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Bryony Auguste

"I shouldn't even be here. Being wanted is not a crime."

0 · 723 views · located in New Tides Home of Rehabilitation

a character in “Save Me From Myself”, as played by desire99600



❝My lips are the gun, my smile is the trigger, my kisses are the bullets, baby, label me a killer.❞

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❝The Basics❞

| Full Name |
"My parents thought I was going to be a boy at first, so they had the name all picked out. I was supposed to be Bryon, so they just changed it to make it a more girly name." Bryony Jay Auguste [ Brye - ahn - ee | Jay | Aw - gust ]

| Nickname |
"My entire life, people have been coming up with dumb nicknames for me. Guess it's fun." Bryony loves her name. It's girly and boyish at the same time, just like her. It's strange, yet pretty, again, just like her. She thinks it fits her well, and there are about a million ways you can shorten it. As such, every since she was little, people have been giving her cute pet names, just because it's fun. Some common nicknames are Bri, Bryon, Bry, and B. Some of the more fun names are names like Bry-bear, Bri-Bunny, Bri-Bri, BB, or Bri-Babe. Honestly, she doesn't really care what you call her as long as it's not totally stupid.

| Age |
"I don't even know why I'm here. It's totally legal." Eighteen years-old.

|Sexuality |
"I get around." Bry has experimented, but she tends to like men more so she considers herself to be straight.

| Sex |
"Yes please."" Female.

| Role |
"I shouldn't be here." Girl 4

❝The Disguise❞

Image| Eye color |
"I'm not sure how you would describe them..." Bri's eyes are a bright hazel-green color. In some lights, they lean more towards being green, in others, they're more hazel. It really depends on where she is. If she'd outside, they seem to be more green, however, when she's inside, they tend to be hazel.

| Hair color |
"I like my hair." Bryon's hair is a bright, golden blonde. It's a darker blonde near the roots, at the top, and then slowly, it fades into a bright, almost platinum blonde at the bottom. Many people believe she dyed it this way, but it is actually completely natural, and she loves it. Her hair is also extremely long, swinging all the way down to her hips in golden tresses. She's extremely fond of her hair, and always keeps it in good condition.

| Skin tone |
"I guess you could say I'm pale, but I tan easily, so you win some, you lose some I guess." Bryon's skin is quite pale. It's a creamy peach color, with slightly blushed cheeks. Despite her paleness though, she actually tans quite easily, and doesn't really burn, so she could stand outside for less than an hour and come in golden brown.

| Height & Weight |
"You know you want it." Bryon is small, but curved. She's not very tall, standing at a height of 5' 6", and she's very slender, meaning that she only weights about 102 lbs, but despite her small size, she's well curved, with a shorter torso and long legs.

| Distinct Markings |
"I like tattoos." When it comes to tattoos and piercings, Bry has quite a few. She had three tattoos, and a variety of piercings. Her first tattoo is actually a double tattoo, it sits on the insides of both her wrists. Her left wrist reads: "Will you crumble?" And her right wrist reads: "Or will you conquer?"Her second tattoo is a quote that sits on her ribs. Her final tattoo sits on her hip. When it domes to piercings, she has quite a few. Bryon has her belly button pierced, as well as the hip without the rose tattoo pierced three times. She also has a triple helix and it pierced all the way up. Her other ear has one lobe piercing, a single helix, and five cartilage piercings. Finally, she also has her right collarbone pierced.

❝Getting to know me❞

| Likes |
"I like a lot of things, but let's face it. If I don't like you- you're fucked."
♥ Sex
♥ Dogs
♥ Power
♥ A good fight
♥ Flirting & teasing
♥ Looking good
♥ Being in control
♥ Parties & drinking
♥ Chocolate
♥ Wine & champagne
♥ Getting what she wants
♥ Sarcasm
♥ Winning
♥ Attention
♥ Fast cars
♥ Bad boys
♥ Attention
♥ Having the freedom to do what she wants
♥ Touching
♥ Praise
♥ Succeeding
♥ Weekends
♥ Beaches

| Dislikes |
"Baby, let me give you some advice. Don't get on my bad side."
✖ Being controlled
✖ Crowds
✖ Annoying people
✖ Needy people
✖ Being wrong
✖ Cats
✖ Storms
✖ Being used
✖ Being ignored
✖ Clingly people
✖ Rules
✖ Being told what to do
✖ Emotional people
✖ Weak people
✖ Her past
✖ Answering questions
✖ Being looked down on
✖ Loneliness, though she excludes herself
✖ Taking orders
✖ Being pestered/nagged
✖ Whiny people
✖ Girls, she doesn't get along well with her sex
✖ Healthy food
✖ Thunderstorms

| Fears |
☠ Falling in love
☠ Getting hurt
☠ Thunderstorms
☠ Being alone forever
☠ Small places

❝Delve a little deeper❞

| Personality |
Insecure [ in-si-kyoor ]

1. Subject to fears, doubts, etc.; not self-confident or assured
2. Not confident or certain; uneasy; anxious
3. Not secure
4. Not firmly or reliably placed or fastened

"I'm good at hiding my emotions." Upon first meeting Bryony, you get an impression of confidence. She's a beautiful girl, and carries herself with pride. She prides herself on personal appearance, and can make anyone laugh. She's cool, collected, put-together, and beautiful. Bry carries herself with a slow grace, always works towards perfection.

Bryony is a huge flirt, and has impeccable charm. She's the kind of girl who can keep up a sparkling conversation, and always seems to have the right thing to say. She never seems to have slip-ups, at least not in public. She's had to charm her way through life, using her beauty to get what she wants, to the point where she has absolutely no problem doing things other women would consider shocking or vulgar. Ever since she was a little girl, she's been taught that anything short of perfect is unacceptable, and it's okay to do whatever you have to in order to get there. As such, she's incredibly motivated and determined. She's got as much willpower as an ox has strength. She's the perfect seductress, with a silver tongue and dangerous whit. She's obsessed with men and having her way. She wants approval. Want's confirmation that she's beautiful, so she preys on men like a spider on a fly.

Bryon also tends to shut people out. She hates attachments, and very rarely let's herself grow close to people. She uses them to get what she wants, and tosses them away. They're disposable. Because she's young and pretty, she dates a lot, though she never commits to a relationship. Every week she has a new man, and if one of them wants to come back to her, they're welcome, but they have to be aware that she could leave at any moment.

All of this seclusion though is only to hide something else. Her immense insecurity. On the outside, she portrays this charming, beautiful, confidant woman, but on the inside she's a mess. Ever since she was little, she's been under huge pressure to be perfect. She's always been told she wasn't good enough. So, on the inside, all her flirting and charm is just a way to get people to notice and accept her. She needs acceptance, and approval of others, or she falls apart. She's strong and determined, but she's also delicate. Should someone say the wrong thing, she would fall apart. Never in public, in public, she would simply shrug it off, but later, when alone, she would sit before the mirror and cry, or work to improve herself to the point of delirium.

She's good at keeping her emotions under lock-and-key, making sure to always keep the expression required for the situation, but on the inside, she's hopelessly insecure.

❝Welcome to my life❞

| History |
"Ever since I was a little girl, I've been told that beauty is everything." Bryon was born to a woman named Regina. Her father had been a married celebrity, and her mother was his mistress. Regina was hopelessly poor, but shockingly beautiful. She could have any man she wanted and she knew it. When her father saw her, he knew she had to be his, but the only problem was his marriage. She told him she was willing to have an affair on one condition. He make her rich.

So he did. He showered her in lavish gifts, and bought her a home just shy of a palace. No one knew about the two of them, and her mother lived happily as his mistress for years. She never truly loved him. Even told Bryon that personally. She'd only wanted his money. She loved what he'd made her, not who he was.

Three years into the affair, Regina got pregnant with Bry, and became scared. She told her father, thinking that he would help her, but the exact opposite happened. He was afraid too. Afraid of people finding out about the two of them. So he made up a lie about Regina, and planted some of his wife's pearls in her home, then accused her of stealing them.

Afraid, Regina ran, leaving the state, and everything she had there behind. In her new home, Regina became poor again, and couldn't stand it. She was greedy, and selfish, and believed that the life of a worker was not her birthright. However, with a child, men no longer wanted her, and she was growing older, and her beauty was fading.

With no man to bring home money, Regina was also homeless, and rarely ate. She got a job as a maid in a local hotel after her daughter was born.

She'd had everything taken from her but one thing. Bryony. Her daughter was the only thing she had left in the world, and Regina saw an opportunity in the girl. She wanted the girl to have a good life. To live lavishly, like a Queen.

So she raised her with the idea that anything short of perfection wasn't good enough. In order to be happy, she had to live in a mansion, living the life of luxury. Her mother instilled a love of luxurious things in Bryon from a young age, and, ever since she was little, she's been told that she wasn't good enough. She always had to be perfect, always had to be charming, funny, ect. As she grew, her mother saw that Bry had inherited her immense beauty, and was delighted, figuring that that was her daughters shot. Beauty and attention became the most important thing in Bry's life, and her mother became almost deranged with the dream she had in her head, pushing her daughter far too hard, hitting her if her face wasn't clean enough, making her sleep in the hotel lobby if her hair wasn't brushed soft enough. Bry grew to hate her mother, but still, the principals she'd been raised by were too deeply ingrained in her for her to deny them.

At seventeen, Bryon's mother died suddenly of a heart attack, and B was taken to the local orphanage, seeing as she had no living family. There, the staff soon realized that Bryon was a sex addict, and sent her away to New Tides Home of Rehabilitation.

| Disorder |
"Being wanted is not a crime." Sex addict.

❝Theme Song❞


Carmen - Lana Del Ray
Darling, darling, doesn't have a problem
Lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf
It's alarming honestly how charming she can be
Fooling everyone, telling them she's having fun

She says you don't want to be like me
Don't wanna see all the things I've seen
I'm dying, I'm dying
She says you don't want to get this way
Famous and dumb at an early age
Lying, I’m lying

The boys, the girls, they all like Carmen
She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes
She laughs like god, her mind's like a diamond
Audio tune lies, she's still shining
Like lightning, ohh, like lightning

Carmen, Carmen, staying up til morning
Only seventeen, but she walks the streets so mean
It's alarming truly how disarming you can be
Eating soft ice cream
Coney Island Queen

She says you don't want to be like me
Looking for fun, getting high for free
I'm dying, I'm dying
She says you don't want to get this way
Street walk at night, and a star by day
It's tiring, tiring

The boys, the girls, they all like Carmen
She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes
She laughs like god, her mind's like a diamond
Audio tune lies, she's still shining
Like lightning, ohh, like lightning

Baby's all dressed up with nowhere to go
That's the little story of the girl you know
Relying on the kindness of strangers
Tying cherry knots, smiling, doing party favors
Put your red dress on, put your lipstick on
Sing your song, song, now the camera's on
And you're alive again

Mon amour, je sais que tu m'aimes aussi
Tu as besoin de moi
Tu as besoin de moi dans ta vie
Tu ne peux plus vivre sans moi
Et je mourrais sans toi
Je tuerais pour toi

The boys, the girls, they all like Carmen
She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes
She laughs like god, her mind's like a diamond
Audio tune lies, she's still shining
Like lightning, ohh, like lightning

Like lightning, ohh, like lightning

Darling, darling, doesn't have a problem
Lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf


So begins...

Bryony Auguste's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Nicholas Character Portrait: Anthony "Oz" Ozimek Character Portrait: Bryony Auguste Character Portrait: Elliot Stark Character Portrait: Pandora Rosaline Character Portrait: Ashley Sherman
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Sighing loudly, Ash threw her bags down onto the small, four poster bed in the white washed room. She didn't know what possessed her to come to New Tides, but she suspected it had something to do with her best friends constant nagging about the numerous scars up her porcelain arms, old and new. There was another bed on the opposite side of the room, and from what she had gathered at check in she would be rooming with a man. Since when was rehab co-ed? , she had asked, only to get a lengthy, unhelpful reply from the rude desk worker.

Running a hand over her messy, blue hair she flopped down onto her bed and opened her suit case, pulling out one of the juices she had managed to smuggle in and opening it, ah took a long gulp and stared at the ceiling. The only thing left to do now was wait and see who the guy was, and who the other people that were checked into the rehab facility were. She hoped to god that they were nice, especially her roommate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bryony Auguste
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Sunshine shone down on Bryony through the tinted windows of the tiny black car she was in. She had her forehead pressed to the cool window's surface, with her neck tilted at an awkward angle, so she could look up at the fluffy white clouds as they passed her by without a care in the world. I wish I could be a cloud. She thought as she breathed on the window and drew small shapes in the fog created. "What's the name of this place again?" She asked, pulling her attention away from the window, and back to the present.

"New Tides Rehabilitation." Her driver, whoever he was, responded, and she rolled her eyes and leaned back against the leather seat. She didn't need rehab. Using her beauty to her benefit was not a crime. If these people had only met her mother, then they would see. They would see what true crazy was. I shouldn't even have to do this. She thought to herself as she went back to leaning on the window. She was eighteen. Legally, the orphanage shouldn't be allowed to hold her anymore, but, they'd spoken with the law about their concern for her... "condition" and they'd told her that she could not have her freedom until this New Tides place released her, stating that she'd been "fixed."

Bryon watched as a building came into view, blocking out her view of the clouds. They'd arrived. She bit her lip and stepped out of the car daintily, looking up at the building, taking in her new home.

Her long, golden hair glinted in the sunlight, but that was she only thing bright about this girl, for she was wearing all black, as she had been for a year now. It wasn't a gothic thing, or that she thought black was slimming. She really didn't even like the color, as it was too dull. It was a mourning thing. She was mourning the loss of her mother. The loss of her old life and the beginning of this new, terrible one. Her mother and her had had a sketchy relationship, but she was still the only mother Bryon had ever known. The only bit of color on the girl where her shoes, hot pink ballet flats. She was wearing a black lace dress with an open back, and a black belt around the middle, with a black cross necklace, and a black lace flower clipped to her golden hair.

Her driver came up behind her and cleared his throat. "It looks so... Gloomy." She stated dully as she turned towards him and grabbed her bag in his hands. He turned, ready to let go, but Bryony wouldn't let him. "Please." She whispered, tugging him close. "Please take me out of here. I'll do anything you want." But he only shook his head and scurried away, head down.

A common reaction. People always treated her like she was crazy, but Bri knew she wasn't. She shouldn't be at New Tides. New Tides was for people with drinking problems, and thoughts of suicides, not girls like her. The only thing she ever did was have a good time.

With a sigh, she made her way into the building. Inside, a guard had to go through her bag, as well as her person to make sure she was not containing any harmful objects, not only to the other inhabitants, but to herself. She smiled when his hands grazed over her, arms out. "Lingering a little long there buddy?" She smirked as she took her bag back from him and moved on, heading to the room number written on a piece of paper.

Once there, she pushed the door open to find the room empty. Completely empty. The walls were white, it was small, and there wasn't much in it save for two beds, meaning she'd have a roommate. Great. Someone else's shit, in this already small space. A depressing scene. She sighed and went in, not bothering to close the door, she tossed her bag on her bed and dropped her face into her hands with a groan. Why was she here?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bryony Auguste
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Nicholas sighed exasperatedly as he was escorted into the building, blowing a piece of honey-colored hair out of his face.

"Hey buddy? Where'd you go wrong in school to be escorting my ass around?" he laughed at the guard, but instantly became angered when he didn't get a response.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" he growled, poking the guard in the shoulder.

The bigger man took hold of Nick's hand and said, "Look kid, you'd better quit while you're ahead."

Nick growled deep in his throat as the man opened up the door to his room and thrust him into it, slamming the door behind him. With a yell, the blonde punched the door, then threw himself down onto the bed screaming loudly. He flopped around and clawed at his face for a few minutes before he calmed down and hugged the pillow to his chest, breathing heavily.

I don't have a problem he thought, feeling a sob wrack through his body. He wouldn't last in here, he was sure of it, he would snap and it would end badly.

He didn't realize that there was a girl on the bed across from him until he had had his tantrum, but when he did he smiled sheepishly and said "Sorry about that doll, name's Nick."