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Ian Foreman

What is true friendship?

0 · 760 views · located in The Nuke Shelter

a character in “Secret Underground Shelter of Chaos”, as played by Colonel_Masters


Name: Ian Foreman
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Skills/Abilities: Ian is musically gifted but does not play any instruments apart from what he can make himself such as wooden flutes and leather drums, as a result he is also a handy craftsman even if little beyond the amateurish level.
Ian likes playing card games like poker because of his well rehearsed skill at seemingly remaining cheerful at all times, this same skill gives him some aptitude at acting however he does not use this element of his skill often.
Ian spent most of his leisure time wondering into nature with his friends or alone and is used to the outdoors; while this element of his experience is not very useful in the shelter the effects it has made on Ian as a person may prove to be so.

Ian loves gardening and has tried despite his clumsiness to learn how to handle plants and while his lack of concentration damaged things such as his studies Ian has always remained vigilant for the needs of his plants, with the same enthusiastic joy Ian has learned that he is gifted at the art of decoration and even in the nuclear shelter Ian tries to add to the place in any way he can believing that the homelier the place seems to be the happier every one will be.
Ian's artistic tendencies are also reflected by his poems, his writing and his songs however his greatest skill is at cheering others up; Ian maintains his cheerfulness and tries to raise the spirits of others even if in truth he may be miserable and lonely.

Fun Facts: Ian's humor is quite strange to most Americans and even British people are puzzled by it, to Ian a communist revolution is a hilarious stand up show and reality itself is just an amusing illusion meant to brake those of a serious deposition.
Quote(s): enjoy the present for as long as the future allows
Theme Song:


Ian does not have a set personality; he tries to maintain the image of a cheerful lad never down no matter how damp the weather is however his image to others is a lie to himself since he is normally depressed about his ever changing life. Ian has his passions but they are mostly private ones and is yet to truly open himself to any one however Ian is truly happy when he sees that his cheerfulness helps others find their own happiness. To Ian happiness is everything and he lets himself be absorbed into his illusion pretending for at least as long as the bliss of company lasts that the illusion is real however when the bliss is over and Ian is back to reality he has nothing but depression to greet him which is why he so involves himself in so many hobbies.

Extra: Ian has serious concentration deficiencies and can only concentrate on one activity at a time; it may be talking, writing or singing but once Ian is engaged in one activity he can become absent minded about all others. for this reason Ian keeps a diary and tries to get people to repeat something at least twice when talking to him. Ian can also suffer from unprovoked sparks of anger which seem to relate to his frustration with his lack of concentration however Ian normally isolates himself when this happens.


Diary, MP3 music player, notebooks for both writing and drawing, hand carved wooden flute, plant seeds, pencils and crayons, crown of flowers, runic amulet, pictures of nature from his trips, camera, sack of strawberries, George Orwell's "Animal farm", Fantasy novels and a few other items.


History: Ian was born in England however his parents moved to Canada and later to the united states due to the demands of their work. Normally never staying in once place for long Ian developed an approach to life that one must enjoy the present for as long as the future permits and took up a variety of social hobbies which made it easier for him to mingle with new people. Ian enjoyed himself greatly and was nearly always popular in each place he moved to however he never had the time to develop true friendships; this reality has caused him some days of depression and sometimes he even isolated himself from society however Ian hasn't changed much even after such events. Ian simply followed those he had interacted with in his most recent of homes during the emergency and is still confused about these changes in his life, even with that confusion Ian is somewhat glad to be in this situation and partially hopes that he and his new friends remain isolated from the rest of the world for some time; maybe in this way he will finally find true friendship and bonding.

So begins...

Ian Foreman's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ian Foreman Character Portrait: Shauna Fletcher Character Portrait: Clark Parker Character Portrait: Keni Howard Character Portrait: Seth Farrell
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"Is everything to your liking Ian?"
Ian looked at Bliss and smiled
"as always everything is perfect and especially the tea! So same time on the morrow? I wonder what i should make for you; its my turn after all is it not?"
Bliss returned the smile which Ian so adored and wondered if Bliss would like something sweetish
"Indeed it is and please do be imaginative, remember that you may gain any ingredient you need for the recipe in this realm"
Both paused when a great dong was heard and looked towards a towering clock above them which stood as a keep to a great kingly castle.
Bliss stood up and bowed slightly to Ian
"it seems that our time together must come to a close, I do hope this new dawn signifies a new beginning for you"
Ian also stood up and returned the bow
"What if this dawn shall never rise for me?"
"Then you should help others find their dawn and wait for the night"

Ian opened his eyes, was it already morning? but where was the sunlight?
Ian then remembered, this was an underground shelter and as a result witnessing the rise of the sun was a bit problematic.

Ian wondered if he should simply go to sleep again and wait for all this to be over and done with when he remembered; a dream.
"then you should help others find their dawn" Ian closed and shortly after opened his eyes again deciding he should stand up and hope he did not sleep on his arm again.
Standing up Ian stretched and looked around him, the shelter was a likable enough place but a prison was still a prison no matter from what dangers it was keeping you safe from. Ian smiled in amusement, if indeed war had began the day they had arrived at the shelter then the earth above would be a radioactive wasteland by now. And here the humans who's species where responsible for such carnage hid from the consequences of their actions, as if a group of killers hiding behind bares from a vengeful mother.
Ian began to giggle and soon his giggle became a laugh, unable to stop Ian wiped the tears off his eyes; he did not know if these where the tears of laughter or sadness and suspected they where both in some way or another.

Ian looked around him and saw that while he was laughing he had ventured into what seemed to be the dining room, smiling at everyone Ian again began to laugh for a few moments before he sat down and sighed. Ian looked around at his fellow comrades and wondered if he had shocked them in some way, too hungry to care Ian picked up his fork and began to play with it until it fell down to the floor.
Ian then again looked at those in the room and smiled

"Morning all!"

Now standing again Ian coughed clearly making it up and spoke his voice full of cheerfulness and joy but in reality still wet with the dark humor which greeted him each morning while he was in the shelter.

"First and foremost since this is our first joined dinner i would like to wish us all a great day full of joy, laughter and comradeship.
I trust that no matter what acts of insanity and barbarism may occur on the surface of our dear planet that we will maintain civilized society in this our little shelter.
we may remain here for a considerable amount of time so without further adieu i propose we accept that our fates are joined in this place and that we make this place our home away from home"

Ian held a bottle of water and poured a small amount into his cup, he then held the cup and said:
"Chin Chin!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ian Foreman Character Portrait: Shauna Fletcher Character Portrait: Keni Howard Character Portrait: Seth Farrell
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Shay rolled her eyes at the very loud and intrusive guy standing next to her. "First and foremost since this is our first joined dinner i would like to wish us all a great day full of joy, laughter and comradeship. I trust that no matter what acts of insanity and barbarism may occur on the surface of our dear planet that we will maintain civilized society in this our little shelter.
we may remain here for a considerable amount of time so without further adieu i propose we accept that our fates are joined in this place and that we make this place our home away from home"
With a groan, Shay got up from her chair and raised her cup just like the guy did. "Chin Chin!" she yelled with an overly excited voice. It was ridiculous; the guy was a complete jerk. They were kids for god’s sake, it was only a matter of time before everyone started to kill each other. It reminded her of a movie she saw some years ago, before the war of course. "And may the odds be ever in your favor!" Shay laughed at her own joke and then poured water all over the jesus christ wannabe. Back when they'd lived a somewhat normal life, Shay wasn't like this at all. But now she was getting more and more bitter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ian Foreman Character Portrait: Shauna Fletcher Character Portrait: Clark Parker Character Portrait: Keni Howard Character Portrait: Seth Farrell
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Keni’s attention turned to the two children as the commotion started. She got a bad feeling in her gut when she watched the rather moody female stand.

The blonde had thought the male’s speech was rather nice; a gesture of wanting to get to know everyone… It made her smile a little to think that these people didn’t want to slice open everyone’s throat. But then the girl made her move.

“Excuse me!” Keni squeaked quickly moving forward. One thing she would /not/ tolerate was such rudeness at the ‘family’ table. Turning off the stove and grabbing two of the kitchen towels, she quickly handed one to Ian and placed one on the floor where the water had spilled. “That was rude and uncalled for, young lady.” She snipped, looking down to the younger female with a stern glare, all traces of shy seeming to have vanished. “We are all stuck here, and it would be greatly appreciated if you don’t start trouble.” Yep. There went the mom voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ian Foreman Character Portrait: Shauna Fletcher Character Portrait: Clark Parker Character Portrait: Keni Howard Character Portrait: Seth Farrell
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Ian was quite bemused by the sudden splash of water and wondered if it was raining, looking up at the sealing Ian made a thoughtful expression on his face as he examined the sealing for clouds. Ian knew it could not be raining however to Ian it was always a good idea to idiot check the world.

Ian grinned as he turned his gaze back to the table and its occupants, Ian guessed his expression was a little scary but saw this as a way to pull off a sweet little piece of action. Now gazing at little miss Temper who splashed him Ian changed his stance to seem taller, placed the towel he was offered behind his neck as if a cloak and picked up a piece of toilet paper. Within a few moments he had shaped the piece of paper into a rough example of a glove and then closing his eyes for a few moments Ian let loss the full fury of his voice with a deep sinister twist.

"I am the count of Monte Cristo, i shall have my revenge!" Ian tossed the toilet paper glove like creation he had made a few moments earlier on the floor and then pulled a water bottle as if a sword in its hilt.

"I challenge you to a dual! On guard!"

Ian "drew" his bottle of water, opened it and splashed a little water at the offending girl's face. Now laughing he made a show of "disarming" her of her own bottle which he snatched off the table and then proceeded to make a little victory dance around the table.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ian Foreman Character Portrait: Shauna Fletcher Character Portrait: Keni Howard
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Shay grabbed the towel from the floor and tossed it towards the girl. Who did she think she was? Her mum? The weird guy actually looked like he thought it was fun and before Shay had any time to react, he took a bottle, splashed water in her face and then made sure Shay couldn't splash any water back. For a short second she forgot all about hating society and she chased him around the table trying to hit him in the head. But then reality hit her and she stopped dead in her tracks. She'd been forced down into this hole; even though she'd much rather die up there with the others. There was nothing to laugh about, couldn't they see that? They were all going to die an unworthy death down here while their parents were fighting for their lives up on the ground.
Shay was standing right in front of Keni and she turned around to face her. Her eyes were watery, hopefully no one would notice. "If you want to be responsible and everything then that's fine. If you want to give the little ones fake hope, then that's fine too. But don't you fucking make me the bad guy!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ian Foreman Character Portrait: Shauna Fletcher Character Portrait: Clark Parker Character Portrait: Keni Howard
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They shyness returned, and Keni quickly crawled back into her proverbial shell.
When Shay began to yell at her, she quickly hung her head, mummbling soft sorries and 'yes ma'ams.' As the towel struck her chest, she let out a soft squeak, letting it drop to the floor in a sloppy mess. Clark's voice however, caused a shudder to dance up her spine as she immidiatly stood at attention.

Her head hung once more, she gave a light nod - not quite sure herself if she was agreeing or simply obeying. Grabbing the towel that had been tossed at her, she slid onto her knees and began to mop up the water. No noises would escape her this time, her mouth glued together with the possibilities of small whimpers and tears. All she had wanted to do was make breakfast. A nice, calming, home-made breakfast.

She wouldn't ask for help, she didn't need it. When she came to it, she would just kindly ask people to move out of the way and be careful as not to slip. Occasionally she would stand and make her way to the kitchen to ring out the towel before returning to her duties. She would have to tend to the pancakes soon...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ian Foreman Character Portrait: Shauna Fletcher Character Portrait: Clark Parker Character Portrait: Keni Howard Character Portrait: Seth Farrell
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Ian nearly fell down when the loud one made his noises, Ian could never stand people shouting like that but admired the old man for his amusing attempt at maintaining sanity in a world which dispensed with that sort of thing.

Ian turned and saluted to Clark while grinning like an idiot

"Yes mine president, I assume we will be suspending the constitution for the time being? How about you declare a state of emergency? that would give you the authority to issue such commands"

Ian laughed and sat down at down again placing his feet on the table, as suddenly as he started laughing Ian stopped struck by how close to reality his statement had been. Now making the effort to sit properly on his chair like respectable people do Ian seemed to loss the grin he had on his face.

"hmm it just struck me that we may be the last people alive in the world for all we know; maybe the other shelters have been sabotaged by the communists and even now their occupents are being killed by poison gas in the ventilation systems?

Well i guess we do not know but for now we can only assume that only we survived this war, based on that assumption this shelter has within it the last shreds of the United States of America and therefor it is within our rights to elect a new president"

Ian now turned to face Clark his eyes full of wonder however with a hint of appreciation that someone was willing to take the situation seriously.

"I nominate Clark Parker as the 45th president of the United states of America"

Ian then grinned and chuckled

"Or Chairman Parker if you are a communist, prime minister if we are going for a parliamentary democracy, chief Parker if we are resorting to tribal life styles, Overseer if any one here fancies fallout or... we could crown him as King of the British Empire and then anax the united States! they are all dead any way but i am sure they would have appreciated the gesture!"