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Sleeping Sanity

Sleeping Sanity


Find your own way of survival in this low-fantasy prison setting in the middle of nowhere!

1,183 readers have visited Sleeping Sanity since Robbhus created it.


Hello everyone, and welcome to sleeping sanity! In the most basic way to explain this, you're stuck in a prison full of some of the most dangerous prisoners in the universe. How will you survive through all this?

The setting of this RP is like this: You're stuck in a prison. Simple enough, right? All you got to do is to stay there for as long as your sentence is. Well, it's not that easy anymore. The prison you was sent to is special. There's no regular people there. All of them got something special that makes them "different". What I try to say is that all of them got some sort of a "Magical" power burning inside of them, controlled by their own sanity. More to be explained after the background of the top secret prison in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle.

The official name doesn't exist. The people around there call it sleeping sanity because a lot of the prisoners tend to get insane over time in the locked environment, all though the prison itself don't really got anything to do with that. It's a first class prison actually. It got TV-signals and internet for some strange reason that nobody knows why, and the cells aren't half bad. The prison itself was built in 2010 when the american politicians realized that the standard prisons wasn't built to contain the newer, even more dangerous criminals or straight out dangerous people that had started to appear all over the world.

During a meteor-storm in 1987, a strange kind of radioactive metal started mutating people all over the world. Meteors stroke mostly in the bigger cities like Tokyo, New York and LA. The radioactive rays that stroke the closest humans went straight to their brains and started to accelerate the development of the human body to a level that was never supposed to exist. Scientist called this mutation fake and tried to hide it from the outside world so they could preform experiments and create "Super soldiers" that they would present to the US army and earn enough money to live rich the rest of their lives. However, something went wrong. The experiments started fully in 2005, but it was dismissed quickly as the test subject realized what was about to happen and it ended with a big massacre with more than three thousand casualties. Eventually military forces managed to put them to sleep and they were isolated or frozen down until they had managed to build somewhere to keep all these dangerous subjects they had found until now, and the ones they would find in the future. Right now, the prison hosts about five thousand prisoners. If they had done anything or not doesn't matter. They would end up in the same place regardless.

Arena Battles

Due to the guards at the prison are only dismissed every sixth month, they naturally get bored. They work twelve hour shifts and are not allowed to leave the prison other than when they are dismissed or hurt to a point where they can not work anymore. The guards got no supervisors though, so they can pretty much do as it suits them. Which then again leads to so called battle royals. With an entire block of the prison, they set up x prisoners against each other. The winner gets big prizes. There are of course technologies that protect the prisoners from being killed, but the prison is still a dangerous place to be. The main prizes are usually meal-tickets, maybe small non-communicative electronics like iPods and such, or some regular money.

The safety pin: The safety pin is an advanced electronic device that leads the mutated power that was directed towards the pin and dismiss it. It runs on batteries that absorb the power though, so when the batteries are full, it's pretty much useless. However, the batteries are used to power about 25% of the power-need of the prison though. The pin itself is actually a a circle at the size of a plate that uses a vacuum that makes it stick to the chest of the person who wish to use it. The middle of the plate glows green when it's uncharged and would give maximum protection, and goes towards red. When it's red, it means that it's full and would not support any defense whatsoever, and the batteries would have to be swapped, while the full ones would have to be emptied.


I have been avoiding this section all until now, but here is the center of this RP. The "Magical" powers that the inhabitants of the prison wield. After the people of the prison was hit by the rays of the meteorites, it created a new section of their body. A vessel if you wish. that vessel contain immense power that can be released in form of an element etc. the powers never relate to the casters own body, in other words, this means that the powers can't affect the owner of the power itself, it has to be something that "appears" in front of the person etc. Most powers are directed through a persons hands, but some are related to their feet and such as well. No body manipulation means that none of the powers can be like "makes his body into iron" or "Makes his hands into blades" etc. etc.

"True Potential"

True potential is when a persons power is fully charged, and released through a strong emotional conflict. In other words, if you see your best friend get killed or if you experience similar strong emotions. When you do feel this strong force, the entire storage of power can be released in one immense attack. The caster would most likely faint, feel really tired, or in the worst cases, die after using so much power in one stroke though. The attack itself don't necessary have to be one big ray etc, but all the energy would have to be released at one attack. In other words, if I could shoot rays of light, I could fire it as a machine gun, but it would involve using all my power.

App Skeleton
I will not accept people who don't put any effort into BBcoding to make the app look good, but here is the basics. Please add any other details you want into your app as well.

Code: Select all
Age: (17+ please, PM me if you got a wish for a younger character. This would require a good reason though)
True Potential power:
backstory: (Short please. Just a quick synopsis that don't cover too many major events)
How long have you been in the prison?:
Cell block: (Goes from A to Z, with A being the best quality cells. Most of the RP will happen in blocks from A to F)
Likes: (3+)
Dislikes: (3+)

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira keiji
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#, as written by Robbhus
[Location: Cell Block A]
[Time: 5:42PM]
[Date: 19th of June 2013]

Akira was walking slowly. Well, not walking. Balancing. More specific, he was balancing on one of the handrails on the third floor in cell block A. The best word to describe his actions would have been idiocy. However, Akira himself didn't think of it as idiocy. He found it fun. It was his first time doing it, but he still enjoyed it. His hands was 'sticking out' on each side to help him keep balance as he used the small pit between his heels and his toes to hold on to the rail itself. He had a happy, slightly childish smile on his face. He had been walking around on the handrail like that for a few minutes now. Nobody dared to comment it though. Talking to him was considered as taboo unless he really liked that person. People who had been in the prison for a few months would know what people to systematically avoid as much as possible to avoid trouble. You could call it a 'Top ten do not encounter' list if you'd like. He had no idea himself where on that list he was. His position was number three. The one on the top was some woman who was hardly ever seen. He didn't know what power she had or anything, he just knew that she existed. He had no idea who the second person was at all. No name, no gender, and no power. Just plain nothing. Then it was him because of his so called split personality. It was understandable though.

[Location: Cafeteria Cell Block A]
[Time: 6:17PM]
[Date: 19th og June 2013]

Akira entered the cafeteria slowly. The locks from the strait-jacket was resting on the ground, making an annoying sound. The sound of metal towards concrete. People looked at him for about a second before quickly looking away, not wanting to break his 'privacy'. He walked up to the counter in the cafeteria, looking at what there was to choose from. The cafeteria itself reminded of a convenience-store really. You paid x meal tickets for each meal. The flashier, the more expensive. Things like soda was really expensive, while regular, healthy meals was cheaper. The cheapest there was would be the leftover-soup. In other words, you would have no idea what you ate. For all you knew, there could be a shoe in it for all you know. "I'll have..." He started, slowly. He tapped his lips slowly, trying to figure out what to get. He knew that he would be able to afford it, but still, he wanted something that he would like. It had been a while since he decided to eat something else than a simple soup. "Hmm..." The woman behind the counter waited patiently, knowing better than pushing on him. "Is there any tomato in sandwich number... four?" Akira asks to the woman, still tapping his lips. "No, there's not" She replied to him. "Okay then, I'll take one then" he said to her. He looked up at the price-board. It costed 30 meal-tickets. The leftover-soup costed about five tickets, so the sandwich wasn't that expensive. Without a word, the woman got him one of the sandwiches. It was packed in some regular plastic. It seemed like a stupid decision considering that it could probably be used as a weapon, but considering that all the prisoners was already armed with far more deadly weapons, so it didn't really matter. "Oh, and a coke" He said. The final price ended up on 110 tickets. In other words, the soda costed 80 then. Over two, almost three times the price of the sandwich. The woman nodded and took out one of the cold boxes. "130 then" she said. He looked around in his pocket a little before he found a sealed 10x10 pack of meal tickets (10 times 10 point tickets) and three loose ones. "Here you go" he said to her. She didn't respond as he moved out of the line and walked towards the entrance of the cafeteria again.

[Location: Cell Block A]
[Time: 6:34PM]
[Date: 19th of June 2013]

Akira sat down on one of the handrails on the second floor and unwrapped the sandwich. It was a rather simple cheese and ham sandwich with some salad. He took a small bite of the loaf, not sure what to expect. It tasted pretty decent actually. He shrugged and continued to eat.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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Quartermaster Adion Volf
3rd Person Record of Recent Events in Detail

Location: Security Office
June 19th, 2013 6:45PM

Adion was sitting in the security office. He had eyes on almost all places in the entire prison. The normal guard for the security office walked back into the little room with about 40 small TVs. "So, did anything happen while I was away?" asked the guard. Adion replied with "It looks like a fight is about to break out in block Z. I would suggest that the guards there make sure that their weapons are ready to fire. They should avoid messing with fights down there. It can be very dangerous for anyone who doesn't have much experience with the mutants." The security office guard then nodded. This was something that was truly important right now, since the facility guards had just recently swapped. They were all green, excluding Adion of course.

Location: Cell Block Z
June 19th, 2013 7:02PM

"Listen up, MUTANTS. I am growing rather tired of you abuse the fact that we get new guards every 6 months. I WILL make you lives a living hell if you keep this up. You are testing my patience, and my good will. You are the ONLY block who has done this EVERY time since I have gotten here. I am giving you the LAST chance to be good. If I have to come down here and deal with any of you again, you will be sent to a battle royal fight with no protection to the death, and no reward for winning. Am I clear?" said Adion, pacing up and down the row of prisoners that were lined up. He had the entire cell block lined up and standing at attention. When he asked them "Am I clear?" they all responded with "Yes sir, Quartermaster!" He doubted that they cared about the punishment he just listed. He didn't care if they didn't care though, because he would get to show the new guards just what the mutants are like.

Location: Courtyard
June 19th, 2013 7:48PM

Adion walked along the top of the wall of the courtyard, watching as the various cell blocks were letting everyone out for their physical exercise. Cell blocks A through T were relatively peaceful. No mutant fights, or other things that bother the guards. However, block U was having some gang fights. From what Adion could overhear, it was something about someone using someone else's 600 ration-ticket soap. Adion thought that it was moronic for one of the mutants to spend that many ration-tickets on anything that 1 persons use would be worth getting mad over. That's why Adion hated the regular world as well. They paid lots of money to get very little in return. How wasteful.

Notes: Would you please send some guards who are pre-trained to deal with mutants. I don't like the fact that for the first 2 weeks of every shift, I have to deal with every problem the mutants cause myself, it just gets in the way of my job.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson
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Location: D block
Time: 19:44
Date: June 19

He'd spent seven days in that hospital bed. Seven days spent lying there and staring at either the too-white cork-board ceiling or the stream of patients (inmates?) that arrived half dead and left only a quarter dead. Seven days of blinding agony because not only was he in the beginning stages of withdrawal, but also without the aid of even a couple Tylenol. Nothing. He'd had to lay there and stare up at the ceiling as auras swam across his pain-blurred vision. He was certain he'd been a screamer.

But the first time he'd stood up on his own two feet again, it was freedom at last. Granted, that freedom was cut short when he fell forward and smacked his shins and palms (but thankfully not his head) on the cold tile, but it was freedom nonetheless. To realize he was still in prison was horrifically depressing. He had never made the connection, having been too distracted by his torturous aches and injuries.

Then he'd walked numbly back to his cell and just sat there. Then he had been forced into interacting with the other inmates. Now that release was exactly ten days ago, he was mostly over it and mostly back to his old ways, thanks to the guards' insitence that he integrate himself.

Suddenly, a guard shook his shoulder, not at all careful as to how such a movement would jostle his still sore ribs, and he took the cue. Brent stood up and made his way down the hallways. Ten days, and already he was conditioned.

Location: Exercise Area
Time: 19:48
Date: June 19

Most of the time he stayed away from the mess hall because he had better things on his mind than food, but the exercise time was a non-negotiable obligation. Probably so they'll-- we'll-- put up a good sport, he thought with a dark edge of mirth.

And then: "Heya, Sparks!"

Despite himself, he found his eyes darting over to the basketball court. With a grunt he walked pointedly in the other direction.

No can do, seeing a guard stood in his way. He frowned and wondered if he'd get hit in the mouth for daring to speak with one of them. After weighing the pros and cons briefly, he decided against it, for now, because he really hated that god-awful infirmary. Instead Brent ambled over to the inmate who'd called out to him. Basketball, he could do that right, they wanted to know.

He replied yes. The ball came his way, he caught it, and they began to play.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira keiji Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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#, as written by Robbhus
[Location: Cell Block A]
[Time: 6:57PM]
[Date: 19th of June 2013]

After the sandwich was eaten up and the cola was just an empty tin-can that could be used to make some sort of a weapon he knew he wouldn't need, Akira started walking again. No-one really had that much use of weapons around here except for the guards of course. Everyone around here were human weapons anyways. If the right people were picked, whoever owned the prison would have his own private super-army. With some training, just the about 10 000-20 000 inhabitants of Sanity would probably be enough if everything was planned out. Yet, it was incredible that the prison even managed to hold on to them though. If there was a known way out except from the ware-deliveries and guard-swaps, the prison would probably be empty now. Well, almost empty. As Akira liked the almost lawless society in Sanity, there was a lot of people who felt pushed down, angered, or simply sad. he had probably been 'Lucky' with his power. He had seen others who had powers that weren't useless, but wouldn't work in a battle. Like healing for example. You would have to get your hands on a weapon in that case. Sadly, the one healer that Akira knew, were dead. However, sad thoughts were no fun. Akira started walking down the hallway towards the D-block so he could get out to the courtyard.

[Location: D-block]
[Time: 7:27PM]
[Date: 19th of June 2013]

People were keeping up the regular flow. People bumped into each other all the time, so it didn't matter much to him. Most of them excused themselves, at least to him. With his slightly child-like voice, he replied that it was nothing to worry about. They were friendly to him, so he wanted to be friendly back to them. It was nothing more complicated than that. The friendliness continued as he continued to walk. The D-block was rather full now as people was moving around in between the different blocks for things like meals or, like him, to go out in the courtyard. he knew all the people that had been in Sanity for at least a year. Well, almost that is. He had no idea who the No. 1 most dangerous was, and there was probably someone in the far-off blocks as well that he hadn't talked to. However, the prisoners was pretty much free to do whatever as long as they returned to their cells within twenty minutes if a lockdown were to happen. Everyone had to return to their cells at 10:30 PM, so Akira figured he had about two hours left on him to be outside.

[Location: Courtyard, exercise Area]
[Time: 7:56PM]
[Date: 19th of June 2013]

It took a while to get there because of the constant flow of people. However, when he first got into the hallway between the courtyard and the D-block, it was pretty straight forward with few people pushing. When he finally reached it, Akira could see that it wasn't really crowded, but not empty either. The chief was there, as well as about 50 other prisoners. There were a few other guards around probably, but Akira didn't really care too much about them. He just walked around all randomly. Suddenly, he felt slightly lighter. Not too strange though as someone had grabbed his jacket and lifted him up. Apparently someone new. The person was at least seven foot tall. "You're in my way kid" the voice behind Akira said. "There was plenty of space to walk past." Akira replied, still with his friendly, childish tone. The person seemed to ignore Akira's explanation and moved his hands like if he were about to throw him. However, Akira reacted a lot faster. He kicked away from the giants body and spun about 270 degrees around, hitting the guy in the ehad with his leg. The giant dropped Akira down, and he landed gracefully. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this..." Akira murmured as he lifted up both of his hands. There was not a single noise to be heard anymore. And a bright light started filling up the place, spreading out in an incredible rate. In the split of a second, a ray of light shot down from the starry skies and went straight through the person's brain and burned itself down to the ground. The guy remained standing for a few more seconds before he fell forward, blood pouring out of the thin hole on the top of his head. It was first when the guy fell however that people started to panic and run for their lives. Akira just remained standing there, not reacting. "I did it again..." He murmured. He had the slightly childish tone still, but it wasn't as happy as it had been earlier.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira keiji Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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Quartermaster Adion Volf
3rd Person Record of Recent Events in Detail

Location: Courtyard Wall
June 19th, 2013 7:56PM

Adion looked over when he saw a lightning strike come from the Cell block A-E courtyard section. It was Akira. Big surprise, he killed someone. This sight made Adion sigh. That was a good sight for all the new mutants to see, but it was not where he wanted them to see it. Of course, Adion activated his mask's built-in radio and hailed "Quartermaster to Security Office, Quartermaster to Security Office. We got a new body in A-E courtyard zone. I advise that you send someone to pick up the body. It's not for display."

Adion was left to simply try to figure out what this guy did to get Akira to kill him. It was not the guards' job to keep the mutants safe, but instead contained. The whole nice things was just a way to control the mutants. Besides, it looked better if the innocent mutants were kept better than the actual criminals.

Location: A-E Courtyard Zone
June 19th, 2013 8:12PM

None of the mutants would go near Adion. His mask made it obvious that he was the guard to fear. It was his defining feature, something that none of the other guards had. They all had helmets instead of masks. The helmets were cheaper to install all the computer stuff to help them aim and respond to the mutants.

Another reason that the mutants stood back away from Adion, was that the Fight Master (Or at least that's the mutants' name for him) had his gun out. There were 2 or 3 other guards standing around protecting the body removers, but they were no threat to the mutants, they were all to green when concerning mutants.

One of the mutants decided to approach the group. Some new kid who had no idea who anyone was. All the kid knew was that the guards around the body were green. He was probably dared or this was some gang test. He then didn't step back when one of the guards ordered him to. Strike 1. The guard stated that the mutant is required to stand back. The mutant started to get smart with the guard. A lot of guts, or ignorance. Strike 2. Adion then walked up, looked the mutant in the eyes and said "Back your ass up before I fill it with holes. Understood?" The mutant responded by charging a power. Strike 3. Adion took no pause, and gun-butted the mutant. Adion then straddled the mutant and smashed him with back of his gun a few more times, before picking the mutant up. Adion then pushed the mutant forward and into the wall. Within 5 seconds, all that was left of the foolish mutant was a lifeless, bullet-filled husk.

Notes: See, more proof that I need trained guards from the start. Or you could just hand them the gun and have them shoot themselves, but I guess that that is more expensive.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Mori Yoshida
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Mori Yoshida

/19 JUNE 2013

Mori did little during her free time. She had not made any friends, she was too feeble to play in the courtyard and she had permanently lost her appetite a long time ago. The girl remained kneeled on the bed as she stared up at the clock on the wall directly in front of her. She did not even flinch as she heard fellow prisoners rushing out of their cells and into the hallways. Mori refused to move until she was absolutely certain that the block was completely empty, and all she could hear was her muffled breathing and the ticking of the clock.

She slipped off her mattress and slowly made her way out. She took her time wandering through the deserted corridors, albeit her careless footsteps still struggling to make a noise. The girl paused abruptly as her ears strained to hear a sound coming from the distance. It further multiplied into an identifiable commotion that was the guards hurriedly thundering towards the courtyard. Mori's eyes widened as she quickly backed up against the wall, a few of the helmeted guards made a point of glaring at her while passing through. It was a routinely event that happened several times a day, although rarely around these blocks. However, this did not overcome Mori's overwhelming fear of the guards, especially the one who wore a mask. His presence terrified he to the point where she was quivering in her boots. Mori shakily detached herself from the wall and continued walking.

/19 JUNE 2013

The cafeteria was pretty much empty now. Aside from the slow eaters, the majority of the inhabitants had left for the courtyard. To catch some fresh air, to tone their muscles or perhaps as a desperate attempt to cling onto the small traces of sanity they now had. Mori knew many of them were keen basketball-players, she often heard the sound of a ball bouncing against her wall every other night. Wait, was it a ball? The girl gave five meal tickets to the woman before accepting her meal with a grateful nod.

The leftover soup was contained in a plastic container, it sloshed against the sides as she carefully placed it onto a table. Unknown shapes floated to the surface, but Mori didn't mind. She was, most likely, the only person in the prison who actually ate the cheap soup out of their own decision. She had lost most of her sense of smell within the first few weeks of using her new mask - she would not pay extra tickets for something she wouldn't be able to taste. Mori only saw eating as a necessity - an obligation to a certain extent - she rarely ate for the purpose of enjoying it. The girl brandished a transparent tube from her pocket and plunged it into the liquid. She tugged her mask down slightly and squeezed the other end of the tube through the space before establishing it deep into one of her nostrils.

She stared at the clock on the far wall as she inhaled her food. It was 8:16 now, but she could still hear the ruckus echoing from the courtyard. From the corner of her eye, Mori saw a man take a quick glance at her before gathering his food and exiting. She figured she would leave after whatever incident that had happened there, had died down.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Weiss Schnee Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Mori Yoshida
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LOCATION: Cell Block A-E Courtyard Zone
TIME: 8:10 PM
DATE: June 19, 2013

Asher was leaning against the wall, staring into the night sky. His mind was somewhere else, thinking about various things. Most of them were just fantasies of an ordinary otaku. Some of them drifted off to outside this facility. Either way, he was just a lone figure, sticking to the wall like a shadow. It's amazing that he can still bring up thoughts like that. For 2 minutes, Asher had his peace of mind amongst the chaos of whatever was going on. Asher didn't care, really. He doesn't even wonder what was that big thunderclap and the sudden flash in the sky just about 15 minutes earlier. Of course, nothing went his way. Not even when he just wanted to be in peace.

Well, Asher can manage not to be annoyed by other people's businesses in this place. It's only when the guards come did Asher have to leave his imaginary happy place. Opening his eye a little, Asher sighed. Another one is going down. He thought. Idiots. The Fight Master had come to remove a corpse from this place. Guess the thunderclap was someone raining down "Heaven's Wrath" upon a poor soul earlier. Asher shook his head and began to move away even more from the guards. He moved outside the crowd and went to the cafeteria.

LOCATION: Cafeteria
TIME: 8:16 PM

He didn't come here to eat. No, it was just to get out of the chaos that might be happening outside. He heard a murmurs and a few that trembled in fear of the Fight Master, but Asher was used to it. All you have to do is not to get in their way. That's all. The boy looked at the menu, just out of curiousity. He didn't bring his meal tickets out because he was obviously not hungry. Asher looked around, and saw a few people eating in peace. The most notable one would be the girl with the strange mask, who ate just by bringing out some tube and inserting the two ends in the soup and in... her nostril? Asher shook his head, and just sighed as he tried to get his mind back into its happy place or whatever it should be called. Asher just wanted to focus on nothing in this place for a while. Asher still needed to get used to this whole place in general. Staying away from the Fight Master is just one of the few things he had mastered in his six-month stay in this place.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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Quartermaster Adion Volf
3rd Person Record of Recent Events in Detail

Location: A-E Courtyard Zone
June 19th, 2013 8:34PM

Adion stood back as he watched the other guards force a mutant to clean up for them. He knew that he should have stepped in and stopped the guards, but he was just waiting for them to get the lesson that you only bother mutants when there is a body or a ring fight. Other than that, the most you have to do is insure that everyone is away from certain places at certain times. The words "They will learn soon enough." rang through Adion's head.

It's not like Adion could teach the new guards himself. No, he was far to violent of a trainer. He couldn't discipline the guards the way he wanted to, so he let the mutants do that. This served 2 purposes: it taught the guards just how powerful mutants are, and showed command that he need trained guards.

Adion walked over to where the blood sprays had been, looked very closely at the walls and floors, and said to the mutant, "You're done here. Take these." Adion handed the mutant 20 meal tickets. It wasn't much, but the mutant wasn't cleaning the floor as a punishment, so Adion thought that some payment was in order.

Location: Cell Block V
June 19th, 2013 9:14PM

Adion was searching the cells of the residents of V block. This was the block that Adion liked to keep the thieves in, and the thieves liked to keep contraband. Adion is no big fan of contraband, and thus, was checking every cell for contraband. 36 pieces. That is how much Adion had already found. And in cell 329, 2 small blades, a cell phone, a stolen chocolate bar, and a bag of marijuana. Great.

Time: 10:00PM
Adion had the offending residents in a line. 48 who had trouble with the few rules of the prison. All of them were going to be sent to the "spare cells." A.K.A., a bunch of animal cages in an empty room. No toilets, showers, or clothes. Yep, you sleep naked in the "spare cells" that are kept in the basement. The nice, cold, concrete basement. He needed to inform the prisoners of their punishment, so Adion said, loud enough for the whole cell block to hear, "I count 48 heads who have trouble not trying to hide things. Your hiding places were not only foolish, but just insulting. You will be sleeping in the space cells until Friday's royal rumble. On Friday, you will be placed in a tournament. It will be to the death, with no protection. The last survivor will be rewarded with the ability to go and sleep in their own cell again. After that 2 days down in the spare cells, it will be one hell of an award. NOW MOVE!"

Location: Prison Basement Spare Cells Room
June 19th, 2013 11:21

All the most recent cell block V problem prisoners were now "tucked in" to their new homes for the next 2 days. Until the royal rumble, they would not leave the room. A guard would come down once a day and throw their food in their cells, and watch as the dig hungrily into the leftover slop. Then once the royal rumble takes place, they will be strutted and fight. Other rule abiding prisoners will be allowed the privilege of betting on who will win the championship. "Night dumb-asses!" Adion said, almost cheerfully.

Notes: See, more proof that I need trained guards from the start. Or you could just hand them the gun and have them shoot themselves, but I guess that that is more expensive.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Weiss Schnee Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson Character Portrait: Akira keiji Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Mori Yoshida
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OOC: Everyone, please post.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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Location: Exercise Area
Time: 20:37
Date: June 19

Brent heard but did not see the brilliant light show that ate up the other mutant. Or at least he told himself that, ignoring the fact that he had turned whiter than a ghost and his grip was ever tightening on the ball. He only snapped out of it when the force he was applying to the sides of the ball forced it to leap out of his hands. He stared, dumbfound, at his now empty hands.

Normally he’d be interested, he’d want to pester and bother this anomaly, or any anomaly thus far, but he was appreciating the way his heart kept beating and how his brain still functioned. He didn't want to end up a corpse; not yet at least. Maybe another day, then he’ll provoke that proverbial lion, but not today.

Behind him, he heard a guard getting rough violent -- oh who was he kidding? -- downright lethal with an inmate. He winced as the guard emptied his magazine into the mutant‘s body. Yep, definitely not today. There’s always tomorrow…

“You shouldn't be so shocked, mate,” one man whispered in his ear. “Weren't you the fellow who got stuck in the med ward for a week?”

Brent grunted, saying neither yes nor no, and walked away from the crowd of basketball players.

He was more than content to leave without another word, but the sight of a guard, one who was obviously of a superior caliber than the others, sent him back. He walked aimlessly around, hoping that he wouldn't run into anyone else. He'd forgotten that he couldn't return inside until 10:30.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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Quartermaster Adion Volf
3rd Person Record of Recent Events in Detail

Location: Guards Barracks
June 20th, 2013 6:01AM

Adion slid out of his cot. Another day in the life of a secret super soldier. The rest of the guards didn't need to wake for another half hour, but Adion like to look around the complex before everyone woke up. So he spent the next 10 minutes putting on his armor and getting his mask on just right. Adion then locked his locker, exited the barracks and began his walk along the wall.

Location: Cell Block D
June 20th, 2013 8:30AM

It was wake up time, and all the mutants were running around in their cells so that they didn't miss breakfast. One particular mutant was refusing the wake up call of the guards. One guard decided to do something that could be dangerous. "Wake your ass up, Sparks." screamed the guard until Brent woke up. Adion knew one thing, mutants do not often like to be called nicknames because of their powers. And from the description of this ones arrest, that could lead to quite the ending.

Now Adion was just waiting for Brent to do exactly what Adion wanted to do. What's the worst that would happen to the mutant, go to a worse prison block. He hadn't even made any friends yet, so that would not likely be a problem. Or Adion might be able to use him in the battle royals. This one may have prospect, but Adion had yet to see.

Notes:Another one down, another one down, another one bites the dust!

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

Location: Cell Block D
Time: 08:31
Date: June 20

Screaming, hollering, speaking, whispering -- all the same to him as he lay on the bed, caught in the midst of sleep and consciousness. All four actions were dictated as important by merely the human desire for communication. All they really were, to the ears, were vibrations produced by the diaphragm pushing bursts of air through either taunt and relaxed vocal cords at predetermined velocities and strengths. The ears then transformed these vibrations of varying frequencies to what the human brain can recognize as noise.

And as the urge to shove a hot metal rod down the owner of this diaphragm, the one that now produced very unappealing screams that disrupted his sleep, did not pass, he grunted and flung the sheets off him.

"What?" Brent snapped. Then he caught a glimpse of who was interrupting his slumber. He chuckled mirthlessly and gave the guard his best shit-eating smile. "Morning, is it?" He turned his head to the side, but kept the man in his gaze. "Don't see you waking up the inmates around here too often. Demotion, or simply a desire for a change of pace?"

I'm going to die here, he thought, almost hysterically calm (he found out that evidently that it was possible). And still he grinned at the guard.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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Quartermaster Adion Volf
3rd Person Record of Recent Events in Detail

Location: Cell Block D
June 20th, 2013 8:32AM

Adion stood back, waiting for the guard to become toast. He didn't know the power of this new mutant, but to underestimate one is the greatest way to die here. The guard on the other hand was just enjoying the fact that he had power and seeming to think that he was invincible. "What's wrong sparks? Why did you need me to come wake you, huh? You have some sleeping troubles there, sparky?" taunted the guard. By this point, the only thing that Adion paid attention to with the guard was the fact that he kept on taunting. Adion looked at the mutant with a nob that symbolized that Adion didn't care if the taunting guard died.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

Location: Cell Block D
Time: 08:33
Date: June 20

"No, I'm genuinely curious. I tend to be that way. So, do you typically go door to door, like some travelling salesman, only selling bullets and bruises, not bibles and vacuums?" His grin twisted and he gave a mock lewd glance. Brent purred, "Or am I special?" He stepped forward, his arm brushing against the heckling guard's as he passed.

Pointedly, he ignored the senior officer's nod. It was obviously meant to inform him that he was allowed to do something, but he couldn't fathom what. He took it as 'take this inch and run a mile, being sure to annoy anyone you want as much as you wish' even though he figured that was as far off base as he could get.

"Are you my, ahem, escorts?" Brent made sure to wrap one hand around the bothersome officer and stare up at him through his eyelashes. "Or do you plan to leave me for some other freak?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson Character Portrait: Adion Volf
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0.00 INK

Quartermaster Adion Volf
3rd Person Record of Recent Events in Detail

Location: Cell Block D
June 20th, 2013 8:34AM

Adion gave a look of "fuck the mutant, if you move I will kill you" to the guard. The mutant was obviously new because he should have known how to spot a push-over guard from a mile away. Either way, it was time for Adion to show the new guard how you handle a mutant. "No. We are here because you failed to wake up. Now get your ass down to the cafeteria before I drag it, and this sorry ass guard's, down their myself. Am I to be understood?" Adion said. He had a way of being real gentle and compassionate.

The other guard's hand shot into a salute before he said "Yes sir, Quartermaster!" Adion thought that that guard got more than lucky, he got down right to the ten-thousandth percentile. Either way, if Adion had to take the place of an angered mutant, it would likely make him feel better.

Location: Cell Block D
June 20th, 2013 9:00AM

Adion watched as the push-over guard began searching the lined up prisoners. What amazed Adion is that his superiors had the balls to send a guy for guard duty who had never worked in a prison. What a foolish mistake. Either way, Adion would make sure that this rookie learned the fast way, which was definitely not the easy way. He watched as the guard began searching the mutant that they had to wake up. Adion was not sure what to expect.

Notes:What were you thinking with sending this guy?! He has no relevant experience! Did you have the body bag preplanned for him or what?

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Character Portrait: Mori Yoshida
3 sightings Mori Yoshida played by Imbecile
A young girl known by the strange mask strapped around her face and the lack of any social ability to speak of.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson
Character Portrait: Asher Weiss Schnee
Character Portrait: Akira keiji


Character Portrait: Akira keiji
Akira keiji

"Wanna play a game?"

Character Portrait: Asher Weiss Schnee
Asher Weiss Schnee

"Damn... colder than ice, man..."

Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson
Brent Nicholson

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn once said: "Someone that you have deprived of everything is no longer in your power. He is once again entirely free." Well, do you see how that panned out for me?

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"If you want to fight, all you have to do is ask."


Character Portrait: Asher Weiss Schnee
Asher Weiss Schnee

"Damn... colder than ice, man..."

Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson
Brent Nicholson

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn once said: "Someone that you have deprived of everything is no longer in your power. He is once again entirely free." Well, do you see how that panned out for me?

Character Portrait: Akira keiji
Akira keiji

"Wanna play a game?"

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"If you want to fight, all you have to do is ask."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Asher Weiss Schnee
Asher Weiss Schnee

"Damn... colder than ice, man..."

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"If you want to fight, all you have to do is ask."

Character Portrait: Brent Nicholson
Brent Nicholson

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn once said: "Someone that you have deprived of everything is no longer in your power. He is once again entirely free." Well, do you see how that panned out for me?

Character Portrait: Akira keiji
Akira keiji

"Wanna play a game?"

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Re: Sleeping Sanity

Hmm, that stinks. :/ This was promising...

If you ever get the urge to try it again, you can PM me; I know I'd be interested.

Re: Sleeping Sanity

I got my finals coming up, so I simply don't have time. If I had, I would try to post, but this is already dead.

Re: Sleeping Sanity

G-Guys? *pokes* I kinda stopped posting for a bit because it was me and unseenshadow2.

Did you get buried alive?

Re: Sleeping Sanity

I will quickly expand on what I was thinking with the concept of the 2 types of tickets:

Meal-Ticket - These tickets are for buying food and drink, but nothing else. This is one of the prizes that can be offered at the battle royals.

Ration-Ticket - These tickets are used for buying simple, but nicer than provided things. This would be like gentler and better smelling soap, nicer towels, and better toilet paper. Ration-Tickets are not used to buy electronics or food and drink. They are an alternative if you don't want meal-tickets as a prize for battle royals. They can be exchanged for meal-tickets, and vice-versa.

Re: Sleeping Sanity

And now my character is up! I'll probably start the RP either later today or tomorrow (UK time).

Re: Sleeping Sanity

I'll make my own character and then start it. It'll PROBABLY be up and running tomorrow or the day after that.

Re: Sleeping Sanity

Hey guys, just wondering. When are we starting the RP?

Re: Sleeping Sanity

Uhh... I don't think I got such a thing either though :/

Re: Sleeping Sanity

So... Robbhus, this may come off as pathetic. No, I know it will, but bear with me.

I don't have my ten forum posts.

So I can't respond to your PM. Give me an hour, I'll find a way to respond, but that's why I've yet to answer you back. It's not because I'm ignoring you, it's because I'm a failure. orz

Re: Sleeping Sanity

It's just a name that I like. You will find that if you go through most of my usernames from the past 2 or 3 years, almost all of them will be unseenshadow2. I am just a repetitive person, at least name wise. Of course, the name Adion Volf never has the same history or personality twice.

Re: Sleeping Sanity

unseenshadow2 wrote:Submitted a character, Adion Volf.

@Asher Is it just me, or do we seem to meet every other role I go in?

My God... I can't join a roleplay unless it has "Adion Wolf/Volf" anymore (no offense). Why is it that we always choose the same roleplay? XD

Re: Sleeping Sanity

Cool-- I was just double checking/wondering. Expect a profile from me soon; this roleplay is too interesting to resist.

Re: Sleeping Sanity

Yes, the reason this RP is flagged inactive is because I posted it earlier today. It have not started yet.

Re: Sleeping Sanity

So, to start out... I saw this and knew I wanted to join. I saw two potential roleplaying mates mention Deadman Wonderland and squeed like a fan-girl. However... I saw your profile, Robbhus, and got scared. Am I correct in assuming that the 'inactivity' of this roleplay is due to the fact it hasn't begun?

Re: Sleeping Sanity

Submitted a character, Adion Volf.

@Asher Is it just me, or do we seem to meet every other role I go in?

Re: Sleeping Sanity

Imbecile wrote:Ooohh, this sounds neat! I'm quite excited for this. o w o
Does this also happen to be based off Deadman Wonderland? Pretty sweet if it does~

I'll try to get in a sheet by the end of Monday - I might not have enough time tomorrow.
It's quite late at the moment, so I think I'll research superpowers and look over character images. + u +

Also, I'd imagine you'd want 1-2 paragraphs in a post?
I tend to waffle if I'm not informed. ^^"

I made this RP for another forum a while ago before watching Deadman Wonderland, so I can't say it is. I see the similarities though. And thank you :3

EDIT: Yeah, somewhere around that would be fine.

Lukipyon wrote:EDIT: Err, sorry about this.
Seems I won't have enough time for a role-play. Cursed school.
Sorry about inconveniencing you!

It's fine, it's fine. I got school as well, so I understand.

Re: Sleeping Sanity

Ooohh, this sounds neat! I'm quite excited for this. o w o
Does this also happen to be based off Deadman Wonderland? Pretty sweet if it does~

I'll try to get in a sheet by the end of Monday - I might not have enough time tomorrow.
It's quite late at the moment, so I think I'll research superpowers and look over character images. + u +

Also, I'd imagine you'd want 1-2 paragraphs in a post?
I tend to waffle if I'm not informed. ^^"

Re: Sleeping Sanity

EDIT: Err, sorry about this.
Seems I won't have enough time for a role-play. Cursed school.
Sorry about inconveniencing you!

Re: Sleeping Sanity

Thank you :) I'll be looking forward to it!

Re: Sleeping Sanity

This is actually a really good roleplay plot. I'll try to make a character by the end of this weekend, just to let you know.