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Athylia Lefeber

"Work is for the weak"

0 · 236 views · located in Shelter Lodge

a character in “Shelter Lodge”, originally authored by Uniken, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Athylia

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Physical Description: Image

Job/Career: Unemployed and living life to it's fullest.

Personality: Athylia very nice girl, with no cares in the world. She normally takes medication to settle down her anger issues. Her parents just stopped paying for her rent so soon she will be homeless, also she is very emotional about her financial issues.

Hobbies: She loves listening to music and taking pictures of everything to preserve all the memories around her.

Belongings: "I brought my camera, my lucky gloves and my pills... oh wait I forgot my pills... How long are we going to be out here?"

Relationships: Went to High school with Julia, they used to be best friends, but now she is jealous by Julia's success.

So begins...

Athylia Lefeber's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tim Greni Character Portrait: Carla Lexton Character Portrait: Miles Gap Character Portrait: Xander Coltman Character Portrait: Athylia Lefeber
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#, as written by Uniken
Athylia awoke to the sound of the shuttle stopping, she looked around at her surroundings and saw mostly trees and snow. She didn't mind getting away from the city for a while. Hopefully it would help her clear her mind. She waited for some others to get off the bus first, then she slowly stood up and made her way off the bus. When she walked in it seemed that one man was already making his way to his room, but she over herd the second man say his name "Tim" she said softly to her self. Then the third man walked up and said his name also. "Alexander" Athylia smiled that was a nice name, it was pretty almost like a girls name.

She walked up to the counter and smiled at the girl named Carla, she slid her ID to her and looked at the boy that was next to her. She smiled gently and stuck out her hand "Hi, I'm Athylia nice to meet you." She didn't want to come of to creepy but she wanted to make friends on the trip and not be a anti social monster.

She looked at the boys appearance, he seemed sort of like a trouble maker. He seemed not to nig to be in sports but he seemed tough enough to beat someone up. Athylia didn't want to get on his bad side either way so it seemed like a good idea to become friends with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carla Lexton Character Portrait: Xander Coltman Character Portrait: Athylia Lefeber
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0.00 INK

#, as written by tehflii
Glad to be rid of the unhappy Mr. Greni, Carla's smile widened as a seemingly laid back man approached the desk. "Welcome, Mr. Coltman, to the Shelter Lodge." She handed him the document that he needed to sign, "Please sign this to show that you understand the terms and conditions of your stay here at Shelter Lodge." She grabbed a room key out of the drawer, and handed it to him, " Your room number is 102. There will be a tour of the facility in an hour, we will meet here in the lobby before beginning the tour. In the meantime, please make yourself at home, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to come back here, to the front desk, and I will assist you." As she spoke, her throat began to feel dry, causing the last part of the speech to sound raspy. Oh, Jeez, I forgot to bring water. I sure do hope I can make it through welcoming the rest of the guests..

The next guest approached her. She appeared to have just woken up from a nap. I sure do hope she takes time to improve her appearance before the tour. A vacation is no excuse for letting yourself look so sloppy!, Carla thought disdainfully. The woman introduced herself as "Athylia Leferber", Carla welcomed her to the lodge, and went through the same routine as before. Taking the signed document from Athylia, Carla went on with the welcoming process, " Thank you, Ms. Leferber, your room number is 111. Please feel free to visit your room and settle down. I will be hosting a tour in an hour's time that will begin here in the lobby. If you have any questions or concerns please come to the front desk, and I will be happy to assist you."

Carla took a deep breathe. Her voice had gotten a bit more raspier, and she was growing bored with the welcoming speech. Maybe I should try to spice things up a bit with the next one, she thought to herself, or else this is going to be a long night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carla Lexton Character Portrait: Xander Coltman Character Portrait: Athylia Lefeber
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0.00 INK

Xander smiled as he signed his life away and took his his room key and turned to the girl who appeared next to him. "Well, I guess I don't need an introduction. I believe you caught my name. If you didn't I'll be more than happy to repeat it. Alexander Coltman is my name, but I would prefer you call me Xander, and don't please don't call me Alex. My mother calls me Alex." He picked up his bag and got out of the way. He didn't want to block other guests getting to the desk.

He did a quick once over on Athylia and tried to assess her. He couldn't tell much, but he felt that she didn't mean him immediate harm. He figured might as well be friendly. It's so much work being a dick. He just couldn't handle it for that few months. He figured out who his real friends were though. He started to think about his friends, and after a short while he concluded that they were all stupid. He snapped back to reality. He hoped that nobody noticed his little adventure in his own brain. They happened often, but they usually didn't last long.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Johnny Richmond Character Portrait: Julia Otto Character Portrait: Athylia Lefeber
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Uniken

Julia walked in with her head up high, she smiled at some of the girls, but inside her head all she was thinking was 'what a bunch of losers when I'm famous they all will look up to me!' She walked up to the counter next to a tall boy, she looked over him and decided that this boy seemed like a man. Then she looked at the girl behind the counter. "My name is Julia Otto, soon to be famous." She looked back at the boy to see if he even noticed she was there.


After a bunch of people walked in, Athylia decided it would be best if she left for a bit. She went up to her room, after she unlocked the door she threw her bag down and started to unpack. She herd some noises coming from down stairs. "Wow sound travels far in this place." She was amazed at the hotel it was nothing like she expected, everything has been so amazing the people seemed really nice too just hopefully she could make a good impression. All of the sudden her stomach dropped. She flipped her bag, she then she just stood there starring at her bag. She forgot her pills...

Athylia has had anger issues since she was young, she has managed to control them fairly well but when she would get angry she would turn violent and hurt others. But the pills would make sure she could stay in control, Athylia sighed. "Well as long as I don't get angry then I shouldn't cause any harm."

She walked out of her room and locked the door behind her, it was time to go back to the lobby. And that is when she saw her... Julia used to be friends with Athylia until graduation. That is when Julia became the stubbern success she is, Athylia hated her, she extremely jealous of her and that was all she needed to hate that girl. Just hopefully she won't recognize Athylia.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tim Greni Character Portrait: Julia Otto Character Portrait: Athylia Lefeber
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0.00 INK

Tim decided to follow the sound of the people. He was supposed to go on some tour thing anyways. He had taken his ipod in favor of his phone, since the phone was useless so far in this place. Putting in one earphone, he put it on shuffle and began to walk back to the lobby. On the way there, he saw a girl. She was looking at another one by the counter with a strange expression, which Tim decided to classify as nervousness. Looking in between the two, he shrugged and walked past her to the lobby.

The sight in the lobby however, caused him to smirk. Some guy was on the floor by a short haired girl, two blondes were at the door and the Miles guy was practically drooling over them. There was redhead who wasn't saying anything and was looking around with mild interest. There were a few others as well. So, these are the people I'm stuck here with? he thought, looking around at everyone. It wasn't too bad, actually, he decided.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nara Shillia Character Portrait: Lacey Maxxwel Character Portrait: Julia Otto Character Portrait: Athylia Lefeber
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Uniken

Julia left the counter and the obviously uninterested boy to go see what else was going on. On the outside Julia was a stuck up brat but on the inside she really just wants some one to care about her as much as she cares about her self. She sat down in a chair and started to read some lines for a audition coming up soon, she looked around hoping that someone would ask her what she was reading so that she could tell them all about her self. But she sat there by her self to be bitter that no one cared about her acting career except her.


Athylia stood like a stone as she watched Julia sit down in a chair and begin to read. "Phew she didn't notice me." She said quietly to herself. She walked towards a girl that looked like she was writing something on her notebook. She wandered her way threw the uncomfortable room, when she finally got to the girls they seemed busy, but that wasn't going to stop Athylia from trying to make some friends. She was not a people person but she was hoping this trip would change that. She walked up to the girls and stood there very awkwardly and quickly looked at the ground and said. "Hi, I'm Athylia nice to meet you." She didn't want to make eye contact, with the two girls until she knew there names it was a little habit to know the peoples names that she was talking to before she actually started a conversation. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She said awkwardly


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tim Greni Character Portrait: Carla Lexton Character Portrait: Nara Shillia Character Portrait: Winny Collins Character Portrait: Johnny Richmond Character Portrait: Lacey Maxxwel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LSunday
The others in the lobby watched Laurie and Miles disappear upstairs.

"I guess they'll be missing the tour..." someone muttered.

Carla did a quick once-over of all the rooms. "Richmond, 101. Coltman, 02. Gap, 03. Collins, 04, Greni, 05, Otto, 06, Shillia, 07, Maxxwel, 08 and 10, Lefeber, 111." There was one missing. Barbara Phillips, room 109. Carla scanned the room. She could have sworn she'd seen a blonde-haired woman around earlier. But this was all the guests, minus the two that were already going on upstairs.

"All right, everyone, since we're all here we might as well get the tour started a little early. If you'd all gather around."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tim Greni Character Portrait: Carla Lexton Character Portrait: Miles Gap Character Portrait: Nara Shillia Character Portrait: John Lexton Character Portrait: Winny Collins
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0.00 INK

#, as written by tehflii
Snoring with his arms spread over the table in the staff room, John had fallen asleep after just a couple sips of his coffee. Suddenly he jumped awake, knocking his chair back slightly, and almost toppled onto the floor. His heart was pounding, and he was covered in sweat. Man that was some dream., he thought as he stretched and sat back in his chair, allowing the details of the dream to slowly dissipate until he could only vaguely recall that it involved a murder of some sort. Reaching for his coffee, he cursed noticing that he had managed to spill it during his nap. He cursed again when he noticed that his shirt had soaked up a good amount of the coffee, leaving a rather large brown stain on the left sleeve of his shirt. He go up to grab some paper towel, when his eyes fell on the clock that hung on the wall. His heart almost stopped, Oh shoot the tour!. Carla had made quite certain that he knew to attend the tour of the facilities. Her desire was to introduce all the guests to the employees to make them feel more at home, and willing to provide feedback on their stay. Forgetting the spill, and the stain, he took off down the hall towards the lobby. I hope she hasn't started yet, she'll never let me hear the end of it if I am late!

He arrived through the door located behind the front desk just as Carla was saying," All right, everyone, since we're all here we might as well get the tour started a little early. If you'd all gather around."

"Phew!", he panted as wiped the sweat from his forehead, and tried to calm his breathing down to normal.

Carla turned her husband, her smile quickly turning to a look of annoyance, and whispered severely," You dolt! Causing all this commotion, you're lucky the guests are here or I'd have your arse!" She then turned back to the guests displaying her phony smile, "I would first like to introduce you to the staff of this Shelter Lodge. Firstly, there is me. I am Carla, and I run the front end of the Shelter Lodge. Next, there is John, my husband, who is the mechanic responsible for fixing anything that breaks.", at the mention of his name, John, attempted to smile at the crowd of guests, but gave up and just lifted his hand and gave a small wave, "Feel free to take up any questions or concerns with either of us. Now let us begin the tour!"

Carla walked out from behind the front desk, and stood in front of the large fireplace. John trailed behind her, and stood a few feet to the left of her. Carla spread her arms out wide, proudly announcing, "Now this, as you all may know, is the lobby. From here you can easily make it to every other part of this resort. This is a place where you can rest, hang out, and call upon me to resolve any issues you may have. Any questions?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tim Greni Character Portrait: Carla Lexton Character Portrait: Nara Shillia Character Portrait: John Lexton Character Portrait: Lacey Maxxwel Character Portrait: Athylia Lefeber
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0.00 INK

Nara waved a short hello to the girl who said hi to her and Lacey, but her attention was quickly changed to the tour when it was announced it was starting early. Since they were all there, Nara didn't mind. She did notice however, that Lacey had slipped away. Her sister and Miles was missing too. Nara frowned slightly, thinking it was useless to go after someone who bullied you, but shrugged it off. They were sisters. Besides, Nara could right out a brief over of the tour and a map for Lacey if she missed the tour. Nara was usually good with those kind of things.

Nara looked over at a man who just arrived, probably working with Carla. Then, Carla began to talk about who they were. The man, apparently was John. A mechanic. "Now let us begin the tour!"
Nara smiled a bit, some what excited to get on with the tour. Carla came out in front of a fireplace, and began to introduce the lobby. Nara couldn't pay much attention though, she kept glancing around for any sign of the twins or Miles. They really might miss the tour.

Tim joined the crowd who was listening to Carla introduce herself and John, and then start the tour with the lobby. Tim had to resist rolling his eyes, since he knew that they ALL knew this was the lobby. Really, could people be that dumb to not figure that one out on their own?
Shaking his head, Tim stuck his hands in his pockets to wait for the tour to move on. Though he found explaining the lobby silly, he did want to see the rest of the resort. It seemed like an over all cool place. Even if the only people he'd really heard speak so far were a bit off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tim Greni Character Portrait: Carla Lexton Character Portrait: Miles Gap Character Portrait: Nara Shillia Character Portrait: John Lexton Character Portrait: Winny Collins
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#, as written by tehflii
Carla froze for a moment when Xander asked where the rest of the staff was. "", she stammered as she tried to think of a good excuse. "You see, this is the trial weekend, if all goes according to plan, then we will be hiring more employees to care for our future guests." She started to sweat a little, hoping that this would serve as a good enough excuse. To prevent any other awkward questions Carla decided to continue on with the tour, "Now if you will follow me down this hallway,", she indicated the hallway with her left hand," we will be moving on to the dining area of the facility."

She led the guests down the hall, and into the Dining room. It consisted of one long, wooden table down the middle of the room that was lined with a large number of chairs. She led them around the perimeter of the room, stopping in front of the kitchen doors. "This!", she announced spreading her arms wide again,"is the dining facility. Three meals will be served here everyday at a set time. I will be providing a pamphlet with the meal times, and course descriptions at the end of the tour." As she spoke, Carla cursed the employees that had failed to arrive, I hope they rot in Hell, she thought spitefully. She did not allow her anger to show through to the guests, maintaining an overly cheerful facade she herder the guests into the kitchen. "This is our state of the art kitchen. All of our appliances are brand new, and very high end. Nothing but the best for our guests!" Carla was quite proud of the kitchen so she gave the guests a moment to gaze in awe at all the beautiful stainless steel appliances. "So what do you think so far?", she asked eager to hear their compliments.

John followed Carla silently. I don't know why she's making everyone go on this silly tour. Just give them a map of the place, I mean it is not like they have never been to a hotel before! Not only was he annoyed at Carla, the reminder of the lack of employees caused him to feel a deep anger towards them. They better not show their faces now, or I'll pound them to a pulp! The nerve of those people, leaving Carla and I to look after all of these people. He shook his head to snap out of his anger as his wife was leading everyone into the kitchen. The last think he needed right now was for Carla to catch him daydreaming in the middle of the tour she had be so looking forward to hosting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tim Greni Character Portrait: Carla Lexton Character Portrait: Miles Gap Character Portrait: Nara Shillia Character Portrait: John Lexton Character Portrait: Winny Collins
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0.00 INK

#, as written by tehflii
Carla waited in vain for a few moments before clearing her throat, and leading the guests over to the walk in Fridge. She opened the large silver door, and pushed the rubber flaps aside to give them a glimpse at the food. "Our fridge is fully stocked with only the best of foods. All of it is organic, and hormone free." She boasted, closing the door, and leading the guests of the kitchen through a side door. She took them down the hall, and into the first room on the right. "This is the game room. Just like the kitchen, everything in here is brand new and very high end. For you to enjoy at your leisure are foosball table, air hockey, some arcade game, pool tables, and a self-serve bar." She pointed to each of the items as she mentioned them. Carla them moved over to the door that led to the staff room. She opened it, leading the way inside. "Now this is the Staff room. If you can't seem to find either me or John, you can always check in here, or if it is late at night you can always find us in our room, 301."

Carla gave the group a second to take everything in before leading them back to the lobby."Before I end the tour, I would like to point out how to get to our skiing slopes. Unfortunately, I am unable to show you at this time due to the bad weather." She explained apologetically as she pointed to the heavy snowfall that was taking place just outside the window. "To get there you simply need to follow the path labeled 'Ski Slopes' that starts just as you walk outside. There is also a small rental shop up on the hill where you can rent out skiis, boots, and jackets. Due to the shortage of staff, you simply need to come to me if you desire to rent something, and I will log into the database via the front desk computer." Carla paused to take a deep breathe before continuing, "Thank you for attending the tour of the Shelter Lodge, remember that if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to approach either myself, or John and we will be happy to assist you."

Just as Carla made it back behind her desk, she realized that she had forgotten something. "Oh Wait!", she shouted, "I forgot to hand out the dining pamphlets!" She grabbed the pile of light pink pamphlets, and began handing them out to the guests. "The meal times are clearly marked, but I would just like to mention that dinner will be taking place in three hours. We will be serving oven roasted chicken with asparagus and mashed potatoes."

Once everything was over, Carla made her way back to the front desk, and motioned for John to follow her. "I need you here so I can get that meal started. We can't have the guests starving all because those pests didn't bother showing up!, Carla hissed this at John, and didn't give him a chance to respond before stalking off to the kitchen. It's going to be a long weekend, John sighed, while leaning on the counter hoping that the guests would entertain themselves so he could relax.