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Elliot Stark

0 · 532 views · located in New Tides Home of Rehabilitation

a character in “Save Me From Myself”, as played by bandgeek


E L L I O T word S T A R K

Name| "Eli, if I like you."
Elliot Stark

Age| "Isn't that a bit rude?"

Gender| "Imbecile..."

Appearance| "Well, what do I look like to you?"
Elliot has dark brown hair. It is not usually styled anyway, he simply wakes up and runs his fingers through it, leaving it messy in an adorable sort of way. But anyways, isn't very long, so really there isn't much to worry about. Elliot's eyes are a deep chocolate colour. The base color is a dark brown, with light browns mixed into the color. Another strange effect is the specks of gold in his eyes, it is something most people used to stare and ask questions about so his mother eventually bought him contacts that were just brown. Though he does not wear them anymore. Hunter has a long torso, and long legs. You can clearly see every muscle on his stomach and torso, usually even with a tighter shirt on.

He stands at about five foot, eight inches with a hundred and thirty seven pounds on him.

His normal attire consists of darker clothing. Old band tee shirts[The Beatles, KISS, Led Zeppelin, etc.], polo shirts, solids, button downs, and even a few muscle tees. Though the only pants he usually wears are black or grey skinny jeans and occasionally basketball shorts, though they aren't preferred.

Personality| "Spend a day with me, you'll see."
Elliot's primary mode of living is focused internally, where he takes things in primarily via intuition. His secondary mode is external, where he deals with things according to how he feels about them, or how they fit with his personal value system. You could call him the "mature" one, depending on his mood.

He is rather complex, a highly intuitive individual. Artistic and creative, he lives in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities.

Eli places great importance on having things orderly and systematic in his outer world. He puts a lot of energy into identifying the best system for getting things done. On the other hand, he operates within himself on an intuitive basis which is entirely spontaneous. He knows things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand. He is usually right though, and he usually knows it. Consequently, Eli puts a tremendous amount of faith into his instincts and intuitions. This is something of a conflict between the inner and outer worlds, and may result in him not being as organized as others tend to be. Or we may see some signs of disarray in an otherwise orderly tendency, such as a consistently messy car.

He has an uncanny insight into people and situations. He gets "feelings" about things and intuitively understands them. This is the sort of thing that other people may scorn and scoff at, and he himself does not really understand his intuition at a level which can be verbalized. Consequently, he is protective of their inner self, sharing only what he chooses to share and when he chooses to share it. He is a deep, complex individual, who is quite private and typically difficult to understand. He holds back most of himself, and can be secretive.

He has a tendency to be stubborn and to ignore other people's opinions. Life is not necessarily easy for the boy, but he is capable of great depth of feeling and personal achievement.

Likes| "Few things do I actually enjoy..."

• Dogs
• Guitar Driven Music
• Jolly Ranchers, only the green and blue
• Rain
• Reading
• Boys
• Getting away with things

Dislikes| "Ah, you should have just left it at the 'likes'. certainly a shorter list."

• Bad Breath
• Laziness
• Religion
• Synthesized Music
• Bad Singing
• Idiotic People
• Loud and Obnoxious Females


So begins...

Elliot Stark's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Nicholas Character Portrait: Anthony "Oz" Ozimek Character Portrait: Bryony Auguste Character Portrait: Elliot Stark Character Portrait: Pandora Rosaline Character Portrait: Ashley Sherman
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Sighing loudly, Ash threw her bags down onto the small, four poster bed in the white washed room. She didn't know what possessed her to come to New Tides, but she suspected it had something to do with her best friends constant nagging about the numerous scars up her porcelain arms, old and new. There was another bed on the opposite side of the room, and from what she had gathered at check in she would be rooming with a man. Since when was rehab co-ed? , she had asked, only to get a lengthy, unhelpful reply from the rude desk worker.

Running a hand over her messy, blue hair she flopped down onto her bed and opened her suit case, pulling out one of the juices she had managed to smuggle in and opening it, ah took a long gulp and stared at the ceiling. The only thing left to do now was wait and see who the guy was, and who the other people that were checked into the rehab facility were. She hoped to god that they were nice, especially her roommate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliot Stark
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Elliot sat in the small room, easily the most bored he had even been in his life. Okay, so maybe that wasn't true, but he would say it was. This was probably the biggest reason that he has started stealing things, he had been bored. It wasn't really an excuse, sure, but it was the reason he would give whenever others asked him. Stealing distracted him, it gave him something to do. Honestly, wouldn't you rather he be stealing things than doing drugs or something equally as crazy? All he really craved was the adrenaline it gave him, the thought of getting away with it or even better, not getting away with it.

Apparently the desire to know what would happen if he didn't get away with it was too strong for him to handle, because he had deliberately set himself up to get caught the last time, without even knowing he had done it. So yes, that was what had landed him here, in this center for mentally-fucked-up people or something along those lines. The cops had brought him in a few hours ago. Leaning back against the headboard of the pathetic little bed, the one closest to the back wall, he closed his eyes and waited to see if there was two beds for a reason, or just because they wanted to take up space that he could be using.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Nicholas Character Portrait: Elliot Stark
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#, as written by Naught

"You got to be freaking kidding me!" He yelled at the phone like a person would yell at a dog for peeing on the carpet or couch. As he was brought inside this building he would soon call home,"It was either this or jail honey we-" Tyler sighed and squeezed the bridge of his nose with his fingers,"There's nothing wrong with me, why would they suggest this place? They should have put me in freaking jail." His mom explained to him once again and he sighed before saying goodbye to his mother and giving the buff looking guard the phone. Rolling his eyes he was pissed but, he'd get over it.

Rehab? Okay. He could handle this, he thought to himself over and over until he walked to the room he was supposed to be in. It looks as if he'd be sharing a room with someone. What? This rehab didn't have a room for 'people like him'. So they say he bit the hell out of his previous boyfriend, it wasn't Tyler's fault. He wanted to be dominate one and he wasn't going to go down that easy. Though the guy was slightly bigger than him he thinks it could still work out between them.

Of course he would have guards around him, just to keep everyone he passed safe. This was insulting to him, and he didn't like it. Whenever he opened the door was when the guards would finally back off. "Finally." He said to himself as he sat on the bed that wasn't occupied by another person. Sighing he began to wonder what got him there and he was thinking about it for a little bit. After all the other guys he decided to beat this one decided to press charges against him, saying that he loved him and that he wanted him to get better.

Tyler knew it was just lies for him to escape from Tyler's grasps before he got hurt again. Shaking his head, he looked up at the person across from him, he didn't know the person at all and doesn't think he should talk to him. "Um, hi?" Giving the person a small wave before looking down and away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Nicholas Character Portrait: Elliot Stark
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0.00 INK

Elliot couldn't help but notice that when his roommate finally showed up, he was flanked by guards that looked about ready to pounce on him at any moment. This was going to be oh-so pleasant, he thought sarcastically. If he was being serious, he was looking forward to staying with this boy as much as he was looking forward to seeing what they would be served for lunch. Both would probably make him want to vomit at one point or another. Not that the boy coming in wasn't attractive, oh he was, just not really Eli's type, you could say. Or maybe he was exactly his type, but he was obviously denying that. He liked guys taller than him. Check, the terrible voice in the back of his head told him. Well, fine, he didn't like having a really feminine boyfriend. Check. He didn't want a boyfriend that was sent to a damn rehab center. Hey, you're in here too.

Finally, the guards seem to relax and begin to move away from the door. Though he noticed them eyeing him, and when he looked back, they widened their eyes and seemed to try and gesture towards the other boy with their eyes. Honestly, they just looked crazy, but it did make him wonder what the boy he was going to be sharing a room with had done to make the guards so nervous. Soon they all disappeared though, leaving Elliot, the new guy, and Hamlet alone in the room. Eli continued to read, not bothering to introduce himself. He hadn't even let himself look over at the other guy again, not until he heard him speaking. Arching an eyebrow, he laid his book down on his lap, thumb still in the pages to make sure he didn't lose his spot. "Hello." After a moments pause, he spoke again, "My name is Elliot." -but you can call me Eli, he added silently.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Nicholas Character Portrait: Elliot Stark
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Naught
Tyler looked over at his roommate after the guards had left the room, he still didn't understand why he needed rehab. He didn't even need help, though his parents thought it was for the best, and his so called ex just wanted to protect himself and didn't care about Tyler's needs. Hearing him introduce himself,"Elliot. My name is Tyler." He said simply and threw himself on the bed, he covered his face, might as well just start off fresh and try to be 'less controlling' this time. He'd probably try to tone it down a bit. He might say that but, he knew he wasn't going to do that. No matter how much he had tried.

Looking up and around the room while lying down, he was a little afraid of how confined and plain it was. He actually hated it, it was a type of dirty pale tan color. Biting his lower lip softly he wondered how long it was going to take and how hard he was going to try to break this horrible habit of his. Again, as stubborn as he was, he wasn't going to admit of this problem. Stealing a couple of glances at his roommate, he thought he was attractive. Now that he was looking at him a bit closer.

"So what brought you here, if you don't mind me asking." He'd usually tell someone to tell him the stats or something demanding like that. But, at least no one could say he didn't try. He wondered what else he would have to be doing in this place, he always had went to jail but, this time they decided to get him help, he wondered if they just wanted to do something to occupy him so that they wouldn't have to worry about his recent relationships ending in domestic violence.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Nicholas Character Portrait: Elliot Stark
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The first thing that Elliot had stolen was a Playboy bunny magazine. He had been fourteen and, well his brother had been talking about it, and he had to check it out. Unfortunately, he couldn't go to his father or mother and ask for money, because then they would ask why, and he couldn't just go about telling them that he wanted to buy a magazine with naked women so he could show off to his friends. Typical boy-ness, wanting to be the cool one. And after that, he definitely was. They all looked to him for expertise in anything girl-related, even though he knew little about the creatures. Though his brother was pretty good at giving him information.

The biggest thing he had stolen was a car, a black and red 07' Camaro. Oh, my god. That car was everything to him. Unfortunately he hadn't gotten to drive it for more than one night, because after he returned it he was handcuffed and thrown into jail. Though he only had to stay for a night, because then they were moving him to rehab. He still didn't really know which he preferred, he hadn't been in either long enough to decide.

The boy- Tyler -asked him what had gotten him here. Eli looked over at him, arching an eyebrow. "Why do you care?", he was being bitter, but you couldn't really blame him. And he really wouldn't blame Tyler if he tried to sit on and suffocate him with a pillow, if he was that sort of person. Who wouldn't be bitter at their first day of rehab?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Nicholas Character Portrait: Elliot Stark
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Naught
Tyler huffed in anger at the comment,"I don't care," He raised his voice a little,"Just trying to be 'friendly', can't say I tried." Shrugging, he didn't really care anymore it doesn't even scare him if he did go to jail after this. Nothing was going to help him anyways. But, he would expect a person that didn't know him at all, he would expect him to be a bit nice. Then again Tyler's low tolerance level wasn't good for him either, it was ruined at the age of 8 when this huge looking fat kid decided to push him down when Tyler called him fat. Well, it was true, and plus, he was just playing around.

Shaking his head, if that was one of his previous partners saying that he'd knock their asses out. He did not tolerate the smart mouthed ones, and he would put them in their places. Rolling his eyes,"Whatever, going back to jail anyway." He said under his breath as he closed his eyes. He was not tired but, he didn't feel like keeping his eyes open either. He actually wanted to get the hell out of here but, he did semi promise his parents that he would go through this even if he wasn't going to change in the end.

He couldn't help but, imagine all his previous partners being on one of those shows and talking about how much they were literally stuck in a relationship with a monster, and they were glad that things didn't get worse between them and Tyler or they would've been beaten to death. Then Tyler would've beaten their heads with the camera, and beat everyone else whoever tried to stop him. Grinning wickedly, he ran his fingers through his hair, and tugged it behind his ears. He actually looked kind of weird with his hair slicked back in a ponytail, he always had it down.