothers button down shirts. When she does have to wear pants though, you can usually find her wearing skinny jeans of any color or sometimes even shorts, though she doesn't really like wearing shorts either. Shoes are usually combat boots or skate shoes[ DC's, Van's, TH ]. Also she tends to wear a lot of hoodies in public.

Personality╎ Arrow's primary mode of living is focused internally, where she deals with things rationally and logically. Her secondary mode is external, where she take things in via her five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. Arrow has a compelling drive to understand the way things work. She's good at logical analysis, and like to use it on practical concerns. Typically having strong powers of reasoning, although she's not interested in theories or concepts unless she can see a practical application. She likes to take things apart and see the way they work. Arrow has an adventuresome spirit. She is attracted to motorcycles, airplanes, sky diving, surfing, etc. She thrives on action, and is usually fearless. She is fiercely independent, needing to have the space to make her own decisions about their next step. She does not believe in or follow rules and regulations, as this would prohibit her ability to "do her own thing". Her sense of adventure and desire for constant action makes her prone to becoming bored rather quickly. Although she does not respect the rules of the "System", she follows her own rules and guidelines for behavior faithfully. She will not take part in something which violates her personal laws.

She likes and needs to spend time alone, because this is when she can sort things out in their minds most clearly. She absorbs large quantities of impersonal facts from the external world, and sort through those facts, making judgments, when she is alone. Arrow is an action-oriented person. She likes to be up and about, doing things. She won't sit behind a desk all day and do long-range planning. Adaptable and spontaneous, she responds to what is immediately before her. She usually has strong technical skills, and can be as effective technical leaders. She does not pay attention to her own feelings, and even distrust them and try to ignore them, because she has difficulty distinguishing between emotional reactions and value judgments. This may be a problem area for her.

When she is over-stressed, she may exhibit rash emotional outbursts of anger, or on the other extreme may be overwhelmed by emotions and feelings which she feels compelled to share with people (often inappropriately). When down on herself she will foray into the world of value judgments - a place which is not natural for the her - and judge herself by the inability to perform some task. She will then approach the task in a grim emotional state, expecting the worst. But Arrow is excellent in a crisis situations. She is good at following through with a project, and tying up loose ends.

Likes╎ Arrow likes a lot of things, well a lot of silly things. She likes to play pranks and laugh, run around the house singing and dancing until someone literally has to hold her to get her to calm down. Candy is a god, though she really shouldn't have much of it because she gets hyper way too easily. To be more serious though, she likes to read and write, if you're lucky you may catch her singing, though she really only does that in the shower. Something she would never admit is that she likes to cuddle or be held, touch is a really big thing for her, as in she'll crawl all over people or try and sit in their laps, though it's so innocent and playful that it can't be really thought of as anything other.

Dislikes╎ Obviously she isn't too fond of her own gender, though there is multiple reasons behind that. She doesn't like relationships, they terrify her. Being serious is boring, sitting still is impossible, and "popular" people are bitches. Arrow can't cook for the life of her, if it can be burnt it will be. Sometimes she will be teased for being skinny or anorexic, and she really can't stand that. Crying, that's a pretty normal thing to dislike, and she hates people seeing her cry. Other things include her insomnia, and the nightmares that haunt her when she actually can sleep.


Biography╎ Arrow wasn't even two years old when her father killed himself, and her mother never wanted her at all. Instead she was sent to live with relatives that treated her, well they treated her like she was made of glass. As if she didn't understand that her mother abandoned her and her father was dead. But she was so young when it all happened that she doesn't really know how to properly miss them, since she never knew them enough to miss something about them. At age twelve she started drum lessons and immediately took to it, along with guitar- though she isn't nearly as good at guitar as she is at drumming. In a way to get back at, maybe life?, she pursued a career in music.

Crush╎ None.

Other╎ I read the rules, just don't have a favorite band.

So begins...

Arrow Cobain's Story