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Sparrow Basrrelen

Don't Underestimate Me.

0 · 372 views · located in Solatium Academy/Flux Valley

a character in “Solatium Academy”, as played by PsychoticChrono


Name: Sparrow Basrelen
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon Hybrid
Personality: Sparrow has a sort of rowdy nature, he loves to fight and has a bad temper occasionally which makes him a little ignorant and hot-headed sometimes.
Appearance: Hair: Maroon
Build: Slim
Skin: Lightly tan
Height: 6'3
Weight: 167 lb.
Voice: Loud and rough, his voice seems to be a loud speaker at all times really.
Handed: Right.
Image P.S. He is the one on the left.
Armor: None
Casual Clothing: Usually will wear a black long sleeve shirt, grey pants, and white sandals while he will occasionally wear his cyan trench coat.
Carried items: Black Katana, Black Cutlass,
Skills: Enhanced smell, agile, and has hard almost scaley skin.
Abilities/Powers: Can grow a tail, wings, and claws, breathes and controls fire, super strength.

Weaknesses/ Hatreds and dislikes: When in water his skills are somewhat stopped from being at full potential, cold things annoy and mess with him.

So begins...

Sparrow Basrrelen's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Ruin Hailinx Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Claire Crowfeather
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"I have to see what that was, c'mon Gyaku!" Running quickly along the mountain range, destination being the source of the bright light and the noise, he could see it from a long way back. Letting his curiosity and eagerness get the best of him he wouldn't even be paying attention to the damage he was causing, shoving boulders outof the way and lettings them roll down the moutain, leaving burn markings everywhere, and tearing up the ground in his pursuit to get there with nothing in his way. Soon reaching the mouth of the cave all he saw was a save filled with random junk, some kid on the ground, and a stranger who he guessed was intruding or something.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Tilting his head for a minute and then running up to the kid, poking him a few times but stopping as a sharp stalagmite extended from the ceiling and stopped once touching the ground, hanging between Sparrow's hand and the kid's head.

The stalagmite was his doing, never before had he been able to do something like that but earlier he felt some strange new power in him, he just went with it.

"Ugh...both of you...get out..." Unsteadily standing up unti he was on both feet and head down. Raising his arm and head the stalagmite went back up, then clenching his fist he kneeled down and shoved his arm in the ground, pulling it back up with a stone blade on it.

"You can't be here!" Then quickly he ran foward at the girl and jumped up, thrusting the blade foward.

Seeing what was going on he normally would have joined in the fight but he felt too tired and didn't want to hurt the kid, quickly sprinting past them and running down the mountain towards the Academy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ankin Seinkan Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Ruin Hailinx Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Tiakono Character Portrait: Claire Crowfeather
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"I'm coming!" he shouted back to his brother as he ran eagerly. He also heard the noise and the bright light. He was always happy about something strange, and he could agree with his brother that this much be a fun mystery. He help him shoving a boulder out of the way, He giggled at the burn marking and the the teared ground so there would be nothing in their way. He clapped his hand, still running. He reached the mouth of the cave and saw all the random stuff that was in it and some beings was already there. He giggled softly, waving, saying: "Hello!"

He saw that his brother poked the kid and a stalagmite extended and stopped to grow until it touch the ground. Seeing that the little kid wasn't in the best of his mood, and that the fact that his brother just got out, he did the same and followed him to the Academy. He giggled softly again and said to Sparrow: "You didn't got any luck, did you?" He smiled widely and take more field infront of him. He then hid in a bush and motioned his brother to do so. "There is something there...!" He whispered loudly.

Tiakono was just standing infront of a giant demonic creature. She sighed softly, her ears flattened, saying softly: "Please....don't attack." She slowly approached her hand to the creature. It accepted her petting and it calm itself.

He got out of the bushes and giggled softly, waving. "That creature is impressive! Is that a demon?" He smiled widely, forgetting that he was hiding.

The beast suddenly growled and quickly ran to the stranger, but then he felt that someone hit his neck, and he just fell down heavily, unconscious.

Tiakono putted Ankin to sleep as she glanced at the stranger, smelling her scent. It smelled like ashes and she shivered a little bit. "I'm sorry you guys, but you have to get away from this." She motioned to get away as well.

Gyaku slightly pouted and nodded. "Okay, you foxy lady." He giggled softly and ran away in direction of the academy once again.

As he went away, She kneed down, taking the creature in her hands as it slowly transformed back to the being that she know of Ankin. She sighed and ran to the academy. Once there, she went into her apartment and make him lay in her bed while she sat on the couch, smelling the delicious scent of tea. She poured some in her cup and sip some of it times to times, waiting for Ankin for waking up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Claire Crowfeather
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"Your excellent physical specimens. what species are you?" said Claire as she flew beside the Basrrelen Brothers. "By the way would you happen to have any candy?" she said making really cute eyes which was really easy considering how beautiful she was to begin with.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayumu Sakamoto Character Portrait: Ankin Seinkan Character Portrait: Kamoku Kyoukan Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Ethan Winters
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Tiakono sighed softly; it was already time to eat and Ankin as yet to woke up. She looked back to his companion, seeing that he doesn't really appear alive. Why does it takes so long for him to wake up? She thought to herself as she remember to hit him not so violently, but enough to make him unconscious and go back to his normal form. She standed up and asked some of those flames she usually have to help her. She had two hands and couldn't transport her diner along with Ankin's one. The flames help her to pick up the things she couldn't take in one trip and put it in her apartment. She thanked them and rewarded them, but she keep one so that it keeps Ankin's foods warm. She ate her food silently, listening to her own noise and the one from the flames and Ankin silent breathing, and someone else.


Gyaku giggled softly and looked at the stranger that was besides him and his brother. He wondered why she said specimens "We're dragons hybrids." He showed his sharp teeth with a smile and he shook his head. "No, I don't have any candy. I'm sorry, but you're beautiful like that." He giggled softly and looked back to his brother, saying: "C'mon, I'm pretty sure at this rate, we'll miss the food." He giggled and speed up again.


Kamoku closed his book loudly and puts it down gently on the table. Even though he was almost deaf because of his ears protector things, something told him to got out of his room to get the food. He was also hungry, forgetting to eat before getting on his way to the academy. He looked around; too much people. He sighed softly, making sure that his crystal ball is still attached tightly to his belt. He picked up his and went into his room again, eating alone. He like silence, and prefer to stay away from crowded places. He begin to be very anxious when he gets into a crowd. He also wondered where Raven is, since he didn't saw her for a while now, and hope that guy who tried to get him mad would just go die into a hole. He shook his head; no, he does not want to have dark thoughts right now, it would make matter only worst. He eat his meal silently.


Ayumu went to get his food as well, and when he saw Tiakono, he decided to follow her. When she was on her way to the apartment, she said it was ok that Ayumu diner with her, since she prefers to watch over him. Once they were there, he looked at Ankin and wagged his tail, saying: "Is big guy sleeping? How he could sleep on meal time!?" He said louder, though it didn't wake up Ankin from his eternal sleeping. He sat down on one of the seat and ate his meal, a bit loudly.

Tiakono giggled softly to Ayumu's question and responded: "He isn't sleeping. He is just unconscious." She laughed to the noise of Ayumu eating, remembering her the kitsunes she met earlier in the year, especially Taokaka. The was one of the most energetic of them all, which she gladly appreciated, since she could do almost anything with her. She like to have freedom, but she learn the hard way how to stay put.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaoz Bloodred Character Portrait: William Brion Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Divina Magia Magnus Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Claire Crowfeather
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William realized that Div wasn't really talking any more. "Div Ill see you later alright. I'm gonna go see what all the people are doing." with that William left Div.
once inside the school William followed the main flow of people. When he turned around the corner he bumped into someone. They both fell to the floor William sat up "I'm sor..." William couldn't finish his sentence. He had bumped into a cute petite girl with black hair and red streaks, her skin looked slightly reddish as if she had tooken a sunburn. But that didn't matter to William she was the cutest thing he had ever seen(well at least from what he remembered).
So he sat there just looking at her. Finally he swallowed his nervousness and said a chokey "Hello".(William bumped into Kaoz).


Claire had nestled herself on Gyaku's shoulder she asked him "Hey are we going to get candy?" With her black as night deep innocent eyes that made a person feel like never disappointing her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Ethan Winters Character Portrait: Ruin Hailinx Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Claire Crowfeather
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Almost the entire time when running along with his twin he wasn't paying attention, he was curious about the kid but couldn't sense him anymore, did he fall unconscious again? The question fogged his mind but it didn't last long since he soon began running in a different direction, away from his twin and the stranger then accidentally colliding with someone, they both began tumbling down for a few seconds and e then got up confused and disoriented.

"What did I just hit...a rock?"

Raven was walking through the forest, she was annoyed after the incident with the water bucket earlier so she decided to read her book away from all the nuisances yet there were still some out there. Randomly she was tackled, she wasn't worried for herself but her book, watching it fly back and hit the dirty ground.

"M-my book..." Then quickly she raised her scythe and swung with great force, cutting one tree all the way through as the stranger jumped into the air to dodge it, the tree falling down and a few birds flyig away from the area. Quickly the attacker had made two large flames once landing on the ground but he immediately stopping as his body froze, a strange black vine-like thing was wrapped all over him and constricting him, he let out a scream in pain as she then released him, letting him hit the ground. Once he was down she walked over to her book and picked it up, dusting it off and walking away beginning to read again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayumu Sakamoto Character Portrait: Ankin Seinkan Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Tiakono
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Gyaku looked at his brother who just changed direction, thinking it was only a trick. "Nan, I don't think there will be candy. But hey, we won't lose ho-" He suddenly hears his brother screaming, and he changed direction to the source. Once he was there, he could see his brother lying on the ground and he looked up to Raven. "So, we're taking on my brother, um?" He put a little smile on his face. He looked down to his brother, helping him up, saying: "You ain't got any luck today, don't you?" He giggled softly.


Ankin suddenly opened his eyes and silently sat down on the bed. where am I? he wondered when he was looking around, but he soon smiled as he saw Ayumu and Tiakono sat down on the couches in the apartment. He quit the bed and went to them and sighed softly, saying: "Hello there, thanks for bringing me food." He giggled and thanked the flames before starting to eat his food.

Tiakono, who thanked the flames too, smiled at Ankin. "Good noon." She said, joking a little bit, but it was true though. She let Ankin eat silently as she took sips from her tea.

Ayumu giggled softly and puts his hands in the air, smiling widely, saying: "Good noon, big guys." And giggled with Tiakono and continued on his meal. When he finished, he puts the place on the table that was infront of him and wagged his tail as he walks around energetically. He then stopped infront of Tia and puts his finger on his lips and wondered something: Did I forgot something? Afterwards something hit his head and he gasped and giggled, leaning forward. "Hey, I'm a bit lost on my species. Can you help me?" He smiled widely, wagging his tail in hope.

Tiakono tilted her head first when she looked at Ayumu, then to the other side when he asked to have more information on his species. She smiled softly, standing and went to her library. She browsed through the titles until she pulled out a little black book. There was no title on it, but she knew what was the content of it. She handed it to Ayumu, smiling kindly, saying: "When you're finished with it, please bring it back like it was."

Ayumu looked at the book, tilting it to the side, then to the other. He slightly pouted childishly, saying: "But I don't want to read. And why there is no title?" Tia shook her head and laughed softly. "You gotta to, and there is no title because it is not a book we found everywhere." And she winked. Ayumu gasped in surprise and took care the way he was holding the book; it got to be precious. More, it was unique. "I-I'll make sure it is safe." He said in a shaking voice, as he thought, he was given the most important task in the world. Tia giggled and patted Ayumu's head. "You're so adorable." and they both laughed.

When Ankin finished his meal, he looked around, searching for something. He then glanced at Tiakono, saying: "Hey, have you took my tome?" He looked very concerned. Tia shook her head and then gasped. "Don't you mean...?" Ankin nodded and he suddenly emitted dark mist, before teleporting once again in the forest. He looked around, until he saw a book trapped in what looked like a black forcefield. He sighed softly and took the book, his hands traveling through the forcefield like if it was not there and he took it in his hands. He said into the air, like if there was someone: "Thanks dad." and he walked away as the forcefield disappeared also. He didn't teleported back to the academy, feeling that there was something wrong, and it was close to him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Claire Crowfeather
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"Hey looks like that guy got beat by a girl." Claire laughed at sparrow. "Hey would you happen to have any Candy?" Claire asked Raven.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Lucus bangheart Character Portrait: Benjamin Bangheart Character Portrait: Claire Crowfeather
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He was puzzled who that girl was and what was with her, maybe something about that book she had? He figured he could just apologize to her if he could find her, well might as well start searching, then he went off witout saying a thing to Gyaku, disapearing in the thick forest. After running for a while he was able to find her, she was sitting down against a tree for some reason, approaching her he tried to be careful not to startle her.

"Hey, uhm sorry about earlier I-" Then he paused, a large fire was spreading through the forest and then a loud noise sounded as a torrent of flame can from the fire in her direction and he ran infront of it and taking a deep breath and breathing large flames back, holding it back and then once he stopped he turned back and picked up Raven, she was in shock from what just happened so she just let him carry her away, onward he began running to the Academy while many blasts of fire were shot at him but he was able to dodge them and get behind trees before they hit him and eventually the relentless attacks refrained and he looked back, a strange figure stood in the distance, a silhouette with glowing purple eyes, head tilted and a wicked smile, who or what was that? Curiosity was itching at him but then within an instant the thing had turned to a blur and then disapeared, was he in some sort of territory? He didn't care, his main focus was getting her back to the Academy and see if she was okay, she seemed in pain now. He was rushing through the forest, his mind fogged with the identity of that stranger, who could it be? Finally he reached the bridge into the Academy and then ran into an alley that for some reason had a strange roof like structure over it and some graffiti with the letters "EW", he thought it was weird but ignored it and then just layed her in the shade from the roof.

"I hope she's alright..." Then inspecting her there was a large burn on her arm and a small cut on her forehead, she was in great pain and panting slightly as he touched it a little and she flinched a few times, she couldn't be left like that so he got up and looked around for a moment, he had no clue what to do.

Growing impatient he decided to see if anyone things were going alright in the academy, pulling a small pebble out of his pocket and putting it up to his right eye while closing the left and looking around, he could see multiple auras around the academy but one was different from the other, it seemed like there was a high stress level in it so he decided he to help if it was necessary and pulled out a roll of gauze and the got a decent enough amount, cutting it off with his teeth and tapping it causing a strange black skull emblem to appear on it. Once putting away the roll he wound up the piece he took and then gave it to his cat which grabbed it with it's mouth and then ran off like it already knew what to do, soon reaching the two and dropping it on the ground next to them and running off again.

As he was panicing a cat had come out and just dropped off something before running off again, a little convientant iff anything as he went to grab it and it was medical gauze so he then went over to her quickly without a second thought and picked up her arm carefully, wrapping it slowly with it and then ripping it in half so he then could wrapped her forehead, a strange glow came from beneath the wrappings for a brief moment and then she seemed a little more at ease and he sd in relief.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Claire Crowfeather
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Claire was so mad sparrow had just ignored her and if that wasn't enough torrents of fire were whipping through the forest. "Definitely not candy!!!" Gyaku dodge all of them with expert moving but Claire wasn't so agile. She got hit by the last one. it caused burns on her left arm and wing. She fell to the floor her little body limp.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kamoku Kyoukan Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen
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"She's been asleep for a while...I hope she's okay..." Sitting own against the wall next to Raven who had been still alseep and recovering from the burns that were caused from whatever was in the forest. He began to wonder who she was and what brought her here, from the small amount of time he actually heard her speak she didn't sound to happy already. The many thoughts clouding his mind caused him to space out, he seemed to be oblivious of everything, even when Raven began to wake up.

Eventually Raven began hearing voices again, all she could remember was that she had been sitting in the woods and then a flash blinded her as someone ran by her. Slowly opening her eyes she lifted up her head and began looking around only to see the one from before who had nearly ruined her book, at first she was angry but then got a better look at him and noticed he was the one that saved her.

"T-thanks...sorry about before, I have to go now, my name is Raven by the way!" Then quickly she got up and began running off with a blank stare, what was going on with her? Never before had she been so flustered and confused before, for now she just decided to ignore this yet it kept coming up for some reason. Seeing as it was midnight she smiled a little and her body sunk into the ground, travelling quickly through the campus as a shadow and then out into the forest hoping to find her friend and eventually finding him, rising from the ground infront of him and jumping back a few times, grinning as she drew her scythe.

"Kamoku, I've been wanting to see how much stronger you've grown over the years and now that it's midnight I can learn that, I won't take no for an answer either." Giggling playfully before a dark haze drew from her shadow and began to swirl around her, her eyes shifting to a more red and pink color while he scythe had a faint red glow to it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kamoku Kyoukan Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen
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"Alright, and don't think of holding back either, I'm going all out." Then slowly she held her scythe up in the air and the swirling aura thickened until it surrounded her completely and then closed in until it was more of a tight layer of shadow on her, a strange glow coming off of her until a full moon insignia appeared on her forehead through the darkness and the shadows quickly released int a thick smog, she now had glowing red eyes, a purple dress, purple hair, and her scythe had grown larger with a bell atop it. It was a while since she had used that form and it was itching a her to use it on someone so without hesitation she ripped off her bandages, the wounds were already healed and then quickly leaped foward with the scythe to the right and then swinging quickly at him, a red light folowing behind it while the bell repeatedly chimed.

Sparrow had just snapped out of it, the first thing he realized was that Raven was gone and for some reason he was compelled to find her, jumping up and beginning to run out of the Academy but then stopped once reaching the Academy entrance.

"What am I doing...n-noI can't be doing this." Walking to the center of the bridge and leaning over it, proppign himself up with his arms. Quietly watching the water in the lake his mind became fogged again and he just sat there, lightly gritting his teeth with a few embers flying out between the cracks of his teeth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Larianne Kakaragon Character Portrait: Ayumu Sakamoto Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Chim Nasu Character Portrait: Lucus bangheart Character Portrait: Benjamin Bangheart
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Greyson was asleep exactly next to the small lake. She tossed slightly and yawned. She accidentally fell into the water as she stretched.


Chim yawned and made her way into the academy. Her platform high heels clacking against the floor. As looked at the time. "Twenty seconds late... Tisk tisk." She was the new assistant nurse of the school. She looked at the room that she would be working in and knocked on the door lightly.


Neve giggled and picked two flowers and handed them to Ayumu and Larianne.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Chim Nasu Character Portrait: Benjamin Bangheart Character Portrait: Taimuzu Masume (Times Daughter)
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Chim didnt flinch at his movements. She only straightened up all the papers on his desk and laid them in neat little piles, taking care of all the kids that came in. She waited for his return. She wondered what the note had read. She didnt want to get up in his business so she stopped herself from reading it.


Taimuzu was running and looking at her watch. "God, Im gonna be late..." she sprinted across the bridge and ran into Sparrow. She tumbled over him and almost felloff the bridge but she caught herself and just looked at the boy. Her eyes narrowed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Taimuzu Masume (Times Daughter)
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He was completely empty minded at the moment, even when hitting the ground he sat there for a moment, stareing at the ground unti his eyes shifted over to her, he acted like he had just seen a ghost or something but then he snapped out of it and hopped up, picking her up and setting her on her feet and then just leaning over the edge again, hair over his eyes and more embers coming from his mouth.

"Sorry...wasn't watching what I was doing." Stareing quietly into the water for a moment before stepping away and looking at her silently, leaning in slightly as he inspected her and then sitting down against the stone wall of the bridge. He was unintersted really but realized he had nothing better to do and stood up again.

"Wait a minute, late for what, it's midnight and even if it wasn't what are you going to? It's Summer and there are no classes going on for a while." Crossing his arms and quietly stareing at her, his teeth were still gritted and embers would slip out repeatedly as if he was angry without even noticing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayumu Sakamoto Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Neve Meadows Character Portrait: Taimuzu Masume (Times Daughter)
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Neve giggled happily. "I'm to excited to sleep!" Her voice was rather melodious and that made the flowers next to her dance a little. "Do you like exploring?" She asked. This was her favorite past time other than talking to her flowers. Finding new things around every corner.


Taimuzu looked at the boy. "I'm going to see my father." She was a rather lovely girl. Her clothing didn't seem to match this centuries 'style' though. "Now why are you down here alone so late at night?" She tilted her head softly to the side. Her pure white hair fell softly as well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kamoku Kyoukan Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Benjamin Bangheart Character Portrait: Kathrine Arei
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(Working out bugs with colors)

Sparrow Bassralen

[/color] His mind had drifted off, he seemed unable to focus on anything even when she began to speak, he was so confused for some reason, what was going on with him and why couldn't he just ignore it? Suddenly he snapped out of it when he heard her question, looking back to her and staring at the ground.

"I have no clue...I guess I'm just lost." The lost he was thinking was more mentally than physically, usually the only emotion he had ever dealt with was happiness, excitement, or anger but now it was different and he had no idea what needed to be done. Turning away he began to walk into the Academy but once reaching the gateway he started running , he didn't know where but didn't care which eventually ended up in him crashing into a stranger wandering the campus, both falling to the ground.

Benjamin Bangheart

"Bullocks...what do you think you're doing foolish boy, it's midnight and you shouldn't be running around now should you?" In a blur of a movement he was already back up on his feet and with the boy's shirt collar in his hand. Glaring quietly for a moment he stopped, reading his aura and the using his free left hand to create a small needle and stabbing the boy in the back of the head with it, it left no mark on him but turned him unconscious and then without hesitation he ran off until he reached a low roof and jumped on it, ascending to ones higher and higher until he could get onto the Academy walls and then jumps off them, his body blurring as he appeared on the ground in the forest.

"You are the only one...forgive me..." Then he continued in the forest until he was gone.

Raven Farcri

[color=#8B008B] She grinned already knowing he was attacking and within an instant her body faded into shadows that sank to the ground, soon she rose again from behind him, scythe high up in the air and then she rose her head a little more, she wasn't going to be saving to much of what she had with that almost crazy look in her eye.

"Lunar Guillotine..." She spoke softly as her scythe emitted a dark glow and she swung down with great force, a loud and shrill noise sounding as a dark mist followed behind the path of the blade.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kamoku Kyoukan Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Gyaku Basrelen Character Portrait: Ruin Hailinx Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Tiakono
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Tia smiled softly to her as she heard the young voice from the one that pronounced to be Katherine and wagged her tail back and forth. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Katherine. Welcome to Solatium Academy, my name is Tiakono." She then tilted her head. She read the student list back and forth and knew, almost, what was their room. She took a like sniff of her scent before realizing what was her room. "Yes, I can show you your room." She motioned to come with her.

When they were walking through the corridors, Tia continued talking: "You should consider yourself lucky; nights out of the academy are dangerous. Though there is still some all nighters, we invite the students to stay within the walls of the academy, just to make sure that nothing happened to them." She stopped infront of a door and turn the knob that gives to an unoccupied bed. All were well ranged and ready to welcome the user of the room. It seemed a bit luxurious. "Here is your room," she said, motioning to get in, "If you have any questions, feel free to ask." She gave a soft smile to her, while she folded her tail to make one.


Gyaku still looked around, saying loudly: "Spaaaaaarrooooooow? Spaaaaaaaaaaaarrooooooow? Where are you hiiiding?" He giggled softly, thinking it was only a game that he didn't know about. He never came upon the idea that his brother would be kidnapped. So loud, nobody would want of him


Kamoku hoped that the shadows would have hit her, but hell it didn't. However, the fog dispersed. However, it didn't seem that it caused a problem to Raven to run to him. She then unleashed a dark ball that was three yards across. He had no escape from it, and he wished that he wouldn't arrive to that situation. He was tired, alot. He didn't consume a lot of what he is usually feeding on, and that is why he didn't want to get into a fight. However, she arrived and what-so-not.

His right and left arms grew thinner and thinner until it looked like if they were swords, and he quickly ran to the ball and slice through it. The ball first was cut in four, and then it disappeared in particles. He threw the shadow-swords to Raven, showing his tiredness while his shadowy arms grew back.


Wyrl was again mining in the mountain. He liked to create new tunnels, but there was also something that he was looking for. Using his pickaxe with somekind of brown rock with an odd symbol on it, he was able to push a certain amount of earth away from him, so that he can continue his walk. The dirt got on his clothing, hair and skin, but he didn't care much about it. All he wanted to the new rock that he was informed existing in the mountain.

Suddenly, he found himself infront of a huge red, glowing yellow, crystal. He smiled softly; it was what he wanted. Though, he was a bit tired, and Wyrl thought that he wouldn't be able to do the process of extracting the ore. He waved his free and behind him and the tunnel behind him collapsed, and he continued to move the earth infront of him, until he found himself in a cave. He looked around; it could be natural or someone made it. Whatever was the reason the cave was made, he found the body of a young being on the ground. He smiled and ran to the being, shaking its shoulder. "Wakey, wakey, wakey!" he said playfully, not realizing that the being was unconscious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kamoku Kyoukan Character Portrait: Raven Farcri Character Portrait: Leonardo Bangheart Character Portrait: Ruin Hailinx Character Portrait: Sparrow Basrrelen Character Portrait: Wyrl Sakiyama
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Leonardo Bangheart

His mind had gone blank, he felt nothing and heard nothing all of the sudden. Eyes wide and lifeless the entire time as he was dragged off somewhere his hands twitched a few times before he felt in control again, trying to stand but his legs then giving out so he ended up on his knees.

"What's going on..? Where am I?" Attempting to stand again and then unsteadily turning back to the girl, hunched over with arms dangling from the weight of the gauntlets, his face was just a stone once he saw her, not moving even the slightest bit. Raising his right arm up he reached out to her and just placed his pointer finger on her forehead, the metal freezing from being in the cryogenic freezing pod for so much time and a quiet thawing sound coming from both the boy and the gauntlets.

"I have no clue...I don't remember a thing. My name, what could it be?" Looking over his shoulder while leaving his finger on her forehead he kept staring at the pod he came from, small pieces of ice and frost falling from him. Whipping his head back in her direction causing ice pieces to fly out of his hair he tilted his head and then just fell down with legs crossed, supporting his head with his hand and staring at the wall.

"Is Rot my name?" Falling back laughing with hands over his face, what could have just caused him to laugh was completely unknown and it seemed he was a little off in a way.

Raven Farcri

"Still not landing anything..." Turning to the blades being shot towards her as she landed on the ground, she was stuck thinking what to do and just began getting reckless. Her scythe glowing faintly while the bell sounded, swinging her scythe once as a dark crest shape energy flew towards one sword, the to colliding and making a thin smog of darkness and when she was about to do the same to the other it had reached her, skimming her right arm and a small amount of blood going down her arm.

"Ugh, nice one." Releasing her right arm and letting it dangle, the scythe then turning completely black and jagged. Only a few seconds after the strange change of weapon the blade pointed straight and the blade extended foward at Kamoku.

Ruin Hailinx

Slowly waking up he rolled over onto his back, eyes opening slowly to the sight of another stranger.

"Who are you?" Looking scared as he sat up and began scooting back until he got up to a wall and placed his hands on the wall, crossing them soon after causing a veil of stone to surround him, some holes that he could be seen peering through every so often.

"Please don't bother me..." Trembling behind the wall as he put his head down and held his hands over it.