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Princess Amalthea

"Welcome to Arai stranger"

0 · 365 views · located in The Kingdom of Arai

a character in “Several Thousand Years to Love”, as played by Dreams and Wishes


Name: Princess Amalthea
Age: Unknown, she feels as though she has always been in the land of Arai. Physically between the ages of 18 and 20.
Species: Uknown
Gender: Female
Approx. Height: 5'8
Approx. Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Shinning white
Eyes: Lavender

Physical Description: Amalthea is a sight to behold her ethereal appearance is often times awe inspiring to those who meet her. Her height by human standards is quite tall, with a thin lithe frame she seems graceful and to almost float when she walks. Her hair is long past her waist, and is white as new fallen snow shimmering in the night sky. Her fair complexion adds to this glowing aura around her that has added to the debate as to what the beings in the world of Arai are angels... demons... dragons. Even the people do not truly know anymore becuase of the speculation and rumors floating around.


Amalthea is a quiet and soft spoken woman who very rarely raises her voice, she doesn't believe in anger or hate in fact she fears them. The land of Arai and it's people are very much like their queen passive and peaceful, but sadly when one is like they often think of themselves as better than other beings. Amalthea is known for at times being haughty and self centered thinking that she and her people are the greatest in all the realms, just because they land set high above the other's. This attitude of an almost "heavenly" like status has made attitudes towards the princess and the people of Arai by the other lands sour almost to the point of hatred. Amalthea has tried over the years to ignore the thoughts of the "low dwellers" but it is becoming hard and may hap lead to war between the worlds. Religion being very important to Amalthea and her people she has turned to the soothsayers that are the leaders of the church. A prophecy has been foretold of the one that will come and deliver the people of Arai into the lands of greater powers where they will become one with their God. Most people believe this truly but Amalthea has doubts and worries what will become of her people.


Amalthea is not really sure about her history having lost her memory, she remembers nothing of a childhood or loved ones. All she knows is that one day she came to be in the castle of Arai. At first it was confusing and she wasn't sure she could do the job that was required of someone in rule of a land as beautiful as Arai. But she grew wiser over the years and has become a beloved leader to her people. But as of late with ties between the other lands being strained, she is worried that her land will tossed into a war between worlds. She does her best to keep her people happy and safe but she fears that the "lower dwellers" will begin to pose a threat to her benevolent people who reside in the sky. Now with the prophesy given by the soothsayers she wonders if "the one" they speak of will truly bring peace and prosperity of her people. With her faith in question will she be able to lead her people as she has in the past.

So begins...

Princess Amalthea's Story

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Character Portrait: Princess Amalthea
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"And that is all for today my lady" said the short little royal visor. Amalthea smiled the man had been working for her many years, was loyal and very attentive to detail. It is what she needed to make sure she kept up with all the goings on in her land.

"Thank you Dietrich I will makes sure that I prepare for the visit of the soothsayers" she gave a nod dismissing the minuscule man to go about with whatever other duties he had. With a slight sigh she looked out the window, to be honest she wasn't looking forward to the visit of the land of Arai's "sacred prophets". They often made her feel uneasy like it always seemed as though she was the princess and royal leader, that the soothsayers were the ones who truly ruled. She was always bond by what they prophesied and the people hung on every word that spewed from their mouths.

She stood and walked over to the window and peered out, her country was a beautiful land with tree's, birds and all manner of living creatures. A land surrounded by crystal blue skies and pristine white clouds it was a sight to behold it's no wonder the "low dwellers" envied the people of Aria so. How could they not think the people of Arai lived in heaven, she rested her chin in her hand as she leaned in the window sill.

As she sat and pondered, the thought of the soothsayers latest prophecy troubled her.

"If a savior is to come and deliver my people to heaven what is the point in my ruling them" she said to no one in particular. She turned and looked around the throne room to make sure she wasn't heard. The royal guards looked as though they were asleep standing up very rarely did they have anything to do. But even so if they had heard her say such a thing it would be considered blasphemy against the soothsayers and that would cause problems. But all seemed well and Amalthea continued pick apart the prophesy in her head.

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Character Portrait: Princess Amalthea Character Portrait: Jon Anderson
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"My lady... my lady!" yelled a messenger. Amalthea jerked back being startled out of her train of thought.

"Yes... what is it?" she asked

The messenger bowed and then stood up straight "The guards have captured a trespasser should they bring him before you?" he said.

Amalthea blinked with puzzled look on her face she wasn't expecting anyone from one of the lower kingdoms and the soothsayers weren't expected until next week. "Yes bring him in of course" she said with a gentle nod.

The messenger nodded again and stepped out soon some of her royal guards came dragging a man behind them by the arms.
"Pick him up to his feet for goodness sake I know you rarely have an emergency to tend to but I will not have someone treated wrongly am I understood" she said in a firm but kind tone of voice.

The guards nodded and picked the man up to his feet, Amalthea walked up to the man even with worried looks of the guards.

"I am the Princess Amalthea, and who might you be good sir?" she asked.

She smiled gently at him he was an odd sight indeed, she had never seen anyone that looked quite like him. Blazing orange hair, a sun kissed skin tone, most people in her land looked as she did. Silvery white hair and sparkling cream colored tone of skin but this man.... what was it about this man... was this the man from the prophecy?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Amalthea Character Portrait: Jon Anderson
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Jon started to be dragged towards the castle that was up the road a little bit. The worst part was he was literally dragged there. "Hey come on man.... ow that hurt." they entered the castle and he should have stayed quiet but he did. "Nice place you have here." he was then shaken. "Okay ill stay quiet." They dragged him further into the castle and he just remain quiet. They had finally stopped and he heard a girl say to pick him up onto his feet. The girl walked up to him he felt bad being covered in some dirt that he had picked up from the dragging.

"I am the Princess Amalthea, and who might you be good sir?" the girl asked.

"Well um you see my name is Jon. I have no idea how I got here." he said even though" he said as he somehow managed to run his hand through his hair with some contorting of course. "It's also really nice to meet you Amalthea." he was then shaken "Okay I get it but Princess first." He turned to look back at her and smiled and bowed his head as best as he could. "It's an honor to meet you Princess Amalthea." He raised his head back up still smiling even though he was still held.