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Bec Hemingway

"Quick, get down the luminous flux. It's glowing again!"

0 · 421 views · located in Earth

a character in “Spheres of the Aether”, as played by Nephthys



"You see things, and you say, 'Why?'; but I dream things that never were, and I say, 'Why not?'"
— George Bernard Shaw

Full NameImage
"Yes, it really is 'Pavlov Becquerel Hemingway.' Please, don't ask."
Alternatively, his name is Becquerel Pavlov Hemingway. Sometimes.

"Just call me Bec, please."

    [+] Bec
    [+] Becca (insulting)
    [+] Hemingway
    [+] Lovie (rarely)

"It's just a number. Really."

    [+] 23 (in his own humble opinion)
    [+] 18 (which he's too often mistaken for)
    [+] 25 (how old his grandmother claims he is)
    [+] 21 (what it says on his Driver's License)
Bec was born without a birth certificate.

"Male. Really, I am."

Sphere [&] Abilities
"The Arcane Sphere is a perplexing thing. Probably."

    [+] What am I doing. Bec doesn't actually know too well how to use his orb, so he just carries it around with him, wills it to do things, and hopes what he's doing is alright. If he were to actually channel his power and learn how to use it, he would, perhaps, become one of the most powerful men in history; however, Bec is absolutely clueless as to the purpose of the odd little crystal he found on the beach so many years ago.

    [+] Maybe I should shake it. Bec is constantly experimenting with his crystal. As his abilities are so versatile, he never seems to get the same results as before when he decides to try something new. As any respectable scientist would, Bec always keeps a notebook on his person to log the crystal's actions under certain circumstances. He's always ready, eager, and willing to put his crystal to the test.

    [+] Hey, look! It's glowing. Bec hasn't mastered a single action from his orb; he's too pre-occupied with studying it and testing its limits. This, however, by no means signifies that he's completely powerless. Bec has an immense energetic connection with his orb. He can perform various 'glowy thingies' quite well, mind you— don't get on his bad side, or he'll blind you! For the most part, all Bec can really do is draw vast amounts of energy into the orb and expel them at varying rates. At the moment, all he really does with it is charge his phone and laptop, topping his stores off every so often but not to the point that he exhausts himself.

    [+] It also goes boom. If Bec so chose, he could release all the energy stored within his orb. This would be very taxing on him, and he would likely be killed in the inevitable blast and subsequent implosion of the orb, but it's a fact to be aware of. He can also create minor blasts from the energy he's stored, channel his energy into various things, and make some really cool-looking fireworks that sometimes get out of hand and blow things up. This is an extremely powerful, uncontrolled form of energy expulsion.

    [+] You're frazzled. The other talent Bec's tapped into is the fact that he can create shields by manipulating pure energy. Be it physical shields hot enough to burn up small projectiles or walls of sheer centrifugal force that'll send psychic waves and the minds of their users flying to subjects miles away instead of himself, he can guard himself against nearly anything. That said, it takes a great deal of energy to create these shields, so he doesn't test them too often. Creating one is exhausting, as is maintaining them. He's passed out before while using one, and the results of the suddenly-untamed energy really wasn't pretty. This is another form of energy expulsion coupled with very minor energy manipulation.
Tools [&] Weapons

    [+] All a man needs is his mind. Bec is a bright, creative individual with a strong scientific mind. He can think his way out of almost any situation and have fun doing it. His mind is and has always been his greatest tool, and he's learned a lot in a lifetime of traveling, inventing, and sating his curiosity. He isn't necessarily the image of the 'classical genius—' he's actually rather poor math skills, and he can't play music for the life of him— but his creative ability and his sheer aptitude for learning in general makes him one not to be trifled with.

    [+] ...and also maybe some money. Riding on old family money and a good deal of his own earned from dubious sources, Bec doesn't have a real job and instead spends his free time researching, traveling, and taking in the beauty of the world. He has a lot of money to spare, so his scientific pursuits are rarely unfunded.

    [+] Fear me! I have a letter opener. Bec is prone to stabbing, swatting, or nearly impaling those who annoy him with anything within reach. Though he's a complete failure at any sort of combat, he's a master of finding impromptu weapons and making them useful. When pissing Bec off, it's a bad idea to let him borrow your pen. Or your sunglasses. Or your newspaper. And definitely not your car keys.
Strengths [&] Weaknesses

    [--] Ice cream cones. Bec Hemingway has a strong history of hypopigmentation in his family. He's not exempt. Bec is very pale, with skin that burns in around five minutes, light and unfortunately limp hair, and what is probably the most sensitive skin any man has ever known. Put him in the sun without protection, and he's fried. Perhaps that explains his odd style of dress— although, judging from his mannerisms...

    [--] He's an odd one. Bec's extremely eccentric. Growing up on his family's private island in the Pacific, he spent his childhood largely without human interaction. He tends not to listen to other people and go off in his own world when it's completely inappropriate to do so, having, at an early age, not properly developed normal social mores. He doesn't quite know how to act in public, so he gets a good number of confused stares when he goes out. Bec also tends not to get sarcasm, choosing to take everything literally instead.

    [+] The infinite plane. He's an extremely creative individual, and challenges of the mind are small fare for him. He sees everything as a puzzle, and he's never been known to lose at those. Actually, he hates losing, but he doesn't know that because he's never lost.

    [+] My boys. Bec is never without a small robot of at least some sort. He devotes much of his time to tinkering and inventing and employs his various skills in numerous ways, robots included. He enjoys the company of his small creations and often prefers them to actual humans.

    [+] It’s a keeper. Bec is known to be something of a hoarder, keeping random items in his massive messenger bag for ‘the time when he might need them.’ He’s never one to pass up picking up a cool but useless trinket. The upside of this is that he’s never without strange items that might come in handy. The downside is that his bag is very, very heavy.


    Bec is a bit of an odd-looking individual. He's often found wearing clothes more appropriate for a desert wanderer: large, baggy, thick pants tucked into all-purpose boots with a long overcoat over it all. He mostly pulls his shirts out of the dumpster— or so it seems, given one look at the ratty things. He claims it's just to protect his skin, but he does, to some extent, simply enjoy wearing the getup. Without being completely covered, his pale skin would burn in minutes, and he does hate buying and applying all that sunscreen. When he does, however, dress like a normal human being, he usually is found in no less than a black turtleneck and well-fitted, light-colored jeans. Because he's totally not copying Steve Jobs.

    A slim, spindly man, Bec can seem to be a bit of an imposing figure to those shorter than him. Though he's skinny and lacks most muscle other than those he uses to swim around at home, he's a somewhat intimidating figure, standing at six feet and three inches with nothing to show for it. Despite his height, however, his overall appearance is boyish, almost childish, with round features, long, feminine lashes, and eyes shaped very much like those of a Pacific Islander. While they're usually hidden behind prescription sunglasses (Bec's farsighted to the point that he can't make out faces, let alone words, without some sort of glass), Bec's eyes are a shade of washed-out hazel green that seem startling against his pale skin.

    On the subject of his skin: Bec's body produces little pigment, so he's left vulnerable to the rays of the sun. It's genetic and a very obvious condition. While nowhere near as severe as forms of albinism known to occur in his family, Bec is notably pale and has to act accordingly.

    Born to a wealthy family with the means to procure beautiful wives and healthy babies, Bec is surprisingly good-looking, if not somewhat plain. He's in good health with a pleasing facial structure as well as, much to the envy of many, completely perfect teeth. Other than this, though, he's really quite forgettable in terms of looks. Well, aside from the fact that he's really pale. And that he dresses like a desert hobo.

    Bec Hemingway, much as his name suggests, is a man of the sciences. Born, raised, and bathed in every time of science available since birth, it was inevitable that the boy would grow up with a lust for discovery and his undying curiosity. Bec enjoys discovering new things about the world and will go to endless lengths to solve his 'puzzles.' Though he's not especially good at mathematics, having been homeschooled on an island in the middle of the pacific, Bec is a prolific inventor, explorer, and roboticist.

    However intelligent and curious he may be, though, Bec was not raised well. He's a very socially awkward human being and doesn't do well int he presence of others. Most fine his eccentric ways off-putting, and he's been denounced as a crazy crackpot more than once for very good reason. Bec just doesn't have social skills because he wasn't raised around people. He talks too loud, ignores all social boundaries, and doesn't even know what manners are. He's prone to doing what he wants, when he wants because he's never really had it any other way.

    Bec's a spontaneous person who loves to do everything that pops into his head. He goes off on tangents and whims as though there was no such thing as organized thought. In fact, he's disorganized in almost every way possible: his speech, his personal space, his social interactions. Though Bec's never one to miss a detail, said details are promptly observed and thrown into the chaotic slurry that is his mind. Because of this, he's forgetful and tends to space out. A lot. Bec doesn't pay attention to most people when they're talking, and that, if more than anything else, has gotten him into a lot of trouble.
Likes [&] Dislikes

    [+] Exploring.
    [+] Collecting.
    [+] Hypothesizing.
    [+] Chemistry.
    [+] Biology.
    [+] Electronics.
    [+] Reading old-school Sci-Fi
    [--] Being told what to do.
    [--] Being told he can't do something.
    [--] Giving up.
    [--] Pain.
    [--] Exercise.
    [--] Getting stuck in a rut.
    [--] Fighting.


    Becquerel Pavlov Hemingway was born on the small, private island owned by self-made Turkmeni billionaire Saghad Akha Fareed and British everything-tycoon Atticus Sawyer Hemingway. It was decided at birth that their first and only son would become a scientist, and, like that, he did.

    Bec, despite his unfortunate name, was never particularly well-known to the world at large. No one had ever heard of Turkmenistan, and Atticus Hemingway was a quiet, old-money boy who never knew anything but country houses and beachside vacations. Though his parents were incredibly rich, Bec's name never reached anywhere beyond the farthest stretches of the island his family had decided to call home.

    That wasn't much a problem, though, for the boy developing rudimentary artificial intelligence at the age of ten. Bec never needed friends. He grew up a free spirit, doing whatever he pleased so long as he kept up with his studies— hardly a problem, considering he'd reworked the house to bring it into the age of science twice before he turned thirteen. Bec Hemingway was extremely bright, and his parents loved it, supplying every whim and passion with their seemingly endless money. Bec's early life was an absolute dream. Between the robots, the biology labs, and the stargazing, there was little time for social development, but nobody really cared, at that point. Bec was being primed to be a scientist, an inventor, a behind-the-scenes shaker— not a movie star. On that philosophy, the boy was left to his own devices on the island, free to develop his odd yet charmed personality.

    Things began to change when Bec was seventeen. It was the summer his parents planned to send him off MIT— in fact, it was his birthday. Right there, in the middle of August, as he flew to California over the Pacific ocean, a tsunami erupted. It was comparatively weak to Japan's just years later, but it was enough to destroy the tiny volcanic island, leaving it a mess of rubble and death. Out of four survivors, none were his family members. Bec was torn between being glad he wasn't stuck there when the inevitable, uncontrollable happened and the more normal phase of, "OH MY GOD WHY IS THIS HAPPENING. THEY CANNOT BE DEAD." Still in shock, Bec dropped out of college his first semester and proceeded to live in what he affectionately called a 'hovel' for six months while his parents' estate was being sorted out. When the lawyers finally got around to it, Bec, the lone heir, moved back to his island, where he fixed up the family home and lived in reclusion for years. On the eve of his nineteenth birthday, now also the one-year anniversary of the tsunami, Bec couldn't handle himself anymore and set off into the woods with no more than a notebook and a waterproofed time capsule. He planned to sit and write until he died.

    It was then, after two days without shelter or water, that Bec found the orb. There, in the forest, on a rather anthropologically incorrect Greek pedestal, sat a perfectly-carved orb of clear crystal. It was glowing. Obviously, Bec picked it up. Though he still regards it as the hallucinations of a dying mind, he could swear it said to him, "So, my charge. Are you the one who seems ingenious among my brightest ingénues? Come, let's create together." To this day, he continues to research is properties, both physical and those decidedly less so.

    He began his globe-trotting career at twenty and hasn't stopped since. Now, he certainly respects and fears Mother Earth, for all her strangeness and unpredictability.



So begins...

Bec Hemingway's Story


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Character Portrait: Bec Hemingway Character Portrait: Rose Hathford
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Bec Hemingway [&] Rose Hathford

"Why is it that the most fascinating things in life never seem to be the beautiful little curses that play right into our waiting palms? It's like we're always watching, always waiting, for the one fluke of fate that'll never come."

"Bec, is there a reason you're sitting in a pile of clothes, or should I just leave you be and come back later?" 

It was the sort of question Rose had become all too used to asking over the course of the last few days as they hopped from one budget motel to the next. “Because if you’re telling me that you biggest revelation has something to do with plaid boxers and— and whatever all the rest of these things are,” she said, gesturing to the other, unidentifiable objects strewn among the various articles of clothing covering the floor underneath her friend, “I think I’ll have wasted the flight out here completely.”

Bec muttered something in French that Rose couldn’t quite catch. With a sigh, she knelt down, carefully balanced in a pair of expensive black heels, and laid a hand on Bec’s shoulder. “Alright. Let’s get you dressed, and we’ll discuss this over breakfast, alright? Where’d you put your clothes? Go take a shower, and I’ll clean up. Alright? I hear there’s a nice cafĂ© down the street.” Bec nodded his assent and stood as Rose eyed the obscene mess of cloth and paper that seemed to cover the carpet.

“Il suffit de ne pas gĂącher le papier sur la commode,” he mumbled as though he were drunk. “I need them pour plus tard.” He had a terrible accent when he mixed his languages— something caught between West African and QuĂ©bĂ©cois with a slight hint of Rose's own cultured British thrown into the slurry. The Africanized syllables sounded strange on his tongue, as his voice was nowhere near as rich, deep, and guttural as the men it suited. For his height, Rose still found herself surprised how soft-spoken he was. It brought her back to the days when they'd both been thirteen. She'd been taller than him back then, and even now, she couldn't help thinking the arrangement had suited them better. She wasn't sure when he'd gotten so tall.

"Don't worry," she said, her own French more regal and practiced like her English— she'd taken it upon herself since the age of six to drop her native South African accent, picked up from the Afrikaans-laced babble of the nannies, for the more cultured British of her tutors. If she was going to speak a language, she might as well speak it well. "I'm not going to lay a hand on the papers on the dresser."

With that, she set to work tidying up the room. Her hands, somewhat unused to the thought of picking up, folding, and putting away. After an arrival an hour ago, she and Bec had each gone to their respective rooms. The places were a bit lacking in amenities, but she’d suspected that Bec had seen worse from the way almost started jumping up and down at the thought of a hot shower. Life without running water was almost unimaginable to Rose herself; here she was, now, picking up Bec’s clothes from where he’d dumped them in a pile on the floor, doing her best to remember how to fold a shirt. She’d found him there, reading, of all things, when she’d come in to check on why he’d left the door ajar. It was a strange sight, the pale man stripped down to a turtleneck and jeans reading some Hindi book in a pile of more turtlenecks and jeans.

Strange, yes, but oddly charming. Rose smiled to herself. Bec was a fascinating fellow. She couldn’t wait to hear what he’d asked her to fly all the way out to the United States to see.


Bec traced symbols on the shower door, lost in thought in the steam. The water was hot enough to scald his skin to some extent, but he didn’t mind— he was used to being hot, and the small pinpricks of pain felt only like a series of tiny fingers drumming across his back. He was still lost in thought after Rose had barged in and torn him from his book, saying something in English about cleaning up and cafĂ©s. Which was odd, seeing as Rose wasn’t much one to frequent either. He wasn’t sure if he’d heard her right. His English was always bad when he read in a language he wasn’t familiar with. New languages he translated back to his native French before he was fluent, so she’d caught him at a bad time. Thinking in three languages at once wasn’t exactly easy.

But even if she had said something about cafĂ©s, cleaning, or the both of them at once, she was in an oddly good mood— another oddity, knowing the pleasantly stuffy Rose of yore. He’d expected her to balk at the offer of a bargain motel, knowing she was used to the grounds of her father’s multi-million dollar estate and the too-elegant apartment she’d moved into in Australia. Until college, he himself had lived in similar circumstances. The first few months in the tsunami’s wake were torture, after all. No electricity. No computers. While Rose’s transition was hardly as extreme, he’d thought he’d know her pain.

With a downward stroke of finality, Bec drew the twelfth symbol onto the fogged glass and smiled to himself. Now, he carried a generator with him everywhere he went.

He was tempted to call forth a small field of heat around his body, to boil away the water before it touched his skin. He knew not to electrify it; after the first few experiments, also taking place as he thought in the shower, he’d been shocked enough times to have been trained like a dog not to do such things.

But still. Curiosity always got the better of him— and it was curiosity, that feeling of wonder as it laid untouched in the heart of the wonderer, that killed the cat. A little experimentation never hurt if it quelled a curious mind. As he rinsed the lather from his hair, Bec mentally pulled at the strange, invisible force. It felt like squinting into the distance, trying to focus the eyes on something blurred and unseen too far away to have a distinct form. He felt a tugging in his chest as the power came forth. He knew that imagining the feeling of falling let the power lift off his skin to create barriers and that if he pushed the barriers out fast enough he could create explosions. He knew, to some extent, how to create hot but not how to create cold. But, perhaps, if he felt as though he was falling backwards...

He felt a gust of air as the water falling onto him from above was shifted forward, suddenly, jetted forward onto the wall by what seemed to be raw kinetic energy. Fascinating. He’d have to write that one down. The ensuing seconds were a rush of washing the rest of the bubbly lather from his hair and making sure he’d washed off all the soap. It was a nightmare of Bec’s, finding a patch of soap still left on the skin and having to be out and about with the sticky feeling for the rest of the day. When he complained about it to Rose on his three-month trek through the jungle with those peculiar soap films, she just hadn’t understood his misery. He’d told her they should get out more, invited her to join him to go to Costa Rica to study the birds there for the self-aware navigation prototypes, and then he must have pissed her off because she stopped talking to him all of a sudden. She blamed the Internet connection, but he didn’t believe her. He’d set up that connection himself, and it didn’t fail. It just couldn’t. At least, as far as he knew. He wrapped himself up in a towel, kicking his old clothes into a corner to ignore later.

Speaking of Rose: there she was, cross-legged on the bed with his book like a cultivated lotus with her hand over her mouth. At first, due to the fact that he couldn’t actually see her because he wasn’t wearing his glasses, she thought she was shocked— but at what? He squinted around the room and gave her a quizzical look. What was so shocking she was making a dramatic gesture like that? Rose wasn’t a terribly expressive woman, and Bec, who’d known her for ten years, knew that all too well. He squinted harder at her. The action did nothing for him, and he was left in the dark until he picked up on the little noises she was making.

She was giggling. Rose, sitting there, thumbing through a book she couldn’t read on a bug-infested excuse for a mattress in a cheap hotel. Giggling. Was this Rose? She was acting weird around him, lately. He’d never understood the enigmatic Rose Hathford, and now the Lotus was even more confusing. Normally, he would have relished confusing, but when it came to Rose, erratic behavior just worried him. In Rose, erratic behavior was part of the erraticism in itself. She never slipped up with her routine. Never just took time off. Was there something she wasn’t telling him? Did she have a brain tumor?

Oh, God, it was a brain tumor, wasn’t it? Rose had a brain tumor, and she’d wanted to tell him in person. Was she still giggling? Or was she crying? He couldn’t tell. It’d been such a tiny noise. Was she choking on her own blood, then? Was she dying of a brain tumor, right there in front of him? He fumbled for the wire-framed things on the bedside table and put them on one-handed, the other kept full with the handful of towel he clutched to his chest.

Nope. She was still giggling. When her features at last came into focus, there was one of the few smiles he’d ever seen on her that extended fully to her eyes. He wasn’t sure whether or not it suited her. But it was certainly strange.

“What? What is it?” he asked in English this time. Rose didn’t laugh again, but she was still staring, incredulity splashed across her features. He spoke his father’s British underlaid with his mother’s lilting Arabic tones.

Rose’s smile cracked. “Bec, do you know how to use a blow-dryer?”

Bec put a hand to his hair, his fingers coming to a stop well before he reached his scalp. Each hair stood on end, gravitating away from his head to form something of a fuzzy ball. Static electricity, he thought. Definitely one for the books.


A few minutes after Rose had excused herself to let Bec back at his clothes knowing he had no qualms about nudity— another of the items on Rose’s long list of capital sins that she wouldn’t stand to see. He didn’t have qualms about many things, having lived alone on the island most of his life. Comparatively, Rose was nothing but qualms.

Rose stood outside the door on one foot, leaning against the wall and picking invisible specks of mud from her shoes as she waited for her friend to change. It had been embarrassing, how she’d let herself slip earlier and broken down giggling, but she had to admit that the ordeal had caught her off-guard. It was strange how they tempered each other out. She hated the unexpected, but somehow it wasn’t so bad. Though Bec had looked something a touch more than shocked when he caught her laughing. Worried? It was out of the ordinary, but she couldn’t wrap her head around his being worried, of all things.

She supposed that was what old friends were for.

Rose straightened her jacket out, smoothing the once-stiff creases that had deteriorated into nothing more than wrinkles in the Florida heat. The white blouse she wore underneath felt as though it was a layer of tissue paper glued to her skin. The ruffles had gone limp, and it was likely her hair would have, too, if it wasn’t pinned back in a bun.

At last, Bec was finished changing. She didn’t notice him until he was standing in front of her, eyes covered by the ubiquitous pair of dark sunglasses, face obscured by what could pass for a woman’s headwrap draped over the neck of his shirt. Save for his height, he could pass for female if he had a worthwhile falsetto. Rose peeled herself off the wall hoping she didn’t smell too badly of sweat. She could feel it, and the stickiness was nearing unbearable. While she stood still, she was able to ignore it, but now that her skin was moving again it felt like a sticky weight she couldn’t quite manage to escape.

“Did you say we were going somewhere?” Bec asked, “I wasn’t sure I heard you right the first time, so I don’t want to assume anything.”

Rose nodded. “There’s a cafĂ© a few blocks down according to, well,” she paused, “Google. Sounded worth a try. I did come all the way here so you could show me something, after all. What is this that’s so important? I usually put in extra hours on the weekends, and I don’t like to be wasting valuable time with which I could be networking hanging around in a motel room.” She didn’t mention the couples that had drifted in and out of the room next door. She didn’t mention the dead-eyed women passing by her doorstep hanging on the arms of men who filled them with promise of life in the land of the free and the brave. She didn’t mention how she seemed to instinctively avoid the darker-skinned ones as they passed her by in the hallways wanting for nothing more than hope and forgiveness as though they’d dirty her clothing with their very presence.

“Well, then. Let’s get going,” Bec replied with a smile.

It was astonishing how blind he could be, sometimes.


Bec sunk his teeth into his croissant, tearing into the thing with no mercy after the long flight from Denver. Starving, he’d coated it with artificial sugar, first, claiming he liked the taste, then slathered it in tart jam to take the edge off the sweetness. Rose, on the other hand, picked at a more polite helping of a strawberry tart. She’d been given a salad fork and a butter knife, and neither of the two had proved useful in anything other than crumbling the sweet. She was hesitant to pick up the crumbs, not wanting to risk ruining the already sweat-drenched blouse with the sticky red filling clinging to the plate.

“So,” Bec said through a mouthful of crumbs— how could he do that without looking like a complete pig?— “About the, ah, thing I brought you here to see.”

Rose leaned closer, folding her arms on the table in front of her.

Bec fumbled for some sugar and ended up squinting hard at the salt shaker for a few seconds before reaching into his bag and pulling out a stack of papers. He seemed to be at a loss for words. “You see,” he said, holding up a pair of x-rays. He spread them out on the table. Rose sipped casually at her tea before peering up over at the images. But it was only the calm before the storm.

She couldn’t help dropping the tea. It covered her blouse, shattering on the floor, drawing stares. Drawing pain from her skin. But her body had shut down. Gone numb.

“Bec,” she breathed. “You’re dying.”

[Rose Hathford]

Please don't stand so close to me
I'm having trouble breathing
I'm afraid of what you'll see right now.
[Bec Hemingway]

Send us a blindfold, send us a blade
Tell the survivors help is on the way
I was a blindfold, never complained.


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Character Portrait: Bec Hemingway Character Portrait: Rose Hathford
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Bec Hemingway [&] Rose Hathford

”The lotus flower is fragile and finicky; once rid of its protective tuber, its petals as well as its roots become too delicate to travel far.”

People were staring, but Bec Hemingway was hardly the type of person to notice.

What he did notice, however, was that Rose was staring. Rose, her face stonier than he’d ever seen it— though, admittedly, he hadn’t spoken to her much face-to-face, as he’d spent half his time halfway around the world from her— Rose, eyes like a pair of emeralds turned sharp as diamonds, was staring him down, not even bothering to to clean up the tea she’d spilled over the table, the floor, and most shockingly, her blouse.

Bec squinted at the blurs that dotted the table and seized the nearest thing that even vaguely resembled a napkin, then leaned over the cafĂ© table to dab at her shirt because she’d frozen still as stone. He spent a few moments silently patting her with a napkin before realizing it was one of the more worn pieces of paper from the folder he’d brought with him to the cafĂ©. He made a face and tried wiping it off on his own shirt, but from what he could make out, all he’d managed to do was smudge the ink even more. Oh well. Hopefully, it wasn’t the one he’d bought in Morocco. Just to be sure, he raised it to his faced and inhaled through his nose. Sure enough, all it smelled of was tea and what he presumed was Rose’s shampoo— or whatever else it was that women wore to make themselves smell nice. He was slightly disappointed that she smelled like lilacs and sweat instead of roses.

Bec peered up at Rose again over the paper, about to comment on his latest scent-related findings, when he remembered that she was staring at him. While he couldn’t make out her face, he could make out her eyes, and they were trained right on him. Her lips were formed into a pencil-straight line. Was that an improvement over the slight, disapproving frown she always seemed to carry with her? He wasn’t sure. It was odd, the way her face-blob seemed to change shape when the corners of her mouth-blob weren’t turned down in her strange little Rose expression. It wasn’t exactly a frown; in fact, he’d grown to know Rose as just having that that face all the time. It was hard to imagine what she looked like without it.

His fingers searched for his glasses on the table. Had he even brought them? Hopefully, he wasn’t sitting on them. He’d bought a shatter-proof pair before he’d left for the Middle East, and the things could probably survive the nuclear apocalypse, but at the first whisper of the wind they were ready to bend themselves into a pretzel he’d spend the next half hour trying to straighten out. It didn’t help that he needed his glasses just to tell whether or not his frames were straight.

The sugar tin toppled, and Bec moved to clean it up, but Rose stopped him, resting her own hand on his. Her skin was cold and oddly smooth, unlike Bec’s own, which, though small and feminine, was covered in scars, scabs, and the odd callous he’d managed to rub into his forefinger by rubbing a coin against the inside of his hand for a week and a half straight as he walked. As Bec moved to take it away, Rose’s grip tightened enough to make him wince a bit. With that, it loosened, but not by much.

“Bec,” she started, the words coming slowly, as though she was searching for them through murky waters, “Bec. Please tell me what that is a picture of.” Her voice was all ice, but something about it was off. He could have sworn it sounded as though her throat had gone tight. Was she having an allergic reaction to the strawberries? No, it couldn’t be. Rose loved strawberries. Then again, he had no reason to believe she wasn’t allergic. Bec moved his other hand to continue searching for his glasses so he could take a glance down her throat. Perhaps she didn’t know— Rose wasn’t stupid, after all. She wouldn’t eat strawberries if she knew she had an allergy. Rose’s voice, however, cut him off again. “Bec!”

“Mm?” Bec’s eyes found hers as they found purchase in reality once again. “Yes. Ah. What picture?”

“The scans of your chest. The ones you just showed me. Would you care to tell me what those are supposed to mean?” She was over-enunciating her words, now, and Bec, for the life of him, couldn’t tell why. She sounded so funny with that accent of hers. He’d liked her old one much better.

“Ahm, the x-rays? Yes. If’ you’d care to hand me a—“

Before he could even finish his sentence, there was a napkin in his face, which was a good thing, as he couldn’t even begin to remember the English word for the thing with all the languages that had begun racing around inside his head. He began wiping the x-rays off. What had the nurses said? Of the few languages he had absolutely no proficiency in, Japanese was the least decipherable. Something about a solid yet energy-absorbent mass. Or maybe he was just making that up. That was what he’d seen when he’d looked at them. Bec repeated that to Rose, but doing so only earned him an even more confusing stare.

After a short moment of silence, she shook her head and said, “I believe it would benefit us both if you just spoke in English for the meantime.”

Now, he was just getting annoyed. How many times did he have to repeat himself? He’d already gone through the words once in his head and once orally. Again? “It’s an energy-attractive mass, presumably impermeable and nonporous, possibly crystalline, that’s formed within the past few years in the center of a cyst. Presumably, it’s a near-perfect sphere or an ovoid. There’s neither swelling nor any fibrous tissue outside the cystic formations.”

Rose’s gripped loosened a bit, and Bec was able to start drumming his fingers on the tabletop. It was something of a nervous habit of his, and clearly it annoyed Rose because within moments she’d clamped her hand back town harder than before.

“That. Does not. Explain. Anything,” she practically snarled. This time, Bec caught something of a crack in her voice. Her reaction was irritating. Certainly, it explained enough. He’d just described the thing to the best of his ability. What more did she want?

“Well, then what do you want to know? I’m doing the best I can, and I don’t know why you’re acting the way you are,” he snapped. Immediately, he wished he could take it back. At exactly that moment, a small, perky waitress clutching a mop popped up only to retreat back a few steps like a tiny rabbit in the face of an oncoming lawnmower at the sound of Bec’s words.

“Excuse me, you don’t mind if I—“

The waitress was cut short by the sudden grating of Rose’s chair followed by the sound of her heels clattering away over the patio and then out the door. Bec shot an apologetic glance toward the waitress and slipped a few Euros from his pocket onto the table. He had no idea how much a cup was supposed to cost, and he hated just letting his money go, but what else was he supposed to do? His hands finally found the glasses case Rose’s hand had prevented him from finding, and he was on his feet in a second, suddenly towering over the petite woman with the mop. He tried to smile, but the expression he made came out more of a grimace than something friendly enough to pass for a smile. In a moment’s time, however, he was past the poor woman and heading for the door. His hands had just enough time to reach out automatically for the things he’d know he’d need: his coat, his scarf, and his sunglasses. He stood for a second outside the door throwing the three on, which garnered him a couple stares from the passerby dressed more appropriately for approaching midday heat.

And then he was off. With his sight restored, he had to resist the impulse to start staring things down to make up for whatever beauty he might have lost while he was sitting in the cafĂ©. There were too many fascinating things around him, and if he let his mind drift off onto one, he’d be finding more in an instant. Instead, he looked to the masses of heads milling about the sidewalks and streets, sifting through the hairstyles for one resembling Rose’s. Surprisingly, most were wearing no more than shorts, tank tops, and flip flops, which was something of an odd sight after having spent two months trying to figure out who was who in which burqa. He hoped they’d all put on sunscreen.

There. He saw it. In an ocean of artificial curls gone limp in the heat and humidity, Rose’s smooth bun was visible in an instant. He set off after her.


Rose was on the verge of doing the unthinkable: losing her composure in public. Tears stung at the corners of her eyes, and she was nearly stumbling in her in her heels. She knew she’d start to blister if she ran too much in peep-toes, so she slowed down— though not by much. She just wanted to get away from Bec for a moment. She couldn’t handle this. She wasn’t sure why he’d had to tell her about this in person when she was a girl who fit so much better behind the curtains of a computer screen and an ocean. If they’d done that, left her at home behind her monitor, she didn’t have to keep her face up. She could just disappear. She could get away from Bec and sort out her thoughts on her own.

As if thinking of the Devil could call him to her side, Bec’s hand was on her shoulder in an instant. She brushed it off and kept walking, but she slowed her pace to a totter. She wouldn’t stop, but if he wanted to follow her, that was fine.

“Rose,” Bec started, “Rose, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

No. She wasn’t okay at all. She wanted Bec to go away, but she wasn’t going to be rude and just tell him. Even if she’d wanted to, she knew she wouldn’t be able to tell him to just... leave. To just let her be.

Before she knew it, he’d caught up, the cloudlicker’s legs giving him no trouble in keeping up her pace. Rose resisted the urge to swat him away like the oversized fly he was.


Rose turned sharply at the next corner, then turned again onto the nearest off-street. The colors in the shops had all morphed into one chaotic hue, a waltz of tumbling shades and shapeless forms drowning out her thoughts and her vision. She turned, then turned again as though she could lose the man beside her. Bec was saying things again, but she wouldn’t give him her attention. She’d become petty like that. Every little victory gave her mood a boost even though no amount of wins or tiny flutters of the heart could pull her out of the pit she’d retreated into.

Suddenly, Bec was in front of her, hands on her shoulders, stopping her where she stood. It didn’t work as intended; she’d noticed too late, and they collided. Rose wobbled slightly in her shoes, but she stayed where she was, frozen, before Bec took a step back and opened his goddamned mouth again. He wasn’t letting go this time. He knew she’d run away.

“Rose, you’re acting really stra—“

The resounding crack of her slap left an echo and a very shocked Bec frozen in her dust as she stormed back into the main street, disappearing into the roiling crowd that had formed just outside where they stood. She was done with him. She was done with meeting people in person. She was done with all of this. She was taking the next flight out of here and leaving before her emotions got the better of her.

And to think she’d actually cleaned earlier.

She huffed and pushed her way through the crowd. She couldn’t have cared less about the feet she stepped on. She just needed to sit down. Her body meshed with the sea of others and her mind melded with the noise. Vaguely, she registered clicking shutters. It smelled of sweat and desperation. Home sweet home. But it was too hot to contemplate, and in a moment’s time, she’d found herself a seat on a bench outside a revolving door. Wherever she was, it looked like a hotel. She felt somewhat out of place— though the reason surprised even Rose. It wasn’t because she was on the verge of tears or because she was the only one dressed like a proper human being; no, it was because she was the only one in the crowd not toting a camera.

In a half-hearted effort to blend in, Rose took out her cell phone and pretended to do something.

OOC: Bec’s just going to be left standing there in the hotel’s back alley all alone :( and he can’t see too much, either, seeing as he’s wearing sunglasses in the dark.

[Rose Hathford]

Please don't stand so close to me
I'm having trouble breathing
I'm afraid of what you'll see right now.
[Bec Hemingway]

Send us a blindfold, send us a blade
Tell the survivors help is on the way
I was a blindfold, never complained.