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a character in “Shadow Rain”, as played by TrueLilShooz


Imageonly with cat ears

Name: Mizuki the Neko

Age: about 15

Gender: female

Race: Neko

a simple a little above the knee black dress
with long sleeves and little white ruffles on the cuffs,
also leggings that are ripped and are pinned basically
whats in the picture.

though her dream is to be a cook or baker.

her nails and multiple knives

+cute creatures

-mean people
-scary things
-rude people

shes very good at running and using knives,
also shes likes to talk to animals.

Mizuki gets scared easily and cute cuddly objects
are her greatest weakness. though she is very

Alignment: Neutral Good

Mizuki is very fun and childish, though when you first
meet her shes a bit shy and silly. When you tell her to do
something she can be very determined to do it and focus
on it. Mizuki likes to talk after she gets to know you, when
she gets to know you she can consider you a friend.
She is very intelligent and likes to help people.

Mizuki was born with a twin sister, but her mother
and sister died during childbirth. Her father died from
an illness when she was little, she lives with her
grandfather who is a scientist and adventurer.
she often helps him with messages to other people
and often helps people around the time, though she
doesn't mind getting paid. Mizuki really wants so cook
food for people and sell it, but she finds her place by
her grandfather's side.

So begins...

Mizuki's Story


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Mizuki watched as her grandfather flipped through the old pages of a book then frantically look back at the table of ingredients. "Mizuki, I seem to be missing a few ingredeants could you fetch me them from the forest?" He asked the neko, Mizuki nodded and smiled. "Sure grandfather, what are they?" She asked the old neko curiously, he reached down for a small piece of paper then a bag and handed Mizuki the objects. "They should all be in the forest, by meadow." Mizuki nodded and grabbed the bag and the paper before running out the door.

She ran along a worn out, dirt path and continued as she glanced down at the list of ingredients "I need Berry Song, Basil, ginger, horse herb, and pickled ginger." ((Most on list don't really exist XP)). Mizuki skipped around as she entered the rather dark forest, "URG why does it always have to get so dark so early?" She began to hurry through the forest in hopes of finding the meadow that her grandfather spoke of, but she had to face the facts that she was completely lost. The dirt path had disappeared along with the sun. She stumbled and feel down a hill covered in thorns and rocks, "EEEKKK!" Mizuki screamed as she rolled leafs gathered in her hair and scarlet marks appeared on her pale skin. When she had finally reached the bottom of what seemed to be the never ending hill she couldn't move or speak she simply lay on the ground. Blood stained the grass she laid on and she opened her eyes to see what sat around her, but there was nothing but trees and the aroma of food that had seemed to fade and blend into the air.

Mizuki could not speak her lips sealed shut from the leafs had stuffed her mouth. Her hands covered in the red liquid, she felt as if she had died, pain over whelmed her petite body and she simply lay waiting for death t take her away. Of course she knew it was not her time to go.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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Before I could drift very far into the realm of dreams I was awoken by a multitude of boisterous noises and then a horrible pain induced, "Eeekkk!" I shot directly up from my comfortable bed and hurried to the window. Bewildered, I grabbed my bow and quiver and walked outside to investigate. It was nights like these I was thankful for being an Elf. A human would only be able to see pitch black, but my Elven vision made things a bit better for me.

In the distance I could make out flickers of movement. I nocked an arrow and moved towards it cautiously. "Who is there?!" My voice floated out into the inky darkness that permeated the forests unanswered, though as I chanced upon a thornbush I was given a direct answer. Laying upon the brambles was a female Neko. Crimson oozed from her palms as she looked to be almost peaceful upon her thorny bed. "Leysayri Veryan!" I commanded the plant, and as the magic in my words reached the plant it seemed to grow backwards, until it was nothing but a bud emerging from the ground. I shook the girl, "What are you doing out here at this hour you insane person, your going to get us eaten by a bear! Come with me." I grabbed her arm and tugged her towards my cabin.

When I had gotten her inside without incident I sat her down at the table and poured her a bowl of cold broth. I treated the minor cuts on her hands and sat down in a chair directly across from her. She looked like a wild woman, with leaves dotting her frizzy hair here and there. Her elongated cat ears stuck out of her head, adding a cute detail to the girl. She didn't look to be much younger than me though she was definitely more naive. "What is your name?" I inquired calmly as I gazed into her in the eyes.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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Mizuki was speechless as a girl came to her rescue and cast a spell so the plants would grow back into the ground. She had been shaken by the elf girl yet Mizuki couldn't respond she was embarrassed and in pain. She had been pushed inside a cabin that smelled so fresh and had made her hunger grow. When the girl pushed a bowl of soup toward her she had been so thankful, the girl wondered what her name was, Mizuki was hesitant. "M-Mizuki, my name is Mizuki." Her wounds had been treated, and she began to eat the broth slowly not to be rude.

She slowly finished the bowl of broth, her hunger had been fed and she had been pleased "I-I'm sorry I caused you trouble, grandfather told me I was always causing trouble even when i was younger." She rubbed the back of her head and gave a embarrassed look. Mizuki began to pull out the leafs and untangle her long blonde hair "I must ask though, what is your name?" Her rescuer was brave, a role model yet they were almost the same age it seemed and she had felt very immature at that moment.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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I stared at her with a studied indifference. "Don't be, I hardly get much sleep around here anyways." I told her in a matter-of-factly tone. "My name is Arlathina, but you may call me Arla. Looks like your going to be spending the night. It is too dangerous to be walking around the woods at this hour. Mountain lions, and bears are very active during the night time. You can take the bed, and I'll make a cot on the floor with some extra quilts I have. If you need anything just tell me." I explained to her, gesturing to my queen sized bed. Then I pointed to the cuts on her hands that I had applied the leaves of wild indigo to. It would help fight infection. "You need to apply the leaves of wild indigo, or loivissia to that daily. If you don't you could develop an infection, and you may lose a finger, or maybe even the whole hand if things got bad."

I reached into my pocket and pushed a small package of wild indigo into her torn hands. "This should last you for a week if you use it sparingly." I then walked towards the quilt closet. After I had grabbed four quilts I walked over to the corner of the room and began to construct my cot.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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Mizuki stared at the girl for a moment, she said her name was Arlathina, but to call her Arla. "Thank you for your hospitality... Don't you ever get lonely by yourself, I mean being in the woods with dangerous creatures and all." Arla began to apply indigo leafs to her cuts to fight the infection, "I can to that its easy enough," she said with a slight smile, she was then handed a package which held indigo in it for her wounds. Mizuki took it and nodded her head "I'm sure I could pick some up in my garden if i need to." When Arla had gotten the quilts Mizuki sat on the bed "I could take the cot, its only one night anyways." She felt bad forcing someone else to sleep on the floor in their home.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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I stopped preparing my cot for a moment and thought about her question. "I guess it does get a bit lonely sometimes, though I have the animals to keep my company, and I visit the Humans in nearby Davran often enough." I decided not to tell her about my late grandfather Tasir. "In fact, I am making a trip over there to sell those cave bear pelts tomorrow in the morning. I assume you live in Davran, it is the only settlement for miles, and the animals in this forest are dangerous to you, not to me. I know my way around a bow." I glanced my bow which was resting on the kitchen table, then I quickly looked back down as I continued arranging the quilts.

When I was finished Mizuki said, "I could take the cot, its only one night anyways." I could hear a tinge of guilt coloring her voice as she spoke.

I turned around and smiled at her. "No, you are my guest. That wouldn't be very courteous. Now I suggest you lay down and try to get whatever sleep you can. It is a long hike to Davran." I consoled her as I approached the large candle setting on the night stand next to my bed. Whoosh. The flame gave off a soft sound as it struggled to stay alive, but it was no match for the power of my breath. After that I walked back to my cot in the corner and settled into to bed for the second time that night. The flames of the fireplace gave off a dim orange light that danced across the wooden walls of the cabin. In the semi-darkness I turned over and pulled the quilts up to my shoulder. "Good night." I announced with a large yawn. Then I was once more adrift in my sea of dreams. Hopefully this time I make it a bit farther.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia Character Portrait: Mara the Demonblood
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In the morning I was awoken by an orchestra of chirping birds. I slowly sat up in my bed and looked over at Mizuki, who was still snoring peacefully. Slanted rays of sunlight beamed through the windows, and I felt a sense solace inside. Though the solitude was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Ugh! Who could it be now? I asked myself silently. Annoyed, I walked to the door and thrust it open.

Before me stood a thin Human, he stuck a letter in my face and robotically said, "An invitation from The Dutchess of Davran!" He hurried off into the forests before I could inquire what exactly the letter was about. I peeled off the wax seal on the envelope and slipped out the vellum.

My loyal subjects, I would like to personally extend my hand of friendship towards you. Join me in Davran this morn. We shall have a feast of grand proportions to celebrate my renewed reign! Do not let the lies of the rebels persuade you any different, I am the rightful ruler of Davran. I seek to be just and fair with my people, will you let me treat you this one time?

The Dutchess of Davran

During my trips to Davran, when I wasn't busy fighting off hordes of bigots who were opposed to my pointed ears, I had often heard the villagers speak of The Dutchess. 'She is a witch who will slay you with her voice!' Exclaimed one man. 'I heard her mother was a succubus!' Said another woman.

I had never known these rumors to be true or false, and truthfully I had never cared to know. Though I knew one thing, if it involved political power struggles I did not want to get involved. I stared at the crimson ink with an indifferent look on my face. "Well I suppose Mizuki will want to know of this." I said in a soft voice.

I gathered up a pile of mint leaves off the table and dropped them into a small kettle, which I then placed over the fire. I walked over to my bed where Mizuki lay, and began to nudge her shoulder.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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Mizuki fell asleep silently on the plush, soft bed. She dreamed of the forest during the day, back when people would often go through the forest until the Massacre occurred. She remembered her fathers soft smile as she held his hand and skipped along side of him. She felt a soft shake on her right arm, her eyes opened gently and her ears shot up quickly. Mizuki raised her torso upwards and she looked at Arla, "Whats wrong? did something happen?" she looked out the window the sun was shining through "Oh it's just morning." She shuffled up and out of the bed and smelled the air "Oh! that smells so good, do you need any help?" She asked Arla looking over at he boiling pot "I cook for my grandfather all the time, in fact I wanna open a small shop and sell food to people." She gave a childish smile.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia Character Portrait: Mara the Demonblood
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I raised an eyebrow as Mizuki woke from her sleep, alert and perky. "It's just mint tea. . ." I said as she sniffed deeply. "So your an aspiring cook? I guess I would have got interested in it also if hunting and weaving wasn't always keeping me so busy." I glanced over at the quilt I had slept on last night. Tasir and I spent three days weaving it together. Pictures of joyful deer, soaring birds, and beautiful flowers adorned its green surface.

I looked back at Mizuki, "You need to take a look at this." I announced as I handed her the letter. "Your Dutchess summons you."


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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Mizuki raised her tail and ears into the air "W-why?" She was scared of her, she knew the Dutchess could kill people and to leave her father alone make Mizuki sick to the thought to herself. She reached out for the letter, her hands were shaking, she opened it and began to read. Her eyes widened "It's hard to believe her, shes planning something." She eyed the paper and put it down, and walked over to the pot smelling the dish carefully "The only reason I know how to cook is because my parents died so my grandparents took me in. My grandmother cooked while my grandfather studied, she taught me how to cook and since she passed away... I took up her role to take care of my grandfather." The thought of her grandfather made her worry, he was probably confused about what he was suppose to eat and was probably worried sick about her as well. "After breakfast I'm going back to the town unless you care to join me." Mizuki reached down and poured water into the pot and added some spice which she had recognized from her garden. After a little boiling she added a little herbs to top it off and removed it from the heat "It's a simple recipe if your having trouble scavenging food, I'll write down the recipe before i go." She smiled gently at Arla.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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"Many responsibilities have risen before you. I apologize, we are alike in that manner. Many things that I was not prepared for have occured, but we just try our best to cope." I smiled at her sympathetically. I truly felt for the girl, when I lost Tasir I felt as if I would die of grief. Mizuki has had to experience that threefold. "That won't be necessary, I will be joining you on your walk to Davran."

I grabbed the two cavebear pelts off of the pegs on the wall and a few other things I would need. I walked towards the table and grabbed the steaming cup that Mizuki had poured her unique tea into and drank it down in two large gulps. I grabbed my bow and slid it over my shoulders, adjusting the string so it was more comfortable across my chest. I secured the cave bear pelts underneath my bow and walked to the door. Holding it open I said, "Shall we?"


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia
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Mizuki nodded her trip back wouldn't be too long she hoped, she reached for her bag that was somewhat covered in dried blood and she walked through the rather long forest with Arla.

When they had reached the exit of the forest she saw her garden and the smoke coming from the chimneys of her home, Mizuki raised her hand into the air and pointed at the building "There it is, my home. its right nest to the forest so it isn't much of a walk." She began to run and knock on the door to the home, an old neko opened the door his eyes droopy. "Mizuki, good morning what are you doing up so early?" he asked as if nothing happened "Grandpa what are you talking about I've been-" she stoped in her tracks, it was best not to make him worry even more, he had probably not even noticed she was gone and thought she was asleep assuming she had come back last night. "I-I've been out picking herbs and fruits and veggies from the garden, arn't you hungry?" she asked the old neko, he nodded and turned his head to look at the girl behind Mizuki. "Whoes she?" he asked pointing at Arla, Mizuki smiled "Grandpa she helped me in the forest now come one lets get inside and then get ready to go to the town, the Dutchess needs us." she edged herself inside after her grandfather then turned around and smiled at Arla "Come on in Arla."


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia Character Portrait: Mara the Demonblood
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Mizuki turned to me, "Come on in Arla." She said graciously. As I walked in I smiled at the older male neko, he returned the gesture. He raised a calloused hand towards me, and I shook it with a strong grip. When I had finished the courteous gestures of good faith I turned my gaze towards Mizuki, who had already entered the kitchen and was cooking something that smelled absolutely delicious. She moved in a blur of movement, turning her cooking utensils into an extension of her arms. Similar to the way a good swordsman would use his blade.

"So you decided you are going to attend your Dutchess' feast, yes? I am afraid I have no such time to partake in trivial festivities." I hadn't even thought that Mizuki would attend, but maybe she feared what the Dutchess would do if she did not.

I had never considered the Dutchess to be any soverign of mine. I never payed taxes, like the people who lived in the cities. And why should I? I do not dwell in their establishments, protected by their guards. I didn't even think those in the courts of nobles had any knowledge of the young elven girl who lived in the forest.

(This is where Mizuki convinces me to attend the feast. Okay? :D)


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia Character Portrait: Mara the Demonblood
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Mizuki turned to me, "Come on in Arla." She said graciously. As I walked in I smiled at the older male neko, he returned the gesture. He raised a calloused hand towards me, and I shook it with a strong grip. When I had finished the courteous gestures of good faith I turned my gaze towards Mizuki, who had already entered the kitchen and was cooking something that smelled absolutely delicious. She moved in a blur of movement, turning her cooking utensils into an extension of her arms. Similar to the way a good swordsman would use his blade.

"So you decided you are going to attend your Dutchess' feast, yes? I am afraid I have no such time to partake in trivial festivities." I hadn't even thought that Mizuki would attend, but maybe she feared what the Dutchess would do if she did not.

I had never considered the Dutchess to be any soverign of mine. I never payed taxes, like the people who lived in the cities. And why should I? I do not dwell in their establishments, protected by their guards. I didn't even think those in the courts of nobles had any knowledge of the young elven girl who lived in the forest.

(This is where Mizuki convinces me to attend the feast. Okay? :D)


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia Character Portrait: Mara the Demonblood
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I was awestruck as the Dutchess herself tramped into Mizuki's home, heralding her own entrance with a mighty proclamation of love and peace. My jaw fell open slightly and I stuttered a bit, but after a few seconds I grasped my tongue

"I am Arlathina of Tasir's Forest." I informed her, I wasn't sure if she would know it by that name, but it was the only title I knew. The Humans may not have known it as such, but the few Elves I had met explained to me that it was Tasir's Forest because the wise old man had lived there for almost a hundred years.

Mara stood regally, but something stained her elegant demeanor. Something manic, perhaps years of imprisonment in her own dungeons had caused her to lose her grip on reality. If so, it made it an even better idea not to enrage her until I had escaped her presence.

Her cherry blossom hair fluttered in the breeze that had found its way into Mizuki's home. The older Neko, whose name I did not know yet, shuffled to the door and closed it. Then he continued to gawk at the Dutchess who stood in his livingroom.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia Character Portrait: Mara the Demonblood
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Mizuki turned shocked by the sight of the Dutchess "Err... I'm Mizuki the Neko of Darvan and my grandfather whose name is Alfred." Her mouth dropped a little wondering if she had been eavesdropping on the two girls. "I must ask Dutchess how did you get inside?" she asked the Dutchess curiously a bit scared of her.

Mizuki turned to her grandfather now stood beside her, he bowed and said to the Dutchess "We would be honored to attend." he stood and adjusted his glasses, Mizuki held her grandfather's hand "But grandfather your studies, Arla can go in your place, with your weak heart I cannot make you walk such a distance!"

Her grandfather looked at the young neko "Nonsense my heart may be weak, but my soul is strong!" Mizuki shook her head. "You stayed up all night and I have business to do afterword that may take too much of your time, let Arla go." She insisted to her grandfather "You need to rest grandfather, grandmother would be very upset with you if she found out you stood up so late and didn't even eat!" her grandfather stood for a minute or so and nodded his head.

"You burden me so Little One, let the elf go in my place Dutchess. it is all i can ask from you." He announced to the three girls who stood in the room.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia Character Portrait: Mara the Demonblood
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I felt a pang of sympathy for Mara. "Aye, I have been falsely persecuted for the crime of witchcraft. I am a Forest Druid, as are most Elves." I said with a tinge of defense coloring my voice. Many times the villagers had called me a witch, which had forced me to sit down and explain the difference. Either that or I fear I would have impaled one of the insolent fools on a sharp root.

I wasn't so sure about going to the feast, but I guess I would have to comply. "I will attend if it please you all, but I must inquire as to how you think you have the strength to carry Alfred. You are a thinner woman, who I fear would collapse under his weight." I adressed towards The Dutchess as formally and delicately as I could.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia Character Portrait: Mara the Demonblood
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I pulled myself up into the rear part of the wagon, relaxing among the fruits of Mizuki's labor. I draped the warm cave bear pelts over myself as Mizuki whipped the oxen, forcing them to a slow trot. As the wheels of the wagon began to slowly rotate, they responded with a protest of squeaks and creaks. "So Mara, how long were you really in that dungeon?" I yelled, trying to make my voice rise over the cacophany of the wagon.


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Character Portrait: Mizuki Character Portrait: Arlathina Dalisia Character Portrait: Mara the Demonblood
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A smirk appeared on my face as I squinted at the sun. "So your that beautiful voice I heard in the forest those many times." I began to laugh as I recalled her pure voice ringing through the trees as I hummed along. "It was always a joy to pick berries while you sang, I don't see why the villagers think your voice is a curse. Its a blessing really, when I sing I sound like a dieing animal. I certainly did not burst into flames when I heard your voice though."

It wasn't often that I had actually enjoyed something so thoroughly. I remembered the words slipping over the rocks, and under the birches.

Come away little lamb,
Come away to the water.

To the arms that are waiting only for you.

Come away little lamb,
Come away to the slaughter.

We are coming for you.

It was a haunting melody that sent shivers down my spine, yet it was beautiful nonetheless. Tasir had told me of a story that corresponded with the song perfectly. Though the memory eluded me for now, and I let my conscienceness slip back into the present. It wasn't healthy to dwell on the past.