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Erik Hitler

Three K's a day keeps the minorities away

0 · 227 views · located in The Bowels

a character in “Songs of a Restless City”, as played by YunoGasai


Name: Erik Hitler
Age: 16
Class: Gunslinger
Magical Ability: Biogun, it is in my palm of my left hand, it shoots energy, after I'm done shooting, I am exhausted and fatigued
Appearance: Somewhat tall, skinny, white hair, blue eyes
Clothing: Black pants, dirty black fancy suit with red tie, white gloves
Main Weapon: Two revolvers
Main Gadget: [See list]
Backstory: Growing up in a small building, I was taught how to use a weapon and protect myself with firearms. I quickly learned how to forage for food and find ammunition hiding about. I was fascinated with guns at that point. My dad and I used to go target practicing, and eventually I became a great shot. One day, my mother and my father were both meeting up with their friends to have their secret meetings, or so they would tell me. They did this every weekend, yet I never knew why or what they talked about. Curiosity overcame me, so I decided to sneak to their friend's house and I stopped at the building they went in. I was so young and so poor that I'd never seen an apartment before, so I thought that they must have been rich or something. I opened the door a bit, and listened. They were talking about rebellion. Suddenly, I hear screams and the police come and raid the place they are in. I hear bullets flying everywhere, but then one woman said loudly to "protect the data". The data turned to be important rebel plans, and apparently they couldn't allow the police to retrieve it.
The apartment blew up into shards, and I was blown away by the blast. My left hand was completely removed by the explosion, but I couldn't feel it due to being in shock. I ran back our 'home' and stayed there for a day. Luckily, father was a tailor, and my mother was a nurse and had bandages. I put the bandages over my wound and let it heal for a while. One day I looked into my dad's belongings, whilst scavenging for clues to why the data was so important and what exactly was happening. I found a box that had gibberish written on top of it, which were alternating numbers and letters. But in little text it was addressed to 'Erik', so I hesitantly opened it. In there was a suit, pair of pants, a pair of gloves, and a holster that my dad had made, dirty but still looking sleek. I put it on and realized it had fit me perfectly. I wondered how Dad knew how old I would be when he and mom died, but that was irrelevant at that point. I also took my dad's favorite handgun, which was a revolver named "Glückstreffer". I kept the revolver close to my side and put it in a holster that my dad crafted.
After that, I went around looking for food to live off by. It was actually quite easy going around town, since everyone recognized me as the descendant of Hitler, who was worshiped in Christianity. People began praising me and saying I was "the Son of the Führer". Some even were crazy enough to give me belongings of theirs, but I denied unless it was food. Eventually though, a group of raggy looking adults came up to me and questioned me about my history, and my parents. After I told them about the incident, they noticed that I was the son of Gebhard Hitler and Angelika Hitler, two minor rebel leaders. They offered me money if I could join the rebellion as a merc, and I graciously accepted. The rebels noticed my hand, and also offered to replace it. Once I gave my consent, they took me to a makeshift hospital and gave me a synthetic hand as a substitute. The hand was made from scrap parts, and, to my request, grafted a gun into the palm of it, using some type of technology to transfer my body's energy into the bullets. The hand made me feel like I'm no longer just a kid anymore. I could actually make a difference now. From there on began my tale of vengeance.
Themesong: Hitler Song

So begins...

Erik Hitler's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur 'Ares' Evan Character Portrait: Erik Hitler Character Portrait: Elsa Breth Character Portrait: Rowan Victors Character Portrait: Elyisum Paradox
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The heartless, cold streets of the bowels were lit by the burning trash barrels that peeked from every alley. wounded men lay dying in the way of traffic, trampled as the mindless sheeple hurried home - if they had one. Children were crushed against the tide of foot traffic, while people were killed in back alleys and at the doorsteps of establishments. The bars were teeming to capacity as booze flew off the shelf - people squandering their last dime for a chance to escape at the bottom of their bottle. Prostitutes from ages as early as seven worked in public, tossing aside shame for preservation.

In other words, it was a basic night in the Bowels.

Save for Arthur Evans and his band. 'Ares' Rested his ass on a camping stool as he looked out over the assembled freedom fighters. His blade and whetstone lay on the desk - a battered and broken trunk. He held a bottle of whiskey in one hand ad a shot glass in the other. Liquid courage flowed down his throat.

"Tonight, the fight begins. Tonight, we decide that we are more than individuals. We are a people!" he slammed the shot glass onto the trunk, standing. "We need to band together, to raise our fists towards the heavens and demand equality!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur 'Ares' Evan Character Portrait: Erik Hitler Character Portrait: Elsa Breth Character Portrait: Rowan Victors Character Portrait: Elyisum Paradox
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Arthur Evans smiled and got up, stretching slightly as he did so. "Right, feeding them their scrotums and such. Obviously you did a mighty fine job fucking over Psycho and her gang, but let's face it. that's one plant. There's how many others? Eighty? Ninety? Does anyone know anymore?" He sighed softly "We need to get an agent into Middle-Town. There's a slew of arms dealers who would love to arm a rebellion. Only problem is that we don't have anyone willing to be 'bought.'" He sighed and tossed the whiskey at the wall, causing it to shatter. "This fucking rebellion can't get off its arse without someone besides me showing some initiative." He pointed at Rowan. "You. I know you hate your past, but... maybe you can be a pretty little actress for the resistance"

The setting changes from The Bowels to The City Called Dark

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur 'Ares' Evan Character Portrait: Erik Hitler Character Portrait: Rowan Victors Character Portrait: Elyisum Paradox
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Arthur stepped aside and sat back down, letting Rowan go. He simply stared out at the congregation before him. He sighed internally and picked up a bottle of rum, cracking it open and drinking it down. "We will all have to make sacrifices before Snatch falls."

The setting changes from The City Called Dark to The Bowels


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur 'Ares' Evan Character Portrait: Erik Hitler Character Portrait: Elsa Breth Character Portrait: Rowan Victors Character Portrait: Elyisum Paradox
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0.00 INK


Arthur stepped aside and sat back down, letting Rowan go. He simply stared out at the congregation before him. He sighed internally and picked up a bottle of rum, cracking it open and drinking it down. "We will all have to make sacrifices before Snatch falls."