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Rusty Joe


0 · 320 views · located in Earth

a character in “Secrets of Ruin”, as played by Zalgo


Joe Rex

❝Nowhere to go but forward.❞


❝The Basics❞

| Full name |
"Rusty" Joe Rex.

| Gender |

| Age |

| Mage Type |

| Rank |


❝Deeper Description❞

| Eye Color |
Dark Brown.

| Hair Color |

| Height |
190 cm.

| Weight |
80 Kg.

| Skin Tone |

| Distinct Markings |

| Physical Description |
Despite his weight he's a rather gangly fellow, muscular but most it lean muscle that barely shows. His eyes are a dark brown. Most of his clothes look like stuff someone would fish out of a dumpster, mainly because most of his clothes were fished out of a dumpster. He tends to have a preference towards clothes that aren't very colorful or flashy, mostly greys, blacks and brown colors. Usually he has a set of goggles either on or just hanging from his neck. He's rarely seen without the goggles.


| Powers |
-Main Power Area: Earth
† Pull of The Earth - Joe can pull any object born of the earth up to a certain weight into his grasp. At his level of magical power he can pull up to half a tonne of earth born material from roughly fifty feet away.

† Born of Rust - Joe possesses a magical aura about him which slowly eats at all earthen matter around him within a certain range. Stone slowly cracks, plastics grow soft and metal rusts. This effect can be hastened through concentration but it never truly turns off.

† Weight of The Earth - Joe can alter the weight of an earthen object in his line of sight. At his level the can alter an object's weight within a range of half a tonne.

- Special Move:

† Ruin - Tapping into his essence he unleashes his aura in one powerful burst. Stone turns to sand, Plastic and rubber tear and metal turns into rust. Even the ground becomes little more than loose silt. The range on this power is not very large at his current rank.

-Secondary Area: Water

† Mud - This spell turns the dirt over a certain area into mud.

| Weapons |
✔ A Wrench

| Likes |
♥ Frank, his demon.
♥ Sleeping.
♥ Good food.
♥ Taking things apart.
♥ Honesty.
♥ Fighting.
♥ Taking things easy.

| Dislikes |
✖ Liars.
✖ Hypocrites.
✖ Authorities.
✖ Busybodies.
✖ Snobs.
✖ Preachers.
✖ Bullies.
✖ Irrationality.
✖ Mindless optimism.
✖ Self righteousness.
✖ Arguments.
✖ Gossip.
✖ Drama.
✖ Popularity.
✖ Stereotypes.
✖ Crowds.
✖ Strong Emotions.
✖ Taking anything too seriously.
✖ Being put on the spot.
✖ Relationships.
Anyone who threatens Frank.

❝Welcome to my Life❞

| Personality |
At first he really comes of as just some really laid back guy. The truth of it all is that is isn't easy being as chilled out as he is about things. Much like anyone who had to grow up on the rough side of Hope city he's got his own problems to work out.

He's a rather quiet guy in general. Beyond learning magic and stuff he doesn't really put any effort into socializing with anyone. Generally he keeps his dialogue minimal and it's quite rare for him to elaborate on anything. The truth of the matter is that given just how few people he's spoken to back when it was just him and his family out in the scrap yard he's most comfortable keeping to himself and just following the plan. Considering how his parents never got along with each other and were mostly miserable the only conversations he's ever liked having were with his older brother.

He finds it helps him get along with people best when he doesn't talk. When he does talk he keeps it short and separates his opinions from his statements. On the plus side he's a fairly good listener and tends to avoid creating any sort of drama. Besides being a quiet individual he's fairly even tempered almost all of the time. There is very little in the world that can break his cool. Overall he's a live and let live kind of guy who prefers to let the world sort it's problems out and prefers to enjoy the simpler things in life.

Given that he's tough as nails and has got a hefty tolerance for pain the only thing that seems to bother him is arguing with people. Well, arguing and threats made towards his demon friend Frank. He takes threats towards Frank very seriously and those who act on that threat will know his wrath and remember it well if they survive.

Seeing as how he spent most of his life in a scrap yard he sees most things as junk. All these flashy items and accessories everyone else seems to have all end up in the same place in the end and yet they place much value in these temporary things. He sees little value in material possessions, treasuring very little including himself. That is not to say he'll throw away his life needlessly but he isn't above sacrificing himself for something he cares more about. Luckily for him he doesn't care about much else but Frank. He'd die to protect Frank and Frank would die to protect him. They are extremely close friends and though Frank can't speak their bond is undeniably mutual.

He doesn't like to do things. Given the choice he'd much rather just hang out with Frank and just do whatever is interesting enough to bother doing. He isn't lazy despite how it might seem. If he's motivated he can put a lot of effort and keep a professional attitude towards getting what needs to get done finished. He's just passionless, uninterested in most things. He struggles to care about his future or even himself and often times even thinking about the future can be somewhat depressing for him given his somewhat cynical tendencies. At present time he just concerns himself with things that even mildly interest him, no real goals or objectives in life to really pursue. The only thing he really needs in life is Frank and he's got him so everything is good right now. Why would he want to disrupt that?

| Theme Song |
Garbage Day - Dingaling

❝Who I Am❞

| History |
Life is a different thing for every person. Some say it's a box of chocolate. Some say it's a miserable grind into oblivion. Joe would say it's a pile of scrap.

Early in life Joe's parents split up. His mother left because his father decided to keep his own father's scrap yard. She wanted the city life while he was unwilling to give up the family business. She took most of the money and left him custody of the two kids, Joe and Bob.

Their father was a decent fellow but after his wife left he became a chronic alcoholic. He had good intentions but for the most part was a rather useless human being. That left most of the work to Joe and Bob who for the most part learned to take care of themselves from an early age. It was rough living but steady and simple enough. Joe had Bob and Bob had Joe. They looked after each other and were quite good friends on top of being brothers.

Of course life wasn't done with them just yet. Far be it from a broken family to halt tragedy's coming. One day as he was driving while mildly inebriated Joe's father got into a nasty intersection collision with a firetruck. He did not survive the accident.

They mourned his death though there wasn't any money left over for a funeral. As a matter of fact the father wasn't driving with insurance when he died, thus leaving behind weighty debts to be paid. What little money they had was taken and what goods they had to their name were seized by banks. In the end after the fallout all that remained were two brothers with little more than the change in their pockets.

It was at this point they were at a fork in the road. They rarely disagreed about anything but this was one of the few times that they did. This was also the last time they saw each other. Bob went and joined the military while Joe hit the road, looking to improve his latent magical talents. He figured knowing how to control his magic would help in the long run. He wanted to make sure nobody would mess with Frank.





❝The Basics❞

| Full name |

| Gender |

| Age |

| Mage Type |

❝Deeper Description❞

| Eye Color |

| Hair Color |

| Height |
25 cm

| Weight |
5 Kg

| Skin Tone |

| Distinct Markings |

| Physical Description |
Frank is a creature who builds it's own body. It is able to pull garbage to itself, forming a body composed from the trash it gathers. This body always forms into the shape of a dragon if it has enough material. It usually starts with the limbs then the head, next the tail and last is it's wings. Depending on what it's' made from flight may or may not be a possibility. The size of this body is directly influenced by Joe's magical power. At it's current state it can support a weight of up to half a tonne of garbage.

It's true form is that of a large beating heart roughly the size of a human head. It's quite reliant on gathering up trash in order to get around and protect itself.


| Weapons |
✔ It's body.

| Likes |
♥ Joe.
♥ Trash.
♥ Peace.
♥ Quiet.
♥ Sleeping.

| Dislikes |
✖ Dangers to Joe.
✖ Fighting.
✖ Being separated from Joe.
✖ Cleanliness
✖ Small spaces.

❝Welcome to my Life❞

| Personality |
Frank is a quite a bit like Joe in many ways. It enjoys the simpler facets of life and prefers to live and let live. Frank is quite protective of Joe and finds being separated from him quite frustrating. It doesn't mind other people and generally wishes folks well but those who'd threaten Joe would find it a far less friendly beast.

Overall Frank just wants to protect Joe with it's life which can be quite troublesome as Joe would also lay down his life to protect it as well. Because of this they rarely ever separate out of fear of what might happen to the other.

| Theme Song |
The End of Days - Abney Park

|Thoughts on Other Characters|
Pending More Info

|Anything Else|
Not as of currently.

So begins...

Rusty Joe's Story