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Sol vs Heart: A Story of Xanth

Sol vs Heart: A Story of Xanth


Set in the comical and exciting land of Xanth created by author Piers Anthony, this tale follows the events created by two rival factions fighting for the now empty throne of Xanth.

1,647 readers have visited Sol vs Heart: A Story of Xanth since Leocedus created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


World of Xanth

Inhabitants and Talents

Each human character in Xanth is born with a unique magical ability, called a talent. With the exception of the curse fiends, these abilities never repeat exactly in individuals throughout the entire history of Xanth (although nearly identical talents show up on occasion.) Though many talents are limited in scope (called the "spot-on-a-wall" variety), the higher levels focuse mainly on individuals with "Magician" caliber abilities (one of the criteria for serving as King of Xanth).

In addition to the human characters, Xanth is populated by centaurs, demons, dragons, fauns, gargoyles, goblins, golems, harpies, merfolk, naga, nymphs, ogres, zombies, curse fiends, and other fictional beasts. Though initially introduced as obstacles to the human characters, some individuals from those groups become main characters in later history.

As time progressed, some of the half-human species were discovered to have the potential to possess magical talents. The centaurs of the primary centaur community, Centaur Isle, exile any centaurs who demonstrate a magical talent (although some centaur communities are more lenient about possession of talent); however, they tolerate talents in "lesser" races such as humans. Goblins and harpies are shown to have the potential to possess half-talents, the complementary half existing in a member of the other species, (i.e., a goblin must team with a harpy for them to utilize their talent); the hostility between goblins and harpies proved a major obstacle to any serious effort by them to work together to develop these potential talents. Other non-human species are also shown to possess potential for talents.


Geographically, modern Xanth resembles the state of Florida in the United States in shape, but has landmarks that mimic well known geographical features from around the world. One major example of this is the Gap Chasm, an enormous canyon a mile wide which completely bisects the country, which parallels the DMZ of the Korean Peninsula. The position of the Chasm could also correspond with the Cross Florida Barge Canal, which, similar to the chasm, is generally forgotten except for those who stumble upon it. The Gap is guarded by a resident dragon, known as Stanley Steamer, and is crossed by means of treacherous bridges. Many of Xanth's other geographical features are puns on those of Florida (for example, Lake Ogre-Chobee and the Kiss-Mee River). The Florida Keys also exist, though they are, in Xanth, actual keys. Other punnish features include the Isle of View ("I love you"), Mount Ever-Rest (Mount Everest) and the Centaur Aisle created by a magician from the Centaur Isle. The moon is close enough that flying creatures may land there; the back side is sweet and honeyish, the visible side has turned sour and become curdled cheese, due to observing what has happened on Earth and Xanth. Plants may bear fruit of all descriptions (pie trees and shoe trees are common) or they may be carnivorous (such as the tangle trees), making travel in Xanth risky.

Xanth has a connection with the normal world, which is referred to as "Mundania," its people are called "Mundanes". Although any citizen of Xanth can enter Mundania at any time through an isthmus in the northwest, Mundanes enter the isthmus in Xanth from random geographic locations and time periods throughout history. In other words, Xanth does not seem to be a fixed location or time in the mundane world; and the timeline between Xanth and Mundania seems to jump backwards and forwards. For example, within the lifetime of a normal citizen of Xanth, an American Mundane from 2012 could walk across the isthmus as well as an Egyptian Mundane from 3,000 B.C.; however, Mundanes seem to have trouble finding Xanth on a consistent basis, making any travel to Xanth a somewhat rare occurrence. Despite these seeming difficulties, Xanth was colonized in several waves by groups of invaders and nomads from Mundania over the course of several centuries. The series ties these colonization events to actual historical events on Earth, most notably the Punic wars.

Adult Conspiracy
The Adult Conspiracy is one of the prominent features of the Xanth world. Nearly all children are kept unaware tot the Conspiracy and its effects, particularly those towns in which the main populace are children.

At its core, the Adult Conspiracy seeks to protect children from knowledge that could bring them to great harm. The precise age for entering into the world of adults is age 18, corresponding to the age of majority in most places. The primary principle that inducts children into the Conspiracy is the understanding of the secret of "summoning the stork". In Xanthian terms, "summoning the stork" literally means to put out a call to summon a stork which will deliver to the couple a child. In Isle of View, it is revealed that summoning the stork will release an "ellipsis" (...) into the air to fly off to the stork. This is a play on the joke that all the "adult" things happen after a paragraph ends in an ellipsis. Most inductees actually discover the specifics of the act "by accident" after marriage, or under the influence of a love spring (a magical spring which causes two drinkers, not necessarily human, or even of the same species, to fall madly, and lustfully, in love with one another at first sight).

Other faculties of the Adult Conspiracy include:

Censorship of foul language – All foul words contain the ability to cause various effects (the wilting of plants (negative), removal of curse burrs (positive), etc.). These are automatically bleeped when said in the presence of someone who has yet to be inducted.(Literately, a bleed sound will occur)
Visual access to underwear – Because underwear is so closely tied to sexuality (even more so than nudity in Xanth), men become automatically "freaked out" when they view panties. This is made a common joke, and is often used by women to gain advantage over men. Panties only carry their effects when worn, but because of their nature, they are forbidden to be shown to children.
Inability to have childish fun – Children believe that once they join the Adult Conspiracy, they will no longer have pillow fights, eat sweets and drink "tsoda popka" (soda pop), or want to have fun. While this belief is exaggerated, the entry to the Conspiracy does cause the couple to lose their bed monster(an actual existent creature that adults cannot see or hear, or even remember), inadvertently creating the appearance of losing all childhood spirit under the responsibility of Adulthood.
It is important to note that there have been occasions when children gained access to the Adult Conspiracy prematurely. Jenny Elf, Che Centaur, and Gwenny Goblin had to be given access to the Adult Conspiracy when Gwenny received a pair of contact lenses that corrected her poor eyesight while giving her the ability to see others' dreams (some of which could contain Conspiracy material). In one rare instance, a little girl was born with the magic talent of immunity to the magical censorship of Adult Conspiracy, causing her family much distress. This was remedied with magician Sherlock's talent of reversal and a vial of lethe water which erased her memory.

Whenever Xanth characters visit the nonmagical land outside of Xanth, called Mundania, its natives (Mundanes) speak what sounds like gibberish to the Xanth characters. The gibberish can be translated by a simple replacement cipher, depending on the Mundane language being spoken. Often, the language is a simple shift in the alphabet, a letter or two forwards or backwards. For example, the word "What?" is the Xanthan translation of "Xibu?" (one letter after, when Mundanes speak modern English), "Vgzs?" (one letter before, in the language spoken by King Oary in Centaur Aisle), or "Yjcv?" (two letters after, spoken by the Avars, also in Centaur Aisle).

Curse fiends
Curse fiends are one of the earlier races in Xanth and are known for their talent to throw curses at their enemies. They are believed to be the primary cause of several different settings in Xanth: 1) the land of Air, 2) the land of Earth, 3) the land of Fire, 4) the land of Water (also called the Water Wing), and 5) the Void.

The curse fiends in the present day Xanth stay close to their own community where they put on plays. Because of this, they are widely known for their acting skills.

They call themselves Curse Friends.

Toggle Rules

1: Try to be as descriptive as you can in your posts, and use proper punctuation and grammar, and all that good stuff.

2: No godmodding, metagaming, autohit or any of that stuff that makes rping not fun.

3:Respect is a must.

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Xanth by Leocedus


Northern Xanth

Northern Xanth by Leocedus

Located on the northern side of the Great Gap, this area is the starting point for anyone entering Xanth from another land, and is controlled by the Heart Foundation.

Southern Xanth

Southern Xanth by Leocedus

Located South of the Great Gap, this area is the more dangerous and mysterious side of Xanth, and is the home of the Sol Society.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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#, as written by Pika
Kate yawned as she rose from the green plains she scratched her arm. "Sometimes i hate grass..." she said standing up and searching around for her sword her rubber bands broke as her pigtails were now not in place and her hair was staright he sighed in annoyance but continued to search "i can worry about my hait later i just need my sword! " Kate growled she hated when her sword was misisng and hated grass since the only place she could sleep wss here is was a bumer.

The setting changes from Xanth to Northern Xanth


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Character Portrait: Raven Summers
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"Stop him! Run faster you idiots!" The guard yelling at his lower ranking defenders was obviously in rage at the fact they could not keep up with their target. The heavily armored guards were no where near agile enough to climb the village houses like their quarry. As the one they were chasing clambered to the top of a shingled roof, one of the guards opened his mouth to use his own talent against the man high above them.

Jaden had just gotten up the wall he had been climbing to escape the village guards when his own talent, which allowed him to know everything within a 15 foot radius around him, signaled that something was flying towards him at high speed. Jumping on all fours a couple feet to his left, the impact of the object sent shingles raining down to the street below. Looking at the object, it was a large mass of meat and flesh. 'So', Jaden thought,'his talent is shooting....meat sacks from his mouth? What kind of talent is that?' Disgusted by the strange talent, Jaden stood up and ran over the rooftop of the small village. This particular little town was the closest one to the entrance of Mundania, but even so it did not see much travel. Lucky enough for him, the guards were poorly trained so he could slip away with ease.

Or so he thought, until he climbed down into the street and had one nearly grab him around them middle. Skirting away from the guard he spread his arms out from his sides and tilted his head in a humorous declaration. "It was only a sweetroll. Cant a guy get some food every once in awhile?" Jaden had to quickly duck out of the way as a large meat sack flew over his head from behind and hit the first guard right in his face, knocking him over. Jaden laughed when he straightened up and ran past the fallen guard. "I guess you can have that steak for yourself then, I'm not so hungry anymore."

Sprinting out of the villages front gate, he made his way into the jungle-like forests that inhabited most of Xanth's countryside. After a few miles Jaden stopped and looked back towards the village. No one was following him, he was sure of that. Catching his breath, he chose a long vine and slung it around a tree to make a hammock, laying down in it and lounging there for a quick rest and light nap.


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Character Portrait: Yuzuki Armanago
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Taking a big whiff of the fresh air Yuzuki smiled. She stared at the rising sun ahead of her. One hand ahead of her, holding the end of the stick her bag of belongings were attached to. Her other hand resting delicately on her blade. Her long dark red hair flowing majestically in the wind behind her. New land, new people, new power. She was here to expirience what this place had to offer and bring gifts to her family. She had a personal goal to become stronger, and she was going to follow that goal. A smirk rose on the Woman's face as she took her first steps into the new land.

Looking around as she walked Yuzuki saw dozens of people working in the nearby fields around her. They looked so content, so happy. She stopped as she spotted one who looked antsy, scared, and shifty. She watched the scared worker stare at the ground below her feet then shriek. From below her a large dune worm erupted swallowing the woman whole and letting out a terrifying roar after wards. Yuzuki Dropped her stick and sack, and pulled her sword from her waist. She listened to the sounds of everyone screaming frantically at the beast.

She charged the beast and it saw her coming, it started to go back under ground. Much faster than Yuzuki could close the gap. So it dissapeared, and Yuzuki could see no movement around her. She panicked and when she felt rumbling. She Pushed herself hard onto her back when the beast launched itself up. It let out a screech and Yuzuki once again stood upright. She just got here she wasnt about to be beaten by some overgrown worm. She gripped her sword and pointed it at the beast.

Yuzuki once again charged the beast, the beast was fast and moved to bite at the woman. She side stepped and stuck her sword in the side of its mouth, and quickly yanked it out. She spun and stuck the sword into the part of the monsters body that was closest to being stuck in teh ground. This yeilded a yell. She yanked the sword out and looked up at the beast. It had already reeled up and was about to swallow her whole. She had a thought and held her sword above her head, blade edge pointed behind her. The monster could not stop its momentum and thus, was cut into two starting from the top of its head. It made no further movements, and Yuzuki struggled to get it off her. With a grunt she finally came out from under it. To be greeted by dozens of workers with smiles on their faces. Cheering at her. She smiled at them all and they started calling out to her. "Thank you stranger! You saved our hides! Here's a basket of bread for your journeys." They cheered and smiled at her.

Yuzuki took the basket and walked through them. She picked up her stuff and sheathed her sword. Held the basket of bread in her sword hand. She smiled at the people. She turned and bowed her head to them."It was my honor to protect you all. I wish you good luck, and a bountiful harvest. Good day. She continued down the road with the yelling of the people behind her. Good, she'd begun to make a name for herself. This should be an interesting time in this land.


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Character Portrait: Jaden
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"Jordan!" Hailey yelled, looking for her demon friend. "I'm right here." The demon said, appearing behind her. Hailey spun around, pulling him into a hug. "Jordan, you jerk." She whispered. Jordan hugged back. "Did you actually think I would leave you like that? I've told you, I wouldn't ever do that..." He said in her hair. "I know, but still." Hailey hugs Jordan tightly. "Come on, let's find a place to rest. You had a long day." Jordan said, walking to the jungle-like forest.


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Character Portrait: Jaden
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After a half hour of resting, Jaden decided it was time to move on. He did not want to run into anyone or anything that might be dangerous. As he got out of his resting place and stood up to leave, he heard a tree fall nearby. It was not in his field of knowledge so he had no idea what was about to come out of the greenery. Crouching down to get ready for an attack, his talent kicks in as a strange round cork shaped creature flies through a tree and stops directly infront of him.

The creature was about as large around as a quarter and was just floating in the air infront of him, having eaten its way through the tree behind it. "Shit!" Rolling to one side, Jaden got out of the way as the creature known as a quartipede,named such because of its size of a quarter around, flew 25 feet straight forwards just as Jaden had dived out of the way. Taking a throwing knife out from his pocket, jaden threw the knife at the creature and speared its backside, peircing it completely through and caused it to fall to the ground dead.

Retrieving his dagger from one of the most notorious creatures in Xanth, next to the Nicklepede and Dimeipede, he counted himself lucky the small worm like thing had not eaten its way through his body. the adrenaline faded as he ran into the forest, making sure to avoid any dangerous plants or animals he sensed along the way. His talent however was limited, and did not tell him the small stream he was about to step into was tainted. Luckily he spotted two small slugs and a few ants that had just crawled out of the river and stayed his foot. The slugs and ants were mating together in a few drops of the steams water.

The stream was obviously one of the natural Love Springs that occured around Xanth, along with its counterpart the Hate Spring. Jumping over the water so he did not become infatuated with the next living thing he saw, he continued on his way down the rough path infront of him which he hoped brought him closer to the next town.

The setting changes from Northern Xanth to Xanth


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Character Portrait: Yuzuki Armanago Character Portrait: Jaden
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#, as written by Pika
"I found-" before she was finished she quickly striked her sword at a bandit who was about to kill her she stabbed him in the throat kill him she rested her heel on his chest ands tuck her tongue out at him. "Where was i oh yea i found my sword!!" She said twirling around in the air. "Off to the.village i need to get some brrsd or im gonna faint! " she said walked out of the field and pulling up her hoodie hiding her face she saw a little villiage which was filled with people. "Mmmm thiz is gonna be harder then i thought..." she said sighing in defeat she climbed a house wall and got on top of the roof juumping from house to house as people pointed at her. She then remember her hair that was blowing in the winx but saw 2 different people one with bread in her hand waving bye it was a female and another male who was catching his breath. "Mmmm" she said

The setting changes from Xanth to Northern Xanth


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Through the forest, Jordan stopped moving and put an arm in front of Hailey to stop her. "Quartpede!" He yelled, grabbing Hailey and diving to the side. "What the?!" Hailey yelled, surprised. They both hit the ground hard as it flies by. "Whoa, close one." They say in unison, sitting up and looking around. "You okay Hailey?" He asked, checking her for any scratches or bruises. Hailey dusts herself off. "Yes, I'm fine," she sighed, standing up and pushing her hair out of her face. "Come on, we need some sleep..." Hailey waits on Jordan and then walks deeper into the forest.

The setting changes from Northern Xanth to Xanth


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Character Portrait: Yuzuki Armanago
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Yuzuki turned back to face the village one last time. She smiled once again as the people went back to work. She turned around stared at the road ahead. She had a real reason for being here. She could feel it. The brother that was born here, born with power. She was told to kill him and take that power, but she would rather converse with him. She shrugged and continued on down the road.

Yuzuki pulled some hair out of her face and pinched some of it in between two fingers. She'd need to cut it soon. It was starting to hinder her battling skills. She dropped it and stared ahead at her path. She stared at the basket of warm bread, and watched the light hit her tan basket. She continued on and walked a few miles in silence. She decided to take a break and drove herself off the rode.

She dropped her sack and stick to her side and turned to lean against the tree. She'd been walking since her home town last night. Resting for a moment wouldnt be to bad. She earned it. She adjusted her armor and got comfortable. She stared ahead, she'd pulled herself off and into a beautiful open plain. She couldn't help but admire the scenery. She was about to let herself rest when she saw something out of the corner of her eye.

Walking towards her she saw a man, with short red hair, a scar under his left eye. Both eyes were a bright red. His body was covered in a suit that can only be described as classical ninja. He stomped toward Yuzuki and frowned. Yuzuki got up quickly and stared at the boy. His face reminded her of his father. She put a hand on the blade at her hip, and stared at her. He stopped a few feet away and spoke in a cold, ruthless voice. "What is your name?" He narrowed his eyes.

Yuzuki froze and frowned at the man. She responded with her name, as she did with any opponent. "Yuzuki Armanago, and you will state your name." Her own voice was proud, and loud. She pulled her blade slightly out of its sheath and added. "Or I will cut it from you."

This brought a laugh from the man. He laughed, leaving Yuzuki perplexed. "Yuzuki...Armanago?" He seemed like he wasnt expecting this, and just when she was expecting an attack he pulled the unexpected. He ran over to her and put his hand on her cheek. She'd let her guard down and he was touching her face, she was about to slash out at him when he spoke. "You are my sister, I have been looking for you. For so very long. Please, come with me. You have to meet your real mother. She'll want to meet you and -" He was about to grab her hand, but she pulled it away. He looked like a heartbroken kid.

Yuzuki stared wide-eyed at him. "My mother is Tatsumi Armanago, she is currently in my home town of Shin-lao. State your REAL name and your purpose for this charade." Her voice was shaky and her hands held an unsteady blade. A bead of sweat ran from her forehead. She was so confused.

He smiled at her apologetically. "You are confused, I understand. You'll understand soon." He made a quick move and with a puff of smoke dissapeared. Yuzuki was about to look around for him, but felt a hand jab the back of her neck. How was it possible, that he moved so fast? Was this the power her father was reffuring to? She fell to her knees, and used only one hand to keep her up. She struggled for a moment sooner and fell onto the ground unconcious. She was picked up by the one who claimed to be her brother, and he began walking towards a nearby town.

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Sol Society

"The throne of Xanth should be held by someone who is smart enough to wield its power. We are the ones who will rule over these lands!"

Heart Foundation

"Those idiots down south are no match for us. Only a righteous king can lead our country to peace!"



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Xanth by Leocedus


Northern Xanth

Northern Xanth by Leocedus

Located on the northern side of the Great Gap, this area is the starting point for anyone entering Xanth from another land, and is controlled by the Heart Foundation.

Southern Xanth

Southern Xanth by Leocedus

Located South of the Great Gap, this area is the more dangerous and mysterious side of Xanth, and is the home of the Sol Society.


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Character Portrait: Yuzuki Armanago
Character Portrait: Hailey Unahwi Votra


Character Portrait: Yuzuki Armanago
Yuzuki Armanago

"Nothing to see here, keep moving. Dont try my patience, you'll lose that gamble"


Character Portrait: Yuzuki Armanago
Yuzuki Armanago

"Nothing to see here, keep moving. Dont try my patience, you'll lose that gamble"

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Character Portrait: Yuzuki Armanago
Yuzuki Armanago

"Nothing to see here, keep moving. Dont try my patience, you'll lose that gamble"

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Xanth by Leocedus


Northern Xanth

Northern Xanth by Leocedus

Located on the northern side of the Great Gap, this area is the starting point for anyone entering Xanth from another land, and is controlled by the Heart Foundation.

Southern Xanth

Southern Xanth by Leocedus

Located South of the Great Gap, this area is the more dangerous and mysterious side of Xanth, and is the home of the Sol Society.

Northern Xanth

Located on the northern side of the Great Gap, this area is the starting point for anyone entering Xanth from another land, and is controlled by the Heart Foundation.

Southern Xanth

Located South of the Great Gap, this area is the more dangerous and mysterious side of Xanth, and is the home of the Sol Society.

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