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Wanagi Peta

"How do you avoid running into shifter hunters?" "By doing what I do best, Shifting."

0 · 552 views · located in Terraraine

a character in “Shifters: The Battle for Terraraine”, as played by DovesLove


Wanagi Peta(Her name means Ghost Fire in Lakota Sioux) is a wolf shifter, but has been raised on the human side in secret for 17 years, in fact, she was born on the human side.

At 5' 9'' she blends into a crowd because of her average hight, but everything else about her screams different. The biggest stand out though is her ears, they look much like an elf's long pointy ears, but they stay close to her head, effectively hiding them in her hair. Her eyes are a rich navy blue speckled with gold, and her pupils are normally round unless you piss her off, then they will become slits. Her fiery red hair frequently passes her rear end when let down, but she normally wears it braided around her ears with short strands covering her neck. When in this form she normally wears black slip on shoes, dark blue slacks, and a gold or dark red flowing shirt that has leather straps in the back holding it together.

As a wolf she is larger then most with a ranging coat. The colors range from blue/black to a vibrant red, and her eyes are normally a bright blue.

As a human Wanagi likes to carry around a very flexible staff thats leading edge is almost as sharp as her tail, and has notches equidistant from the ends. In those notches she can put a draw string in and quickly change her staff to a very strong bow. As a wolf, she just uses her teeth and claws.

So begins...

Wanagi Peta's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta Character Portrait: Lilly Pond Character Portrait: Ookami Charima Character Portrait: Alren II of Carim Character Portrait: Grant
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(Okay we're going to start of with just people's everyday stuff, so just do whatever :))
Lilly was tending to her garden in the back of her small flower shop. She hoped business was slow as it was any other day, and it was. Even though slow business meant little money, she didn't care. Lilly didn't enjoy talking with people, it just made her feel awkward.


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Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta Character Portrait: Lilly Pond
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Wanagi traveled through the woods in her wolf form, a pack strapped to her back. She was one of the most sought after letter carriers in all of Clovek because she had never missed a delivery, or lost it, but every one thought her fully human. As she came near the town of her friend Lilly, she slowed to a stop and ripped off the pack. Shifting she pulled out a red shirt, her blue pants, and her black shoes. She picked up the pack, re tying the straps she had pulled apart when taking it off, and put it on heading into town.


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Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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As Wanagi reached the edge of the town a young boy ran up to her with two packages in his hands.
"Sir would like you to deliver this to the usual spot miss." The child said holding up the black package. "This one's your payment." He held up a blue one. Wanagi nodded taking them from him then set a silver coin in his palm.
"You know what thats for." She said as she rubbed his head then disappeared back into the forest. When she got far enough away she stopped and pulled off her pack, putting the packages and her clothing into it then shifted. She struggled getting her pack back on, but when she did she headed for the border between the two nations.


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Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Wanagi almost flew through the forest as she ran. It almost always invigorated her to do a run across the border with interesting packages. She slowed though when she smelled day old smoke, and stopped completely when she saw a red headed girl sitting near the base of a tree. She creepped closer forgetting totally about her pack that was still on her back. When she stopped she was a few feet infront of the redhead, and tilted her head to the side. What's up with this place? Ran through her head as she watched.


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Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Vixen glanced up as she heard the crackle of a leaf. Her reflexes told her to run. She stood up instantly, withdrawing her dagger from her belt. She glared at the newcomer. "May I help you?" She hissed. She held tightly onto her dagger, ready to defend herself.


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Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Wanagi tilted her wolf head the other way, then spun around and retreated back to the woods, almost loosing her pack in the process. She scolded herself for slipping, forgetting that she was in her wolf form and that she had a bag strapped to her. What an idiot I am, I learned not to do that AGES ago no mater what. She growled to herself as she shifted behind a tree and dressed. Picking up her torn pack she walked back to the other redhead. "The name's Peta." She said as she arrived.


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Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Vixen didn't take her eyes off of the stranger. Still gripping her dagger firmly, she lowered her arm cautiously. She eyed the person's suspiciously. "And I suppose you're one of those wretched shifters, huh? Not that I'm to judge, I'm as filthy as you." She glanced at the remains of the burnt treehouse and sighed to herself.


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Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Wanagi shrugged at the female's accusation, Dang that stung. "I may be one, I may not be one, the wolf you saw earlier could have simply been a pet that I had tamed to travel with me on my journeys." She said as she sat down, putting herself at a distinct disadvantage if a fight came to pass. Taking off her pack she worked on the leather straps, and pulled out her slightly bent staff. She fiddled with the straps again and sized them for her human side, while watching the gall with the knife out of the corner of her eye. She detested fighting, which was why she had a staff as her weapon of choice.


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Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Vixen lowered her weapon and hung it loosely in her belt, she figured if the girl tried anything, she could easily do some damage. Vixen rolled her eyes. "I am not a fool. If that mutt was your companion, then where is it?" she challenged, looking around. She crossed one foot over the other, kicking a rock in the process.


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Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Wanagi blinked at the other gall. "Um, he tends to disappear a lot." She chuckled. Looking around Wanagi whistled and a wolf trotted out, though he was slightly smaller and leaner. His coloring was also slightly darker. The wolf trotted over to Wanagi and sat behind her. She looked back to the gall. "This would be, um, well, I haven't named him, he's like the silent companion that never gets a name." She said setting her hand back. "Did I mention my name? It's Peta, yours?"


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Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Vixen watched as the wolf padded out, suddenly hungry. She smirked. "That wolf sure would make a nice dinner." She stared at it, glancing back at Peta. "My name is of no concern to you," she responded dully. She looked at the remains of the treehouse once again, remembering her past. "I should be off. You should be on your side of the border." She said.


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Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Wanagi shook her head laughing. "This is my side, I was born and raise here." She said standing and waving her hand to the wolf. He got up and left. "Well, may the stars light your path, and the moon guide your way." Picking up her staff, she started across the clearing. "Your welcome to follow my path for the time being. I'm heading to the border."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Vixen glared at Peta. "I have my own home, thank you." She let her thumb hang through her belt hole on her pants and watched Peta, waiting for her to leave. She kind of wished she had a companion, but quickly pushed the impractical thought away.


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Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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"Very well." Wanagi said then disappeared into the woods. When she was far enough away she fixed her bag and put her staff and clothing away, then shifted and continued on with her journey to the border town. It took many an hour to get there, but the time was well worth it as she pondered the past, and what was in her payment box this time. She stopped once to hunt, and enjoyed her dinner raw, but didn't dawdle long in the area. She felt as if something was following her, wondering what she was up to, or seeking something. As she neared the town she sighed a breath of relief. I hope someone's willing to let the neutral in for a nap. She shifted just outside of town and dressed, then walked in with her head high.


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Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta
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Alren was close to town by this time , he had seen some odd things in his travels but someone being carried off still made him wonder what kind of people would do that. Then again what kind of person would rape and murder people? He thought exhaling, he saw someone walking into town " Excuse me, Might you be able to tell me which town this is?" he asked. He hoped he didn't look to worn and ragged, he hadn't shaved in a few days , and lets face it being out in the naked night for 3 nights wouldn't do anyone any favors. His horse caught her scent and started to get riled up but he calmed her down pretty quickly. "Pardon She's not use to the smells around here." He said hoping she wouldn't take offence at the horse like some people seemed to this side of the border.


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Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta Character Portrait: Alren II of Carim
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Wanagi almost jumped sideways in shock. Bloody hell, I need to quit doing that. She thought to herself. Looking back she saw the man on his horse and she sighed. "It's fine, and I just consider this The Border Town." She said waving her hand to the town. She reached into her pack pulling out her staff, but didn't hold it defensively. Something about this man told her he was a neutral like herself, and held himself to a strict code of honor, even though he wore armor and carried many weapons. "And you might want to get off your horse if you don't want to get thrown because the smells around here. The number of predator Shifters in this area is sky high." She said as her nose finely caught a whiff of him. I'm surprised that horse hasn't tossed him herself, but then again, it does smell good on him, She thought while looking at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta Character Portrait: Shadow Couturier Character Portrait: Alren II of Carim
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"The Border town hun? Hmm" He said. not the most creative name but it serves the purpose I suppose. This business of predatory shifters always unnerve me... He kept his expressions relaxed despite what was on his mind. He dismounted rather deftly, only wobbling a little when he landed from his sore legs. " It's been about a mile anyways." He patted molly's neck taking her lead rope. "Forget to take care of those who take care of you and you end up dead." he said mostly to himself. " My name is Arlen* the second of Carim, pleasure to make your acquaintance miss?" He asked as he started down the main road of the town. Even though he was talking his mind was busy noting things about the town. He noted a market was going on so he should probably visit that later. He also noticed a few taverns and pubs. probably a competition around these parts.
The air smelt like animal but not in a bad way, in fact it was rather homey to him, he had been a stable boy for many years.
His forest green eyes took into the town for what it was, a sleepy bump in the road that was pleasant. Now as long as they don't try to burn me I'll be fine. he thought with a smile.
A girl jumped down spoking Molly again. "Easy! easy." He said giving the lead rope a light tug.He rubbed her cheek before he addressed the new girl " Might want to be careful around horses and not go leaping from windows, Had I been more jumpy and less weary you could have ended up dead." He said in a polite but pointed tone looking down at her since she was much shorter than he, and much younger by the looks of it. " As For my name I am Arlen the second of Carim" he said. "And you are?" He asked. Lot's of jumpy folk around here... He noted.

* ( ooc: The name was mistyped when I first did my Charter, pardon it is supposed to be Arlen II of Carim|EDIT : Sorry Taby Id didn't see that you had tagged me. )


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta Character Portrait: Shadow Couturier Character Portrait: Alren II of Carim
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Wanagi shrugged as she followed him, noticing though that he almost collapsed. "That's only what I know it by, when I come I never stay long, and don't connect with the people unless absolutely necessary." She said as she finely slowed down to look at what would probably be considered her home town if she had one, but Shadow almost scared her out of her whits end. Blasted, I'm never coming from this end of town again. "And most people know me by Peta, Arlen. Also the best spot to stay in this town if your on a budget or don't want questions asked is the little place on the end." She said taking the lead to a small pub & stable with a worn sign hanging on the front that read "White Wolf Pub." She almost ran to it, savoring the smell of perfectly cooked meat coming from the open door. As she got to the door her hair unraveled from its braid and cascaded over her pack, the red glowing almost like fire from the light, but her ears poked through. Something clicked in Wanagi's head. "I'll make sure their stable's fine for your horse, you never know what this place keeps in the back."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta Character Portrait: Shadow Couturier Character Portrait: Alren II of Carim
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"Ended up dead? Like I haven't heard THAT one before!!" Shadow stifled a laugh with a gloved hand, but even this was nearly impossible. "If I were to venture out of my door this afternoon I would have been shot! My name is Shadow, actually, Shadow Couturier Rose Centerion the Third," the young girl had to place a pause before she continued in a much lighter tone shuffling a pack of playing cards in her delicate ivory hand, holding them within her thin, slender fingers. "I would draw a third but too tired, too tired, yes."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wanagi Peta Character Portrait: Shadow Couturier Character Portrait: Alren II of Carim
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"I see." He said to Shadow. He followed Peta. " I appreciate that Peta. " He nearly melted smelling the freshly cooked meal that awaited him, and the bread Maker the bread smelled so wonderful.He tied Moly off on one of the post so he could pay for the board.He haggled with the bartender for a moment but ended up paying about what the owner wanted anyways. He paid the man" So what brings you here if you don't live here Peta?" he asked going back out to molly, He walked and listened.

Molly outside, tail flicking. If you looked closer at Arlen's gear, and even Molly, you would see symbols etched or drawn over the items or tattooed to her flanks. Theses were wards that wouldn't allow anyone to touch the objects unless He gave them permission or gave them an object that he kept on his person, namely a bracelet.

Arlen lead Molly into the stable making all the appropriate answers to Peta as she spoke. He unpacked molly once he was in the stable still paying attention to Peta as he did. He brushed down molly and put her tack away, made sure she had clean bedding . He made idle chit chat while he worked but nothing noteworthy. "I've gotta come back and give her food and water once she's cooled off. " He said.