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Medusa Gorgon

A horribly evil and twisted witch and mother of the demon sword crona(Me and Shadows Character)

0 · 712 views · located in Death City in Nevada, United States.

a character in “SOUL EATER THE MADNESS RETURNS!! 2”, originally authored by Nightmaric_Angel, as played by RolePlayGateway




Medusa is an incredibly sinister and evil individual, as well as a very powerful witch. Her greatest skill is her ability to manipulate almost anyone, due to her unbelievably incredible skills in acting. In her true personality, Medusa has a view of the entire world as a place of stasis where nothing evolves or changes. She hates this so much that she went to the extent of resurrecting Kishin Asura in order to make the world mold back into "motion". She also takes incredible pleasure in other's pain when she is the one causing it, and when her experiments are working. She is so sinister, that she can even subject her own child to unimaginably torturous punishments and terrifying orders. For example she locked her child in a dark room for many years.
She becomes angered by those who create a road block in her experiments or in the "evolution" of the world, and usually tries to eliminate these problems.

Although she seems so dark, to say that Medusa has no love in her is a false statement. Deep within Medusa is her own, unique, sinister form of love that comes out extremely rarely. She expresses romantic love specifically towards her confirmed crush, Dr. Stein, who she finds attractive because of his inner darkness. She also has a motherly love towards her child, Crona, which only comes out after Crona has become a fearsome killer, and spreader of Madness. Uniquely, in both cases, Medusa had openly stated that she loved the person right before the same person kills her.


Medusa has thousands of snakes in her body ready to do her bidding without the need to drop her soul protection, which also allows her to avoid being discovered by others.
The majority of her magical attacks take the form of snakes and uses the concept of vectors (directions), directed towards the aim of supporting direct physical actions undertaken in close range combat. After the possession of Arachne's body, Medusa's attacks develop traits within their appearance that are taken from her sister's theme of spiders.
Light Serpent: Medusa extends one of her snakes to strike from afar.
Vector Arrow: Attacks with a flurry of arrows directed at the opponent.
Added by Kitty black
Analysis Disassemble: Using numerous Vector Arrows, Medusa is able to pull things, such as a magical coating, apart.
Vector Blade: A sword created out of compressed Vector Arrows. (Anime only.)
Steam Vector (Vector Storm in the anime): This attack surrounds Medusa with her Vector Arrows making a spinning, tornado like shield. She has also displayed the ability to compress the Vector Arrows following this attack on command, to surround and crush an opponent.
Snake Bomb: Places a snake from her body into someone else; it will only detonate when she gives the signal.
Vector Boost: A magic that doubles the power drawn in the direction of the arrow.
Vector Conduct: A spell technique used to allow someone to see hidden arrows that Medusa has placed to guide them.
Vector Plate: A technique that places an arrow upon the ground which launches whoever stands over it in the direction that it is pointing.


Medusa is the younger sister of the witch Arachne, and the sister of the witch Shaula Gorgon and the mother of Crona. In Arachne's battle with Shinigami, Medusa betrayed Arachne and left her to perish.
Medusa often manipulates Crona, forcing him/her to do things like collecting every soul they come across, and uses a hypnotic spell in Crona's mind when he/she begins to falter. At the start of the story Medusa has infiltrated Shibusen by posing as the school nurse in order to get close to the Kishin.

So begins...

Medusa Gorgon's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Death the Chick(Chick) Character Portrait: Medusa Gorgon Character Portrait: Lost Character Portrait: Dante Pierce Roth Character Portrait: ION Character Portrait: Eve
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"A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body." Death the chick's words echo through the minds of all of the students as they enter there academy. The annocements rang out suddenly echoeing throughout the hallways.

"Welcome to Death Weapon Meister Academy. More commonly known as the DWMA.
It stands as a defense against the forces of evil which would plunge the world into choas and drive humanity to the very depths of fear and madness. The demons known as Keshin and there insasable hunger for destruction. To ensure the Keshinss never regain there hold on this world this adademy was founded by the grim reaper, Death himself.
Lord death would sound out then in his silly toned voice: "So basically were a organization that excists to protect and perserve peace. I guess it's not exactly a typical school. Oh well that isn't important. For now let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!"

The 16 year old daughter of Death The kid known as Shi No Bara or Death the chick would be in Lord deaths room looking at her grandfather the Grim Reaper and her father. The grim reaper would look at Chick feeling as if he had this conversation before somehow. "You know Shi No Bara-" He said using her real name. "You are a grim do not have to collect the keshin souls in order to have have a death sythe." He tells her. Death the chick looks at her grandfather and then her father. She was perched on the big mirror in the room her legs crossed and dangling of the side. She was wearing her usual black formal black skirt and black long sleeved top and black boots. Like kid she had the 3 white lines going over half her black hair. Her hair was long and set up in pig tails and Her fingernails were painted black and visible as her forefinger tapped her buttom lip as if lost in thought. "I don't care about that grandfather. I wish to make a weapon of my own specifications." She answers.

Her grandfather nods "Well if that is the case then sense you use two separate weapons and the guns do not count as a set, you will have to collect twice as many souls: 198 evil human souls and two witch souls instead of 99 souls and one witch soul." he informs her. She looks at her grandfather and jumps from the top of the mirror her arms behind her back in a cute way as she looks at him she smirks "Fine by me." She answers coyly. Her grandfather only nods and she makes her way out the door to find her weapons and inform them they were going to attend the DWMA. As the door closed Patty would looks at Death The Kid with knowing eyes she smiles. "She's just like you Kid." She tells Death The Kid who smiles in pride of his daughter and only answers with "I know."

As Chick walks by she takes one of the most difficult missions on the Mission clip board putting it in her pocket as she walks away to Trinity and Guy her most valued friends and her weapons.