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Second Star to the Right



a part of Second Star to the Right, by Lorawr.


Lorawr holds sovereignty over Londo, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

234 readers have been here.

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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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#, as written by Lorawr

Peter's life was by no means an easy one. Well, it had it's moments, but it certainly wasn't easy. He did think, however, that his view of the city of London did go some small way in reparations. London sprawled before him, an endless tangle of streets and cars and people lit not by the stars in the sky but by the few beads of light that lit the houses and towers of the city. Rain fell heavily from the sky, a dank but comforting sound that made the streets smell and the small room that he had claimed seem even smaller.

"Pete, pull the curtain. You'll get the floor wet," his companion drawled lazily from where she had flopped down hours earlier on the mattress in the corner. Bella pushed herself up on her elbows to regard him from the floor. Her violently green hair hung in damp strands over her brow and her eyeliner had dried in sad rivers down her face, still left from when she had returned earlier.

Peter flashed her his teeth in a quick smile, but stepped back, and let the curtain fall back in it's place. It made no matter that he'd be exiting through it momentarily. Pushing a hand through his messy hair, he sauntered to her side, letting the toe of one foot gently kick the mattress. It let out a pitiful squeak. His lips set in his trademark smirk, he settled in to a crouch, reaching forward to push her hair back from her brow. He looked into her blue eyes when he replied to her.

"Bell, it's going to be cold and wet in here whether or not that curtain is open," he spoke before patting her shoulder. He looked around the dismal room. He and Bella had claimed the alley below years ago, but only realised in recent years that they could get to this room if they scaled the side of the wall and entered through the window. It was little more than a backroom, and since Bella had found a place at a hostel and a more or less steady job as a dancer, he'd made it his own. Scraps of whimsically bright cloth hung in drapes from the ceiling, and he'd hauled a few crates up to act as tables and chairs and storage. There were also patched cushions and blankets, and he'd scavenged a poster of a cat which he'd nailed over the door. They'd tried to open it, ut it was blocked on the other side. The shelves that lined the walls had a couple of picture books, as he couldn't read, and more than a few small candles in glass jars. Sometimes, it was even warm, but it was always home.

Stretching, he straightened, and went to the shard of glass that hung on a thread from the ceiling. Looking into the mirror, he saw himself. Tattered jeans and a black hoodie to cover the stained shirt beneath was his usual. He let the makeshift mirror go, and it swung back into place, fluttering with the slight breeze from the window that wouldn't shut.

"I'm going to take the lads out. See if we can't bring home the bacon"

Peter spoke to Bella, knowing full well that he wouldn't get a reply. The girl had fallen back into a dumb stupor, but he knew she'd be gone by the time he returned. He went to the window, pushing aside the curtain to look down at the alley. He could see his boys down there, though admittedly the group was made up of just as many girls. They were all different ages, but none older than 18. The alley was wide enough that they'd built there, but small enough no one had noticed. It was little more than a few planks caught between the two walls that made it, but it was shelter. Draped with more than a few scrappy bedsheets, it made for a little shelter, where maybe a dozen kids of different ages were huddled out of the rain.

There was another, a little further along, and some chose to huddle against the walls beside crates. Despite the rain, there was an air of good cheer. He smiled, rubbing the palm of his fingerless gloves as he looked down at them. The group he harboured changed regularly, but that was okay. At the far end he could see a fire someone had lit in an old bin, and a few kids warming themselves by it. The wind blew hard, rattling the frames of their shelters, and he steeled himself. No more procrastination.

Peter set his foot on the sill, and gripped the sides of the window, just about to vault out to climb down the familiar route on the wall of the building when his attention was caught by an inarticulate mumble behind him. He paused, looking back at Bella, and sighed. Stepping back into the room, he slipped an ancient blanket around her, and then left. Jumping athletically from the window, he landed heavily on the ground.

"Eh, up, lads!" His voice travelled easily down the alley, "Let's go for a walk."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille

It was a Saturday. Which meant there was no school to attend to, but there was still a lesson for her to attend. That still wasn't for awhile, as it had been pushed back a few hours than what the time was usually. Her voice lessons teacher had to push it back, due to some family situations that she had to deal with. Which was fine with Wendy for the most part. The only reason Wendy would be upset with the change in time, was due to the fact that she had to stay at home and wait to get out of the house.

Her father had the weekends off, which made weekends worse than the school days. Her father was a tall man at the height of six foot four, but also quite large. He could squish her if he so choose to. Wendy knew the temper the man held and she knew if she did anything to displease him, it'd come out as he had such a short fuse. Wendy obeyed her father at any cost these days, due to the fact her father has hit her in the past, and she doesn't want to see how much more violent he can get.

Watching the rain fall, from her window seat, she realized her mum was out at work, while John and Michael were out doing their own lessons they had for the day. That meant that Wendy was home alone with her father today. It was quite the damp day in London. The sky cloaked in the dark thick clouds, and the rain drops coming one after the other. Wendy would have to get her umbrella out today and possibly a light if it got too dark.

"Wendy!" Her father shouted out into their building. With a sigh she got up, her feet walking across the wooden floor beneath her, that had the odd squeaky floor boards. Turning the silver knob to her white door, she swung the door open and gone into the hall. Wendy finally found where her father was and she stood in front of him, one hand in the other, both in front of her. "Yes father?" She asked and had a careful eye on him.

"Could you make supper upon returning home from voice lessons?" He had asked and Wendy nodded, "I will father." She concluded and went back up to her room. She fond her raincoat and slipped it on. Today she had just been wearing a casual black dress that went down just passed her knees. It was a casual, but nice style, really something her mother had picked out, like a majority of her clothes. It wouldn't be something she'd pick for herself to wear, but it was better to obey than to not obey.

Putting on her shoes, she grabbed her umbrella and she walked out of the house. It was a decent travel there and she did her voice lessons. She was progressing each lesson more and more. Soon she would be ready to enter a competition, but that was still awhile off.

Wendy was now walking home. It was a little bit of a walk, but with her umbrella blocking out the rain she figured she'd be fine. Walking she could hear the rain fall down around her, and hit the tin on the roofs. She loved the sound of rain and it really put her at ease. She could hear foot steps behind her, but she ignored it. Thinking it was just someone else walking home.

She was about to turn the corner when two men came around the corner and looked at her with a smirk on their faces. "What a pretty young girl like you doing out on the streets alone?" The taller one asked, advancing on her. She took a few steps back, until she hit another body. She could feel the body behind her shake as a laugh erupted from his chest. Wendy's umbrella dropped as the man behind her had grabbed her wrists and Wendy struggled against him. "Let me go." She grumbled at them.

They managed to unbutton her raincoat and she was still struggling. "No use resisting darling, we all just want a little bit of fun." the tall one mused. Wendy ended up sacking the guy in front of her, and he doubled over in pain as she leaned over and bit the arm of the guy holding her. Once out of his grip she grabbed her umbrella and closed it beating up the guy that once held her and made sure his head hit the pole behind them and he fell to the ground unconscious.

Wendy watched as one guy tended to the other one knocked out, but the tall guy was still on a mission. She sprinted around the corner and her heart was beating heavy in her chest. By this point Wendy was soaked and her hand clutched tight to the umbrella as she ran. She turned into one of the alleys near by and while she was breathing heavily she paused.

When she heard footsteps behind her she was startled and she opened her umbrella. "Stay away from me!" She yelled out to the tall man yet again. The tall guy held something in his hand and it glinted from the houses lights near by. He cut through the umbrella which left Wendy petrified. The tall man made swift movements and pressed her up against the stone wall. Her skin was cold and wet and she was trembling by this point. The knife was held up near her throat and she was crying out by this point. "Just leave me alone!" She said pleading to the man.

"Any fast moves this time darling and you wont last the night." the man said, and Wendy couldn't help but cry. "Please just let me go," struggling out of his grip she could feel her coat slowly being peeled off of her shoulders, and her body would tremble more as the tears rolled down her cheek as she kept trying to struggle, but it was no use.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
At Peter's call, the children assembled in small groups of twos and threes until he had a congregation of maybe fifteen in front of him. He waited patiently, though restlessly. He took a few steps up and down their home, to a small shelter where more than twenty different coats and jackets were hung up on nails to the wall. He shook his already damp hair when he stepped under the small covering, then picked out his favourite. He paused, settling into it once the leather had warmed to his body, then turned to look at the group of kids that had gathered at his call.

A fond smile curled at his lips. Each of them was different in their own right, but each had the same cold bedraggled, but always fearless look he associated with his lads. They chattered quietly and intensely, each excited for their walk. It was something that Peter and Bella had set as essential long ago. They had to eat, after all, and London was a town full of tourists with full pockets and a pathetic lost look that was difficult not to exploit. The lads he took out were good at it, stealing that is, and although they didn't always have their bellies full, they never starved. Glancing up, the rain showed no sign of stopping, and he grimaced. Cold was almost normal for him, but being wet too was a pet hate. He returned to them, lifting his hood so that it shaded his face, before calling to them in a confident voice that sailed easily over their mild muttering.

"Right, lads. You know the drill... Let's get going so we can get home before dinner"

Peter led them down the alley, letting them follow behind as they wanted. He knew the way well, and as they joined the crowds, the kids behind him seamlessly broke into smaller groups so no one would notice the masses that expertly weaved between the others, slipping a finger into pockets and withdrawing a purse, or a few notes, working as a group to work through the crowds. They moved through London efficiently, like a hunting pack of dogs, heads down communicating through glances or subtle hand gestures. Hours passed like this, but they didn't seem to be achieving as much progress as usual.

Peter sighed, pushing his hair from his eyes and stopped to lean against the decades old stone of a building, watching as his lads determinedly continued to work in the rain. It was getting darker now, time to stop. There were less people on the street and the ones that soon would take their place were not worth the effort and risk of working through. Peter put his fingers to his lips and whistled low, giving the signal that would send them home. He watched carefully as they dispersed, only making the crowd smaller, taking care to count each one as they left in the direction of their makeshift home. Some lifted their heads, looked up and smiled, but all acknowledged him as a friend.

Peter was the last to leave, waiting long enough that only the most sordid of individuals still lingered on the streets. He pushed away from the wall, hands still buried in his pockets. He'd pilfered a reasonable amount, and it was time to return. Tugging again on his hood to keep hidden from the cameras, he turned around, and took the returning path in the direction he'd come hours before.

The rain still fell heavily, and muffled the sounds of what remained of the iconic London traffic. The streetlights were little more than an orange blur mirrored in the dirty puddles of the street. It was peaceful, and he sighed contentedly. That is until, a scream shattered the fragile silence of the peaceful London streets. It was cut off shortly, but Peter just didn't have the ability to ignore it. He was running, moving towards the sound.

"Just leave me alone!"

The boy skidded around a corner, almost falling. Arms wheeling, he caught his balance. Whoever it was couldn't be far now. The last plead for help was quieter, but more desperate, and much closer.

"Please just let me go"

Peter stumbled around another corner, at the entrance to a dead end alley not unlike his own. The main difference was that at the far end of this one was a man, and a girl, and one was whimpering as the other reached for her shoulders, growling with humourless laughter. There was no room, and no time for surprise or shock.

"Hey, you!"

He shouted at the man, who was so involved in his task that he didn't even notice.


He shouted again, already moving quickly down the alley. When he reached the unwilling couple, his complete and utter fury made him act without thinking. He grabbed the collar of the man's jacket, and tugged him backwards. Years on the streets had taught him how to fight. The man stumbled back, trying to clutch the girl's jacket for balance. He almost recovered, but Peter sent his fist, with a sickening crunch, into the man's face. He doubled over, and Peter sent his knee into the wretched man's stomach.

"Filthy piece of shit," he muttered, pushing him away. His knuckles throbbed, and he flexed his fingers furiously. "Get out of here"

Peter waited for the man to leave, slipping on the wet cobbles, but as soon as he was half way down the alley he turned back to the girl. He caught her with one hand, steadying her. His eyes searched for hers, though carefully, not wanting to scare her any more.

"Hey," this time he spoke softly, almost as he did to the younger homeless kids when they were new to him, "He's gone. Are you... Are you hurt?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Surely this would be it. Was the only thing that went on in her mind. If she had just let them have their fun the first time, she would be able to go home. Now she wasn't so sure she'd make it home. Eventually the other two guys would be back and she was sure once the 'fun' was over that they'd just kill her. They didn't just let someone like her live. If she couldn't have saved herself by now, then there was no hope. Unless someone heard her, but it was unlikely. By the time it got to this point at night, most of the good folk were in their homes, sitting down with their families.

Closing her eyes shut tight, not wanting to be present for any of it, she continued to cry. There wasn't much that she could do to stop it anymore, and her shoulders slumped as she seemed to call it defeat. Wendy had almost gone into another place entirely when she was broken from that. She heard yelling from another person. Slowly regaining full consciousness, Wendy opened her eyes again and she could see another person with in the alley with them.

When the man had been pulled off of her, she took in a deep breath. Her heart was racing and she quickly began to do up her raincoat, which had been soaked by this point. It was a few more moments of her heart beating against her chest, that soon the man harassing her had left the alley. She realized now that her hair was also soaking wet, little droplets falling down on her face.

When the figure who had helped her came over and had steadied her with his hand, she looked for the face of the person. It wasn't long before Wendy's fear filled eyes met with his, as she breathed heavily. She heard his voice speak much softer now, and she just kept her eyes locked with his.

"I d-don't think so." She said in a quiet volume, hardly audible. Wendy sniffled a bit, and sighed. She assumed since the one man had gone running, he'd catch up to his friends soon, and they'd all leave the area. "I just want to go home." Wendy said as she wiped away what would hopefully be the last set of tears. Wendy was so disoriented in what had happened, she didn't even think to say thank you yet.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
"Okay, home."

He nodded, agreeing with her. Home would be best. He looked around, up and down the alley to make sure that no one else had appeared to take the first man's place, and then seemed to come to a decision. He took a step back from her, and wriggled out of his jacket. It was warm from his body, and had a hood that'd keep her hair dryer. The last thing he wanted and the last thing she needed was to go into shock.

"I'll take you there. Where do you live?"

Peter asked softly, careful not to spook her anymore as he put his jacket around her. He stood back and watched her. She looked like she was definitely from one of the wealthier families around town. Events like this weren't uncommon, but he wouldn't be surprised if her sheltered upbringing made it all that much worse for her. He looked up at the sky. The rain was still falling and soaking his now bare head, not that he really minded. Peter shifted from foot too foot, uncertain as to how she would react to him now.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Wendy was glad to hear that he agreed about going home. She usually didn't mind the rain and wouldn't have a problem being soaked to the bone, as sometimes that was her intention, but today was different. She didn't intend for it today. She watched it fall and it didn't seem that it would let up. Looking back down, she saw her umbrella broken. Wouldn't be too much to replace, besides not everyone had an umbrella now-a-days.

Looking back up to him, she watched him get out of his hoodie and he had put it on her instead. The thought hadn't fully registered in Wendy's brain but if it had, she'd refuse it and give it back. She remembered that he had asked where she lived. As she regained her thoughts a little more she came around and she mentioned her neighbourhood to him. She began to walk a bit with the boy who had found and saved her. Once out of the alley the comfort of street lights were in her presence.

"What's your name?" She asked softly. For some reason that was all her mind was focused on. She had not seen him around before, and she figured it was a bit impolite to not know his name at the very least. He did help her immensely. Wendy walked down the street a bit with the boy she had just started speaking with. As they advanced down the street, she knew her area wasn't very far off from where she was currently.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
Peter listened to her shakily recite her address, mentally worked out the safest route, and then nodded. He led the way, cautiously checking the mouth of the alley for any more of the lowlifes that had attacked the girl, before settling in to a pace that was quick enough to get them their soon, but wouldn't tire her out. He wondered if Bella would notice he hadn't returned. He made a note to get back as quick as he could.

As they walked together, mostly in silence as Peter carefully checked their surroundings, the boy cast a sidelong glance at his companion. She was quiet, almost reticent, which really wasn't a surprise considering what she'd been through tonight. He blinked, taking care not to meet her eyes. He wanted to talk to her, reassure her that she was going to be okay now and that it was all over, but was suddenly aware that he didn't really know what to say. Firstly, she was a girl. What did people say to girls? The only one that he knew well was Bella... and she didn't count. Looking around, he regretfully realised they were getting close to her neighbourhood.

"What's your name?"

Her question broke the silence, and it even surprised him how grateful he was. He smiled slightly, glancing in her direction again.

"Peter. And yours?"

He felt weird asking. As though it would even matter to such a well to do girl once she was home and safe, but he was glad she'd asked anyway. They turned a corner, and he could see her road not far away.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Wendy had stayed quiet most of their walk back to her address. That wasn't because she was so much in shock anymore, it was simply because for the most part, her father had taught her to speak in turn. You don't speak unless you are first talked to. He was quite an old fashioned man. Quite old fashioned that she assumed if he even saw the boy with his tattered jeans he'd get angry with Wendy and assume she had just spent time with this boy instead of coming home to make him and the whole family something to eat.

As they continued on they got closer. Finally when it was in site he answered her question. She smiled slightly when he mentioned his name was Peter. It was a bit of an old name, but she quite liked it to be rather frank. Wendy, spoke out of turn for the first time in a long time, by asking what his name was, he was supposed to ask her first. The way Wendy saw it now was that it was the twenty first century and if she wanted to ask a boy his name she would ask it. Although this boy was different than her father, her father with a man filled with anger, and she didn't dare speak back to him.

"Wendy." She said after he had asked her what her own name was. Her name was a bit old now a days and not many parents named their children that, but Wendy was perfectly fine with that.

When they finally got to her road she looked over to him briefly and then back to the road. She got out of his jacket and handed it to him. "Here, I wont be needing it much longer, and I think you need it a lot more than I do." Wendy also knew if her father saw her out the window with it on, he'd assume the worst. It was the way he was. Likely no one would ask nor care what had happened to her tonight. She'd get in and they'd ask what kept her, and Wendy would probably lie and tell them she had to stay late. Her parents weren't people to confide in. They never have been.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
"Wendy, huh? That's a real nice name," he muttered after pausing way too long to reply. It was an old name, sure, but he really did kind of like it. He fell silent again as he escorted her back to her house. When they were stood outside of it, he had to blink and tilt his head back to look at the whole thing. It was so nice and... normal. A real homely place. He found himself glad that she really did have somewhere to go tonight. He bet it was warm on the inside.

"Here, I wont be needing it much longer, and I think you need it a lot more than I do."

Peter nodded slightly, taking his jacket from her. It was wet, and he was thoroughly soaked too. Putting it on at this point would probably only make him wetter, and he really would need it in future. He stepped back, and smiled at her warmly, just as a drop of rain found it's way down the back of his shirt and he shuddered with it.

"Thanks. I hope you're okay. It was nice to meet you, Wendy."

He wouldn't admit he was almost sad to say goodbye, but he'd done the right thing and returned her to her own world. And he'd likely never see her again. Unwilling to drag things out much longer, he shrugged, and rose a hand in farewell as he walked backwards away from her.

"See you around."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Upon hearing that she had a nice name, she smiled. Not many people had that response. When she returned his jacket to him she felt bad that it was soaked. He was also soaked, and she wasn't sure if he had anything better to return to at home. It made her a little sad to let him go so soaked, but knowing everyone was home, she couldn't just bring him inside no matter how much she wanted to.

When he had said thank you for her returning the jacket, it was almost as if a light had gone on in her head and she hadn't said thank ou to the boy yet. "I was nice to meet you too, Peter-" Wendy was about to say more and say thank you, but she heard shouting from within.

"Wendy!" It was her father again. He must have looked through the window and saw that she was home. Wendy raised up a hand and waved at Peter and again opened her mouth to say thank you and she was cut off by her father. Sighing she quietly said thank you, as she opened the door and returned to her home for the night. Whether he heard her or not, she was uncertain.

Taking her raincoat off by the door and her shoes she threw her coat into the hamper for the washer. Upon coming up the stairs her mother caught sight of her. "Wendy, dear, why are you soaked?" She asked with worried eyes. Wendy's just looked at the ground, "I lost my umbrella and tried to find it out in the rain, but it was impossible to find." She said softly. Her mother didn't go any further into it and let Wendy go. Wendy made a quick meal, which she didn't feel like eating and returned to her room. She got into some of her warmer pajamas to help warm herself up. Grabbing a blanket and a book she sat in her window seat and looked over the streets down below and she tried to see if he was still down there, but it was likely otherwise. Wendy knew she had to find him again one day and thank him for what he had done.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
He frowned when he heard the shrill cry of a man inside the house. His eyes narrowed, and he peered past her to where one of the lights still glinted warmly in the window. He arched a brow at the sound of it, unsure whether to let her go, but when she only seemed resigned to going back in, he decided to let it go. The girl wasn't his responsibility.

Peter turned and started to walk back to his home, just a dismal crack in the city when compared to the apparent opulence of Wendy's home. He wondered how she'd conclude her night. A warm bath, maybe, and certainly a warm meal, and loving parents who... Peter frowned and forced his mind to other things like how much money he'd made that day. Suddenly grateful for his returned jacket, he rummaged through the pocket and counted the notes inside it.

Taking his preferred backstreet route back home, he walked quickly, head down, ignoring the thorough soaking he was receiving from the open heavens above him. He wondered whether Bella would be there to meet him or not. He wondered what he'd do to fill the hours tomorrow. He had some friends to visit, maybe. He could also take the day off... relax. Read a book, or try to, anyway. He sighed, shaking his head.

The alley was dark when he got back, with his charges mostly already asleep. A few lifted sleepy heads to watch the silent passerby as he made his way to the vertical path up to his room. Climbing up the wall was easy. He knew it well, despite the slipperiness the persistent rain had given it.

Inside, Bella was curled up on the mattress. A candle had been lit for him, and although it wasn't quite warm, it was dry. He smiled in the dim light. This was just right. He dropped his jacket unceremoniously on a crate, then peeled his shirt free from his bare chest. He kicked his boots off, and was just about to unbutton his jeans when something soft hit him square on the back. Blinking his surprise, he picked the towel up from where it had fallen after Bella had thrown it at him. He was just about to make a small joke about it, when he saw her. Though her face was dark in the dim candlelight, there was a distinct blackness to one of her eyes. He felt his stomach fall, and was just about to demand why she'd seen her ex when she just shook her head.


Peter nodded, and swallowed. He dried quickly, and changed into some dry sweatpants and a shit, before going to her. He lay beside her on the bed, his arms around her, as she buried her face in his arm. Peter sighed and waited for her to stop shaking before he blew out the candle, and even contemplated sleeping.

The next day dawned watery like the evening had been, but there was a distinct pale wash of sunlight that filtered into his room to herald the dawn. Peter was decidedly alone, and tired, he groaned and rubbed his dry eyes. He thought of Wendy, and hoped she was well, as he lay there attempting to find the willpower to get up and out of bed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Wendy had fallen asleep that night on her window seat. No warm bath, no hot meal last night. She didn't feel like it. She just wanted to have time to escape her reality that night. Which was why she chose a book. Waking up in the morning to the calls of her mother she groaned and got up trudging to her bed. Upon laying down in it her mother came up to her room. After they spoke a few minutes her mother decided best that she didn't go to church with this today and mentioned that they'd be gone all day. Wendy nodded and continued to lay in bed.

In all honesty Wendy was fine. Her mother likely assumed the first upon seeing her daughter soaked last night. After her family left, she got out of bed and walked around the place a bit. Finally, she got to the shower and the warm water welcomed her. Standing there for awhile she thought about last night, and Peter resurfaced to her mind. She had not yet thanked him for what he did last night. Surely if it hadn't been for him, her body would be bruised, violated, and cut up left for dead in that alley. She had ticked off the guys before hand so any mercy that they had at the start of the night was surely gone.

Sighing she got out and wrapped the towel around her. She needed something more than just words to thank him, but she hardly knew him. She didn't even know where he lived or where he liked to hang out. She contemplated going back around the same area she had been before, surely if he had been around to hear her then, he hadn't been too far right? Getting dressed for the day she knew it was probably best to wear something more appropriate for the rain. Nothing too much though, as there was sun peaking through the clouds. She put on a pair of leggings and a comfortable light blue shirt. It was a few clothes that she owned that her mother didn't pick out. Dresses and skirts weren't really her, but she wore them for her mother.

Putting on her boots, and just a regular jacket she walked out of the house. She had to go buy a new umbrella today anyways. They were definitely in the rain season which meant she needed the umbrella. Walking a few blocks she managed to come up to the stores. She walked in and bought a new one that would seem to work just find. Nothing too expensive, and nothing too cheap. After leaving the shop, she just kept looking through the crowd of people wondering if she'd ever see Peter around.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
Waking alone and cold, but in a cosy bubble of warmth from what little bedding he owned, Peter was more than reluctant to get up and do things and be responsible. Instead, he lay there for a long time, pondering the events of the last 12 day and flexing his fingers to feel the slight ache in his bruised knuckles.

At long last, the growling of his stomach force him up and out of bed. He pushed himself to his feet, and stretched, feeling the familiar complaint of muscles who had never enjoyed sleeping on the ancient mattress he'd claimed. Some part of him wondered where Bell had gone, but she had always been like a cat, coming and going as the times pleased her. She'd be okay. She always was. Peter's thoughts, however, returned often and consistently to the girl from the night before. Wendy. He hoped she'd had a good night and was feeling better today. Peter dressed himself lost in these thoughts, going with his usual jeans and a hoodie. His boots were unpleasantly damp when he put them on, but he didn't currently have any alternative.

He turned away to climb out of the window, grabbing a fistful of cash and shoving it into his pocket before he did. First things first. Breakfast.

Walking quickly through his alley, the fresh morning air brought a slight energy to his step. He did like mornings. Coffee, first, was essential. He took the familiar path to the shop where he was known by name, and where they sometimes gave him a free biscuit. It wasn't far from where he'd spent much of yesterday, and as he walked, he found himself looking around, to see if maybe he'd get just a glimpse of Wendy. Not that he allowed his hopes to raise.

When he got to the coffee shop, he was informed that it was now under new management. He scowled at the raised price of his coffee, but when one of the old staff members dropped him a secret cookie, he brightened up. Outside, he pocketed the food, and holding his drink carefully, climbed a low wall to break his fast. He liked having the vantage point over the slowly gathering crowd. His thoughts turned again to how he might spend his day as he slowly sipped his coffee and watched the public shuffle to work below him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Wandering the streets for a good fifteen minutes, Wendy felt the growl of her stomach. She forgot she hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday. Wendy began to make her way through the crowd and decided to go to one of the local coffee shops that was near by. Just a tea and blueberry muffin would suffice for the time being. She didn't have enough change with her to go get anything to fancy, besides her father would be outraged if she spent her money on something like that when there was perfectly good food at home.

With a sigh she entered the shop. There had been new management for a small couple of days by this point. She wasn't the biggest fan of that, but there wasn't much she could do. Luckily she got one of the old workers and she smiled. "Good morning Wendy." The worker had greeted her, "Good morning Lily." Wendy said in response with a smile on her face. "The usual is it?" Lily asked and Wendy nodded. Her usual being a medium green tea, two sugar two cream. Wendy dropped a tip into the jar, as she always did.

Wendy left the shop with her muffin and tea. She took a sip of her tea and was going to take a bite of her muffin when she saw a child, who seemed to be a lot more hungry than she had been. This child had tattered clothes, and didn't look too hopeful. It made Wendy sad. She wanted to help, but she couldn't simply adopt the child. She did what she could though. She walked over and sat on the ground beside the child.

"Here you want this?" She asked handing the muffin out to the child. The child was hesitant, but took the muffin and began to take a bite out of it. Went took a sip of her green tea again and watched the pedestrians walk by. Not even noticing the child. "I'm Wendy." She said with a smile and the small boy returned it.

"I'm Caleb." He responded and directed his gaze down at the ground as he nibbled the muffin. "Would you like to hear a story?" Wendy asked the boy and which he nodded. Wendy began to tell him an extravagant story of land far away, where they had pirates, and mermaids. For the next fifteen minutes Wendy's imagination went wild describing everything to the boy who seemed very into it. When she finished she had taken her jacket off and put it on the boy giving him warmth.

After that Wendy took a good sip of her green tea again and watched the boy as he thought of the story that Wendy had just told.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
Peter perched contentedly on his wall, looking down at the shuffling crowds with mild amusement. Every now and then, one of his lads walked beneath among them. Most had the common sense to look up and notice him, acknowledging him with a quick nod which he always returned. Peter smiled slightly. It wasn't easy, but he had a good life. A few doors down from him, he heard the bell of the coffee shop often as the door opened and closed. Peter sighed, then finished his coffee, just as a low whistle reached his ears. It wasn't quite one of their signals, but it was close enough to catch his attention.

Looking over the crowds, he saw a small boy. One of his new ones, little more than eight. One of Peter's new boys, he was also new on the streets, and was slowly taking direction from the rest of them on how to live out there. Weaving easily through the crowd to the boy, he greeted him with a warm smile.

"Tony. Morning. How's it going?"

"Um. Okay," the boy shuffled his feet nervously, and Peter distinctly heard the rumble of his empty stomach. He sighed. Peter wanted nothing more than to get the boy something himself, but if he did, he'd never learn to cope on his own.

"Alright, little man. What you want to do, is sit over there, yes, over there, and look sad. Got it? Don't speak to anyone, just look towards the coffee shop every now and then and I promise on my life that someone will bring something out for you in the next hour. Got it?"

The boy nodded, looking uncertain, but glad at the prospect. Just before he left, Peter added, "And if someone don't, I'll do it myself"

Tony looked distinctly happier as he found somewhere dry-ish to sit, and Peter returned to his wall to watch him work. It really was much easier being an actual kid and homeless. No one took pity on the older ones, but it was still a fair way to work. For fifteen minutes, people passed him by, either not seeing him or ignoring him completely. That was when the bell rang again, and a girl came out. She looked around, saw the boy, and then after just a moment of deliberation, went to him. Tony looked incredulously at the offered muffin, so much so that he almost looked to Peter and gave him away in the process. Instead, the little boy accepted what she had to offer.

Though he couldn't hear what the girl was saying for the next few minutes, he could see how she slowly engaged the now satisfied boy. Uncertain as to what to do, but with curiosity urging him onwards, he finally dropped down from the wall and, using the crowd to hide his inquisitive glances, made his way over. Intent on the boy, she didn't notice when he slipped with easy agile into a doorway where he could eavesdrop just a few feet away.

He didn't realise how engrossed he quickly became in her story until it ended, not having even thought to wonder at who this girl was. He blinked, and stayed there a few moments, thinking over the strange encounter. She as clearly rather well to do. No one else spoke like that, and her voice was so familiar. Deciding he'd find out, or at the least ask Tony for his account, he stepped out from the doorway.

Peter stumbled to a halt when he saw who it was.

"Wendy?" he uttered incredulously.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Wendy had finished telling her story to the boy and she was satisfied with herself. It had been awhile since she was able to tell a story to another person. She used to tell the most fascinating ones to her brothers John and Michael all the time, but John out grew them and Michael just preferred to play games with John before bed. Wendy didn't have a place with her brothers any longer at this point. She still loved them dearly and often times was their baby sitter.

She had been peacefully sipping at her hot green tea, watching the people pass by. It wasn't anything new, but it often calmed Wendy at times. It was nice to just get her mind off of things and be out of the house, although she had that to herself today. Soon enough she knew she would return home, and she was about to, when she heard footsteps come towards her and she looked up and caught glance at the boy in front of her. He seemed shocked to know that it was her.

"Good morning Peter." She said with a bright smile on her face. "I was hoping I would see you again." She said as she began to get up and wipe herself off, still holding her tea.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
He blinked at her. Why wasn't she more surprised to see him? They'd never met before, and then suddenly twice in twenty four hours? Peter shook his head dismissively. It didn't matter the reason. She seemed happy to see him, and that was enough for him. He found himself smiling, laughing softly. He glanced at the boy who was looking between them curiously.

"Get going, Tony. I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

The boy smirked, an winked knowingly before skittering away into the crowd. Peter rolled his eyes and looked to Wendy.

"What are you doing here? I mean, how are you?"

He asked with the events of the previous evening in mind, though she looked well. Seeing her in daylight reminded him of how pretty he was, and he found himself wondering if she might want to spend some time with him that day.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wendy Character Portrait: Peter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Wendy would admit that she was a bit surprised to see Peter. She hadn't expected to find him so soon, or even at all. It was pure luck at this point. It was weird to see him in the day light now. Well not weird, just different. Especially since she hadn't been in the right frame of mind to take anything in. When she heard that the boys name was Tony she got confused for a minute. As he ran off she looked to Peter confused for a moment.

"He told me his name was Caleb." She said a bit confused and she crossed her arms pouting a little bit. Obviously she had been lied to, but she figured either way the kid had needed something to eat, more so than she did. Wendy had an abundance to eat at home and she knew there were others who were less fortunate than herself.

"I had to buy a new umbrella, and if you spend too much time hiding in fear you can't live your life." Wendy said shrugging and finally finished the rest of her tea. She almost forgot the whole reason she was trying to find him again and she had a habit of remembering out loud with a little 'oh yea!' When she realized she was a bit embarrassed by herself.

"I uh, wanted to thank you for what you did last night. I don't know how I could repay you. I thought about, I mean uh, I just don't really know how to thank you. I feel words aren't really enough." She said. She was mentally slapping herself, as he realized how dumb she sounded. Wendy really needed more sleep or something.