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Jerieth Gwirathien

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a character in “RWBY: Shadows of Remnant”, as played by FullArmorNavy


Name: Jerieth Gwirathien

Race: Faunus

Appearance: Male, about 6' very fit. Short purple hair, red eyes and a black tail he tries to hid when he can. He also has retractable claws he brings out only when he has to or during one of his night terrors.


Personality: With drawn and quiet which tends to make people see him as weak, and weird. But really he is just slow to trust, hates crowds, is very private and prefers to be the silent observer. Due to this, the few he does trust know him as an insightful and loyal to a fault friend, who would do ANYTHING for those close to him.

Weapon: Dual Katar pistols. With a push of a switch on his left Katar, two barrels pop out of the sides of the handles. To fire, a simple squeeze of the handles. With a press of a button on his right Katar, the blade opens into a claw. With a pull of the handles the claw launches and grabs onto what ever object it was aimed at. Then with a second pull, the claw, still gripping what ever it was, retracts. To open the claw, he presses the button again. This can be used to retrieve an object out of reach or to pull him to a distant location.

Semblance: Camouflage - Using his Aura he is able to camouflage himself similar to that of a chameleon, except he bends light around himself. At night or in a dark shadow his aura is strengthened and he can almost completely disappear.

Bio: His parents were a great hunter and huntress. They were KIA before his fifth birthday. He was raised by his parents best friends, a couple that was on their team in Beacon. As a favor to his parents memory they trained him and got him into Beacon. They never did tell him who his parents were and asked that non of the staff do either.

So begins...

Jerieth Gwirathien's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joseph Rex Character Portrait: Rowan Chang Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Verdant Pecker Character Portrait: Lila Hirsch Character Portrait: Lain Kushinov
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Jerieth dropped his gear on his bed then made his way to the upper floor of the barn about the sam time the first years were walking in. He stood a step or two away from the railing hoping not to be seen as he took notes about the fist years. After watching for a while he moved to the top of the stairs and sat down. He was interested in seeing if any of the first years would notice him, let alone approach him. He pushes the button on his right Katar then aims it at a can of soda, pulling the handle the claw launches out and grabs the soda. With a second pull of the handle the claw pulls the soda to him. With the soda still in the claw he opens it and takes a sip. Quietly, "To a new year and to new fun."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joseph Rex Character Portrait: Rowan Chang Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Verdant Pecker Character Portrait: Lila Hirsch
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Verdant carried her pizza and drink in one hand, feeling a little glum. She was just informed that Mister Chompy was going to be delivered straight to the student armory, along with her bag of explosives. She found that a little unfair, as other students had been delivered their weapons straight away, but perhaps they were a little paranoid about handing a girl a thirty or so bombs on school grounds. Whatever their reasoning, she was weaponless.

"I can't tell whether this is all anti-climatic or if the tension is still building..." she sighed, flopping down on a sleeping bag on the very far side of the barn, far away from everyone who were socialising and sharing their pizzas. A few others had the same idea as her. Verdant flipped open her pizza box open and peered inside. "I'm wrong! This is the climax of the whole evening!" She exclaimed, grinning, as she lifted up a slice and wolfed it down.

After she had made her way two thirds through her pizza she remembered her soda and opened the can with her teeth. She lifted the drink, which was fizzing and beginning to spill over the sides, above her head and shouted, "TO BEACON!" before chugging it down. She could see some other groups of students who joined in with her toast, repeating back her words and following her actions. She winced as she pulled away from the drink and felt the bubbles sting her nose. With one hand, she crunched the now-empty can into a flat disk and threw it like a small frisbee into the bin, a fair way away from her. She then looked back at her pizza to discover she was full. She pushed it away from her and eyed the people surrounding her. "If anyone wants it," she said casually and fished out some chewing gum from her pocket. She threw a piece on top of the pizza box to make for a better deal, considering that everyone was going to have terrible morning breath the next day. She popped a piece into her own mouth and chewed.

Verdant looked down at her clothes. "I suppose I sleep in these? Damn, I should have come more prepared!" She complained and slipped into her sleeping bag, curling up like a little millipede. Her eyes were still open wide, and she didn't feel tired. Perhaps it was because of the ten teaspoons of sugar she she had just consumed. She waited for sleep to come, but it didn't. "Be ready for initiation... oh, I am ready... I wonder what it is..." she muttered to herself, a dazed look of joy on her face. She turned on her back and stared up at the ceiling, completely awake. She knew that she wasn't going to be sleeping for a long time to come.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Verdant Pecker Character Portrait: Lila Hirsch
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He finished his drink and released it from the claw, then walked down the stairs to throw the can away. After doing so he took a looks around. Then he slowly made his way through the crowd, were most were to busy to take note of him, to a pair of students as he headed for a side door. One girl was dressed in pajamas with deer cartoons on it and the other was laying on her back staring at the ceiling. In an emotionless tone, "Evening ladies, and welcome to Beacon. I hope you enjoy your night and look forward to seeing you around campus." Jerieth nodes respectfully to the two of them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Verdant Pecker Character Portrait: Lila Hirsch
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Verdant squeaked when she was assaulted by the pajamas. She sat up suddenly, removing the clothes from her face, and looked at the girl who had thrown them. It was a very tall girl, about two heads taller than Verdant, who wore deer pajamas and was looking at her in an exasperated manner. It took a while for Verdant to recognize her, but for some reason a recollection of memories about the girl came back to her when she watched the girl stuff a pizza slice into her mouth and say something inaudible. Verdant had remembered the girl giving her a funny look on the ship and almost barreling into the girl at the entrance and she could vaguely remember her being near in the amphitheater. ... Stalker, was the word Verdant's mind conjured as she watched the girl and she giggled.

"Thanks," Verdant said gratefully. "And I am prepared! I'm prepared up here," she put her fingers to her temples and then punched an imaginary Grimm as she exclaimed, "Anything they throw at me, I'll deal with it! My stuff's just coming in the mail, is all..." Verdant trailed off thoughtfully, remembering that her parents had most likely been a little late at mailing her luggage - which explained her lack of bags and a weapon. Perhaps that was why it was going to be delivered to the armory the next day. Sigh.

"I'm not from Signal, by the way." She added, "Absolutely noooo hand-holding that I'm used to... heh heh..." Verdant grinned at the girl, who she found impossible to find intimidating with her adorable cartoon deers, but jolted when she heard a monotone voice from above her.

"Evening ladies, and welcome to Beacon. I hope you enjoy your night and look forward to seeing you around campus."

Verdant stared up at the deep violet haired, red eyed boy. He's not a first-year... she thought, and began to wonder why he had decided to walk up to them of all people.

"And good evening to you, good sir." Verdant said with utmost politeness, "I hope you enjoy your night also and I look forward to being seen! On campus. Because I hope to still be here."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Verdant Pecker Character Portrait: Lila Hirsch Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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Azul leaned against the railing, looking over the barn. This year's new students looked... eclectic. He supposed they did every year, though. He spotted a very familar set of purple hair amongst the crowd, talking to a couple of first year girls. "Flirting, I see," he said under his breath, a small grin on his face. He hadn't seen that face all summer, and was eager to see whether Jerieth would recognize him. He had gained quite a bit of muscle, after all.

He sat on the railing, bracing his feet against the bars. He set his head in one hand, observing, wondering if he should wave. Had it really been a year since he'd slept in the barn himself, all limbs and slender muscle? He chuckled softly at the memory. Now he was nothing but muscle (with a shiny new arm to accentuate it), with hair growing on his face. He loosened his tie, then finally gave in and offered a small wave to his teammate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Verdant Pecker Character Portrait: Lila Hirsch Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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Verdant wasn't sure of what to do when the mohawk girl looked at her like that. She just looked up at the upper classman and squinted as she saw past him to another blue-haired boy sitting on the railing, waving at them with... a silver arm? Not being able to tell who he was waving to, and not really caring, she shot up her arm with a toothy grin and waved back.

After that, she glanced back at mohawk, who wanted help. Looking for something to say and "help" the uncomfortable girl, as well as focusing on her current situation, she plainly announced, "Hm... I'm going to take these off now," and ducked inside of her sleeping bag, away from prying eyes. After some squirming around inside the bag, she popped back out, dressed in some frilly much-too-large pale yellow pajamas with bright yellow ducklings parading all over them. Her buttons were done up unevenly and her sleeves hung off her hands and drooped down an inch or more longer than her arms.

She looked down at her gaudy clothes and grinned up at the one who had been so kind as to lend them to her. "I like them!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joseph Rex Character Portrait: Rowan Chang Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Verdant Pecker Character Portrait: Lila Hirsch
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Rowan was one of the first to make it to the food tables to get something to eat, mainly because the moment he had noticed that there was Pizza (one of the staples of his early childhood) he charged over to the food tables as though his life depended on it. Rowan stood in front of the center table and felt a smile take over his face at the sight of fast food. Smiley never let him eat fast food ever since he learnt how to cook and the smell was curling straight into Rowan's brain and making it hard to think and YES was that Hawaiian he loved Hawaiian pizza...

His mouth watering and forming an impossibly wide grin, Rowan quickly took hold of a plate and piled it high with pizza slices of different toppings before leaving to stand and eat at the side of the room; grabbing a can of soda on the way. Despite his hunger, Rowan made sure to leave enough of the Delicious Slice Circles of Baked Dough with Toppings (aka Pizza) for the other new students. He might be hungry enough to eat a horse, but he wouldn't take all of the food like some greedy jerk. Any leftovers though, were fair game.

Stuffing a slice of pizza (meat lovers, delicious!) into his mouth, Rowan made sure to keep his mouth closed as he chewed and leant against the wall, looking around him with interest. The Barn seemed to be a pretty interesting place, and Rowan wanted to see what was going on.

Not much was happening, actually. Some of the new students (swords, guns of different calibers, too many to keep track of) were already talking around and making new buddies, a couple of guys (dark blue pistol blades and some kind of red and black retractable weapon which looked like a high caliber rifle or something that dealt heavy damage) were standing to the right and engaged in a conversation Rowan couldn't hear over the sound of voices in the Barn. The guy he had been standing next to during Ozpin's speech (no weapon except a wrench, maybe he was a weapon enthusiast like Rowan and was waiting for his weapon to come in tomorrow like some of the other students?) was sitting down on the floor and staring at people, and the green headed girl from before(no weapons, probably waiting) was talking to the girl she had almost mowed down earlier (weapon in travel mode) and another guy (dual katar pistols). Nothing interesting enough to warrant conversation, so Rowan closed his eyes in bliss and focused wholeheartedly on his dinner.

Five pizza slices later, Rowan's stomach was satisfied and no longer growling feed me, feed me or I'll make you think of food all day. He sipped from the can of soda and tossed the emptied can and plate into the bin beside him. Yawning, Rowan stretched and looked around for a place to sleep. He didn't really know what was coming tomorrow and it wouldn't do to be sleep deprived, in case they had to do something which required him to be in tip top shape.

Most of the students had settled down, and they had grabbed sleeping bags and clustered into little groups. Some of them already had their eyes closed, while others were talking in low, exited voices about what was to come. Someone had tossed a sleeping bag to a small corner, so Rowan reached over to grabbed it and find a spot where he could stretch out and sleep instead of being curled up into a ball.

The only place he could find was beside the guy with the wrench. Tucking the rolled up sleeping bag under his arm, Rowan walked over to him and placed the sleeping bag a few paces away from the guy; making sure that it was large enough for both of them to be comfortably out of each other's personal space. There was enough space for the both of them to stretch out, and with a sigh, Rowan took a set of pajamas out of his jacket like a magician taking a rabbit out of a hat and proceeded to wriggle inside the sleeping bag to change.

A few small wriggles and restrained grunts later, Rowan was dressed in simple purple pajamas and ready to sleep. Neatly folding his clothes into a neat stack, Rowan placed them onto the area where his head would be and lied down; stretching out and placing his hands on his torso like a dead person at rest in a coffin. Closing his eyes, Rowan started to regulate his breathing quietly (it apparently made it easier to sleep) and tried to get some rest, certain that he would need his strength for tomorrow.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Verdant Pecker Character Portrait: Lila Hirsch Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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0.00 INK

Jerieth gives the green haired, polite girl an other respectful nod then turned to the other girl. In his normal emotionless voice, "No I am not a first year, and as far as if I'm supposed to be here... I don't need to be any were special till the morning. Enjoy your stay and stay safe... would hate to loss more first years on their first day." With that he saw the girl wave behind him. Turning and looking around he spots a familiar square faced, blue hair, blue eyed guy looking down at him waving. Though the face looked familiar the body wasn't right, but just in case he was right. Jerieth pushes the button on his right Katar then aims it at a ceiling next to and slightly behind Azul, pulling the handle the claw launches out and grabs the ceiling. With a second pull of the handle he is pulled up towards the ceiling. As he ascends with a slight swing forward, he hits the switch releasing the claw. Landing on his feet on the second floor next to his teammate, he turns to him and gives him a more friendly but still respectful nod. "So... I see you've been busy." leaning back against the railing. "How was break?" It was good it be back at Beacon but even better to see Azul again, though e probably wouldn't tell anyone that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Verdant Pecker Character Portrait: Lila Hirsch Character Portrait: Atrum Rubrum Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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Atrum hesitated just outside of the barn doors leading to the upper floor, a look of uncertainty on his face. His whole body screamed of indecision as he hesitantly reached his hand up to the door knob, stopping just before his fingers touched the door. He jerked his hand back as though he had been burnt, but after a short while it crept back to the door knob again to the same position as before.

Currently, Atrum was in a quandary. He knew that his teammates were in the barn (he had seen Jerieth and someone who looked like Azul enter from afar while Atrum had ducked behind the nearest wall or pillar) and most likely checking out the first years, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to see them again, especially after... Well, after. Atrum shoved that away like a hot coal; he still didn't want to think about it.

Moving his hand back down to rest in his pocket, Atrum quickly turned around and strode determinedly back towards his room with a set look on his face. That's right, Jerieth and Azul were alright. They had to be to be able to pay first years a visit. They were healthy and alive and that was all Atrum needed to know; now he could get back to punching a sandbag in the gym or avoiding people in the empty courtyards or practice with his weapons until they came back to the dorm (don't think about the empty bed with neatly folded sheets, the faint smell of spices that had been eradicated by the wind and detergent and cleaning ladies) and then Atrum could avoid them as much as he could for what would hopefully be the rest of the year and spend the rest of his time just writing letters to Flavium and Ed and the others and forget that he ever had a team in the first place.

Except forgetting would be wrong, wouldn't it? Atrum came to a stop as he felt guilt that he couldn't quite suppress wash over him. Forgetting would mean leaving her behind, and Atrum couldn't; wouldn't do that. He felt like he should be keeping them in sight no matter what (even if he felt nauseous at the thought of all that people in the barn) because what if they needed him? What if Azul and Jerieth needed him and he wasn't there and they, they -

Atrum abruptly spun 180 degrees and strode quickly towards the door, opening it without hesitation.

It was pretty quiet, meaning that most of the students were sleeping. Much to Atrum's relief, no one was at the upper floors, and he closed the doors behind him and made his way towards the balconies that overlooked the lower floor of the barn. Staying furtively towards the right, Atrum tried to make himself inconspicuous and rested his arms on the bannisters, the brim of his hat casting a shadow onto his face as he searched for Jerieth and Azul.

'Im an idiot for doing this,' Atrum berated himself, scanning the floor for purple and blue hair. A large scowl took over his face as he thought angrily, 'what was I thinking, they're a bunch of first years preparing themselves for initiation, it's not like Azul and Jerieth would be facing imminent death - ah, there they are.'

Atrum could make out Jerieth with two girls, one with green hair and the other with lilac hair. Jerieth was talking to another boy with familiar looking blue hair...

Atrum blinked and looked again, shock momentarily replacing the scowl before turning into a disbelieving frown. That... That couldn't be Azul, could it? The Azul from last year was less bulky then this guy. But the face was the same and he was reacting to Jerieth like Azul would. And the arm which Azul had... Lost was there, but it seemed to be metal...

Frowning and tipping his fedora back for a better look, Atrum leant over the balcony and stared at him, trying to see if it was his teammate from last year.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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0.00 INK

"I hit a growth spurt," Azul replied nonchalantly. He swung his legs through open air a bit, as if thinking of something (he wasn't), then swung them back over the railing and dropped back onto the floor. He stuck his right hand in his back pocket and leveled his gaze at Jerieth, tilting his head to one side. "Summer was busy. Had to spend time playing catch-up. Sorry I couldn't call much. You?"

It was good to see Jerieth. He seemed to be fine, at least by the standard he usually had, but still. It was good to see him. He rolled the shoulder of his prosthetic a bit, not really wanting to say anything about it, but still feeling it should get at least the most peripheral of glances. It had been expensive, and difficult to set up, and honestly he didn't know what else to do at the moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Atrum Rubrum Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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"Well.." Jerieth trailed off, looking away almost ashamed or hurt. Then looked back up at Azul. "I sort of... got thrown in jail for about a week." He gave a quick half smile. "Besides that, just more training. And don't worry about it, things..." Rubbing his left arm with a quick glance at Azul's arm. "Things happen." Unsure what else to say he took a look around and spotted some one who looked familiar, a skinny, dark grey hair guy wearing a navy fedora. Could it be... No it couldn't be. Jerieth gave the familiar person a nod and a wave, then turned around, crossed his arms and leaned them on the railing.

It has been one year since he slept down there. So much has happened since, including meeting and befriending three other people. Then losing one of them, still it felt good to be back at Beacon and in time it might even be good to be working with the team again. As he drifted off into last year, including that day, his aura starts to flare up and his torso starts to disappear as it camouflages in with his surroundings.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Atrum Rubrum Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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Azulejo placed a hand on his teammate's disappearing shoulder. He didn't need to ask to know where his friend's mind had wandered. His has wandered the same direction at least once since coming here. He leaned forward a bit over the railing to try to meet Jerieth's gaze, then followed it to find a very familiar hat. Their third had come to see the first years as well, it seemed. Azul waved for the man to join them. It was getting late, and if they were to return to their dorm, he felt it best it be done together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Verdant Pecker Character Portrait: Lila Hirsch
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Verdant watched the purple haired boy fly away with a look of of amazement and jealousy on her face. She really couldn't wait until she got her weapon back. Taken by surprise, she lifted one hand and caught the stuffed toy the girl had thrown in her direction. Despite her threat, Verdant grinned and rubbed her face against the soft artificial pelt. She wasn't sure why the girl had chucked it at her, but she tucked it into the sleeping bag with her like she was tucking it into bed and then curled around, into a ball like a centipede. She looked at her "stalker", who was hidden away in her sleeping bag, and yawned.

"Thank you..." she said, smiling from ear to ear, "I'm Verdant, by the way. Verdant Pecker. I suppose -" Verdant interrupted herself with a large yawn, "... you can call me Peck if you really wanna... I mean, Rusty diiid sooo ifyawannayacanhfsipfsnfns..." Her words became inaudible ramblings as she snuggled deeper into her sleeping bag, cradling the stag in her arms, "... Thanks..."

She closed her eyes and lay half-asleep. She wasn't planning on telling the stalker her name, but after the girl had chucked all of this stuff to her, it felt right.

Dear brain diary, Verdant thought as she slipped into sleep, I think I made a friend today, as you do. School is beginning to look not-so scary after all...

And then she began to snore.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Atrum Rubrum Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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0.00 INK

Atrum felt his shoulders freeze when Jerieth waved at him, but relaxed when Jerieth turned around and went back to his own business. Much to his relief, it seemed like Jerieth hadn't noticed him. Good, he didn't want to be near anyone right now.

Then Jerieth started to disappear. Atrum frowned at the sight; it wasn't a good sign at all. It either meant that Jerieth was about to pull a prank (which She had used to great effect) or it meant that there was an enemy, which was pretty unlikely since there was no way Grimm could appear inside here. This was the Barn, for goodness sake. It wasn't like there would be any Grimm or other dangers in here, not unless you counted first years as a danger to society or pizza as a waste hazard. Besides, Professor Ozpin would never allow it.

The dark part of Atrum's brain that hadn't gone away since Sage died was shoving the memories of the Incident in his face, but since they just made him feel like punching the wall to stop from breaking out into tears like some stupid crybaby (that would be just friggin embarrassing), Atrum just gritted his teeth and pushed the urge to do unmitigated violence away. He focused on thinking about what Jerieth could be thinking about to lose control of his semblance like that instead.

Azul waved for him to join, and Atrum visibly hesitated before leaving the bannister. Just in case, he thought to himself, walking towards the stairs. Just in case something happens. Nothing more, nothing less. Because I need to keep an eye on them. Atrum began to walk down the stairs, his footsteps light and easy as he steeled himself for social interaction. Not because it actually feels kind of good to see them and definitely not because I want to. He tried to convince himself, reaching the first floor. Its just to see Azul's arm. I'll leave after that.

Yeah, Atrum wasn't fooling himself either. Much.

He approached his teammates, his posture guarded and uncomfortable, as though he wanted to get out but wasn't able to. His face formed his usual frown as a way to cover up the sudden spike of awkwardness he felt, and as he came to a pause in front of them Atrum searched for something to say to people he hadn't seen and actively avoided in the past few months which wasn't an insult or 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was my fault, forgive me'. Not gonna happen, even if he was dying. Just, no.

"...hey." Atrum finally said awkwardly. Not his best line. Getting angry about his awkwardness (how embarrassing), Atrum steeled himself and looked at Azul. "Worked out over the summer?" He asked, staring at the new arm Azul had.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Atrum Rubrum Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Jerieth, out of reflex, swings his arm so that the back of his forearm hits Azul's fore arm nocking it away. As he did that, with his other hand he throw a open hand punch aimed for the persons chest. But noticing who it was he stopped the punch two inches from its mark. He lowered his arm and gave him a nod, figuring Azul would know why he did it and wouldn't hold it against him. With that he turned to face Atrum, and paused for a moment as images of that day flashed in his he. Once he pulled himself together, "Hello..." Then looked at Azul and back to Atrum with a 'I feel awkward and don't know what to do now' look. After a moment of awkward silence, "So... we're ready to do this?" He asked knowing that they would soon be heading to the dorm and starting a new year, a new year as a team minus one. He also wanted to put the fact that their first meeting went as... nice... as it did, behind him. All summer he had tried to control himself when he drifts off that deep. Which he thought he finally did well in jail, but being back here and seeing Azul again brought back to much of his suppressed emotions.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Atrum Rubrum Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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Azulejo took a step back from his partner, holding his hands up in front of his chest to reassure the boy. He'd made a misstep in his interaction, likely a consequence of his time away from his team. He made no verbal word of apology; the word itself wasn't needed to convey his intention.

He turned to Atrum as he approached, taking note of his body language. "Had a growth spurt," he replied, no more commital than when he'd given the line to Jerieth. He turned his body to a slight angle, blocking Atrum's line of sight with his torso. A look may have been fine (and, admittedly, somewhat desired), but Atrum's stare made him uncomfortable.

"Better than just standing here," he remarked to Jer, flicking the tip of his nose with his right hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Atrum Rubrum Character Portrait: Azul Slye
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Atrum hadn't meant to stare, but the arm had aroused his curiosity. It reminded him of Ed's own prosthetic arm, which was made out of metal too. Although Ed looked nothing like Azul and the prosthetic's location was different, they had lost it in similar ways - a devastating Grimm attack on a town. The bubble of memories this brought up had lead him to be lost in thought, at least until Jerieth and Azul popped the bubble by saying something.

Atrum shifted his gaze to Azul's face when he moved to hide the sight of his arm. Atrum shot him a brief apologetic look; he hadn't meant to cause Azul to feel uneasy. Then a moment later his face looked away and returned back to his normal frown, and it was like Atrum had been frowning the whole time.

Throwing the memories back into the furnace in his mind and locking the door, Atrum placed his hands into his pockets and turned to face Jerieth, giving him a nod of greeting. "Then let's go." He said bluntly to the both of them, looking around to find the exit. He wanted to get out of here, fast. Being around his team was surprisingly nice (he didn't feel like avoiding them like the plague anymore), but since they were also surrounded by around fourty first year students snoring to high heaven Atrum was practically itching to get out of the place and back towards sweet, sweet solitude.

Blue had tried to get him to socialize when he had turned up at his doorstep around the beginning of the holidays, but seemed to have gotten the hint after Atrum had ignored and avoided him whenever he brought up anything which gave a hint of meeting people. Back then, Atrum had been grateful (underneath the grief and anger and a ton of other emotions mixed together like a particularly elaborate cocktail), but now he was thinking that maybe he should've gone along with Blue's suggestion. Being around this many people after spending more than a month with only one person as regular company was... jarring, to say the least. Everything seemed too noisy, and Atrum felt vaguely out of place, as though he was a riceball in a fruitsbasket.

The feeling of being the odd one out was one he had felt most of his life in varying strengths (he had rarely felt it at all last year, which might have been a contributing factor to its strong return), but never had Atrum felt it this strongly. Hunching his shoulders and scowling slightly, Atrum shoved the feeling into the furnace and pressed the button, glaring for the exit. The sooner he got out of here the better. Ah, there it is.

"I'm getting out of here." He told the others. Out of habit (Blue had managed to guilt trip Atrum over the holidays to at least inform him the location among other things, curse him), he added without looking back "I'm heading back for the dorms." Despite seeming as though he didn't care if they were following, Atrum's footsteps were slow as he walked towards the exit.

A part of Atrum wanted to look behind him and see if they were following him, but the larger part of his brain overruled that notion with the reason of avoiding being close to them again, combined with the long time urge of not showing any weakness. Although he didn't want to avoid them like a cat avoids water anymore, he still had the urge to keep his distance. For one, he couldn't trust them to not just leave like Sage did. Atrum didn't think he could survive that if they did. For another...

Well, he couldn't quite describe why, but he just wanted to keep them afar, ok? Even if something in Atrum was urging him to be near to them physically.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Atrum Rubrum Character Portrait: Azul Slye Character Portrait: Argo Ptolemys
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0.00 INK

Atrum sat up in bed, stretched his arms, yawned, and tried to ignore the feeling that the room was too empty. Standing up, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, gathered said feelings into the Burner and switched it on as he slouched tiredly towards his closet. With a yawn so large that it forced his eyes shut, Atrum grabbed his clothes and towel and shuffled his way into the bathroom, resolutely not looking at the empty section of the room. Or the T-shirt hanging on the wall, for that matter.

A short while later, Atrum emerged from the shower feeling much more awake and cleaner, dressed in his normal clothes sans the hat. He'd wear it a few minutes before leaving the room, but for now his furry grey ears were in sight, pricked up alertly at the sides as though they were picking up a frequency normal ears couldn't hear. As for the clothes, it was the first day of school and Atrum wanted to be prepared in case they had to do something like Initiation V.02. If he was going to be, say, diving into the ocean or fighting gladiator style, Atrum wanted to be comfortable. In any case, it was too troublesome to change attire twice this early.

Tossing the black shirt with stylized grey wolf head on the front, light blue shorts and grey nightcap which functioned as his pajamas onto the floor in a messy heap, Atrum folded the blanket and did all of the little trivialities that resulted in a neat bed. Once he was satisfied with his work, Atrum picked the clothes up off the floor, dumped it into the washing basket and moved back to the table. He sat down with his legs sprawled, a slight frown on his face as he searched for what he wanted.

Just like the bed and Atrum's part of the room, the table was pretty clean. A simple white desk lamp was set to the top left of the table, with a long red box lying beside it which contained most of his stationary. In front of the white desk lamp was a picture frame which remained face down like it had the last few weeks of school. A few books were stacked into a neat pile on the right, and at the right top hand side of the desk was a large battered square box with three white birds emblazoned on it that looked like it had been singed by a fire. On the middle of the table were a few pens, Atrum's scroll and some scattered pieces of paper and letters covered by his fedora, which he moved aside to have access to the letters.

Relaxing back into the chair, Atrum grabbed the letters and idly skimmed them; reading more thoroughly after he had reached the place he had stopped at before turning in last night. They were from his brother and his gang of friends, who according to these letters seemed to be going on swimmingly (although Al had had a close encounter with them which Ed had helped him escape from; now they were going to make a trip South by hitch hiking, the disguises would fool them hah) but they still seemed worried about him, especially Flavium. Seriously, he was beginning to sound like mom whenever she caught them with bruises.

Of course, she wasn't here anymore, so maybe that was why.

With a sigh, Atrum grabbed a piece of paper and began to write.

Bro, he scrawled in tiny, cursive code, I'm alright, seriously. For the last time, I'm not skipping meals anymore. (now he ate just enough to function properly) You can check with Blue, (who had threatened to force-feed Atrum unless started eating again) he'll vouch for me. And you can trust me not to miss out on food, I'm pretty sure that if I start to I'd die

Pausing, Atrum frowned at the letter. He reread it, tapping thoughtfully on the desk as he did so. Maybe he should avoid writing about his potential death in case Flavium started to worry more...

The door gave a tiny click as the lock turned, and started to move.

Atrum activated his Semblance. Moving so fast that his hand became a blur, Atrum grabbed his fedora and rammed it on his head. By the time the door was fully opened to reveal a young man with blue tipped black hair, Atrum had turned around to shoot a cool stare at him with his Semblance deactivated and his triangular-shaped ears hidden under his fedora; tilted slightly to the right as though it had been there for ages.

"It's pretty rude to come in without knocking, you know." He said dryly, his heart pounding in his ears. That was a close one, he'd have to be more careful later. Maybe if he only took the cap off in the bathroom, that might work. Atrum was pretty sure that the teachers knew, but unless they were his teammates Atrum never wanted the others to find out. He had had enough of bullying; no point in giving people ammunition again.

There were other reasons, too, but Atrum didn't really like to think about that much.

Feeling his heart calm down, Atrum felt a slight frown form on his face. "Why're you here? Did Professor Ozpin send you?" Atrum asked the guy, mildly curious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Atrum Rubrum Character Portrait: Azul Slye Character Portrait: Argo Ptolemys
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0.00 INK

Jer had woken up well before the rest of his team, well as close to waking up as some one who barley got any sleep can. He tried to sleep on his bunk but try as he may he couldn't, keep waken up and had a hard time falling back to sleep. So after a while he had gotten dressed, headed to the library to study and hopefully get some rest. Once again he barley got any shut eye, so this time he went to a rooftop near his dorm. Alone in the quiet, cool, still night air he could relax, he did his meditative exercise routine. Which was a mix of yoga, air sparing and parkour. After he felt relaxed and reenergized he made his way back to the dorm were, by now his team should be getting up. But near the dorm he saw a stranger at his dorm room door, and immediately activated his semblance. He moved to the door as quickly and quietly as possible just as the stranger opened it, stepping behind him reading his Katars, Jer heard Atrum. Hearing his teammate question the strange Jer deactivated his semblance, in an authoritative voice, "I believe my teammate just asked you a question, and I suggest you answer quickly and truthfully." He wasn't taking any chances, he lost both parents, a teammate and nearly lost a second one on top of everything else. He wasn't going to let anyone or anything touch his team if he could help it. Also Sage used him as her eyes and hears to watch the boys when she couldn't, whether that meant just hang with them or spy on them. Between his semblance and his natural quietness, he was always being used as the teams spy or trap both in and out of combat. Sage loved having him around when they were doing pranks... 'No... I have to stop thinking of how things were... of her. This is a new year and his team was going to need him at his best.' he yelled at himself. Beside, a stranger coming to their dorm with a key the first night? Could be a friend of Azul, possible but unlikely. And not wanting to think of any more possibilities, he was content on just having Atrums back no matter what this person was up to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jerieth Gwirathien Character Portrait: Atrum Rubrum Character Portrait: Azul Slye Character Portrait: Argo Ptolemys
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0.00 INK

Azulejo had awoken after the others, and had spent his early morning polishing his arm. He sat on his bed, cloth in his hand and sleep in his eyes, not saying much to Atrum as the boy silently wrote his letter. He hadn't seen Jerieth, and assumed his partner had gone off to shower or exercise. The morning struck him as being rather similar to the ones they'd had before-

Bah, there was no use dwelling on the past. These kind of thoughts only mad him depressed, and he refused to expend such wasted energy when there was a team that needed him. He shook himself out of it as the door opened. He watched as Atrum rounded on the unexpected visitor and began asking questions. He heard Jerieth outside, backing up Atrum's interrogation authoritatively. Azul simply hunched over with his forearms on his legs, looking the newcomer over. He lacked the paranoia of the other two, but didn't fault them for it. Maybe later he'd mention something about not being so jumpy at school.

The boy standing in eir doorway had blue and black hair, and looked as if he'd had a rather unexpected morning. Azul sighed. He knew exactly why this kid was here, and it had indeed been Ospin who had sent him. The others weren't going to like this one bit. Azul only hoped they wouldn't react too badly to the knowledge.

"You're our fourth, aren't you," Azul asked dryly. Of course the boy was. He hadn't expected the school to leave the team shorthanded, but he had hoped they would introduce the new member more delicately. Having them just pop up at the door seemed a bit...