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Samantha "Sea" Carsen

"You think you can screw with me? *Pfft* Go ahead and try, see what happens."

0 · 243 views · located in Earth, Year 2154

a character in “Spireheart Network”, originally authored by Starlight77, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Samantha 'Sea' Carsen
Nicknames: Sea

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Sea has a very sassy attitude. She doesn't like being told what to do, and doesn't listen to any one. The only time she really listens is when she is in a good mood. She seems to always have a rebellious and sarcastic attitude. She is physically fit, and knows multiple forms of martial arts. Her body is very flexible, so she can do martial arts like no one has ever seen. She usually panics under pressure, and freaks out if you try to come at her with a shot or something. Sea loves to sing, though only to her self.

Appearance: Image

With her medium length brown hair, a purplesih colored eyes, Sea is a very mysterious girl. She has a curvy body build, but that doesn't mean she's not powerful. Under her that sexy appearace are lean, powerful muscles. She's not the tallest, only about 5 foot 6 inches, and weighs abou 140 pounds. Her skin is kind of pale though it does not burn.

Elemental/Human: Elemental
Element/Skill: Water. She has been practicing for a long time, and has been able to fashon knives out of ice when she has enough concentration.

-Being Free
-Kind people
-The occasional boy

-Being told what to do
-Getting judged
-Anything involving shots and needles

History: The letter she recieved intrieged her, but also confused her. So she decided to go find out if this was a real or a fake. If it is a fake, then someone's gonna get a beating.

So begins...

Samantha "Sea" Carsen's Story

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Character Portrait: Samantha "Sea" Carsen
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I was awoken by the sun light filtering through my thin curtains. Blinking, I turned around in my bed, my blankets wrapped around me like a cocoon. Peeling the blankets off of me, I swong my legs over the side of the bed, and got up. I spread my arms out in a long stretch, and felt multiple bones in my body crack. "Today is the day to see if that letter is real or if I'm gonna kick someone's ass." I said to myself.

I tiptoed across the cold floor to my closet, which inside only had a few outfits. I pulled off my pjs and put on a sky blue tee and some gray jeans. I grabbed a dark blue hoodie and zipped it up. I pulled on my black and red Jordans, and grabbed a back pack. "I don't know how long I'll be gone, so might as well take everything." I muttered as I took my three other outfits from my closet and shoved it into my back. Grabbing like four water bottles, I put them in there too. "Well, I'll need something to bend..."

I only had enough food left to make a sandwich, so I did. I put that in there too. Just before I left, I looked through my wallet, and sighed at the small amount of money in it. Shrugging I put it in my pocket. Taking one last look at the dreary old apartment, I had a sudden feeling I wouldn't be coming back to it for a while.

I jogged down the stairs, and walked through the front door of my apartment building, and took a deep breath through my nose and let it out through my mouth. I already knew the address by heart. That letter sat on my dresser, making me wonder. So I had to find out if this was real or not. I walked out onto the street, and began my journey to unknown treasure and/or pain.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare Character Portrait: Samantha "Sea" Carsen Character Portrait: Harold Slepnir
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I pulled my hood up over my head. It was the third day of journeying. My journey consisted of busses and walking, because I couldn't even come close to affording a plane ride. Besides, I live in Massachusett, its not like I'm starting from California.
After twelve minutes of walking, I was in the town of my destination. The building soon came into sight. "Well, its not really something to look at..." I said with a huffed breath. Blinking, I saw that there were already two guys standing outside of the building, one of tem had a big dog. Sighing, i decided to stay low and away from these people for now. For all I know, they could be my enemies. So I stood at the building next to my destination, my back leaned against the wall, my hood up, a shadow covering my purplish eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliott Patrovsky Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare Character Portrait: Samantha "Sea" Carsen Character Portrait: Harold Slepnir
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Harold scratched the back of his head nervously as the man turned to face him. "Yeah," said the man, letter in hand. After looking over his shoulder at the door, he added, "Guess they didn't give any... hours of operation."

Harold let out a short chuckle before saying, "Guess not."

As the man turned back to knock on the door again, Harold spotted a small figure out of the corner of his eye. Less than a block away a young girl leaned against the wall, hood up, face down. How inconspicuous, he thought sarcastically, turning his attention back to the door as a woman with a mohawk appeared. She ran through a quick explanation of the situation and suggested going out for some food, all the while looking somewhat worried. As she spoke, he simply stood there with a slightly confused expression.

Harold gave a quick shrug as he noticed the woman smile at Donatello. "Don't worry, Don won't bite," he said with a smile. "Name's Harold, by the way. And this is Random Dude Who Also Got A Letter, meaning I never caught his name." Harold then stood awkwardly for a moment before muttering, "Food does sound good right about now, though."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Airesmee Ixander Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare Character Portrait: Samantha "Sea" Carsen Character Portrait: Harold Slepnir
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Airesmee stopped walking and wondered maybe if she should turn back and stay with the others who got letters, to assure them this was all for real. She turns and notices a few people crowding a building and as she looks closer she realizes its that building. She quickly begins to make her way back there hoping she won't seem like a nut if she tells them that they really should to wait for Theo to come back, which only lord knows when he will be back. She put on a nice smile as she approached them, two males and a female. "Um...hello...just asking are you possibly the others who have received a very odd letter...?" She speaks just loud enough for them to hear as she notices there is a dog with the group also.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Airesmee Ixander Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare Character Portrait: Samantha "Sea" Carsen Character Portrait: Harold Slepnir
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0.00 INK

Airesmee stopped walking and wondered maybe if she should turn back and stay with the others who got letters, to assure them this was all for real. She turns and notices a few people crowding a building and as she looks closer she realizes its that building. She quickly begins to make her way back there hoping she won't seem like a nut if she tells them that they really should to wait for Theo to come back, which only lord knows when he will be back. She put on a nice smile as she approached them, two males and a female. "Um...hello...just asking are you possibly the others who have received a very odd letter...?" She speaks just loud enough for them to hear as she notices there is a dog with the group also.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elliott Patrovsky Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare Character Portrait: Samantha "Sea" Carsen Character Portrait: Harold Slepnir
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0.00 INK

After a while, a woman with a mohawk approached the two men. I watched them talk with her, and I strained my ears to listen. So this isn't a load of bull... . I then blinked, and looked up realizing that I still had my hood on. "Geez, I must look like a mugger..." With a huff of air, I pulled my hood down, letting my hair down, and it flowed over my shoulders and my eyes. My purple eyes gleamed as I looked over at the other people.

Taking in a deep breath, and walked over to the other people. "Hi. I... I got an invitation too." I dug into my pocket, and pulled out the letter to show the woman with the mohawk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Airesmee Ixander Character Portrait: Elliott Patrovsky Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare Character Portrait: Evelyn Bueron Character Portrait: Samantha "Sea" Carsen Character Portrait: Harold Slepnir
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She blinked as the woman approached her and whispered quietly about Theo."He was detained...? How? Last I saw him we were going to some base and then he said he had to follow this guy, he gave me the chance to go with him but I didn't want to hinder him. So he began following the guy after that I couldn't find him. Is he alright?" She frowned softly. She scanned the people again momentarily watching as the other female lowered her hood.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Morvis Character Portrait: Airesmee Ixander Character Portrait: Jack "Solomon" Grundy Character Portrait: Elliott Patrovsky Character Portrait: Tatiana Sabine Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare
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0.00 INK

Theodore ignores the stares. They would have worse problems soon enough. "Take her to the base. Here's the location." Theodore gives Jack a paper with directions to the cave on it. "Someone will take care of her there. I have to go deal with the recruits." Theodore exits the hotel promptly. He flips on his comm. "Base. This is Theo, and we now have a huge ass problem. The undercover agent in Signet has been discovered, as well as myself. Signet sent an agent that was far superior to either of us, and I could only damage his legs. Prepare yourselves, kiddos." Theodore switches off his comm, and works his way back to the recruiting station, completely composed. "Hello, all of you. Welcome. If you'll please come with us." Theodore motions to Elliott and walks up beside her. "Thanks for covering. It's not exactly good news, but you'll hear about it at base." He whispers to her, then sets off towards the base.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Morvis Character Portrait: Airesmee Ixander Character Portrait: Elliott Patrovsky Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare Character Portrait: Samantha "Sea" Carsen Character Portrait: Harold Slepnir
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Morvis Character Portrait: Airesmee Ixander Character Portrait: Elliott Patrovsky Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare Character Portrait: Evelyn Bueron Character Portrait: Samantha "Sea" Carsen
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0.00 INK

Evelyn watched as more people gathered around the group. She became a little uncomfortable with the growing numbers, but made no physical suggestions of such a feeling. When a man came in and demanded where they were to go and that now was the only option, she huffed at the demanding tone. Despite such, she followed the male and the other female whom also seemed in control.

Eyes darted between everyone whom was around her. Taking in as much information as she could about each. How they held their stride, where their eyes wandered, their facial features, and the way they spoke all told her something about them. Each person had a past and she intended to gather this information to determine who they were and how to react around them. In general she planned on not interacting with any of them, but she knew how unrealistic that ideal was.

A hand rose and swiped a small bunch of hair out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. Whether by her motorcycle or by foot, she followed the male with uncertainty. She figured all times were times to be careful. She still had no further information on how real or unreal this situation was and she didn't plan on letting her guard down until she understood everything happening. Only time would cure that, though she highly doubted that point would ever be reached.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Morvis Character Portrait: Airesmee Ixander Character Portrait: Jack "Solomon" Grundy Character Portrait: Elliott Patrovsky Character Portrait: Tatiana Sabine Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare
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0.00 INK

After a few moments, the group arrives at the mouth of an imposing cave. Theodore turns to the group. " Once again, Welcome, all of you, to the base of The Vircid. Normally, we'd take care of things back at the apartment, but recent events have decided otherwise. If you wish to turn around and go, now is the time. But I assure you once again, nothing in that letter is a joke. It's true, down to the last period." Theodore says, addressing them. He really didn't want to bring them straight to base, but they had no choice. The guards down the tunnel would relay their arrival, and Theodore would be chewed out. Wonderful. Theodore motioned for everyone, including Tati and Jack, to come inside.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Morvis Character Portrait: Airesmee Ixander Character Portrait: Jack "Solomon" Grundy Character Portrait: Elliott Patrovsky Character Portrait: Tatiana Sabine Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare
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0.00 INK

Evelyn followed quietly behind the group. Eyes continued to watch everyone as they reached the base. When they arrived, she carefully listened to Theodore. Despite his words she was still unsure of the whole situation. Since she had gone this far all she wanted to do was go inside of the base. A quick look around the base would help her decide what exactly she was going to do. Even though she was here with the group and responded to the letter, she still had not decided if she was going to follow through. The situations she had been in in her past had always given her something to use in the present. Her right hand slowly packed her right thigh, for some reason making sure she still had at least one weapon on her person. She was more than curious of the situation Theodore spoke about. She had not been updated on anything so far, but she wanted to become involved. If it involved using her skills it was something she would gladly do. Now at the door of the cave, she examined the area. As she looked around she began keeping a mental note of how to get there and what the place looked like. If anything were to happen, she would know exactly where to go to solve any issues. She suspected there would not be, but she would rather be safe than sorry.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodore Morvis Character Portrait: Jack "Solomon" Grundy Character Portrait: Elliott Patrovsky Character Portrait: Tatiana Sabine Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare Character Portrait: NPC Placeholder
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0.00 INK

Theo, after the group had gotten in, turns to his followers. "Someone other than I will have to show you around. I have to go be in trouble and such. See ya later. Well, if you stay." Theodore waves, then walks off down the corridor. The expression on his face was one of pure loathing. He was about to be chewed out for basically exposing the entire organization. He stands in front of a glass door, and steps inside. "I know you want to see me, Sir..." Theodore says, exasperatedly. The office was dark, but lights in the floor and walls illuminated the room slightly, at least enough to see the mahogany desk and it's occupant. A rough, tall, muscled man turns around in his chair. "Theo. I was hoping you could be more discreet. Looks like I was wrong." The man says in a somewhat sad tone. Theo knew better.

The leader of The Vircid, Frederick V. Stalhiem was a master of delusion. He could portray any emotion he pleased, and you'd go along with it, not knowing any better. Because if you did notice, you'd be dead in an instant. He was a powerful Earth elemental after all. The man was a beast, but his only rage was directed at Signet. While Theodore supported the Vircid completely, he did not care for it's leader. But still, orders were orders.

"You do realize that your face is known by Signet now, correct?" Frederick says, standing up and preparing to pace the room. "Yes sir, I understand that. If I could have stopped the bastard, I would have. But I wasn't even close to his level. I'm a recruitment officer, not one of the foot soldiers." Theodore replies, a chill in his tone. Frederick turns to him. "Well, besides all that, which I'm pretty sure could have been prevented, we need to do something about you." Frederick's expression turns to one of playful thought. Sadistic, really. "We could kill you, mangle your face, give you painful surgery..." He rattles off.

Theodore was realizing why he didn't like Stalhiem. He was a fucking psycho. This whole organization was founded on his little grudge, and now it's something he didn't intend. Nonetheless, he was enjoying it. All the power, all the underlings. Theodore hated it, and that's why he was glad the recruits weren't going to meet him anytime soon. "Look, Stalhiem, I have business to attend to, so either get with slapping my wrist or let me go fix my mistake." Theodore says impatiently. Frederick looks at Theodore for a moment, questioning why one of his dogs was barking at him. He shakes his head. "Fine, go. Get out of here." He says dismissively. Theodore walks out of the room, and to his quarters, a simple room with good bedding and amenities. He needed to unwind. Someone else could take care of the newbies...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack "Solomon" Grundy Character Portrait: Elliott Patrovsky Character Portrait: Tatiana Sabine Character Portrait: Raygnar Franendare Character Portrait: NPC Placeholder Character Portrait: Evelyn Bueron
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