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"Try fighting fire with ME!"

0 · 303 views · located in Faerun

a character in “Seasons of the Lich”, as played by Honor Guard


n a m e s a k e :
Ā¬ Full |birth| Name: Brolosavek Moltinir Kanvergiss
Ā¬ Spoken |used| Name: Brolo
Ā¬ Acquired |aliases| Names: N/A

n u m e r i c a l :
Ā¬ Appearing Age: 24
Ā¬ Factual Age: 24

s o c i o l o g i c a l :
Ā¬ Class: Sorcerer
Ā¬ Profession: Mercenary for Hire
Ā¬ Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Ā¬ Marital Status: Widower

b i o l o g i c a l :
Ā¬ Height: 5ā€™11ā€
Ā¬ Weight: 160 lbs
Ā¬ Hair: Oily black
Ā¬ Eye: Coal black
Ā¬ Skin: Russet tan
Ā¬ Body Art: Bright electric blue lightning bolts along his left arm, hellish vermillion flames along his right arm.
Ā¬ Scar Tissue: N/A

Ā¬ Genetics: Chondathan
Ā¬ Race: Human
Ā¬ Attributes: No outstanding attributes to speak of
Ā¬ Immunity: No immunities to speak of

m e n t a l l i t y:
Ā¬ Demeanour: Reckless, restless, loud
Ā¬ Tendencies: Short tempered, starts confrontations easily, quick to make enemies, holds grudges

a r s e n a l:
Ā¬ Offence: A vest of throwing knives hidden beneath his cloak
-- type: Ranged
-- paragon: Silver
-- enchantments: None to speak of
-- other: Each are shaped like tiny lightning bolts to revere Talos

Ā¬ Offence: Staff
-- type: Melee
-- paragon: Birch wood
-- enchantments: None to speak of
-- other: The grain of the wood appears as if it is shaped like that of a flame and at the very tip of the staff is a ruby the size of a fist

Ā¬ Defence: The Scales of Talos
-- type: Cloak
-- paragon: Red dragon scales
-- enchantments: Protects from most fire damage
-- other: Worn boldly by Brolo

b a t t l e c l a d:
Ā¬ Upper Body: The Scales of Talos (Cloak)
Ā¬ Full Body: Robes made from blue dragon scales
Ā¬ Head: Clear spindle Ioun stone
Ā¬ Arms: Plain leather fingerless gauntlets
Ā¬ Waist: A belt containing a few spell scrolls
Ā¬ Feet: Hardy traveling boots

a t t i r e :
Ā¬ Casual
Ā¬ Feet: Hardy traveling boots
Ā¬ Legs: Fiery blue breeches
Ā¬ Hands: Onyx black fingerless gloves
Ā¬ Upper Body: Lightning flash white vest, bearing his musculature

p r o f i c e n c y :

Ā¬ Throwing Daggers
Ā¬ Staff

a c c e s s o r i e s :
Haversack to contain all rations, scrolls, parchment, along with quill and ink

s p e l l s:
Magic Missile: A magic missile is a bolt of pure force cast as a spell from its caster's fingertips. The missile manifests itself as a silvery or purplish bolt of energy and while the spell is simple, it can be deadly to weaker opponents. Magic missile is so simple that it requires little concentration or preparation on the part of the wizard casting it. Magic missile can be cast over a distance of about 100 feet.
Burning hands is a transmutation spell. Learned by some wizards of relatively low experience, burning hands momentarily engulfs the wizard's hands in a burst of magical flames and then expels them rapidly into an adjacent area of roughly twenty-five feet in diameter. These flames do no real harm to the wizard but can scorch the flesh of others caught nearby during the fiery blast. The effect is instantaneous but damaging and the wizard requires only a short, momentary rest to refocus himself in order to cast the spell again.
Explosive pyre is a conjuration spell used by some sorcerers early in their training. When a sorcerer casts explosive pyre he or she places a storm of flames around a target of his or her choice within fifty feet of themselves. Any creature caught within this small storm, roughly five feet in diameter, during the next moment is scorched by its flames. Explosive pyretaxes the energy of a sorcerer slightly and requires a short rest of a few minutes or more before it can be cast again.
Flaming sphere is a conjuration. When cast, flaming sphere summons a globe of hot flames within fifty feet of him or herself. The sphere's flames are volatile and any creature caught nearby that is unable to get out of the way is scorched. Though the sphere dissipates almost immediately after casting on its own, with a little effort the wizard can maintain the sphere for several minutes or cause it to flare up again. Once the sphere is gone, however, the wizard is unable to reconjure it without substantial rest.
Acid arrow, sometimes called more completely Melf's acid arrow. When cast, acid arrow conjures an arrow of acid that speeds from the caster's hand towards a single creature within 100 feet. The acid arrow, upon hitting, not only deals immediate damage but leaves a festering wound of acid. Since the arrow is actually made of acid, rather than being coated with acid, it explodes upon contact with its target, spraying its contents onto adjacent creatures to injure them as well, to a lesser degree. It is also for this reason that, even if the arrow misses its initial target, it will still cause some small injury simply by its close proximity. Acid arrow, in spite of being a spell learned early on by most wizards, is of great complexity and requires so much concentration that mages can cast it only once per day.

So begins...

Brolo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Brolo
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Torrential waves of flames drenched the village in vibrant shades of crimson, orange, and amber, giving the sky an almost hellish sheen as coal black smoke continued to rise over the heads of panicked villagers. Homesteads were quickly reduced to ashen ruin; choruses of screams filled the air like a symphony of chaos written by the most demented and depraved souls to have ever walked upon the Abyssal planes. Families fled with children in their arms, others stayed a safe distance away as their souls were wrenched in sorrow watching their childhood homes burn to the ground. Amid the roiling chaos, one man surveyed his work proudly with his hands at his waist cackling in triumph.

His dark eyes continued to gleam in the firelight while he stood on the only road leading into the village. So far from other settlements, the likelihood of help arriving before the structures collapsed was slim. Villagers passed by the stranger, shooting him glances of shock and confusion as they fled the rising inferno. Some stopped to plead for his assistance, whereas others simply took it upon themselves to try to save what was left using their primitive irrigation system.

Again, Kanvergiss could only laugh mockingly at their feeble attempts to survive.

The inhabitants only made it so far before a sharp pain collided with their backs, the force of the impact enough to send them sprawling into the dirt. Darkness was an excellent cover for murder, Kanvergiss believed. His vest of throwing knives wasnā€™t nearly empty, snuffing the lives of stragglers as they passed. A sadistic glee-ridden chill ran up his spine as the dull THUD of the knife reached his ears, eliciting a smile from the young man.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Brolo quickly opened his eyes, having propped his body up against his birchwood staff instead of lying down with his head in the dirt like many of the others. Not that he considered himself better than the others in the Bloodsails, just that he was a little more random in his sleeping patterns. The sorcerer looked down at his hands, noticing that his fingers had gnarled themselves into the final spell position for his explosive pyre, which made the sorcerer grin.

ā€To think if anyone would have woken me, they would be a charred corpse in an instant.ā€ Brolo wriggled his fingers, making sure to not lose the spell first as he stood up and surveyed the camp. The others were still asleep, aside from the Monk and the Paladin which in truth, he didnā€™t quite understand. It must have been their utter disrespect for the powers that be, those powers being chaos of course. He never bragged to be a supporter of Talos, nor did he make himself stand out any more than the other mercenaries, but Brolo did indeed choose to shoot first and ask questions later.

The sorcerer could overhear the women prattling on to themselves, not so interested in their conversation as he pulled the tip of his staff from the dirt. He was a good looking young man some might say, not too on in his years being just a few shy of thirty. Brolo kept his long, dark hair tied back in a tight ponytail, the rest of it either being slicked back with some substance used for styling or just left slightly looser in the front. Today it seemed that a few lone strands were to dangle in his face as they would go about their day. A quick survey of his surroundings noted that it was still night, leaving the sorcerer to wonder why his companions (to which he was told he had to entrust his life) were already awake and shunning their slumber.

ā€œIf youā€™re having trouble sleeping, I donā€™t think itā€™s beyond Caineā€™s ability to offer a merciful punch to assist in knocking you out.ā€ Brolo said as he spoke from across the fire, the flames almost tracing him in golden-red light. His dark eyes shimmered as he moved from around the fire towards the two, checking his vest with his free hand while his staff rested between his elbow and his chest. ā€œItā€™s still the middle of the night, and I believe itā€™s someoneā€™s turn for watch duty.ā€ Brolo commented, keeping a decent distance between the two, lining himself up with their bodies so that from above they looked almost like a perfect triangle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn Character Portrait: Brolo
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#, as written by Celedia
Depending on whom the query was being directed towards, one might think that the elven and human races were either eerily similar or oddly disparate. The elven race is long lived, majestic and closely bound to nature whereas the humans seem to be doing all that they can to tear down the Earth and all of her children in order to make room for their selves. Their short, harried lives cause them to make quick and often foolish decisions leading to rash actions that affect not only their race but every other race surrounding them.

It is for these reasons that Araina tended to step away from camp at night to fall into her reverie, the elven dream-like state more akin to meditation than actual slumber. East of the fire and small circle of bedrolls, a slowly sloping hill rose towards the sky and at its crest was a clearing surrounded by ancient oak trees. The druidess had found this spot when they had scouted the area, making sure that the way was clear for camp and immediately she knew this was where she would settle in for the evening, taking up the mantle of ā€˜first watchā€™ along with her elven kin.

For the reverie of elves was dissimilar to the humanā€™s slumber in many ways, allowing them to be aware of their surroundings at all times even if they werenā€™t able to immediately act upon dangers. Instead of closing her eyes and dreaming, Arainaā€™s eyes were opened and a slightly dazed countenance would appear to anyone that approached her. Instead of dreams or nightmares, elves tended to relive past memories either joyous or terrifying though they had no control over which of these past events cycled through their minds.

So, upon settling into the silent green grove after the humans had lain upon the ground, Araina prayed to the Forest Father for guidance and strength, for wisdom and compassion, for nature itself and for the souls of those that destroyed it. Her gaze glazed over as she meditated upon these thoughts and after a short span of time, recollections of her past began to surface.

Pant. Pant. Pant.

Inhale, exhale, stop, listen.

The smoke-filled air burned at her lungs but she could not stop her trek now. She was too close to her goal and would not falter in the path set before her.

A bright flicker of light off set by a plume of smoke caught her eye and her heart tripped over itself as one of the majestic and ancient trees tumbled to the ground with a thunderous boom.

Humans. Her thoughts echoed for but a second as her feet found the earth once more, digging into it with each labored step and each forcibly drawn breath so that she could ease closer to the commotion to see what was happening, in detail.

Upon reaching the fire and the flames, Araina hid behind an untouched ash tree, taking shelter from the prying eyes of the large mob gathered around the edges of the forest.

ā€œSet it ablaze! Quickly, men! We shall not wish to see hide nor hair of the dreaded beasts as long as we stake claim to this town!ā€ A tall man stomped his metal-clad boot down upon the ground, adding flair to his statement as he pointed a gloved hand towards the untouched patches of bush and briar so that the torch-wielding commoners could set them alight.

Fireā€¦ Natureā€™s enemyā€¦. Arainaā€™s arid lips parted slightly in sorrow and a single tear slid from her eye as she saw the death and destruction wrought upon those that she was meant to protect and shelter.

Failureā€¦ Yet, it did not have to be this way. The humans did not have to win this game and they most definitely would not survive the night even if they had tried.

Stepping back and planting her feet firmly in the earthen floor to center her, Araina allowed her eyelids to close for a moment and she rose both of her hands and her chin skyward.

ā€œForest fatherā€¦ help usā€¦ā€ she murmured, knowing that passion and not volume raised his good graces.

Her mouth opened and a loud warbling battle cry issued from her throat followed by a string of words in druidic, a language known only to her kind. The plants and animals and caretakers of the forest- calling them to aid her in pushing back the fire-wielding men to save the woods that they called home.

Drawing her staff from the leather loop on her back, Araina opened twin emerald orbs and drew one more deep breath before rushing out into the throng of men, her staff moving almost as fluidly as the rest of her body in combat. Twirling like a dancer, she extended her staff and struck the first man in the head, stunning him enough both literally and figuratively so that his body immediately fell upon the ground. She allowed her eyes to flicker about until they focused on the leader of men, the man issuing his orders and hiding behind his cold steel armor.

Another loud rumbling sound issued from her right and her teeth clenched, expecting another tree to fall beside her but instead, a large brown bear galloped from the underbrush, plowing over a half-dozen men before it came to a halt. It roared, loudly, and it was then that the rest of the forest erupted with the sounds of life.

Squawks, roars, gibbering, growls, hoots and screams accompanied the approach of the forestā€™s inhabitants and an eerie smile danced upon the druidessā€™ lips as she turned to the armored man, lifting her staff so that it pointed directly at him so that there would be no questions as to whom she was addressing.

ā€œLeave this forest now, flee and warn your kin that we do not take kindly to being invaded. Stick to your cities and your shores and your villages and do not encroach upon the forest any longer. We will not give up our homes easily.ā€

The man paused, faltering as if he had not expected an opposition and then it seemed that the Gods themselves heard her ultimatum. Rain began to fall heavily from the skies, allowing the burning trees to be extinguished one by one as the handful of woodland creatures that had responded to her call, rallied around her.

Sensing defeat, the man put out his torch and sheathed his weapon before turning to the flame-haired elven lass with his jaw set in determination. Yet he did not say a word and instead, motioned for some of his followers to pick up the incapacitated man so that they could take him with them as they retreated.

A flash of movement caught Arainaā€™s eye, followed by the subtle cadence of voices, human voices, causing her to willfully drag herself out of her reverie and long forgotten memories and into the present day. The moon was descending onto the horizon and the sun was slowly beginning to thread its fingers into the twilight, trying eagerly to pull itself from its slumber just as the humans were doing.

Twitching her ear slightly, like a cat, Araina caught three separate voices in the darkness and once more she drew in her breath though this time it was clean and fresh, lacking the harsh smokiness of her memories.

Pushing one hand into the ground, Araina stood and adjusted her clothing then pulled her staff out so she could use it as a walking stick. The elder branch looked as if it was still alive with green sprigs shooting from its apex and one slender, pale hand wrapped around its center as she made her way down to the campfire.

ā€œItā€™s still the middle of the night, and I believe itā€™s someoneā€™s turn for watch duty.ā€ The fire mageā€™s words filtered towards her pointed ears as she made her way into the camp itself, sticking to the edges and closer to the woods so that she was seen but not too close to the others.

ā€œIf you wish to sleep then do so. I do not need any more restā€¦.ā€ Her words trailed off slightly though she was already keeping her tone low out of respect for those still in slumber. No, with memories like that she did not need to spend any more time today in reverie. Her people had new problems to contend with, something was disturbing the animals of her homeland and this time, she didnā€™t believe that humans were wholly responsible.

Her emerald gaze settled upon Caleb and she sensed a restlessness within her ā€œI can watch over everyone until dawn.ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn Character Portrait: Brolo
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Azrael watched the camp from a distance, sitting beneath one of the many trees that made up Cloakwood. His eyes didnā€™t focus on anything in particular, at times watching the flickering flame or closing as he thought. He had risen many hours ago, not being one for sleeping very long, instead sleeping only a handful of hours a night, at least on most nights. Whether it was achievable due to his many years of practice or due to his Elven blood he could no longer remember, the days when he slept long periods forgotten, if ever present. For the assassin it was simply the way things were, he woke far before most and usually he had such times to himself, taking advantage of the silence, focusing his mind and preparing himself for whatever was to come. Apparently the day was not going to be as it usually was, as people were rising from slumber earlier than they did most days, and if he believed in such things he would call it an omen. Chances were it was nerves, most were bothered when a new assignment was to be given or when they were to move soon, even seasoned veterans such as the individuals that comprised their small group. Then again there were many reasons to awake earlier than need be. It caught his interest that multiple people were gathering around the fire. His eyes focused on the three that had already come together, inspecting them from afar.

As he watched, he pulled out a particularly sour type apple found in the woods, something he had scavenged earlier before he settled beneath the tree. He ran his thumb over the glossy peel, searching for any rotten parts, even pulling out his little stone to insure that it was perfectly fine to eat, always being rather cautious with food, especially in Cloakwood. When he was satisfied that all was well he began to take small bites of the crisp fruit, continuing to watch the others from afar. He hadnā€™t come to know much about those he traveled with yet, talking to the others but divulging nothing of importance during the conversations. If anything he was usually just flirting without real intent with one of the ladies or chatting lightly to pass the time. He had figured out the names of each of them though, that much had been easy enough and made him seem so much friendlier, if such things were even possible. Other than their names he had learned a bit about their fighting styles and basic habits from watching, each one of them bringing something different to the table, including himself. It was a diverse group, no doubt created like it was on purpose.

He turned his mind away from pondering just what the groups true purpose was, not caring much seeing as he had his own reason for joining up, and instead turned his attention back towards the three gathered. The first to have taken a seat was Caleb, a tough woman to be sure but also, as her current state made clear, she was quite beautiful as well. To Azrael she seemed reliable, a relative point of view to be sure but she had a feel to her that if, and when, something went wrong, she would know how to handle it. Then there was the Monk, Aletrayu. She had been up for some time but her routine was similar to his own, out of the way, quiet, and peaceful, so it didnā€™t really bother him. There was the Sorcerer Brolo as well though, a man whom Azrael had disliked from the beginning. There was no real reason for his dislike of the man, he was just one of those people, a natural irritant to the Assassin. Maybe it was his personality but it didnā€™t much matter, Azrael had his own reason for being with the group and it did not include getting into it with the Sorcerer, so he made himself civil whenever they spoke. Besides, even if he disliked the sorcerer, there were others he disliked more in the world, and he hadnā€™t killed them. Hell, not that it mattered how much he liked someone, for the right amount of money he would kill just about anyone.

The thought of being paid to kill the sorcerer amused the Assassin, if only he was really paid to kill people he personally found annoying, life would be so much more enjoyable. The man took a final bite out of the apple, tossing the core back into the thick wooding behind him before pushing himself up off the tree, deciding to be a bit sociable instead of watching from afar, he did enough of that in his line of business. As he began walking over, he paused, watching as another joined the group. It particularly caught his attention because, like himself, she had not been in camp but away from it, farther than he was in fact. It did make sense if he thought about it, she was a druid and an Elf at that, it was a double dose of nature friendly. With a shrug he made his way over to the group, his boots causing him to make no noise so he whistled gently as he approached, not about to sneak up behind a group of trained combatants, whether it would really be all that dangerous or not. Azrael got close to the fire immediately, only briefly nodding to the others, not being one for a cheery hello, especially when everyone was just waking. So he let his body warm up a bit, catching Araina offer to watch over them all. He was not about to go back to sleep though, no, his long day had already started and if she decided to keep watch he would simply give her a hand, although he had a hard time picturing everyone else just going back to their slumber.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn Character Portrait: Brolo
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The night was dreamless for the Fighter hailing from Baldur's Gate. A symphony of snoring escaped the mouth of his tent as he slept with his head propped up on his shield and his enchanted cloak over his large frame. The cloak managed to keep him warm in the chilly night thanks to that enchantment. The sleeping countenance of the fighter was relaxed and even somewhat serene despite his brutish nature. Truthfully, the warrior had no worries to speak of. Life and death were just two sides of the same coin, one he flipped every day that he woke up in the morning. He had faith in Tymora and trusted his luck in everything that he did. It was no different that night than it had been for countless others.

In truth, while Caine felt no worries, he did feel excitement. A new day brought on a new fight and a new adventure. He was never one of those sit and watch kind of being, nor was he a thoughtful man. He lived to test his mettle day in and day out. Caravan guarding, bounty hunting, bandit cleansing, mercenary work, it was all a means to an end for Caine. And that end was to live his life to the fullest, filled to the brim with excitement and danger. He often thought of his life like the tales the bards sang. Glorious battles and honor hard won. Of course, there had yet to be a glorious battle for the Fighter and his honor tallied up to nothing more than a mercenary. Still, it did little to dissuade Caine from his chosen profession. Perhaps he would find his battle yet.

Then the Fighter drifted awake, his mind still dazed and groggy from sleep. At first he closed his eyes once more in search of slumber, as a glance through his tent flap revealed it to still be night. However much as he tried, he could not will himself back to sleep. An hour passed and he still found himself awake as sleep was found to be elusive. He sighed and gave up and instead began to stare at the roof of his tent. The light of the sun was bound to rise in a couple of hours anyway, so what was the use of sleep? A waste of time in his eyes. His thoughts lingered on the silly elves and their method of sleep- or unsleep. His bones began to itch for activity. He began to toss and turn underneath the warming cloak in an effort to exhaust the itch yet it still proved rather resilient. His hand found it's way to the the coin strung around his neck as it usually did in times of idleness, his thumb tracing the grove worn into the gold metal. Nothing could relieve Caine of his restlessness, save getting up. At least he wasn't the only one who was awake. He could hear a couple of the others likewise employed with him moving outside.

Finally giving up and giving in to his restless urge, Caine sat up in his makeshift bed. A glance to his side revealed his equipment strewn haphazardly around his tent. He collected his boots and his tunic and left the tent, making his way to the fire. As he approached, he managed to catch Brolo's comment.

"I don't punch women, Kanvergiss," He replied to the sorcerer's comment, "Especially when one can punch harder than me," he finished with a nod to the Monk. The proximity of the fire illuminated the body of the Fighter, displaying a number of scars etching his stout frame and the tattoo inked into his right arm, not to mention the glint of Tymora's coin laying flat on his chest. He donned his tunic and approached the gathering around the fire and took a seat between Brolo and Aletrayu. He held his boots close to the fire in order to allow the flames to let the heat sink into the cool leather. As he waited, he added with a grin, "The Smiling Lady favors the brave and the bold, not the stupid. I'd get my arm snapped for sure." It wasn't a fight Caine was against, mind, and in truth the Fighter would probably have found enjoyment in the scuffle. However, it was neither the time nor place for such games.

As he slipped into his boots, the campfire was approached by two more of their company. The Druid and the Assassin. He shot a curt greeting to both of them and then began to poke and prod the fire with a stick, sending billows of sparks up into the air. Then came Araina's offer to keep watch. "I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep," he shrugged, "Now that I'm already up. Sunrise shouldn't be too far off now anyway, right?" he asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Veilyn Glannath Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn
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A faint whisper of footsteps tore Caleb's gaze away from the flames. Her icy orbs were with shaded with fire and still perturbed by her restless night. Nightmares were evident on her visage - a pallid face of concealed beauty - but her pride swiftly masked her enfeeblement. Aletrayu's form was birthed from the forest's womb and illuminated by the blaze. The knight knew very little about her comrades apart from what Zacchaes had disclosed to her, and the brief confrontations she had shared with each one. She had no qualms with monks, particularly this one; a petite yet powerful woman who had the look of a native from Kara-Tur. Where she truly hailed, however, Caleb did not know. 'Troubled'? the monk asked. Caleb's chin canted and she gazed at the woman silently. If anyone had dared yet place the paladin, they would judge her as the ' strong silent type.' Caleb was aloof, undaunted, and incredibly forbearing. Outwardly, she was the epitome of a 'paladin,' yet inside, she often screamed. She had been born unto knighthood, and the holy had been her birthright - not her choice.

"Nay," Caleb finally replied. The woman's voice was deep and dulcet, which could often unnerved, yet also soothed. By the time Brolo entered the ring of light, Caleb was slowly rising and brushing the soil off her hind legs. She was lofty for a woman, standing just over six feet with a physique of liberal curve and toned muscle. Though her hands were calloused, her digits were nimble and svelte. The sorcerer's voice penetrated the air and caused her eyes to narrow; instinctively she had disdain for him. Brolo's existence challenged her duty and presumed divinity, and if she had been born any other paladin, she would have surely tried her hand at eradicating him. Nonetheless, Caleb was 'divergent' from the rest of her Order, and strived not to judge blindly. The knight disregarded the majority of his words and then pivoted away, but she stalled her steps when she heard the acquainted voice of Araina emerge from the thicket. Caleb considered the druid and offered her a glance, but shook her head in variance. The devotion and purpose of druids was something she had always respected, and though she admired the woman, they didn't require a prolonged watch. By that time, the infamous Caine had roused from his sleep and seized his infernal snores; materializing from the shade with his tunic half-way pulled over his torso. Caleb caught the fighter's jest and managed to smirk, but the notion dissipated swiftly. Azarel had also joined them, to her incredulity. Silent as always, the paladin had no present qualms with him, yet his presence often quelled her unease; perhaps it was his profession, she did not know.

"Aye, the sun will dawn within the next hour and we must be prepared to leave thereafter." The paladin absorbed the last remnants of the chatter. "I encourage you all of you to prepare and provisionā€¦" It was still insidiously early, but the knight placed high value on diligence and punctuality. Still, despite all the obligations encumbering her mind, the nightmares that had riddled her sleep lingered in her thoughts. She did not dream often. It had felt unbelievable tangible. Caleb held a swallow in her throat and wandered off. While retreating for her tent, she register an ache in her bones and an abrade gnawing in her hands. Her eyes flickered down and she turned her palms up to her gaze, quaffing dryly. Twin burns marred the breadth of her hands. The flesh was sore and chafing, and the wounds freshly made. 'By Tormā€¦' She breathed lowly, clenching her fists. The paladin ducked into her tent and began preparing for the journey ahead. Perhaps it had been no mere dreamā€¦

The setting changes from The Sword Coast to Faerun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Veilyn Glannath Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn
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The setting changes from Faerun to The Sword Coast


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Veilyn Glannath Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn
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There was something to be said about the stars in the sky. The drow of the underdark often never see them, or the sun for that matter. In fact, Veilyn himself had not gazed upon the infinite expanse of space until he was a ninety-seven, a lifetime for humans, but for him, just a brief chapter of his life. Something about the stars stirred within him a sense of awe, a primal feeling that started in his stomach and clawed its way into his heart that told him, "behold how insignificant you are in the grand scheme of things." It was thoughts like these that filled his mind during his reveries, which often; as they had this evening; take place on a thin roll arranged outside so that he could gaze for hours into the blackness. He had long forsaken the practice of reliving his memories, for he had too many, and very few of them pleasant. "Besides," he often argued to himself, "there is no use dwelling in the past."

Though he had distanced himself from the camp by a sufficiently large margin, he was acutely aware of the gathering around the fire. First, was Caleb, the Paladin. Veilyn liked her a lot, and not just because she was attractive. Despite being one of those "virtuous" people, she had the same kind of grim strength that so many that survived the underdark share, a demeanor that only graces those who have been through hell, and lived. Second came the Monk, whose name Veilyn could still not confidently pronounce, forcing him to refer to her with names such as, "you", "monk", "girl", or "kid". She was pretty, not the same way as Caleb. Where Caleb was strong, Aletrayu was refined. Where the paladin was grim, the monk was stoic. Veilyn's ears picked up the monk's voice for a brief moment, before the night fell silent again, and only the crackling of the fire could be heard. Then came the sorcerer, Brolo. Veilyn didn't know what to think about him. He had a recklessness about him that Veilyn respected, but it was recklessness spawned from inexperience, rather than experience. He did seem a little short tempered, but Veilyn had yet no quarrel with him, so it was best to let him be. Morning must have been creeping up on them, and the sun's light dimmed the stars as it prepared to crack over the horizon and spill it's golden light all across the landscape.

Turning his attention back to the fire, he saw that two others had joined the group. The druid, Araina, and the newcomer, Azrael. There was little that Veilyn had to say about Araina. She was a surface elf, which automatically put a strain on their relationship, and though undoubtedly attractive, she seemed like the kind of nature-loving, tree-hugging elven stereotype that Veilyn tried to avoid. If he ever pursued anything with her, he felt as if it would somehow involve the forest in an unpleasant way. Azrael, on the other hand, was the one Veilyn was watching out for. Veilyn, of course, had long ago learned never to fully trust anyone, especially new people, but this went deeper. He was always aloof, and he had a strange habit of waking in the small hours of the morning. In talking with him, Veilyn realized that Azrael talked around his past and his motives. Whatever they were, the man did not want Veilyn to know. He'd also noticed that Azrael never makes a sound when walking, even when stepping on branches or dry leaves, meaning that the man had boots enchanted for utter silence. Veilyn knew very well the shadowy paths, and he knew that only thieves and killers bothered to silence their footsteps. The most off-putting thing about Azrael though, was his similarity to Veilyn, at least in outward interaction. He played charismatic to learn about the group but the way he acted when he wasn't chatting someone up suggested it was only superficial. Veilyn would not let his guard down.

He pulled himself from his state of rest and stood, refreshed and ready for the day. It was still sufficiently dark, and the shadows still clung to his armor and cloak, slightly obscuring him. Adjusting his straps, he fastened his sword to his waist and his bow around his torso. He took one more moment to stretch before stepping softly towards the fire. Another man had joined them, Caine. He reminded Veilyn of Caleb, and he wondered why the two were not a couple, although he had an eagerness that she did not, which was probably off-putting to her. As Veilyn neared, the light from the fire melted off the last remnants of the darkness that clung to Veilyn, and cast his shadow long behind him whilst illuminating him a strange mix of firelight and morning sunlight. Veilyn caught the end of what the Paladin said, but did not deign to reply, as he had nothing to add. Instead, he lead with a different topic, his cadence slowing for a moment as Caleb left.

"I am not too late to this party, am I? Fashionably late is one thing, but most of you are here and that makes me feel like I am interrupting something. I hope that is not the case." He glanced around, then continued before anyone could reply,"So... breakfast?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Veilyn Glannath Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn
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Lucien Alamancie

Cloak Wood, it was a nice enough place. There was always some sort of adventure to be had, all one had to do was walk in the woods for a day and some sort of encounter or confrontation could almost be assured. Still, Lucien was a wanderer at heart. Wonderlust was his birthright as a Moon Elf, and keeping camp in seclusion for a month was about all the bard could handle. It would have been alright had they actually been in a city, there were lots of different things to do in cities. But he had been all through these woods already, he knew the secret spots, the hidey-holes, and he was already a well known figure at the various wayfarers' inns within walking distance. He was at one such inn now, enrapturing the patron's of the inn's bar with his harp.

This would ideally be his last performance in the area, the Bloodsails would be moving on in the morning, so he was going to soak up all of the attention and admiration he could. Apart from wandering from land to land, exploring, experiencing, and seeing, he loved to have an audience to play for. There was simply noting like it. The thrill of having an audience, the gratification afforded by demonstrating his skills to impress others and garner their admiration.

Eventually, the crowd of patrons dispersed to their bedrooms, some called by their internal clocks, others by their lovers and mistresses. For his part, Lucien stayed in the tavern room, resting in a booth against the wall. Slipping easily into the trance-like state of the reverie. His was not a troubled rest, this time his visions were of a past performance, this one in a city square. Such visions were far and away the most common. Though less pleasant one were beginning to become more and more frequent, especially after the outbreak of the plague.

Lucien roused himself from his reverie in the early morning hours. It was still dark out, but he decided it was about time to return to camp. Wouldn't want to miss the departure. And come to think of it, he still hadn't received the mission details. He hoped Caleb, or Zaccheus would fill them in soon, the anticipation was killing him. As Lucien walked back to camp, he idly strummed at his harp, the sound filtering through the woods. After a time, he arrived back at camp. Seeing most everyone around the fire he approached as well, calling out in a bright manner, "My my, aren't we all up early?" He had caught Caleb's call to mobilize, but his gear was already packed, he was always ready to go off exploring and adventuring at a moment's notice. It would seem he had arrived just in time to set out.

The setting changes from The Sword Coast to Faerun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Veilyn Glannath Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn
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#, as written by Celedia

The setting changes from Faerun to The Sword Coast


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Veilyn Glannath Character Portrait: Aletrayu Habretta Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Araina Narthanellyn
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#, as written by Celedia
Emerald orbs surveyed the scene around the campfire as the druidess stood apart from the others, seeking the comfort of the trees lining the clearing rather than the people within. Her right shoulder rested against the gently curved trunk of a hiexel tree, one of the two arbor oddities that existed in Cloakwood. The tree itself was easily identifiable, bearing a green, waxy wood and marked by oval shaped leaves and sparse branches. While the others began to pack their belongings, Araina slung her staff into its sling upon her back, turned and then rested her hand against the tree as if sensing something about it.

To the others, it may look like she was praying, and they wouldnā€™t be far from the truth. She was, in fact, asking the tree for the use of its wood since it may prove useful in their journeys. Hiexel wood burns and produces a thick, black smoke that is oily and chokes those that breathe it in, making it useful to drive off enemies or light signal beacon fires.

A soft green glow seemed to shimmer between her palm and the bark whilst several branches fell suddenly to the ground. The druidess smiled, a slight curvature of petal pink lips as she stepped back and bowed towards the tree.

Ask and you shall receiveā€¦. Her thoughts were casual as she picked up the wood which had been cast off and took a length of cloth from one of the many pouches hanging loosely from her leather belt. Winding the strip carefully about the small bundle of switches, she secured them tightly then hooked the free end of cloth around her belt so that the pack of hiexel kindling hung against her hip as well.

It was only then that she meandered closer to the fire, green eyes still regarding the flames with subtle hostility before lifting up once more to regard her companions. They were an affable lot, mostly. Caleb seemed an archetypal strong and silent type- beautiful enough to be amongst the finest in the human cities yet choosing a life on the road. In fact, it seemed odd that most of the people she traveled with were each eye-catching in their own way.

The monk, Aletrayu, was exotic in appearance yet had a calming quality that extended to those surrounding her unlike Brolo, the fire mage, who tended to incite the darkest emotions in others. Azrael and Lucien were closer kin than they appeared. Both the moon elf and half elf exhibiting the sort of charismatic life-loving attitude that most of her long-lived species seemed known for. What good was an extended life if one didnā€™t enjoy themselves? It was a mantra that many of her elven kindred shared and she couldnā€™t fault them for such an attitude. They laughed frequently and flirted shamelessly but were both formidable when the situation called for it.

Their darker elven brother, Veilyn, was equally charming but she could not overlook the innate hostilities between their people. The constant warring between the sun-kissed races and the shadow-tainted hordes left little love between them and even when a drow left the Underdark to venture up onto the surface, he or she was still usually discriminated against. Still, she tended to love or disdain all living creatures with equality, so she treated the dark elf as casually as she did any of her other party members. That even included the human, Caine. Despite her predisposition to abhorring the human race for the atrocities it commits on a regular basis against Nature, she tried diligently not to fault him for the acts of his people especially since she would be required to travel extensively with him.

Her thoughts had once more gave way to the reality set before her as the others began to circle once more about the fire. Everyone seemed to be laden with packs and bags of various weight, causing her to inquire, ā€œDo any of you require assistance with your things?ā€ Her voice once more issued throughout the quiet campsite, a melodic lilt affecting her tone the way it did for most woodland elves. It was an honest inquiry, for the druidess had little of her own to take with her. The various herbs and foodstuffs that she gathered were carried in the pouches hanging about her hips, her weaponry was a light enough load and she required no tent or bedroll. Having lived over a century living off only what nature provided, she was adept at procuring what she might need with the occasional aid of the Forest Father.

The setting changes from The Sword Coast to Faerun


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Abel Character Portrait: Caleb Beth-dagon Character Portrait: Veilyn Glannath Character Portrait: Azrael Zakesh Character Portrait: Brolo Character Portrait: Syranni Yukreth
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As Azrael stood near the fire it seemed everyone was going to be getting up, apparently the group being in sync on this particular occasion. The newest edition to the ensemble was Caine. Caine was the usual fighter type, always ready for action or more accurately, always yearning for action. Azrael didn't mind the man though, in fact out of all the men in the group he probably liked Caine the most, especially since they both seemed to share a disliking for the sorcerer. He nodded to the Fighter before he began to poke the fire, only turning away when Caleb spoke. "Aye, the sun will dawn within the next hour and we must be prepared to leave thereafter." As much as he liked sitting around and observing those in the group, he was about ready to get going, the need to move around and have a bit of fun overwhelming. "I encourage you all of you to prepare and provisionā€¦" Azrael nodded again, this time towards Caleb, deciding not to move immediately but already going over what he would need to do in order to be totally prepared for the departure. He was already wearing his armor and weapons, so the only thing he really needed to do was get all his equipment together and make sure he had his rations packed up which would take no time at all. Caleb departed quickly though and as much as he hated to see the woman leave he had expected it, the reliable one as always, going to prepare herself as soon as she advised others to do so.

As much as focusing on beautiful women would have been Azraelā€™s pleasure, yet another person, Veilyn, had joined. The rogue was of great interest to Azrael, the half-elf already knowing a good bit about the Drow. He was a former member of the Shadow Thieves Guild, and a traitor at that, one that had made quite a few enemies before his quick departure. Azrael knew this because he had been hired to eliminate the rogue, and while he was currently enjoying the current situation as it suited his needs, he would eventually fulfill his contract and end the Drow's life. As for when he wasnā€™t quite sure, all he knew at the moment was that the rogue, as was the rest of the group, always close. That meant there would be an abundance of opportunities for Azrael to do what he was paid to do in the near future. Besides, when the time came he would gladly finish it, he didnā€™t much care for the man and the fact that he was a Drow made it all the easier, not that he had as much hate as a full-blood would have, but he still had a general distaste for the dark-skinned dwellers of the underworld. So, for the time being he would simply watch the man, learning whatever he didnā€™t already know as he continued his journey as part of Bloodsails Inc.

"I am not too late to this party, am I? Fashionably late is one thing, but most of you are here and that makes me feel like I am interrupting something. I hope that is not the case." It was a ridiculous notion, to think he would be interrupting something at such a time, though it was most likely just Azraelā€™s dislike of the man causing him to punch holes in everything he said. The Drow didnā€™t stop there though, he continued, his previous comment being passed up even by him. "So... breakfast?" The assassin was hungry but not nearly hungry enough to accept food from the Drow, even with his stone he wouldnā€™t feel comfortable, besides he had his own ration packed away just for such an occasion, although the annoyance of hunger had yet to bother him so it was just as well, he didnā€™t need any food. Azrael shook his head as he passed Veilyn, uttering a polite, ā€œNo thank youā€ before heading towards his humble camp abode. On the way he shot a nod and smile to Syranni who had just arrived before going off and disappearing into his tent.

It wasnā€™t until inside his tent that the smile disappeared, not that it had been insincere but he just didnā€™t see the point in continuing to smile whilst alone. Instead he got straight to business, checking the gear he had equipped to make sure he had the various items he always kept with him, his weapons, certain magical trinkets, and of course the other various tools of his trade. Then he got his bedroll nice and neat, situating it along with spare clothing and plenty of his own rations and other odds and ends. It didnā€™t really take him long to pack up but he took advantage of every minute of it, going slow and making sure he had absolutely everything accounted for, and even when he had finished he didnā€™t leave the tent, instead he sat down and just stared down at the tents entrance. Azrael was focusing himself, going over everything in his head as a final checklist, because in his experience one could never be too prepared. Besides, if you ever forgot something it would end up being the exact thing you needed later on. He didnā€™t want to take too long though, the presence of beautiful women all gathered in one location made it hard for him to concentrate since he would much rather be outside with them, having fun and flirting shamelessly.That would come soon though, after he finished his checkup, he couldn't afford to miss a thing, and once he left the tent he would rather not have to end his conversation with the others in the camp to go grab an item he forgot the first time.