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Star Wars: Force Heretic

Star Wars: Force Heretic


Long after the rebellion against the empire. A new order named the grey knights emerged. The last of them established a new temple and academy in a world outside of the galaxy.

5,237 readers have visited Star Wars: Force Heretic since Aniihya created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



Long after the rebellion against the Empire and the Yuuzhan Vong War, a new order emerged based on the balance between the dark and the light of the force. They were called the Grey Knights and were quickly declared heretics by the Jedi and the remnants of the Sith. So they had to operate in secrecy, usually infiltrating orders and assassinating key leaders who threatened the balance. But soon, the Jedi and the Sith openly declared war and a purging of the grey knights. The last of the grey knights fled to a galaxy in the Unknown Regions to build anew with relative safety.

They occupied the planet Ceru V, the fifth planet of the Ceru system. The system had nine planets of which three were habitable. One already had sentient near-human beings, who however weren't developed enough to travel to other planets.

The three grey knights and their apprentices built a settlement and a crystal temple on Ceru V and have made contact with their underdeveloped neighbors. The grey knights bargained political influence and a steady supply of apprentices in exchange for some technological blueprints.

However the Grey Knights are still careful and keep an eye out for new threats or possible Jedi agents who are out to destroy them.


Ceru V: The fifth planet of the Ceru system in an unknown galaxy. It is of tropical climate, and has an atmosphere that is 77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, .95% inert gases, .05% CO2 and 1% water vapor. It is 20% land mass and 80% water. The polar caps are of temperate climate while the rest of the planet is tropical. Local wildlife is less dangerous than on other planets of this nature and therefore is optimal for settlement. Most land mass consists of large islands ranging from a couple hundred square kilometers to a couple hundred thousand square kilometers. The grey knights have settled on Grey Island (named after the order), which is nearly 10,000 sqkm and is warm but not yet temperate. The highest peak on Grey Island is around 3,900 meters high and yet has to be named.

Neighboring planets: Ceru VI is the more temperate planet in the system and is inhabited by the near human Ceruans, who have already developed energy sources and motorized vehicles but aren't yet space faring. The Ceruans have given into the demands of the grey knights as part of a win-win situation. The grey knights will help improve life quality and education as well as occasionally give the Ceruans blueprints in turn for new students and strong political influence on Ceru VI.

Ceru IV: Ceru IV is an unhabited desert planet with a breathable atmosphere, a just bearable climate and a number of oases. Could serve as a holiday resort for future Ceruans or be another base of operations.

Grey Island: The base of operations of the Grey Knight remnants on Ceru V. It consist of a dark crystal temple and academy built by the remnant knights and a small settlement with decent infrastructure for its size. The remnants can easily build droids and technologies with the help of a constructor (an automated CNC like device). There is also a trading post already on the island with two occupants of a local trading race, the Sebuans, that the grey knights have made contact with when they first arrived. The current population consists of three grey knights, nine apprentices of which two are Ceruan and one is Sebuan, two Sebuan traders, a dozen Ceruan colonists and two dozen droids for construction and mining.

Tenets of the Grey Knights:

-Initiation of war is prohibited.
-Participation in war is only allowed for defense only.
-Aggression outside of active war is allowed if it preserves the balance between light and dark and ensures the survival of the order.
-Preservation of the balance is the highest duty
-Someone who is sensed to have fallen to the dark or light side of the force too much are to be banished until they can be sensed to have reconciled to the balance.
-Treason is punishable by death
-It is not the duty of the Grey Knights to conquer beyond necessity (necessity being a home system and outposts on uninhabited or sparsely inhabited planets).


-Ceruan (they look like slightly shorter humans with pointed ears and often violet eye color).
-Sebuans (blue skin, pointed ears, look kind of like dark elves)

Character sheet:

Home system (system of birth) (Ceruans in Ceru, Sebuans in Sebu)
Occupation (grey knight, colonist, trader etc.)
Force specialization (grey knights only) (sensing aka reading alignments and thoughts, power, manipulation, sight aka seeing the past or the future of others, allrounder)
Rank (grey knights only) (knight, teacher or apprentice)
Weapon (grey knights generally have lightsabers or similar weapons, Ceruans have conventional weapons or low tech blasters, Sebuans generally use blasters) (please make a description of the aesthetics of the weapon)
Alignment: At the start you cannot fully be light side or dark side so the current options are: Neutral, neutral leaning dark and neutral leaning light.

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No godmoding
No jedis or siths until later arcs
There is a bare minimum requirement of 80 words per post. It is recommended you write at least 120 words though.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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Soo Ani knew the others were going to shape their crystals, it was quick to shap it in some manners and true you could be more sure of what you were getting, but he had little want to make it any differently than his crystal. He had found it in the caves as a Jedi, as so many did, but his was not just found in the cave wall or growing as a stone In the cave water had dripped and formed a stone stalag tightght. He had felt it there, deep within the stone's center and it felt right for him, there were others, some stronger in power others that seemed to be better for making a concentrated blade, this one though had a fault in it, a small crack, but despite that focused the weapon. His instructor warned him it may overload because of it, but it felt right to him. With that there had been no more argument. Now it was clear why He sensed well the world in the present and in the future, each was always there when he was mindful of it. The crack could be split if done right and the crystal, left might be the right shape for the narrow blade he had chosen.

In the practice field for lightsabers, Soo settled down to meditate. Floating the pieces of the lightsaber apart, he let each gently lower to the ground. The crystal he held floating before him and glowing slightly with the resonating energy within it, that still there from the last time he had charged the blade. The crystal flared to life, then dimmed down as he began to reshape it that energy bleeding out leaving just the kyber crystal there floating before him. It would be hours before he was finished, the crystal cracked from the time it had been made pulled and turned pulled and turned, each pull of the force on the crystal separating it a little more along the tiny crack. When he was finished his lightsaber would float up once more, and through use of the force be assembled into the new weapon. His hand turning the switch would activate the blade and show the think katanna like light of the Grey knights symbolism.

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Fang nodded. This was something she could do without instruction.

She ignited her light sabers and moved calmly through several kata. She was an artist, never missing a thrust as she paced through the forms. Fang hadn't been lying when she suggested trading with the traders for sculptures. It was easy to imagine her dextrously chipping away at a solid chunk of rock.

As the number of bodies increased, it became apparent that Fang was selecting her victims. She ignored and dodged away from the larger, more cautious, and more self-aware beings. Those that survived the spinning barrage of her attacks were clearly Force-sensitive.

Fang let the remaining beasts back her into a corner. From there, it became a matter of leaving a lasting impression. Any creature that got too close found itself losing an arm or a leg. It only took a few whirling rounds of this before everyone had fled.

After the relaxation of combat, she was feeling a bit more secure. She went to seek Thrask and report.

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Character Portrait: Fang
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#, as written by Zaria
Thrask smiled as Fang slowly returned, visibly calmer and more collected than before.

“So you did it?”

He knew she did, but there’s the part about people wanting to say what they think, and he did task her with cleaning it after all…so it’s best that he hears what she has to say.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace
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#, as written by Aniihya
Ashara noticed the red color of Phora's lightsaber. "I need to keep an eye on that and you need to find ways to maintain a better balance of your inner emotions. Pink would be a more neutral color still indicating that you have a tendency towards the dark side and it would be more acceptable. See it makes one just as suspicious in the balance as I am currently." Ashara said.

She looked over to Rholdun: "That's interesting. However you both did a good job shaping the crystals and putting the saber together."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace
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#, as written by Zaria
Phora smiled, knowing that changing this color to something else is rather impossible.

“Well, I doubt it will ever change, no matter how I try…though I’ll try so don’t worry.”

Rholdun’s color was interesting and slightly funny, Phora couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Oh, well Rholdun I always saw you as man full of colors.”

For a short moment Phora seemed to be in pain, pain that quickly subsided, or so it seemed.
“I’ll take a break, I need some time, and better if I leave that saber here…best if no one touches it for next few hours.”
Phora wanted to leave temple, but she wasn’t in a hurry, she also wondered where did Soo Ani went off to.

If it was one of her favorite moments, question was…when will it appear again?

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace
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Soo had not gone far Still inside the compound. He had found an open area between a few of the buildings. The saber flying as he moved it around in a few testing strokes to see how the new balance felt in his hand. It still wasn't right, but it was closer than the Jedi had been, but this would not be the final path he walked he felt.

Still there would be time here, that much he had seen. He had been guided to this place by the force, and there was a reason for it. Until he felt he had satisfied that reason here he would stay. As he moved the light saber around he felt its weight in his hand. He felt it as it moved through the katas, a form he had developed in his meditations.

Only recently had he begun to move through them. His trip to this planet had afforded him time to be certain that it worked. The form relied on always being poised to strike. He would never strike first, but rather feel his opponent, waiting for their attack to strike, when not striking the guard moved to always leave the most angles of attack against any strike that could come toward you.

The form looked abnormal due to the fact that without a strike from the opponent it had no attack. With practice it could be deadly, though not as a first form to learn, for otherwise one would rarely fell a matched opponent.

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"It reminded me of training. There's something evanescent about stirring up old memories. We are doing it. Really doing it. We're taking on everyone, and we just might be able to survive."

"I just need to focus on my training. It might be too late in my life to figure out how to get the machinery up and running, but someone just as capable as me is probably worrying about that. I know what I can do, and that's close combat. I live to keep us alive."

"Consider me a weapon."

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#, as written by Aniihya
"Make a few more while I start working on making the components for a defense system. With the crystals we have, we should be able to utilize a micro death beam that is about a thousandth of the scale of the death star laser. In case, they Sith or the Jedi find us and attack us with a dreadnought, it would destroy the dreadnought. On bigger ships it would still do a fair amount of damage." Ashara said.

She went to the fabricator and added a list of components for it to make, so she can instruct building drones to transport the parts and put the basic parts together so that she would only have to wire it up and install the crystals.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok
Character Portrait: Phora Quro
Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace
Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis
Character Portrait: Fang
Character Portrait: Soo Aani


Character Portrait: Soo Aani
Soo Aani

Former Jedi turned wanderer

Character Portrait: Fang

A Jedi who failed her formal training

Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace
Rholdun Dace

A former Jedi knight, who's body is now a big pile of metal.

Character Portrait: Phora Quro
Phora Quro

Once padawan, once a sith, now no one searching for answers to limitless questions.

Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok
Ashara Ashok

Former sith lord, co-founder of the grey knights.


Character Portrait: Fang

A Jedi who failed her formal training

Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace
Rholdun Dace

A former Jedi knight, who's body is now a big pile of metal.

Character Portrait: Phora Quro
Phora Quro

Once padawan, once a sith, now no one searching for answers to limitless questions.

Character Portrait: Soo Aani
Soo Aani

Former Jedi turned wanderer

Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok
Ashara Ashok

Former sith lord, co-founder of the grey knights.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Fang

A Jedi who failed her formal training

Character Portrait: Soo Aani
Soo Aani

Former Jedi turned wanderer

Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace
Rholdun Dace

A former Jedi knight, who's body is now a big pile of metal.

Character Portrait: Phora Quro
Phora Quro

Once padawan, once a sith, now no one searching for answers to limitless questions.

Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok
Ashara Ashok

Former sith lord, co-founder of the grey knights.

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Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

I was reffering to a Star Wars parody. This one, actually.

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

I made an alternate timeline roleplay to this.

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

I am pretty sick and busy at the moment. Just so that you know why I havent been posting.

Also Ark, what do you mean by that?

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know? ;(

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

I agree with Ark, though I have to admit I am curious about next arc :)

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

I guess that we should continue training and building up the base, especially that Fang started preparations for the build. And I think we just should end this and not skip it.

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

How should we continue? Preparation for a new arc maybe or continue training and building up base?

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

I wont have time to post tonight.

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

Well, actually Thrask is character I came up with on spot, so you can go talk to him , and I can create him/his sheet if gm allows. Otherwise I'll just answer for him with Phora or something :)

For now Thrask is just an npc in short

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

I wanted to talk to Thrask, but I can't find any information about him. Is he not a PC?

Otherwise, if he doesn't exist, I have a different direction for her to take.

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

I will Skype DWI and ask him when he is going to post again.

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

Good question, I wonder when Fang player will be back...

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

I wouldn't mind to learn something about this decapitation either. And is it only me or two people stopped posting recently. I mean, I know why Gregor isn't posting for Aurora but I'm wondering about Fang.

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

Well, I'm not that impressed when it comes to that, though I am intrigued to say the least. When it comes to Ark I can't say, Ark is sleeping already :)

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

Of course he is not impressed. He is practically a soul in a machine showing how advanced technology actually is. Now what if Ashara could detach her head with the penalty that she cannot leave it off too long because the brain needs nutrients? xD

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

Oh, and about Ashara's decapitation, Rholdun is not impressed ^^

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

Me and Ark are in from what I know :)

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

If we would do two parallel arcs that are alternating timelines, who would be on board? I could make a separate setting or make practically a new roleplay that is mostly a copy paste of the other.

Re: Star Wars: Force Heretic

Yay! No you didn't...
But really now, is it fine if two players post once for the time being? I'm at friend's home - Zaria
Grammar - failed. Nice try, Zaria, I had to correct "friend's" instead of "friends" - Arkanistka.
P.S : We are totally not screwing around...You have never saw us do so *Force trick/force persuade*