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Aislin Buckeldee

"The strongest people are the ones who stand up and fight the thing that scares the most."

0 · 815 views · located in Rorschach Academy

a character in “Rorschach Academy”, as played by Sanarith


Why hide when you can run?
ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя#16C27A
тнσυgнт cσƖσя#868669

Demon Days ▮ A Mouth Full Of Matches


Aislin Mae Buckeldee
Pronounced ASH-Linn

Ash || Linn || Allie
She much prefers Aislin over anything, but Ash is also a good alternative.

17 Years Old


Half Swiss, Half English



Nobody wants to die, but who wants to live forever?



9st. 6lbs


Ice blue


Aislin is tall and slender, and has a very graceful air about her. She is athletic and strongly built, but you couldn't guess that from looking at her. She has quite long limbs, especially her fingers, which could be described as 'piano fingers'. Her facial features are all quite small - she has a button nose, full, rosy lips, and high cheekbones, although they aren't prominent. Her eyes are the only thing that are not small - almond in shape, and ice blue in colour, her eyes are anything but unnoticeable. To accentuate that, she often rings her eyes with thin eyeliner, and mascara.

Her blonde hair is medium length, and reaches the middle of her back. It isn't thin, but her hair isn't so thick that it is wiry. The ends of her hair are slightly split, but not noticeably so. Because of the texture of her hair, it is easily caught in the wind and can often be seen blowing around. This can give it a messy appearance, so Allie often ties her hair back with french or lace braids.

Aislin has a few tattoos, as well. She has a tattoo of a bow on the inside of her left wrist, a blue butterfly on her right shoulder, and a tattoo of a cherry branch with blossom on her back, along with a few more butterflies. Her skin is extremely pale, like snow, so the colours of her tattoos stand out strongly. She doesn't have many noticeable scars about her, apart from the one across the top of her left hand, a few centimetres from her pinky finger, diagonally across to the base of her thumb, which is about 6cm in length. Aislin also smells wonderful. Most of the time she smells like vanilla and strawberry, but other days she could be described as smelling like Summer.

Aislin's clothing style is very light. She wears lots of cool colours, such as white, cream, blue, black, and some light pinks. She has a very 'girly' style to her, and tends to wear oversized jumpers, dresses, and leggings very often, along with dolly shoes or sandals. In colder weather, she is more likely to wear jumpers and warm boots, along with parkas.



AltruisticAffectionateSelf-ConsciousIntrovert LoyalTrustingStrong-Minded


To say that Aislin is shy is a bit of an understatement. She's very timid, and extremely reticent - she's in no hurry to reveal how she feels, or why. She tends to keep to herself, although she has gotten much better with coming out and talking to others in a friendly way. She also struggles with her appearance a lot, and can spend hours making sure that she looks presentable to the public. Because of this, she can come off as modest, perhaps even falsely, when she is in fact very diffident towards herself. This can make it very difficult to stand up for herself, or others, and she can be afraid of drawing attention to herself, but it does mean that she can brush off the worst of insults. It's nothing she hasn't told herself before.

However, contrasting that, she is affectionate and altruistic. She loves the feeling of being kind to others and likes to give back. Whether this is a joke, a favour, or just being a friend to someone, Allie will always be on hand to help. She tends to trust people way too easily, and this tends to get her hurt, but she herself is loyal and will never do anything to go back on her word.

Aislin could be considered a romantic individual, but she's not likely to pursue anything unless her partner were to make a move first. She is extremely affectionate, but just doesn't know how to show it, more often than not. She tends to become a bit of a shrinking violet in terms of love affairs, and will shrink away from people she hardly knows, or does not reciprocate feelings for. She would say that she doesn't even know how to flirt, and either doesn't register that she's being flirted with, or takes it the wrong way. In situations with a significant other, she would act rather conflicted - if she liked them back, she may jump at the opportunity, but she may also act very uncertain about the situation. She's always worrying about everything, and tends to worry that she is making the wrong impression, or pushing them away, which it does tend to do.

Finally, Allie is a very strong-willed person. If and when she makes a decision, she sticks to it. She also puts up a wall around herself, to stop herself from being hurt emotionally. This way, she can brush off insults or mocking comments, even if it hurts her inside. Occasionally she even makes a quip back. However, when it comes to fear, Aislin breaks down. It's the one thing she can't handle very well. Crippling panic attacks, hyperventilation, and a racing heartbeat all signal that Aislin is terrified. Occasionally, and especially when she is using her power, Aislin can faint. She often comes out of this perfectly fine, but embarrassed. And that, to Aislin, is a much worse feeling than sadness.

F e a r can s a v e or c r i p p l e you



Summer The sunshine, and light breezes always put Allie in a good mood.
Rainstorms The sound calms her nerves, and it feels nice on her skin
Good Music Once again, it's calming and Ash enjoys being able to turn off the world.
Rabbits She used to own a few when she was a child, plus they are cute, fluffy, and shy. She reasons that it's because they're like her. It's actually because she likes cuddling them.
Video Games She owns the largest collection of video games that she can, and wrecks at all of them. She likes to use them to relax.




Alcohol She hates the taste, and the way it makes people act. Ick.
Smoking Like alcohol, except it will kill you faster. Plus the way it makes her cough reminds her of suffocation.
Pushy People People that push their own way on Aislin and try to take advantage of her really annoys her. Just... What sort of person does that, anyway?
Being High Up Being high means a low altitude, and a low altitude means thinner air. Thinner air means suffocation. Plus the idea of looking down at the ground is pretty daunting.
Running When the thought of being out of breath gives you panic attacks, running is pretty much out of the question.
Large Bodies of Water This includes baths. Now, Aislin's fear isn't exactly drowning, but to her, it's a little too much like asphixiation, and she avoids any large body of water as much as possible.
Loud Noises They make her jumpy, nervous, and they hurt her ears. Why would she like them?



Holding Her Breath ▮ Although she hates to acknowledge this, Aislin can hold her breath for incredible amounts of time. ◗
Determination ▮ Aislin... is stubborn. As soon as she's set her mind on something, nobody's stopping her. ◗
Agile ▮ Aislin is flexible, and can move her body in ways a lot of people can't. For example, she can do walkovers, and the splits. ◗
Persuasive ▮ Allie finds it easy to convince people to do things. Maybe it's just the way she talks. ◗



Panic Attacks ▮ When Aislin is scared, she tends to have panic attacks. This can bring on hyperventilation, making it even worse. ◗
Fainting ▮ Aislin tends to faint a lot, especially after a panic attack, or using her power for a prolonged amount of time. ◗
Socially Awkward ▮ She either trusts too much, or not enough. Plus she finds it hard to make friends, since she's so shy. ◗
Allergic to Peanuts ▮ Aislin will go into anaphalaxis if she eats or touches a peanut. ◗
Running ▮ Due to her fear of suffocation, Aislin doesn't run much. At all. So she's pretty unfit. ◗
Swimming ▮ Aislin will not go near water sources; it's too much like suffocating. Therefore, she's never learned to swim. ◗
Loud Noises ▮ Aislin can hear much better than normal, meaning that excessively loud noises give her headaches. ◗
Bright Lights ▮ Aislin cannot look at bright lights for long at all - they leave spots in front of her eyes for much longer, and can give her headaches.◗



Aislin believes in the Paranormal. She reasons that if powers exist, why can't ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and all the rest exist, too? She also has to organize everything. She hates it when things are out of order, and often arranges things in colour order. She has a vast collection of video games, but tends to hide them from others, and cannot sleep without a stuffed toy. That's a closely guarded secret. She has a habit of braiding her hair when she's bored, and tying it up in fancy styles. She bites her nails when nervous, and likes going on long walks in the rain, with her earphones in, especially if she's feeling especially introverted, or wants to be alone.



Ash is terrified of suffocation. Even the thought of going underwater, or too high up in the air can set her off. It tends to be a cycle of fear, too, as her fear makes her hyperventilate, which in turn, makes her even more terrified. It's a vicious circle.

Aislin is also terrified of drawing attention to herself. Although this isn't as bad as suffocation, it means that she avoids a lot of conversations.

I can be the f u e l to your f l a m e s


Aislin has Aerokinesis - the power to control air. She can use it to control the wind and air currents, shaping it into the desired shape. She can also lessen air resistance, or increase it. This enables her to levitate herself, move much faster than normal, and even fly. She can also use it to create tornadoes, hurricanes, and blasts of wind so strong that they could push someone over, especially when caught unaware. She can also move objects with blasts of wind, and divert projectiles. She can also increase air pressure, and make it denser. This means she can crush things relatively easily. She can also feel minute vibrations in the air, so noises seem louder, and lights seem brighter. Aislin's powers work by taking the air from around her first, and using it to change the conditions around her. This means that she cannot breathe while using her powers.

Firstly, Aislin cannot breathe while using her powers. This limits the amount of time that she can use her power, and because of her fear of suffocation, it makes it even harder to use for long periods of time. She also cannot control the weather, the humidity of the area, or if it's going to rain, however, she can accelerate the process of the rain using the wind. She is also much more sensitive to light, sound, and touch, along with heat and cold, due to the vibrations in the air. It's much easier for Aislin to overheat, or get too cold, and loud noises and bright lights can give her headaches. She can also be affected by the presence of fire - as fire uses oxygen to fuel itself, the flames can override her manipulation and use it instead, although it can also be used in the opposite way, as it can make flames more powerful. It can also be much harder for her to use when the air is more humid - it's much harder to separate air molecules from water molecules when there are a lot more water molecules than air. Finally, there's the fact that she's terrified of it. How easy can it be to use something that gives you panic attacks and causes you to faint?

Only know you love them when you let them go


The beginning of Aislin's fear manifested when she had a punctured lung at the age of 7.

She had fallen out of a tree she was climbing, and a branch had gone through her chest, missing her rib by half a centimetre, and entered her lung. It was a terrifying ordeal for her, and the breathlessness was something she knew she would remember forever. She was rushed to hospital, where she stayed in the ICU for a week. Her mother and father were devastated that something like this had happened, and decided that they were going to make sure that it didn't happen again. As soon as she was let out of the ICU, and allowed to go home, her parents fussed over her, and wouldn't let her out of their sight, apart from school. After that, Aislin grew rather shy, and spent a lot of time by herself. She was an only child, and she lived out in the woods. Friends rarely came over, and she rarely went over. Instead, she took up ballet, gymnastics, and piano, giving her the agility and love of music that she has today. It continued on like this for years, and wasn't going to change.

Until she met Kailan.

He was alluring, sweet, and charming, all wrapped into one. Admittedly, it didn't take long for Aislin to fall head-over-heels for him. He would dedicate much of his time to her, and she would sneak out to meet him. They would get up to all sorts of strange things - riding his motorbike down deserted roads, exploring the woods, climbing trees, and discovering creeks. It was wonderful, but they never actually dated, per say. That doesn't stop a heartbreak, though.

It happened in a cafe. She was supposed to be meeting him for coffee, like normal, but that was when the girls at the counter started giggling. The cafe went silent, as if they were in on a joke and she wasn't. And that was when he came in with another girl hanging off his arm. It didn't settle in for another few minutes, but it pricked tears in her eyes. She felt as if her chest was being crushed under intense pressure. She couldn't hear properly, and all she could see were blurs. She looked up, and he wouldn't even meet her eyes. That did it. Not realizing she was holding her breath, and beginning to panic from not being able to breathe, the windows suddenly bent under pressure and shattered. Pieces of glass went everywhere, and people blamed it on faulty building, but they Aislin knew it was her. Gasping for breath, desperately trying to calm her pounding heart, and fighting back tears, she made her way home, only to find Rorschach officials there. They explained to her what was going on, and how they could help her control her powers. Aislin quickly agreed to go there. She needed to leave behind the real world, especially after her heart had broken just like those windows. That was two years ago, and Aislin hasn't been seen in public since.

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мσ∂ιƒιє∂ ву; נαcкѕcσℓ∂ѕωєαт

So begins...

Aislin Buckeldee's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catarina Yakovlev Character Portrait: Kailan Tsai Character Portrait: Aislin Buckeldee Character Portrait: Nikolina Barfield Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Crawforde Character Portrait: Constantine Lascar
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ImageImageThe silence in the room spoke volumes.The five of them sat around the wooden table made of harsh grain, like scars carved into a wizened face. The table itself was indeed old; so old none of the people currently sitting around it could remember a time the table had not been the centerpiece of the room. It had been at the academy since the building had been erected, through every renovation and update, and its weathered surface almost out of place among the slate gray concrete of the new walls. And yet, throughout every modernization, the table had remained. No one even questioned it anymore. No matter what happened, the table would always stay. It was a little island of comfort, provided some sense of ease to the people seated at its rickety chairs. Whatever bleak situation was approaching, at least the table would always stand.

This time, however, they weren't so certain. What they were about to be confronted with could topple everything the board had been working towards for centuries-- including the table. All the members sat in pure silence, not a sound uttered. The thick air of unease was palpable.

"We have to fight," the board director finally said, shattering the fragile web of quiet that had laced the room.

"With what army?" came the quick retort from a wiry female with silvery hair.

A new voice chimed in. "You act like we don't have very capable fighters on our side, Patricia."

"Not nearly as many as they have," Patricia responded immediately.

The bulky male opened his mouth to speak, but was quickly cut off by the director.

"George, Trisha, that's enough from the two of you. If we don't have sufficient numbers, we'll create them. We have a school full of talented young souls just waiting for a purpose."

George and Trisha glanced in each other's direction, the same look in both their eyes: uncertainty. The two were used to bickering-- they did so frequently-- but theirs was a friendship that could last through the ages. The many years spent working together had solidified their relationship long ago, and while their friendly rivalry never faded, their connection bordered on telepathic.

They directed their skeptical gazes to the director, who responded with a cool stare. There were several moments of uninterrupted silence before any more was spoken.

"That's ridiculous."

The director focused his gaze on Patricia. "How so?"

There was an edge to his voice like she had never heard before, something akin to serrated glass. So this was the voice of desperation.

"These children are terrified. Shaping them into capable soldiers in under a year? It's, well, frankly, it's impossible," George chipped in while Trisha was busy examining the harsh lines of the director's aging face.

Again, a tense silence permeated the air. Then, a sudden scraping noise as the director pushed back his chair and stood. "Figure it out," were the last words he spoke before stalking out of the room. The two members that had been silent the entire exchange followed his suit, leaving George and Patricia in the suddenly much colder room. A shiver ran through Trisha, and she rubbed her arms to ease the goosebumps.

This time, the silence was blissful as the two stewed in their own thoughts and worries. It was George that eventually broke it.

"Our job starts tomorrow then."

"You know we can't let them know what's happening."

"You're not suggesting we just go on pretending everything's the same as it always was, are you?"

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting. We should delay the pandemonium for as long as possible."

"I agree, but... should we really be keeping them all in the dark about this?"


A pause.

"Alright. Fair enough. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow," she agreed.

A moment of mutual sympathy and self-pity passed between them. Then, they went their separate ways, dreading the very next day where they'd tackle a task that was sure to fall harder and faster than Goliath himself. They could only hope their students would find a way to overcome their worst fears.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kailan Tsai Character Portrait: Aislin Buckeldee Character Portrait: Constantine Lascar Character Portrait: Vinny (Vincent) Occonnor Character Portrait: Geneva Cross Character Portrait: Éric Labrecque
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F e a r can s a v e or c r i p p l e you
ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя✦#16C27A
тнσυgнт cσƖσя✧#868669

Aislin's breath caught in her chest as she huffed a breath in and out. It was the start of another year; it was another chance to learn to be herself. She knew, deep down inside, that it would never truly work out like that.

The car ride there was relatively uneventful, aside from the awful rap music on the radio and the bickering between her parents over who would miss her the most. Aislin couldn't help but stare out the window - the world rushing past her window felt like it was slipping from her grasp, as if this was her perfect reality that was slipping away from her. After all, school would be filled with horror and fear - it was pretty much required.

She nodded in time to the music, that had switched to something much more upbeat and pop - she couldn't quite place her finger on the name, but she knew that she would prefer something with a better beat and singers. The term 'pop' or 'popular' had never really identified with Aislin. As a rather introverted person, it was something she didn't mind avoiding, but she still hated the genre, even if some of the songs were, admittedly, rather good.

Aislin fiddled with the bottom of the cream button up top she was wearing, her foot unconsciously tapping away on the floor of the car. She was so lost in her own thoughts, and in boredom, that she didn't notice the car roll up to the school and stop gently until her parents turned to her and showered her with smiles and kisses. "Oh, sweetie, we're going to miss you! Make sure to call us every evening and do all of your homework!" Aislin didn't meet her mother's eyes, but bent her head to stare at her lap as her mother squeezed her hand. "Yes, and you'd do well to steer clear of that Violet boy." Her father chipped in. "It's Vinny, Dad." She muttered back, shaking her head. That was one comment she was sure to ignore. Her father thought that Vinny was a bad influence on her, which he probably was, but Aislin didn't care. He was more there for her in her time of need than her father was.

Aislin sighed, before grabbing her suitcase and school bag, before sliding out of the car with a cheery grin and a wave, before slamming the door and watching the car drive off. She waited a few seconds, taking a deep breath in, before heading in. She signed in at the front desk, before quickly scanning the roommate list. To her disappointment, she wasn't with Kai or Vinny, but she was with Constantine, and that was a win in her book. Unfortunately, there was no sign of the gorgeous Eric Labrecque either, much to her disappointment. She wasn't sure how obvious it was, but the girl had more of a slight crush on the boy. Shaking her head, she thanked the receptionist and headed over to the physical powers dormitory.

As soon as she entered the building, (or rather, just before she entered) she could hear loud insults being hurled around. Rolling her eyes, she dragged her suitcase down the hall, counting the doors, before pushing her door open and walking through to her side of the dorm, before sliding the case under the bed. It was very nice, seeing the room so fresh and bright. She smiled to herself, before running a hand through her hair and deciding to see what the racket was about.

It didn't take long to locate the room the noise was emanating from, which wasn't surprising to Aislin. She rolled her eyes to herself, before knocking gently and pushing the door open slightly. "Jeez, Vinny, I should wash your mouth out with soap." She rolled her eyes, smirking to herself, before it faded from her face as she realized who Vinny was yelling at. "What the hell?! Kai?!" Aislin couldn't hide her surprise, along with her excitement and hurt. Sure, he'd grown up a lot, but just seeing him made a lump rise in her throat at the memories they'd made together. She risked a glance at Vinny, before glancing over at Geneva, smiling at her awkwardly. She had to admit, Aislin deeply regretted visiting the dorm room now. She could already tell that this year was going to be crazy - right from the start.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kailan Tsai Character Portrait: Aislin Buckeldee Character Portrait: Vinny (Vincent) Occonnor Character Portrait: Geneva Cross
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#, as written by Cloud


Barely had Geneva had the opportunity to catch her breath before the door behind her opened again, heralding the arrival of a certain individual whom Geneva would have been very happy to not see for the remainder of the year, or really her life. The first drawling insult dripping from his mouth had the girl rolling her eyes, turning to see Kailan Tsai as he saunered into the room. At least the cat seemed to have good taste, hissing at the disdainful boy as he closed the door behind him. As always his insults only caused Geneva's lips to form their own cold smile, perceptive eyes inspecting her enemy as quick comebacks formed.

However, before a single insult could pass through her lips, a streak of blonde hair crossed the room in a series of long strides and pushed the darker haired young man against the door. Geneva's eyebrows rose as she watched the scene unfold, mentally smirking and cursing herself from not preparing popcorn to enjoy while she watched the drama unfold. As it was Geneva let her arms cross over her chest, tilting her head to the side as she attempted to guess what Kailan had done in the past to warrant being called an asshole with such vehemence.

"And here I thought we'd all become best buddies living together." She commented with her usual sarcastic tone, eyes sparkling as she waited with baited breathe for more information to emerge, "But please, don't mind me. Pretend I'm not here and continue, this is most enjoyable."

Of course, it seemed that this was only the prelude to the real theatrics as no sooner had Geneva spoken then someone knocked on the door. Nudging the door open - a feat in itself given the two young men pressed against it - and entering a moment later with a teasing remark to 'Vinny' was one Aislinn Buckeldee. Geneva was on good enough terms with the blonde, perhaps not best friends, but she's had no trouble getting along with the girl in the past. Though, she wasn't aware of anything that might tie her to the two young men sharing the room with them, though she was most certainly curious to find out. "The plot thickens." Geneva thinks to herself.

The responsible thing to do would be to break up the two boys before a fight broke out, but Geneva wasn't inclined to do 'the responsible thing' in this respect. One reason being that she doubted she'd be able to pull the much taller boy off Kailan, and the other because she wasn't averse to seeing the detestable jet-haired young man land himself in uncomfortable situations. However, her curiosity was gnawing at her, and Geneva thought a little probing couldn't possibly hurt the situation any, right?

"What the hell do you do Kailan?" She asked, her tone more amused than anything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kailan Tsai Character Portrait: Aislin Buckeldee Character Portrait: Vinny (Vincent) Occonnor Character Portrait: Geneva Cross
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#, as written by Fetch
ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя✦ #4d6da8 тнσυgнт cσƖσя✧ #54b378


It wasn’t like he wasn’t happy to see Vinny, in fact he was practically ecstatic to see his long lost friend. Though, he wasn’t really fond of the idea of being shoved against the door. Expected, but undesirable. Pulling a grin, the smile didn’t meet his eyes as he levelled them with Vinny’s. It gave the impression of malicious intent, and oh did he want to snap back. Instead, he clicked his tongue on the inside of his mouth, making a tsk sound as he leaned forward some. Too close for comfort. Watching Vinny intently, he took a drag of the cigarette that sat between his lips, blowing the smoke into his childhood friend’s face. He just snickered lightly, his eyes adverting over to Geneva as she spoke up, causing him to go a bit rigid, and reminding him that they weren’t alone.

“Now, that’s no way to greet someone,” He said, dropping his voice so his threat only reached his friend’s ears, “And if you don’t let go of me I’m going to break that pretty nose of yours.” He smiled, pushing his way aside just as another entered the room. He looked over, tossing his head back slightly as he assessed her with a cool gaze. His jaw jumped slightly as he watched his middle school plaything waltz into the room, tossing a few teasing words at the other boy before she glanced over at him. Raising an eyebrow, the corner of his lips tugged upwards slightly, if only for a moment. She looked completely shocked to see him, even a bit regretful. Perfect. He purred to himself, watching the two. Oh, this is going to be so fun.

"What the hell do you do Kailan?" Geneva seemed to speak up once more and he whistled under his breath, walking into the middle of the room, getting away from the others. He was never good with awkward situations, always pushing aside problems with shitty jokes and aloofness. Turning to the darker haired of the two girls, he leered at her, “Oh, curious are we? Well, I’m flattered you’re so interested. Maybe I can show you some time.” His words were laced with some underlying venom as he cut his attention over to Aislin and Vinny, both who looked equal parts of pissed and shocked that he was here. He couldn’t really identify what he was feeling, annoyance maybe? The whole situation was bullshit, and he could swear that he was probably in some fucked up nightmare where his past was hoping to stick and prod. Though, no matter how much he willed himself awake, he knew this wasn’t a dream and he couldn’t just disappear.

Still, that didn’t stop him from having a shitty attitude towards the situation. He rested his chin in his hand, his brow furrowing slightly as he tilted his head in mock confusion. “I’ve known so many pretty eyed blondes, could you refresh my memory, dear?” He resisted the urge to snicker, knowing very well that was gonna sting. But such as he was, when stressed he aimed to hurt. People left much quicker that way, and he preferred his lonesome far more than shitty and dramatic relationships. Still, he did toy around. A game of cat and mouse every now and then was fun. He shrugged, as if not caring whether she answered the question as he went and pressed the cigarette into the ashtray that sat on the coffee table. Still, he had no way to dance around these two, so he might as well get them to leave him alone, after all he did disappear for three years without saying so much as a goodbye. So why did they care if he was here, what type of damage did he cause?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kailan Tsai Character Portrait: Aislin Buckeldee Character Portrait: Vinny (Vincent) Occonnor Character Portrait: Geneva Cross
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F e a r can s a v e or c r i p p l e you
ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя✦#16C27A
тнσυgнт cσƖσя✧#868669

Icy blue eyes stared at the two boys that she had grown up beside; one of which had abandoned her completely and left her broken and unforgiving. She did nothing to stop Kailan slip from Vinny's grip, and stood there in mute shock for a few heartbeats, overwhelmed by the whole situation. She bit the inside of her lip, to stop herself from saying anything she may regret later, and to hold back her own emotions, to allow herself to concentrate and breathe. She could feel her chest throbbing, as if the scars that her former friend's disappearance had left were tearing their bonds apart and falling to pieces all over again.

Instead of focusing on the black haired smoker in front of her, striding around and making rather snide comments at Geneva, who Ash was sure wouldn't appreciate, Aislin focused on Vinny's cigarette, crumbling in his hand. Normally, Aislin carried one or two about herself just in case, but she hadn't had the opportunity to get some since she'd returned. She sighed through her nose, pinching the bridge with her forefinger and thumb, before rubbing her temples with her left hand, as if getting rid of a nasty headache. She looked at the light blonde boy, trying to figure out what to do next.

Her chest seemed to be crushing her lungs as Kailan's comment hit her hard. She was determined not to cry, and she knew Vincent would brush off the comment like it was nothing. He always knew how, whereas Aislin tended to be an open book, a fragile thing waiting to be broken. She glared at Kailan, keeping the air flowing in and out of her, not allowing for a panic attack. She felt the way she did the day she discovered her abilities - and to her, it wasn't a good feeling.

Vinny was definitely not letting it show, and that became apparent as soon as he shot his own tearing comments back at Kailan, before wrapping an arm around Ash. Deciding to just go along with it, as a form of her own little insult, she placed her own arm around him, letting her hand rest on his hip for a few moments. She knew that Kai's comments had come from nowhere - she knew deep down, Kai recognized them both. He had to. Aislin wouldn't know what to do if her face had become a blur to him, when his face was permanently etched in her memory.

She was glad when she was swiftly released from Vinny's grasp - which wasn't a bad thing, but Aislin did tend to enjoy hugs and she didn't receive many from most people. She stared at her feet and shuffled herself away from Vinny. In the end, she just couldn't take it. She forced herself to look up, at the person she had gotten attached to, before being slowly cut away from him. She studied Kailan for a second, trying to place what had changed. He'd grown, at least, from what she remembered. That, or Aislin hadn't grown an inch. His hair was the same dark shade, his expression was the same as the times where he tried to brush people off, turn them away. She never had understood why he or Vinny did that, but they did. They did it thousands of times in the past - one time was towards her, after all - and Aislin didn't understand why she was so upset by it this time around. She just found one word bubbling in her mind, looping itself around her thoughts like a disease that she just couldn't cure.

Why why why why why?

Aislin wanted answers. She wanted a reason for his sudden and inexplicable disappearance. She wanted answers, and not just for herself. The whole thing had brought Vinny and her together, but she wasn't sure that Vinny could forgive Kai, even if she could. Even if she didn't get answers, she wanted them for Vinny. Eventually she couldn't keep it in any more. The crushing in her chest felt like it was about to explode, and her head hurt. She just shook her hair out of her face and quietly asked: "Why?"