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Shae Raelonne Amore

0 · 314 views · located in Mansion of Fate

a character in “Signs of Fate: The Dream Begins”, as played by Fallen


Shae Realonne Amore

I'm eighteen

Well, I'm female, I hope that's noticeable.

I'm bisexual, and unlike some people I don't prefer one gender over the other, I like people for who they are.

I'm a Martyr, pssst, what does that mean?

Those born under the sign of the Martyr are gifted with the power of Empathy, the ability to sense another's feelings as if it were thier own.

Those who are gifted with this power can be greatly affected at times, making them very emotional.

I guess I am one of those people everyone takes to very easily. They say I am easy to get along with and am a good listener and easy to talk to. Personally, I don't find that something rare in people, but I don't know...My friends and family are very important to me, therefor I will do anything and everything to make them happy. You don't give up on the people you love, and you support them no matter what the issue - even if they are indeed wrong. That has always been a belief of mine. I try to always help out, because I know what it can be like to do things on your own and feel like you don't have anyone to help you, it is a horrible feeling and no one deserves to feel it. In general when it comes to people, I suppose I am courteous and polite when I first meet people. I am not really one to judge people by anything but their actions, I'm more open minded that way. I try to be kind and make people feel comfortable around me, so they can trust me, I can't really be a good friend if the person I wish to get close to doesn't believe in me. However, that doesn't mean I will stop trying! People tell me that I am very doting and motherly, and that I am sacrificial. I guess it is true, I don't really understand the sacrificial thing though. I've always been a little sensitive to people's emotions, in tuned to what they feel and how they feel. However, I am also very emotional myself - I have been labeled as emotionally unstable at times. I've been called a drama queen, by people who don't understand. But it's okay, not everyone will like you, and that's alright. I've had people tell me that I try and save everyone. That I get into this mode where I just am on some mission to help some person and make them happy, I don't really know that I do such a thing, it's important to keep everyone happy right? I find it very important to trust people, because if you don't trust them, they will never trust you. As friends or people you care about, you should believe that they will do good for you, and not do you wrong. Trust is important in any relationship, even new people, so they can see your character. All and all, I just try to be nice to everyone, make them feel wanted, like I really do want their company and it's true. I try to be that good friend, that shoulder to cry on, and that person to run to. I know sometimes it is not a good thing, but it is when I can see people smile.


Photography: I love taking pictures of people, especially in candid moments, nothing silly but those beautiful pictures that make you look at someone and adore them.
Writing: I love writing, it actually makes me happy, I have a tendency to writing tragic or romance poems, as well as fantasy stories, I don't know why but nothing seems as fascinating or captivating to me.
Reading: I have always been one to lose myself in reading, I love going to new worlds and different places imagining I am there. I love reading about things that don't really exist, or people in love with a happy ending.
Journalism: I like telling stories about things that are going on, writing is fun you know!?
Doodling: I am a big doodle, I draw at random even when I don't think I am doing so, often times I will look down at a poem I am writing and realize there are chibi anime characters all over the place...
Music: Listening to music is soothing, I can daydream to it, and I just love to get lost in it and it makes me happy.
Singing: I don't know why I do it, I've been told I sing well, but in general, it's just something I like to do.
Video games: Video games!!! I used to play them as a child with my parents on those hand held thingies! Ohmygawd they are so fun!
The sound of rain: Don't you think it's pretty too?
Standing in the rain: I don't know, I find it amusing to go out into the rain and get drenched. And then go back into your classroom and have people stare at you.
Dancing when no one is watching: I can be a dork, I can't actually dance so I have random 'spazz moments in like, mirrors.
Seeing people smile: It makes me feel...all warm and fuzzy inside? I like to know people are happy.
Learning and school: I didn't have the best childhood education, so I find everything I learn in school now fascinating.
Action, adventure, and comedy movies: Good stuff, good stuff.
Soft fluffy things like materials, stuffed animals, or even pets: Things I can hug!!


Seeing people cry: I don't like to see people hurt, I feel so hopeless, I don't know knowing people are in pain.
Seeing people get hurt: I don't like people getting physically hurt, and I hate the people that physically inflict it on them.
When people call me a drama queen: It's not like I am purposely freaking are just insensitive.
When people say I need to be in a mental home: Those words are so cruel, you don't know how much it hurts me. Should I..really be in one?
Mean people: Nothing worse than people who like to make people feel bad about themselves and treat you wrong.
Conceited people: Uh...I'm sorry but the world doesn't revolve around you, and you are not gods gift to mankind, try to think of other people once and a while.
Bullies: Cruel people....
People who talk down to others: I have not wrapped my head around it yet, why people do that.
When people act materialistic: Things are just THINGS. Life doesn't depend on them, and neither does your happiness, oh how do I make them understand?
Being alone: I don't like...being scares me.
The dark: I hate the dark, I feel like I'm alone, and someone is going to get me.
Being teased: I have ever so fragile feelings, why do people toy with them?
Being laughed at: It's just...not nice.
Being the center of attention in a silent room: It's very unnerving I don't really know how to deal with it properly.

I grew up a very sheltered child, seemed to always beon the move. I grew up with my parents living in a motor home traveling the world. Sadly because of this I didn't get to attend school like a regular child, but was home schooled by my mother, who sadly wasn't even fit to teach herself. My parents were both extremely over protective of me, making me naive to my surroundings and what the world was really like. They treated me like a little girl and made all the decisions for me, no matter how easy it was to make. I didn't really think anything of it at first. Both of my parents never made much money, thus why we didn't really have a true home in the first place, I in fact never really knew another home besides that motor home when she I young. According to my parents, we were living a wonderful life. We were not tied down and could go anywhere we pleased. I didn't really know any better so I didn't contest, I loved my parents dearly and they really did try to do the best for me or at least what they thought was best.

One night, when my father was driving, there was a deer in the road, and him wanting to avoid it he swerved. As he did so, we tumbled off the freeway, our motor home landing upsidedown. It all happened without warning, because my mother and I did not see the deer, we just starting flying around while tumbling. After the motor home stopped moving, everything inside the motor home was all over the place, so I crawled my way out one of the windows. I was severely injured, but was able to move enough to have gotten out. When I looked behined me, I saw that the motorhome had started drip oil, but besides that I could see my father screaming at me, he was upsidown covered in blood, and kept mouthing ever so slowly to run. I didn't understand in that moment, and the next thing I knew I had woken up in a hospital. Bright lights, surrounded by doctors, they started talking to me but I don't remember what they said.

I then woke up again, in post op, where people evidently go after an operation. They explained to me I had broken my left leg and arm, broken some ribs, punctured some odd body part or other, gotten burns, and then started mentioning some other things I didn't understand that had to do with the surgery. I asked them about my parents, and I remember the look that the nurse gave me, like she felt sorry for me and was saying you poor little thing. I didn't believe it for the first few days, but it did sink in when no one came to get me, the nurses were ever so nice to me and it made me feel better, in the moments that they were around. However they told me that I had to be put into foster care, which I didn't know much about. It took a while for me to get in to foster care but eventually they found a place for me. I was nine at the time. The couple in the foster care seemed nice, they welcomed me with open arms and they offered to help me out with everything until I got better. There were about eleven or so other children of various different ages, who seemed to share rooms with two or three others. I got a room with a little girl about the age of seven.

Things went okay while I was still in recovery, everyone was nice to me, and I even met with some potential adopters, however it never panned out. But when I did get better, everything changed, the couple became very hostile towards me and the others, and I found out by Makaela, the girl I shared a room with that they were always like this. Whenever someone was bad they didn't feed them or would beat them. The woman turned out to be a drunk and the man an abuser of drugs and frequent breaker of the law. I had to have it all explained to me by the other kids, they were so young but they knew too much. It was then I was snapped into reality and forced to grow up. If no one was going to love these children I was, that was what I decided. So I snuck the food and fed everyone, I took all the punishments, and I loved every child the best I could. I came up with the bedtime stories, the fun games, the fake little school with my minimal school knowledge. English, reading, and writing was basically what I excelled at. I tried to give all the children hobbies, so that they could forget about everything, and I tried to do extra chores to please the people we lived with.

It wasn't before long however that everyone started to get adopted out, in the end at the age of eighteen I was the only one who remained. I am not sure why, as everyone else was adopted out, and many people seemed to like me. By law I think it was that I was supposed to leave now, but I had nowhere to go. Charlotte and Grey, the ones I lived with, told me I could stay longer for free. Over the years they seemed to change a bit, Charlotte at least. They seemed kinder, so now I have been going to regular school which is amazing. I still do numerous amounts of chores but I don't mind it, I am glad that they have changed and seen the error of their ways, and that everyone else is happy now. Things have panned out alright I guess, but I cannot stay here forever....

Sometimes I get so overemotional, I can get physically sick. I think it has something to do with stress and worrying.
Rules, a bunch of rules don't really bother me, I grew up with a mountain of rules in the first place. I believe they can be necessary in many situations as to not let things get chaotic and out of hand and just aaAaaah, but I mean in some other situations they can be very restricting and hold people back from their true potential. I suppose you need to pick and choose when you use them, and choose right. Personally, I think they can be okay if they prevent people from getting hurt or stop unnecessary confrontations and such - I am horrible around such things. I would be like one of those people who tries to jump and break the fight up only to be immediately knocked out and stepped on.

I Promise - Stacy Orricio
Well I'll always be there for you
When you need someone well I'll be that one
Well I'll do all my best to protect you
When the tears get me all right
Well I'll be the one that's by your side

Well I'll be there
when you call me in the middle of the night
I will keep the rain from falling down into your eyes
(I promise) I promise
(I promise)
I promise I will

When you're sick I'll take care of you
Take your darkest night and make it bright for you
Well I'll be there to make you strong
And to lean on
When this world has turned so cold
Well I'll be the one that's there to hold

Well I'll be there
when you call me in the middle of the night
I will keep the rain from falling down into your eyes
(I promise) I promise
(I promise)
I promise I will

Well I'll be there
when you call me in the middle of the night
I will keep the rain from falling down into your eyes
(I promise) I promise
(I promise)
I promise I will

And I'll love you more everyday
And nothing will take that love away
When you need someone
I promise I'll be there for you
There for you

Well I'll be there
when you call me in the middle of the night
I will keep the rain from falling down into your eyes
(I promise) I promise
(I promise)
I promise I will

I promise
I promise
When you call me
I promise
I promise I will

So begins...

Shae Raelonne Amore's Story