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Elli Maxwell

"I just have to be just don't understand" [WIP]

0 · 389 views · located in New Tides Home of Rehabilitation

a character in “Save Me From Myself”, as played by Echo_Rose



"My mother really dislikes my name, my father picked it out and was able to name me because my mother got to pick my brothers names"
Elli Raelin Maxwell

"You really can't shorten my name"
She likes to be called by Elli, not too much a fan of nicknames



"I don't have a problem.."


"I got my height from my father"
Five feet eight inches

"I just need to lose a few more, you just don't understand!"
Ninety six pounds

::Hair Color::
Brown with light brown highlights

::Eye Color::
Baby blue


"Everyone has at least a few things they really enjoy"
★Playing the piano
★Being alone
★Memories of her father
★Girls "Please keep this to yourself, no one knows"


So begins...

Elli Maxwell's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Nicholas Character Portrait: Anthony "Oz" Ozimek Character Portrait: Bryony Auguste Character Portrait: Elliot Stark Character Portrait: Pandora Rosaline Character Portrait: Ashley Sherman
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Sighing loudly, Ash threw her bags down onto the small, four poster bed in the white washed room. She didn't know what possessed her to come to New Tides, but she suspected it had something to do with her best friends constant nagging about the numerous scars up her porcelain arms, old and new. There was another bed on the opposite side of the room, and from what she had gathered at check in she would be rooming with a man. Since when was rehab co-ed? , she had asked, only to get a lengthy, unhelpful reply from the rude desk worker.

Running a hand over her messy, blue hair she flopped down onto her bed and opened her suit case, pulling out one of the juices she had managed to smuggle in and opening it, ah took a long gulp and stared at the ceiling. The only thing left to do now was wait and see who the guy was, and who the other people that were checked into the rehab facility were. She hoped to god that they were nice, especially her roommate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pandora Rosaline Character Portrait: Elli Maxwell
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Pandora looked around as she strolled down the small narrow corridor; she had expected some people around but failed to see any along her way, though she realized that perhaps some were already in their rooms while others had yet to arrive. It didn’t take much for her to find an empty room, plus as she walked inside, she noticed another bed opposite to hers so expected a roommate. From what she read, her roommate would be a female. Not that she cared either way.

As she gently let her small suitcase collapse onto the bunk, she herself settled down, jumping up and down softly, as some blonde curls tumbled forwards onto her eyes; she blew on the strands repeatedly before giving up. Maybe this
whole ‘rehabilitation’ thing wasn’t such a bad idea. Though she must admit, her drinking was not a problem. Possibly the problem was when she was drunk, but the alcohol itself wasn’t that bad, after all, there were millions around the world who had it worse than her.

Skimming around the room, she found herself release an annoyed moan, the room was quite bland and dull. It looked more like a prison, but she had to admit, the beds were pretty larger than she had first expected and this whole situation was to get ‘better’ not as a vacation trip. ”Though I would love to be partying it out in Ibiza.” She chuckled to herself, as much as she loved to drink, surprisingly she only drank to become more normal around social situation, she herself was pretty quiet and mellow though a drink wouldn’t harm her to change. Well, that’s what she thought in the beginning.

Finally resting her eyes back at the door, she wondered when her roommate would come. Hopefully they would get on well with each other; after all, it would be a very long stay and being enemies with your roommate didn’t exactly sound like fun. Clicking her knuckles softly, she fell onto her back and took a deep breath in before releasing it out loudly. It’s going to be a long stay She thought as she closed her eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pandora Rosaline Character Portrait: Elli Maxwell
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The machines beside her beeped, telling everyone in the room that she still had a heartbeat. Elli did not want to open her eyes, she didn't understand why she had a tube down her throst. She didn't have a problem. Her twin brother, Nathan, sat beside her bed and held her hand, for the last three days hes been beside her in the hospital, even at night he would pull up a cot next to her bed. Mother only came by twice, she had much more inportant things to take care of then her daughter. Her mother didn't understand that what she was doing, she was trying to be perfect for her mother.

She was awoken when the doctor came in, Nathan squeezed her hand gently and Elli just gave him a small smile. She hasn't talked once since being in the hospital, all the question they asled were unanswered as she laid there barely awake. They keep on telling her that she was lucky to still be alive but really was she lucky? Doctor Roberts stood in front of her bed and gave her what might have been considered a reassuring smile "good news Elli you will be getting out of here today, we spoke with your mother over the phone and she agreed that you are still not well enough to go back home". She looked at Nathan and he just gave her a knowing look "Its okay Elli, you just need a little more help".

Doctor Roberts went on to tell her about New Tides Rehabilation, after she was done a nurse came in and unhooked all the machines that were connected to her and took out the feeding tube. Her throat felt raw, she did not like the feeling at all. Her brother already packed a bag of clothes for her, she was able to get dressed before she went there. She put on a pair of sweatpants that were big for her, a tshirt, and a zipped up hoodie, which she put the hood up. Her brother had to say goodbye to her there because they would be transfering her by ambulance.

"I love you Elli-Bean, I will come to visit when I can"

"Nathan..I..I don't want to go...I am fine, there is nothing wrong with me" her voice was hoarse and scratchy as she spoke.

Nathan shook his head and pulled his sister in for a hug, the girl was just skin and bones, there was hardly anything left of her. He didn't know what else to say so he gave her a kiss on the forehead then the EMat crew took her to the ambulance.

The drive was about a twenty minute drive, once there she was escorted into the building and one of the staff took over. She watched the doora behind her close and she knew now her freedom was taken feom her. She looked at the female staff member who introduced herself as Megan, the woman was rambling on about something, probably the rules, but she wasn't listening. A guard then took hee things and had to go through her bag while Megan searched her. Once they were done Mengan took her down a hallway and to her room.

Once they were there Megan left, she hesitantly pushed the door opened and looked inside. The room was pretty bland but that was not what she noticed first, what she noticed was the blonde sitting on one of the beds. Megan said she would have a roommate, that everyone was paired with someone. She walked in and set her bag on the bed, she was already feeling a bit tired, lately she wasn't able to do a lot of things and mostly was found sleeping. She sat down on the empty bed and looked at the girl across from her.

"Hello..Im Elli" her voice was still a little hoarse as she spoke, she was unsure of what to say. She still didn't think she was suppose to be here but at this point she had no choice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pandora Rosaline Character Portrait: Elli Maxwell
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Pandora sighed gently as she kept her eyes closed. Something about how getting treatment felt weird, in a way she didn’t exactly care that she as here. Her parents showed no further interest in how she lived her life nor gave her life any acknowledgement, though she was happier that she got to finally be away from them and him. A shiver ran down her spine as she thought about him. Somehow pushing him away from her mind simply lead her to think more about her childhood.

”I could use a vodka shot right about now.” She mumbled to herself, feeling a headache form. As she ran her delicate painted orange fingers through her hair, she ended up massaging her temples for a moment or two before settling her hands down to her sides. When she first heard about being admit to the facility, it was from a letter written by their family lawyer, stating that if she still considered being a member of the Rosaline, she had to attend this rehabilitation facility otherwise she would be classed as an outcast. Not that I care, I’m already one. She thought to herself as she felt the corners of her lips perk up into a tiny smile.

Not realizing that someone had already walked into the room and settled down onto the bed, she turned so that she now lay on her side. It was only when the girl spoke, "Hello...I’m Elli" that she slowly reopened her caramel eyes to look directly at her. Blinking under her large lashes, she stretched a bit as she sat up, rubbing her eyes from the imaginary sleep dust.

“Oh, hello, my name is Pandora; it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She smiled brightly at her, her sunglasses still perched on her head. Her favourite accessory, though probably because she had a tendency to get drunk and then have a painful hangover.