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Wyatt Toren

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're so dumb!

0 · 281 views · located in Apoina Tower

a character in “Shadow Hearts: Blood Ties”, as played by CloakedSchemer


Name: Wyatt Toren

Race: Human

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Homeland: Wales, England
Appearance: Wyatt stands at a tall 6’3. He has an average frame for a male, and boasts no physical superiorities besides his height. He is actually slightly skinnier than most males of his size, but his broad shoulders fill him out allowing him to seem more toned than he really is. He has dark hair that has a tendency to look like a shade of purple when cast in the right light or gray when cast in darkness. His eyes look older than his years and are set wide underneath bushy eyebrows . His eyes are slightly sunken in and the creases reach his laugh lines from too many years of laughing. Even though his age is 28 he looks to be in his early thirties.

Personality: Wyatt falls on one end of the spectrum for almost everybody: you either love him or hate him. The young priest does not know when to be quiet and respects almost no boundaries. He has an uncanny ability to hit the nail on the head, so-to-speak, in almost every conversation. There is never the proverbial elephant in the room. Wyatt takes almost nothing seriously, and when he does, he still laughs and jokes about it even when he is scheming in his own head. Some people like Rasputin believe that he just decides to play the fool, others find him insufferably annoying and dimwitted.

Talents/Skills: At a young age Wyatt was exposed to a great deal of malice and as such his body now has the ability to seek out and sense malice even from great distances. He also is almost unaffected by even the highest concentration of malice allowing him to research malice and its uses extensively. Wyatt is not particularly skilled in the arcane arts or incantation but he is uncanny at the manipulation and use of malice as a power source for the summoning and controlling of demons and other beings. For example, Wyatt is unable to successfully cast a powerful fire ball spell, however using malice he can summon a fire demon to manipulate remotely. The higher the concentration of malice in an area the more powerful of a creature Wyatt can summon.

Weaknesses/Vices: Wyatt is ill suited for physical combat and knows only a handful of self defense techniques the he can execute poorly at best. Because of his height he is also clumsy at times. Normal magic can be difficult for Wyatt because of his lack of caring in Taoist, arcane, or holy practices. Wyatt is a priest in title and initiation only. He has no access to any exorcismal abilities or holy arts. Areas where there is little malice for Wyatt to tap into can leave him in a weakened state, as he would be unable to summon powerful creatures.

Likes/Dislikes: Wyatt enjoys surrounding himself with people that he can constantly make fun of or have a good time at their expense. Wyatt loves to research malice and go on adventures searching for its roots. Wyatt hates people who take life too seriously and will go out of his way to be a nuisance to them. Wyatt has no affinity in either direction for inflicting pain, he neither seeks to do it nor does he avoid it. Whatever happens, happens.

Equipment: Wyatt carries a battered book as an apparent Bible however it is actually a book that has a partially translated text of the Émigré Manuscript for use when summoning exceptionally powerful demons. For long travels Wyatt also carries a satchel with some rations for traveling, some vials with Pure, Thera, and Mana Extract, and some ingredients for quick alchemical needs.

Background Story: Wyatt Toren is the only son of Maurice and Lillian Toren. Wyatt’s mother was a spiritual medium for a small village on the coast of Wales. From a young age, Wyatt knew that his parents did not have a very happy relationship. His father would spend days away from his wife and son while Wyatt would spend his time with his mother. He would be with her when she would perform readings for the townspeople and small magical needs for them.
One day Wyatt’s father came home to his mother performing a healing spell on a local woman, and he was very drunk. His mother was supremely embarrassed by her slob of a husband and sent the woman away. Wyatt watched them argue. Wyatt watched his father strike his mother. And Wyatt watched his mother carve out his father’s heart. With a shaky hand and a small book, his mother began incantations, the purest form of anger, sadness, despair, fear, and hatred began to swirl, and with that, he watched his father transform into a demon.

The demon rampaged across his town, and everyone was murdered. There was not a soul left in his small village save his family’s. The three of them were huddled in the town square when Maurice turned to his former wife and son, and decapitated his wife in one fell swoop. Wyatt didn’t know what to do, except stare at his former father, and wait for his own demise. His father, as drunk as he has ever been on the blood of his victims, ran directly into a billowing fire. The last thing heard was the loud wild cackling of his father’s laughter as he burned to his own death.

After that day, something snapped in Wyatt, and from then on he was obsessed with becoming better than his mother with malice, better than his father at being an obnoxious human being. Wyatt joined the priesthood to have access to ancient texts and information that would not be readily available to the public. He spent days at a time conduction research experiments and steeping himself further and further in malice. He would travel the globe under the guise of being a traveling priest for the occasional repenting pilgrim while all the time he was searching for the sources of large concentrations of malice.

In his travels Wyatt found himself in Russia, in search of a sudden spike of malice in Moscow. It was there he met Rasputin and Nicolai, members of the secret order Sapientes Gladio. Rasputin had his own sorceress Veronica assess the power of Wyatt, and Rasputin thought his talents would be an invaluable addition to the core members of Sapientes Gladio. Wyatt joined them, but not for their ideals, he planned to only stay with them for as long as was needed to find this powerful malice they talked about. And the less time he had to spend around Maria the better…

So begins...

Wyatt Toren's Story


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Character Portrait: Maria Westbrook Character Portrait: Wyatt Toren
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Hundreds of miles away from the burning chapel of Szentendre, across mountains and rivers and forests, the sun was begining to bathe the Vatican City in radiant shades of gold. Slowly but surely the noble rays made their way across cobbled streets, up stone walls, and over vast rooftops. Finally, the sun's light reached the tower, lighting it up like a torch set against the pastel sky.

Apoina Tower. For centuries it has stood as a looming beacon of despair. A prison. Heretics, heathens, the unloved and forgotten were all held here. Locked away to starve, wither, and die, screaming all the way. The bastards with the Devil's luck were murdered early on.

Stretching high above the Vatican City, the tower appeared silent. Beautiful even. Byzantine architecture stood steadfast, patrolled by stone gargoyles. Inside, marble floors still shined despite the bloodshed of the past. Ancient tapestries hung on walls that, if able to speak, would whisper of horrific tragedy. With large, cathedral-style windows, polished woodwork, and religious paraphenalia placed throughout, it would appear that nothing terrible ever happened in this holy place. That time had indeed forgotten the sinister past of Apoina Tower. But the malice remains...

The beautiful sunrise.

Maria watched as the Vatican City began to glow under the soft light of dawn. From the window high up in the tower she could see as far as the Tiber River and the hills that lie beyond. It was a breathtaking view. Looking down upon the Holy City like this, it was difficult not to let it go to her head. But they had business to attend to.

Turning away from the window, Maria tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and walked over to where Nicolai was standing.


He was an admirable man. So intelligent, so sure of himself. He walked with purpose, green eyes sharp and always alert. Maria respected him a great deal... and perhaps held even more in her heart for him than just respect, though she did not like to dwell upon it too often. Blushing made her look foolish. Those kinds of thoughts were better left to run through her mind in the privacy of her own chambers, not here in Apoina Tower. Not here when she was undertaking such an important request for Sapientes Gladio.

The Sages of the Sword. Sapientes Gladio was a secret society whose members spread their teachings of equality through education. Maria had left her university life behind and, choosing to follow Nicolai, joined their cause. That had been over a year ago now. Such a short time...and yet now, here she stood in the Vatican City. Their mission was a simple one - in theory at least.

A founding member of Sapientes Gladio left the society after a conflict of desires. The group discovered that this warlock had plans to bring about his own Rapture. Sapientes Gladio ordered him to be stopped at any cost. Not long after that, Nicolai was sent on his trail. Maria accompanied him at the request of the new head of the society, a man by the name of Grigori Rasputin. He was a mysterious gentleman with a foreboding air about him, but charismatic nonetheless. And Maria was of course all too happy to lend her support to Nicolai. And so, the two left. Well...two and a half, at least... The third member of this endeavor appeared to have only half a brain.

"Where on Earth could that fool priest be!?" Maria's patience was running thin. "Doesn't he know the importance of this mission?"

Nicolai did not take his gaze off of the large, Renaissance-era oil painting that hung high up on the wall.

"He will be here soon. We must wait. His services are quite necessary." His voice was honey sweet, though he did little to mask the undertones of boredom.

Maria sighed and tugged at a strand of her hair again, twirling it around her finger anxiously.

Before they could begin any sort of confrontation against this mad warlock, Nicolai had said, a secret weapon was needed. Something to tip the odds in their favor.

"Atop this tower," Nicolai spoke, eyes still studying the painting, "there is an altar. Upon that altar lies the Holy Mistletoe. It is a forbidden weapon said to have the power to curse another. Unlike most curses, however, the Mistletoe does not affect the body. It works from the inside, attacking the host's soul. Their memories. As the soul begins to decay the body soon follows, and eventually all that is left is a withered husk. A shell that was once a person. Sapientes Gladio has obtained special clearance to use this weapon."

Nicolai's voice was void of any trace of emotion. Maria, however, did not like the sound of this. Attacking the victim's soul? That seemed too cruel. Too inhumane, perhaps even for one who sought to bring about an apocalypse.

'No. I mustn't think like that. These are the realities of war. I must take pains to get accustomed to this truth.'

It was also a mystery how Sapientes Gladio obtained permission to use a forbidden relic. Surely such a favor could only be granted by the Pope himself. Apparently, the influence of the secret society stretched much further than Maria had originally surmised.

Though she still did not understand why the combined efforts of Nicolai and herself would not be enough, the girl relinquished her impatience and waited in silence.

Some time later, when the sun hovered higher in the sky and Maria was moments from another outburst, a loud, hollow crash echoed throughout the chamber. Maria and Nicolai turned to see a tall, lanky man standing in the open doorway. As her eyes traveled between his embarassed smile and the pieces of broken vase on the floor, she felt the first traces of a headache creep into her senses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Westbrook Character Portrait: Wyatt Toren
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This place is absolutely, positively, without a doubt TEEMING with malice. The hooded man could think of nothing else besides the amount of sheer hatred that was brimming from the confines of this large tower, and now that he was finally able to enter it with special permission from the Pope himself, Wyatt would finally be able to see for himself what was the source of all of this strife in Apoina Tower.

As he ascended the cold damp steps Wyatt was giddy from a sheer drunken haze of power. Wyatt has always known this place was a huge concentration of malice, he sensed it from over a continent away. However, access to these hallowed grounds proved to be difficult as only with a writ from the Pope could you gain entry. Wyatt attempted many times in the past to gain entry, but was always denied.

When he reached the large ornate door he realized it was slightly ajar, indicating that he was probably a tiny bit behind schedule. Wyatt thrust open the doors and took two steps on the marble floor, and slid on the wet boots he tracked in. He grabbed the nearest thing he could to steady himself, which was a pedestal adorned with an ornate vase.

The vase crashed to the ground with what could quite possibly be the loudest crash ever echoed throughout these silent halls. The broken silence made Wyatt smile, and he received glares from his two companions. Maria looked as if she had major cramps going on, but that was her normal face. Nicolai looked sleepy with a slight hint of apathy plastered on his wide eyed face.

“It is about time Wyatt, you were supposed to be here at six PM. What held you up?” Nicolai asked, but didn’t really seem all of that interested in the response.

“PM? Oh, my bad. I could’ve sworn you said six PM. Oh well, I’m here now. Let’s get to it!”

“Yes. Wyatt, please lead the way. No detours. Take us directly to the source of malice so we may retrieve the Holy Mistletoe. Maria, would you be so kind as to take point on our defenses. Wyatt should be able to sense and monsters locations from their malice signature but with your exceptional talents it wouldn’t hurt to have the extra security.” Nicolai ended with a wink to the frigid Maria.

“Yes, sir,” Maria replied with a slight flutter in her voice.

“Oh, maybe Nicolai is the fire that’ll melt your icy bitch exterior Maria. Stick close to him or you might go back to being the Ice Queen,” Wyatt mocked the young sorceress.

Before a reply could be given to Wyatt, the door that he opened burst forth with a rush of black energies, and outpoured demons. Hell hounds, specters, and skeletal soldiers came rushing towards the trio, with a hell hound pouncing upon Wyatt, knocking him to the ground and mounting him to try and rip his face clear off.

As Wyatt struggled Nicolai drew his sword and began to fend off the horde of skeletal soldiers, while Maria began incantations to ward the ghosts. The priest could feel the malice ripple in waves through the door, and his body fed upon it. A firm hand was placed on the belly of the hound. “Wind: Sickle!”

The dog was bisected and a small floating demon holding a scythe erupted from the back of it. Wyatt returned to his feet. “Now the real show begins, HAHAHAHAH! Earth:Headless Guardian!” A large demon void of a head, clad in dented and broken black armor holding a large shield appeared in front of Wyatt. With his right arm controlling the guardian and his left the floating wind demon, as if conducting a symphony Wyatt sent them into battle.