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"Touch me."

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a character in “Snakes and Ladders: Tales from the Inferno”, as played by Wudgeous



"She was beautiful, but she was beautiful in the way a forest fire was beautiful: something to be admired from a distance, not up close."

-Good Omens

Name: "While you may call me what you wish, there is but one name that would procure my face. Maya: it is... Pretty enough. Appropriate enough."
Aliases: "That Bitch," mostly!
Gender: Female enough to notice from the corner of one's eye, not female enough to rant on and on about Elizabeth Cady Stanton. ((Don't kill me!))
Species: Demon; milf succubus.
Voice: Uma Thurman; which is weiiiird seeing as I always sorta hated Uma. Yet some quality in her voice fits very well, as do her looks, expressions and gestures. All we need to do is put a mild slow-mo filter over her, haha. Less I'm happy to be here! than the interview, but perfectly sociable nonetheless.
She speaks both flippantly and with solid intentions, sometimes within the same sentence. How she does it, I don't know. Her voice is an oozing thing, slipping from her lips like wisps of smoke, becoming tangible--horrifically tangible--only when its tightly wrapped about your neck. The skeptical can save themselves or force her to result to more brutish techniques in capturing them, but the gullible... ah, well. We'll miss you.
Maya will adopt a very sudden high pitch when she's amused or angry, which can be off-putting if you've gotten used to her regular way talking.
Equipment: N/A, though that isn't to say she has no hands with which to pick up objects. She'll grab something she deems useful, toss it away just as easily. What did you expect to find here, car keys?

ImagePhysical Description: One of red hair and red nails--but one may note the crow's feet soon after all that. Her skin is pale beneath her shower curtain hair no really, shit's long, though it can shorten retreat into her skull like dust up a vacuum cleaner, when necessary with nary a demure blush to be found. She is like a new corpse, though naturally not to the point of being unattractive: after learning that some societies consider fair skin to be a sign of nobility and good upbringing, and she's used her color to her advantage. Still, it remains off-putting to most. Her cheekbones are huge, her nose is notable, her lips are dark, and her irises shiver when forced to shift in hue. She's a thin woman; a bizarro Greek beauty, shape-wise. She's got the desirable form of a magazine model, without the desirable part. Maya has no fancy camera angles or photoshopped, glossy finish to enhance her body, merely the body in itself. The succubus is thin in the way a man is thin--obviously not eating enough for every other grandmother's liking, obviously not a frequent gym-hitter. While she's not with a stretched quality, she's quite skeletal. There are no apparent rib or spine protrusions, but a jaded mortal would be sure to look for them.
Mannerisms: Maya will easily twist her wrists and flick her fingers, in thought, in speech. She blinks at a glacial, cat-like rate, and never moves her lips too quickly for another to study every inflection, every purse, every frown. Small, small traits of subdued grace consistently remain with her, in the same way that a shotgun remains with the hunter even away from deer populations. Her mannerisms are tools to attain food, and little else. Who would a succubus have to impress? A succubus need only lure, need only feed. She carries herself weightlessly, not floating, but as if she does not move at all. It's a marvel that she gets from one spot to the other side of the street, you'll find, as her walk is more slithering than bobbing like an apple in water: Slow, determined, consistent undulations, one exposed leg in front of the other.
Wardrobe: Whatever suits the occasion! When wandering in the upperworld (where prancing about in your birthday clothes isn't smiled upon for some stupid reason) she'll mimic the garbs of the first few women that catch her eye. Still, there's a penchant for silk, and there's an aversion to pastel colors and cotton. When not wearing human clothes, she's not above draping a bedsheet around her breasts. She just really doesn't care what she wears until she needs to blend in, man.
Strengths: Of course, there's the succubus magic of shapeshifting, but she won't be... you know, turning into a dragon, so don't worry. She can change up her hair-do, maybe grow out some clothes, change up some bodily colors (such as eyes and lips), change up her bust size. She can't grow fangs, or make like a Wonder Twin and turn into a bucket of water. No, no, no, no Wonder Twins here. She also has basic mesmerization which, much like real life hypnosis, mainly works on those who WANT to fall under a spell. Resisting with all your might means she can't getcha. Humoring her though, even for a moment, that's when you're in trouble; you won't be able to break free too easily so long as she's physically touching you.
But is she dangerous? Ehh... yes and no; no different from you and me and a random selection from the local prison.
Weaknesses: She's not really physically combative at all. She has no formal weapon training, no magic karate know-how. Maya's not one to engage in a physical fight anyway, so when trouble brews, she chooses flight. Her personality flaws below can also be exploited, and that whole faith-based banishing thing? Yeah, that. That works. Lastly, she's not yet able to be buggered enough to do the really dastardly shit, which keeps her rank and prowess relatively rasonable.
Other: The barbed tail has a function and I'm not telling you what it is. The fact that she's a literal sex fiend ought to provide a few reasonable guesses. You won't find it swishing like a windmill, but it does bat about from the very tip.
Another succubine (shut up I like made up words) quality of hers is that hair. It's quite animate, even outside the ability to shorten its length to suit social norms. When threatened, what were small strands will twist and bound together to become thick coils--much thicker than a typical dreadlock do, and writhing. They are as functional as adept monkey tails and it does hurt to be slapped with one; but still, it's hair. Tentacular hair. A blade will likely get caught in it unless trying to SAW through due to the thickness of each coil, but it'll hurt if you tie it to a car bumper and start driving.
It does not grow longer than her ankles.

Demeanor: If she's not interested, you will know. Even when feigning curiosity, Maya has a subtle air of aloofness in relation to what you have to say, though she can be abruptly and inexplicably perky (ahem... unintentional double entendre) when touch comes into play. Even a shaking hand on her knee will have her looking like a child who's having the best birthday party ever. She feels no need to talk about herself, which makes her seem ~mysterious~. This is by no means intentional. She feels little need to share information with others, let alone information to do with herself, for she is a demon born and bred. Gain and self-interest are top priorities, and sharing seems to her more like losing something, which will not do at all. She won't necessarily feel inclined to share how she feels about the weather, only that the weather is doing something to her, such as raining and making her wet (... again, unintended double entendre). She's quick to point out things she wants, however, such as wanting to get somewhere dry.
Attitudes: Get under her skin, into the crevices of her brain, and you'll find someone very nitpicky. She's very good at making very big lists very fast. She can be more casual than she initially seems, appearing "less guarded." In truth, her times of flippant remarks are when she's most alert, paying close attention to every reaction. She's never really admired another being, and has never felt humbled (outside basic fear instincts)--leading to a bit of instinctive pride when evaluating another. She's never sarcastic or snarky, not even in secret, but she does have her fair share of belittling notations. Outward intrigue is often brought about through feeling intimidated.
Likes: Surviving, being squeezed, being stroked, silence (which is not the same as being alone), squishy humans, rose windows, Albrecht Dürer paintings.
Dislikes: Disadvantages, having long conversations, the tweeting of birds, when people yawn, being threatened, the work of Michelangelo, giggling, getting stabbed, getting shot, exploding.
Quirks: She'll most prefer being naked, less to show off her body and more to bathe in the atmosphere. By nature, she adores being touched, even if it's a breeze or the simmering of heat in place of groping fingers.
Flaws: Thoroughly self-centered and impatient to boot, so much so that she's limited her creativity in manipulating others. She's prone to seeking immediate gratification over planting mines and setting beartraps. In addition, Maya does not know of satisfaction or contentment, and can be endlessly gluttonous once convinced she can be confident about an arrangement.

How You Ended Up Here
"Ah..." The demon's lips remain parted, but gradually form a red smile. "Here? I walked.
"Didn't you, my love?"


General History
Once upon a time, Maya was a wild one. How many succubi weren't? She prowled in the nights, sleeping and suckling and wanting more, more, more.
Unlike many veteran succubi, Maya has had only one child: Cain. Cain was a good boy and is a good man, though his mother will disagree with this general consensus. Others see the med student as a reasonable man; good at modulating his finances, very polite, quite a handsome creature. Maya sees a weakling, a half-breed with holes in his chest, so very desperate for love, for acceptance, for living a life rather than eating one. (As he's not fully succubi, he gets on okay without doing the latter, able to find sufficient nourishment in regular food on a regular dinner table).
She raised him herself for some years, vaguely hoping to pass on her own ideals, and then got bored of looking out for someone other than herself, dumping the barely adolescent with the father (who had not seen Maya since that fateful night in which he DEMON BEGONE'D HER by the end of it, or else he would not be breathing still; Broderick had gotten married and had other children by that point, but we'll not get into the shame and drama of it all). Cain has still proven useful to her, on occasion, which leads her to refrain from cutting off communication entirely. He wishes so much to have a mother, after all, and who is she to deny him this? Her poor, precious little monster.

She doesn't even consider Cain to be a particularly notable event in her life, let alone all the ruined weddings, the dry corpses, the broken hearts. She's not one to bother remembering every little detail - besides the fact that it was Tuesday.

So begins...

Maya's Story

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She believes all beginnings and endings could very well be as simple as a lazy stretch. Pulling one's muscle's and cracking one's bones into proper form, both for activity and recline. One reaches with the toes to ease the body and mind; one arches at the back in the morn, to begin moving with increasingly renewed vigor. How was it that all the philosophers and scientists and poets have not yet figured out this little ditty? Perhaps they did. Maya did not keep track of the world's running stride until she overheard buzzing crowds.

And today, there was a crowd buzzing away, though it was one not forthcoming with any interesting information, outside signaling the arrival of fresh blood--a good batch today, it seemed. It was in Hell that she positioned herself to observe the day. She had nothing to specifically watch out for, merely seeking to soak in the energies, animosity, sounds of voracious slurps and contented, shivering sighs through pointed teeth--not much different than sun bathing. She found she did not mind the atmosphere too terribly either, perched as high as she was. Although "perched" may be the wrong word, for she lacked the intimidating leer and coiled-to-strike readiness of a gargoyle or a cobra. Instead, she was on her stomach, legs crossed and bent at the knees, sprawled about arms barely concealing the lower half of her face. Even her tail was mainly stagnant, flicking only from time to time like a zebra batting away flies (which may have been precisely what it was doing). Illustrating the very picture of sloth was the succubus's goal in life, it seemed. Her ankles switched positions, other above the one.

She did not budge (though there was a determinedly slow movement between the eyelids) even when a damned one meandered unsuspectingly, dangerously, into a crumbling shack her current roost was likely meant to safeguard. Oh, he was certainly a baby among longer legs, still in clothes barely unkempt--and she should know of unkempt clothes. It would be much too easy to pluck him free of a pulsating organ should he be lacking that glint of a weapon. "Best you be on your way, beloved," she crooned quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Marked Man Character Portrait: Maya Character Portrait: Ezra Morrow Character Portrait: Nasir
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He ran his fingers along the edge of the blade, scraping the grooves along the back with his long, sharp thumbnail to free them of the mud and dust recent endeavors had caused them to accumulate. The knife was going to fail him soon, he could tell by the jagged feeling that ripping into his most recent victim had caused. In some places, it couldn't even cut skin, let alone the thick, tough tissue of muscle that connected an individual's heart to the rest of his body. In the Sandlot, you lost a lot of knives, not that Nasir was counting (thirty-seven, and this one would make thirty-eight), some stolen, some dulled, some broken, and others left to rot when their owners abandoned them in a hasty retreat. He wasn't looking forward to finding another, but there was little to sharpen them on, and no Infernal magic would touch their blades.

Counter-intuitive, yes, but one had to assume it was to keep the games as fair as Hell could ever possibly allow. Damned souls, after all, could rely on no such things.

Not that it was necessary to use a knife in order to remove a man's heart, but it had something of a nostalgic quality to it.

He then cleaned the undersides of his nails with the tips of his blade, flinging the muck to the dusty ground irreverently. There had to be a word for that substance, that thick, warm mixture that could no more be mud without water than the Wastelands beyond might have been deserts with it. Of course, there was a word for everything in Infernal, but Nasir considered that to be cheating. He hadn't spoken Infernal in something like twenty years, and he wasn't intending to start up again now.

He wiped the blood from his mouth, and for a moment, thought about savoring the sweet, metallic taste the way a child might strongly consider sampling some strange and unknown substance that had suddenly found its way to his mouth. He thought better of it, though; the blood, as far as Nasir was concerned, was the worst part of the corpse, and there was always so much of it.

Nasir had devoured only the heart of the damned soul lying on the ground before him, leaving enough for a fellow demon to come along and make a quick meal of it, if he could catch it before the rot set in. A young enough demon might even take the chance, ignoring the distinct scratch patterns on the man's arms and stomach—Infernal sigils that would, once the meat was consumed, slowly kill the scavenger and ensure that his death was attributed to Nasir.

He'd baited many of these traps before, but so far, no one had bitten. Perhaps it was time to choose a new hobby.

Ezra blanched.

He had been in Hell for a total of perhaps a week, although by now each day was beginning to fade into the next, but surely his luck could not have already worn out. Somewhere above him, a slippery voice that most likely belonged to one of the natives rang out loud and clear, its texture—and a palpable texture it was—evoking images he wasn't sure he wanted to see. Dead men, as far as he was concerned, didn't have pulses for a reason, and at the moment, he was fighting to keep it that way. He didn't have glands anymore, in any sense of the word, but adrenaline or something like it was beginning to pump its way through his veins. His eyes scanned the rafters just overhead for the voice's origin, and spotted a figure in repose, looking almost like a cadaver, but more languid, and arguably more animated.

And then he remembered the object he'd been playing with only moments ago, and though apprehension and fear still coursed through his veins, it gave him some comfort. Perhaps his luck wasn't quite as bad as he'd thought. He thumbed the small knife in his pocket, just in case.

And then, as if the day couldn't get any worse, there was suddenly another voice in the room, attached to another entity—and this one looked far more like he was prepared to tussle than the woman roosted above him. His muscles tensed, the echo of a once-physical parasympathetic nervous system that had never gotten much use in life, but was going to be damned sure it didn't end up anywhere worse than here. Fight or flight.

But Ezra had never been a fighter. In the last years of his life (God, was he calling them that already?), he'd spent every other afternoon in the gym, trying (unsuccessfully) to bulk up his slender frame. He'd never actually had to use those muscles before, however. Once, in middle school, he'd taken a swing at a boy who'd slung some fairly choice slurs at him, for an eleven year old. One swing was all he'd gotten in; the boy, two years his senior, had “defended” himself, and Ezra had found himself suspended for a week, three days of which were spent nursing a recurring nosebleed.

Trapped. The masked man was standing between Ezra and the door—directly next to the door frame, to be exact, and his actions thereupon had left the usually neat and cleanly Ezra wondering if he'd encountered a madman. They were common in the Sandlot, he'd heard, the sanity driven from their heads by either guilt or power, and being stuck between a madman and a demon, he was rather certain he'd take the demon.

His grip on the pocketknife tightened momentarily, but there was something about the tense set in the man's shoulders that betrayed the hopelessness of the situation, should it come to blows. It was time for a new plan, and perhaps the man would listen to reason. Ezra straightened his shoulders and tried very hard not to smile.

“Ezra Morrow,” he said, almost mechanically, fulfilling the first of the man's requests. “I made the mistake of wandering into this place looking for shelter, same as you. Looks like we're probably both in something of a pickle now.” At this, he glanced pointedly at the woman perched above them, and hoped against hope that something about all this was going to work out.


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Character Portrait: The Marked Man Character Portrait: Maya Character Portrait: Ezra Morrow Character Portrait: Ephraim
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Something was going to happen today. Ephraim wasn’t entirely sure what it was, but it was something he was fairly certain was relatively important, and unfortunately that meant he had to get out of the house.

Probably. He was fairly certain that’s what that meant.

Muttering to himself, he slid on the only pair of shoes he’d found, the cracked leather worn and shiny with age. The rough soles felt cool against his feet, and he frowned as he stepped across the creaking whitewashed floorboards. He grunted and kicked off the offending objects before grabbing the worn rucksack he kept by the door. The frayed canvas was of an indiscriminate color, dye faded and dirty beyond recognition. With little ceremony he turned the thing upside down, shaking out its contents before zipping it up sliding it, empty, onto his back. Pausing a moment to ensure he forgot nothing, Ephraim scrambled through planks of the boarded up bay window, paying the glass that crunched beneath his bare feet little heed as he hoisted himself through the threshold. On the other side, his feet padded softly against hard-packed red dirt.

After an hour or so of wandering he found himself in what appeared to have once been a small cluster of decrepit outbuildings, much like those found on farms. Farms that had been uninhabited for thirty years. Places like this were ideal for scavenging—Hell was kind enough to provide some materials to its inhabitants, though the condition you found them in always left something to be desired. Already his bag lay heavy against his back, pieces of scrap metal and a ragged men’s work shirt taking up a fair amount of room. He could find uses for the the scrap later, he imagined, or he could trade it, and the shirt’s shoulders looked narrow enough that he might be able to wear it. The holes made him pause, though—perhaps it would make better bedding. He’d just taken off his backpack to add a hairbrush (the soft bristles were bent and dusty and the embossed silver of the handle was tarnished, but he thought it was nice) when he heard the running of feet. A huge dust cloud was quickly descending upon the area, and at its head he saw, to his horror, what almost certainly had to be a Raker. Someone else, too, but he doubted they would last long.

Scrambling, he tried to close the zipper on his bag, growling in frustration as it snagged on the fraying threads. Panic was already setting in and he left it, taking off in a sprint. Normally in a situation such as this he would spread his wings and try to get to higher ground, but he doubted any of the surrounding buildings’ roofs would hold his weight and his wings badly needed maintenance—he highly doubted to amount of dirty and damaged feathers would allow him to consistently keep both out of reach and moving fast enough that the Raker would tire before he would. His animal instincts kicked in and he started for the nearest building, a small, drab affair with a collapsed roof. He figured it would do in a pinch, and the sooner he could get into shelter, the sooner he could hide. Hide, and hope that the other poor soul was enough to satisfy.

He had nearly made it to the shed when he realized the noise of the chase had ended; not only that, there were also no sounds of organs being ripped violently from anyone’s chest. Unfortunately, in his moment of hesitation he faltered just enough that when his foot caught on one of the many pieces of garbage littering the uneven terrain he felt to the ground, immediately regretting the shout of surprise accompanying the tumble.

From somewhere behind the very same structure he’d been running for came a screech that made his blood run cold. Cursing, he scooted around enough to see what had tripped him. The darkly finished chair leg appeared to have some heft to it, and even if it didn’t, the bent nails sticking from the top looked as if they were sharp. Makeshift weapon in hand he clambered to his feet, making a mad dash for a squat building not too far from where he stood. What had become of the Raker’s previous prey was beyond him, but, as he approached the building and (presumed) safety, he found he really didn’t care. It wasn’t until he was upon the building and scrabbling over what broken planks remained of a back door that he wondered what in the world had possessed him, thinking that enclosing himself in an unfamiliar building was the best way to shake this thing.

It wasn’t as if they couldn’t use doors, and now he was going to be cornered. Stuck between a wall and painful, agonizing death. There were few ways that this could have been a poorer strategic decision. In fact, the only way he could feasibly imagine it being much worse was to have walked in on a meeting between three other demons. Well—he noted with relief—one demon and two meatsacks. A little easier to handle, but still more than Ephraim could possibly hope to overtake on his own. For a glimmer of a second he considered trying to jump out the back door again, but he tightened his grip on his chair leg.

He coughed, nervously eying what felt like a very open entryway into the building. He inched away from the way he had come through. “Safe passage?” he asked hesitantly, coughing on the dust he’d raised. He surveyed the three and bit his lip, not expecting stellar results.

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Character Portrait: The Marked Man Character Portrait: Maya Character Portrait: Ezra Morrow Character Portrait: Ephraim
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#, as written by Cypher
[Posted in the wrong location again]


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Character Portrait: The Marked Man Character Portrait: Maya Character Portrait: Ezra Morrow Character Portrait: Ephraim
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#, as written by Cypher
Somewhere, deep inside the annals of his faded, time-ravaged memory, a phrase dug its way to the surface of the Marked Man's mind - 'Trouble always travels in threes.'

The first two had been there prior to his arrival. It was more than obvious that the first was the young man who stood before him, the nervous-looking one in the suit, with his hands obscured from view. Ezra, his name was - a Biblical name, an Old Testament one, although passages from the chapter didn't come to him at the time. He spoke well enough, keeping himself calm and composed, although obviously nervous.

Perhaps it was the two foot long kukri staring him in the face.

The Marked One had just begun to return his kukri to its sheath when he suddenly realized that Ezra was pointing. The knife went back to Ezra's throat as the man followed his hand upwards, into the ruined rafters of the building. Bloodshot eyes traced across the interlocked wooden girders, pupils darting from one place to the next, searching for the subject of Ezra's observations. Eventualy, his eyes settled upon the disturbance. There, nestled in the rafters, looking for all the world like the picture of earthly beauty and sloth, was a woman. Her red hair dangled low, through the ceiling, like...

Old Man's Beard in the sunset -

The man, however, wasn't about to be fooled by her physical charms. His eyes narrowed, and he wrapped his hand around his second kukri, keeping it holstered for now. "You, consort of the dark one." His voice had taken on a certain authority now; not otherworldly, by any measure, rather that of a practiced orator. Booming, enunciated, almost threatening - even to those it wasn't directed at. "You will leave this place and cause no disturbance, or it will not be the flesh of the damned you pleasure yourself with this night, but the final sleep of cold steel upon your throat."

At that precise moment, a dustpile blew into the room through an unseen back door. The man released a wordless cry of surprise and rage, his free hand raising over his shoulder and hurling the unsheathed kukri in his direction. There was a dull thwom-thwom-thwom sound as the heavy knife somersaulted lazily through the air, then a decisive qwop sound as it embedded in the remains of the back doorframe, close enough to the dustpile's body to be threatening but not enough to actually hit him - rather, it had been designed to buy him time.

Time enough to draw the low-slung pistol on his belt.

Which was now pointed at the dustpile. The other kukri was facing the succubus.

The Marked Man's eyes - his most dangerous weapon - were glaring into Ezra's, daring him to make a move. Without averting his gaze, he shouted purposefully: "Every armed being in this building will cease to be so immediately, lest they want to try their hands at single combat. And I make a promise here - only one of us will be walking away." He scowled, slightly.

"Everyone. Drop them. Now. And you, Jezebel. Down from the rafters. Stand with us a while, let us have a friendly conversation."

The tone of his voice implied anything but friendliness.


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Character Portrait: The Marked Man Character Portrait: Maya Character Portrait: Ezra Morrow Character Portrait: Ephraim Character Portrait: Nova
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A heart. It wasn't like any heart he had ever seen. This one was black and twisted, oozing treacly blood. It's one-time host lay at the Fallen's feet, it's head a couple of feet away from it's body. The sand around the Fallen was wet with the black blood of the demon, and even his cloths was splotched in the vile liquid. A large spot situated under his eye, yet the Fallen didn't seem to notice, nor care. He was too busy examining his prize. Turning the heart over in his hand, he remembered something he was told in heaven a long, long time ago. Demon's had to eat the hearts of their brethren to rise in the ranks of Hell. His lips curled in disgust and he spit in defiance. Was he really going to have to eat this cursed thing?

The Fallen sighed and his shoulders dropped. However much he hated it, was disgusted by it, he would have to do it. That was a rule of Hell, and which of he was now a citizen of. He might as well become a good citizen and display some sort of ambition. He sighed and brought the heart up to his mouth. Hesitating for a moment, he bit into the organ like one would bite into an apple. The black blood further smeared on his face and lips, with what liquid still remained in the organ dripping down onto his monochrome clothing.

The taste was... Not unpleasant. While indescribable, it wasn't disgusting. If ventured a guess, the Fallen would say that it tasted like... Power. Only a taste though, as the owner of the heart was a worthless peon who believed he could take a Fallen on in combat. While his powers may have been depleted he was not weak in the slightest. But the heart. The Fallen found himself wondering if the more powerful demon hearts had a more potent taste. As he swallowed the infernal tissue, he could feel the strength enter his limbs. It wasn't much strength, much like itch in his veins, and soon the feeling was gone. But the memory of the feeling was still there and it felt good.

Greedily, he finished the heart in mere seconds, desperately searching for the same itch, trying to wring every last ounce of strength out of the petty little organ. The only thing that remained was the blood smeared on his lips and his clothes. There were nothing else to be gained from it, and it made the Fallen irritated. He needed more hearts. He needed power, he needed the strength. He gave his sword a hard jerk, expelling the blood that still lingered on his blade, and left. Searching for more hearts to devour to satiate his own greedy heart.

After wandering what felt like hours without a single other demon in sight, the Fallen was becoming agitated. Hell was supposed to be crawling with evil men and terrible demons and the only one he had met was that one unfortunate to have his head separated from his body. His eyelids were beginning to drop, and his now clean lips (Some inherent infernal magic apparently) was set in a deep scowl. The fact that he had managed to be caught in a forsaken sandstorm didn't help matters. The Fallen's eyes drifted up, and noticed that the dusty clouds had shifted enough for him to catch a glimpse of the sun. A blood red thing just hanging in the sky. It was... Intoxicating, and to the Fallen angel, the most beautiful thing in this cesspool of Hell. He didn't see the buildings in the near distance. But he did manage to find the ground.

Suddenly, the Fallen went from looking to the sky and blood sun, to the dusty ground in seconds. He pulled his face out of the sand, his eyebrows furrowed in irritation. He had tripped on something. He rolled over and looked to his feet. It was a... Backpack? What was a backpack doing in the middle of nowhere? Curiosity took hold, much like her did the bag. It was still partially open and inside he could see scraps of iron and clothing in the bag. He wondered who would have left it. Either way, it was of some value, for it was in a backpack. The Fallen fiddled with the zipper himself, and zipped it completely. He may need to trade it for something later down the line. He slipped it on his back, he heard a piercing scream. A scream that only meant one thing.

A demon.

A wicked grin curled his lips. Another heart. His pace quickened and his sword rested on his shoulder, hunting for the owner of the screech. It was near the cluster of houses he had glanced over earlier. As he approached the house, the owner seemed to all but had disappeared. The fallen stopped and surveyed the area in front of him as the dust cloud began to settle. Nothing but houses. He didn't even hear anything. At least not at first.

Another screech pierced the infernal air, and this time it was closer... Too close. The Fallen's wings went taut and flapped, sending the man forward and out of the sharp talons of the demon. Then, one wing went stiff as the other flapped, bringing the fallen about face. Finally, the Fallen had a good view of his prey. And what a view it was. A large creature, almost humanoid in nature. Barring the impressive amounts of sharp objects studding it, anyway. It almost made the Fallen's black blade look silly in comparison.

He sighed, this wasn't going to be as easy as the last demon he fought.. But the creature's delicious heart ought to make up for that. He grinned and licked his lips in anticipation. The Fallen angled his blade at the beast and awaited it's next move.

He didn't have to wait long, as the Raker lunged, all of it's sharp talons and blades looking to pincushion the former angel. His eyes widened in surprise at the sudden intensity and angled his blade to guard against some of the blades, and used what little infernal magic he had to throw up a black shield in front of him. While the blades did not penetrate, the force was still there and viciously threw the Fallen backward and through a nearby house. The weak wall collapsed under his weight and he didn't stop until he was in what was once the living room.

His head was spinning, but he got to his feet anyway and started forward. That was when he noticed he wasn't alone in the house. Others were there too, in various stages of distrust. He even saw a gun being pointed at another winged being. But these were not his prey. He was outside. The Fallen strode forward and said, "Do not interfere," in a low melodic, almost musical and foreboding voice, "For it's bleeding heart is mine."

With that, he strode out of the house in the same hole he had entered in and faced off with the Raker. His wings began to beat, cleaning the dust off of himself as he approached the infernal being. His sword was pointing menacingly at the beast, and his other hand was enveloped in a black flame. He said only one word to the being before they charged each other.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Marked Man Character Portrait: Maya Character Portrait: Ephraim Character Portrait: Nova
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"You, consort of the dark one."

"You flatter me, dear thing."

Unless the banker whose life she drained the previous week counted as a "dark one" (he did have a remarkable mass of stubble on his jaw, come to think of it), she was sure this... mummy man was mistaking her for a creature of higher importance. What a silly, flighty little creature, storming the place with glinting weapons and a terribly unsociable attitude. The response from her was a low mutter--potentially unheard, as she had turned her nose again into her arms. It seemed as if she would remain stagnant then, and she very well may have, had there not been one more intruder to her temporary domain.

"Safe passage?" he had coughed.

Noise, noise, NOISE. How very irritating. The hungriest of demons must have been heavily sick in the nostrils to let all these lost morsels wander into this far. "Four is such a crowd... but I am nothing, I suppose, if not an entertainer."
True to her word, Maya slipped from her haughty spot above their heads, as the mummy had demanded. Had she not already been identified as a demonic temptress, the silent landing would likely have betrayed her. The faint smell of blood perked her interest, and she preened as she searched carefully for the source, scooping what must have been buckets of hair over her shoulders. While she did, she noted one in their company was equipped with funny instruments on his back... ah. One of those ones formerly from the upper-upper world. Nonetheless, she situated herself nearest to Mister Safe Passage, oooh, that was a double entendre of a sort, wasn't it? perhaps with hopes to leap onto him for a piggyback out of the situation that, in all probability, could turn very sour, very fast.

Which was good, because the spot on which she stood for just a moment was victim to the grinding from the buttocks of yet another visitor, barreling backwards through the walls and departing just as quickly.

... She puckered her lips a little, then continued speaking as if she had no reason to cease: "Though that one--" she paused to look directly, demurely at the Marked Man; sparing what would have been a gentle smile, were it between cheeks better speckled with a living woman's blush-- "will draw even more of a less friendly ilk if he doesn't see to that wound on his chest. Wouldn't you, love?"

There is at least one benefit to being a regular in hell's maws; one tends to get quite used to surprises.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Marked Man Character Portrait: Maya Character Portrait: Ezra Morrow Character Portrait: Ephraim Character Portrait: Nova
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He had to admit, although "unpleasant" and "confusing" were both adjectives that had applied to his existence since his arrival, one adjective that Ezra could not apply to this wretched place was "boring." He'd never been a man for entertainment accompanied by the word "thrill," unless the word "cheap" had been scrawled in front of it, but that was exactly what he was getting here. Why, in the last five minutes, he'd gone from perfectly obscure and grateful about it (a thought that had come a trifle too soon) to surrounded by possible foes. Stumbling into one had been bad enough--the two that had fallen into his lap since his entrance into the shack were far too much, and Ezra could not believe his luck.

He was getting a feel for what had and had not ever been human, though, and that was giving him some measure of confidence. Although the woman's gaunt features and taut, sallow skin betrayed her, the former moneylender was surprised to find that he was quite sure the newcomer was a demon as well. Something about the way he held himself, hunched and guarded, like a didn't feel human, and Ezra was well aware that it was safer to assume he wasn't.

And then the madman had drawn a pistol to point at the demon who'd entered, and the woman had attempted to banter with him, and there was still a knife at his throat, all things which did not, as far as Ezra was concerned, lend to a pleasant and peaceful day in Hell.

As if that hadn't been enough, shortly thereafter, the wall behind him caved in. Oh, happy day!

Had Ezra commanded half the sense as a dead man that he had in life, he might have used the tumbling wall as a distraction to remove himself from the situation. Trapped between a mad man, one known demon, one prospective demon, and a battle between a winged beast and a bladed ball of death, escape would have been the best course of action. He had not, however, gotten a feel for just how this "sense" thing worked here in Hell, and making himself easy pray for the...thing engaged in combat outside did not exactly sound like the hallmark of keen survival instinct.

Had Ezra commanded less than half the glands controlling his bodily functions, he might have been a much less fortunate individual altogether. Warm, for a moment, but certainly not a scent for sore noses. He was glad this wasn't the case.

Hysterically, he wondered if it might have meant a demon could not cross the front of his lower half, remembering what the madman had done earlier. He clutched the switchblade in his pocket as though it was a safety blanket, his thumb on the mechanism in case it became prudent to use it. Not for the first time, he found himself spitting curses under his breath; how had he ended up here? This wasn't fair. What had he done to deserve this?

(Assuming, he supposed, that the church choir boy in the tenth grade didn't count. He didn't think that warranted having one's heart ripped out and eaten by monsters that, when they deigned, wore human faces.)

But he tried his best to look composed, doing a decent job. "I think," he said quietly, his face stony white, "that your little magic trick on the door may be somewhat moot." This might have been a smooth comment, had his voice not broken in the middle. Oh God. He was going to die here, again, in the Sandlot, surrounded by a harlot, a madman, and--whatever the his side was.

It cannot be said that the common Raker is most cowardly of beasts known to demonkind, if only because Hell is full to the brim with cowards, making that title something of a weighty contest. However, the Raker now face to face with the Fallen angel was especially ineligible for the title, being of a proud and healthy make. It had not been the firstborn son of its clan, but it had been stronger when it came to the Sandlot than the child its mother sought to raise. For one silent second, the creature lowered its revoltingly stretched torso low to the ground, tightly shut eyes pointed up at the former angel, drinking him in.

There was pain in this one, as there was in any angel freshly Felled, although this was the first the Raker had encountered. He drank in the sensation, a burning emptiness like no pain any creature could inflict--physically, anyway. He felt it, and tasted it, and breathed it, and finally, consumed it, allowing it to wash over the darkest places of his heart before stowing it away for later use. Or present use. Perhaps the angel would like a taste of home before he died.

The flying creature before him issued just one warning. "Come."

The ensuing shriek rattled the paper-thin tops of settled glass panes. Not far, he could hear the pained shudder of new blood. A damned soul--the Raker tasted the pain that washed over him, and shivered in delight. That would flavor his attack on the angel nicely.

The standoff could not last forever, though, and the fresh blood a ways off smelled delicious. The Raker had never tasted an angel's heart before, either; perhaps today would be full of pleasant surprises. With a concerted effort, he dredged up the pain that he'd swallowed a moment before, and transferred it to the forefront of the angel's mind--the pain of a Fall.

Confident that would be enough to slow his opponent, he lunged.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Marked Man Character Portrait: Maya Character Portrait: Ezra Morrow Character Portrait: Ephraim
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#, as written by Cypher
The pressure-cooker of a shack was rapidly coming to a head. No sooner had the Marked Man loosed his kukri than the wall next to it came crashing inward in a whirlwind of dust and bodies. Another Fallen was in the room for a split second, then gone again. Outside was a Raker; no doubt the same one that had followed the Marked Man across the dunes. He supposed he should be grateful for the distraction. He wasn't; at best the beast would be distracted only for a moment before it retreated, tried to run from this new combatant, possibly its superior in this realm.

The Marked Man realized, with sudden certainty, that if he wanted to continue his meager existence it was time to go. He cast his eyes at the succubus, squinting, then very slowly dropped the machete pointed at the Gregori. He sidestepped to the doorframe and retrieved his kukri, which had been jarred loose when the Fallen smashed through the wall nearby. "Although I am loath to admit it," he intoned, sheathing both of the kukri on his back and lowering the pistol to his side, "the bitch is correct. If I remain here with this wound, I will only draw more attention."

He looked suddenly at the newcomer to the realm, Ezra. He was green enough that the dust hadn't even had time to settle into his funeral garb yet. A few moments of scrutiny passed, then: "I am going." Stepping towards the front doorframe, the Marked Man withdrew from his medicine pouch a small bundle of wormwood and a slightly larger one of basil leaves. He selected a few leaves of each, wrapping the small bundle in a rag and jamming it into a censer he produced from another pocket. Carefully poking his head outside, he searched for another building. The amount of herbs in the censer would be sufficient protection for a matter of minutes - two, perhaps three if he was incredibly quick and/or lucky - but past that he would be stranded in the open Sandlot, with an angry Raker nearby.

Hopefully he wouldn't have to deal with that situation.

The sounds of battle out back were growing more fierce, and the man feared if he waited any longer. He pointed out the window and then selected the building closest to the one his finger stopped upon. He threw a glance over his shoulder, straight at Ezra, and then at the others. A quick, jagged edge of pain shot down his chest wound, focusing him. "I will not remain any longer. Accompany me if you wish."

A lighter was raised, then, and the censer started to smoke, smelling of burning herbs. Twirling the censer before him like a medieval flail, the Marked Man took off at a diligent pace down the road, his head low, the smoke engulfing him. He said nothing, but his mind reeled with chants and silent prayers to whomever was listening that his journey, however short, would end at his preferred destination.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maya
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"Hmp!" was the noise emitted from her pursed lips--something of a baby chuckle. She did love it when she was right. She may have even looked smug, were she not busying herself with the search for an escape route; far from the one with the bandages, if possible. He seemed like one of those with a most unkind disposition, sharp of tongue and with matching weaponry in hand, and she would not test her luck with him today.

"I am going," he'd been saying, with a sidelong glance toward one of the others.

"Good. And while I doubt you men would be interested in any safe haven I have to offer...." Maya's words trailed into a whisper as an increasing amount of white grew around her red pupils. Oh, there certainly was a scowl to grace her features, only furthered when she caught sight of the Marked Man reaching for his medicine pouch. She was a different creature then--reeling and arching forward at the torso, pretty face crumpling like paper as she bared her teeth. Her parting words consisted of a loud, offended hiss. Though succubus fled the shack (which was drastically unfair because she was there first), the vile... oddly familiar smell managed to catch up to her. Even a small whiff of it had her nails clutching her stomach and stumbling slightly. Armed or not, that man deserved to have his throat split into two for such an act. Would a warning have been beyond his power?

She stopped only briefly to rest and observe her surroundings, to make sure she was not being followed, and not walking into a pit of rakers. Maya knew the area, luckily, and chose less heavily trafficked roads, narrow and bristling with brambles long dead. She held back heaving breaths and slouching postures, but moved slowly as a means of minor recuperation. While she did not want any demon noting her moment of weakness and barreling on over, she did not want to exhaust herself into inanimation. Her spectacled, platonic love have his one single feeling crushed. Well, him and those mortals she's yet to suck dry.