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School Tails ~ Nekogi High

School Tails ~ Nekogi High


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Akari's ears twitched as the sun peaked through the trees. She stood up and stretched. The sun was warm, and Akari was happy that it didn't rain that night. She looked around for something to eat. Akari had been on her own ever since that night. The last thing she remembered was the orange eyes of a tiger. Since then, she's been wandering the street, searching for any scrap of food she could get. Akari LOOVED food. She even made friends with some street venders who gave her a free meal every now and then. Her sweater was still drying after being washed the night before, but she was starving. Akari closed her eyes and concentrated hard until her ears and tail disappeared. Then she quickly took to her feet until she reached the main marketplace. "Aww." She groaned. None of her favorite venders were out today. She did the only thing she could. Sneaking below the food stands, she reached up and grabbed a piece of bread. "Hey!" The vender yelled. Akari began running. "He's fast!' She squeaked, running faster. Not watching where she was going, she ran into a tall man. Her ears and tail popped out, startled by the impact. Suddenly it was dark. "Stay still." She heard a mans voice and looked up to a smiling man with red hair and black glasses. He was holding his jacket over her. "You're a Forest Child, aren't you?" The man asked. Akari blinked. "Forest.. Child?" "Come with me." The man smiled and dropped the jacket over her head to hide her ears. He took her hand and began to run with her.


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Erik was walking through the halls of Nekogi High thumbing at the caduceus in his pocket. Trying to remember where and why he got it and what this strange snake symbol meant. Was it evil was it good did it mean that he used to be a very powerful man did it mean that he was nothing but trash. Erik didn't have the answers. But he knew he wasn't letting go until he found out what had happened to him and why.


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#, as written by Lina820
Celia flew down landing in front of the school. She tucked her wings in. The sun's rays hit her feathers causing them to shine. Walking into the school's hallway she saw a guy up ahead of her. He looked tall and a little older then her as well. Maybe he was a teacher? Then again this wasn't a normal school, so he could be a student. She quickly ran up to him looking at him trying to decided what he was so deep in thought about. She didn't want to distrub him, but there wasn't anyone else around so, "What are you thinking about?"


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Erik just glared down at the young child "Nothing that you need to consssern your sssself with." When he used the ssss's he stuck out his tongue "Now leave me alone oh winged one."


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#, as written by Lina820
She watched his tongue sither in fasinaction. Ignoring his last comment she didn't move, "You your a snake? That's so cool. Can I see your tongue again?" She continued to look up at him, hoping he'd say yes. It was rare to see someone that had been cursed by a snake.


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At this Erick simply said "No" And walked away hoping that the annoying little bird would leave him alone.


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#, as written by Lina820
She ran to catch up with him and then walked along side him. "Well, can I at least walk with you?" It wasn't like he had much of a choice, but she thought she'd ask anyways.


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Erik Stopped walking and glared at this bird of a girl "look girl the reason I wasss walking alone wasss becaussse I wanted to be alone sssso leave me alone" then he continued to walk



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Erik Stopped walking and glared at this bird of a girl "look girl the reason I wasss walking alone wasss becaussse I wanted to be alone sssso leave me alone" then he continued to walk


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Erik Stopped walking and glared at this bird of a girl "look girl the reason I wasss walking alone wasss becaussse I wanted to be alone sssso leave me alone" then he continued to walk


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#, as written by Lina820
She smiled, he showed her his tounge. Continuing in to walked next to him she spoke again, "Oh, I thought that it was because there wasn't anyone here yet. Anyways, my name is Celia. What's your name?"


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A young kid looking around the age of seventeen stands in front of the school with the sun glaring at him. He yawns and says "I can't believe I have to come here....looks like a place of learning and work. Not my thing" He opens the door and walks slightly in leaving his tail between the door standing there saying "I just want to sle-" He hears a slam and a very sharp pain and turns around looking at his tail and the door closed on it.

The kid screams at the top of his lungs in pain. He kicks open the door and grabs his tail rolling on the ground crying and keeps rolling from the pure pain.


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Erik turned around grabbing the child by the throat. "Lissssten carefully bird" he opened his mouth to show her his fangs "These are not jusssst for show. If you do not leave me alone I will make sssshore that anybody who caressss about you-if there are any-they will never ssssee you again. Got it" after that he let go of her throat and continued walking away.


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#, as written by Lina820
He's grumpy, she thought and then as he was letting go she bit him, hard, hard enough to draw blood. Before he could do anything though she heard a screm coming from the front door so she ran to it. When she got there she saw a boy with cat ears and tail. It seemed as if he had just injuried it somehow. She went over to his tail and grabed it rubbing it againist her face. "SO SOFT!" she exclaimed. Celia loved soft things that she could cuddle and this boys tail was no exception.


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"Here we are." The man with glasses said, leading Akari to a fancy looking gate. The man showed the guards his badge and they allowed the two enterance. "Whoa.." Akari looked around. "What is this place?" The man smiled and walked her to the doors. "It's a place for people just like you." Akari looked up at the huge building in amazement. Hearing a loud scream, she jumped and grabbed onto the man's leather jacket. "Ohh.." The man laughed. "That tends to happen.." he paused. "from time to time." A wide smile of amazement came over Akari's face as she saw kids about her age, walking around with tails and ears of all sorts. The man noticed Akari's happiness and smiled, helping her into the principal's room. "Preen..kipple.. rowss" Akari read the name plate on the desk. "Oh my.." The man looked down at her. "You have some work to do." Akari blinked at him. "Principle Ross." He smiled and corrected her. He stepped into a room and came back, handing Akari a freshly packaged uniform. Why don't you go get changed. He smiled at her. I'll have the nurse clean you up. Akari blinked and twitched her ears.


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As Celia ran away to help the kid Erik used his ability to run after her bite her arm with his teeth making shore not to release any venom then run into his home room class before she could even see him. As Erik looked at his arm and saw the blood he knowdest that was the first time he had ever bitten a humanoid before her blood tasted.... kind of good. Erik Licked his own arm his blood was no where near as satisfying as the winged girls but the fact that blood tasted good kind of exited Erik "I wonder if the Rebelsssss blood will tassssste thisssss good" he said out loud.


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"Goodmorning, Mr. Ross." A pretty lady in a nurses outfit walked into the room and bowed to the man in glasses. "Hello. I need you to get this girl cleaned up." He smiled at the nurse. "Trim her hair, help her bathe, ect." He waved his hand, jokingly. "Yes sir." She smiled back. "May I ask who she is?" The man shrugged and patted Akari's head. "I met her at the market. She was stealing some bread." He laughed. "Ah I see." The nurse smiled and lead Akari out of the room. "I'll have her fixed up in no time!" Akari blinked at the nurse.

As they entered the infirmary, the nurse helped Akari onto the bed. "May I ask you what your name is?" The woman smiled. "I don't remember." Akari blinked. "Oh." The nurse smiled and wiped the dirt from her face. "Well, let's get you cleaned up, then we'll think of a name." Akari smiled a wide smile and jumped up. "Kay!" The nurse laughed and led her into the infirmary's shower room. After a bath and a hair cut, Akari changed into her uniform. "Oh my.." The nurse smiled. "You look marvelous!" She handed Akari a mirror. Her reflection showed she had fine, freshly cut brown hair, a long striped tails, fuzzy striped ears, and beautiful orange eyes


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Kamiko still had not gotten used to the school, every day new people were arriving, each so different, but each had seemed to have the same problem. Ears, a tail and memory loss, just as she did. It was one of the school teachers who'd named her Kamiko, she liked that name it had a ring to it. Nearly a week here and she's learned where every classroom was located and who could be trusted. The school had provided a live in room for her and clothes to wear since she'd been found wandering the streets. After being cleaned until her skin hurt she'd been given a whole new life, but deep down Kamiko knew she had a past and hoped to figure it out one day.
Meanwhile she was on her way to home room, a notice had gone out that new arrivals were coming in today and she had to be there to greet them, escort one around. It wasn't the highlight of her life, but it had to be done.
Entering the classroom she took her seat at the front of the class and awaited the arrival of the others. Moments later someone came rushing in, his mouth evident he'd either had a snack or liked jam. Raising a brow she watched him a moment, everything about it was wrong. Judging by what she'd heard in the hallway on her way in a door smashed someone's tail and this thing in the room with her was snake, the scent coming off was reptilian and didn't bode well with her. She kept her eyes on him awaiting the arrival of the teacher. She cleared her throat after he'd spoken aloud, "Do you always just randomly bite people or is a new habit you've acquired?"


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"Hmm.." The nurse showed up behind Akari's reflextion in the mirror. "Your hair and eyes.." She smiled. "They're almost red. Do you like the color red?" She asked. Akari nodded. "So then.. how does Aka sound?" Akari blinked. "No.. you're much too strong to be an Aka.. How about Akari. Do you like that?" Akari let out a big smile and nodded. "Akari it is." The nurse smiled. She turned to her computer and began typing in a registration form for Akari. After a few moments were done, she handed Akari a piece of paper with her classes on it. Akari had no idea what any of them were. The only one she could read was the very last one. "Tu..rei..ning." Akari made the word out. "Training." The nurse corrected her. "I think you'll like that class. It's lots of fun." She gave Akari a warm smile.


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"Tree! Eeeek!" Chiyoko said as she rushed to a random tree and began to climb it, her ears and tail popping out. Some guy had walked her through the gates, but when she saw all of the trees in the area she burst into excitement. "OMG! Its. A. STATUE!" she jumped out of the tree and climbed the statue that was at least twice the size of the fairly large tree. Chiyoko climbed higher and higher until she finally reached the head of the statue. She sat there and watched all of the people walk around. "Its so pretty!" she exclaimed at the veiw. "Chi-chan! Come down here so we can get you all signed up." the man called up to her. "Ok!" she called back happily and began climbing down. Chiyoko was just nearing the ground when she lost her footing. She fell akwardly and scraped her leg. She had a long but not serious scratch going from her knee to mid-leg. Her eyes watered up as her ears and tail lowered as it started to bleed. She sniffled abit then began crying. "It hurts! Wahhh!" She rubbed the tears from her eyes cutely, but she still kept crying.


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Rai looked at the girl rubbing his tail againts her face and said "umm....Can I help you? Why are you rubbing my tail againts your face?" He doesn't really mind having his tail rubbed againts her face. It feels pretty good, even more so with his tail beeing slammed on by the door and need tending to. He then blushes and ask "So, what's your name?" with a little studder in his voice making him seem nervest.


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#, as written by Lina820
Celia smile at him while continuing to rub his tail againist her face. "Why? That's a silly question," she giggled a little before continuing. "It's because it's soft." She stopped holding his tail to her face and put it againist his, "See? You should know what your own tail feels like." She then moved it away from his face so that she could continue to enjoy the softness of his tail.

"So, what's your name?"

She could hear the nervousness in his voice, but decided to ignore it. "I'm Celia. What's your name?"


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Aito waddled forwards. Yes, Waddled. He sung quietly: "Down by the reeds, Down by the reeds, Where there are green leaves, Down by the reeds..." He stopped, when he heard someone crying. He looked around and just suddenly - His ears popped out. He listened, and ran forwards. The crying getting louder. He spotted Chiyoko. And he went aflutter for a moment. "Wow.. She's pretty." He whispered. He shook himself from his daydream, and ran toward her. He slid and knelt beside her. "Miss, are you okay?!" He said, eyeing her scratch. "Oh my.." He said, His ears popping back in. He looked at her, and wiped some of her tears away. "Are you okay?" He said quietly.


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Erik smiled at Kamiko "Itssss new but I mossssst certainly like the tassssste" then he realized that he was actually talking he hadn't done that since getting to this school the blood seems to bring more than just pleasure out of his mouth. "I don't believe we have met before letssss keep it that way shall we" Erik said going back to his angry depressed look. Then he walked to the back of the class sat in his usual spot near the window and thumbed the caduceus in his pocket. As he looked out the window thinking of all the things it could mean.

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Nekogi by QueLights


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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Celia Konani
Character Portrait: Akari Miyagi
Character Portrait: Aito Daisuke
Character Portrait: Sandra Chrustina Cortez
Character Portrait: Sam Arroz
Character Portrait: cole the wolf
Character Portrait: Rai Kentsu


Character Portrait: Sam Arroz
Sam Arroz

A wolf trying to find his place.

Character Portrait: cole the wolf
cole the wolf

he is a furry wolf who loves to have fun

Character Portrait: Sandra Chrustina Cortez
Sandra Chrustina Cortez

I dont sit i dont beg and i am not touching that disgusting floor

Character Portrait: Rai Kentsu
Rai Kentsu

"Can I sleep?"

Character Portrait: Aito Daisuke
Aito Daisuke

"Haha, I love all of you. No, not like that... Unless you want me to mean it like that..."

Character Portrait: Celia Konani
Celia Konani

"How about a hug?"

Character Portrait: Akari Miyagi
Akari Miyagi

"I know what will settle this.. A BATTLE TO THE DEATH! You over there- you're the towel boy."


Character Portrait: Akari Miyagi
Akari Miyagi

"I know what will settle this.. A BATTLE TO THE DEATH! You over there- you're the towel boy."

Character Portrait: Celia Konani
Celia Konani

"How about a hug?"

Character Portrait: Aito Daisuke
Aito Daisuke

"Haha, I love all of you. No, not like that... Unless you want me to mean it like that..."

Character Portrait: Rai Kentsu
Rai Kentsu

"Can I sleep?"

Character Portrait: Sandra Chrustina Cortez
Sandra Chrustina Cortez

I dont sit i dont beg and i am not touching that disgusting floor

Character Portrait: cole the wolf
cole the wolf

he is a furry wolf who loves to have fun

Character Portrait: Sam Arroz
Sam Arroz

A wolf trying to find his place.

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Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

It failed from the start. xD I think I'm going to change the plot to make it more flexible next time, but yeah, I'll let you know :)

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

Oi Vey I figured you guys would take what I said the wrong way. I was pointing out that everyone is scattered and the way it looked no one was going to calm down enough to figure out why they were there. There was little to no curiosity about why they'd been brought to the school, it was more along the lines that it was being treated like a normal school, like a normal day in the real world when in actuality our characters are unique people with no memory of who they were, where they came from and how they'd gotten a tail and ears. So be it if you didn't like how I said it, I did state it was in honesty as to how i saw and felt this roleplay was going. The GM just happened to agree. And Quelights if you choose to remake the roleplay let me know, I must say sadly this one is finished. Just msg me and let me know what you plan to do the idea was great and all the characters were well thought up too. All I'm saying.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

Hey guys Im really sorry but I dont like how things are going. I agree with Lina. A) I find it HIGHLY offense that you say I have been roleplaying wrong. There is no wrong or right way to roleplay. Its just for fun. I mean seriously. B) Of course it going to start out as 1 x 1. We JUST started. Are we all starting out already know each other? If thats the case then you should have stated that. and C) How is the roleplay wrong or failing? Is it 'cuz the characters arent doing what you expect them to do? Each person is different. The same goes for each character. You cant control someone else. Its not fair to the person.

Now Im really not trying to rant and stuff, but Im just stating my oppinion. Im also going to be leaving. Hopfully things work out more how you wanted them to now that Lina and I are gone. ^-^

Gomennasai ):

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

Okay, I still don't agree with what your saying. Because 1, all characters where fighting in character. Also if you think that this whole thing is a fight then I'm sorry. I've truely only been trying to understand your point of veiw and share mine. 2. Too soon for an Rp to be anyones. 3. Same can be said for all characters. 4. There is no correct or incorrect way to Rp. 5. Assuming that something is failing just because it isn't going the way you want it to go doesn't mean that it is truely failing. It just means that it needs some time to devolpe.

Now, as I can see trying to understand what exactly is wrong is useless. I shall simply leave and so will my character.

Good Luck with the RP.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

I know how roleplays go, and this is turning into a really crappy one. Because A. This is basically OOC fighting, B. You guys have been making the rp yours the whole time, and C. 90% of the time you're only talking to one person. I have about 6 rps going on a few different sites and this is the only one that's failing, so maybe you're looking in the wrong spot. I've been observing every post since the beginning. Honestly, on an objective view point, there are probably like.. half of the players actually rping correctly.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

After going back are rereading things I still have yet to see any of the rules to be broken. I have not seen any godmodding, ooc fighting or anyone making the RP their own. I aslo don't see the 1 on 1 interactions. As for the communication I'd like to point out that Celia has comunicated with more then one person and that it is just the start of the RP. I think it's too soon to be saying that people aren't communicating or that there are 1 on 1 interactions and that's what going to happen. All of the characters are still meeting each other.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

This is a public rp, you can decide what your character does. What I'm saying is that you're not supposed to take the rp and make it all about you. If you'd like celia to act how she acts, that's fine. But you need to communicate with the other characters. Like I said, this isn't a 1 on 1 rp. If you stick to the main rules of rp, (no godmodding, no ooc fighting, and no making the rp yours) then you will be fine, but one of those rules is clearly being broken since the rp isn't enjoyable for others at the moment.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

Okay, I see it completely differently, but it's not my RP. So tell me how you'd like Celia to act and I'll change it so that it fits more into what you think should be happening. I mean right now she's just sitting on the floor, if you want to pull her into what I'm guessing is the main story line then you can otherwise I'll just have her wait until class starts to do something.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

Basically, what you're having a hard time understanding is that the story isn't even a story anymore. It's just random and stupid. The only characters actually ON TRACK are Erik, Kamiko and Akari. This story has a plot, it's not just an emote-party play house. The problem is that the RP is now become a 1x1 for 4 different people, and that's not what it was intended for.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

Okay so I'm still not understanding how this is "ridiculous" or "off track". The characters are just being themselves and interacting with each other. I'm really not sure what you are expecting them to do then. Also if the fighting needs to stop you can always just have a teacher break it up or class start.

I just don't see what's so bad about devloping a characters personality or how anyone has done anything wrong.

So if someone could just explain what I'm supose to do here then that'd be helpful.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

Okay wow I guess I'll be the first to directly and honestly say that this roleplay went from being semi okay to ridiculous. This isn't amateur night guys, can we get back on track and follow the storyline. Seems the only ones not making this roleplay about themselves are the GM, myself and the others who haven't posted yet. I'm afraid if the childish acts don't stop soon this roleplay will not get very far and the GM did put efforts into it enough that I'm sure she'd hate to see it go further downhill.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

Sorry if me attacking Razeils character kind of ruin things. I just mostly think that though attacking him would make more of character relations which could help develop the story later. Like let's say my character needs help for something and Erik is the only one who can. He would not be so pleased to at all if I attacked him.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

You just said that in character fighting of okay though. So I'm not really sure what's wrong then.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

I'm not talking about OOC fighting.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

As far as I can tell there hasn't been any out of character fighting. Celia is sweet yet vicious towards those that don't return that sweetness. Basically if she wants to cuddle and you say no she bites you.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

In character fighting is just fine, guys. But I really need you to stay on track and not forget what the rp is about.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

It might have been epic if Erik hadn't run off into the forest.

Re: [OOC] School Tails ~ Nekogi High

I think an epic fight might happen. Cat vs snake, Erik vs Rai, the most epic show down sense Chuck norris vs bruce lee!....I call being bruce lee! Jk >.<