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"Stuck leading a war? At least I won't be heading out to the field too often..."

0 · 189 views · located in Gardenia City

a character in “SoulChess: The Blood Of The Night”, originally authored by Zetta, as played by RolePlayGateway





The Transcendent Warlord

Sam (in Gardenia)



Human - Mage


Saul stands at approximately six feet, with dark brown hair that hangs across his face and piercing hazel eyes. He has a fairly athletic build, but is unable to walk with ease due to his lame right leg. At night, and prior to engagements, Saul opts to wear his signature set of green-and-white leather armor, complete with bracers and greaves, over a cloth tunic and pants, as this combination of armor provides just the right level of durability and mobility for his Four Pillars. During the day, he wears a dress shirt with a set of black pants - according to him, these are rather comfortable - underneath a black coat (Refer to the above image, sans swords). Due to his lame leg, Saul can typically be seen in a wheelchair during the daytime, but prefers to his his staff to help him walk at night.

When alone, Saul tends to be more contemplative, and spends most of his time alone wandering the castle courtyard or wandering his room. If asked about what he's thinking, he'll either respond with "the past," or some cryptic answer. With any friends or allies, however, Saul is considerably more jovial, trying to take an active role in whatever conversation that he can get involved in. In battle, Saul shows respect for any opponent that can hold their own against him, but never lowers his guard deliberately against anything. As for his thoughts on being chosen as the King, well, that's a story for another day.

Saul's staff, at a distance, looks to be more like a martial artist's weapon than that of a spellcaster. However, the white, 1.7m staff is equally potent as both a magical focus and as a melee weapon. The staff is made from the bones of an unknown beast, fused together with magic and turned into a focus for Saul's spellcasting sometime in his past. It is, however, surprisingly durable, and should not break under normal circumstances.

Fighting Style
Generally speaking, Saul prefers to sit back and use his Four Pillars technique, usually employing only the Hurricane Pillar, to deal with enemies. If faced with a direct fight, however, he will use his powers in a relentless chain to take out how opponent as quickly as possible, due to his inability to move freely in battle. Generally speaking, the chain of magic gradually shifts from hurling fiery arrows, to using concussive blasts and blades of air while his enemy is a decent range from him. When the enemy in within close quarters, Saul uses his Earth magic to push or stagger his opponent, but quickly follows up with his Air magic, in an attempt to gain some distance between both him and his enemy.

Despite primarily using magic, however, his dress and choice of weapon seems to indicate some level of familiarity with combat using a staff.


♕[Role Ability] Sense Presence - Saul can feel the spiritual presence of the other "pieces."
♕[Role Ability] Augmented Power - Saul's abilities and powers are augmented.
♕[Role Ability] Contract of Royalty - Saul can exchange his crest with an allied member of his faction.

1) Four Pillars: The Four Pillars technique (although he technically only uses three of the four) allows Saul to divide his power between (up to) three replicas of himself, each of which has command over either Earth, Fire, or Air magic. However, his energy - and magical prowess - is split between the clones and himself (he must also rest for a full day if a clone is slain in combat), and each clone present immobilizes one of Saul's limbs. In addition, he cannot send the clones further than half the distance of the city from his current position. However, since he is controlling the clones, any knowledge gained is immediately transmitted to Saul, and their shared senses provide valuable tactical information to Saul. Note that the Four Pillars lack Saul's lame leg, and are able to fight in a much more mobile fashion than Saul is not capable of.

2) Granite Pillar: The Granite Pillar allows Saul to harness the power of Earth in its full potential. This Pillar focuses primarily on defensive techniques, placing a priority on blocking and counterattacks. As such, the Granite Pillar can (and will) pull up walls of earth or cause tremors at a nearby location. In addition, the Granite Pillar will use a replica of Saul's staff - by creating a kite shield out of stone, with the staff at the middle.

3) Infernal Pillar: The Infernal Pillar specializes in long-range combat, allowing the clone of Saul to hurl flame at his opponents from a relatively long distance. Typically the Infernal Pillar will use magical arrows of fire, or fireballs.

4) Hurricane Pillar: The Hurricane Pillar - which Saul prefers the most - lies between the Infernal and Granite Pillars, specializing in mid-range combat. Typically hovering above the ground, the Hurricane Pillar specializes in mid-range combat, using razor-sharp blades of wind and concussive blasts to fight.

5) Resplendent Trance: Once every two days, Saul can place himself into a twelve-hour trance that fully restores his magical energy.

Most of Saul's history will be revealed in-RP, typically during flashback sequences and whatnot.

So begins...

Saul's Story


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Character Portrait: Saul
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#, as written by Zetta

Saul was meditating, deep within the confines of his temple, which had peacefully watched over the surrounding valleys for almost a hundred years - ever since he established himself as a user of the Four Pillars technique. Silently, Saul reflected upon the years of his life, just like he had done for the past fifteen years, in an attempt to finally master the last aspect of the Four Pillars. Deep within, Saul could feel the fragments of the Tidal Pillar - the final part of the Four Pillars technique - lying within his subconscious. After fifteen straight days of meditation, he finally had his answer. However, as he was about to reach for it, something odd happened.

Saul felt himself drifting through an abyss - something unnatural and without form. Whether an eternity passed, or only a split second, he never knew, but when he did, Saul found himself in a very strange place, with rain, and odd towers all around him. In addition, he was wearing some outlandish - but comfortable - clothes, and was sitting in an odd chair with wheels. At least, whoever had summoned him into this strange realm knew about his disability, and had provided some measure of compensation for it. Nevertheless, this was very uncomfortable for him. There was an odd crest pressed into his hand - it resembled the crowns worn by the kings that lived far to the north. At the very least, whatever mysterious force behind this had left some sort of a marker as to where to go. A castle on the edge of this city, and something about a battle.

Personally, this was too much for Saul. After all, spending almost a hundred years mastering the power of three of the four primal elements had left him to be something of a recluse, but he nevertheless remembered the days prior to accepting the pact that drastically extended his lifespan and granted him the powers he earned today: the years when he was filled with ambition and the relentless passions of youth. Perhaps, this was another chance at living the days of his youth once more. For Saul, a second chance was precisely what he needed: his life within the monastery was, after some deliberation, rather lacking.

Saul precariously navigated the strange roads within the forest of towers. There were plenty of people that turned to look at him - possibly because of his odd chair - but he paid them no heed. This place was very strange to Saul, with its steel towers, oddly-dressed people, and the strange beasts of labor that ran through its streets. After quite a bit of navigating, Saul could finally see his target - the Seramel castle - which he carefully made his way to, hoping that it would not be a trap of some sort.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Donavin Character Portrait: Medusa Character Portrait: Saul
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#, as written by Zetta

As Saul approached the edge of the town, he began to feel a rather peculiar sensation. For some reason or another, he was now able to sense a variety of spiritual presences across the city. While Saul had grappled with insurmountable forces of nature in the past, picking up the spiritual presence of multiple individuals across a city was... staggering, especially for someone as spiritually attuned as Saul. Nevertheless, Saul assumed that these presences included both his allies and enemies, judging by the fact that most of the figures seemed to converge upon one of two locations - either the destination he was headed towards, or some other location on the exact opposite side of the town.

However, because of this newfound spiritual awareness, Saul became aware of two figures near the entrance to his castle. As far as he was concerned, these could be his allies, either gathering and waiting for others before entering, or they were enemies already setting up an ambush. While the latter seemed unlikely - as most of the pieces that he could sense were still on the move - it would ensure a particularly swift victory for the other side. As a precaution, Saul decided that he would have to use his Four Pillars technique to determine who was at the entrance to the Seramel castle.

After pushing himself to a secluded alley, Saul pressed his palms together, and concentrated upon forming the Hurricane Pillar. A brief gust of wind blew through the surrounding regions, and an exact replica of Saul - without his lame leg or wheelchair - appeared before him. Anyone paying attention to the spiritual presences would feel something strange, as Saul's presence split into two different pieces. Without wasting another second, the Hurricane Pillar set out to confront the people located near the entrance to the castle.

Once the Hurricane Pillar got closer to Medusa and Loki, he began to slow down. Once he was in front of the two of them, the Hurricane Pillar simply stared at Loki's body, and then back to Medusa, as if he was expecting a response of some kind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Donavin Character Portrait: Medusa Character Portrait: Saul
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#, as written by Usui

Medusa's grip lessened as she felt the spritiual energy getting less and less yet closer. In such cases it made her grip the chain of her dagger more. Such things could be a supression of energy but Medusa remained unaware that only "Queens" weren't affected by such things. "I better be on my gua-". She was interrupted by the boy who appeared to be stumbling towards the gorgon in terrible way. She looked towards him and immediately pointed her dagger towards him. The weapon followed as he stumbled to her after speaking of what it seemed a command word his weapon. "Sheathing thy weapon to one who doesn't even know my side...nor do i know his... None-the-less we'll find out what he is plan-" again her thoughts went interrupted as she saw the poor boy fall callapse infront her her looking up to Medusa.

"Ah, well...Hello there, names Loki, might I add that you look quite beautiful in the rain..."

He spoke exhaustedly. Medusa gave a gentle blush, It has been long since she was called beautiful or was thought of in such ways. Her savagery back then was the loss to such things and even though the comment back then could be a dire thing since men lusted far more then they do now, it was a different time. She shook her head only looking down at him for the moment.

"You're a brave fall upon me without knowing who am for but .. even if you are for Plenoran, I will let you go none the less" She spoke as she began to kneel down to him until sudden she felt the other pressence suddenly drop. What could be behind such a thing? "No -- wait." Medusa thought as she felt suddenly two pressences, half the amount of the first for both of them. Medusa once again lifted herself up from the kneel to prepare for battle in addition she felt for some reason as if she had to defend the boy who fell upon her. The beautiful gorgon sighed and released the grip on the chain of the dagger remaining to hold it with only her right hand on the hilt. She lifted her left to feel if her visor across her eyes remained. Indeed it did and Medusa once again grabbed the chain only to be on time when the mysterious half spiritual pressured man appeared. Once again for some reason Medusa allowed the stranger to approach them closely. She observed the man gestures closely.

"Do not be mistaken" she said only to swiftly grab his arm in a semi strong grip and brought the hand to her. It froze her, earlier to be thinking of whom would be "king" in such events would be this boy. Only in all fairness she lifted her hand revealing her crest. She was informed before that only allies could see each other crest which meant they were definately together but what clicked is she has yet to see Loki's. She released her grip from the king whom yet to say anything or introduce himself. Medusa then began to speak gently as she knelt down and grabbed Loki's arm a little more gently and carefully seeing he was injured.

"I was waiting for both of you. In addition, I mean Loki whom is this boy here who appears to be --" she stopped looking at the crest.

"Pawn. However, when i was refer to you, King, I mean both of you" She said a little seriously implying that she felt different pressences. She lifted herself up, wrapped the dagger and chain around her waste. and then lifted the body of Loki up and she shook her head seeing the rain was getting infront of her vision.

"He collapsed in front of me, we should really get out of this rain, In addition, you must bring your true self to us. If this is chess your body is quite... your body is quite important." Medusa spoke and sighed looking up to the sky still somewhat enjoying the rain falling upon her face. As her gaze was up at the dark sky of the rain she spoke.

"What shall i call you, my king?"