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Star Wars: Old Republic: A Genetic Crisis

Star Wars: Old Republic: A Genetic Crisis


This is not based on the games, more so on the history in them and in various books I've read. if you wish to know more read inside.

2,612 readers have visited Star Wars: Old Republic: A Genetic Crisis since Alliqua_Dark created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Most of us are familiar with Star Wars to some extent, this is a RP in the Old Republic. Before the Skywalkers. When Sith were many, depending on which galaxy your in. Wars are rampant. The Mandalorian Wars have just subsided. However there are still some Mandalorians spread out in the galaxy of course. Jedi are falling, while others stand tall to help reverse damages.
Make a character and let your imagination transcend into the Star Wars Galaxy. In my personal favorite time-period. The past.
However in this case there is an organization experimenting on sentient species using the Force to mutate them Genetically. This organization is hidden, but their failed experiments are strewn throughout the galaxy bringing up a red-flag in the eyes of everyone, even the Sith want this organization gone. Make a character and explore. . . But beware the FGO (Force Genetics Organization) that's the code name for this unethical organization.

If you do not understand something I post, or someone else does please Private message the one who POSTED that particular post if you're planning on replying to them.


Fill out characters like this:

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Thank you very much, I hope you enjoy :D ~<3 Alliqua

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Hutt Space

Hutt Space by Alliqua_Dark

A part of the universe controlled by the alien race called the Hutts.

Kessel Sector

Kessel Sector by Alliqua_Dark

A sector nearby Hutt Space in the Outer-Rim.

Unknown Sectors/Unamed Sectors

Unknown Sectors/Unamed Sectors by Alliqua_Dark

This is Unknown, and or uncharted space. We know there are planets just not Sectors. This part of space is beyond the outer-rim.


Outer-Rim by Alliqua_Dark

This is the edges of known space.


Colonies/Mid-Rim by Alliqua_Dark

The colonies and the Mid-Rim planets, closer to the Core worlds.

Core Worlds

Core Worlds by Alliqua_Dark

This is nearest to the center of the Galaxy!

Deep Core Worlds

Deep Core Worlds by Alliqua_Dark

This is the heart and soul of the Galaxy, also home to the Galactic Senate on Coruscant.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samirr Duunlith Character Portrait: Lord Ulvore Character Portrait: Saladriel Tai Rohshiyo Character Portrait: Darth Vilarous Character Portrait: Aliyes Character Portrait: Darth Nethis
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Samirr walked along the metal hallways of The Lotus his domestic cruiser that served as his transport and his place of residence. As his droid beeped from the cockpit Samirr swore under his breath. "Yeah SixDee?" Samirr called from the main hull as he slumped down into a chair to watch the holofeed while 6D4X whirred into the main hull with a message.
"Whaddaya want SixDee?" Samirr grumbled as the rickety old astromech droid beeped and sputtered before a glitchy message popped onto the holofeed. A large notice in big red lettering read.
A small grouping of horrendously mutated beings was discovered on the planet of Onderon in the lowest sector within a basement, all of the beings were mutated beyond identification however one of them was still sentient enough to give us information. The others unfortunately weren't stable and most had died. The being that could speak, spoke in a garbled but thick Twilek dialect from the middle-rim colonies. It said "Watch out for the red demon . . . *gasp* He destroys. . . He destroys. . . " That was all the soldiers at the scene could recover before that being too died. Be alert for more of these mutations . . . We have found other pockets on outer-rim worlds. Just know this threat exists. . .
Samirr scratched his head and shrugged.
"Karkin' publicity stunts. . ." Samirr kicked SixDee causing the warning to dissipate. SixDee scuttled back into the cockpit to pilot The Lotus into the atmosphere of Coruscant. Bringing it down for a landing Samirr sighed and grabbed his cloak from a footlocker close by entering the code to reseal it. Muttering bitterly about the temperate climates and such as he stepped out of the airlock and onto Coruscant...


Lord Ulvore walked with strong purpose into the penthouse sweet he had acquired for himself and his apprentice Nethis. Nethis however was out on an errand in the slums of Coruscants back-roads. Ulvore tossed his cloak to the protocol droid called AXIS, Axis caught it and shuffled back into the closet hanging the cloak and walking back to great his master.
"Greetings Master Ulvore. How was your business venture?" Axis asked in a feminine voice. Ulvore nodded and spoke in his deep bass voice.
"It was very . . . Successful. Hah, yes. . ." Ulvore ran his fingers across his head as he reclined on the sofa in the center of the Penthouse overlooking the center of Coruscants skyline. All he needed now was the specimen he had sent Nethis to fetch for him in the slums.

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Darth Nethis skulked through the claustrophobic dark alleyways of Coruscant, his visage altered to appear as a Zabrak merchant. Ulvore had sent him on a quest to retrieve a specimen... a very specific being destined to be the recipient of medical and Force experimentation. It wouldn't be much further, according the information on his DatCom readout.

"Statement: My sensors indicate the target meatbag is just ahead, Master."

Nethis glanced over at his HK droid and nodded.

"I sense his presence, as well," said Nethis. "Soon we will have our subject for Lord Ulvore. He will be most pleased."

"Query: Shall I accompany you to retrieve the subject?"

In the cool evening air, the lights of the buildings glinted off the dull grey chassis of the specially-modified HK-50 droid. Ordinarily, Nethis had little use for droids, but this one had become valuable to him because of its ruthlessness nature and utility. While most HK-50 units had a propensity for unpredictable behavior, this one had been modified to behave in a more predictable, less erratic manner... a manner more suitable for Nethis's modus operandi.

"No, HK. Wait here and I will bring the Twi'lek scoundrel forth," said Nethis.

"Affirmation: As you wish," said HK. "I will pause while you acquire the target organic organism."

Nethis then pushed back the hood of his cloak as he entered the cantina looking for his mark.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samirr Duunlith Character Portrait: Lord Ulvore Character Portrait: Darth Nethis
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In the Cantina of the slums of Coruscant Samirr sat sighing deeply,nothing good ever happened to him it seemed. He reached up and adjusted his hood to cover his Zabrak horns, honestly why did his buyer have to be so deep into this filthy city? Samirr just wanted to get back into The Lotus and fly all the way back to his most favorite planet to just relax on, Manaan. However he doubted he would be off the hook, especially since his buyer, a Twilek named Don Shem, was kind of a swindler of sorts. Many people wanted Don Shem dead. Samirr just wanted Don Shem to live long enough to give him his ten thousand credit chip so he could get the hell off this planet.

Don Shem walked, well more like hobbled in fear up to the counter where he saw a Zabrak in a cloak. The hood of the cloak pushed back so it rested nicely on his shoulders. This Zabrak seemed to be the one he had talked over the Holo on but, he couldn't be sure. He timidly walked over to the Zabrak and spoke in a whisper.
"I have our agreed amount. . . D-do you h-have the..." He looked about frantically "The . . . Spice?" Don Shem's lekku twitched with unease.

Across the bar at a back table sat Samirr watching as Don Shem slid the credit chip to a DIFFERENT Zabrak. That karking cheater! He was giving his hard-earned creds to some lowlife! He remained seated however, actually wishing this other Zabrak would crush Don Shem's skull.


Lord Ulvore sat in his chair as Axis brought him a crystal goblet half-filled with his favorite delicacy, Hutt blood. Now it was odd yes, but when he could he adored the aroma and flavor that Hutt blood possessed. Mixed with some Tarisian ale he had acquired before the destruction of Taris, it was his favorite thing to drink to calm his nerves. He could sense Nethis approaching their target. A supposedly force resistant weasel of a Twilek called Don Shem. However Ulvore pondered if perhaps this meeting would end up going an entirely different way altogether. . .

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Darth Nethis smiled as he graciously accepted a credit chip from a nervous-looking Twi'lek. This was turning out better than he had hoped. Not only did he not have to track his mark down, the fool had willingly sought him out and paid him handsomely for the privilege. As he took the credit chip the desperate soul had tipped his hand: a desperate spice addiction.

"Yes, my friend," whispered Nethis. "But it was too dangerous to bring it in here. I have it just outside with my guard protocol droid. Follow me...."

With that, Nethis rose and strode outside, beckoning the Twi'lek to follow.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samirr Duunlith Character Portrait: Lord Ulvore Character Portrait: Darth Nethis
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Samirr rose to his feet upon seeing Don Shem walking out of the cantina with the other Zabrak, he couldn't very well get the spice he wanted from this guy, Samirr knew this because the spice was on The Lotus! Sure Don Shem was an imbecile but was he this stupid?
Samirr yelled to the Zabrak and Don Shem. "There is a drug deal going on! Illegal spice trading!" Samirr pointed to Don Shem and it looked as though Don Shem may drop dead right there. The other Zabrak just looked slightly irritated. Samirr stride quickly over to Don Shem, grabbing his lapels and dragging him out, Samirr looked back momentarily to see the Zabrak following calmly, emotionless.
"Don! How long have you known me?" Samirr threw his hood back revealing the very identifiable scarring on his right cheek and jaw. "I have worked with you for years, at least recognize my voice. Are you that looped Don? Kriffing spicer. . . I shoulda spaced you back on Nal Hutta!" Samirr shouted angrily at his moronic employer. His sharpened teeth appearing as fangs as he loomed over Don Shem. Then he glanced over to the Zabrak.
"Look pal, I'll be needin' those credits you got from this pansy. Thanks in advance. Then you can crush this guy into atoms if you want but I want my pay." Samirr extended his hand for the credits and Don Shem spoke.
'S-Samirr! Don't hand me over to this scoundrel!" Don cried out distraught. Samirr shrugged.
"What'll it be there pal?" . . .

________________________________________________________________________________________________________As Ulvore rose and walked to the large windows of the penthouse Axis poured another glass of the Huttese blood beverage. Ulvore reached out with the force and felt friction on Nethis' mission. Nothing his apprentice couldn't handle. After all, he had been trained by the best. "Perhaps I will be seeing some more excitement today than I had originally anticipated. . . " Ulvore mused to himself as he reached out through the force to watch what was happening with Nethis, a way of scrying.

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At first irritated by the interruption, Nethis quickly saw the other Zabrak's intrusion into his affairs as an opportunity. What was this other man's business with the Twi'lek? An illegal spice smuggling operation might be worth examining, especially since the other gentleman had so graciously offered to hand the mark over to him in exchange for a few measly credits. Infiltrating a spice-running outfit would be far more lucrative yet.

Darth Nethis smiled, and with a subtle flux of the Force, replied "Of course. I must admit I was quite confused when this Twi'lek handed me those credits. Here you are, my good man...."

Nethis handed over the credit stick to the young Zabrak with a gracious flourish.

"I would, however, like to speak to him. Do you mind if I come along?"

Nethis tapped into the Force to notify Ulvore of his plans, seeking the approval of his master in this new venture before proceeding. It was beginning to like the intended subject would still be easily acquired after the spice deal had concluded.

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Character Portrait: Darth Vilarous
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#, as written by claw
Hidden away on the volcanic planet of Mustafar was a secret base, built into and indeed under one of the few dormant volcanoes on the planets surface, despite this relative safety powerful heat shields kept the exterior safely protected, though in truth only the landing pad and a small section of the protruding command tower- where the owner of this hidden fortress dwelt, over looking the blasted landscape- could be seen from the outside, the remaining sections of the base were safely tucked away under the fiery surface.

In his dark and gloomy command room, sat upon a dark throne was an equally dark dressed figure, black robes and armour covered his body and a hood and mask covered his face. The room would have been utterly submerged in shadow if not for the light of the volcanic landscape that made itself known through the shielded windows and from the viewscreen that had been playing on repeat for the last hour, the story of some form of genetic mutation being discovered on mass in clearly tortured states was enough to arouse his desire to learn more and so the Sith, Darth Vilarous, had taken notice and was watching the story over and over to try and gleam some missing detail. After some time he realised that looking back over recorded footage and instead would take action himself. Pressing a button on his throne he sent a message through to one of the earpieces of his henchmen- Though strictly speaking he had relatively few subordinates compared to the other members of the Sith, however whilst most would simply use overwhelming force to overpower their enemies, each of Vilarous's minions were experts in their chosen field, thus he cut down on both the amount of people he had to make contact with and ensured he always had the best at his disposal.

After a moments pause to ensure that his subordinate was listening he spoke. "Garen, prepare my shuttle to travel to the planet Onderon." It was a short and simple message that he knew was going to be swiftly followed, he in turn would swiftly turn his chair around and make his way to the shuttle bay where he knew the shuttle would be prepped and ready for him. In truth he could have taken the shuttle to his personal frigate hidden in the asteroid belt on the outer edges of the system, however a lone shuttle drew less attention.

Striding out of the protected shelter of his fortress he was hit by a wave of pure heat as the protective shields warped slightly to accommodate his passage without simply throwing him from the platform itself, a few brisks strides brought him up to and inside the waiting maw of the shuttle, before it lifted from the platform, its owner safely tucked away in a dark room just off to the side of the main bay. His pilot, Garen, was a Twi'lek who had been in his employ for a number of years, though not exactly of his own free will for the beginning of it. A former republic pilot, Garen was stolen along with the shuttle he piloted for his new master and both had served him with distinction, however he was beginning to age and maybe a new slave was needed for the Sith Lord, perhaps he would find someone to replace him on Onderon.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samirr Duunlith Character Portrait: Lord Ulvore Character Portrait: Darth Nethis
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Samirr looked to the older Zabrak, studying him, before sighing and placing his hands up behind his head in a casual manner before speaking.
"Whatever pal. . . " Samirr took the credit chip with a rough grab. He had felt this chump trying to probe his mind, must have thrown that guy cause it won't affect me at all. As Samirr made it back to The Lotus he marched up the ramp and came out moments later with a small box. As he quickly typed in the code, making sure not to allow the shady Zabrak to get a glimpse he then showed the contents to his employer, the foolish Don Shem. The Twi'lek was impressed and happily paid Samirr a light bonus for the mix up in the cantina. With a laugh he tossed the extra five thousand into his back pocket before turning to the Zabrak.
"He's all yours buddy, one more thing. . .I didn't catch your name. . .?" Samirr asked holding Don Shem by the shoulders, Don Shem was shaking and his lekku were flipping around agitatedly.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lord Ulvore turned quickly, the cloak of his fancy diplomats suit flourished behind him as he strode with purpose over the Axis. Axis looked to him, the blue lights she used for eyes blinking slightly from the energies Ulvore was emitting.
"Heading out Master Darius?" Axis asked using his "Politician" name.
"Why . . . Yes. Axis call for Ora to pull the private cruiser by, I shall be using it to take to a small docking zone in the slums for a. . .Package I have been expecting." With that Ulvore grabbed the black cap he wore over his bare skin on his head and popped the collar on his diplomat suit before exiting the Penthouse.

Ora had the cruiser waiting at the door, Ulvore bowed his head to her with a cold smile.
"Ready to go my Lord?" Ora asked offering her hand to assist him into the cruiser. Taking her hand he spoke back calmly.
"Yes, please make this trip fast." As he sat in the back of the cruiser watching buildings soar by, he hoped Nethis would have his specimen by the time he arrived. He dug into his Force-scry and touched Nethis' mind from afar.
'I approve of your venture. . .Report in with whatever you may find. . .' With that Ulvore allowed himself to drift into a sleep-like state.

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Darth Nethis smiled and replied "The name is Ordo. And I thank you kindly for your assistance."
With a gracious nod, Nethis escorted the Twi'lek out of the cantina and into the busy streets of Coruscant.

"Ordo," said Don Shem nervously, "why did you need to talk to me again?"

"Rest assured it will be well worth your while. I have a very influential business partner that will pay handsomely for your services, Don Shem."

"How do you know my name," asked Don Shem, slightly bewildered.

The two figures worked their way through the crowded streets, with Darth Nethis subtly guiding his subject along. As they turned a corner into the alley where HK was waiting, Nethis responded: "Your talents and skills are well known among certain elements of society. My associate and I would like to employ your particular.... talents.... for an upcoming endeavor."

"That, uh, sounds interesting," whimpered Don Shem, trembling slightly.

"It will be a venture you won't forget, I assure you. The reward will be quite worth your effort."

HK-50 strode forth from the shadows to meet them.

"Salutation: Greetings, master. Is this the meat... Correction: business associate you mentioned?"

Nethis nodded and before Don Shem could react, HK-50 had incapacitated the Twi'lek with a stun ray from his blaster. Nethis caught Shem's body before it could hit the ground and the two of them guided the unconscious quarry to a waiting transport pod.

Flicking on his transmitter, Nethis confirmed that the subject had been acquired.

"Master, Don Shem is now ours. We are on route to the agreed-upon delivery point."

With that, they piled into the small Lev-2 transport unit and worked their way into the busy flow of city traffic.

As they sped along, Darth Nethis's appearance began to change, his Zabrak horns and facial features gradually faded as the smooth gray Shi'ido skin and asymmetrical facial features began to emerge.

"Statement: It never ceases to amaze me how other meatbags are deceived by your skills," said HK.

Nethis smiled a crooked and leering smile, pleased with himself.

"Yes. It has its uses."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samirr Duunlith Character Portrait: Lord Ulvore Character Portrait: Darth Nethis
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Samirr watched as the strange Zabrak, Ordo, walked Don Shem away. Did Samirr feel bad? Well . . . Yeah but he got his pay, he was done here.

He pulled his hood down over his eyes and walked around to the main street, approaching the docking zone he was literally run into by a small female Cathar, a child of about twelve. She was scrawny with promine facial structuring and harsh angles that looked odd on such a young face. Her small angled gold eyes were full of anger and pain, her long brown hair was matted and hung limply around her shoulders. Her small boney form was covered by tattered rag-like clothing, her pointed ears were pierced with bone spikes. She was gaunt and twitching, struggling to stand. When she spoke her small snout-like nose crinkled in anger and hate.

"I can't be stopped here bonehead! I have to get away, I can't. . . They can't take me back there! I refuse. That filthy. . . No, he won't have me any longer! Not now that he's dead. . ."

The small girl was shivering, her clawed hands were blood-stained.

"Whoa, whoa, did you murder someone there kiddo? Hah, I could shoot you right now and claim I was doing a public service. Or you could be my 'partner' in my business, and I'd protect ya."

Samirr grinned, his fanged teeth glaring in the artificial lighting of the main street. Before the small Cathar could reply Samirr had scooped her up, slung her over his shoulder and begun marching towards the Docking Bay where The Lotus was held. The airlock of the ship opened with creaking and a small whooshing noise. He carried her into the spare domestic hold and threw her onto the cot within before locking the door. She was far too upset to talk to now. Samirr was pretty sure what he just did was illegal. He was also fairly certain he didn't care.

Ulvore stepped out of the cruiser that Ora was piloting, Ora's faint purple skin glowed in the lighting of the dimly lit passageway that Ulvore and Nethis were meeting in.

"Nethis. . . I see you have brought our friend here. . . Why hello there Mr. Shem, allow me and my associate to escort you to my penthouse sweet to. . . Discuss our ventures. . ."
As Ulvore spoke he linked arms with Don Shem and walked him into the cruiser.
Ora looked to Nethis and walked out of the Cruiser allowing it auto-pilot back to the Penthouse. Ora stepped close to Nethis, her purple skin and large brown eyes glittering in the lighting.

"Nethis. . . Or shall I call you Ordo?"
Ora snickered, her chipped K-9 tooth showing.

"You are always so . . . Distant. You know, Ulvore has told me about the ways of the Dark Side, and I know about you and your powers. . . He wants to train me. But, I want you to train me. . . I want to learn from you. Ulvore is yesterdays news, you Nethis are the future and we both know that."
Ora's small hand rested on Nethis' shoulder as she grinned and her claw-like nails slightly dug into his arm.

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Hutt Space

Hutt Space by Alliqua_Dark

A part of the universe controlled by the alien race called the Hutts.

Kessel Sector

Kessel Sector by Alliqua_Dark

A sector nearby Hutt Space in the Outer-Rim.

Unknown Sectors/Unamed Sectors

Unknown Sectors/Unamed Sectors by Alliqua_Dark

This is Unknown, and or uncharted space. We know there are planets just not Sectors. This part of space is beyond the outer-rim.


Outer-Rim by Alliqua_Dark

This is the edges of known space.


Colonies/Mid-Rim by Alliqua_Dark

The colonies and the Mid-Rim planets, closer to the Core worlds.

Core Worlds

Core Worlds by Alliqua_Dark

This is nearest to the center of the Galaxy!

Deep Core Worlds

Deep Core Worlds by Alliqua_Dark

This is the heart and soul of the Galaxy, also home to the Galactic Senate on Coruscant.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Saladriel Tai Rohshiyo
Character Portrait: Darth Vilarous
Character Portrait: Aliyes
Character Portrait: Darth Nethis


Character Portrait: Darth Nethis
Darth Nethis

Shi'ido user of Dark Force energy, Nethis is a master infiltrator and assassin.

Character Portrait: Aliyes

An Adventurer.

Character Portrait: Darth Vilarous
Darth Vilarous

"Through the Force, I am power."

Character Portrait: Saladriel Tai Rohshiyo
Saladriel Tai Rohshiyo

Sentinel and Jedi Master


Character Portrait: Darth Vilarous
Darth Vilarous

"Through the Force, I am power."

Character Portrait: Darth Nethis
Darth Nethis

Shi'ido user of Dark Force energy, Nethis is a master infiltrator and assassin.

Character Portrait: Saladriel Tai Rohshiyo
Saladriel Tai Rohshiyo

Sentinel and Jedi Master

Character Portrait: Aliyes

An Adventurer.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aliyes

An Adventurer.

Character Portrait: Darth Vilarous
Darth Vilarous

"Through the Force, I am power."

Character Portrait: Darth Nethis
Darth Nethis

Shi'ido user of Dark Force energy, Nethis is a master infiltrator and assassin.

Character Portrait: Saladriel Tai Rohshiyo
Saladriel Tai Rohshiyo

Sentinel and Jedi Master

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Hutt Space

Hutt Space by Alliqua_Dark

A part of the universe controlled by the alien race called the Hutts.

Kessel Sector

Kessel Sector by Alliqua_Dark

A sector nearby Hutt Space in the Outer-Rim.

Unknown Sectors/Unamed Sectors

Unknown Sectors/Unamed Sectors by Alliqua_Dark

This is Unknown, and or uncharted space. We know there are planets just not Sectors. This part of space is beyond the outer-rim.


Outer-Rim by Alliqua_Dark

This is the edges of known space.


Colonies/Mid-Rim by Alliqua_Dark

The colonies and the Mid-Rim planets, closer to the Core worlds.

Core Worlds

Core Worlds by Alliqua_Dark

This is nearest to the center of the Galaxy!

Deep Core Worlds

Deep Core Worlds by Alliqua_Dark

This is the heart and soul of the Galaxy, also home to the Galactic Senate on Coruscant.

Deep Core Worlds

This is the heart and soul of the Galaxy, also home to the Galactic Senate on Coruscant.


The colonies and the Mid-Rim planets, closer to the Core worlds.

Unknown Sectors/Unamed Sectors

This is Unknown, and or uncharted space. We know there are planets just not Sectors. This part of space is beyond the outer-rim.

Hutt Space

A part of the universe controlled by the alien race called the Hutts.

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Most recent OOC posts in Star Wars: Old Republic: A Genetic Crisis

Re: Star Wars: Old Republic: A Genetic Crisis

Alright kiddos! We're up and running. Going well so far! Any questions you have so far I shall attempt to answer here in the OOC
~<3 Alli

Re: Star Wars: Old Republic: A Genetic Crisis

Alright, so I plan on starting this up fairly soon. Unfortunately I have been rather busy. . . So it may take me a bit to begin, however this should give you time to either, improve or add other characters. I hope this Roleplay does well :3

~<3 Alli

Star Wars: Old Republic: A Genetic Crisis

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