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Rommel Kaiser

"People say I'm thoughtless, reckless is probably more appropriate considering what I can do."

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a character in “Skyguard: Rising”, as played by Cheat


Rommel Kaiser

Partner: TBA

Gender: Female
Hair: Brown
Complexion:Mildly tan
Country of Origin:Eirea


Characteristics and Traits:
Rommel is a stubborn and will fill girl but she loves having a good time. She’s almost always smiling about one thing or another, even when she’s having a serious conversation. She does know how to be serious, but that never stops her from trying to have fun. She’s also very confident, both in her fighting and her looks. She’s not exactly a show off, and she definitely doesn’t care about flaunting her looks but she does show off that confidence without meaning too. She gets along with other people fairly easily. Her hair is kept in excellent condition, though it’s much shorter than the picture, only reaching to her mid-back. Her eyes are just a little lighter than her hair.
She’s most comfortable in simple, loss fitting shirts and comfortable pants. She doesn’t put much thought into how she dresses. Her Skyguard Seal simply gets pinned to the front of her shirt.

Abilities and Talents:
Rommel is adaptable but largely reliant on her magic and dragon form. She’s a tough match in hand to hand combat though.

-Psychosomatic: Mainly used as a pain reliever, Rommel can use this ability to ‘shut down’ certain parts of people’s brains, such as the part that acknowledges pain. It does, however, work the other way, she can make it supersensitive, increasing the pain level tenfold. Though she can use it on other aspects she prefers not to as she’s still mastering it.
-Shadow: Rommel can manipulate shadows, making them act as decors or attack thing, though the later takes more energy. She can also split them to create more
-Sting: A jab from Rommel can be potentially fatal as her sting allows her to force poisons into the body, poisons of varying intensity. It also allows her to remove poisons, though she typically needs to transfer it to something else or she starts feeling the effects of it herself.
-Charge: Allows Rommel to the power to take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy thus “charging” that item with explosive results. She needs to be holding the item to charge it and larger objects take a longer time to charge, the explosion level also relies on the size of the object.
-Telepathy: She can hear thoughts directed at her, and delve deeper into mind if the person allows it. She prefers sending her thoughts to other people though and can, on some level, affect people opinion of a situation. The strength of this is dependent on the other persons training and discipline and she can’t force anything that they’ve never considered, though she can plant doubts.
-Healing: A fairly basic healing spell that uses both hers and the subject’s aura to heal physical injuries. It’s not her strongest spell but she’s capable enough to be of use.


Dragon Form:
In her dragon form Rommel is strong and reliable, though she still greatly reflects her pride. She is fully manoeuvrable on both the ground and in the air. When flying she pulls her legs up to be more streamline. She might not be the fastest dragon in the sky’s but she makes up for it with her fairly impressive strength, and slight recklessness. She typically either stands or lays down but she can actually sit, rather like a dog.

Dragon Abilities:_
Rommel has just the basic fire breathe, though it does come out tinged slightly purple. Her speciality would probably be her strength but she focuses a fair deal on her Mana. Most of her magic is more mental which allows her to affect foes both physically and mentally, which is something she’s still working on perfecting.

So begins...

Rommel Kaiser's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Lillian Erskine Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser Character Portrait: Tiberius Saine
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#, as written by Cheat
Tiberius Saine

Tiberius felt himself slipping slightly as the white dragon under him gained speed in her dive. He tightened his grip; this was the only flaw with riding bareback, especially with a Sentinel like Lillian. He was fairly sure she sometimes forgot he was even there. He knew she'd catch him if he ever fell, and he was speaking from experience. From the rumble that came through the dragon he had a feeling she'd felt his slight slip, which was reinforced when she suddenly pulled up and unwrapped her wings. They were still fairly high, but Lillian glided easily, clearly wanting to enjoy the flight some more before they landed.

"C'mon," Tiberius said after a moment, "We do have to do more than just flying."

A discontented noise came from the dragon, though she increased the descent slightly. She always preferred being in the air, though he probably would to is he was so tiny as a human.

"I'm landing, do you really have to pick on me?" Lillian asked in that weird double voice all the Sentinels had. Tiberius grinned, knowing there was no way she could actually know he'd been thinking that.

"Yes," he answered, "Yes I do." Lillian huffed, and did a quick roll, but continued towards the ground.

Rommel Kaiser

Rommel ran down the passageway, grinning widely despite the bread sticking out of her mouth. She may or may not have slept in and therefore be running late for her training session. She didn't doubt her Vanguard would have found something to do with his time, probably bothering someone else. Poor person.

She was getting close to the training room when she noticed another figure and her grin widened. Pulling her slice of bread out of her mouth and swallowing some of it she picked up her pace a bit.

"Lukai!" she called, making him look up towards her, a grin taking over his face as well, "What are you up to?"

"Heading to training," he answered easily as she fell into step with him, he glanced over her and chuckled, "You're late again, aren't you?"

"Maybe a little," Rommel shrugged, making Lukai laugh as he opened the door to the training room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Lillian Erskine Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser Character Portrait: Tiberius Saine
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Lillian Erskine

Lillian landed gently near one of the training rooms, allowing Tiberius to climb off her back before she started the transformation back to her human form. Tiberius stood off to the side, waiting for the bright light to fade. When it did Lillian stepped out, looking all the smaller standing next to her Vanguards large frame. He smirked down at her, as he typically did and she sighed, following him as he started towards the training room.

"Wonder who else is in at the moment," Tiberius said, pushing the door open. Lillian peered around him as he paused in the doorway. There were two people sparring in the center of the room; Kaeleb and Seriss. Tiberius gave a little snort before continuing into the room.

"She's wearing her lash," Lillian noted as she watched them.
"So?" Tiberius asked, "Most of the Sentinels do."
"I know," Lillian answered, making a bit of a face. She wasn't overly fond of her lash, though she did wear it sometimes if she or Tiberius thought it was necessary. She watched the two spar as Tiberius went to look in to weapon room.

Lukai Thanross

Lukai pushed the door open to find Kaeleb and Seriss sparring. Which wasn't odd in itself, though the pair did seem to annoy each other. We chatted amiably with Rommel as they entered the room, keeping their eyes on the sparring pair. He chuckled as he watched them, he couldn't help it.

"So, Kael, is it really necessary to flirt with her while she's trying to beat you up?" he asked, "Just, it makes you come off a tad..."
"Desperate," Rommel offered helpfully, voice clearly amused.
"Well, I was going to go with masochistic," Lukai shrugged, "But that works to I suppose."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser
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#, as written by Agent
“Come at me, scar face.”

Kael liked to think she meant it affectionately when she said that. Few people were so blunt about it. She looked determined and angry but Kael recognised the look in her eyes. His little crow relished any opportunity to beat him up, or anyone really, he just happened to be her more regular punching bag.

They both stood at the ready, each waiting for the other to make a move. Kael threw his arms forwards, feigning attack. Only sign that Seriss fell for the ruse was a tensing her limbs; he smiled and she bared her teeth at him. For a moment each of them remained still. Then he took a step and Seriss shifted to follow the movement. He launched forward, stabbing towards her heart; as predicted she side-stepped the feint and batted at the spear, hitting only the wooden shaft and not the pointed steel head. He brought the spear around swinging blunt wooden end into her ribs even as she moved into the hit, dodging the initial assault. She took the impact on her leather-clad forearm at the last moment, grimaced, then threw herself back into the fight.
They continued this way for a while, a dangerous dance in which they reflected each other’s movements with their attacks. In hand to hand combat her skills were undeniably greater, but he had a size and strength advantage over her. Plus he had the spear.

The steel head sliced through the air as Seriss ducked and weaved, striking under his guard before retreating from the reach of the metal weapon. She was to brazen about the burn of metal but he knew it hurt her just like anyone else and she was constantly aware of where the blade was as they fought. He tried not to restrain his attacks, she wouldn’t appreciate it if she thought he was going easy on her, yet he still endeavoured to avoid actually touching her with the steel. Every blow he landed was with the wood of the spear.

Their movements grew faster as they fell into a rhythm. They dodged and weaved and blocked, and struck with furious speed and fluidity. Energy crackled along his skin and when Seriss deflected his next attack blue sparks arced from his skin to hers. She hissed and glared at him.

“Oops,” he shrugged.

A fiery kick to his hand and the spear went spinning. Flames spilled from Seriss’ clenched fists as she raised an eyebrow, “Oops.”

“Very hot,” he smirked at the double meaning and held his hands out surrender. She rolled her eyes and doused smothered the flames.

“So, Kael, is it really necessary to flirt with her while she's trying to beat you up?”

Lukai Thanros laughed. Kael had ignored the arrival of others in the training, taking his eyes off Seriss while sparring was hazardous to one’s health.

“Just, it makes you come off a tad...” Lukai continued.

“Desperate,” Rommel Kaiser offered, standing beside the Sentinel.

“Well, I was going to go with masochistic,” Lukai shrugged, “But that works too I suppose.”

“Rommel,” Kael left the mats and put an arm around the girl's waist. “My long haired beauty, I know your cruelty only because you’re hiding the fact that you, like so many women in the Skyguard, are secretly in love with me. But Lukai, mate, I didn’t know you swung that way!” He winked at the other man, jokingly.

“Tell you what. Instead of breaking any of your hearts, I’ll take you all out to eat. In the dining hall. Where the food's free. Who’s hungry?”

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Seriss smile. Just a little.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Lillian Erskine Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser Character Portrait: Tiberius Saine
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Lukai ‘Luke’ Thanross

“Kael, I hate to tell you this, but I think you’re suicidal,” Lukai chuckled, “Seriously, you’re in enough danger from the girls here, don’t start widening your horizons.”

In actuality he loved Kael’s flirtatious nature; it was hilarious watching the reactions other people gave. Lukai was open for a laugh, and he wasn’t stupid enough to tell him to back off when most of the girls would probably take offence. Then beat his head in.

“Seriously, I’d keep an eye on that Seriss, you’d be in trouble if someone does decide to off him,” Lukai continued, the he glance over at Rommel and grinned, “So, do you want to train or do you want to go watch these to attempt to be civil. Keeping in mind that you’ve still got a slice of toast in your hand.”

He laughed as Rommel looked down at the toast in mild surprise. He loved having such an easy going sentinel, not that there was anything wrong with the other sentinels, Rommel was just a good match for him. They’d pretty much gotten along since day one.

Lillian Erskine

Lillian watched the other’s chat as she waited for Tiberius. She was used to going unnoticed, and didn’t really mind, she just didn’t think about it all that much. She turned when she heard Tiberius come back into the room, she knew better than to give him an opportunity to sneak up on her. He took the lash he was holding out to her.

He tended to carry the lash when they were flying bareback, it meant that they still had it if needed but Lillian didn’t have to put up with making adjustments to her flight because of it. It also meant they could stop and put it on or take it off if needed. Though few other people noticed it was one of the things that showed that Tiberius did take other people into consideration.

“So, we going for the usual routine?” she asked him quietly, already readying herself for magic use. Tiberius smirked as he pulled out his swords, affirming her suspicion. With a small smile she called upon her magic, breathing evenly as she saw the room twist slightly. It was a side effect she didn’t talk about, the way thing took on a strange form when she used her illusions. The room soon straightened, though it was still off in a way that had unnerved her the first time she’d done this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Lillian Erskine Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser Character Portrait: Tiberius Saine
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#, as written by Cheat
Tiberius Saine

Tiberius handed over the lash with ease, he’d never been particularly fussed with it, one way or the other but Lillian did need to be able to fly with it if necessary. Her dragon form was built for speed and aerodynamics, not passenger stability. He’d adapted to that, of course, but that was beside the point.

Pulling his blades Tiberius watched Lillian begin, watching as she stepped further away from him, though not too close to the other people in the room, allowing more room for the attack. This was a fairly common training method for them. Tiberius got to practise his fighting while Lillian got to work on her magic endurance, she practised holding her illusions for longer and also worked on their complexity, making sure they seemed real. She gave a nod to show she was ready and her turned away, with just one quick glance over his shoulder.

“Let’s go full strength today,” he commanded, “We’ll be called in before you know it.”

He got a nod from Lillian and could see the determined spark in her eyes that was so easy to miss, and amazingly reminiscent of her dragon self. Then she was gone, the training room replaced by a ragged plan, surround by cliffs but with very little cover. He could hear animals and feel the sun’s heat beating on him. He tightened his grip, she was really going full strength today.

“Ok, let’s see what you’ve got,” he breathed, and the first figure leapt out at him.

Rommel Kaiser

“Hmm,” Rommel said, swallowing the bite of toast she’d just taken, grinning, a little guiltily, “We should probably get a bit of training in, and Kael, you’re a great, but if you want to keep your arm you should move it.”

She smiled the whole way through this, as was her usual demeanour, then took another bite of toast. In all honesty she enjoyed hanging out with these two, Kael was cool once you got used to the constant flirting and Seriss was pretty awesome, assuming she was angry with you. She could do with a little lightening up sometimes, but she was still awesome. On the other hand, she might not mind the flirting, and ultimately she didn’t have much care for personal space either, but sometimes it was just fun to threaten people.

She caught Lukai holding back laughter from the corner of her eye, and he grinned when he saw her looking. She made a face at him before returning her attention to Kael, ignoring her Vangaurd’s snort of laughter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Sisters Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Lillian Erskine Character Portrait: Kaeleb 'Kael' Balor Character Portrait: Seriss Krahen Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser
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#, as written by Agent
As Kael abandoned the sparring session to greet Thanross and Kaiser Seriss shook the last tingling sensation of mana from her hands and stretched her arms over head. She watched as Saine returned to his partner Erskine’s side. She’d seen the two enter earlier, even while fighting, and now she observed their training. Saine drew his sword and Erskine seemed to ready herself, after a moment the Vanguard struck at the air with his blade, beginning a series of fighting movements. Seriss suspected what was going on but decided to test her own abilities. She concentrated and opened her senses, expending a small amount of mana, until she felt the hum. The surface of the stone floor was smooth and solid against the soles of her feet, the current of energy ran through her connection with this ‘ground’. She translated the sensation in her mind, imagining the pulses of light the extending from the Sentinel and influence both her own and even more, her partner’s, sight. An illusion. Seriss closed the links for the Earth Bound spell and returned her attention to the Vanguards in front of her.

Apparently Kael was being his usual self; his arm draped around the waist of Rommel Kaiser.

“Kael, I hate to tell you this, but I think you’re suicidal,” Thanross chuckled, “Seriously, you’re in enough danger from the girls here, don’t start widening your horizons.”

Seriss didn’t mind Lukai Thanross. He was an easy going guy who tended to put up with Kael’s antics with a smile and a quip. Kael considered him a good mate, and she didn’t have anything to argue about on that matter.

“Seriously, I’d keep an eye on that Seriss, you’d be in trouble if someone does decide to off him,” Thanross continued. Seriss had no doubt that Kael’s flirtatious nature would get him into trouble, it had before, but he was pretty talented when it came to talking himself out of trouble.

Kael invited the pair to eat with them and Thanross turned to consult Kaiser.

Rommel Kaiser was another easy-going Vanguard. Seriss wasn’t always sure how to interact with other girls. Delphine, for example, seemed so young and sweet, it annoyed her for no particular reason. Worse was Irwin whom Seriss had little tolerance for. She just couldn’t stand for the girliness, or the adamant duty and honour attitude. Kael often played the role of a buffer, and persuaded Seriss over the years to be more generous as to when she kept her mouth closed. So any outright conflict had been thus-far avoided.

Kaiser, on the other hand, was someone even Seriss she could get along with. Rommel with her slice of toast and Thanross at her side had declined lunch, or late breakfast in Seriss’ case, in favour of training. The other Sentinel added, “
and Kael, you’re a great, but if you want to keep your arm you should move it.”

Yes, Seriss thought Kaiser was alright. Kael grinned wider but quickly retracted his arm while Thanross struggled to supress his laugher.

“Silly boy,” she scolded with a smirk, jabbing him in the ribs. “What use to me is a one-armed vanguard?”

“Aw, Rommel wouldn’t hurt me,” he place a quick peck on the top of the other girls head before quickly moving away lest his brazenness provoked her to fulfil her threat. “Much.”

Seriss shook her head. “Come along, before you really get yourself in trouble. I’m going to make you pay for food.” She nodded a goodbye to Kaiser and Thanross then walked away, knowing Kael wouldn’t be far behind.

The shops and stalls in the street were open and busy by this time of the day. People went about their work bustling and talking. There was movement, and sound and smells everywhere. But this was nothing compared the markets back in the desert city Seriss had grown up in. She wasn’t a people-person but she could deal with traders like a pro. She navigated the square with easy and Kael hurried to catch up with her. The calls of silk merchants and jewellers were ignored as she made a beeline for a hot food vendor. She hesitated in her mission when passing one particular stall.

“Tea?” Kael asked, looking over her shoulder.

“Yeah,” Seriss replied absently, looking over the stock.

“Shrivelled leaves in hot water?” he teased. She ignored him so he continued. “I much prefer the words ‘hot’ and ‘leaves’ when talking about a particular pair of lovely Skyguard sisters.”

Without looking up Seriss smacked his arm. “If you’re not careful you’ll be the one in hot water.”

She started haggling with the vendor when his breath tickled her neck. “Are you inviting me to help conserve water next time you take a nice hot bath?” he whispered into her ear.

Seriss jerked away, knocking over a cup of hot water and scrambling to right it while the vendor quickly moved to mop up the spill before it into the dries leaves. He handed over her purchase in a paper bag, and Seriss made sure to pay a little more than needed for the trouble. She then promptly stalked away from the stall not waiting to see if Kael could keep up.

Of course he could. Stupid tall person. “Come on, Seriss! You know I was joking.”

He laughed. She punched his arm.

“Buy me food and I’ll consider forgiving you,” she grumbled.

“Then spend my hard-earned money I shall!”

“Hard-earned, my foot!” she laughed. “Family money and Skyguard allowance!”

“Nevermind that, what would you like to spend it on?”

“Meat. Some idiot had me sparring on an empty stomach. Hungry dragon wants meat, Kael.”

“As you wish.”

And they went in search of food.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukai Thanross Character Portrait: Lillian Erskine Character Portrait: Rommel Kaiser Character Portrait: Tiberius Saine
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Lukai ‘Luke’ Thanross
Rommel Kaiser

Lukai’s laughter cut off as he felt his seal heat up, he glance over at Rommel, who was clutching the seal pinned to her shirt. Together the pair stood up, Rommel grabbing a final piece of toast, and started out of the room.

“If you’re still eating that when we get to the Knight Master’s court I’m going to throw you out a window,” Lukai informed her, she merely grinned back at him.
“Which you know would do absolutely nothing,” she replied lightly, “Wings are a fabulous gift.”
“Not nervous?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I have toast. How can one be nervous when she has toast?”
“Same here,” Lukai smiled, a real, companionable one, and clapped her one the shoulder, “I’ll make sure to keep toast on hand during the trial.”
“Good to see you pulling your wait,” Rommel grinned back, and gave him a wink as she tore another bite off toast off, “Besides, it’s not like you have to carry me.

Lillian Erskine
Tiberius Saine

Lillian quickly pulled up from her morning flight, hovering in place for a moment before she took off towards the ground. She managed to hit the ground and take off at a run, easily weaving past the few people wandering around thanks to her small stature. She ran her hand through her hair, gently brushing past her seal as she continued down the hall, heart pumping from the exercise of flying and running.

Tiberius paused, food part way to his mouth, and raised his hand to his necklace. He wrapped his hand around his seal and silently cursed himself for not keeping better track of Lillian. He quickly threw a few slices of bacon onto a slice of toast, put another slice on top of that and turned out of the room. As soon as he left the room he caught sight of his Sentinal’s small figure.

“Lillian!” he called, watching as she quickly turned on the spot at the sound of her voice. Even without using her magic she was impressively fast for someone with such tiny legs.

“Sorry,” she panted, though there was an excited grin in place that told him she’d only just stopped flying.
“Eat, let’s move,” Tiberius commanded, Lillian nodded and gratefully took the bacon sandwich he offered. The two began down the hall, not running, but not quite slow enough to be a walk either.

“Thanks,” Lillian said, munching gratefully on the food. Tiberius just nodded, not even glancing at her. Lillian ate in silence, not being someone who felt the need to fill tense silences, particularly with her Vangaurd. She trusted him to know when they needed to talk.

OOC note; this is a joint post with Cheat