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Ellie Wallace

"Don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man."

0 · 2,865 views · located in Booth Lane College

a character in “Skins: Secrets Out”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway



secretive || dreamer || intuitive || fears commitment || independent

[ hurricane || halsey ]

i'm a wanderess, i'm a one night stand, don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man

Full Name: Eleanor Maria Wallace
Nicknames: Ellie [preferred || used by everyone]
Wallace [dislikes || used by people who dislike her]
Age: 18
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Student, also teaches horse riding lessons at the weekends
Religion: She doesn't identify with any one religion.
Heritage: American
Ethnicity: White
Birth Day: January 7th
Birth Sign: Capricorn
Home Town: Aberdeen, Scotland
Languages: English is her first language, but she speaks Russian, Spanish and Italian to high standards.
School Year: 12
Character Role: FC: Sky Ferreira


Brave || Unsentimental || Destructive || Artistic || Street Smart

[ oh no || bring me the horizon ]

i'm bigger than my body, i'm colder than this home
i'm meaner than my demons, i'm bigger than these bones

Family Members:
Ellie lives with her older brother and her mother. Her father serves in the military and is Ellie's soft spot. As independent and detached as she seems 99% of the time, a surprise visit from her father for her birthday reduced her to tears. Her brother is five years older than her. While they were growing up, he tried to look out for her and make sure she didn't get into trouble- but Ellie was far too headstrong for that. By the time she was 15, he'd accepted that and just tried to ensure she didn't get arrested or anything. She and her mother have a strange relationship- they may seem detached to many, but their relationship is actually incredibly strong. Her mother learned not to try and control Ellie, just as her brother is, and now just makes sure that her daughter doesn't get hurt.
Academic Career:
Ellie scraped passes in most of her GCSE's, with the exception of art, which she got an A in. Things haven't changed much- she turns in her homework and her assignments and she does enough to pass- but no more than that. She doesn't feel like she belongs in school, but she stays going to keep her parents happy. They've promised her that if she passes at least 4 A levels, they'll buy her her dream camera and let her study photography.
Future Plans:
She wants to study photography in a pretty campus and has already got several colleges that fit the bill picked.
Most people are unsure what to make of Ellie. She seems friendly enough, even if a little cold and detached, but the rumours that follow her around aren't so friendly. Rumours of drug abuse, of being on the witness protection scheme, of having been convicted of a violent crime... If Ellie could be compared to a fictional character, it would have to be that of Jay Gatsby. People love to talk about her- but nobody really knows her. She's aware of most of these rumours, but doesn't view them worthy of her time or energy. Besides, people don't really believe her when she does tell them that they aren't true.

These rumours aren't helped by the fact that Ellie doesn't do commitment. Nobody would dare call her a slut or whore- that rumour of a previous conviction keeps that away- but everybody knows that the longest relationship Ellie has had lasted a month. One night stands are a common occurrence with her, and she's been known to disappear in the middle of the night when her partner has fallen asleep. Ellie is an enigma to everyone. Even to her family, to a certain extent.

Only one of those rumours is true. She's on methadone after a brief heroin addiction and overdose last year. Her parents covered it up by saying that her appendix burst- which wasn't a lie. Her appendix did have to be removed while she was in recovery, but the recovery was much more straightforward than her parents let on. She's been clean from everything except methadone and alcohol for nine months now, something she's proud of- but she's still ashamed of having to be on the methadone in the first place.

When Ellie gets stressed or upset, she gets destructive. Whether it's self-destructive or destruction of another kind, she needs to damage something. It's for this reason that so many of her relationships end abruptly- she gets paranoid that they're cheating or that they don't really love her, or she doubts herself, and she breaks off the relationship. She took up kick-boxing to try to deal with it.

However, the fact remains that Ellie is one of the warmest, most caring people you could ever meet if you break down her walls. She'd hate anybody to feel alone or like crap, and she always, always tries her best to make people feel better. She's gone through phases of depression, and she would hate anyone else to feel like that. The only reason she acts so cold and aloof is so nobody will get attached to her and so she won't get attached to anyone else. Her self esteem isn't the best, and she is constantly afraid that she will hurt someone or end up hurt. So she stays aloof and cold so she won't get hurt.
Being abandoned is perhaps her biggest fear. She is also incredibly claustrophobic and while she can swim, large bodies of water frighten her.
She talks using her hands. She always, always has a camera with her, whether it's on her phone or her practically professional camera. She plays with her hair when her hands are idle.
Ellie adores photography. If she could do only one thing in her life, it would be taking photos. She finds a strange sort of peace in it, and she enters a different frame of mind. She also loves horse riding, and teaches kids how to ride at the weekends. She likes to draw as well, but prefers photography.
Photography is Ellie's biggest passion. She feels like her hands were made to hold a camera, like she's only truly whole when she's taking photos. She has no preference, loving to take photos of both people and inanimate objects. She always has a camera with her, just in case she spots a perfect photograph opportunity.
Bad Habits:
Chewing the lids of her pens, daydreaming, one night stands
Guilty Pleasures:
Kids movies. She loves kids movies, and they can often make her cry more than a romance movie where somebody dies. She frequently goes to see the newest releases by herself, and doesn't care what anyone thinks.
Movies, photography, her independence, animals, horses, freedom, the countryside, unfamiliar cities, the 1920's aesthetic, drawing, 80's rock, subtle perfume, eyeliner
Being abandoned, stress, rap, the feeling of being stoned, large bodies of water, sweet perfumes, sticky lipgloss, feeling forced to do something, the sensation of falling, horror movies


can't handle stress || curious || insecure || aloof || cold

[ feels like forever || of mice and men ]

what if the one true love is the only one that we get?

Face Claim :
Sky Ferreira
Height: 5'6"
Weight / Build : She's a slender build and a healthy weight for her height and build. Her figure is an hourglass, but her curves are small.
Hair Colour: White-blonde
Eye Colour: Brown
Other: Both ear lobes are pierced, but they're the only piercings she has.


passionate || confrontational || determined || honest ||

[ while we're young || marianas trench ]

love how you hate yourself sometimes, because goddamn, at least there's still something to hate


Ellie was born on the 7th of January, on one of the stormiest days either of her parents can remember. They often joked about Ellie being born of the storm, about her being some sort of mythical creature instead of a human being- and indeed, 4 year old Ellie went through a phase where she really thought she could control the weather. Ellie was a happy child- but she was never popular. She always had a few friends, but was never part of the popular crowd. Some of her old friends like to recall the first time a boy asked her out. Ellie was genuinely shocked and confused that somebody found her attractive.

However, this turned out to be a joke, and many believe that is when she first started growing even colder and more aloof. When boys asked her out, she'd tell them where to go. Her father joining the army when she was 12 didn't help much, and often only disrupted her. For two years, she turned down every person who asked her out, not wanting to get involved. She started dating when she was 14, but her relationships never lasted long. She was always the one to break them off.

That changed, however, when she was 16. She was going through a stressful time, having just had an argument with one of her best friends, and her father's imminent return to service. She was even more aloof and closed off than usual, and her boyfriend broke up with her, unable to deal with the mixed signals she was sending off. This resulted in Ellie running away for 24 hours. She only went as far as the next town, where she stayed in a hostel overnight and then phoned her mother the next morning, saying she was on her way home. She told her mother everything that had happened and everything that she was feeling, and agreed to go see a psychiatrist to help her deal with it.

She started her one-night stands at the age of sixteen, wanting a release but not wanting to date. It was this point that the rumours started to fly about her- but by that point, she'd stopped caring. She took up kickboxing to help her deal with stress and her self-destructive urges and found it good. Her parents hoped it would be a way for her to make friends- but Ellie wasn't there to make friends. She was there for one reason.

However, that didn't stop her from trying drugs when she was 17. She quickly became addicted to heroin, but then ended up overdosing and being sent to rehab. She was ashamed of her addiction, and that helped her recover. She wanted to wean herself off of the methadone as soon as possible as well, but her doctors agreed that she should stay on a steady dose for a certain period of time, before slowly reducing it down. She's now starting to reduce her dose, but is frustrated at how long it's taking.

Recently, she's also been having a recurring nightmare where everyone she loves dies, and she's terrified that it's going to come true. As soon as she finishes one Skype call with her dad, she's waiting for the next, terrified something will happen in the meantime. She knows she should talk to someone about it, but doesn't know how. This anxiety is screwing with her eating habits. One day, she can forget to eat anything except lunch at school, and another, she's binging on junk food. She's concerned that these may become habits, but again, doesn't know how to bring it up.

So begins...

Ellie Wallace's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september
at home

With the speed Bella took into talking, he mustn't have looked as shit as he felt. Either that or she was choosing to ignore it. He knew straight away that he wasn't going to get a word in edgeways, so he just leaned against the door and let her speak. He really didn't feel like going out- he just wanted to keep sleeping. He felt better after those extra seven or eight or whatever hours of sleep, and he didn't want to ruin that.

But Bella seemed to really want him to come out. And he didn't particularly trust Ellie or Nate to look after her- not after the week she'd had. They'd probably all end up passed out drunk somewhere, or do something stupid, or both. As she talked, he realised that she must have been in school- and she must have known. But she wasn't saying or doing anything.

He opened the door wider to let her in. "Alright, I'll come out with you. But let me get dressed first, I only got out of bed to let you in," he said, stepping back and closing the door behind her.


friday 4th september
nate's house

And sure enough, as soon as she opened the door, the German Shepard was on top of her, being its usual over-friendly self. She just laughed at him, but was glad when Nate whistled to get him off of her.

"If this is the madhouse, then god knows what my house is," she replied, grinning at him. "And hello, Mrs. Carlile! Yeah, it feels like ages since I was last round. I've missed your cooking!" She said, ignoring Nate's comment. She never minded any of this- she was used to it.

"Well, that's not hard- I'm just naturally lovable," she said, shrugging a little and nudging him. "You, on the other hand..." She winked at him, charging ahead to his bedroom. It was as familiar as her own bedroom. She'd spent so much time here, she knew where everything was. She threw herself down on the bed, spreading herself out so there wasn't any room for him to even sit down. She grinned at him from that position.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September –7:15 PM– home– Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate rolled his eyes at Ellie and his Mother but it did bring a genuine smile to his face, Ellie was his best friend and Nate was a total 'Mummy's boy' so as sad as it was, it did genuinely lighten his mood to see them both getting along together and chatting away not that he ever cared to admit but he figured they probably worked it out- he was as soft as butter and that was no secret. Nate scoffed dramatically flailing his arms and pretending to be hurt by her comment and creating a big gesture with his hands. "Hey, that was uncalled for," He told her and before holding her gaze for a moment cockily and winking at her after uttering the words; "You know you love me," teasingly before sticking his tongue out at her childishly and flopping down into his desk chair since he'd stolen his entire bed.

"Jumping in to my bed as usual then Els," He joked before pretending to cover himself from abuse half expecting her to jump up and punch him for the crude sense of humour but he was only doing it to wind her up a little, it's what they always did. He spun in his desk chair for a moment to face his desk and he neatly tucked his satchel under the desk folding the strap so it was piled perfectly in order without any fault.

Turning again, his eyes ran analytically over his room to check for flaws and short comings but it was as immaculate as ever and he grinned happily. "For a stoner, professional procrastinator and hard core gaming womanizer," He listed theatrically with a joking smirk. "I'm good at hiding my slothfulness,"

Thursday 3rd September – 5:00 PM – Jamie's – Outfit

Mood: Stressed - Anxious - Lonely
Listening To: Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
She smiled in victory and followed himself inside and as the stood in the hall she looked up at him, her expression calming from the eccentric energy to something very honest and genuine. "Hey," She uttered to keep his attention for a second. "Thank you," She added in a quiet tone of voice offering up a light but sincere smile alongside her words. She followed him inside pulling her long unruly curls down one shoulder as she followed him inside. "And, I'm sorry I woke you up. That was kind of shitty of me and I'm sorry but I'll make up for it- that's a vow," She told him trying to brighten his mood because she knew- she could see he felt pretty bad and she'd admit he looked it to but she wanted to turn that around, there wasn't a person in the world who meant more to her so she'd made it her mission for the evening to get a genuine laugh and smile out of him before the night was over. She just wanted him to know that even though things had suddenly gotten really weird and complicated, she was still there- she wasn't going to run away or abandon him, even if the rumours were true she was going no where but Bella had never been too amazing with her words when it came to her emotions and honesty about herself and her feelings, so she avoided it and instead plotted a way of showing rather than telling.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september
at home

Jamie shook his head, grinning at Bella. "Bella, I'm joking. I was awake before you came over. But, to make up for making me get out of bed, you can buy me a drink tonight," he teased gently. "C'mon, I need to get dressed," he said, turning and heading back up the stairs. Luckily enough, his room wasn't in too much of a state, and all evidence of last night's meltdown had been tidied up once it was over. Just in case his parents had wandered in.

He retrieved a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt from his closet and slung them over my arm. "I'll get changed in the bathroom. Make yourself at home, and try not to fall over the extension lead," he said, heading back out to the bathroom. As he was getting changed, he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. The cuts on his arms and legs, old and new, stood out starkly against his skin. Even those which had faded to white scars stood out from his skin. They were ugly and further confirmation that nobody else could ever see them. He continued to get dressed, wanting to have them covered up as soon as possible.

Once he was done, he headed back out to his bedroom, where he leaned against the wall. "You're seriously going back to that house after what she did to you?" He asked. That wasn't just a slap- that was full on assault, and Jamie hated the thought of Bella living in that environment any longer.


friday 4th september
nate's house

At his comment about her jumping into his bed, Ellie didn't react. She waited until he'd made the comment about his cleanliness, before hurling one of his pillows at his head. She smirked at him, sitting upright and crossing her legs. "Professional womaniser my ass. We all know I'm your one and only," she teased. She'd thought about how Nate having a girlfriend would make her feel, and the only thing she could say was... complicated. She didn't like the thought of it, but she didn't want to think too hard about why.

Sometimes, she felt bad about keeping secrets from Nate- about her constant fear of everyone she loved dying, about her dodgy eating habits- and especially about the whole methadone thing. But the thought of somebody knowing that much about her scared her. Nate was her best friend, and she was pretty damn sure that he wouldn't tell anyone or use it against her- but the thought of it still made her uneasy. She was sure that he had his secrets too, and that was how she justified all of her secrets.

"So, what's your mom cooking for dinner?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Thursday 3rd September – 5:00 PM – Jamie's – Outfit

Mood: Stressed - Anxious - Lonely
Listening To: Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
She laughed gently when she realised he'd been kidding and caught herself in the act of approaching the extension lead when he made his comment and made a perfect 'o' shape with her mouth as she dramatically stepped over it before she shrugged off his comment. "I promised you a drink anyway so, first round is on me," She told him brightly running her hand through her hair to keep it from her eyes. Whilst Jamie was in the bathroom, she tumbled into the same chair she always curled up in and lazed around on when she came over- same chair, same place and she always seemed to throw her legs over the left arm so she could see everything going on in the rest of the room. The exact same thing every time it was a natural habit but she didn't consider it a bad one.

She'd been pinching the skin of her arm as he walked in, frowning at one little was left. She hadn't noticed the weight loss happening over the summer but she could tell now, there was basically nothing to pinch and her clothes didn't fit the way they used to, everything seemed to hang slightly on her slender frame. She sighed and then stopped herself, quickly letting go of her arm as she heard Jamie behind her.

Her expression fell slightly and she bit her tongue, staying quiet for longer than she should have whilst she picked her words. "I have little choice Jamie...I have no other family, My Dad- fuck knows who and where he is, I've got no money- I have a job but I'd have to leave college to fund myself enough to pay rent and you're the only friend I've got in this godforsaken town. After college I'm on the first train out of this shit hole but till then I'm fucked. It's not abnormal anyway- she's been unloving and sour since I was born, she's been violent since I was 16, it's only become a big deal now because I couldn't hold it together. It doesn't atter anymore now than it did then- I just need to finish college," She mumbled defensively. She didn't like talking about this, she didn't like having to tell him the miserable details of her life- she didn't want sympathy or for him to feel bad, that's why she never told him much about it but she couldn't gloss over it anymore. There were bruises on her neck and stitches in her flesh- she couldn't turn into make believe anymore. It was real. She was talking about it and that made it feel all too real to her. "I swear- with you not around in the summer, the only reason I smiled for the whole what three four months I didn't see you was marijuana but it's fine. It's all fine. Can we just get to mine so I can put a dress on and then get out? She'll be at work if we get there before the hour is up,"

Friday 4th September –7:10 PM– His Home – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Let's Kill Tonight - Panic! At The Disco
With: Ellie
He laughed and caught the pillow she chucked at him, admittedly surprised he'd gotten away his bed joke but he just tossed the pillow back at her playfully and grinned teasingly at her; "Of course you are Ellie my darling," He replied faking a posh voice but being as well spoken as he was it was hard to find much of a difference between the two tones. He smiled at her and then as soon as she'd sat up, he hurled himself onto the bed and took his rightful place next to the bed post leaning against the wall it ran parallel too. "It looked like Carbonara from what I saw, so no complaints from me," He announced with his usual boyish smirk as he rest his hands under the back of his head leaning back and relaxing as he kicked his shoes off and then used his feet to poke the two shoes to lay next to each other as neatly as he could manage without getting up, side by side- he smiled half proud of his effort and then relaxed again looking over at Ellie with a soft and dopey expression.

He almost envied Ellie, she was so clever, likable and calm- she made it look easy as if it came naturally to her, what 'it' referred to he wasn't totally sure but she had that quality and he admired it, being the unintelligent, dorky and hyperactive weirdo he was- he'd always wandered how they could be so polar in some aspects of their character but still click and get on so well all the while. He appreciated it though, there probably wasn't anything he appreciated more than his relationship with Ellie and one thing, many people would have to give him credit for is that he didn't take his friends, relative or circumstances for granted- he was always incredibly down to Earth even if he was a bit of an air head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september
at home

It wasn't all fine, and Jamie knew that. He'd abandoned her, all while he thought he'd been protecting her. If she'd been to school, she had to have found out. But she wasn't saying anything, and he wished she would. He was constantly waiting for her to say something.

"Alright, just let me grab a change of clothes and we can go," he said, going back to his closet. He retrieved his school bag and emptied its contents onto the floor, shoving a pair of jeans and a shirt into it, along with a clean pair of Vans. "So, did I miss anything at school? Anything happen while I was gone?" he asked casually.


friday 4th september
nate's house

Even as Nate lay back on the bed, he had to leave his shoes standing together. She rolled her eyes, but grinned nonetheless. She moved to sit beside him. "One of these days, I'm going to sneak in here and completely upend it. And then hide in your closet or something to see your reaction," she teased, smirking at him. They were two sides of the same coin, her and Nate. She'd never had this kind of relationship with anyone else, and she didn't think she ever would. She was pretty sure that they'd end up in the same nursing home, Nate still smoking weed, and her still determined to mess up his stuff as much as possible.

"So, how many clubs are we going to try and hit tonight?" She asked. She wouldn't consider it a good night unless they made it to at least three. There were some nights when the only reason they'd gone home was because nowhere else was letting anyone in, so they'd stayed up to watch the sun rise.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Thursday 3rd September – 11:30 AM – Home – Outfit

Mood: Furious - Humiliated - Protected
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jace
Bella nodded and at his question, her lips raised into a small smirk and she looked at him with a very typical Arabella expression glowing on her face- an expression of mischief, pride and amusement. "Oh you missed quite a bit actually but I'm sure social media will make sure you know but to spare you the pain of scrolling. I slapped Jace," She started and then paused for a moment opening her mouth and closing it again before saying; "And I..." She bit her lip looking up at him as if she was trying not to laugh- it was bad, she knew that but Bella found every act of her defiance entertaining- no matter what, she was a vengeful person and a fighter at heart, so yes- she did to a degree find it enlightening to know she'd smashed up Jace's nose. She was aware she should feel guilty but she honestly felt nothing.

"Punched the face," She mumbled quickly as if she were trying to brush over the subject as quickly as possible. "And let the entire common room know about his dirty cheating habits and lack of morality," She explained running her hand through her wind swept hair and looking over at him to study his reaction.

Friday 4th September 5:05 PM– In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"I'd cry Ellie. I'd fucking cry and I'd much prefer we didn't test that theory. I'm slightly OCD okay? Embrace it or face it, I don't care but do not mess up my bedroom," He told her jokingly grinning from ear to ear dopily over at her as he listened to her question considering it for a moment and then laughing softly- that was such an Ellie thing to ask, how many clubs? He loved that about her, it was just a random spontaneous night out, they'd barely told their parents what was going on and her main concern was how many clubs they'd hit. He thought that were was something marvellously brilliant about that.

"Well- let's play a game, you me, Bella and Jamie, let's see how many we can get kicked out of. But we can't get kicked out from where Bell works- reputations and it'd be kinda harsh on her but after we leave there, mission is to get kicked out- winner is responsible for the most enforced exits and the loser has to do a forfeit decided by previously mentioned winner. So in answer to your question, as god damn many as we possible can do," He told her light heartedly leaning besides her casually with a bright smile on his lips and upbeat expression.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september
at home

He wasn't totally surprised to find out that she slapped Jace- but finding out that she'd ratted him out to the entire common room and punched him in the face was a surprise. Not that he hadn't had it coming- had Jamie been braver, he would have done it himself. He stared at her and shook his head. "Is that all?" He said sarcastically. "I miss one day and I miss that. Typical," he continued. But he knew that he needed to say it- it had been on the tip of his tongue ever since she'd turned up.

"You heard, then." He hoped the sudden change in his voice would tell her exactly what he meant. He needed to face this. He needed to find out how she felt so he knew exactly how drunk he needed to get tonight to wipe it all from his mind. He needed to know if staying around her was a good or a bad idea. Because while he hated the thought of abandoning her, he was terrified that he'd end up removing himself from all of their lives forever.


friday 4th september
nate's house

She nodded at his proposition. "That sounds like an excuse to get roaringly drunk, and I am so up for that. And no, it wouldn't be fair to Bella to get thrown out of her workplace. But after that, there ain't gonna be no holding me back. I also challenge you to shots- whoever chickens out first or gets pulled away first has to do a forfeit of the other's choosing."

She'd never done it with Nate, but she'd done it with others, and she always won. She held her liquor well. That unfortunately meant that Nate was more likely to get thrown out more than her, but if she won the shots, then they'd both have to do the forfeit, and it was an even playing field. "But just you and me, because Jamie's the type of guy I wouldn't want to see off his face. God knows what kind of drunk he is," she remarked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Thursday 3rd September – 5:30 AM – Home – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Intense - Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jace
"Yeah. He had it coming and the way he spoke to me, honestly I got so mad I couldn't believe it and it just happened but I wouldn't take it back- hell I'd do it again if I had to. He's such a fucking ars-" She stopped in the middle of her ramblings at his question and she heard the tone in his voice and wasn't sure how to comprehend it or understand how he felt. It was a serious tone and Bella being Bella, she wasn't sure how to handle serious.

"Yeah," She uttered softly but not awkwardly, angrily or bitchily- just gently like she was still trying to process it. She wasn't sure why he'd brought it up now, if it was so he could chicken out of going out with that excuse or if he could, she couldn't even think of many ideas why he'd asked now but she'd known he would and it made her stomach roll with anxiety because she didn't understand her feelings. Admittedly, she was always more than happy to see him, she cared about him more than anybody else, she cared what he thought about her (which couldn't be said for anybody else) and sometimes she did find herself flustered and confused but she didn't know what that meant or how to say it or what he would more importantly think when she said it. Then something crossed her mind and it was something she had to clarify before she completely humiliated herself- "Is it true Jamie?" She asked gently.

Friday 4th September 5:05 PM– In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
[font=Garamond]"You'll absolutely trash me though, I smoke, I don't drink- I'm such a light weight," He groaned jokingly but being the competitive, irresponsible and playful guy he was, he did nod at her challenge and found himself signing up for what would leave him feeling like absolute hell tomorrow morning. "Ok- I'll do shots with you," He told her after a while.

He listened to her talk about Jamie and though he didn't totally get where she was coming from, he did nod gently with her and agreed. "Yeah okay Ells- you and me and god knows how many shots, sounds like a plan, it also sounds like a hangover but I think I can recall last time I was hungover either you or my Mum made me bacon so it'd be totally worth it," He told her with a slight chuckle.

"Anyway onto far more important matters Ellie darling," He called mockingly grinning at her. "I need your beautiful wardrobe advice because for all my OCD symptoms, I'm physically incapable of coordinating my clothes," He admitted running his hand through his hair once swiftly, smoothing it over to one side a bit but it didn't seem to work out how he was trying to make it because it just stood up on ends into the static mess he'd been trying to calm.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK


friday 4th september
at home

He finally had to face it. The thing that had caused so many panic attacks, caused so many of the cuts on his arms, had kept him awake for so long. And now, here he was. Staring it in the face. He could lie. He could tell her it was a lie made up by Jace, because he was jealous or some shit like that. But he couldn't. Because that would only be putting things off. He couldn't do this for any longer.

He sat down on his bed, hoping to hide the shake in his hands and his legs. And then he nodded. He felt himself tense, waiting for her reaction. Waiting for her to start screaming at him, for her to leave and slam the door, for her to laugh at him. Everybody always said that telling somebody a secret was like a weight off of their chest- but this just felt like another weight on his shoulders, forcing him down. Because how could she ever feel the same? Why would she ever want somebody like him? She liked guys like Jace, who were confident and powerful and everything he wasn't.


friday 4th september
nate's house

She grinned at the mention of a hangover. However she was feeling in the morning, he would be feeling a hell of a lot worse. "I'll force feed some water into you, so it's not so bad. Or, well, I'll try."

As he asked for her help in assembling an outfit, she sat up. "Oh, now we're talking. We should totally try and coordinate, we'll slay everyone else," she said, getting to her feet and retrieving her dress from her bag. She didn't let him see the inside of the bag though, for fear that the state of it would actually make him have a stroke. She had a tendency to just throw everything in and hope for the best. She quickly pulled out the rest of her outfit, before frowning a little.

"On second thoughts, seeing as mine is all black, if we both go all black, we'll look like we're going to a funeral, not on a night out. Right, start showing me options and I'll tell you what I think."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Thursday 3rd September – 5:30 AM – Home – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Intense - Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jace
The long pause between his response had confirmed it enough for Bella already but it took her even longer to take in the truth than it'd taken him to admit. She opened her mouth to speak but her lip quivered with anxiety and she couldn't. She felt relieved and elated because all her confused, blurred but affectionate and complicated emotions came into place- it was true. He really did... Part of her couldn't breathe and she was too nervous to speak but she moved over next to him and knelt on the bed before wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly, she wasn't quite sure why she did it was incredibly impulsive but impulsiveness was the core of Bella's being and something she'd never learnt to fight. "I...I never thought you would," She admitted quietly stumbling over her words in a manner you never would have heard before, not for Jace or anyone because the truth was she'd never loved him- she'd barely even liked him and she'd admitted that to Jamie a couple of times before but any other thought had evaporated from her mind.

She buried her head in his shoulder just trying to take everything in and letting it sink into his mind that he cared that the reason for all herself doubt and that constant desire to stick out from the crowd to him and be there for him wasn't misplaced or wasted.

Friday 4th September 5:05 PM– In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
He laughed softly and grinned at her happily. "Please do. Ignore everything I say to argue it, don't listen to me- just make me drink water, even if you have to pin me down or something- because I'm too hangover prone to make it out alive without water," He joked although he was actually being quite serious about the matter. "Seriously though," He added quickly.

He nodded in agreement. "That is true- I'll accent whatever I wear with black but I like the dress, it's very Ellie," He told her with a genuine smile as he walked to his wardrobe and went through it. Most of his clothes were more casual than smart considering his personality but he was still stumped. "," He squeaked. "Are jeans acceptable? I was considering my black pair but I didn't know if you'd kill me or not because I always wear them but fuck- I can't coordinate," He groaned dramatically.

He flicked through his t-shirts, not even considering any of his many Green Day shirts for fear Ellie would slaughter him for being so casual and boyish but he wasn't used to thinking about his outfits- he always just went for jeans or some kind of trousers with a t-shirt and a jumper to throw over it, a lot the time he wore shirts and jumpers- that was kind of his typical thing but he had never been good at getting ready to go out, it felt like there was so much more pressure and Nate was just notorious for over thinking and he sighed and gave Ellie a pointed expression as if to say; 'see how useless I am?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK


friday 4th september
at home

The physical contact was oddly reassuring. She didn't hate his guts. She still cared about him. Even as badly as he'd treated her, she still cared. Hearing her stumble over her words was strange- he was so used to seeing her being smooth and good with her words- but yet here she was. He was seeing sides of Bella that he'd never seen before. He couldn't answer her, though. How could he? What did one say to that?

The longer she kept up the hug, the better he felt. He didn't want to move. Her face in his shoulder felt good, and for once, he felt himself relaxing. It was finally out in the open. The thing he'd feared for so long was over and it had ended well. He could hardly believe it. He moved his arm to wrap around her shoulders.

But he knew they couldn't stay there forever. So eventually, he removed his arm. "Bella, we should go if we want to be at yours before your mother comes home," he said gently.


friday 4th september
nate's house

She rolled his eyes at his frustration, going over to his closet. "Jeans are okay, seeing as I'd say the only other pair of trousers you own are probably for a suit, and maybe not even then. Jesus, Nate, you wear a lot of t-shirts," she remarked as she searched his closet. "Don't you own any shirts that aren't t-shirts? Aha!" She produced a white shirt from the closet, holding it up beside him. "Hm, that's a contender. Seriously, though, you don't even have any jackets you could put on over a shirt to dress it up a bit. Boy, we need to go shopping together some time."

"That white shirt is still a bit formal. Here, check your own closet. Do you own any shirts that aren't white or t-shirts? Or even like, a leather jacket or something?" She asked, flopping back on the bed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Thursday 3rd September – 5:30 AM – Home – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Intense - Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
She stayed there for a long while perfectly calm and content in his company and she welcomed the arm he put around her the warmth reminded her everything was real and genuine. She pulled away from him as he spoke and sat straight nodding softly. "Yeah, we ought to hurry come to think of it," She mumbled softly bouncing onto her feet and offering him a hand up onto his feet. "I'll get changed there and then we can go straight away, I'll be quick," She promised gently and it was true, Bella was probably the only girl in the world who wore dresses and make-up but could be ready and done within ten minutes- she was as straight to the point as she was with her clothes as she was with everything she ever did.

She couldn't help but softly smile, she felt like she finally had a reason to and it showed in her expression. She was still almost in disbelief but she was more than happy and quite content and even more excited for their night out, she was up on her feet and all smiley which was weird for Bella but probably not a bad thing.

"I think I might wear something more colourful than usual tonight," She thought out loud casually. "Break the mould y'know," She added thoughtfully.

Friday 4th September 5:05 PM– In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
[font=Garamond] "I have shirts too- they're just folded in my drawers. I'm paranoid to wear them in case I stain them but we do need to go shopping- I'm useless at this stuff," He admitted before walking over to his drawers and looking at his shirts thoughtfully searching for one more casual than the one Ellie was still holding. "I don't have a leather jacket but I think I still have a denim one in there- is it on the left by the blue stuff? It should be," He told her turning his head to look over at her. "Would that do?" He asked her. "Or I've got that burgundy wool thing- I could wear that over a shirt..." He suggested dumbly.

He ran his hand through his hair again, clearly grew more agitated by how scruffily it was sitting but he couldn't be bothered to put gel in it yet because when he went down for dinner he could count on his Mother to ask who he was trying to impress or whatever. He did not want that, not in front of Ellie it'd just be embarrassing.

He didn't even want to think about dinner, his mother and Ellie got on well but his mother was a big believer in the humiliation of sons- she'd rip him apart just because Ellie was there to witness it and she knew Nate wouldn't argue back to her or Ellie. He sighed softly and turned to go sit down on the bed voting to trust Ellie's choice instead. "Ellie, my fate is in your hands. I can't do this," He told her childishly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK


friday 4th september
at home

He didn't think he'd ever seen her smile like that. Even though he knew it was because of him, his mind struggled to fully comprehend that. He'd been telling himself for so long that he could never make people happy, that he could only cause harm. But here she was. Smiling because of him.

"We can just grab your stuff and come back here to get changed, if you'd prefer. And you can stay here tonight if you want. My parents won't mind." His parents wouldn't be likely to notice. He was doing okay, he'd last the night without having a meltdown. He wished that she could stay here, stay away from that woman- but that meant letting her in fully. That meant letting her see the meltdowns, the panic attacks, the self harm, the drinking... It meant her finding out about his parents. And as selfish as the whole thing made him feel, he couldn't let her in that much. Because his demons would make her run, and then he'd be alone.

Even when he felt happy, the depression and anxiety were lurking at the edges, reminding him that this wouldn't last. He'd still end up alone, he'd still end up hating himself. But for now, he could ignore it. Somewhat.

"Bella Swift not wearing black? Dear god, I should call the media," he remarked.


friday 4th september
nate's house

"See, Nate, this is why you need to stop smoking so much weed," she said, rolling her eyes. But she grinned at him so he'd know that she was teasing. She knew that he was probably already worried about dinner, and he didn't need her teasing him any more.

She pulled the denim jacket out of the cupboard, examined it and laid it down on the bed. It wasn't too bad, but not quite right. She turned to his shirt drawer and examined its contents, doing her best not to disrupt his system. She found a short sleeved white shirt and tossed it to him. "Put that on, with the jeans and that jacket you wore to school the other day. The one I complimented. And then tomorrow, we're going shopping, regardless of how bad your hangover is. Think of it as punishment for such bad dress sense," she teased.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Thursday 3rd September – 5:30 AM – Home – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Intense - Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
She looked at him with a grateful expression; "Thanks Jamie, that'd be cool but only fi you're totally 100% sure you don't mind and it's okay. I can get changed at mine- I'll have enough time but if I could stay, just so I can save a row with her- I'd genuinely really appreciate that," She told him a soft and genuine tone as she stood up and brushed off her shirt where she'd noticed a slight crease.

She laughed gently at his comment and shrugged her shoulders lightly. "I'm feeling it, I'll still wear some black of course- god, I'd die before someone put me in an all colour outfit," She scoffed jokingly grinning over at him as she mentally went through her wardrobe thinking of things she could wear, trying to think of something at least half flattering and something she didn't normally wear. That was one thing Bella hated about herself, when it came to her style with her make-up and clothes she got too comfortable in wearing the darkest shades, heavy eye shadow and natural hair- maybe she ought to jazz it up some time soon and that's what she decided to do and the fact they were going out gave her the perfect excuse.

Friday 4th September 5:05 PM– In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"Ellie don't you dare bring Mr Marijuana into this- he is a lovely fellow who has brought me into some incredibly concerning but hysterical situations and I will not abandon him in such a sincere time of mutual need," He cried dramatically with large gestures and everything to intensify his emotions. He knew she was kidding but so was he and to be fair, if she wasn't kidding she probably had a point regardless but Nate just wasn't mature enough to move on from that yet.

He nodded at her calmly and at the outfit in approval- he could work with that. He groaned jokingly when she mentioned shopping but gave her a small smirk to illiterate he was kidding. "God, I have to spend two days in a row hanging out with you- seriously?" He teased but he couldn't help breaking into a small smile as he joked with her but he then head his name being hollered from downstairs and he turned to Ellie apologetically for the noise.

"That ululation of bird noises is my Mother's personal language for dinner is on the table, it's also the same noise she makes whenever she discovers a discarded joint," He admitted with a sheepish expression. "But it's dinner I promise, I don't smoke at home or in the gardens anymore, I go 'jogging' instead," He told her with an inverted speech marks gesture when he implied he went jogging. "Gotta work on these old boys haven't I?" He joked pulling a pose as if to show of his muscles but Nate was skin and bones really with slight definition in places but he certainly wasn't in possession of any 'old boys' or biceps as he was dramatically referring to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK


friday 4th september
at home

He shrugged. "It's no problem- it'll be nice to have someone else around for company," he said. He was just glad that she wasn't going to have to be around her mother. And besides, he'd probably too drunk to be depressed by the time he got home. Not because that was his goal. No, for once he didn't want to drink until he passed out. But he'd been out with them all before and knew that copious amounts of alcohol were generally involved.

"C'mon, then, we better go before she gets back. I can leave this here," he said, dumping his bag on his bed and grabbing his phone and his keys. He held the door for her and headed downstairs. He didn't know if anyone else was home, but he didn't particularly care. They'd probably heard him and Bella talking by that point, anyway. That and they used to practically live in each other's houses, so Bella being there wasn't much of a surprise.


friday 4th september
nate's house

She swatted his arm at the comment about having to spend two full days with her, but laughed, giving herself away. Her laugh didn't fade as Nate's name was called from downstairs, and Nate made some sort of comment about it. Ellie was more than used to it- after all, she did practically live in Nate's house. She'd practically been adopted.

She rolled her eyes at his comment about jogging. "Puh-lease, even I could nearly put you over my shoulder, even with the height difference." She said, looking up at him. "Although, tonight I'll nearly be able to look you straight in the eyes. Got my killer heels out," she said, poking him. "C'mon, I'm starving, and your mom's food is too good to wait for!"

She darted out of his room and started down the stairs, not waiting to see if he followed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Thursday 3rd September – 5:30 AM – Home – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Intense - Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
She smiled up at him contently and nodded. "Thank you," She told him once more before leading the way downstairs and heading out the door.

6:30 PM - The Club

As promised, Bella get changed and ready was a quick and painless situation- she chucked on a quirky burgundy dress with black knee high socks and a jacket with her Doc Martens and she was ready to go. Her hair had been straightened that morning and her make-up was always so carefully done it remained flawless now so she hadn't need to re-do anything like that and then afterwards they'd made a quick dash through the back door and into the street's car park so they hadn't bumped into her Mother since she'd been pulling in on their way out and everything was fine.

Bella actually felt ridiculously enlightened and assured for once in her life. She had a bag of her stuff that she'd put behind the bar because technically she was staff and she could get away with that kind of thing and now she was just standing at Jamie's side with a genuine rosy smile on her lips as she looked up at him.

"Hey do you want to grab a drink whist we look for Ellie and Nate?" She asked having to lean towards him and shout over the music so he even stood a chance at understanding her. Over where their bar and sitting booths were the place was a lot more quite and they'd be able to talk and chat properly but where the stood just inside the entrance close to the toilets and the dance floor, the music pumped through the air like an alluring siren, the crowd jumped like a wave to the side of them and on the other side you had a numbing hum of voices and general chatter and movement where people were waiting for the toilet or just generally lingering but compared to a lot of the clubs in town, it was definitely one of the nicer ones and of course Bella knew all the secrets way having worked there for so long now but having worked in other bars, restaurants and clubs too- she'd seen a lot worse and appreciated having a job here, almost. Sometimes it was still pretty shit.

The layout was tidy though, upper class and modern. The lighting was mostly colourful and slightly psychedelic but all the furniture was very dark grey, almost black and it made the club feel slightly less tacky than some. There were large rods of light from all over the place, tall neon LEDs that lit up a dim room with thousands of colours which scanned the room and crawled over people's faces like a fever.

Friday 4th September 5:05 PM– In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Smartened up and with his hair slickly gelled in a manner that gave him a certain look of maturity, a more attractive quality that his adolescent mind set. He was still laughing and messing around with Ellie even on the walk there but once they arrived at the door he chilled out a bit more, figuring they needed to find Arabella and Nate as quickly as possible really so they could all keep together, he knew as individuals they were all fairly unreliable, reckless and illogical but together they'd always made a decent pack and looked out for one another because even though they weren't a set circle of best friends they'd hung out a lot and they invited each other to one another's parties- they were all good friends to a limited degree and obviously he wanted to make sure everyone was safe and accounted for because it'd only be fun if they were all ok.

"Let's go find them then and Ellie, the games begin now so may the odds be ever in your favour," He joked offering her a three finger salute as they travelled into the club and he looked around for the others turning his gaze over the mass of individuals occupying the large space.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK


friday 4th september
at home

For the first time in his life, he wasn't anxious on a night out. He only had Bella to watch out for, and from where he was sitting, he could see her all of the time. He'd even relaxed enough to have a drink. Just the one though- he didn't want to be drunk before Bella even got off. But eventually she did, and he met up with her.

She had to shout to be heard over the music and once his brain had processed what she had said, he nodded. To avoid losing her, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the bar. "Vodka and coke, and whatever Bella's having," he yelled to the server. He leaned against the bar and scanned the crowd, waiting for Ellie and Nate. They were usually an easy enough pair to find.


friday 4th september
nate's house

Ellie had trained herself to walk in heels long ago, so even in the five-inch heels she was wearing, her stride was as confident as ever. It was strange being able to look Nate in the eye without having to tilt her head back or stand up on something, but a good kind of strange.

In response to his comment, she leaned into his ear and whistled the Mockingjay signal, before nudging him in the ribs and striding towards the bar. She spotted them on her way and waved grandly- again, in her heels, she could be seen. She'd gotten them recently, and knew she'd be wearing them a lot more.

"Hey guys!" She yelled, throwing an arm around Bella. "So, are you guys ready to have a good time?" She asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Thursday 3rd September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Intense - Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella kept close to Jamie because he was the one person she really trusted and when he took a hold of her hand, she held his just as tightly because she was equally as worried about them getting split up but as always not for her own sake but for his. As they were ordering drinks, she felt indecisive about what she wished to drink so she shrugged it off and just asked the bar tender to make it two vodka and cokes.

She turned her head as she heard the other girl holler at them and sling an arm around her and she laughed softly grinning at Nate and Ellie. "Hey Ellie, Hey Nate," She laughed gently at Ellie's obvious entrance and wild hearted greeting. She'd be the same once she'd gotten a drink inside her, she was a slightly uptight person and though she was edgy and strong-willed in far as socialising, she could be a bit uptight but with a push she was really fun. She just had to get herself together and in that frame of mind first.

When her and Jamie's drink arrived, she turned to the bar tender and asked him to make a tab in her name and reminded him about her staff discount so they could get all their drinks a bit cheaper- she figured they could sort out the details and technicalities later about who owed what between the four of them. Though Bella didn't particularly mind anyway, she worked and was paid a lot above the minimum wage because of how much of a good friend she was with the owner- they'd attended a couple of gigs together in the past and when the club got opened up, Bella was instantly offered a shabby job but with incredibly less shabby pay so Bella took it and she was clever with her money, she always had everything saved up in her account so she'd happily by drinks for the others- it wasn't something that bothered her but she stopped thinking about it and looked at the bar tender.

"Hey and put whatever these two want on the tab too," She told him gently with a polite smile before gesturing at Nate and Ellie to order.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate laughed as Ellie whistled and nudged him and he teasingly pushed her arm a little before bounding after her when she dashed off to Jamie and Bella and upon noticing their hands he winked at Ellie leaning over just before she addressed them; "It's so like that," before grinning innocently and diving into greeting the others with a cheerful grin and his usual dopey expression.

"Hey guys how's it going?" He asked kindly and as the girls had their little moment he rolled his eyes a bit and looked at Jamie. "How you doing man?" He greeted casually ordering drinks for him and Ellie- he knew what she'd usually go for anyway, they had a certain routine for these things and he thanked Arabella for opening the tab telling her he'd split the bill with her later and make sure everything was even but she brushed him off with 'it doesn't matter's and 'whatever's but he'd prove to be stubborn later when it actually came to it.

When the drinks came over a few minutes later, he stood back to pass Ellie her drink and grinned at her. "Cheers El," He suggested holding out his glass.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK


friday 4th september
at home

He grinned as Nate and Ellie arrived in their usual enthusiastic fashion. Sometimes, he envied their friendship- they knew each other like the back of their hands, and there was always some sort of shared joke between them. It was always Nate and Ellie- seeing one without the other felt strange.

The bartender arrived back with their drinks, and he handed one to Bella. "Cheers," he said, tapping his glass off of hers, before taking a mouthful of his drink. It was exactly like he liked it- plenty of vodka. "So, I'm guessing that you two have undoubtedly got some insane scheme planned, so tell us now so we can prepare ourselves," he said jokingly to Nate and Ellie.


friday 4th september
nate's house

Ellie didn't complain as Nate ordered her drink for her. They'd been out on enough night outs together for him to know exactly what she liked. As Nate commented about Jamie and Bella, she nodded. "Bet they give themselves away before the night's out," she murmured to him. Now that she was almost as tall as him, it was much easier for them to have low key conversations without anyone else noticing. She took the drink and tapped her glass against his, perching on a bar stool. It was still early, and she knew that her feet would probably be killing her by the end of the night. Better to rest them as much as possible before it got to that point.

"Us? Scheming? Never," She replied jokingly to Jamie.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Thursday 3rd September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
With her statuesque figure leaning against the bar, Bella listened to conversation contently with a small smile on her lips but it wasn't the genuine, helpless smile she might crack when Jamie made a joke or was just generally being himself- no it was the infamous smirk associated with the name Bella Swift because it was the only warning sign of her mischief and madness. The brunette tilted her head to move her hair from her face and looked over at Jamie as he passed her a drink and she grinned softly at him returning his words with an identical response of "Cheers!" before brushing her glass against his and taking a quick swig from her drink. Bella had always been a bit of a Vodka drinker but to be fair she was more known for drinking liqueurs like Bailey's but she was more than content to drink Vodka it's just she was known to be fussy but upon tasting her drink she was happy with it- the balance seemed more or less right to her.

She laughed heartily at Ellie's sarcastic comment on hers and Nate's scheming habits but it was no secret they all knew better when it came to Ellie and Nate- that's why they were such a group pair to go out with, they made everything interesting and Bella would openly admit she'd never been to a disappointing party with Nate and Ellie, even the most miserable house parties had been turned around by these two one way or another so it was fair to say, when they walked into a club with Ellie and Nate there'd be more than a fair share of bets, dares and games within the evening but it didn't particular phase Bella- they were all fiends and it'd be good fun.

"Come on, don't try and hide it- what's the bet then because don't think for a second I'd know worse than to expect one from you two," She chirped up looking at them both sceptically over her glass for a moment before she took another sip from it. She looked over at Nate and held back chuckling to herself when she made a realization- he was out of his usual dress code and judging by the noticeable amount of coordination (too much coordination for Nate to have managed himself) that Ellie had probably had to conduct his outfit and she smiled a little that was so typical of the pair of them but there was no way in hell Arabella blamed Ellie- Nate had some shocking dress sense.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate took a place besides Ellie at the bar and he just laughed off Arabella and Jamie's accusations and because he was Nathaniel Carlile and he didn't know any other sense of humour except sarcasm and crude, he pulled the card of being dramatic once again. "God guys? What do you think we are? Marijuana smoking adolescent teenage off the record party animals? Jeez, gives us some credit," He joked gently pretending to roll his eyes before turning around with some more honest and shrugging his broad shoulders at them briefly with a small grin that betrayed his attempt to mask the fact they'd spent a long while conversing over their schemes for the night.

"The award tonight will go to whoever is responsible for getting us all kicked out or gets themselves kicked out of the most club this evening, there are no rules or limitations except we don't get kicked out because Bella you work here right?" She nodded in reply to him so he continued. "No getting kicked out here or you'll be permanently labelled as a douche and winner chooses lowest scorer's forfeit dare thing," He explained grinning sheepishly when he was greeted with an incredibly sharp and theatrical from Arabella like she couldn't believe what he was saying and he looked out with an arched brow and raised his shoulders making a small gesture with his hands. "What? It's me Nate- you knew what to expect when you agreed to come out with myself and Ellie,"