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Rholdun Dace

A former Jedi knight, who's body is now a big pile of metal.

0 · 828 views · located in Ceru V, Unknown Regions

a character in “Star Wars: Force Heretic”, as played by Arkanistka


Name: Rholdun Dace
Age: Hard to tell, maybe over 100 human years
Race: He doesn't want to talk about it and his metalic body is shaped into armor without any racial traits
Home system: Unknown
Gender: He reffers to himself as male
Appearance: His metalic body is shaped into a humanoid form, yet has got no racial traits on it at all. The build of the body is average, like perhaps the living Rholdun was. He likes to make his body shine, freshly oiled in the morning.
Clothing: He usually puts on worn out light brown Jedi robes but seems not to mind not covering his metal shape at all.
Occupation: Grey Knight
Force specialization: due to being a machine instead of a living being, he's weaker with most types of Force-use, yet he specializes himself in sight and manipulation.
Rank: Knight
Weapon: His lightsaber seems even older than his metalic body, it's as worn out as his robes, yet he keeps it in good shape. The color of the crystal is deep purple.
Personality: He is pretty calm most of the time, has a very analitical mind and craves for new knowledge. Yet sometimes is angry about the short possibilities his metalic body gives him.
Background: It seems that the files which contained Rholdun's memories about his past got corrupted or stolen out. He still has his abilities, yet he can't tell how he learned them, except for those he got from datacrons and his knowledge about him being a Jedi Knight. He reffers to himself as being a former Padawan to Satele Shan, yet it's impossible to say, if he's really that old or if he only learned Master Satele from a datacron. He was inactive for the duration of the Yuuzhan Vong Wars until he was found and activated by one of the Grey Knights.
Alignment: Neutral leaning light

So begins...

Rholdun Dace's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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He extended his sense toward Phora, feeling her taint, the darkness within her the anger and how she pushed with it every way. He felt it surging in her every time she made a statement, her arms crossed. She walked off and while she was gone he looked to Rholdun. "Will you be participating in the exercise?" he was interested to hear if the man would be he could sense little in the way of the connection with the force, and something about it was not that of a being's He'd have to meditate on what that meant.

When Phora returned and asked who he was, he let his mouth curl up at the corners. His mouth closing as he considered an answer for just a moment. "Ah, see that was not at all an answer one seeing knowledge should give." He opened his eyes and moved to the other room. Picking up a training saber, he decided to participate in the lesson as well. it would give him good practice in such, his training saber held in the opposite hand that the one he revealed sat on. Closing his eyes he stepped forward for the 'lesson'.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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“Of course I'd like to join the training, Soo Aani. I'm only waiting for Ashara to allow me this.” Rholdun still held the wooden lightsaber. “Maybe I'm not as strong in the Force as I used to be, but I still know how to fight in close combat.”

He looked at Phora and chuckled. “Did I ever miss an opportunity to spoil your fun, Quro?” If he could, he would smile. “If you're here for what I think you're here, then maybe you should start to practice more with the lightsaber? It is also some kind of knowledge.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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#, as written by Zaria
Phore chuckled.
“How about I’ll practice it on you then? I’m sure it won’t hurt” Phora grinned.
Though she was joking, it still made her curious whether two will consider it to be true, or not. Hopefuly it won't make her seem bloodthirsty.
There was something else she had yet to do first, Ashara. Before walking to her Phora used force to grab training sabre.
“So, I guess I’m ready or whatever, or am I wrong?”
She awaited her response, wondering what kind of comment will be thrown at her by one of men now behind her back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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Aurora finally finished her thoughts. She looked at everyone. Noticing that she had once again drowned in her mind. She looked slightly up at Master.Training will probably be a good idea to chase out bad thoughts. She thought about it and then she said. Training can be the best solution but I do not judge it. Then she bows and smiles slightly under her breath. Then she straightens up and smiles so that it can be seen. Probably to improve the mood of all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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#, as written by Aniihya
"If you want to train Aurora, then be my guest." Ashara said.

"If combat using the force to guide one is easier, then why not use it when you can see and hear? We will see if she really can fight with only the force guiding her. Phora put on the mask and we can commence. Once you have the mask on. I will give you further instructions. I will take swings at you barely touching you if you cannot block it. I will start off slow and increase the difficulty in time. Afterwards we will see if you can track where your opponent is when they move around." Ashara said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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I would be honored. Aurora said smiling. Then she bows. she straightened up after a moment. She felt her body pass over her determination. She clenched her fists. I will not disappoint this time. She said to recall her failure at the last Training.. After a moment, she started to look at the situation again, waving at the tip of her left hand. Then, with a visible sense, she immersed herself in her mind again. I can not fail again. She said under her breath.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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“So it's also an honor for me. But you seem very stressed, Aurora. Relax, it's not a real fight. If you stress to much during a fight, you won't be able to use the Force as you should.” Rholdun got into position before Aurora. “You can win or lose a fight before it even begins, so remember to find inner peace before it and don't concentrate on possible failure.”

He waited patiently for Aurora to get blindfolded and earplugged, then he got into position, waiting for Ashara to give a signal to start the exercise.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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#, as written by Zaria
Phore looked at Ashara with mild feelings, what instructions she will be given was a good question. In the end she put on mask, yet stood relaxed, for now there was need to take stance.
“So what now?” She asked, wondering whether she should’ve been in some kind of stance just in case, Shii-cho would be the safest choice but she wanted to test her own idea as well.

Thing was that one handed training sabre she chose was more suitable for Shii-cho form than her own form, form that is yet to be tested and polished.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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#, as written by Zaria
Phora waited, waiting was something she disliked for she found it being a waste of time, time that cannot be regained. She also wondered why did Soo Aani seemed to constantly observe everyone, also why would he answer question meant for Ashara.

He seemed rather calm and collected, opposite for her, and something about him piqued her interest, but at the same time she felt like there was a distance created between him and others. There was something else as well, he felt like one that tries to keep all things in balance and that was
laughable to her, something that cannot be fully achieved no matter how hard one tries.

One thing she noticed thanks to waiting, Fang was missing, question is where would she be right now if not here. Seems like there are good things about waiting – she thought to herself, all while smiling slightly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis
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#, as written by Zaria
OOC- I see, and np :)

Phora felt bored, not tired, true that once she sped up it became harder to block but it’s still easier being blinded, than being able to see what she does with eyes.
“ I’m fine, and you swing well, though I am somewhat bored
” Blunt but honest response was the only thing she could offer now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis
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“Put your mask on, Aurora” said Rholdun, seeing that the Togruta was thinking about something else again. “We will start with something easy, so no stress. There is no actual reason why you should get distracted by thinking of failure or success now.” The last part he did not say out loud, only Aurora could hear him. “You should be able to sense me now. It's a weak connection, but it should be sufficient for training. Concentrate on me, so you only know where am I and this training lightsaber I'm holding.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis
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#, as written by Aniihya
"Hmm. If you are bored, then I have something different in my mind there. I will let out a powerful presence in the force, powerful enough that it may even make it hard for anyone within close proximity to even breathe and then you will feel me and the blade more like a smudge than actually objects making it very hard for you to pinpoint where the blade is coming from." Ashara said telepathically.

Ashara knew it would be tiring for even her to use this much energy, but Phora liked to complain. So Ashara would give her something worth complaining about.

Ashara first began to breathe in a specific pattern and her presence become more and more known until the power was crushing to those nearby. Sure it may be a bit careless for her to not warn Rholdun or Aurora beforehand, but they should at least notice on time to take distance as the air became dense. Ashara then began with quick and regular swings but began to move around Phora until she felt that it was enough.

She was going to show that age doesn't necessarily determine experience or strength. She also needed to show the value that underestimation is foolish and that apprentices need to estimate their opponent correctly to be able to succeed. If Phora could admit at least that, Ashara wouldn't go overboard. Ashara however knew that Phora wasn't a beginner either.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis
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#, as written by Zaria
Phora felt crushing power, something incredible that she wanted to see and feel for so long. She almost kneeled at first, but then she let out a portion of what once was released. Blocking first blow was hard, but she felt it
finally felt what she wanted.

“Ah, Finally
it’s been so long” She smiled under the mask and then laughed.

Phora wanted to enjoy it, but if she had overdone it
Rholdun and others would be in danger, but she would never admit she cares for others. She kept blocking, last swing she avoided by jumping over Ashara and landing far behind her.

“Thank you, that was entertaining.” She said, taking air into lungs, something she almost forgot about while all this happened.

"More or should we stop? I hope you remember about your other dear students...and knights."

Phora knew that provoking her was wrong, but she wanted to see what Ashara could do since the first time she met her, and she got it.

OOC - Well, I didn't expect Ashara would give Phora what she wanted ^^

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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Aurora puts on a mask embarrassed, I'm sorry Master. After a while there is still a case that does not come out of the head ...
After masking, she cheered with relief and then she said, "Good, let's see how it goes
After which you can see after her body language that she will not get nervous anymore, but rather less than before. She has begun to die away and to give it a try
  Well, I'm ready for training. She said after a while when she calmed down. Then she focused her thoughts on training

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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#, as written by Aniihya
"Sorry Rholdun and Aurora for that somewhat careless display. But it was in my opinion necessary." Ashara said.

"It was to show you that you should value to never underestimate others. I didn't go all out but I didn't enough to tire me some." Ashara said somewhat out of breath. "If I had gone further I could have caused damage and seriously endangered others. Also congrats, do you feel happy about successfully provoking me to do this?"

"Just know this. As a Sith, my ruthlessness wasn't the only reason I was feared. I was a force to be reckoned with. Your training is over for today." Ashara said.

OOC: However Ashara isn't too happy about it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis
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#, as written by Zaria
Phora sighed, outcome vastly different from what she hoped for, and emotions running amok all around.
She got what she wanted, but not result she wanted, it didn’t relax Ashara as she hoped, for Phora emotions released even slightly calm one’s strained mind. Now she realized how stupid she was, to see Ashara through this perspective.

“First, what a fail, mine and yours
yours as a teacher, mine as student and one that is meant to help you feel better, lighter” Her arms crossed.

With practice finished, she had to do one more thing, ask to be precise.
“Ashara, would you kindly spend some time with me later? I’d like to talk to you.”
Chance of Ashara refusing was high, yet Phora had to try, after all hope dies last.

Would Ashara laugh at her sudden change? Question that may soon be answered.

OOC - I can see that, though it feels like you're mad/angry as well, am I wrong? whether I am right or not, it wasn't my intention to anger you. Also I believe that if it were to be real fight, Ashara would won lighsaber duel.

P.S : One question this is good version of story,right? Cause I'm standing on the edge of choosing what, when and so on, being unsure of something is troublesome...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis
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“You. Crazy. Bitches.” Rholdun lost his usual self-control. “It's not a problem, that I would die because of this, but... Ashara, I'm not sure that a master should kill one of his apprentices, at least if the master isn't an actual Sith Lord!” He looked at Aurora. “If those two are going to train again like this then maybe we should find another spot, somewhere safer. 'Cause someone seems not to mind the safety of others.” He was angered with the childish behaviour of both women.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis
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#, as written by Zaria
Phora looked at Rholdun, he was right.

How could we be so stupid, I want to understand her, and my way of doing it was
selfish, I tried to learn how strong she was, all while forgetting what I really wanted to do. – Phora thought.

“You’re right Rholdun, my bad
” She finally said.

Phora didn't realize that until now, how she did something opposite to what she set own mind to.

Question was, would Ashara give her a chance by accepting to spend time with her, something that in Phora's opinion is needed or will it be all lost now?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis Character Portrait: Fang
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#, as written by Aniihya
"It is important for a master to hear out their apprentice. You can talk to me afterwards. I will be accepting as long as you do act hot headedly." Ashara said. "Just try to keep your emotions in check and I will also be able to restrain my emotions. You know every action has a reaction."

"I am sorry Rholdun. You know how I am." She said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Soo Aani Character Portrait: Rholdun Dace Character Portrait: Aurora Egilis
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#, as written by Zaria
Luckily or not Ashara agreed, and soon will come a more annoying part for Phora. Being honest with emotions is normal for her, but there are things she’d rather avoid saying.

“I see, in that case I can wait here, or wait by waterfall
If waterfall then I’ll sit at rock where grass and nature all around
” She chuckled, it sounded more like her old teacher than her. Though outcome varies slightly on what Ashara will choose, here or there.