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Savannah Mayrse Lovelace

"Is everyone here a total ass"

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a character in “Salient Descendants”, as played by Simon_Lewis


Gender: Female
Star sign: Virgo

Description:Savannah has long wavy midnight black hair that people say it lookes like a nights sky she has have bright green eyes that even the darkest of darkness cant darken
Savannah sits at a slightly above average height. Savnnah is often found wearing long/short black boots dark denim skinny jeans and tight top genrally in black she atkes after her mother in the way that she is comfertable with her body and the way she looks.

looking pretty
killing demons
video games ( unfortunately she is not the greatest at them. the only one she wins at is just dance the one video game her dad can never beat her or her mum at)

bats savannah can not stand bats
being ignored
green jelly

a little scence to let you gte to know savnnah

why are people so mean about this Savannah thought to herself just because she was dating a warlock (echo) who may not be the smartest of the bunch but he was sure the-
"hey cutie" says echo
what good timning svannah thought to herself
echo walks over to savannah and in a matter of seconds they are fullon making out
"echo we are in the lving room needs to be editited

So begins...

Savannah Mayrse Lovelace's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace Character Portrait: Isabelle Lightwood Character Portrait: Echo Maxson
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Savannah sat silently in her room texting her boyfriend Echo she really liked him he was a warlock but sometimes she found he was a bit awkward to talk to.
Savannah heard a knock on her door.
"Echo? i thought you weren't getting here till 10?"
She looked over and she saw her mum Isabelle coming through the door
"who said anything about echo coming over ?" she said kind of sarcastically Savannah wasn't sure if she was joking though
"yeah he is gonna come over and we are going to talk and stuff"
"Talk and stuff?"
Isabelle went over and sat on Savannah's bed Savannah moved her feet and gave her mum a weird look
"no offensive Savannah but Echo is not the smartest warlock in the book so I don't think you will be doing much talking it will be more and stuff"
urghh Savannah thought here mum always knows exactly what she was thinking and up to 24/7 she hated it!
"what are you talking about we talk a lot more than we "do stuff"" Savannah said
Isabelle looked at Savannah and rolled her eyes
"Ok" said Isabelle getting up she walked over to the door and headed
"just remember to use protection Hun" she said almost yelling from halfway down the hallway
anyone could of heard that she thought Celine, Christopher even worse her brother
"how embarrassing" she said as she buried her face into her pillow


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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#, as written by catmint
Christopher Herondale

Ugh, glad I didn't have to hand around with that second rate Shadowhunter. 'Tristan' or whatever his name was.

Christopher shoved his hands into his pockets and continued to walk down the corridor before taking a left and going downstairs to the living area.

Why is it even called a living room? You just sit there all day and do nothing or play Call Of Duty if you're Uncle Simon. Should be called a dying room if anything.

He passed by the huge clock with Roman numerals surrounding the edged that hung outside the first floor's 'living room'. Ten already? He thought to himself. Guess time flies when you're having fun. He sneered, thinking back to his episode with Hazel. It faded quickly though, when he saw the replay of Alec's disappointed face in his head. Christopher liked Alec. He was quiet, minded his own business and was a great Shadowhunter. Definitely first rate. Not that he'd ever admit that he thought any of that.

Christopher shook his head, he'd get a headache if he dwelled upon such insignificant issues like this for too long. He was about to open the door to the living room when he heard whispers coming from inside. Christopher grinned mischievously and scrawled a Heightened Hearing rune on his left forearm.

He could hear Savannah and some boy, probably that dumbass of a boyfriend she has. What's his name again? Macho? Some shit like that. Remembering some crappy unintelligent warlock's name just wasn't worth Christopher's time.

"What did you tell your mother?" The warlock boy asked.

"I just told her we were going to talk...and stuff." Savannah's whiny obnoxious voice answered. Christopher almost laughed at her pathetic attempt at flirting but this as far too good to give away his position just yet.

"'And stuff'?" There was a chuckle and a shuffling noise, "What kind of stuff?"

" one ever uses this room...we could-"

Savannah's voice was cut off by...something. At least I don't have to hear that noise anymore.

Christopher waited a few seconds. Neither one of them were saying anything. Therefore, in the mind of Christopher Herondale, the logical thing to do would be to burst through the doors to see what was happening.

So that's exactly what he did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace Character Portrait: Echo Maxson
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Savannah heard a knock on her door she checked the time 10 pm exactly echo was never late
she opened the door to see his face smiling at her
"hey sexy" he said
Savannah giggled "right back at ya"
"did you manage to avoid my parents on the way up mum knows you were coming but dad would freak out so much that-"
Echo Cut of Savannah, "did you just say you told your mum I was coming don't your folks usually flip when you have me over?"
"well no my dad does but-"
Echo cut off Savannah again "what did you tell you mother?" asked Echo
"I just told her we were going to talk... and stuff."
"and stuff" Echo laughed, "what kind of stuff?"
"well...... no one ever uses this room .... we could-"
Echo leaned in and kissed her he was a great kisser he leaned in closer Echo was almost on top of her
All of a sudden the door burst open Savannah looked up it was Christopher he looked disgusted
"I couldn't hear you talking anymore so i thought-"
"so you thought you would just walk in?!"
"yeah he could have done something to you like stabbed you or something" he said gesturing towards Echo
"what the hell man I'm not a bad person just because you hate me you don't have to be-" said Echo
"I don't hate you"answered Christopher
"Christopher you clearly do why else would you walk in?! huh?!"
"I thought you were in trouble but no you were just being a slut nothing out of the ordinary"
"TAKE THAT BACK" yelled Savannah
"why everyone knows its true" he said smirking


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace Character Portrait: Isabelle Lightwood Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Simon Lovelace
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Isabelle was in the kitchen pouring a cup of juice taking a break from the confusing game of-
"Izzy hurry up your gonna be killed" Yelled Simon from upstairs
Isabelle sighed she still was very confused about this game
"coming" she yelled as she ran up the stairs into one of the many spare rooms she never understood why there was so many
"you took to long your dead now" said Simon not looking away from the game
"on no what a shame" said Isabelle not really that bothered
"I can see that your all cut up" he answered Isabelle sat down on the couch very bored
"simonnnnn?" she asked playing with his hair
"mmm" he said not taking his eyes off the screen
Isabelle sighed at the fact he paid her no attention ,
"do you think we could play a different game? I don't really like Duty of - I mean Call of Duty" she said
"mmm" he answering clearly not knowing what she said
"Cool thanks" she said playing a kiss on his forehead Isabelle jumped up and took the disk out of the game thing she didn't really know what it was called
"HEY!" he yelled, "WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?"
"you said mmm"
"you said mmm when I asked i could pick a game so we are going to playyyy-"
"no what?! Isabelle put it back on" he said jumping up
"no" she giggled putting another disc into the game thing
"Fine what lame game are we playing now?" he asked sitting back down
"Just dance 3"she said smiling
"Isabelle you have no taste in game the only reason we have that game is-"
"is because I like it" she said cutting of Simon , " now get up lazy bum and dance"
Isabelle was up there thrashing Simon at Just dance
"this game sucks" he said collapsing on the couch
"only because you cant beat me" said Isabelle sitting down next to Simon
"thats not true"
Isabelle looked up and saw Savannah walk past the door
"Savannah sweetie does your father suck at just dance or what"
"I don't really give a shit mum" she said storming off down the hallway
Isabelle stood up and looked down at Simon
"do you know whats up with her?" she asked
"not a clue"
Isabelle got up and walked down the hall instead of finding Savannah she saw Finn storming down the hallway
"Finn whats up with your sister?" she asked grabbing him by the shoulder
"how am I supposed to know?" he said not turning around
"Finn I was just asking"
"yeah well I know nothing about girls" he said turning around Isabelle looked up at him and saw bright blond hair
"Finn what did you do to your hair?1"
he didn't answer he just walked off down the hall murmuring something to himself
Isabelle walked back to the spare room and sat down on the couch
"so whats up with Savannah" asked Simon
Isabelle didn't answer but instead said, "Finn has blond hair and knows nothing about girls"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace Character Portrait: Echo Maxson
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Savnnah sighed as she had just yelled at christopher
"woh what an ass" Said echo, "anway where were we?' siad echo trying to continue where they left off
"no echo i think you should just go" said savnnah digging her fingers through her hair
"what you;re going to let that asshole get to you........come on baby" he said pulling savannah closer to him
"fine go hang out with christopher then you clearly want him more"
"NO i fucking don't echo serisouly just leave"
"why you will just go hang out with him"
"WHAT! WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM you know what no... no ..... im done goodbye echo you better not be here when i get back"
Savannah went to leave grabbing the doorknob to leave when she felt echo grab her from behind Savannah grabbed his wrist and swung him pinning him to the ground.
"woh babe-
"DON'T EVER! i reapat ever call me babe again it's over echo... get out of my house!.......NOW!"
Echo picks himself up off the floor and grabs his jacket and starts to leave he is halfway out the door
"you know what you two deserve each other"
"Really so cliche" Savannah says rolling her eyes
"bitch" echo mutters under his breath
Savnnah picks up the closest thing to her and pelts it at him but it's to late he had already left
Savannah thought to herself fucking Christopher Savannah was madder than she had ever been before what gave him the right to storm into her room because of him she had just broken up with her boyfriend

Savannah stormed out of her room kicking things on the way down the hallway all she wanted to do was slap the living ba Jesus out of him. Ba Jesus was a phrase she learnt from the mundanes Jesus to them was like their version of say Raziel.
As Savannah was walking she saw her mum coming out of a room she couldn't deal with her right now

"Savannah sweetie does your father suck at just dance or what"
"I don't really give a shit mum" said Savannah not even turning around to look her mother in the eye
Savannah could picture her mothers face and she knew that she would have to talk about it later sigh but that didn't matter
Savannah pulled out her stele and activated her rune onto her arm ouch she knew that Christopher being Christopher was probably sooking about this somewhere or being extremely cocky about it so she knew he would be making soem sort of lame noise
Watch out Christopher I'm coming for you


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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#, as written by catmint

Despite the fact that the air conditioning was on its coldest setting, Christopher still swiped the back of his hand against his sticky forehead. The sweat clung to his fiery hair dripped onto his face but he spun gracefully and flung another dagger at a target. He could feel the calloused skin on his palms beginning to split from gripping the handles of the blades so hard but he did not stop.

Christopher jerked his head, flicking the wet hair from his face and headed towards the target. There were exactly twelve knives lodged viciously around the centre, none further away than the second-to-middle ring.

Not good enough.

Christopher wrenched the knife furthest from the centre out of the target and scowled at it in frustration before shoving it into his belt. He had collected three blades before he heard the door swing open. He spared a glance in the direction of the noise and was almost surprised to see Savannah storming towards him, vengeance burning in her eyes.

If it had been anyone else she might have looked close to scary.

Christopher turned and opened his mouth to blurt out some offensive, yet witty remark but was met with a smack and then blinding pain shooting through the left side of his face.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed, reaching up to touch his face, "Holy shit! You crazy bit-"


The door swung shut with a deafening bang and Savannah was gone.

Christopher spat in disgust and red liquid splattered into the floor. He took his hand away from his cheek and watched in detached wonderment as crimson dribbled between his fingers. He's be surprised if that wasn't a fractured cheek bone.

He was mad. So, so mad. But, in the back of his mind, he also thought, That was an impressive hit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Herondale Character Portrait: Celine Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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Savannah after opening a few to many doors and seeing things she wish she could unsee and hearing things that she was sure the people hoped no one else would ever hear as she struggled to find Christopher the rage inside her was building up inside her.
Savannah heard grunts coming from the training which she could only assume were from Christopher on the account of how cocky they sounded
She started to plan inside her head of how she was going to do it yell at him try and talk some sense into him tell him what happened after he left but she decided against it she stormed in the room and saw his idiotic smirk
Savannah swung her fist at Christopher as hard as she could she felt the crack of his jaw under her hand
Savannah swung her hair and stormed out that felt so good ... why did that feel so good. Savannah stated to head down the hall and felt her hand thumping the adrenaline of her hit had worn of and she now felt it. In her rage Savannah had forgot her form he technique and had dislocated her wrist
she carried her wrist down the stairs and eventually found herself in the kitchen why was she in the kitchen she thought to herself
she stood up onto her tippy toes and grabbed a glass from the top cupboard
and poured herself a glass of water and went and sat at the table.
why did i slap Christopher
Savannah thought she knew this would make for one awkward conversation with Christopher later on. why did he always have to do things like this.She always complicated things she was such a drama queen. Savannah knew this had to stop. she hated this about herself. If she didn't stop doing things like this she was going to ruin things between her and everyone in the institute damn. Maybe not the whole institute she thought but maybe just the herondales
Savannah slammed her head against the table again ana again that it starts to give her a headache
"hi..." says a quiet voice behind her
Savannah turns around oh god a herondale


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celine Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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#, as written by catmint

A stack of books toppled over and scattered in a heap on the floor. Celine sighed and shoved them all against a wall. She loved her books but sometime they were a nuisance. She rummaged though a shelf until she recovered a black sketchpad from the deep depths of dust and despair. A small spider scuttled across the cover and Celine allowed it to crawl onto her finger. She placed the arachnid gently on a shelf so it wouldn't get crushed or lost amongst the tens of thousands of pages in her personal library.

Celine carried the neglected sketchpad back to her unmade bed and flopped down onto it. She felt around the folds of the blankets for pencils and pens that had fallen victim to the stormy seas of bed sheets and recovered a handful of lost souls. She clambered into the corner of the bed that pressed against her wall and curled into a ball, pulling her grey hoodie over her legs. She placed the book on her knees. She had loads of these books buried between the dusty novels on her shelves; some filled with runes and others with more... unconventional sketches. She flipped through the pages, little clouds of dust floating from between them. She caught glimpses of charcoal cheekbones and penciled eyes that stared back at her as if he was really looking...

Celine slammed the book shut as her stomach churned. She had lost her appetite for art, but the rumbling from her abdomen told her that her hunger was running a bit wild. She shoved the book and pencils under her pillow and quietly pottered to her door, pulling her hood over her head.

She opened it only a crack, just so she could peer out. No one was there. Her stomach growled again.

Okay, okay, we are going to get food just chill out.

Celine crept out her door, shutting it with only a slight click behind her and hurried in the direction of the kitchen.

Celine wandered into the the kitchen, glancing around and noticing Savannah. Her head was resting on the table and one of her wrists looked like it was twisted at a weird angle.

Oh Raziel, I have to say something. SHe'll think I'm weird if I come in her and just help myself to food without saying anything.

Celine fumbled with the ring on her left hand anxiously, she opened her mouth to speak, thought better of it, almost left the room and then finally whispered, "Hi."

"Hey." Savannah replied after a moment of hesitation.

There was an awkward silence.

Celine felt her cheeks growing red with embarrassment but her stomach gurgled hungrily so she looked at the floor and trudged towards the cabinet where the muesli was usually kept.

Unfortunately, there was none there.

"Uh, I think Clary ate it all." Savannah said from across the room.

Celine froze up; social interaction with other people was not exactly her best skill.

"Oh, uh... um, thankyou." Celine muttered.

Savannah smiled a little.

Celine's eyes flickered to Savannah's wrist. "Um... What happened to your hand?"

"Oh, just don't worry about it, it's nothing really."

Celine nodded slowly, despite knowing that it was most definitely not "nothing really".

"Do you want to sit?" Asked Savannah.


"Do you want to sit down? Here. At the table?"

Celine hesitated. She considered just leaving. Going back to her room and back to her books and warm bed but then again, what did she have to lose? She cautiously approached the table and took a seat across from Savannah.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Herondale Character Portrait: Celine Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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#, as written by catmint

Christopher hissed in pain as he drew an Iratze into his forearm. Hopefully that would heal his fractured cheek bone and stop the blood from getting all over his clothes. Shadowhunting could be a messy business sometimes. Honestly, that good for nothing Lightwood was so infuriating.

Someone had to teach her a lesson.

Christopher shoved his stele into his belt and cracked his knuckles; this was going to be fun.

He found Savannah wandering the corridors, chatting with Celine, who looked surprisingly at ease.

"Hey, you." Christopher growled.

Celine looked up, her eyes wide. He knew that his sister was well aware that he wouldn't let this thing with Savannah go until she gave in. He smirked at her and shrugged. You know I can't help it, Sis.

Savannah scowled at him. "Ugh. What do you want Christopher?"

Christopher grinned menacingly at her, "We have some unfinished business, do we not?" Celine shrunk back and started backing down the corridor.

Savannah rolled her eyes. "Christopher, I'm not going to fight with you."

"Well that just makes it easier for me, doesn't it."

By this point Celine had disappeared around the corner from whence she came, clearly not wanting anything to do with whatever feud Savannah and Christopher had gotten themselves into.

Savannah sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

Christopher stepped towards her until their noses were mere inches apart. He grit his teeth, "You smashed up my face. A lot of girls would be very angry if they found out that you'd damaged this."

"Is that supposed to be a threat? Look, I'm going to go." Savannah turned to leave.

"Hey! I'm not done with you!" Christopher reached out and harshly grabbed Savannah's wrist.

"Argh!" She yelped, pulling her arm away. She turned to look at Christopher. There was a scowl etched on her face but Christopher could have sworn that. for just a second, he saw her eyes glisten with tears.

"Are you hurt?" He asked suddenly, not even thinking about the words coming from his mouth.

Silence. The two of them just stared at each other for a moment.

Christopher suddenly snapped back to reality, "Serves you right for busting up my face." He turned and stalked away without another word.