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Monica Silverking

"If you're caught acting up, I won't hesitate to put you in a remedial class."

0 · 591 views · located in Death City

a character in “Soul Eater|Calm Before The Storm”, originally authored by Damioa, as played by RolePlayGateway


❈Monica Silverking❈

|❈Measurements❈ |
Height:5ft 9 in|Weight: 139lbs|

Getting to know me better!

|❈Nickname❈| "I am here to teach and watch over my son. I have no need for such things."
Ice Queen

|❈Gender❈ | "Really? I've been working here since my youngest daughter got accepted."

|❈Age/Birth Date❈ | "Hmph. This question bothers me."
45/ May 7, 1968

|❈Sexual Orientation❈ | "I'm a widower with four kids. Think about it."
Straight...... But doesn't find anyone attractive anymore........It's complicated.

|❈Eye Color❈ | "This is getting to in depth."
Icy Blue

|❈Hair Color❈ | "All my kids have the same hair color I have."

|❈Like❈ | "Lord death needs to redo these forms."
Her children
Working as a teacher
Helping kids learn the basics and intermediate portions of soul resonance
Giving out remedial classes

|❈Dislikes❈ | "If I fill this out then I'm going to expect not to see these things right?"
Running in the halls
Students being more than twelve inches in range of the opposite sex
Students who don't do homework
Students who talk and class
Students who don't pay attention in class
Hot food
The sun
Kishen eggs
The list goes on.......

|❈Fears/Phobias❈ | "This is the only thing I don't have control of."
She's afraid of what might happen to Leon should Alistair take over.
She's also afraid of spiders.

|❈Partner❈ | "My husband died so...."
It used to be Kriste Silverking. Since his death, she has not used a partner, though, she is able to link up with almost anyone's soul. If they're not scared of her that is.

|❈Habits❈ | "I'm currently looking through my sons journal. I'm sure he's written down some."
Snooping into her kids business.
Cooking large portions of food.
Handing out Remedial Classes like they're on sale.

|❈Physical Appearance❈ | "Ah. The young guys still hit on me from time to time."-Blushes-
She's a beautiful woman. Hair as white as snow, face as smooth as silk, and eyes that'll send chills through any mans eyes. She wears a white Furisode kimono with a purple bow and and yellow sash. She is rarely seen in other clothes and her body is hidden in the layers of clothing. She is a small woman but not a short one.

|❈Personality❈ | "Like all teachers, I have to keep my real personality hidden."
She is called the Ice Queen by students. They call he so because when school hours are in effect she is strict and sharp on the tongue. She wears a glare on her face most of the time and loves handing out remedial classes for any wrong doing a student commits. Back in her day she was called the "Ice Queen of Death" based on her attitude and title as a deathscythe Meister. To her family, however she is strict but shows more of a loving nature and playful side. She's a closet overbearing mother which can be seen as she looks through her children's things without asking, calling her oldest daughter many hours of the day, and following her son around to make sure he's okay. Even so, her real personality is a calm and caring type. She wants to see everyone succeed in their goals and wants them to live happy lives. Her cold mask is just a facade she uses to make them stronger. Even if they don't see it the same way. She is also acts with grace.

|❈Eating Preferences❈| "Please. Nothing hot. Thank you."
She prefers cold dishes, like sushi or fruit. Her favorite treat is vanilla ice cream.


You shouldn’t know this..

|❈Secrets❈ | "Don't tell my kids."
Her husband didn't actually die but disappeared one day, vouching to find a way to free their son and all the generations to come from the curse of Alistair. She kept it from her kids as wished on by the father so that Leon wouldn't blame himself for his fathers leave.

|❈Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities❈ | "Hmm. Let me see..."
She has short term memory loss. She seems to be really bad with names and one of the reasons she doesn't like her class to be disturbed is because she tends to forget the entire lesson plan if that occurs. It's pretty bad for the students because she makes them all stay back until the lesson is restarted and completed.

|❈Interest❈ | "Is this really needed?"
She loves reading. On top of her children's diaries she also reads love novels.

|❈Relationship Status❈ | "Okay that's it. I'm filing a complaint to the teachers board."
She considers herself to be a widow after not having seen her husband in years. Still, she hopes one day he comes home. It's not really unhealthy. She doesn't really dwell on it and even if he was dead she wouldn't go looking for a new companion. Honestly, after having four kids to raise she's ready for a break. "One more to go. Hehe."


|❈History❈ | "Those were the days."
As a child she was always a bit cold to others. She just never got along well with strangers. Coming from a small family though, this made her very lonely. She had no brothers or sisters and always wished that one day she would have a big family to call her own. When she turned fourteen and it was time for her to enter the DWMA she met a polite young man. He seemed to be hiding something but she couldn't tell what. The way he seemed to stick out in classes made her curious. She finally decided to talk to him. It wasn't long before the two became partners and were named the idols of the school. They were unaproachable by the outsiders but together they were the best company they needed. At the age of seventeen she finally made him into a deathscythe and married him after graduation. During their years together she came to know of the spirit that plagued his family and came to grips with the fact that one day her own son would be the next catalyst. Still, for those years before, they were a happy family.
When Leon was born, his father decided to go off on a journey to find a cure for the curse and left Monica alone with their four children. She knew what he was doing was the right thing for their son so she pulled off being a single mother, quite well actually. Becoming bored of the normal life of only being a mom she decided to enroll as a teacher in the DWMA around the time Candice started going to school. Now that it's Leon's turn she frets that Alistair will try to take control of him but, at the same time, knows that she has to let him live his life. This year will prove to be her hardest year yet.

|❈Acquaintances❈| "I know allot of people. Just can't remember their names."
Lord death- "He's my boss. It's that simple. I have always thought he acted a tad bit goofy though."

|❈Family❈ | "My little ones will always be precious to me."
Unnamed mother and father: Deceased: She still thinks about them from time to time.
Kriste Silverking: Supposed to be deceased, actually 45: She has never stopped loving him since he left on his journey. She hopes one day he returns to her so that she can retire and spend her last days with him.
Natalie Silverking:27: Probably her favorite child if she had to pick one. She takes after her mom in the act of being lady like. Monica has never once felt the need to watch her like she does the others but still calls her allot since she can't actually see her.
Beonca Silverking:25: Probably her favorite if she had to pick. When she was a child she would bully the younger kids, but she always had her mothers side. She was almost like her little enforcer. To Leon and Candice she was a monster but for her mother she was her cute little monster.
Candice aka Candy Silverking:18; Most likely would be her favorite child if she had to pick one. Candy is energetic like her father was too people he was comfortable around. The only thing is, she doesn't care if you're a familiar person or the strange guy down the street. Monica kept a close eye on her and had to reprimand her allot, but, Candy sure knew how to make the woman feel young again.
Leon Siverking:15: If she had to pick a favorite, it would probably be him. She's never really had to watch Leon. He was always a quiet kid, much like his dad was when she first met him. She worries for him though. She has always felt that something bad might happen to him if she wasn't looking but has made a decision to let him live his life. Still, watching your children grow up is hard and Leon is her hardest one to watch.

|❈Techniques❈| "I have many tricks. Wanna learn students?"
Soul control. Like most teachers at the DWMA, Monica has full control of her soul wavelength. She can adjust to someones soul perfectly. The only draw back is that allot of people are scared of her and she finds it hard to unite with those people.
Ice control. Living up to her name Ice queen, she discovered at a young age that she is one of the few people with an elemental wavelength. Now that she's an adult she can control ice without breaking a sweat making her classroom quite chilly at times.

|❈Thoughts on Others❈ | "The students this year. Oh I need to read files on them?"
Eve. "She's a weird one for being compatible with my son. He usually doesn't talk to anyone. I guess she's okay."

|❈Theme❈ |
Choir Jail by Konomi Suzuki


So begins...

Monica Silverking's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Dante Randonneur Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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#, as written by Mashotu
((I'll just call everyone to attention that it's started ^^))
Kita Lia

Kita was aimless braiding her hair since she forgot before she left the house. "Hey Ake~chan? Who's that guy do you think?" Kita chirped happily, "Do you think he's new? Or maybe I've just never seen him before, have you ever seen him before?"

She saw the guy try and avoid them, so she figured, 'Hey! He wants to play tag!' Being the naive person she is, she couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that he might be running from her.

"Come on Ake~chan! Lets get him!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana
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#, as written by Mashotu
Kita Lia

"Wonder what I did...?" The white haired girl wondered.
Her face of wonder turned into face on anguish. "Ehhhhhhhhhh. I don't wanna go back. Sensei hates me! Please don't make me go to class." She'd originally wanted to go back to school, until she just realized she would have to face the teacher.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Eve
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#, as written by Damioa
Monica had told Leon to come to school early because she wanted to make sure he was never late for classes. He was reluctant to go inside of the school building without eve so he stood outside the school instead of actually going in. "I'm still at school early so it doesn't matter right?" He asked.
Monica let go of a sigh and shook her head with her fingers on the bridge of her nose. "What am I going to do with you." She placed her hand on Leon's shoulders and smiled. "Alright then, do what you must, but, make sure you show up to class on time. Otherwise, the both of you will have an early morning remedial class."
"Okay, Okay." Leon shrugged.
"For two weeks." She added.
"What? Two weeks? Come on mom."
"No, no, no. You know how I am. See yah kiddo." She walked towards the entrance.
"Tch. I hope Eve arrives soon. I'd hate to have to start waking her up in the morning. Plus, I'm not going to class if she's not here. What would be the point?" The boy wrapped his hand behind his head and leaned on the gate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen Character Portrait: Eve
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#, as written by Damioa
Monica walked into the classroom expecting to give a wonderful lesson plan to her students. That is, until she sensed s presence among the three students that were already in there. She noticed the girls right away. There was Kita Lia, a girl who payed the least attention in class, but at the same time, probably was the most friendly student. Akemi Akahana, whom she had to say was her most well behaved student. Then there was this new person. Not only did he seem to old to be going to class but he also gave off a strange aura. In the end she decided to ignore it. If he was dangerous, Lord Death would have done something by now. If he was in the room it was only because lord death wanted him there. She walked up to him.
"Young man," She said calmly, "I am your teacher, Professor Silverking. May I ask you name?"

Leon heard Eve call out to him and nearly fell down as she pounced on him. "Don't worry Eve." He sad giving her a quick hug. He put her back down on the ground. He ruffled her hair a little bit. "My mom can't really get mad at me. After all, I am the youngest. Sometimes I think she spoils me too much." He shrugged his shoulders. Closing his eyes he listened to Eves soul.

What a glorious sound.

He then picked earphone from his pocket and wrapped them around his head. He loved listening to Eve's soul. It was definitely one of the reasons why they worked so well together, but, he could definitely say, he didn't like the sound of certain people in class. That's why he used earphones to drown out the sound. Letting go of a sigh he said, "Well, do you wanna go to class now?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen Character Portrait: Eve
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"Ghost Chrismen." Ghost looks up to see a Teacher, He Didn't care. "When does class start?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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#, as written by Damioa
Monica looked at her watch. "Class starts in twenty minutes. Why? Are you planning on taking a two week remedial class for skipping?" She gave an icy look down to him. She wasn't signaling him out of course. She gave the same glare to all the students in school. She then let out a light chuckle. "Hmm. I wouldn't mind doing that on your first day. I bet by the end of the day you will have tons of other students joining you. That is, if anyone shows up late."

One of her biggest pet peeves was tardiness. If a student is late to class then of course they can expect to react late in a fight. If a student reacts to late they die. Knowledge is power. Power gets results. Results make Deathscythe's she decided to right that down on the board. After all, It was a good opening for her lesson plan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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0.00 INK

Ghost returned to reading, thinking about what this place was or why the heck it was Built. Hopefully no-one knows what the 13th class are, or I could have to kill someone, or they may have to kill me. The Witches must have known about this place, everyone talked about The Grim Reaper, saying he could rip your skin off, or punch your soul out. Is any of that even true?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Eve
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0.00 INK

She blinked as he closed his eyes. 'What is he doing?' She wondered, but Before she can even ask, he opened his eyes and began to wrap his earphones around his neck. "Well, do you wanna go to class now?" Eve responded almost immediately. "Yeah!" Pulling at his sleeves slightly, she started ahead, looking over her shoulder every once in awhile to make sure Leon was near. Though it was a useless action because his soul was so clear to her- Eve can hear it slightly, but she can feel it.

The feeling calmed her- he calmed her. Knowing he is around, safe and sound, is everything she wants.

A small smile pulled at her lips, but it disappeared as soon as it was there. Why? Well she was near class, and she didnt want anyone seeing her smile like an idiot. It would be embarrassing.
Taking a quiet inhale, she peered at leon to make sure she was right after her, and then let herself in. "Good morning Professor Silver king." She greeted formally, making slight eye contact. What a weird feeling, to call her professor. Because of the connection between the two, she calls her "monica-san" and thought of her somewhat like a mom. 'Not a professor.' But she couldnt deny- she was a strong women.

Taking a seat, she made sure to save one for her partner but at the same time she scanned the students who were there. Any powerful rivals? Sparring partners? 'Nothing much..except a few' Kita and Akemi. The two were familiar- sparring a few times- 'Oh.. a new one..?' Eve eyed Ghost for a moment until paying attention to the board and the teacher.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen Character Portrait: Eve
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
When her two favorite children in time walked into the room, the ice queen calmed her natural demeanor. "Hello dear." She said to Eve who was walking to her seat. She turned her gaze to Leon who already had his earphones blocking his ears. Walking around her desk she grabbed his shoulder and let out a sigh of breath. She took on of the speakers out. "Are you not even going to try today?" She asked him.
The boy slowly turned around looking off to the chalkboard instead of his mother. "I don't want the headache. I can already here it." He put the ear bud back in. "Like an orchestra of bad music." He then proceeded to sit next to Eve. He looked up on the clock over the blackboard.

Eight more hours. Dang I need to go on another mission.

Thinking this, he leaned back in his chair and stared around. They were early so only the usual early birds were there. Their was his mothers favorite and probably least favorite student. They were pretty nice people but he didn't really care for their song. Not only that but Kita was amazingly taller than him.
He switched his gaze to the new student. With his earphones on he couldn't tell what kind of soul he had. Not that he cared anyway. He changed his gaze to the clock and watched as each second ticked away, slower and slower each time.

Monica on the other hand was going through her desk trying to make everything as neat and possible. Coming from a very prestige family, she has always made sure her appearances were womanly and stern. As a teacher she believed she had to be an example for all of the girls in the school. Still, it was almost as hard getting Eve to smile in public places as it was getting Kita to dress appropeatly. She didn't even know the fashion style of Akemi. Then there was Naomi. She would be perfect if her speech was more lady like.

Where is she and Dante. Wait a minute. Where are Ren and Toki. Ugh they better not be late.

She bit her thumbnail. Tardiness wasn't very lady like at all.

Leon saw the look on his moms face as she looked through her desk. With only ten minutes left before class started he could sense she was preparing to right some remedial slips. Turning to Eve he softly said, "See. That's why we don't wanna be late. You remember the last time we had to take one of those remedial classes?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen Character Portrait: Eve
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0.00 INK

Ghost just then noted that everyone in this school could, or may, be able to see that He's a 13th class. He never knew why the 13th class was a target for some Weapon and meister teams, was it there soul? He knew there weren't evil in any way, so what could it be? He looked up to the clock, ten minutes till class, Everyone seems to be afraid of the teacher, why? She's just a teacher, besides she didn't scare me, The students must have weak hearts then.

The setting changes from Death City to Death Weapon Meister Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen Character Portrait: Eve
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0.00 INK

Akemi watched silently as more students enter the classroom, none in paticular execpt Leon and Eve. She still made sure to keep an eye on the boy they had met earlier, she didn't know if she was the only one who thought so but he looked suspicious none the less. It was about time for class to start so it was obvious that a few people were going to end up with remedial classes, that she despised so much, but she didn't take the time to figure out who was missing. Not that she wanted to either. The only ones she could note who were missing is Naomi and Dante, she didn't care much for the others.

The setting changes from Death Weapon Meister Academy to Death City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Dante Randonneur Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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0.00 INK

Dante smiled to himself at his partner eating along side him, it had been a long time since he had eaten in the presence of company let alone a potential friend. He watched his partner eat while he finished off the last of his great meal with a couple of ravenous bites, she was bed ragged that was for sure but she was pretty non the less and her green eyes captivated his own the most. He got up with his empty plate and started to clean the dishes, the morning was waning and they were already late for school but house work came first so he wasn't particularly in any rush to do so. He had just finished cleaning his plate when he heard the whisper that would always send a shiver of terror down his spine. "I hate her. Send her away. You'll suffer if she doesn't leave." He knew who the voice came from but still made the mistake of turning around not only did he drop the plate sending it shattering to the floor but he felt a flash of pain, too quick for his deadened nerves to make it last but they did pick up the sensation of blood trickling down his cheek. His hand was already by the cut and he wiped the line of his cheek, luckily the smeared blood was hidden by the red leather of the coat but the cut was visible as the sun in day but like always with these day time attacks He was nowhere to be seen.

He quickly made his way back to Naomi and flashed his head through the door. "We're late for class, I'm gonna run ahead and let the teacher know something's holding you up." He gave her a wink before he ran out of the door and out of their place; it didn't take long for him to reach the DWMA and it took even less for him to reach his class, the teachers constantly shouting at him helped a lot. When he reached his destination a feeling of dread he was really late and the chances were everyone had already started but nether the less he opened the door and walked in and quickly found a seat, keeping his head held high despite the fresh scratch marks on his face, he looked around noticing he had interrupted something he shrunk back a little hoping the teacher was too occupied.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Dante Randonneur Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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0.00 INK

Naomi gave Dante her plate and then smiled. When he went to go do the dishes, she searched for something to wear at school. She knew that they were already late, but she didn't really care. Suddenly, a loud crash made her jump. She turned around and then suddenly, Dante's face was flashing into the door way, stating that he was going to go ahead and inform the teacher of why she would be late. She raised her hand to ask if he was okay, but he was already gone. She smiled and shook her head. He was interesting all right.

She grabbed the clothes and then suddenly felt a little faint. She put her hand on the dresser and a hand on her chest. She breathed out and closed her eyes, her face going white. Her heart was hurting. She stood there for what felt like hours, but in reality, it was only a few seconds. Once the feeling passed, she stood up and then grabbed her hair brush. She got ready for the day and headed to class.

When she got to the class, she took a deep breath before coming in. She walked in and obviously, she interrupted something. She quickly took a seat next to Dante and opened her notebook.

The setting changes from Death City to Death Weapon Meister Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Dante Randonneur Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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0.00 INK

Ghost was still reading when the Semi-Master Witch spoke telepathically to ghost. "Well, you joined the DWMA? WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? DEATH KILLS THE WITCHES AND DEMONS! PLUS YOUR GOING TO DIE IF THEY SEE ANY SIGN OF THE 13TH CLASS ON ANYONE. do you understand what I mean? Oh, and everyone is probably starring at you, you know your out of place." "Yes, I know all the things you said, But this is the place that I came redeem the 13th class name." Ghost stopped reading to see its time for class. he looked around to see one of the girls looking at him. He just Ignored it.

The setting changes from Death Weapon Meister Academy to Death City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Dante Randonneur Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
Monica was about a second away from beginning class when Dante rushed in. "It's nice to know that you're on time mister Randonneur. Where is..."
Just then, Naomi followed in. "Well. If that's all the interruptions then I think it's time for class to start.She looked around the room.

So Ren and Toki aren't here. Mental note taken.

"Okay students, Let me start by introducing the new student." She pointed to Ghost."This is Ghost Chrismen. I want all of you to treat him kindly."
She then turned to her board. " Knowledge is power. Power gets results. Results make Deathscythe's. Can someone please tell me in you're own words what this means." She scanned the class waiting for an answer.

Leon wasn't really interested in being the one to answer the question. HE didn't even think he had to. After all, she's been teaching it to her kids since their father died. He glanced at Dante. The guy was sort of a role model to him. Not only did he have the same hair colorbut he also had something inside of him. The thought kinda made Leon feel less lonely. When he thought about it he began to hear a ringing sound. Flinching, he pushed the volume up on his music player.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Dante Randonneur Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Kita Lia

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I know!!!" Kita chirped happily, "If you're smart.... You can make a Deathscythe!!!" Kita felt very proud of herself. Usually Monica's questions were hard to answer.
"Look Ake~Chan!!! I got one of sensei's questions right!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Dante Randonneur Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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#, as written by Damioa
Monica gave Kita a small smile. "Not exactly dear. Being smart is a good thing, however, intelligence alone isn't enough to make a Deathscythe. You see there are two types of smart. One, is the smart you gain from studying, the other is the smart you gain from experiences and training. Through those two things, you become not only physically strong but spiritually strong. Good job on stepping up though Kita. Being productive in class means you're one step closer." She looked right next to Kita and saw Akemi. "Miss Akehana. Would you mind explaining to the class how being spiritually strong can help you when it comes to making a Deathscythe?"

The setting changes from Death City to Death Weapon Meister Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Dante Randonneur Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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"Sorry, unfortunately I do not know the answer to that question." Akemi stated calmly, after saying that she turned to Kita and smiled at her, "Don't worry I'm sure you'll get the next one just keep trying Kita~chan". After that she went back to listening to the teacher.

The setting changes from Death Weapon Meister Academy to Death City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Dante Randonneur Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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#, as written by Damioa
Monica gave a sigh. "You know Ms. Akahana that trying harder to figure out solutions to problems reflects on how one acts in battle. However, since you don't know I'll show you."
The woman closed her eyes and laid one hand on her desk. Suddenly, ice began to cloak its way around the desk slowly until it was glazed in ice. "By having knowledge, you can learn various forms of soul manipulation. The difference between us and Kishen eggs is that we use the power of our souls to fight. With the right skills you can even send your soul wavelength directly out of your body." She opened a book on top of her desk. "Okay..." She began having to force the frozen book open. "Ahem. Yes. Okay, now everyone oprn your books to the thirteenth chapter on soul manipulation."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Silverking Character Portrait: Kita Lia Character Portrait: Monica Silverking Character Portrait: Akemi Akahana Character Portrait: Dante Randonneur Character Portrait: Ghost Chrismen
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Naomi watched as her teacher glazed her desk over with ice. She smiled, amazed. That looked awesome, but she wasn't sure if she could do it. She flipped her book open to the thirteenth chapter on soul manipulation. She scanned over the pages, eager to learn if weapons could do that as well. She was sure that they could, but if not...well, she hoped that Dante learned fast. It would really help collect 99 souls and the soul of a Witch.

Then she frowned. She knew that the Witches have become more dangerous...not as dangerous as the story of the Kishin attack, but still, something was stirring in their cauldrons and it made her slightly uneasy. She looked up at Ms. Silverking and waited for her to start the lecture on Soul Manipulation. She looked over at her partner to see if he was interested in it at all.