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Mikhail Orako

"There's too much things on your face, it's not pretty."

0 · 358 views · located in Hutye

a character in “Seasons”, as played by arteech0kee



Mikhail Orako




* He can mentally control and manipulate heat, encompassing the power and ability to boil and super-heat things to scalding temperatures.

* He can create and throw balls made out of fire.

* He can walk through fire and has immunity on anything to with fire.

* He can make others immobile and numb; causing them to be left without movement and sensation.

* He can manipulate people and make them believe in things he says, regardless if it's true or not.


Mikhail, or Micah as he much preferred it, loves nature and all things natural, and that would include the beauty within - or outside - of people. You will never find him alone. He will always be amongst a group of people and, more often than not, he will be the center of attention. He is not the one to waste his charm in empty air; there will always be an audience admiring him, although he is very picky amongst whom he would speak to. He would show it in his face, expression and body language if he doesn't like the person, especially if they are within the list of people he would not want to associate with. Micah is vain, he loves himself, yet at the same time, hates himself because of it.
Because of his love for the outdoors, he would always be seen outside and playing a sport. He is athletic and competitive, which would also add with his short-temper.

* Himself
* Lou
* Shiny and Pretty Things or People
* Socializing
* Music / Singing
* Attention
* Fruits
* The Beach / Despite the fact he's often weak when in the water for too long
* The Great Outdoors
* Accessories
* Sports

* Himself
* Ugly and Dull Things or People
* Boring situations
* Classical Music
* Nothing to Do / Inactivity during the day
* Thick Make Up on people
* Over-Exaggerated Things or People

A really small Yellow Canary named, Lou.

Increased Sight

Music Type~

People who relate to you~
Beautiful People

Opinion of People~
"I find it odd how some people seem to look so beautiful, while some are really the opposite. At the moment, what I think of them are really dirty, smelly creatures who walk around the planet putting things on their faces that supposedly enhances their beauty, but it doesn't. True beauty comes from natural things, and I can't help but feel quite an attraction and amusement to those people with natural beauty. I don't need things to enhance myself, but others seem to force things on me to make me more appealing. Should I follow suit and put things on me that would make me more noticeable?"

* If he happens to be alone, he's always seen with earphones and music blasting from it.
* He's part of the school choir and sings in his spare time.
* Particularly close to Spring, but isn't with Winter and neutral with Autumn, though he loves them all just the same.
* Lou often stays out his cage and on Mikhail's shoulder.

So begins...

Mikhail Orako's Story


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His arms tossed wide open as Mikhail and his yellow canary friend, Lou, greeted the world with a bright smile and sparkled eyes as the sun touched his skin and he pretty much absorbed all the energy coming from the hot orb above him. The feeling of warmth caressed his light skin as he closed his eyes and inhaled so deeply before parting his lips and blew out all the air that went into his human body. There were people who gawked at him as he stood by the pathway, and they thought of him as strange whenever he went out every morning to greet the people. He loved the social interaction and the attention that was given to him despite the fact that some of those looks were horrible and judgmental, nonetheless, he had done the same.

"Oh Lou, the day is very beautiful. I just love it when it's like this," Mikhail grinned as the bird chirped in response. The man then tucked his hands into his pocket and began to take one step at a time through the crowd of people that had rushed towards wherever they wanted to go. He loved it when he saw different faces, and he would appreciate the beauty of those who were fortunate to have such natural grace, though he would openly ridicule those with thickness on their faces. Mikhail cringed at the sight of one woman who had crossed the road and headed towards him, and he quickly swerved to the side to get out of her path and let out a sigh once she reached the other side. "Lou, that was horrible," He complained as he went on further into town.

All the while, at the back of his mind, he wondered what his Brothers were up to on such a lovely day.