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Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko

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a character in “S.C.I.O.N”, as played by VitaminHeart


Full Name: Doctor Oren Dariya Kovalenko

Nicknames/Aliases: Dr K, The Robot, The Bitch, The Russian Chick (Oren is not, in fact, russian, it's just people have realized it angers her when people get her nationality wrong, and so have been calling her that specifically to irritate her.)

Age: 89 (Was bitten around age 21, and has remained there.)

Gender: Female

Species: European Vampire

Post/Rank: Head of Wyrm's Moon, Cryptobiological Research at SCION HQ.

Description: Oren stands at about 5'7, an angular-looking woman with blue-black hair, grey eyes and the pallid skin one might attribute to a vampire, if the sharpened canines were not already an indication. Oren tends to be seen in her white lab coat, replacing it with a dark blue duster when she ventures outside...which, admittedly, is not all that often. She often wears black fingerless gloves when outside of lab work, and prefers sturdy boots to anything prettier. Oren is usually seen wearing black eyeliner, and a look of general humourless disdain.


A lot of people who know Oren have compared her to a robot. Except she is a robot programmed to hate you. The researcher is antisocial, unempathetic, and has very little sense of humour. She holds everyone, including herself, to unreachable standards and is quick to express her contempt for people due to their inability to meet them. She either has no sense of tact, or has chosen never to express it, as she has no issues with insulting others.

Oren is a workaholic, to the point that people have grown to question whether she ever actually sleeps. Any hour people call into the research block Dr Kovalenko seems to be there, drinking coffee or looking discontented or dissecting something, sometimes all three at once. She is extremely dedicated to her work, and her work is very good. Oren seems to be in possession of an amazing degree of intelligence, and puts it to good use.

Oren and Kora have a rather...antagonistic relationship with one another. Oren thinks that Kora is an uncivilized, uneducated moron. Kora thinks that Oren is a soulless reptile. Neither is totally wrong in their assertions.

Skills: Oren is incredibly intelligent, possesses an eidetic memory and can recall near anything in enormous detail. She can also calculate complex sums in her head, and is able to speak a number of languages. Oren is also a very fast runner, and well-trained in using firearms. She nearly always has a gun on hand and can draw more quickly than most people can formulate a hostile thought.

Weaknesses: Oren hates physical contact and tends to panic when she is grabbed, she also has a long history of issues with blood, and as a result avoids contact with fresh blood if she can. Oren's speed comes at the sacrifice of durability, and compared to more resilient creatures like werewolves, she is easily harmed.

Brief History: SCION is an organization that is not averse to offering a hand to those who are determined to reform, regardless of perhaps...shady instances in their background.

Oren is probably one of the shadier ones, a young hungarian woman turned in 1945, at the close of the second world war, Oren became a member of The Exsanguis, one of the most influential, and ruthless vampiric clans of Europe. With SCION's first incarnation officially going dark at some point in the 1950's, The Exsanguis was allowed to expand undetected, and while their presence maintained some form of order within Europe, it was order at the cost of deaths. The Exsanguis infilitrated positions of authority, police, local government, coroners, hospitals, and would callously eliminate any mortal who was considered a threat to their secrecy.

Oren has now, for the most part, left all f this behind her. She works for the good guys. That doesn't necessarily mean she's become a pleasant individual.


So begins...

Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko
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Oren scratched a few readings down on her notes.

Whilst people tended toward the more technological, she was a child of the 1920's, and had a measure of mistrust for anything too non-tangible. She had learned th eusuage of computers as a necessity rather than out of any kind of appreciation for the things. Most of her research notes existed in paper form and were backed up digitally, to make it easier to compile them into the data she was after.

Oren was attempting to create proper scientific studies on the cryptid species and document their abilities in concrete terms. SCION allowed a unique opportunity for that. Though the sample size was little and the participant were...

Oren paused. The snarling and crashing had stopped. Never a positive sign.

The vampire set her notes down and walked back toward the window to find the thing crouched against one wall, its elongated, animal head turned towards the door on the other side. Sealed, of course. But...sealed enough to repel a wall of muscle and fur and teeth flying at it was a little more questionable.

It lined up, burst forward, and collided with the door with a crash, sending cracks spidering up the sides of the wall.

Oren reached up and purposefully pressed a finger on the intercom.

"Kora I know that you know exactly what you're doing and if you do it I will make sure this comes out of your pay."

Another line up, another charge, more cracks.

"Norrevinter. Don't you dare."

The beast cast a glance towards her for a moment, meeting her gaze for an instant before it shot forwards a final time and tore the exit door clean off its hinges, sending it screeching down the corridor and leaving a trail of spark behind it, right as the hulking red beast dashed out of the chamber and into the hallway. A transformed werewolf running free in the complex. Beautiful.

"Fucking werewolves..." The Doctor sighed, running a gloved hand down her face, before hurrying over to the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Victor Roman Valentine
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The Kora-wolf was running at full tilt down the hallway, its hand-paws pulling up chunks of the surface as it went at an awkward, semi-quadrupedal gait that was far faster than one would think it would be. Such was the force behind it that when Kreios stepped out, the creature had to lean in sideways and dig its pawlike feet into the linoleum to avoid colliding with him. And there it stopped momentarily, catching its breath, trailing wires and shreds of clothing behind it.

The beast regarded Kreios for a moment, eyeing him up with its large, greyish eyes, but soon the gaze flickered away as something else caught its attention. The creature lined up, took off at a run on all-fours and leapt clean over the other werewolf, thundering though to where Stride and Victor stood...just in time to snatch the hot pocket in mid throw without breaking its momentum.

The wolf halted some distance away and turned, the food item half encased in the thing's enormous jaws, a look of intense defiance on its animal features.

It was at that point that Oren hurried onto the scene, with a clipboard and an expression of exasperation.

"Norrevinter I swear to god if you ever want to see a pay cheque again in your life you're going to cut this fuckery out and get back to the research block. I really don't have time to go chasing after you and your damage bill has already skyrocketed." the vampress growled.
"And don't think for a minute that I don't know you're doing this deliberately."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko
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“Ya know, I don’t think she’s gonna settle down so easy, ‘less ya have a Snickers bar up your sleeve or some shit like that.” She was partially right, a snickers bar probably would've tamed the wolf-beast much faster, but it wasn't a true test of his skills. "This always used to work on the less developed members of my clan on a full moon. Mind you, they held no control over the beast." This was where Kreios assumed his strategy would prove to fail. He had her for a moment, but then, he lost her.

"Damn." Kreios whispered to himself as she leaped clean over his head, grabbing a hot pocket out of mid-air. It was at this point Oren rushed herself into the situation.

"Norrevinter I swear to god if you ever want to see a pay cheque again in your life you're going to cut this fuckery out and get back to the research block. I really don't have time to go chasing after you and your damage bill has already skyrocketed." the vampress growled.
"And don't think for a minute that I don't know you're doing this deliberately."

Kreios shot her a look that said something along the lines of "This is your problem as much as it is hers." He stood up, and walked away from the situation, effectively, it was no longer his problem. Kreios didn't like most vampires, but the things that he heard coming from Orens office sometimes, he wondered whether she was Hecate reincarnate, but had his doubts. She treated everyone pretty much the same, no matter who they were within the organization. He stood back, hoping Kora would be sensible enough to stop the rampage before someone ended up forcing her to calm down.

His eyes caught hers for a moment as he passed her. Even in this form, they brought Kreios peace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Damien Moore Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko
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Aconite smiled at Madison and would have wagged his tail if he had one. He was so patient with him when few others were. He knew he was hyper than most but he couldn't help it. Madison was like a brother to him and he hoped he never made Madison angry or made him hate him or anything. He had never seen Madison angry and it was hard to imagine him angry but you never know. He was sure the vampire was fierce when he wanted to be. He was glad he got the gentle side though. He closed his eyes again and tried to drown out the sounds from the hallway. He should really be used to Kora's antics by now but loud sounds still upset Aconite. They needed to reinforce the walls or something so Kora and the other werewolves wouldn't get out so easily. Or break things so easily for that matter. They wasted so much money on fixing things that should never have been weak in the first place.

Then Damien entered the room and Aconite straightened himself. Damien always made him uneasy in his skin. The incubus had always acted nice and polite around him but there was something beneath it all that unnerved him. Was it his sensual allure that put him so off balance? It had to be. The man was exuding it now and it did drag Aconite's gaze over to him. Especially when he flopped down on the bed. The purring lilt of his words were enticing. He cleared his throat and brought his gaze back to Madison. It was obvious that Damien was more interested in talking to Madison anyway. When the incubus did direct his attention on him however, he tensed.

"Why am I here?" He thought it was a bit obvious at the moment. "I decided to try out the cross-dressing thing that Madison always advocates. I want to see what he is talking about." He was a curious thing by nature after all. He wanted to experience everything and Madison commented once that he thought Aconite would look good in a dress. Why not give it a go?

Then Madison pulled away and made a comment that he was done. New excitement filled the dryad as he jumped up from his seat. Sitting that way for hours had been agonizing! He stretched a moment before he rushed towards the mirror and nearly tripped on himself. He was not used to heels. He gripped the vanity when he finally reached it and stared at himself. His eyes widened as he took in his features. He looked very different. Madison had been right; he looked very much like a girl, especially with Madison's expert administration of make up, hair, and accessories. He looked like an entirely different person now. He tried to twirl and watch how the dress moved but did trip this time and stumbled. He needed to get used to heels. They were so heavy! For him anyway. He turned to Madison and gave a smile as his hair fell forward.

"Thanks, Madi. It looks really good," he complimented and looked at himself again. "Maybe not the heels though. They are wonky," he chuckled. "And what do you think, Damien?" he asked as he turned towards the incubus.


Satoru was up long before many of the members of this rag-tag group of defenders and that suited him just fine. He knew there were a couple that rose early as well to train and prepare for the day but it was mostly quiet. It was the best time of day since there was so little in the way of distractions and noise. He could calmly do what he needed to do. Besides, waking up on his alarm was better than being forced away by disruptions that occurred. Their group was lively if anything. Satoru utilized the gym they had at the headquarters to keep himself in shape and his mind sharp. It wouldn't do if he let himself get fat and lazy like a house cat. You never knew when your strength was required or you'd be sent out in the field.

With his morning ritual complete, the werecat headed towards the kitchen. And just in time to. He heard the tell-tale signs of a certain werewolf breaking through the testing room again. He rolled his eyes at Kora's uncontrollable antics. How many things has she broken already? Wouldn't she ever learn? And this was exhibit A of why he had to wake up earlier than most people. Kora. Among other people. She was a good field agent but she had absolutely no control over herself which made her a loose cannon. He was glad she wasn't on his team. He was sure the two of them would never get along if they had to go out together on a mission. He winced when he heard her barrel through the hallway. She was such a distraction. He could already tell a few people were in the hallway dealing with her mess.

He glanced up when he heard a new noise in the kitchen and saw his team leader grab some cold soup and offer Kora a disapproving glare. He looked tired. He couldn't blame him. Being team leader probably made for a lot of sleepless nights. Him eating could soup however, was not acceptable. Not when he had a team member ready to prepare hot meals. "Issac," he greeted with a nod. "Put that soup away. I am going to make breakfast. Omelets are on the menu," he answered. He hurried to the kitchen, completely ignoring the Kora intervention happening in the hallway. He grabbed the bacon, the onions, mushrooms, the bell peppers, milk and eggs. He set everything up for himself and started to sautĂŠe his ingredients. Perhaps the smell of food being cooked would get Kora to act like a reasonable adult again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Victor Roman Valentine
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It had, admittedly, taken Stride a few moments to notice the absence of weight in her jacket pocket- not only was there already a mis-mash of random trinkets stored within the folds, there was also the fact that rampaging werewolves through the halls tended to take priority in where your attention went. It had taken another few moments for her to register that her little microwave meal had suddenly taken up a life of its own, cheerfully floating mid-air like some heavenly dove crafted from empty carbs, melted cheese, and hickory ham. This was quickly explained, however, by the sudden appearance of one Victor Valentine- one very cocky, very casual Victor Valentine. He began a little tangent on “lava diarrhea pockets” as soon as he noticed that Stride had seen him, to which Stride only stared at him for a second.

Stared and then snorted, brow rising in question. “The fuck are you,” she said, “eight? Who the hell says ‘diarrhea pockets” non-ironically?” The next words that came from her coworker’s lips brought even more snorting from the hybrid, as well as an accompanying release of her crossed arms. “Ya know, I really didn’t need to know ya wanted to find out what underwear I wore today, Vic. That’s pretty much the gayest thing I’ve heard from ya all week.” With that, she raised a hand, preparing herself once again to catch the little delicacy being launched at her…

...Only to watch, palm still up, as Kora threw herself over Kreios’ head, snatched the pocket from mid-air, and skidded to a halt some feet away.

And that was it. Kora could break down the doors in SCION for all she cared. She could drink one of her beers from time to time- hell, she could even listen to that god-awful Norwegian screaming. But no one messed with her Hot Pockets.

“You fuckin’ bitch,” Stride breathed. Hardly noticing the presence of her team-leader/friend/probable racist, hardly noticing a certain frigid researcher, she launched herself from where she had been standing, moving to tackle the werewolf a la star quarterback champion. While some might have taken more caution in dealing with an escaped cryptid, there were three- no, four- factors that came into play in Stride’s action.

One, she was Stride.

Two, this was Kora she was dealing with. Even when in wolf form, the chick wasn’t some evil “let me rip your heart out and eat it” type.

Three, if Stride got injured, it would come out of Kora’s paycheck no matter what bullshit “oh it was the wolf not me” excuse she tried to pull out of her ass.

And, finally, the hybrid was very much craving revenge for being wronged.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Victor Roman Valentine Character Portrait: Satoru Masahiro
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Fucking animals...

He simply sighed before clearing his throat. It was to early for this shit.
" Kora, I have no issue with you bother Oren or even breaking a few walls everynow and again. she can handle her self " he started " But i'd appreciate it if you didn't poke at your co-workers so early in the mornin', If you really want hot pockets that badlly I'll go off post and get you some, but please leave Stride's alone. Besides sounds like Satoru is gonna make us somethin'.

Isaac took note of Victors implications, another thing to deal with.
" And you," he used threatened Victor with the tin bowl of cold spud stew. " Are pushing your luck, Do you really want all of us to sit through that damn four hour "Safe Place" power point presentation about sexual harassment ?" he lowered his bowl, changing his tone for a threat to something softer.

"Just, try and remember this is a work place, even if its slow right now. Stupid antics like this lead to mistrust and bitterness , which causes issues down the road. But I don't want to lecture you all, you all already know this." He shrugged and moved to a table , neatly setting his papers aside and started at the cold stew. He was to tired to deal with this childishness, had this been the service he'd just P.T. them all until they dropped and couldn't act stupid. Or have them mop up wet sand... A smile split his face right before he started at his soup, the idea of making Victor mop up wet sand...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Victor Roman Valentine
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Victor smirked at Stride's retort. He really did enjoy their back and forth and was certain she did, too. As he settled himself in the seat, Victor's brown eyes widened and he nearly fell backwards as Kora launched herself to snag the Hot Pocket from midair. That caused Vic's combat reflexes to kick in as he purposefully kicked back from the table. Valentine tucked into a backwards roll that had him pop up a few feet back in a ready grappling stance, which he found was the most effective in holding off Werewolves in some one-on-one scenarios.

However, he seemed to relax slightly as it appeared that Kora was distracted with the terrible microwave food item... only to have Stride ready to throw herself at the werewolf. Valentine was ready for this occurrence. It happened fairly often enough. He simply raised his right hand, made a few hand gestures, and muttered to himself in Latin, his voice taking on a bit of a deep, echoing sound.

"Pondera et Motus Negatio, Phoebe."

The spell should have negated the weight and momentum of the Gorgon, leaving her hovering in midair and decidedly NOT tackling the Werewolf. Then... Schofield. "Who are you, again? Why do I...? Oh, wait, you're Thunder Moon's leader, right? Schofield. Sorry, I've got a little on my plate here... stopping Clash of the Titans. But, no, sure. Let's have a chat about workplace etiquette. SCION knows me and who I am. I've been with this group for half of my life. I've left a few times, on my own terms, but for some weird reason they keep asking me back. Now, why do you think that is?" Maybe it was the fact that he was devoting some of his willpower to maintaining a spell that negated the laws of physics as related to a single pissed off Gorgon, but Victor felt a little on the short fused side at the moment. "It's because of shit like this," he said, motioning his head to the Gorgon and Werewolf. "I'll give my best when I'm on missions for Thunder Moon, same as I give my best when I run missions for Blue Moon or my main team, Hunter's Moon. But until then, I'm not your problem. Sir."

With that said, he returned his attention to where it needed to be. He didn't even notice that Satoru had entered, so he simply nodded to the Werecat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Cyrus Fox
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The wolf was eyeing Stride, seeming to see her current situation more as an advantage to make the most of, and was ripping its clandestine goods open a little way out of the gorgon's reach.

That was, until something caught the thing's attention. The thing's wolfish head lifted, ears shooting up to attention and nose twitching. Instinct was a large part of the werewolf. Some things overrode any kind of will impose upon the animal side. Territory, pack, food, prey. Prey.

Within a moment it turned and shot off along the hallway, toward the stairs.

"Well thanks for leaving me still completely unsure of why we pay wages to any of you." Oren remarked, rolling her eyes as she moved to follow.
"No the researcher will just go deal with the escaped werewolf. You all sit on your backsides and eat breakfast."


It had been a fine morning for Dinah Fox.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing in the trees, and she was dragging a dead stag up the back steps by its hind legs.

She'd managed to catch the quarry after a prolonged chase through the trees and undergrowth, before tackling it to the floor with her own hands.

Dinah was good with a bow, but had always felt it was a bit unsporting for large, ground-dwelling creatures, and with something the size of a deer she'd been worried about only wounding one and subjecting it to pointless suffering. Instead, by Di's reasoning, it was a lot better to instead tackle a fully grown stag to the floor and snap its neck with your arms.

Not shockingly, the girl was looking a little scuffed and bruised, with the green smears of grass on her knees and shorts, the sleeve of the faded khaki green tee she was wearing ripped open all across one side, and dirt coating her hands and feet.

"What the hell is that?"

A familiar voice caused the young woman's gaze to snap up from her progress. She looked toward the source to where a weathered-looking wall marked the edge of the gardens, on which sat a slightly scruffy young man, and three or four archaic looking books sat next to him.

Cyrus. Anyone else she did have some sort of responsibility to be nice. Her brother however, was free game. Especially when he started the baiting.
"The mail. Someone sent us a thank-you deer. What do you think it is, dumbass? I went hunting."

Cyrus slid a marker into whatever he was reading and pulled the tome closed, though he made no move to aid his younger sister's attempts to haul the animal up the steps.
"What are you even going to do with it?"

"There's some chest freezers out back somewhere." Dinah responded as she managed to drag her cargo to the top, with some effort.
"Gonna skin it and take the antlers for knife hilts, then can butcher it. Keep some of the offal to make some werewolf lures. It's gonna be awesome. I can't wait to show everyone the size of it."

"Something tells me you might be the one who is most excited about it. No-one is into decimating the local wildlife quite so much as you." her brother replied, prompting Dinah to fling a handful of mud in his direction. He ducked with the deft ease of someone who'd done this a lot.

"Shut up Cyrus. What have you done with your morning? Sacrificed a goat to Asmodeus and surfed the internet for -"

Dinah was cut off mid insult as the sudden thundering noise of paws and the ragged snarling breaths of a charging werewolf became incredibly obvious. The girl had just about time enough to brace herself before the hurtling blur of red fur tore into her and the stag, sending both tumbling down the steps.

With a fall and a roll she found herself back at the bottom again, cursing under her breath. A couple of feet in front of her the rusty-hued beast was hunched over the stag, its snout buried deep into its stomach sending rivulets of red out across the gravel.
She sighed.

"Cyrus. One word and I'm hiding roadkill in your sock drawer."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Silas Whitmore
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Isaac frowned a bit at Victor. And you've still not learned work place Etiquette or how to follow ranking officers orders?He thought sullenly. Well not exactly ranking officer, but a 'team lead' should probably carry some weight across staff lines, even if it was just a simple show of respect.No point in dealing with something that really didn't matter at the moment. He'd chat with him about that if it kept coming up tho. He let out a heavy sigh, turning back to the cold soup. What a great way to start the day.

"Well thanks for leaving me still completely unsure of why we pay wages to any of you."

And it just got better, Isaac set his jaw so he wouldn't say anything to the queen in a lab coat. Isaac didn't exactly hate the Researcher, but he did despise how she operated, and the air of superiority irked him.

" Well come on then, you heard the lady. Lets go collect Kora for Dr. Kovalenko." Issac said to the group, sounding about as enthusiastic as he had been about doing paper work. He personally didn't think they should have to clean up Oren's mess, but hell why not.

He wondered what exactly Oren wanted an un-equipped group of people to do for her. I mean sure, he had his pistol, and Victor had his magic, and there were the other wolves, but would they make things worse or not? Whole pack mentality and what not.

" Any insight as to how to deal with this Kreious?"

( OOC: edited slightly)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Victor Roman Valentine
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“You asshat!”

It was...humorous, really. In the span of just a few minutes, Stride had gone from charging at full-speed at a rogue werewolf, to floating mid-air, cursing, stretching her limbs as far as they could go in an attempt to reach the ground. There was a few times where the hybrid had- in vain- still attempted to launch a few swings at both Kora-wolf and Victor alike, but she had soon given up the venture in hopes of actually getting back on stable footing. A very colorful choice of words had filled the room throughout Stride’s struggle, followed by a variety of threats and insults aimed in Victor’s direction- including, but not limited to, “You asshole, when I get down there I’m gonna beat the everlivin’ shit outta ya” and “What the fuck d’ya think you’re doin', you dick, she knows ‘xactly what she’s doin’ here”.

Her agitation seemed to grow as Kora deliberately tore open her Hot Pocket, only to abandon the precious foodstuff in favor of charging off to god-knew-where. Scowling, Stride reached forth once again in an attempt to grab at a table, all the while using a free hand to make one of the two most well-known signs to anyone above the age of seven towards a certain Mr. Valentine- and not exactly what one would consider a “peace symbol”.

“Now she’s off n’ runnin’ again,” she grumbled, although, much to her satisfaction, the hybrid had finally managed to hook her fingertips beneath the surface of a nearby desk. As she attempted to pull herself closer to her makeshift anchor, Stride noted Oren’s complaint about the uselessness of the teams, and found herself scowling at the researcher as she attempted to get down.

“Hey, don’t go lookin’ at me on this,” Stride barked. “I was gonna try and get Kora under control here, but Mr. Pantytalk here,” a brief gesture in Victor’s general direction before the hand returned to the desk, “went all Exorcist on me n’ won’t let me get back down. If ya wanna get pissy at someone, blame him.” As if the prove her point of being unable to do much in regards to containing Kora, Stride had found her grip slipping, and, spewing a few more curses at no one in particular, clawed wildly once more to try and find purchase on anything within arm’s reach.

She had seen both Kreios and Issac go off in pursuit of a certain wolf, and only one thought could really come to mind at that moment;

Fuckers better not be havin’ a fight without me.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Victor Roman Valentine
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After snapping at Isaac, Victor turned his attention fully to Stride. Despite just snapping at the Thunder Moon team leader, Vic managed to shake the annoyance from his mind. When he was maintaining spells like this, he tended to get a little unnecessarily... snippy. So, he forced himself to ignore Oren's comment and find the humor in the situation in front of him - the floating hybrid Gorgon. A small grin pulled at the corners of Valentine's mouth as he watched Stride struggle to grab the edge of the nearby table for leverage, but fail completely following Korra's departure and Kreios' chase after her.

"Alright, alright, Phoebe. I'll put you down. I was just trying to stop a fight, is all. Now, I know SOME fights may need to happen for both sides to blow off steam, but that's what they have the sparring area in the exercise rooms for, right? Brace yourself." Victor walked up to stride and gave a small laugh. "Honestum finem," said the Sorcerer, his voice taking on a slight echo as he spoke the words. The spell immediately dissipated, no longer affecting the floating Gorgon.

Victor walked over to the fridge to see if there was anything to snack on. Using spells made him hungry. "Don't worry, I would have never let her make you into a Pinata. That's no bueno."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Damien Moore Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko
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Aconite's thoughts had been purely innocent when he had been stripping. Honest! He had just wanted to return the dress to Madison and then put his own clothes back on, but his mind didn't stay innocent for very much longer. Damion prowled over to him and within moments, the incubus had his long and elegant fingers caressing his arms and resting on his hips. He could feel the man's body heat and the puffs of his breath against his neck. It all sent goosebumps cascading down his body and his eyes widened in surprise. There would be no hiding the blush on his pale skin. It was like a bright red flowering signaling a bee in the distance and his mind went blank for a moment.

Now, Aconite didn't love Damion. Not in a romantic way anyway. He didn't mind the man and he did want to be closer. He wasn't shy by any means. He knew that nature was nature and shouldn't be suppressed but he also wasn't a very intimate being. He had other things to worry about and no one had really ever made a pass at him. All of this was a bit flustering and he just wasn't sure how he wanted to react to the overload of information and...touch. Damion had certainly never been quite this forward with him either. He was usually forward with others like Madison. Maybe this was because of the dress.. or the stripping now that he thought about it. He should have known better though he couldn't say he didn't like the attention. He just couldn't imagine himself in that position. Maybe that was the most starting for Aconite. Maybe deep down he did want a little fun but he didn't want to recognize it.

"D-Dami!" he gasped exasperated and started waving his arms as he took a moment to express his flustered state before he quite literally went 'poof'. The dryad began to shrink until he was just a little bigger than Dami's hand. His wings fluttered behind him, doing their best to imitate a hummingbird. The dryad often reverted back to his more comfortable natural form when he was feeling out of place or overwhelmed. Aconite gave an exasperated sigh and slowed his wing beats as he tried to stabilize his own heart rate. Damion was probably just teasing him anyway. ""T-thanks for t-the offer. I think you'll have to.. to um... find... someone else though. I am not ready for something like that," he explained, hoping he wouldn't offend him for declining. He didn't think he would, but still. "M-maybe we should... go see what is going on in the hall. I think I heard Kora earlier. They might need some help," he suggested to get the topic off of nightly invitations.


Satoru sighed at all the commotion and set down the eggs that he had been about to crack. It seemed that no one was really interested in breakfast this morning. His team leader was still eating that left over goop, Phoebe and Kora were fighting over a nasty hot pocket, Victor went to the fridge and no one else seemed to have heard him. He didn't really want to waste food if no one was going to actually eat it. He wasn't all that hungry now that he thought about it. Maybe he'd make something later when the issue with Kora in wolf form had been resolved. And of course the very 'nice' doctor had to go grumbling that none of them were doing their jobs since they were letting Kora run about. Honestly, this was her mess, not theirs. If she didn't have the sense to deal with Kora properly, she wouldn't smash through everything and cause a ruckus. No, instead, she had to go and blame them for not immediately stabilizing the werewolf.

The werecat put away all the food as Kora zoomed away towards something else. Satoru put everything else away and was actually going to walk away when he scented something in the air. He sniffed again and turned his head in the direction where Kora had raced off towards. He smelled blood and if he wasn't mistaken, that was deer blood. He followed behind Kreios. And there was their new member staring at the kill she had brought home only to have Kora rip into it. Now that was a pity. They could use deer meat to make some really good food like stew. He loved deer meat. Of course Kora had to be selfish and try and eat it all. At least Kreios seemed to be handling that situation pretty well. "Hey Dinah. Good catch you've got here," he complimented. [color=#80A50]"Need help bringing what's left cleaned out and prepared? Was there something particular you wanted to make out of this morsel?"[/color]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Makorai Saika Character Portrait: Cyrus Fox
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0.00 INK

Evidently, it seemed that the warning hadn’t been left with enough time for it to register within Stride’s mind. While whatever insult that she had been about to let fly had been silenced, it had taken her a moment or two of pause before the gorgon cursed sharply, attempting to swing her arms away from whatever surface she had been grappling towards before. She had just managed to extend her hands out before her (as well as let out a rapid-fire of “shits) before Victor had removed the curse, although the grunt that she gave upon impact made it clear that it hadn’t done all that much to break the fall.

“Fuckin’ hell, Victor.” Grumbling her words under her breath, Stride pushed herself from the ground through use of her elbows, all the while listing the most creative terms she could come up within such a short time. She contemplated implying that he performed obscene acts upon his mother. She debated bestowing him the title of a child born out of wedlock, or that he was a sack filled with some of the more intimate regions of a woman’s body. Eventually, however, she went with the classic “ya asshole”, attempting to bring herself into a standing position as she went on.

“Tried doin’ the whole,” an aimless gesture with a gloved hand, “ya know, ‘go after ‘em only when they’re in trainin’ thing’ ya suggested there a few times, and ya know what happened? The pussy knew I’d end up beatin’ the shit outta ‘em, so he just went n’ stayed outta the hall when I tried to catch ‘em. Had to go n’ get ‘em when he wasn’t lookin’.” As if to emphasize her point, once she had fully risen, Stride gave her palms a hearty smack.

While a part of her wanted to continue to regale her fighting tales, there was still another one that wanted to add the Kora incident onto that pile, so it was with a checking of her belt (yep, gear still there, nice and tight) that she moved to leave the room. However, as the rubbery heel of her boot whined against the tile, she caught sight of a certain all-vampiric sniper.

“Speak of the devil.” Grinning, Stride proceeded to jerk a thumb towards Makorai, turned towards Victor yet again. “And see? Even the guy makin’ a livin’ in the closet thinks that was pretty much one of the gayest things that could’a come outta your mouth, there.” She took a moment to crack her neck, relishing in the pop that followed, before eyeing the mage almost skeptically. “Ya still sure you’re not hidin’ somethin’ from us, Vic? I mean, if ya ever...ya know, wanna tell us somethin’, we won’t go ‘round judgin’.” Bit by bit, her inflection took on a more “sincere” tone, to the point where one might think she was serious if they did not know her properly.

More of these comments had been about to spill forth- what dam had been put in place leaking its vitals into the open- before Makorai’s comments towards one Dr. K had reminded her of her main objective. Grinning yet again like the fiend she was, Stride gave the tranq at her gun a soft pat before swivelling to face the exitway.

“Lucky for you, Mako, I don’t got anythin’ against shootin’ chicks. Equality n’ all that shit.” Just before she left the room, she made sure to add, “And if I get this taken care of and you don’t, ya owe me a drink.” An unstated rule that she had made up right here, right now. The entire government branch of this new law- and a law that she left dangling in the air as Stride jogged through the halls, following the sounds of a scuffle more than anything.

Just as she turned the corner to the back-entrance of the SCION base, she managed to catch sight of Kreios attempting to choke WereKora out...and, as expected, getting flipped back in retaliation. Further, silent scanning of the tiling revealed a horribly marred stag, Dinah, her brother (who seemed to be fresh from his latest trip to Hot Topic), and Satoru. It was fairly simple to guess what had taken place- although instead of doing the more mature thing and immediately moving to tranquilize a werewolf who appeared to have gone feral…

Stride did the fun thing, first.

She laughed.

“Did you really just try n’ go all MMA on a fuckin’ werewolf? The fuck, dude?” In the midst of her chortling, it seemed that she had conveniently forgotten her attempt at doing the same thing- even if it was when Kora hadn’t had her maw buried in a carcass. She wiped at tears that weren’t there, snickered a bit more, and, finally, when she had her fill of the sight, lifted the tranq and aimed it at the soft belly of one of her furrier friends.

“Heads up.” Hopefully, the dart would meet its target. It was from a good, well-made, filled with enough chemicals to put a racing horse to sleep. Or potentially a few, depending on who you asked. Stride didn’t exactly had her mind set on the most accurate comparisons at the moment, really- only putting a stop to the whole “runaway wolf” crisis.

After firing off the dart, it was in an almost conversational manner that she suddenly addressed Dinah, although her eyes never left Kora with the action.

“How long did it take ya to kill that thing?” A slight nod towards the stag’s corpse. A nod, and that was all that seemed necessary for the moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Makorai Saika
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0.00 INK

Isaac marched quietly behind the group, this was all just a big joke to most of the people here.
The position he held had no weight authoritative wise, there wasn't much to say for cross ranks discipline, safety precautions or really any sort of organization. Sure they had one hell of an Intel-network, top notch talent when it came to field work, and hell even he had to give credit to the R&D Unit.

And here he was, just a normal human being, who had stumbled into this whole ball of wax by mistake
Watching the werewolf brawl for a moment and Stride tossing something, probably a Dart or somethin, he scanned the rest of the group.

They were bored...

"Seems like we need an outlet for all this energy." Issac's voice carried well, over some of the other conversations easily.

" After we finish here, We can do some combat practice. Something fast and hard that requires some team work." Issac said it almost as a question. " I'm thinking, Team capture the flag?" This exercise had always done well for him and his team back when he was in the army, for thunder Moon's team members, they all would have more than likely known what Isaac was suggesting actually. It was going to be a capture the flag game in a few acres of woods using Sim-u-nition, a non lethal Chalk based bullet used in S.C.I.O.N's standard field rifle. While non-leathal it still required full protective gear, and eye protection. The rounds had more than enough punch to keep everyone, even Isaac, on their toes when in the game.

He turned to Oren.
" Might do Kora some good before you prod at her again, well if you're gonna prod at her again." He said, almost as if asking permission to invite the other teams to the game. While not exactly out ranking or how ever S.C.I.O.N did their authoritative tree, Isaac viewed Oren as a leader among the Supernaturals at least.

Good or bad, at least it was an attempt to channel this ball of energy into something productive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Makorai Saika
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0.00 INK

Even in her highest stiletto heels, Lulu Botrelle managed to pass through the garage entrance and move across SCION’s hardwood floors in complete silence. Not that such quiet grace was a surprise, really— Nothing about her file, stating “vampire; espionage agent” would indicate a heavy footfall.

Despite being returned from the exact same mission as her teammate Dami (who had entered the house the moment Montana had parked the car,) she looked nothing short of put together: Her hair was twisted into a loose up-do, with a few carefully selected blonde curls framing her face. Her dress, a black, long-sleeved number which fell just above her knees, hugged her curves enough to imply a shape well worth further inspection, but not so much that anyone could dare to call her anything less than a proper lady. The shade of rouge lining her lips was a hue too bright to be bloody, but the effect of a femme fatale could not be missed.

She moved with a quiet sway that demanded attention, and though her steps were silent, anyone around with heightened senses would note her approach.

There were not many others on base willing to invest in a perfume as fine as Chanel No. 5.

So, it was doubtful that anyone but perhaps the humans on staff were alarmed when she stepped around the corner to the kitchen just in time to catch the wrong end of a conversation. 

“After we finish here, We can do some combat practice. Something fast and hard that requires some team work.”

She skimmed over the scene of destruction and blood, resisting the urge to make a face at the stench of an animal, and raised one perfectly groomed brow. 

“You best watch your tongue, Schofield,” she said, leaning her weight against the doorframe and placing a hand on her hip, “Agent Moore is likely to make an ill-timed appearance, if you insist on ‘fast, hard’ team builders.” 

And then, with an easy smile, “Hello Valentine, Saika, everyone.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Damien Moore Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko
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0.00 INK

Isaac's eyes glided over to Ms. Botrelle, the faintest twinge of irritation at her jest showed in his eyes but was quickly banished.
No doubt she saw it however, it was her job to see things like that.

" True true, all jokes aside it might be a good thing for him to join us. "
Isaac watched the male wolf rush off without hearing out what the group had chosen to do, and by the sounds of it there wasn't going to be time to do anything as time the team builder Isaac had in mind. Impatient. He added that to what he thought of the male.

As if on que to Isaac dismissive head shake , Kora shifted back into her human form. Isaac did the polite thing and averted his eyes. " Ms. Botrelle, do you have a jacket or something we could cover Kora with, If it were me I'd rather be covered if I was passed out on the out skirts of base. "

This wasn't the first time this sort of thing happened around here, what with Incubus' and Were-creatures about, nudity was a thing, and probably wouldn't be the last, He might have to start keeping one of those emergency blankets in his pocket if it kept happening so often tho..

He turned to Oren, " Any clues to what sort of business will be in our meeting today? I missed that memo going over Inventory and someone's medical history..." He glanced at Thunder Moons' new recruit then back at the good doctor before rubbing a bit of sleep out of his sunken eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Lulu Botrelle
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Although Korawolf hadn’t managed to get close enough to deal any real damage, Stride didn’t resist the urge to skip back when it came, putting a nice wedge of distance between her and the less-than-rational creature. Might have been considered a pussy move to some, but the hybrid had no clue how her body would treat wolf spit clogging up the works, and she was in no real mood to find out anytime soon.

It was only when she had seen that Kora was truly and rightly down that Stride made to step forward again, but stopped at Kreios’ attempt at defending himself- or, well, his decision to throttle a god-damn 400-something pound werewolf, at least.

“Look, I don’t wanna know what kinda kinky shit you’re into,” Stride drawled, “but I don’t think ya should go ‘round tryin’ it on gals who’re more into clawin’ your face off than anythin’.” Stride, whose words were the epitome of good advice. Unfortunately, Kreios appeared to have left before he heard her wisdom, leaving the room with 80% less health nut.

Her attention didn’t linger on that for long, however, instead switching over two of the party she had earlier neglected- and quickly snorting at the exchange between both. “Couldn’t’ve said it better myself,” she noted. Stride enjoyed Lulu, much like she enjoyed some of the other members of Hunter’s Moon. Typically not the types you would consider sitting around playing Mortal Kombat with, but they had a sense of humor she could appreciate. Real dry-like.

At any rate, given the circumstances of their little “morning awakening”, Stride didn’t sit around with her thumb up her ass for long. By the time Issac had looked to the local femme fatale for help in covering up Kora, the gorgon had stepped out from the base’s exit, having disappeared inside after a brief, muttered dismissal.

In her hands was a tablecloth retrieved from the kitchen- still with a bit of orange juice stains from some clumsy newcomer. With little more than an “got it”, Stride stepped forward, moving to toss the fabric over a certain ginger. “No offense to anyone here,” she said, “but, ah, I don’t really think Lulu’s got anythin’ that’d be fittin’ Kora anytime soon.” As if to prove her point, she flung the rest of the tablecloth- recently stained with the orange juice of some clumsy recruit- over the werewolf. It barely managed to cover her.

“There. Now nobody’s gotta start strippin’ or any of that shit.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Damien Moore Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Makorai Saika
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0.00 INK

Kreios got up from the couch at the sound of the Intercom buzzing in.

"Good morning SCION. Would all field and research teams please report to Meeting Room B for a briefing in five minutes. Five minutes in Meeting Room B. Thank you!"

Well, it was something, at least. He hoped it would bring him out into the field again, he missed being able to let a little loose, really push his limits. He had been getting bored of the recent "Milk-runs" he'd been sent on. Combat was his specialty, and quite frankly, he held a lust for it. Some might have called it a bloodlust, but it wasn't the gore that drew Kreios in. It was, something far more primal.

As he approached the meeting room, he adjusted his shirt-sleeve, in a vein attempt to stretch it so it would comfortably hold his arm. He was beginning to find this a problem, and would need to have a meeting for a "New clothes" bonus. Not that it was news to the higher ups, they had this meeting once a year.

He walked in the room, sliding a few chairs over to avoid physical contact with his co-workers. Not that there aren't a few he wouldn't mind brushing up against, but this was a professional setting, no time for such thoughts. He sat down, and waited for his team-mates to arrive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Damien Moore Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana
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0.00 INK

It was not very long until the meeting room was graced by the presence of the first of the SCION officers, one of the three most senior members of the organization. Proven long ago in the field, they had come to serve as the strategic leaders, second only to their benefactor.

This one in question was a tall, dark-haired gentleman in a jacket with round brass buttons. Leofric Wyndham, a vampire that had been walking the earth since anglo-saxon times, and who headed up deployment and field operation.

He fofered a nod to those already present, but was not able to address any directly, as he had another conversation ongoing.

Pursuing Wyndham was the form of Oren, not looking terribly pleased.
"I thought we had come to the agreement that I was not expected to take part in field deployment. This was agreed upon in my conditions for my employment. No field work."

"And as I keep telling you Kovalenko, this is not field work. All staff are going to need to vacate the building during the placement of the wards. It's new security code. If you have a problem with it you can take it up with Elmessiri, but you'll get exactly the same response." Leo replied, a little dismissively as he took a set at the table against one wall and set down his files.

"This is totally unacceptable." came the vampress' response, her grip tightening around her set of files.

"Your contract covers not sending you into danger Kovalenko, it said nothing about you never leaving the building. We'll be putting all of you up somewhere. You can't honestly be complaining about getting paid holiday, can you?" Leo raised one eyebrow to regard the woman, whose expression implied that yes, she certainly could complain about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Damien Moore Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Makorai Saika Character Portrait: Lulu Botrelle
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0.00 INK

While Lulu took pride in being a true professional in her field, it was too much to deny herself a bit of fun at Makorai’s expense, especially when he had set himself up for the act with his teasing.

Childish? Going by Kovalenko’s expression, perhaps it was.

Worth it? Based on Saika’s face, undoubtedly.

She extended a hand to pull him to his feet, and dusted the shoulder of his shirt off with a quick swipe. “You know, if you make things that easy,” she said, grin broadening with Stride’s added laughter, “You’re going to make all of Hunter’s Moon think that you like being thrown on your back. And then you’ll have no problem with anyone thinking you haven’t— Well,” she trailed off and let the implied end of her comment dangle, casting a raised brow toward the gorgon.

Her gaze followed after Schofeild for a brief moment as he carried Norrevinter away, and her lips pouted into a question, but the thought was derailed by the intercom announcement. “Joy,” she muttered, and turned toward the door after one more adjustment of Makorai’s subtly disheveled shirt. “I’m going to rendezvous with Hunter’s Moon, speaking of. You two be kind to Schofield, now. Wouldn’t want to damage his ‘good spirits.’” 

She moved out of the way with a good natured smile as Dinah rushed past, careful to dodge the rivalrous sibling exchange as she proceeded down the corridor.

Once in the hall, she found her teammate’s position within minutes and slipped behind them to a seat beside Montana, brushing her hand over Dami’s shoulder in greeting as she passed. “Strangers,” she greeted, as if she had not spent the past fifteen hours with the two. 

Her emerald green eyes scanned about the room, taking in the amassed collection of cryptids and humans alike, noting their tones and body language. For what it was worth, and for all of the issues the organization had, few could deny that there was a general air of camaraderie amongst the coworkers. Some, even, she’d venture to say behaved like family.

Lulu’s musings were interrupted as Wyndham and Kovalenko entered, and the field agent watched them both out of the corner of her eye, listening. She cast a glance toward Montana and Damien, respectively, with the statement on her face reading somewhere between, “What’s going on?” and “Get a load of that nonsense.”