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A.L.P. 6

*Gurgling noises*

0 · 325 views · located in Solatium Academy/Flux Valley

a character in “Solatium Academy”, as played by PsychoticChrono


Name: A.L.P. 6 (Reasonming behind name cannot be identified.)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Personality: Getting past this abnormal being's appearance it is actually a bashful, kind, and loving person. It can be complicated at times and be a little shy but usually outgoing and friendly to all.
Appearance: Hair: None
Build: Varies but usually a slim and slender figure.
Skin: None (Technically silver.)
Height: 7'0
Weight: Varies but usually is 100 lb.
Voice: Just a lot of gurgling.
Handed: Ambi-dextrous

Armor: Natural armor. (Body is almost like armor plating.)
Casual Clothing: None
Carried items: None
Skills: Fast, strong, naturally born fighter.
Abilities/Powers: Body morphs to whatever it wishes, can become a liquid or a solid.

Weaknesses/ Hatreds and dislikes: Basic weaknesses, nothing in particular. Dislikes are untidy things and anything out of place.

So begins...

A.L.P. 6's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izabel R. Blackwell Character Portrait: Leonardo Bangheart Character Portrait: Demytrix Kora Character Portrait: A.L.P. 6 Character Portrait: Eden F. Blackwell
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Eden hissed softly as she looked at it. She stood up, not daring to approach it. "Who, or what are you.?" She narrowed her eyes.

Demytrix ran as fast as she possibly could. "Hey! Slow down!," She tripped and rolled to him. She grabbed his arm. "Dont..." She was still catching her breathe. "Run away from me like that please." Her eyes begged him to not run as she didnt want to get in trouble.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izabel R. Blackwell Character Portrait: Kamoku Kyoukan Character Portrait: Leonardo Bangheart Character Portrait: Demytrix Kora Character Portrait: A.L.P. 6 Character Portrait: Eden F. Blackwell
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A.L.P. 6

The form only made a few gurgling noises before it's neck extended and it's head just moved around her, examining for a few moments before it returned to normal and then just turned around. It had already lost interest and began walking around in the area, it's formed shifting occasionally like it's arms or torso morphing slightly.


He stopped and as his arm was grabbed and trying to get released he broke free and then picked her up and placed her on her feet, having to put in little effort just showed his abnormal strength.

"Sister are you okay?" Tilting his head with a concerned look.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izabel R. Blackwell Character Portrait: Leonardo Bangheart Character Portrait: Demytrix Kora Character Portrait: A.L.P. 6 Character Portrait: Eden F. Blackwell
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Eden narrowed her eyes more. "Dah Fuck..." is all she said. She shivered once again.

Demytrix face palmed and looked at him. "I'm not your sister." She tilted her head. She shrugged and hugged him softly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Melancholy Epodyno-Thanato III Character Portrait: Kamoku Kyoukan Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Ruin Hailinx Character Portrait: Wyrl Sakiyama Character Portrait: Demytrix Kora
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Ruin Hailinx

He was unsure what to do, he wanted the people out but he didn't want to cause any trouble.

"What will I do...I guess I have no choice but to get them out." Looking down with a disappointed and somewhat frightened look, his barrier shifted slightly as he stood up inside it. Turning back to the cave something had changed in him, all of the sudden he actually wanted to fight, it felt like he needed too but as soon as he tried not to he lost control. His eyes began glowing a faint white and the barrier began closing and cracking, as if it was separating. Soon it had clenched his body and functioned like a sort of stone armor that covered every inch of him except his eyes.

"Your reckless wandering and intruding will be payed for." Reaching to the left with his right hand, he lashed his arm straight out, a stone blade in his hand now while multiple small rock spikes trailed in the direction of his arm upon whipping it. Beginning to run towards Sarah, holding the blade with both hands to his side he had kicked off the ground and sung the sword downward at her.


He was puzzled at first when the stranger had hid behind the other person by them and before being able to react he was hugged by his "sister", looking to her and smiling.

"These guys are funny." Laughing playfully and then walking away from her and over to the others, tilting his head as he just watched them silently his pupils quickly shrank and a light fog came from inside the gauntlets.

"W-what's happen-" Falling to his knees in pain, his eyes began glowing a faint white. Clenching his fists, the gauntlets made a few strange noises before they started dissolving and showing that they were hollow inside all of the sudden, whatever it was he did the gauntlets were disintegrated. Looking up as a strange mist surrounded his hands and his grin was wicked, he slowly opened his mouth keeping the same facial expression but once wide open a ball of energy formed within his mouth, charging for a moment and then discharging into a grey and white beam aimed for the two.

A.L.P. 6

Overhearing them it's body spun backwards and then his head followed a few seconds after, it was looking right at Eden before it's head tilted to the side and it just stood there like a statue, it felt nothing and had no clue what to do. Making some strange gurgling noises it's fingertips shifted into a claw-like form, it was beginning to feel threatened even though nothing had really happened and occasionally it's body vibrated lightly with small spikes coming out of it but then going right back it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izabel R. Blackwell Character Portrait: Kaoz Bloodred Character Portrait: William Brion Character Portrait: Divina Magia Magnus Character Portrait: A.L.P. 6 Character Portrait: Eden F. Blackwell
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Izzy froze, but soon the air started popping around her as static built up and up around her. The air was being heated greatly and ionized, causing plasma-electricity to faintly form around her. She held her hands in front of her, palms extended towards the 'robot' as she guessed it was.
"Wan't to dance?"

Kaoz stared at William, dumbstruck.
"How could you...?"

Div cut her off.
"Kaoz, it's okay." He looked to Will. "Okay, easy way? A Caster is a mystical and supernatural being with ability to use magic, known as casting." He looked at him with a harder stare. "But, as always, there's more to it.
Usually, a Caster is able to choose whether he or she wants to become Light, good, or Dark, evil, depending on the person's own given nature and personality. However, there's a legend about a family of Casters that disrupted the Order of Things, blah blah blah... Basically, since my family foolishly married into a family that married into that family... Ravenwood, Duchannes, Fay and Magnus... Maybe more, I'm not sure. But we're all cursed. I can't choose whether I'm Light or Dark... Yeah. Casters. Anyway, a Caster has the basic ability to cast spells and to perform rituals. But every Caster can develop a specific kind or form of ability, which will determine his or her's own personality. There's also Dark and Light specific types. Like, for example... A Natural is one of the most powerful Casters in the world. Rare. A Natural would be a Natural until it turns light or Dark. Light, still a Natural... Dark, a Cataclyst. Yep. Pure evil." He stopped talking.
"That answers your question. Now I bet your next one is, what's with the book...?"

Kaoz gently pushed him.
"Enough talking Div. Gosh, the book... Well, if I'm right this book is a Locus Map Libro, Scriptum de in Labyrinthus. Translated literally it means Location Map Book, Written from the Labyrinth. Or, Location Map Book, Script in the Labyrinth... Or, Location Map Book, Scripted in/from the Labyrinth. I think you get the point. This is appearently a map book of The Labyrinth. From Greek mythology? Casters have something similar, called the Tunnels. Most believe the Tunnels is a small part of The Labyrinth..." She sat down, she had just confused herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izabel R. Blackwell Character Portrait: A.L.P. 6 Character Portrait: Eden F. Blackwell
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Eden grabbed her sister. "Calm down..." Was all she said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izabel R. Blackwell Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: A.L.P. 6 Character Portrait: Eden F. Blackwell
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A.L.P. 6

The being was confused all of the sudden when the girl started using her powers and then even more confused when the other girl had stopped her. It's claws going away, it stood there with a tilted head without moving like before. Suddenly multiple arms shot out from it's body, all of them flying towards Eden but then all of them stopping a foot from her, the hands opening and white circles that looked like it's eyes coming out of the palms. They were inspecting her and once done they all retracted, it's body "ragdolling" as arms whipped back into it's body and then it slowly walked up to her and held out it's hand, a small silver cube coming out of it's hand, hoping she would take it.

Raven Farcri

It had been some time since she had left the bridge and went to a bench somewhere within the Academy walls, she was asleep on it with an open book called "Vampires Volume III". Multiple bookmarks with side notes on them put between certain pages and it seemed all the other creature books she had were marked with them as well. Yawning she slowly opened her eyes and sat up.

"What a pain, why didn't I get a room?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izabel R. Blackwell Character Portrait: A.L.P. 6 Character Portrait: Eden F. Blackwell
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Eden just looked at the small cube and then at the being. "What?" She took it from him gently and examined it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izabel R. Blackwell Character Portrait: Cuero Embrera Eldamore Character Portrait: Ruin Hailinx Character Portrait: Wyrl Sakiyama Character Portrait: A.L.P. 6 Character Portrait: Eden F. Blackwell
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Ruin Hailinx

A quick flash in his eyes, the hammer turned back into a sword he held it skyward and then swung down quickly when Wyrl had attacked, the ground splitting slightly where it landed. Upon contact with the ground, spikes of stone rose quickly in scattered directions and random shapes but all following a path toward her. His power to others would have seemed endless but in reality it was his limit. The stone helmet of his slowly began cracking as the last attack was fired off and then it bursted, bits and pieces of rock falling from his face and revealing his face looking terrified while tears streamed down his face. Once the girl was taken away suddenly, more of his armor shattered and all of it partially fell leaving only small parts of it still on and he fell to the side, hitting the ground with a thud while his sword shattered as well.

A.L.P. 6

Turning around, hopping slightly with joy it then saw a bright flash on the tallest building of the Academy and then a torrent of flame rained down and without hesitation it'a body thinned, distributing some of his body to make it's shape more of a wall. As the fire reached it, they hit it hard, pushing it back slightly while it could be easily seen that it's almost metallic body was turning red from the intense heat, but went back to normal as soon as it the flames came to a halt. Slowly returning to it's normal shape, it became even happier while the figure from atop the building appeared ran down from the rooftops to the group, it was merely a boy and his only thing in response to his previous actions were a small snicker and a devious grin, his wicked purple eyes glowing lightly from under his hair.

(Side Notes: Me and Dement posted these about the same times, just to make it easier I will edit this slightly and suppose that Wyrl and Ruin attacked together.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izabel R. Blackwell Character Portrait: Cuero Embrera Eldamore Character Portrait: A.L.P. 6 Character Portrait: Eden F. Blackwell
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A.L.P. 6

As the two conversed quietly, the stranger seeming to be able to communicate with it even though it only made gurgling noises. The two looking at them, A.L.P. 6 with it's wide eyes and the stranger with his hair over his face and dim purple lights behind them. Speaking to each other once again, A.L.P. turned away and began walking off, curiously looking everywhere he went, as if he was searching for something.

Cuero Eldamore

Once the unknown creature left, he walked over to them and a now were able to get a decent look at him. Cuero was just a kid, wearing a bright hoodie, a toolbox strung through a loop on his pants, a backpack that made banging metal noises as he walked, and a clunky pauldron sitting on his right shoulder. Pushing his hair to the side and revealing one of his purple eyes he tilted his head with a slight smile.

"Hey, sorry about that guy. was helping recover something I lost, it'll turn up soon I guess. Oh something else, have either of you seen the doctor around here? His name is Benjamin I think, I need to talk to him." A devious look on his face for a moment as he tared off into space, coming back to them quietly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izabel R. Blackwell Character Portrait: Cuero Embrera Eldamore Character Portrait: Chim Nasu Character Portrait: A.L.P. 6 Character Portrait: Eden F. Blackwell Character Portrait: Arian Fay
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Eden was curious. Her eyes narrowed at the boy. "We haven't seen him, The nurse is in the office. She has been for a while now..." She held the cube tightly and placed it in her bag. "Why?" She asked. She crossed her arms and just looked at the boy. "Who are you..." She just happened to look over and see the boy still sitting on the bench. She looked back at the other boy. She towered over him. She was rather tall.