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Avaron Moe Nanako


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a character in “Shikkun City”, originally authored by Sambea, as played by RolePlayGateway


Avaron Moe Nanako

Theme Song: Mayoiga - Gensou Drive

Role: High schooler
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Ava
Gender: Female
Age: 17


Height: 5’4”
Weight: 110
Build: Slim
Eye Color: Purplish blue
Hair Color: Red
Appearance: Avaron is a very attractive young woman with a small waist and wide hips. Her figure slender and she has a regular-sized bust. Most of the time, she has red, elbow-length, hair and gorgeous, light-blue eyes. Her hair color changes in different artworks ranging from blood-red to auburn.
Outfit: She wears a white, long sleeved, collared shirt that clings onto her figure and tucks it into a pair of black shorts and wears a pair of black stockings underneath. She has a white belt with a gold-yellow buckle, a red tie under her shirt’s collar and khaki jacket that is sometimes worn properly or hangs off her shoulders by two leather straps on her arms. She also has a pair of high-cut, black boots which are unzipped and folded.

The Police: She gets that they are just doing their job, but she hates when they question her about the random animals/scraps of metal/chemicals she brings home.
The City: It is a nice city and where she lives seems to be an okay place for now for her experiments.
The People in Shikkun: Some are nice and some are not so nice. Avaron tries to stay away from the not so nice people.
New Travelers: She welcomes them in a sense of awkward smiles and waves.
Friends: The few she has she will protect with her life.
Family: Her family and her are kind of strained. She is the only child so she doesn’t really talk to them unless she has to.

Likes:She loves animals and is addicted in Dr. Pepper. Avaron loves her experiment, even the ones that are failures/
Fears: She fears failing, she worked so hard to get where she is that one little slip can send her to the bottom.
Personality: Avaron is uncomfortable around people. She has a hard time trusting them, but that doesn’t mean she is mean to them, just unsure. She like to throw puns at people and even small pranks. Avaron hates her flaws so she tries to focus on her school work. She can get depressed time to time, but then she drinks her handy Dr. Pepper and in a way feels better.

Weapons: She carries what looks like a stuffed panda, but in reality it is a voice active weapon. It is like miniature attack robot.
Fighting Style: Jujitsu

Relationship Status: Single
Family: Mother and Father
Personal History/Background: Avaron was born on July 26th to Gen and Haru Nanako. Her parents, strict, are chemical engeneers at BEF. From the day she was born Avaron was force to learn. By the time she was one she could count to 100 and say her ABCs. She skipped over kindergarten and went straight to first grade. She always made A’s and was taught that friends were a joke and school was all she needed until she could get a job at where her parents worked.


Due to this Avaron had no friends until she moved out when she was 16. Shockingly it was quite easy for her to get a job and her parents paid for her own home, as long as she kept her grades up. At the café she made friends with the owner and a couple of the girls there. When she is not working she is at home trying experiments on animals to make them stronger. She isn’t crazy and hardly ever hurting them. Most of the time these animals are already hurt or close to death. Avaron takes it upon herself to see them fully back to health.

OTHER: When Avaron is not in school or experimenting she is most likely working at her cafe job.

So begins...

Avaron Moe Nanako's Story


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Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako
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#, as written by Sambea
Avaron stood in her house making sure everything was in check. Last night’s experiment went kind of haywire and left a big mess. It took her hours of cleaning and so tough elbow scrubbing to get it looking normal again. Her robot stuffed panda rolled around the now clean house. “That is the last time I try experimenting with cats and water again.” She said to it.

The panda paid no mind to her as it rolled around. The cat was fine now, it slept in her bed. Before her experiment the cat was orange and white. Now he was purple and red. Avaron had no idea how the colors appeared, but chucked it up as a side effect. Now she had to name it. “Rodney….Rodney sounds like a good name.” She said as she entered the room. Rodney, like the panda, paid no mind to her. She sighed and fell onto the bed exhausted.

The setting changes from Avaron's home to Shikkun City


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Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
The room was dark and she could hear the pitter patter of rain against her window. Avaron had unknowingly fell asleep next to the bruise colored cat. He now slept curled against her stomach, softly purring. She didn't really want to move, her body ached from all the cleaning, and her head was slightly pounding.

She curled around the cat before her stomached growled so loud the cat jumped and ran. The thought of just sleeping through the hunger was tempting, but she got up anyway and stretched. Her elbows, spine, and knee all popped at once. "Uggghhhhh!" She moaned as she slowly stood straight again. Slowly walking out of her room Avaron walked down the hall and went down stairs to the kitchen. She rummaged around for awhile for food and when she couldn't find anything she went straight to the door. Putting the panda in her backpack she threw a purple raincoat over her and the back before putting her purple rubber boots. Rodney watched her from the top of the stairs.

"I will bring back some cat treats." She said looking at the cat. His face expressionless turned away from her before going into one of the rooms upstairs. Give one last sigh Avaron grabbed her panda umbrella and headed down a small ally that was a shortcut to the store.

An ally cat skittered across her path scaring her out of her day dream and making her scream, "SON OF A!" She kicked water at the cat as it ran away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
The sudden shouting of a girl and yowling of a stray cat jolted Haruka from sleep. Most likely, she was either chasing the animal or she stumbled upon it and yelled at it. While one was slightly more excusable than the other, both were completely unacceptable in his eyes. No matter the cause, he felt almost agitated by it. It made him curious as to the source of the cat's distress. That curiosity quickly mounted until he couldn't bear to stand around, he had to see what was going on.

He grabbed an old umbrella to prevent his toweling efforts from going completely to waste, and stepped outside of the tent. He gingerly stepped towards the side of the rooftop where the commotion was coming from. He squinted his eyes and looked carefully, until he spotted a girl walking down a nearby alley, surely she must be the culprit.

Yet, instead of jumping down or saying anything, he decided to try to enact a bit of karma from where he was standing. He picked up an empty soda can, crushed it down to a ball-like shape under his shoe, and took aim.

With a wide swing of his arm and a blistering flick of his wrist, he pitched the can directly at the girl. Instead of waiting for any sort of feedback or watching the events unfold, he skulked back into his tent and tried to lay down again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
She heard the sound of something, but wasn't sure what it really was. Something metal flew a mere inch from her face. One step in the wrong direction and should would have been hit. She watched as the metal disappeared behind some other trash before turning around and facing the way the metal came from. The way it was angled made where the come from a lot easier. Closing her umbrella and placing it on a trash can, Avaron slipped her arms into her rain coat and rummaged around.

By the time she got her panda out, not only was her hair soaked, but she looked pregnant. The panda robot was held near her stomach. Her hand swiftly moved over the panda before slipping one hand out, taking the panda from under her raincoat and taking it, and sliding her other hand out. The panda's eyes were red and she held it on both sides before leaning down. Avaron her arms through her legs, like if she was going to bowl granny style, before throwing it up in the air and screaming, "SCAN!" The panda went flying, scanning everything in its sight. It barely made it to the top before coming down.

She caught it with ease and let it play back the video on the wall. She had to watch it a few times to see what was exactly at the top. "Is that a tent?" She thought. She slide an arm in, passing the panda back under her rain coat, before sliding her free arm in the rain coat, and putting the panda back into her back pack. "HELLO! ANYONE UP THERE?!" She asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
The call in response only caused Haruka to bolt back into his tent. They must have seen him, why else would they say something like that? He scrambled towards one of the old suitcases that housed his clothes, and donned a beanie to cover his head. He did not dare venture from the tent, for fear of being seen again and possibly being taken away by the police. He knew that even a week in jail would be nightmarish for someone such as himself, on the street he at least has the luxury of being able to be alone.

One other thing came to mind, a glinting piece of metal by his bed. A butterfly knife, lifted from a would-be mugger a few years ago. He reached for the knife and held it in his hand, keeping it folded shut so that he only has to open it when it's needed. If everything went well, he wouldn't need it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
She waited, her ears straining to hear movement. Faintly she heard something and smirked. "So there is someone up there." She thought. Avaron looked around for a way to get up. "How did they get up there?" She whispered, looking around, and sighing when she saw no safe sign of a way up. Rain poured around her and the ally was starting to collect water.

"Look, I won't hurt you. I just want to know why the hell you are throwing shit at me. This is not the place to be starting fights you know? And why are you living on top of this stupid building? I think there is a shelter on the other side of town.." She drifted off, wondering why she was even wasting her time. Avaron was starving and wet, two things she cared not be. She looked up, twitching as the rain hit her face. "If I buy you something, will you promise not to be a pain in the ass and throw things at people for no logical reason?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr

There was little hope of trying to hide now, so Haruka changed into pants that were slightly more presentable, a pair of ragged khaki pants that were clearly a few sizes too wide and held up with a cloth belt. Most importantly, they had pockets, which soon found the teenager's means of self-defense stuffed into one of the front ones. Finally, he threw on his least-tattered pair of sneakers in hope of keeping his feet a little more dry. He grabbed the old umbrella again and, with a sigh, hesitantly exited the tent.

Within a few moments, Yukimura emerged from around a corner on the ground. His eyes narrowed, but the rest of his expression seemed too divided between several other emotions to show any particular leaning. Before he spoke, his expression softened, borderline pleading when he finally opened his mouth.

"So, what do I have to do to make sure you don't tell people about my place?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
She heard noises coming from the other side of the building and slightly took a fighting stance, just in case. Her panda was ready if need be too. Her eyes eyed the guy that emerged. He definitely looked homeless. She took a step back and smirked, one hand on her hip. She took a look over him once more before speaking, "Well...come home to the story to pick up some food with me..and we can go home and have some...uh fun." She winked, trying to be seductive, but failing so hard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
"Is that so?" Haruka raised an eyebrow and gave a half-grin. It was a little weird to think that many people knew about him, or at least what he used to be. He fished through his pockets, briefly murmuring "Aha," when he grabbed a small slip of paper that looked like a business card. He gave the printing on one side a quick glance before returning it to where it came from.

"If you're seriously soliciting me, I'll have you know that I'm not cheap," he rubbed his thumb and index finger together. "Quality pay for quality work, and all that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
"This dude is seriously in need of money or a..." She thought taking a step back. She contemplated just round kicking him and running, but he didn't want people to know where he was living. "He did try to throw something at me." She thought. She took the stance like before.

"Will a hot meal and a shower do? You stink to the high heavens." She mumbled as she pinched her nose.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
"That would work," Haruka shrugged. "However, I plan on staying overnight at least, if you're going to offer me food and a shower," with which he darted back out of the alley. Within a minute or two, he returned with a battered briefcase. The latch barely held itself shut, so a leather belt was looped around the case to hold it shut. He finally approached Avaron to within ten feet, much closer than the previous encounters.

"So, uh, are we going?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
She watched as he disappeared back to where he came from. She waited, watching her surroundings and stepping to a higher level in the alley so her feet would be drowning in water. When he returned her heart broke. She looked at the worn briefcase and then nodded. She started walking to the store, which wasn't far. "How long have you been homeless?" She asked after a few seconds of awkward silence. There was no point in bringing the umbrella out, her hair red hair looked like fire in the glow of the street lights.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
The teenager stayed close on Avaron's heels, never straying more than a few feet from her. The kindness of strangers (usually clients) provided him with often needed food and shelter, particularly in the wintertime. His eyes practically lit up upon seeing some of the stores and displays. He didn't often get to look at the myriad of options, as he tended to only stare at the price stickers and go for the lowest number.

"Uh, if I'm remembering dates right, about 3 years? I managed to crash in somebody's place for a few months a year or two ago, but I've sorta been on my own since then."

Haruka held the umbrella over the two of them, so they'd both get at least some protection from the rain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
She never let her guard down, but she didn't want to scare him, especially after seeing his face once they hit the street with stores. Avaron tightened her lips to keep her from giggling. She gasped when he said three years, it was normal for her to see homeless people in town, but they were all older people. This guy had to be around her age and for him to say three years. And here she was thinking she had it rough with her parents. "That must have been hard." She managed to say.

They got to the store's entrance, the lights bright against the darkness. "Well, get what you want...don't hold back. I know I won't." She laughed and patted her stomach. When she notice what she did she lightly blushed and hurried into the store, taking a small cart and shoving food into it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
"Yeah, it's been kinda tough," Yukimura managed to provide a response before the subject changed to the food.

"Oh uh, okay," he hesitantly started reaching for things on the shelves, only taking a few canned meals, some prepackaged snacks and a few bottles of soda. While the options all made sense for someone his age, two notable patterns could be made: not only did he choose food that can be rationed and stored for long periods of time, his total selection was still very cheap, enough to pay for with a single bill in fact.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Avaron's cart was full of already made meals, snacks, and Dr. Pepper. When she rounded the corner and saw him only taking cheap food she started piling already made meals and snacks into his cart. "I don't know what kind of joke you are pulling, but I told you not to hold back. If you are worried about money, don't. I have more money than I know what to do. The only reason I have the job at the café is to get out of the house." She spoke as she added more of what he was getting along with Dr. Pepper, because she was appalled his cart. It had no Dr. Pepper.

Once she saw the boy struggling under the weight of cart she smiled, "Ready to go?" She asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
Haruka eyed the cart of food warily, at this rate he was expecting it to either overflow or buckle with all of the treats and drinks inside. The comment about having lots of money brought an air of unease to him, but surely she wasn't one of them. He had to supply considerably more effort than before to push the hefty cart around, but after a while it felt more and more natural. By the time they reached the checkout area, he was walking with the cart just like any other shopper.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," the teenager nodded and began hesitantly placing items on the checkout counter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
She placed everything of his and hers on the counter and smiled at the cashier. She looked at Avaron and then at the guy. The cashier made a slight face before ringing out the total. "Ma'am that will be 10,876 yen." She said eyeing the guy next to her. Avaron looked back at him before looking back at her.

"Is there a problem?" She asked the cashier. The cashier's eyes grew wide before shaking her head.

"No ma'am." She said quietly, before handing the smaller bags to him, and taking the bigger bags herself. The rain had stopped, which made walking to the house easier. Once they were in the alley she smiled at him. "I am Avaron, but you can call me Ava." She said smiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
Yukimura kept his eyes plastered to the floor when they checked out, all too aware that she recognized him. Not only were his clothes clearly indicative of his current state of life, but seeing him shopping with so many random people over the years all but confirmed suspicions that the employees of the store had. He quickly followed Ava out of the store, looking nowhere but straight ahead. No matter how often he went on shopping trips like this, it never made it any less shameful to him.

"Haruka, but please just call me Haru," his mouth tried to curl into a smile, but the lingering embarrassment prevented it from advancing much past an awkward halfway point between that and a frown. To make matters worse, now the store employees will likely pass judgement on Ava based on her chosen company.

Accepting her offer was already feeling like a poor decision.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avaron Moe Nanako Character Portrait: Haruka Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
She tilted her head back. "My father is named Haru...hope you not as much of an asshole as he is." She said, looking at him, and winking. Before they knew it they were at Avaron's home. The two story house almost looked gloomy in the dark. She hefted up the bags and hurried to the door and unlocking it. They made their way into the home, Rodney walking by stopped in his tracks and turned towards Haru. A soft meow came from him before he jumped at Haru. "No! Bad Rodney!" She shouted stumbling to try and get the cat away from him and keep the groceries from spilling.

"Fucking must be a side effect too.." She mumbled to herself before placing the bags on the counter in the kitchen.