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"I forgive you...sisters"

0 · 357 views · located in Seramel Castle

a character in “SoulChess: The Blood Of The Night”, originally authored by Usui, as played by RolePlayGateway







Madeline (In Gardenia)











Medusa has long light magenta hair and wears magenta visor like band cover her eyes, red marking on her forehead, she wears modfied greek mythology short black dress, wears magenta collar-like stoker, bands and handcuff with long black sleeves, cutoff black legging with magenta armor to the legs, and black shoes. She has a vixen's body build. Underneath the visor her eyes are bright pink. To fit in with Gardenian society and to not stand out even if at times she is sensed, she wears a black turleneck ,dark navy pants, wears glasses and has her hair slightly tied with purple ribbon.


Naturally silent, sultry and vigilant, Medusa often is bold when speaking. However she is kind to those who deserve it. From past experiences learned she doesn't take teasing or being asked to do something lightly, Immediately towards her allies she will draw her dagger even if shortly after disengaging, especially when it comes to the king. Even if she has a annoyed side that is aggressive, she is protective over her allies and will do anything to keep them from harm. When in battle, she is often calm and sadistic when it comes to the opposing. Even with these traits she tends to not engage in battle if the odds are against her and has no shame in fleeing if thats what it comes to. When it comes to daylight and in Gardenia, Medusa enjoys doing modern day every day things. Shopping, getting to know friends, etc. She never experienced such things in her life time but knows it never last forever and sometimes will be interrupted.


A Dagger connected to a chain.


--Fighting Style--

the beginning and before battle, Medusa often is subtle and likes to strategically get the first move often resulting in an ambush with her long extended chained dagger. Her style outside of using abilities is often quick with much agility and speed on her feet to get close to the opponent with her dagger. She is knowledgable with her reflexes to dodge and parry when she can. If she is unable to reach the opponent then she often switches to range slinging her dagger. She does know hand to hand combat but is not as skilled with it as she is with her natural weapon. Most times she resides to using it, is when she has to forcefully use the dagger as a sling.


Role 1) Sense pressence - Can feel the spiritual pressences of the other "pieces".

Role 2) Queen Crest Augment - Their power is increased to fit the queen position. In addition, they have a boosted regeneration rate. (Doesn't mean they heal wounds immediately, think more along the lines of after a full 8 hours worth of sleeping)

1) Mystic Eyes - To activate her eyes, she must remove the blindfold and activate the seal on her forehead. This is how Medusa turns her foes to stone. Note within Gardenia, this power drains more energy then natural and those inflicted with the effect are constantly in pain no longer petrified. Medusa herself was surprised by the change when she first uses this ability in Gardenia.

2)Seal Release - To activate her mystic eyes, she must break the seal. This seal actually enhances her fighting prowess too increasing how much spiritual power she holds. Although this does make Medusa vicious for the time. In Gardenia, she can't hold the seal back long and if she forcefully stalls the time, her body and sight begin to take a number in which she requires much slumber to recover.

3) Blood Fortress - Creates a barrier around a Medusa, draining life from those within it. Although powerful as it sounds. The ability takes a lot of energy to prepare and the more range she would want the more spiritual energy required. To place a barrier over all Gardenia would probably kill Medusa in less then five seconds. Naturally the range she allows the barrier to go from her is 20 feet all radius. Which is enough to release such constant energy as she battles. Her body will suffer however depending on the flow of battle. To clear if any confusion, this drain life doesn't drain but .50% of life per second giving the enemy 200 seconds to live. (This does not express how much seconds it would be if she were to seal release and use her mystic eyes. In addition know this damage is excluded from what she does with other abilities, so at maximum you have 200 seconds if the ability stays on and she maintains spiritual energy, It could be less seeing that she deals enough damage to decrease the duration of your life or you may last seeing overall she'll run out of energy to keep up with the fight.)


Medusa, a gorgon born with two sisters from the wishes of mankind. All blessed with beauty and immortality, however Medusa's immortality was false. In addition, she was cursed with mystic eyes which like mythology transmutes living flesh under her gaze into stone which made her begin wearing a blindfold until able to control it. Due to these differences Medusa was indeed treated poorly but she didn't realize it and loved her sisters anyways despite how they treated her. Athena forced the gorgon's worshippers from her jealousy, to attack them sisters and force them to live upon the Shapeless Isle. Now due to such tragic events and the fact that humans came to lust and invade. she often decided to rid slaughter and ingest them. At this time, Her life became incarnated as her appearance did to. Often causing her hair to change into snakes as she devoured. In addition, she even devoured her sisters by requested after they finally realized upon their actions that it was their fault. After years of living a tortured and dismal life, Perseus came to end it and as she died, her appearance resoted itself as she noticed how cruely her sisters treated her. Although they were her only memories, her sister were her fondest. She began to think that she had died forever but only to be revived and awaken in Gardenia. She now stands in belief that she was brought here for a second chance and to stand in saying her sister's were forgiven. Although she was brought here as Queen. She does try to fit in with life in Gardenia.


So begins...

Medusa's Story


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Character Portrait: Medusa
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#, as written by Usui
(OOC Message: Please be sure to read the Posting Guide before starting. In addition I want you to know no one starts in the same area. Also this should be known but don't start killing eachother right off the bat)

Weather: Heavy Rain


A clap of thunder roared as heavy rain fell from the sky. The gorgon, laid with nothing on and summoned within this city but particularly in the park. The sounds echoed in Medusa's head as she then began to noticed the rain falling upon her. Her eyes slowly opened as she began to think to herself. "Am i...A-alive..?" She began to move her fingers as she noticed they were in a water. No not water from the rain but a fountain. In fact, her whole body excluding her legs were floating in this fountain. Her legs merely hung off the side of the white circular pool of art. As she lain in the pond of water, letting the drops of water land on her face. She gave a gentle smile noticing the moon above her. "This is what it feels like to be alive again... however... I was informed I had a task to do... not only that but its been quite awhile since my time... It's changed.. If this is your doing... Thank you for another chance.." She spoke referring to Zeus although she wasn't quite sure whether it was the god of this world or not. Another thing Medusa found grateful of was when she lifted her plam noticing it to be normal but with her palm came her straight, silky but wet, light violet hair. "..No longer snakes? another thing to be grateful appearance is normal..". As her hand was lifted she turned it around only to notice a crest not burned but more so tattooed on it.

She spoke gently "A queen's crest?"

Finally, Medusa lifted up and studied her surroundings in this stormy night. Realizing only the park's lamps were shining on her. The only other lights in her sight were those that basically went down the path towards the rest of the city. The thoughts of what she saw were constant. She never knew such beauty would exist while "dead" Medusa was informed of the of how the world worked but never did she believe it would be like this. However these thoughts did not last very long as she suddenly heard a man speak very obsessive and perverted tone.

"I didn't expect to find such a beauty!" the man spoke moving towards her. Medusa could see the man from a fair sight but not his face. It was indeed true that Medusa could feel such a pressence near her but she didn't find it as a threat until now. She turned to her body towards him, her hand slightly covering her breast as she spoke.

"Watch yourself" She spoke giving a warning. She honestly wasn't sure what she was capable of at this point. She knows she was given the crest and to fight but she wasn't sure if her body was completely fixed. That aside, the man smirked and began to walk faster.

"We're definately going back to my place, I don't mind one as fiesty as you!" The man said suddenly revealing himself. The man was in a business suit holding an umbrella. Supposively looking as if he just got out of work. He came close and then did the very thing no one should do especially one as normal as him. He looked into the gorgon's eyes. Medusa went wide eyed as she noticed the man clenching his chest and falling to his knees. He felt the pain from his heart as his body began to become concrete. He reached out towards Medusa, obviously pleading for help but the gorgon herself was suprised. "I see...". She said noticing the guy was nearly stone.

"I'm ... sorry" She said with a smile. Her pink eyes looked red to the man as he observed for his final seconds of life.

The truth was, she didn't expect nor did she really want to resort to killing humans or devouring humans again. She didn't know she was still cursed with "The Mystic Eyes". She only suspected that she had all her other savage abilities as well. Probably why she was picked for the fight. She shook her head as she turned from the foolish statue of the human and lifted her hand granting her normal attire. Which came with the weapon as well wrapped around her waist. She remembered this was the very weapon she used to kill and devour so long ago but what was past has passed and this was definately going to be used for a different purpose.

"Good bye - Human" She said dashing with speed and then leaping onto the first building in sight.

Medusa lept from the sides and tops of building as she looked around the city. She could only realize at first, the Skyscraper in the middle. She climbed to the top and stood upon it. Looking down towards the city she noticed castles. Opposite sides? It was obvious to Medusa which side was to go to but was she ready? Although she was informed of the battle she was in. When vision and life came to the matter it was as if it was new to her. leapt down from the skyscraper to notice the humans. Although she saw the man before, she wanted to get a sight of human attire for if she wanted to or had to, she would know exactly how her style would be. The first idea was that she turn her visor into glasses but the rest was interrupted.

"I don't need to decide all that now... In the rules of chess... each side has sixteen pieces...obviously i might not be the only one and that white castle in the west may be just where i need to go...However, In every match none could start without the opposing. I best avoid such encounters if i can before meeting those who are my allies. This seal... its one of leaderships but a king would be higher." Medusa spoke silently outloud. In her mind she wasn't quite sure what to think of it as she lunged to a three story building and looked in the direction of the castle.

"First destination...and objective.. Sister's believe in me for once.." Medusa spoke observing what she saw from her distance of the castle as thunder and lightning clashed behind her. She only mentioned her sisters because it came to mind they weren't there with her. Although the abusive memories live on within her, there was also the ending where they themselves felt sorry and became apart of her when she devoured them.


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Character Portrait: Medusa
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#, as written by Usui

"First destination...and objective.. Sister's believe in me for once.." was the last thing the gorgon beauty said before making her way towards the edge of the three storied building in walking speed. Rain was still heavy as it fell upon her. The thunder still roaring but moreso over those sounds was the city itself. Being on this building she was able to hear the cars and people nearby. Even the cats of a nearby alley-way. "Busy.. she said looking down and observing. She began to wonder how in the world this city could be a battlefield without harming the citizens but then another question arose. "What time is it in this world? the sky is night above the clouds" she thought as she looked up towards the stormy sky. In a way she felt tranquility hearing and feeling life in this time or perhaps it was just knowing she was alive was where this thoughts came from. As the rain fell upon her face, Medusa's thoughts were zoned from reality only to be interrupted by sense.

What was this unknown feeling that the gorgon had. It was strange but she figured it was spiritual energy, due to how the crest on her hand reacted.

"Another piece..?" she asked looking towards the direction. In her sight she noticed helicopter and lights, the rest were blocked by buildings in her way. Medusa turned her body towards the direction. She felt the pressence moving. Not too quickly but definately was moving and in the direction of the Seramel castle? Indeed, she could definately tell it was another piece of the battle and even though it moved towards Seramel castle, she did not want to comfront it. It could just be an enemy confused in where he was going. Medusa shook her head and decided to race this moving pressence to the castle. Jumping and running from the sides of buildings avoiding the public. As she moved through the large city, the noise and commotion began to die. It was as if everyone was sleeping in this part of town.

Medusa landed onto the cold ground infront of the Archway leading into the castle's grounds. She looked around for the pressence. No where in sight, she walked to one of the sides of the archway and leaned against it, crossing her arms as she felt other pressences different then before. Some making their way towards the castle. Ally or foe, she felt ready as the rain poured down upon her. Medusa gripped the dagger's chain as she leaned against the pillar, ready to sling it off her at any moment. In truth and honesty, she wasn't sure if she was ready to fight anyone at the moment but wouldn't hesitate if she had to.

"Come -- A Queen awaits you" she spoke incase the pressences were close.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Donavin Character Portrait: Medusa
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After his incident, a quick, strenuous walking for Loki arrived him on the outskirts of the city, where the border between nature and civilization was thinning. Gravel and dirt replaced pavement and cement. Still, every few strikes of lightning Loki was able to see, out in the distance, the white towers so close yet so far.
He stopped to take a breathing break under a large arch, apparently marking the way to the white towered castle. It was then, leaning against his lance that he noticed a new marking on his left hand, it was in the shape of a pawn from that game some foreigners had called chess.
The foreigners had taught him the basics of chess.
"Pawn? Moving forward, the front-line, easily forgotten, not to be ignored" the foreigner would say as he defeated Loki with ease each play. Because of this he always liked the pawn piece, but still didn't get how to use it to it's full potential rather than just using it as cannon fodder like he would see other players do it/
"Heh, pawn always sounds good to me. I always love being in the thick of the fight" he made a fist with his left hand and did a fairly weak arm pump, his face reflecting the pain it put him in, his exhaustion from his walk was beginning to catch up with his will.
Now that he had time to rest and breathe deep under the cooling rain, he realized that he the sensation in his chest and head swas similar to his good food finding senses, like he was being watched by someone, or something. But Loki was much, much to tired from blood loss and his injuries that he simply did not want to think about what this possible feeling could be. He mechanically "sheathed" his lance, and walking over to the edge of the archway he simply leaned against it and slide downwards, eventually falling over, at the feet of a quite good looking, purple haired woman (Medusa).
"Ah, well...Hello there, names Loki, might I add that you look quite beautiful in the rain..." he managed to wrestle the words from his lungs before blatantly passing out. The ground was quite comfortable and the sound of the rain and the wind was very calming, this would be the perfect place for a nap, hopefully this time he wouldn't be hit by a truck.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Donavin Character Portrait: Medusa Character Portrait: Saul
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#, as written by Zetta

As Saul approached the edge of the town, he began to feel a rather peculiar sensation. For some reason or another, he was now able to sense a variety of spiritual presences across the city. While Saul had grappled with insurmountable forces of nature in the past, picking up the spiritual presence of multiple individuals across a city was... staggering, especially for someone as spiritually attuned as Saul. Nevertheless, Saul assumed that these presences included both his allies and enemies, judging by the fact that most of the figures seemed to converge upon one of two locations - either the destination he was headed towards, or some other location on the exact opposite side of the town.

However, because of this newfound spiritual awareness, Saul became aware of two figures near the entrance to his castle. As far as he was concerned, these could be his allies, either gathering and waiting for others before entering, or they were enemies already setting up an ambush. While the latter seemed unlikely - as most of the pieces that he could sense were still on the move - it would ensure a particularly swift victory for the other side. As a precaution, Saul decided that he would have to use his Four Pillars technique to determine who was at the entrance to the Seramel castle.

After pushing himself to a secluded alley, Saul pressed his palms together, and concentrated upon forming the Hurricane Pillar. A brief gust of wind blew through the surrounding regions, and an exact replica of Saul - without his lame leg or wheelchair - appeared before him. Anyone paying attention to the spiritual presences would feel something strange, as Saul's presence split into two different pieces. Without wasting another second, the Hurricane Pillar set out to confront the people located near the entrance to the castle.

Once the Hurricane Pillar got closer to Medusa and Loki, he began to slow down. Once he was in front of the two of them, the Hurricane Pillar simply stared at Loki's body, and then back to Medusa, as if he was expecting a response of some kind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Donavin Character Portrait: Medusa Character Portrait: Saul
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#, as written by Usui

Medusa's grip lessened as she felt the spritiual energy getting less and less yet closer. In such cases it made her grip the chain of her dagger more. Such things could be a supression of energy but Medusa remained unaware that only "Queens" weren't affected by such things. "I better be on my gua-". She was interrupted by the boy who appeared to be stumbling towards the gorgon in terrible way. She looked towards him and immediately pointed her dagger towards him. The weapon followed as he stumbled to her after speaking of what it seemed a command word his weapon. "Sheathing thy weapon to one who doesn't even know my side...nor do i know his... None-the-less we'll find out what he is plan-" again her thoughts went interrupted as she saw the poor boy fall callapse infront her her looking up to Medusa.

"Ah, well...Hello there, names Loki, might I add that you look quite beautiful in the rain..."

He spoke exhaustedly. Medusa gave a gentle blush, It has been long since she was called beautiful or was thought of in such ways. Her savagery back then was the loss to such things and even though the comment back then could be a dire thing since men lusted far more then they do now, it was a different time. She shook her head only looking down at him for the moment.

"You're a brave fall upon me without knowing who am for but .. even if you are for Plenoran, I will let you go none the less" She spoke as she began to kneel down to him until sudden she felt the other pressence suddenly drop. What could be behind such a thing? "No -- wait." Medusa thought as she felt suddenly two pressences, half the amount of the first for both of them. Medusa once again lifted herself up from the kneel to prepare for battle in addition she felt for some reason as if she had to defend the boy who fell upon her. The beautiful gorgon sighed and released the grip on the chain of the dagger remaining to hold it with only her right hand on the hilt. She lifted her left to feel if her visor across her eyes remained. Indeed it did and Medusa once again grabbed the chain only to be on time when the mysterious half spiritual pressured man appeared. Once again for some reason Medusa allowed the stranger to approach them closely. She observed the man gestures closely.

"Do not be mistaken" she said only to swiftly grab his arm in a semi strong grip and brought the hand to her. It froze her, earlier to be thinking of whom would be "king" in such events would be this boy. Only in all fairness she lifted her hand revealing her crest. She was informed before that only allies could see each other crest which meant they were definately together but what clicked is she has yet to see Loki's. She released her grip from the king whom yet to say anything or introduce himself. Medusa then began to speak gently as she knelt down and grabbed Loki's arm a little more gently and carefully seeing he was injured.

"I was waiting for both of you. In addition, I mean Loki whom is this boy here who appears to be --" she stopped looking at the crest.

"Pawn. However, when i was refer to you, King, I mean both of you" She said a little seriously implying that she felt different pressences. She lifted herself up, wrapped the dagger and chain around her waste. and then lifted the body of Loki up and she shook her head seeing the rain was getting infront of her vision.

"He collapsed in front of me, we should really get out of this rain, In addition, you must bring your true self to us. If this is chess your body is quite... your body is quite important." Medusa spoke and sighed looking up to the sky still somewhat enjoying the rain falling upon her face. As her gaze was up at the dark sky of the rain she spoke.

"What shall i call you, my king?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Donavin Character Portrait: Medusa
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#, as written by Usui
(Sorry for the huge delay)


Medusa's grip lessened as she felt the spritiual energy getting less and less yet closer. In such cases it made her grip the chain of her dagger more. Such things could be a supression of energy but Medusa remained unaware that only "Queens" weren't affected by such things. "I better be on my gua-". She was interrupted by the boy who appeared to be stumbling towards the gorgon in terrible way. She looked towards him and immediately pointed her dagger towards him. The weapon followed as he stumbled to her after speaking of what it seemed a command word his weapon. "Sheathing thy weapon to one who doesn't even know my side...nor do i know his... None-the-less we'll find out what he is plan-" again her thoughts went interrupted as she saw the poor boy fall callapse infront her her looking up to Medusa.

"Ah, well...Hello there, names Loki, might I add that you look quite beautiful in the rain..."

He spoke exhaustedly. Medusa gave a gentle blush, It has been long since she was called beautiful or was thought of in such ways. Her savagery back then was the loss to such things and even though the comment back then could be a dire thing since men lusted far more then they do now, it was a different time. She shook her head only looking down at him for the moment.

"You're a brave fall upon me without knowing who am for but .. even if you are for Plenoran, I will let you go none the less" She spoke as she began to kneel down to him until sudden she felt the other pressence suddenly drop and then disappear entirely (Saul is dropped from the RP). She payed no mind as she grasped the boy's hand turning it to see the crest of a pawn.

"Pawn... I see..." She then lifted the boy and herself to her feet then nodded.

"Let us be off..." she said as she walked through the gates to Seramel castle.

(Medusa and Loki have left to Seramel)

She looked around as she walked through the garden, it was calm and peaceful but the flowers were bright even at night. The hall seemed very welcoming as she walked along the steps towards the door. opening it. Making sure he wouldn't thrash Loki around too much or so as she walked into the hall of the castle the bright moon seemed to come right through a stained glass window above them and before she knew it a maid closed the door behind her.

"My lady...?" she said with a pleasant and loyal tone. She looked around seeing white armored knights standing in positions as statues but there was definately a pressence within them. The gorgon looked down towards the maid and nodded.

"I am well" she then moved exploring the grounds of the castle with loki still in her arms. She was honestly in awe from the beauty of the fortress. Even here she came to encounter a garden far more beauty then the one outside. She moved to a bench and sat down holding Loki in her arms however she didn't really pay any attention to the fact she has yet to let him rest. She figured that she would rather just allow him to rest where they were at the explore and carry his body uncomfortably. The gorgon placed his head upon her lap and sighed relaxing and hoping others would show soon as well...

The setting changes from Gardenia City to Seramel Castle


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Donavin Character Portrait: Medusa
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Loki drifted around in the usual, empty void of dreaming that he ended up in whenever he went to sleep, but this time there was much less resistance than usual. He decided to take a walk, and brought himself into a "standing" position and a small, blue path solidified beneath his feet. "Okay, now...Either i'm dead...or sleeping in a way that would make me relaxed" Loki considered the former as possible his favorite choice, but he still had an oath to fulfill. "Alrighty Loki time to wake up" balling his hand into a fist, he threw a straight punch with all of his strength and felt the void give way beneath him, and fell.

As he regained his senses, Loki could feel his head pounding like he had been drinking for a week straight. "Got to lay off the rum" he grumbled to himself and rolled onto his side. It was then he noticed, that his head was on something cushy, like skin but softer. Looking above him, he was on the lap of the girl he had met seemingly minutes before, but now that a majority of his exhaustion was gone he could think straight and there was something familiar about her.

"M...Medusa? Coeus! My lady I did not know" he imminently rolled off the bench and kneeled in respect. To finally meet the great gorgon was quite a big deal for Loki, his mind was racing, trying to make sense of his situation. He glanced up slightly and caught a glimpse of a mark on her hand, also a strange, overpowering presence was emanating from her.

He sat down cross legged and looked up at her, avoiding her eyes just in case the stories he heard had been true. Instead he studied the rest of her body, and wasn't to subtle about it. I really would not like to fight her he thought to himself and crossed his arms. "You are in this game as well my lady?" he voiced his thought aloud. "What rank, may I ask?" he tilted his head and gave a small, trusting smile.

The setting changes from Seramel Castle to Gardenia City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Donavin Character Portrait: Medusa
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#, as written by Usui

"M...Medusa? Coeus! My lady I did not know"

Medusa looked down at him startled by his sudden actions to roll from the bench and kneel in respect. It appeared he was examining her but his eyes stopped just before her face. "Would be a rather common thing to avoid since he recognized me almost instantly.." she thought. Suddenly the gorgon watched as he crossed his legs as he sat looking upon her still avoiding her eyes. She smiled as she was being examined yet the smile wasn't about such matters. It was more so that he possibly didn't know what side she was on. That too is a typical situation if one such as themselves were brought upon this strange world so suddenly. The boy spoke to Medusa in questions. He seemed to have little trust and felt uneasy of the situation none the less.

"You are in this game as well my lady?" A question towards her but said as if meant to be within thoughts. Medusa leaned back taking in the scent of the garden before hearing another question that seemed to be out loud. She leaned forward as she then swiftly brought her face to him. Her hands taking the boy by the chin to face her face as he spoke.

"What rank, may I ask?".

She smiled as her and the boy's face were close. She stroked his cheek afterwards with a friendly touch. Her visor remained over her eyes as she spoke.

"I am indeed in this game hehe but do you worry, my eyes will not activate with my mask... I will speak upon your question though. . ." She said gently releasing his chin and lifting herself back up sitting down with her leg crossing over the other. Once again she took a nice pause taking in the tranquil scent. In addition to the scenery and scent it possibly was also due to the fact that it was quiet as well, unlike the Gardenia which the city was loud. Although waking up upon a park was a little nice, It would've been somewhat peaceful if it wasn't for the disgusting pig who was turned to stone. She continued after the moment.

"I am queen, Loki. - As the rules stated within our minds, we are only able to see the ranks of our force...Sadly if i was this easy to make out then perhaps i must change my attire..." She spoke snapping her fingers. Her visor turned into glasses that still concealed her viscious mystical eyes even though it may seem it didn't and her attire completely changed instantly into black turleneck ,dark navy pants and has her hair slightly tied with purple ribbon.

"Do not fear my eyes, the glasses are still my visor in disguise but you may have to fear if they fall off... I'm not use to wearing such things hehe" she said in a joking tone ending with a giggle towards Loki.

The setting changes from Gardenia City to Seramel Castle


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Donavin Character Portrait: Medusa
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"I am queen Loki"

Well now that answered quite a few of Loki's questions, because not only was he alive, but he naturally let his own guard down when they first met and decided to pass out. He quite liked this person especially since he would have to be their subordinate.

Loki was quite frustrated with himself, and still very much confused with what exactly what was going on but a couple things were certain.
This was a big, living game of chess, and the players were from different times and possibly different dimensions. His face remained a well practiced smile when she would touch him. Again the thought passed about ho meeting the legendary gorgon was pretty unbelievable.

Now with that said....he closed his eyes for a moment so that he could clear his head of useless thoughts, rather than being in a state of confusion. He felt Medusa's presence and began to feel others scattered at various distances. But not all of them felt...friendly. There was only one he could feel near himself and that was Medusa therefore they were (more than likely) the only two members of Seramel currently occupying their castle.

" a very interesting game" he muttered and stood up, looking around him then to the castle. The architecture was very, very impressive and functional. The servants were all quite discreet too, if Loki wasn't paying attention he wouldn't notice any of the maids, knights, or gardeners walking around and doing their duties. Loki sorely hoped that they wouldn't be to outnumbered, but he had to admit that it would be fun fighting multiple people. A wide grin slowly crept across his face and he looked back to Medusa.

"Well my queen, shall we explore the castle" Loki said in a very casual tone with an over dramatic bow before offering his hand to help her from the bench.