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Kuro Kumo

"Look into my eyes, and see that I can show you desires beyond your dreams."

0 · 252 views · located in Ashton Manor

a character in “Safe”, originally authored by Ville.Sunfall, as played by RolePlayGateway



I butchered a hyena. That's what you do to a dog that betrays its master's wishes, right?

Full Name: Kuro Kumo

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: The Spider

Hair Color: Long Shag and Black

Eye Color: Crimson Red

Height: 6 ' 2

Weight: 150

Physical Description:
Black hair, crimson eyes, stands at about 6'2 feet and is always seen wearing only black clothing. Four canine fangs all at the top row of his mouth.
Don't screw with me, or I will do more than drink your blood.

Being an outsider
Not speaking
Dark places
Black clothes

"I dislike a lot of things, if I tell you, you might use it against me. So I wont tell."

Element: None

Venom Bire, Wall climbing, Webs, Shifting from demon to human, Blood sucking. Spider senses.

Power Cost(s):
A neurotoxin latrotoxin bite, which causes the condition latrodectism. Making Webs, Being able to form into a human. Spider senses it helps him sense danger or when someone is coming, Can attract little hair sized claws from his fingertips and feet in order to climb walls and ceilings. Drinks blood in order to live.

Weakness(es) Whenever he spits his venom, he is also harming himself. Only females can do it without harm, but if he does, he can even affect himself, but only quarter of the way of the effect instead of a 100 percent like what would happen to the enemy.

Patience, is cunning, sly, and almost unnoticed - hated by all, The Spider diverts the anger of his all consuming hatred to fuel endless endless patience in creating an elaborate scheme to fulfill his desires. He has chosen the blood of the Earth Deity.

He is the strongest spider/man in his tribe. He kills without warning and is widely feared across his clan and those who know him. When it comes to spiders they are born without a mother around and is able to live on their own. Same goes with the Demon spiders, rarely do they form tribes. In his case he lived in one, but was the strongest of his tribe members.

Young and and still learning he goes to Ashton Manor to finish his learning and to get out of it as soon as possible so that he can become tribe leader. But after schooling he must have taken the blood of 10 innocent people.

When Kuro was young he learned how to survive in the wild of the demon world. Becoming stronger with each passing day. He is the only male in his tribe that can spit venom from his mouth, but with that comes a side effect that weakens him until it wears off. He has also grew to becoming very hated because of his slyness and fast learning talents.

So begins...

Kuro Kumo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Ever Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Killian Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo
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#, as written by Lorawr

Killian looked at those around him with dull mistrust and forced calm. He was uncomfortable here, in such a small space with these Demons. The tension in the air was so thick it could have been cut with a knife, and the scent of the Blooded upstairs hung heavily in the small room. Killian's leg twitched and he forced back a low growl, so as not to disturb the silence that pervaded the room. Each Demon waited patiently for someone to speak, and he knew that each of them suffered the same. Knowing that the thing they desired above all else was just a moment away was nigh on unbearable, and Killian had to make a physical effort not to exit the room, and rush up the stairs to find his Blooded and take the unrefined power that ran through her veins. He twitched again, and looked at those seated at the table with him.

There was the Spider, sat perfectly still and contained opposite him. Killian dared to make eye contact with Kuro, who he had known for the shortest amount of time, and nodded slightly in a gesture of equality. The Spider unnerved him more than any of the others. It was the almost empty look in his eyes that spoke of a remorseless individual, and it fascinated Killian as much as he was wary of it. To his left, the Snake sat regarding them all with a curious concentration, but Killian wasn't too sure. He had seen snakes before, and in his experience, they rarely blinked, so maybe, Killian thought, Alice wasn't as angry as she appeared. But then again, they all appeared angry. Finally, to his right, was the Vulture. Ashe appeared to be thinking about something, but as with all the others, he couldn't be sure. She looked like she was concentrating on something, but then Killian reasoned that they probably all looked similar.

The silence was becoming torturous, and the room was becoming uncomfortably warm. Killian shifted a little, and his seat creaked awkwardly as he did. The Wolf grimaced at the noise that pierced the hushed room, and ran a hand through his hair. He wanted to leave. The room they were in was small, possibly the smallest in the Manor. It was little more than a door, four paneled walls and around table at which they were seated. Without windows, the room was lit simply by candles set to the wall, which sent a cruel, flickering light over the faces of the Demons sat together. Killian knew that it was nearing 7am, though, and he was impatient to get going.

For a moment, it seemed as though the walls were closing in on him. Killian twitched again, and then inhaled deeply. He wasn't prepared to spend the rest of the day cramped in this room. He hoped to be available as soon as his Blooded awoke. He didn't care what the others wanted, but since the Blooded had been brought here, he had been able to think of nothing but becoming strong again.

"Well," Killian said quietly, though his voice seemed loud contrasted against the previous silence, "I guess there's not a lot to say. The Blooded are upstairs. The arrangement was that we would get them here, and while they're here, we'll train them. And then we can take the Blood when it's at its most powerful. What are we still here for?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Ever Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Killian Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo
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Image The smell of blood was thick through the whole room that they all waited in, yet it didn't bother Kuro for he was use to all the smell of blood. He is a spider after all and he has to drink it all the time. Sure the blood upstairs smelt amazing, but he still held perfect control over himself. It fazed him, but not enough to turn into a blood crazed animal.

No one in the room really peaked his interest at the time, they seemed a bit boring to him, so he made no point in looking up at either of them, that is until he noticed Killian's eye contact and a bow to the head. Killian was or is gorgeous, it peaked his interest that he made suck eye contact and dared to nod at him. Lifting his hand to his lips, he hid a smirk and looked away. Also he noticed how much Killian seemed to be struggling with himself. The scent rose from him like a lit candle. He also noticed that Killian seemed to be sweating, the smell was strong, but probably only strong to Kuro, his sense where heightened especially in a small room, but he was use to the small spaced and quiet, it never did bother him, he could sit for hours, days and weeks in one spot without a sound or movement. At a point the nerves got the best of Killian and he ended up speaking up.

"Well," Killian said quietly. His voice shook a bit in Kuro's ears."I guess there's not a lot to say. The Blooded are upstairs. The arrangement was that we would get them here, and while they're here, we'll train them. And then we can take the Blood when it's at its most powerful. What are we still here for?"

Kuro didn't say anything and folded his arms over his chest, closing his eyes. Not falling asleep, but listening to the tone of breathing everyone had made when Killian spoke. It seemed they all felt a bit awkward in a way that Kuro saw no meaning of. Getting to the point of being bored he rose to his feet without a word. His crimson eyes opened and he stared at everyone, for a long time, each one of them in their eyes directly. "I just have one thing to say. Just stay out of my way and there will be no troubles with me. Don't even bother touching my Blooded either, if you can help it. If you follow these two rules from me. There will be peace between us. But if you cannot, do not expect me to take it lightly. You have all be warned." His voice was husky and deep, yet it had a sweet tone inside the husky deepness.

This was all he said he never bothered to say more or take any arguments. That was it for him. He took his seat and pushed it into the corner and sat back down with his legs crossed and his head tilted down, so that his hair hid most of his face. He was more tired than he was interested in what was going on here. And he wanted to make his warning clear while everyone was in the same room. He knew they all heard him well, so there should be no problem or excuses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Ever Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Killian Character Portrait: Warren Monroe Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo Character Portrait: SHARK
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#, as written by Jynxii

Alice revealed in the silence of the room, but didn't bother to pay very close attention to anyone's movements as she focused on the python in her hands. The creature's name was Snow, reflective of it's unique albino scaling. The creature was only one of the many 'children' she kept with her, for moments like these- when her company was less than entertaining. She tried her best to ignore the quiet whispering mummers of Ashe who sat on the other side of her. "Well, I guess there's not a lot to say. The Blooded are upstairs. The arrangement was that we would get them here, and while they're here, we'll train them. And then we can take the Blood when it's at its most powerful. What are we still here for?" Alice's blue hues slowly looked up from her python, settling on The Wolf as he spoke.

Her hair was a bright green today, let down in spirals about her shoulders. Against the red of her dress, the pop of color was startling. Alice opened her mouth to answer him, but was cut off by the sudden burst from The Spider; "I just have one thing to say. Just stay out of my way and there will be no troubles with me. Don't even bother touching my Blooded either, if you can help it. If you follow these two rules from me. There will be peace between us. But if you cannot, do not expect me to take it lightly. You have all be warned." As he spoke, Alice cooed her snake into her purse, and slowly slid out of her chair. She followed him over to where he had moved his chair, tracing her long fingernails over the back of his seat as she replied, "I love it when you threaten me, Spider." Her voice was a warm purr as her stilettos stalked past him and to the door.

"I suppose the same rules from last time are in place, then. Not that this wasn't so very charming, but, the pup is right. We have no business left to discuss. Keep your eyes and hands off my prize, and I'll do the same with yours." She smiled, a devilish expression on her ruby colored lips. "If you'd like to put your hands on me, on the other hand," she added, half in the door way and half out, " know where to find me." Alice winked to the three demons still seated and slipped out of the door, hips swaying shamelessly as she prowled down the hall.

A satisfied smirk settled onto her features as she prowled down one of the many hallways. The scent of the Blooded was intoxicating, turning her on and causing her heart to race with impatience. Was he awake yet? The demon smiled to herself as she turned a corner into one of the large lounge areas. No doubt the scared little does would be running from the woods as if they were on fire any moment now. Alice leaned casually against the bay window in the room, looking out at the grounds. Wake up little darling, she whispered in her mind, running her hand against the glass of the window as the sun rose in the distance. A smile lifted her features as she turned from the window and headed to the room of her Blooded, after making a quick stop by the kitchen.

With a breakfast tray on one arm, Alice slipped into her Blooded's room. She silently walked over to his bedside table and set the meal down. A stack of steamy pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and orange juice. The Snake smiled warmly as she watched her dark headed powerhouse sleep. Turning from him, she threw open the large curtains that hung over the windows, casting light into the room. Walking over to him, she slowly sat on the bed beside him and placed her hand onto his exposed shoulder. "Wake up," she said gently in a sing-song voice. "Wake up, wake up, my prince, the sun came to see you." she cooed. "Breakfast is ready. Good morning."


Ashe flinched violently in her seat every now and again, the scent from upstairs turning her blood to ice. She itched at her neck impatiently as the Wolf rustled in his seat, and the spider spit venom at everyone. She was used to everyone's mood swings. She was used to the discontent, mistrust and hate between everyone. She sat silently as Alice got up and left, not before flaunting herself at the men as she always did. Ashe looked up suddenly-- noticing that Alice had left the room, signaling that everyone was free to go. Ashe glanced to the Spider, unnerved by him in every way. He was creepy. Then, her eyes floated over to The Wolf, noticing that he looked as anxious as she felt.

She slowly stood up, eager to go see her Blooded. She was sure of the new plan. Sure that it would work, at last. Being sneaky was her forte. "It's so good seeing everyone together again," she said gently, smiling a little as her eyes stared blankly at the table. She would take the warnings seriously, and made note to keep herself as far from the blooded that were not hers as possible. Nodding to the others, the dark haired girl slowly made her way out of room, turning the opposite way that Alice had gone. The more out of her way I stay, the better, Ashe thought to herself bitterly.

She had found herself closer to the Blooded, helplessly drawn by their scent. She was passing by one door in particular when she heard a ruckus going on inside. "....not immortal you know! I do eat!" Ashe blinked curiously and checked the door again. It was her blooded. She giggled to herself and opened the door, coming face-to-face with a very pissed off looking man. "Hey, are you alright?" Perfect innocence played on her face. "I managed to get my door open... I'm just up the hall, I... I'm starving, too. Want to.. um.. find a kitchen or something? I... I don't think that we'd make it out the front door but.. they've got to have food somewhere, right?" She smiled kindly and stepped side ways to let the man out of the room he felt trapped in. Ashe knew that feeling, knew it too well.

She knew better than to try and take the powers by force. The group had agreed that they would try something different this time, and Ashe had agreed upon the plan. If her Blooded thought she was one of his kind, or even just a regular human in the house, she stood an even better chance at getting under his skin. Luckily, she had the appearance of a simple girl, a girl who possibly grew up on a country side. Playing her simple look to her advantage, she smiled warming at him, hoping that he would believe her lie and accept her offer of food. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach... or, in this case... to his power. Ashe hid her malicious smile behind her sweet, tender facade.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Ever Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Killian Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo
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#, as written by Lorawr

"I just have one thing to say. Just stay out of my way and there will be no troubles with me. Don't even bother touching my Blooded either, if you can help it. If you follow these two rules from me. There will be peace between us. But if you cannot, do not expect me to take it lightly. You have all be warned"

Killian almost jumped when Kuro issued his threat to the Demons seated together, and the slow, steady simplicity of the challenge made him scowl. As Kuro turned his piercing gaze upon him, Killian stared back defiantly, almost feeling the hairs on the back of his neck standing to attention. It was only when Kuro looked at the others that Killian realized that he was baring his teeth to the Demon, and he had to make a visible effort to calm down again. Killian licked his lips and then looked aside before nodding.

It only made sense that they were all protective of their Blooded, and Killian didn't envy the individual that crossed any of them. He glanced up quickly as another of their group rose from their seat. It was the Snake, a beautiful, sultry woman that Killian trusted the least. She stood, and Killian stared at her as she spoke.

"I love it when you threaten me, Spider. I suppose the same rules from last time are in place, then. Not that this wasn't so very charming, but, the pup is right. We have no business left to discuss. Keep your eyes and hands off my prize, and I'll do the same with yours. If you'd like to put your hands on me, on the other know where to find me"

Killian blinked as Alice exited and shook his head slowly. Something about her was so purely fascinating and feminine, that even Killian was momentarily distracted from the blood by those tempting hips. Not that he truly desired her, but it was hard to ignore the sweet murmur of that voice. It was at that point that Killian stood, determined to leave. Things were too close here. Much too close, and he couldn't think straight. He rose a hand and ran it through his hair, frustration emanating from each gesture he made. And that was when Ashe rose, and spoke softly before leaving. Killian didn't even hear her, being too busy setting his thoughts in order.

And then, there were just two left in the small room. Himself, and the Spider. Inhaling deeply, Killian turned his burning sapphire hues to the dangerous scarlet ones that belonged to Kuro. Killian tilted his head, almost curiously. Despite his blatant fear inspiring appearance, there was something promising, and not quite unpleasant about the male. Sure, he was incredibly good looking, in an unnerving way, but it wasn't that that freaked out the Wolf so much. It was the stillness. He licked his lips uncertainly and rubbed his eyes.

Killian knew he needed more control than this. He was acting weak, and he wasn't weak. He couldn't let himself be weak. Not again. Drawing in a deep breath, he stared down at the Spider and tried for an easy smile. " starts. Good luck," He said softly, uncertainly, before turning and walking through the door.

Outside in one of the many long halls of the house, Killian was greeted with a blast of fresh, cool air, but he didn't stop. He walked down the hall, to the window that was creating the draft, and took several deep breaths of clean air while he took the opportunity to gather his thoughts. Firstly, compared to past times, the Demons appeared to be cooperating well, though all were tense and uncertain. Second, his Blooded was upstairs, and awake. Killian could feel the myriad of emotions radiating from her, and suddenly grinned. His entire physique subtly altered as he set aside the Demonic side of himself, for the moment.

Standing straighter, and walking with an undeniable spring to his step, Killian all but ran down the hall to the main staircase that led to the room where his Blooded had just awoken. Taking the steps three at a time, he bounded up the staircase, and then paused to check his appearance in a mirror on the landing. Bright, giddy blue eyes met him, and unruly blonde hair. He was wearing a simple red shirt and jeans, and looked as human as he ever had, and so, content with his form, he strode quickly along the hall, and then turned a corner.

And there, not twelve feet away from him, his Blooded was stood examining the hallway that she had found herself in, and Killian's face lit up like a child's on Christmas day. "Oh!" He exclaimed with an easy smile.

"There you are. It's Layla, right? You probably don't remember me. I'm Killian. Hi," Killian grinned, and breathed in her scent, before shivering with delight, "Did you sleep well?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alethea Woodward Character Portrait: Killian Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo
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Image Drawing in a deep breath, Killian stared down at Kuro and tried for an easy smile. " starts. Good luck," He said softly, uncertainly, before turning and walking through the door.

Sir, your blooded, awaits for you in her chambers. A voice of a spider inside his head had stopped him from replying to Killian before he left.

He watched as Killian left the room before making a reply to the spider, Kuro dropped his hand to the floor and picked up that spider, who had been spying on his Blooded. "So she has awaked. Let us go and seek her out shall we?" He put the spider away into one of his pockets and got up from his seat.

The sound of his boots clicked in the hallway, but he took his time in getting to his Blooded's room. The sound of her quiet Hello echoed down the halls. He shifted the door open and shoved it so that it would full expose him standing in the door way. There his blooded was sitting up in her bad, deeply confused and seeming to be in a panic. "I wouldn't waste your energy on being scared, and wondering where you are. I will tell you, but in return you have to come with me, so we could get a meal into your body." He rested his hand on the door handle waiting for her.

Another thing about Kuro, he always liked to get to the point of things, but always making sure his meals are satisfied in the in end. The weak wasn't something he rushed into having, he preferred his Blooded to be strong and healthy and as innocent as the day comes. She who sat before him in her bed, was already perfect, but he wanted more from her. Their first inter counter said it all. She was strong as it is, but she knew nothing of herself, Kuro wouldn't stand that.

He didn't bother to say anything else to her, nor was the sound of his breathing heard through the room. He had just stared at her with his crimson eyes and blank expression on his pale face. The only thing that moved on his was a piece of hair that had slipped from his ear and into his face. Kuro even waited for her to take the time to collect herself until she was able to get out of bed and follow him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Alethea Woodward Character Portrait: Killian Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo
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#, as written by Lorawr

Y-yeah, thanks, I um...I should probably go. I have class and work today"

Killian grinned, his joy obvious from the bright glint to his eyes. He nodded, and excitement radiated from him with every moment as he all but bounced away from her, and stuck his head around the door of the room he guessed that she had just come from. So, it looked like she'd only just awoken. That was good. It meant that she wouldn't have seen any of the others yet. Looking back to her, Killian's gaze darkened as he felt a sudden rush of ownership for the girl standing vulnerably in the hall before him. She was defenseless, and she didn't even know it. The scent of her Blood was thick and strong, and it was so good. Killian knew then that no one else would touch his Blooded without him knowing. The momentary shadow to his eyes passed, and he suddenly perked up.

"Right!" Killian beamed, "If you think you've got class and work today, then you evidently don't remember last night. Come on!"

And with that, Killian reached forwards to take her hand and drag her down the hall. "How about we get you some breakfast, and then I tell you what's going to happen today? I guess you could say you have classes, but not the sort that you thought you were going to have. Layla, today is a big day!" He laughed and nodded, quickly formulating a plan for the day.

First, he would convince Layla to come to breakfast. The others would be there soon, but Killian hoped that by getting there first, he wouldn't have to share Layla with anyone else. Then, after breakfast, Killian hoped to take Layla out to the grounds, where he would tell her about her power. He wouldn't tell her everything, but he'd tell her enough. And then maybe they would start to practice them. Maybe. The excitement was bright in his eyes, and like a puppy, he turned back to Layla and smirked.

"What are you waiting for? Come on!"


Time passed. Not a lot of time, but enough. As time went by, Alethea began to settle. She eventually rose, and took a turn about the spacious room. It was almost luxurious. The furniture was all of rich oak, and the carpet was thick and lush. She peered inside the wardrobe, to see an arrangement of clothing, before closing the doors. There were gorgeous purple flowers in an elegant vase on a small table near the window, which Alethea opened. She breathed in the scent of the new morning, and felt it refresh her. Feeling calmer, Alethea returned to sit cross legged in the middle of her bed.

Alethea then stared at the door, and for a moment, she almost scowled. What was she doing? Just sat here, waiting for something to happen, was never something that Alethea had done. Since when had she allowed other people to dictate to her when she can leave a room, and she was just about to rise and leave when the door opened by itself.

"I wouldn't waste your energy on being scared, and wondering where you are. I will tell you, but in return you have to come with me, so we could get a meal into your body."

The man that stood there could easily have been described with just one word. Intimidating. Cold red eyes glared down at her, and an unforgiving expression was on his face, but he was undeniably attractive. Alethea could never have said why, but she almost felt the need to submit to him. From his posture, it was obvious that he was a man used to getting his own way, and Alethea stood on the spot, before walking across her bed, and gracefully stepping down to the ground. It was only then that she stopped and asked herself why.

Why did she have to do as this man said? She recognized him from the night before, and she knew that she had trusted him then, but what about now?

Alethea paused and looked at him, anger flaring momentarily in her eyes. "Who are you?" She asked boldly, crossing her arms over her chest. Sure, she might be dressed in borrowed pajamas, but that changed nothing. "Where am I?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alethea Woodward Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo
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Image He felt the anger before he saw it rise to her face, he knew this was coming and it was one thing he always approved of, peoples anger always seemed to get him a bit excited in pleasuring ways, he could help himself with his next words and movements, but he didn't and let himself do what he wanted, after all in the end she was his whether she liked it or not. So he did what he did....

"If there is one thing I can't stand is not being listened to." He was right in front of her in an instant. His fingers wrapped around her chin gently and his eyes locked with hers. His voice had become cold, but his eyes were soft. "Either you come with me to eat, and I tell you while you eat, or you can starve and stay in this godforsaken room, until I see fit of your punishment being over and do trust me when I say, I can wait for a very long time." He kissed her cheek gently once he bent over and tilted her face to the side, with a whisper to her ear. "Now my lady, your clothes are in the dresser, put them on and meet me outside your door."

Dropping his hand he moved away from her, and without another word he grabbed the door and slammed hit behind him once stepping out of the room. The taste of her flesh was left on his lips, she felt a bit cold, but warm as well. With a fold to his arms over his chest, he leaned against the wall that was right across from the door, tilting his head down and closed his eyes waiting, patiently for her to agree to his words and come out fully dressed.

Instantly, the song of Annie singing You're never fully dressed without a smile. appeared in his head and after he heard laughing and instantly he knew it was the spider cracking jokes at him.

"That is not funny." He shook his head and sighed, ashamed of the spider.

It was a bit funny, and perfect timing as well. The day I see you smile will be a good one Spider kept on talking, but he had a good point, Kuro never smiled, he always kept one expression throughout his life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alethea Woodward Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo
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#, as written by Lorawr

Alethea breathed in sharply as the stranger appeared in front of her. She still didn't know his name, but right then, it didn't matter. Anger flared fearlessly in her eyes as she felt his fingers tilting her chin up, and forcing her to look him in the eyes, but she refused to cower, even though she had to fight to keep her dignity and not melt straight into his hands as she looked up into those infinitely dangerous eyes.

"If there is one thing I can't stand is not being listened to. Either you come with me to eat, and I tell you while you eat, or you can starve and stay in this godforsaken room, until I see fit of your punishment being over and do trust me when I say, I can wait for a very long time."

She didn't doubt that he could wait a long time, and she knew then that she would do as he said, just so she could see what he wanted from her. His lips descending upon her cheek were warm, and soft, but she shivered and denied the fact to herself that she wanted more. Alethea gritted her teeth as his breath brushed her ear when he continued.

"No my lady, your clothes are in the dresser, put them on and meet me outside your door."

Alethea refused to react as she was released, and he turned on his heel and left her. Her eyes were dark with anger, but she waited until he had closed the door before exhaling the breath she didn't realize she had been holding. What had just happened? Numbly, Alethea went to the wardrobe and looked inside. Strangely, all the clothes were in her size, and she selected an outfit quickly.

As she undressed, she was acutely aware of the fact that the stranger was just on the other side of the door, but she pushed the thought away as she pulled on a clean set of clothes. A simple white shirt and leg hugging jeans adorned her moments later, and she slipped on a leather jacket, before glancing in a mirror to brush her hair. Satisfied with her appearance, she chose to remain bare foot as she went to the door.

Alethea didn't hesitate before opening the door, anger greeting her once more at the arrogant way he simply stared down and waited for her, just assuming that she would appear. Which she had. Angry at herself this time, Alethea stood in the doorway and demanded, "Who the hell do you think you are?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alethea Woodward Character Portrait: Ashe Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo Character Portrait: SHARK
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Image He snorted once she walked away and looked over his shoulder into the opposite way in which she went. The hall was empty, but lit terribly. He was out of the room, that's a plus, but to find food in a dump like this, was a downfall. He lifted his hands to his head and started to walk down the halls. Down one of the halls he saw a man in black, with his head faced down, he looked as if he was talking to someone, but he didn't see anyone else in the hall, but him and this man in black.

"Hey you.." He stopped himself from asking once the door the guy was waiting at fling open and a very pissed off red head came out of it.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" She had a cute voice even when she was mad, he made Shark laugh. He waited until the guy spoke, before jumping in and wanting answers himself. Maybe what this guy has to say will answer his own questions. He thought.

Image He looked at her and his eyes slowly went down at her body and back up, as if he was thinking of a math problem and solving it without fail. "I do not think I am anyone. And if hell was involved I'd say I am a creature from it." He shrugged and lifted fully onto his feet. "You don't have to hide Blooded, you can come out and say hello and follow us to the dinning hall for something to eat." Kuro knew right away that another had approached them and from their sent he knew that it wasn't a demon, but a child just like his Blooded was. He waited for the boys reply.

Image Shocked Shark stepped out and in front of the man. Not like he was being loud enough for himself to be heard so how on earth did he hear him standing there. "Look I don't want answers, I just want something to eat." Shark said in a calm voice, he could tell right away that this man who stood here, wasn't someone to be trifled with, the look in his red eyes said it all. And it brought a slight shiver to his body.

Forcing himself to look away from his eyes he glanced at the red head who had become quiet. His lover? But he is so old for someone her age, so a pedophile. Shark took a guess in his thoughts. He would have made a smart ass remark, but with another look towards the man in black, he bit back his words and decided to just go along with it.

Image "Very well, but do understand that the less you know about what is going on, the less prepared you are." He sighed and waved his hand for them to follow, his movements had become more professional, and he started to act more like a teach at this point. "A lady should have already told you about this or was about to, but I noticed you two had a bit of a quirt. So I suppose I will take her spot in telling you." Kuro led them both down the hall to the dinning room, offering them to sit as he brought over two plates of food already made for them by the chief. "Number one thing you need to know is my name. I go by the name of Kuro Kumo, wither one is fine by me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alethea Woodward Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo Character Portrait: SHARK
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#, as written by Lorawr

Alethea opened her mouth to ask the new stranger a question, just as she snapped it shut again to listen to their brief exchange. She scowled at the both of them, but then her interest was caught by the words of the man who seemed to know what was going on. Blooded? What the heck did that mean? And who was the other lady who was supposed to see the new stranger? At least it meant that she wasn't the only female here.

She let her anger simmer, refusing to interrupt their brief exchange, and silently followed the two strangers down the hall. Within the dining hall, Alethea looked around slowly and uncertainly. It was a large room, furnished with an expensive looking dining table which was set with a dozen seats. Alethea glanced between the two strangers and then took a seat.

"Number one thing you need to know is my name. I go by the name of Kuro Kumo, either one is fine by me"

Alethea scowled at him and nodded towards the man she now knew was Kuro, "You already know who I am," She muttered before looking at the other stranger, "But I'm Alethea."

She looked towards Kuro again and rose a brow, "So, go on then. Explain. What happened last night, why am I here, and when can I leave?"

She had to admit that she hated it here so far. Alethea had no idea where she was, and that infuriated her. She knew that she should feel afraid, or nervous, but there was something inside her that refused to fear these strangers. She'd not ever felt this strong and certain of herself. Alethea looked at Kuro with restrained anger in her eyes, silently telling him that he had nothing over her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Alethea Woodward Character Portrait: Killian Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo Character Portrait: SHARK
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#, as written by Lorawr

Killian grinned widely when he heard Layla's stomach grumble, but he didn't say anything more until he dragged her into the dining hall. But that was where his swift stride came to an abrupt halt, as though he had walked into a wall instead of through an open door. Within, were three people he hadn't expected to see until later. Two Blooded, and the Spider were seated at one end, and at least one of them looked to be furious. He didn't understand though. What was the Spider doing with two? Killian didn't care about the Demon that was missing out, but he did care about his Blooded, and he wouldn't let the Spider touch her.

Before any of the occupants of the room could utter a word, Killian gripped Layla's hand harder, and tugged her closer to his body in a subtle display of ownership that only Kuro would understand. Momentarily, the Wolf bared his teeth, his eyes flashing protectively, before the moment of tension ended. Suddenly, Killian laughed and smiled, before pushing Layla gently in front of him.

"You know what? It's a gorgeous day outside. How about we get some food from the kitchen then head outside for breakfast? That'll make a nice change," Killian improvised, glaring once at the Spider, before pushing Layla towards a door, which swung open.

Inside, the kitchen was warm, even though the windows were open. He closed the door firmly behind them, and then turned back to his Blooded. The scent of her blood quickly seeped into the room, and Killian brightened up and smiled at her warmly as he spoke to her. "So, what do you fancy? You can have anything you want, pretty much...Cereal, waffles, toast, croissants, egg, bacon, cereal...Did I say cereal twice? I think I did. Anyway, do you want something to drink? Did you mention tea? We've got tea, and coffee, and orange juice. I think it's fresh. What takes your fancy? Name your desires, and I shall see that you are given them"

Killian finished off his breakfast speech by leaning over the counter and looking at her with a playful smirk. Running a hand through his hair, he looked around the kitchen. It was large, with at least two of every most of the appliances. It looked expensive and plentiful, and he knew that his Blooded would want for nothing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Alethea Woodward Character Portrait: Killian Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo Character Portrait: SHARK
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Layla pretty much stumbled behind Killian's larger frame when he just randomly stopped in the middle of an open door. Her other hand reached out to clutch at the back of his shirt, using him to steady herself. She glowered at the back of his head.

"Hey!" However, it appeared as though he didn't realize she had spoken. Instead, Killian's eyes were trained forward. Layla's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to stare around him and could only see little peeks of other people in the room. "Killi - oww!" Before Layla could get the rest of his name out, Killian's grip on her hand tightened and Layla winced in response. Without warning, she was pulled closer against his body and without meaning to, Layla inhaled a good chunk of his scent, surprised to find herself pleasantly comfortable against him even though she was currently enraged. Getting a hold of herself, Layla glared at the back of his head.

Is this man bipolar or what? She thought because soon after that, Killian was laughing and pushing her in front of him, leading her into the kitchen. She heard him say something about going outside and Layla immediately began plotting for a way to leave. Perhaps she could lose him in the gardens and then somehow run down the path? Surely that would lead out of the mansion, right? Layla nearly jumped out of her skin once more this morning when the door behind them was closed and she glanced over her shoulder at Killian, raising an eyebrow at him while he smiled warmly at her. Yes. Definitely bipolar.

"So, what do you fancy? You can have anything you want, pretty much...Cereal, waffles, toast, croissants, egg, bacon, cereal...Did I say cereal twice? I think I did. Anyway, do you want something to drink? Did you mention tea? We've got tea, and coffee, and orange juice. I think it's fresh. What takes your fancy? Name your desires, and I shall see that you are given them." If Layla's eyebrow could lift itself any higher, she would probably look ridiculous, but as it was, the situation itself was ridiculous enough. She folded her arms over her chest.

"Well, Killian or if that's even your name, I fancy answers. I'd rather not talk over a full stomach, just in case I get the sudden urge to vomit in your face," Layla growled and took a few steps toward the man. Her voice rose as she spoke so that by the time she finished, she had pretty much screamed the last part. "Now, how about you stop leading me around this damn house like I'm your little bitch and tell me what the hell is going on? Where the hell is my phone? Where are my keys? And why can't I go home!?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alethea Woodward Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo Character Portrait: SHARK
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Image A Lady? How did he know about our fight? No one was around. He started to feel uneasy at how much this guy already knew. Who knows what else he had in his mind. His red eyes, every time they look at you it is as if you are being seen through.

With a grimace the red head told everyone her name. Shark just kept quiet, didn't even bother to speak anything else further more stare too long at anyone. The place he didn't feel anything, but the people in it, sure did spike him some.

So her name is Alethea. Shark looked at the red head. She was cute, that was no lie and she held her ground too. If I was her I'd treat this guy with more respect, even I am hot tempered and know better. But it is her life, so oh well. His eyes looked slowly over to Kuro, the man was mysterious indeed and he had a spike around him that gave off a far warning, even without words.

Alethea looked towards Kuro again and rose a brow, "So, go on then. Explain. What happened last night, why am I here, and when can I leave?"

Just then a man walked in through the door and glared at Kuro, the tension there felt more like a cocky one instead of a threatening one. Yet still it felt uneasy. With a glare and a look to the side Shark folded his arms over his chest, after he finished his food fast, even leaving his plate spotlessly clean as if it wasn't even touched.

Image The anger in his Blooded's eyes, sparked his attention again, it amused him very much and the pleasure that came from her raging blood, almost made him want to grin. Also the feeling coming from Shark was uneasy and a bit ticked off, it also made him amused.

With a silent stare at the door, he knew who was coming and he knew what they would think the moment Killian saw him with two bloodeds, not that he cared though. The boy Blooded he was with had to know and with the fight he had with his Demon, he knew she wouldn't tell any time soon. So why not him?

Kuro took in Killian's glare and ignored his Blooded as if she wasn't even in the room. Kuro turned once Killian left into the other room and smirked to himself. From the look he got he knew right away that he was right. But then he became serious again and looked over at the two Blooded before him while walking over to the edge of the table.

"Here is the thing." Kuro Began to speak to them both, in a cold demon voice that he'd use to speak to people he didn't like or speak to people he was giving orders to. "I will keep this short and simple. You both are what we like to call Blooded. Blooded are people with special gifts, such as the gifts you two were born with. The truth is, the world was created by four powers. And each one represented what we call the elements - fire, water, air and earth. The two before me are water." He shifted his hand towards Shark. "You can do anything that water can, from healing to killing. Anything that water can do, you can." His eyes went from Shark to Alethea. "And you my lady, are Earth, same thing applies to you as well. I will teach you more later. As for you." He looked back at Shark. "The lady you met earlier needs to teach you how to use your powers as well, make sure she does, or else someone else will take you right from under her hands." Kuro looked sharply at Shark as if telling him, it could be Kuro to take him away, after all Shark did spike his attention fast. Then he looked to both of them back into his serious self.

"Now let's cut to the chase. The Deities, decided that they'd create a planet, and then they created life and humanity and so on. Now, these Deities were pretty much all power. Imagine Zeus, Odin, Jesus and Apollo all rolled into one and then multiply that power by or eight. That would be very powerful, indeed. But these Deities decided that, what with being immortal and stuff, that after watching us mankind run around for a few hundred years, they wanted in on some of the action they created, so they gave up their immortality. As humans, each one took a partner, and they all had a child. But their power was given to their children, and it ran in their veins, but they didn't know it. At this point, us mere mortals weren't aware that our Gods were actually walking around us and sleeping with our men and women, so we continued to worship them.

The thing is, there were some that decided that the Dieties were lies, a wasted thing and they basically realized that our Deities had children, and they did really horrible things, and then they drank the blood of the Deities children. This turned them very evil, and by taking some of that unrealistically strong Powers for themselves, they forfeited their souls and were apparently cursed to wander the Earth and crave nothing but the blood of the Deities," Kuro rubbed his forehead and looked outside the window. "They soon became, Demons after that." With a glare, he stared at himself through the window. "One of the Blooded; they're the Deities kids, realized that these Demon's that would never stop hunting them, not even now. This was the Fire Blooded one, the cleverest and bravest, turned to the Deities most devoted followers and convinced them to let her grant them immortality in exchange for guarding them for the rest of time."

Kuro glanced over at them, turning his body to face them. "Those Guardians, I and the man you just saw and the lady Shark fought with are one of them. And Like I said before, Shark, is the decedent from the Water deity and Alethea is from the Earth. You've got powers, and those powers within you are being hunted down. There should be a total of about four Guardians, and about four Deities. I am sure you all will soon meet in due time." Kuro cleared his throat softly, he hasn't talked this much since his last deity. "To your question earlier Alethea. Neither of you can leave, if you try to even attempt leaving, you'd be highly punished in a very unpleasing way from your Guardian. As for you Shark, your Guardian goes by the name of Ashe, I'd watch it with her if I was you." Kuro opened the door and waited for the Blooded to fallow him. "Alethea, we will talk more later, but for now, you two should rest up. Alethea and I will take you to your room, Shark."

Image He had no care of what was being told to him, all he cared for is when he was being left alone. But when Kuro spoke his name, it made his heart quiver. How did he know my name? The look also made his blood shiver and his spine want to straighten. He bit the edge of his lip to keep back a growl of anger that boiled more inside him.

Shark looked over at Alethea, the room felt child, like a gust of wind had blown through, while Kuro kept on talking Shark kept his temper down. His attention caught up when he felt Kuro's seriousness grow stronger with each word he spoke to them. He hadn't realized that he had stopped breathing and when he took a breath, feeling light headed. Kuro had walked over to the door, standing tall, like a statue. Shark rose to his feet in a hurry, his chair knocked to the floor and he uneasily bent over to pick it up, he could feel the sweat slide down his cheek bone and over his nose landing on the floor. Kuro's self, bothered him and the more he felt himself hold back, the more he wanted to burst. The sooner he got away from him the better. With an awkward smile as he stared at the chair he walked over to Kuro, but never looked at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Alethea Woodward Character Portrait: Killian Character Portrait: Kuro Kumo Character Portrait: SHARK
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#, as written by Lorawr

"Layla, I'm completely serious. And you know I'm right. It feels right, doesn't it? You know who you are," Killian looked hurt as he moved on to answer her next question. His expression changed to one of genuine upset and sadness that she would even consider the thought. Killian looked at her once, letting her see the pained look in his eyes, before he arose and walked away. He looked out at the shrubbery, appearing to be collecting his thoughts and reigning in his emotion, keeping his back to the Blooded.

He made a show of taking a deep breath before replying, "Layla, I'm...I'm sorry if I ever gave you reason to question my loyalties. Last night, you came with me because I told you that you were in danger, and you trusted me. I do not know what happened overnight to give you such doubts, but I assure you, I would offer my life in order to save yours. Demons...The Demons of horrific creatures. They thirst for your blood an addict needs his fix. They are creatures of pure malice and greed and hate"

Abruptly, Killian spun on the spot to face Layla once more. His eyes burned with a righteous cobalt fire as he clapped his hands to his chest, and tugged at his shirt in desperation, "Layla...Do I look like I could ever hurt you? Like I could ever hurt anyone?"

Killian froze and then exhaled deeply. For a moment, the Demon wondered whether he was overplaying his little performance, but then he shrugged the idea off. The girl had just been told that she was a God...his over acting would probably be seen as normal. Killian turned his head aside and spoke to the ground, running a hand through his hair with frustration.

"If I was a Demon, I would have killed you by now, my lady," Killian said softly, formally before looking at her, "It is my job to teach you how to use your powers so that one day you might be able to protect yourself. We will begin your lessons as soon as you wish"



The word slipped from between her lips before she even realized that she had spoken. Alethea stood and pushed her chair back, her eyes burning with fury. She found that she didn't doubt a word that the dark haired man had said, despite the fairy tale nature of his story. It was ludicrous, but some part of her reeled, as though she had just remembered something incredibly important, that she hadn't even realized that she had forgotten. It felt right, but there was a threat hanging heavy on the air that Alethea couldn't ignore. He had said '...if you try to even attempt leaving, you'd be highly punished in a very unpleasing way from your Guardian...". And if he was her Guardian, then was he threatening her if she tried to leave? Alethea doubted it very much, but the thought angered her further, and she found herself standing.

"No. I'm going for a walk. I might try to go home," She glared at Kuro and then looked at Shark with careless eyes, "You can come too if you want," Alethea glanced back to her so called 'Guardian' and then continued, "And if you choose to punish me, then do so. I dare you"

Alethea hissed her last challenge through clenched teeth as she turned her back on the two men and walked out of the door they had entered by. She had never felt such anger in her life, but she knew that it was anger that was spurred on by undeniable fear. Alethea knew, without knowing why, that his story had truth in it. So she was one of the most powerful beings in the world? Sure. But she knew that if Kuro truly wanted to 'punish' her, she wouldn't be able to defend herself. Which was why Alethea didn't know why she challenged him. In that moment, as she stormed loudly through the halls of the house, Alethea swore that she would bow to no one.

A blast of cool air struck her from a nearby open window, and she paused. The windows in this hall, on the ground floor, stretched more or less from the floor to the ceiling. Biting her lip softly, Alethea went over and peered outside. It was only a short drop to the ground, and she was certainly small enough to get through the window, but she knew that as soon as she did, she was committing to an action that she might come to regret. But the anger in Alethea bubbled to the surface again, and she stopped caring. Planting a foot on the window sill, Alethea clambered clumsily through the window, before misjudging the fall and stumbling as she made the landing.

She was outside. Alethea inhaled the fresh, reassuring air and suddenly felt free. She wasn't sure how long it would be before someone came to find her, as they undoubtedly would, but for now, she was outside and unrestricted. Alethea smiled and stepped free of a red flowered bush that she had fallen in, before walking straight ahead with no idea where she was.