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Padawan Revan Merasska

Could be the last Padawan in the Jedi Order still alive... her fate might be entwined with that of the light side.

0 · 214 views · located in Star Wars Galaxy

a character in “Star Wars: Remnants of the Republic”, originally authored by megadonkey30, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Revan Merasska
Age: 16
Race: Human
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 167
Faction: Jedi
Rank: Knight, Padawan, Master, etc.
Sub-Rank: Padawan



Revan has the starts of an athletic build from training at the Jedi Temple; Has medium long black hair, capable of covering her eyes, which are bluish purple. She beams out a generally nice, caring and curious personality. She wears a cut dark blue robe with black leggings, and black boots. When she was at the Jedi Temple she wore normal Padawan clothes and held her lighsaber at her side proudly, now... its hidden away somewhere in her clothes...
Birth Place: Aaeton

Bio: Born on Aaeton, she had a relativity normal childhood, except the part her Jedi hating family found out she was force sensitive, and almost by extreme luck, a Jedi came looking for her to train her in the ways of the Jedi. At the Temple, she make many friends, and is a sociable person. On her free time she studied Lightsaber and Force techniques. One day her and her master went on a mission, and on the return their Clone escort turned on them, reveling to be known as Order 66. Now trapped on a isolated planet, forced to finish her training, as one of the last Jedi..

Crystal color: Purple
Practiced Lightsaber forms:
Ataru- N/A
Shien / Djem So- 1
Sub-form Backhanded
Sub-form Jar-kai, or Dual Wield
Juyo- N/A
Double Bladed Combat- bad at it...
All Jedi & Sith know and practice Shii-Cho. It is known as the basis to lightsaber combat and it must be the highest number. Your character cannot have a 3 in

Force sensitive abilities:
Telepathic: 1-10 = 3
Telekinetic: 1-10 = 2
Body: 1-10 = 5
Sense: 1-10 = 3
Protection: 1-10 = 2
Healing: 1-10 = 1
Destruction: 1-10 =1
Specialized Skills:
((I don't really know how much a padawan would know if any....))

Physical Strength: 1-10 = 4
Intelligence: 1-10 = 3
Speed: 1-10 = 7
Leadership: 1-10 = 2
Unarmed Combat: 1-10 = 1
Melee Weapons: 1-10 = 2
Ranged Weapons: 1-10 = 1

So begins...

Padawan Revan Merasska's Story

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Character Portrait: Padawan Revan Merasska
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Revan found herself humming as she walked down the street of the market, passing a few troopers and a cantina on the upper levels. She could sense something has gone wrong, she expected to see her master at the cantina. Revan, our cover's blown...Get to the safehouse.. she stopped walking and looked around slowly, she could sense the tension of the force now, she quickly turned around and practically darted back to he safe house. almost running into a few troopers, she bowed and continued racing against time, or so she felt.

The safe-house never felt like home to her as she quickly entered the front door looking around. then again it never did. She brushed her black hair out of her face and went to find the others that had joined them in hiding on Taris. By the time she entered the main room her hands were shaking a little; she hated the force, well at least the times she could feel the dark presence, ever since... she shook her head and sat down waiting for her master to arrive. after a few seconds she could feel her lightsaber in her hand, twitching to turn on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx Character Portrait: Padawan Revan Merasska
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Kyiah had found a lead. A boy around the age of sixteen had seen the Jedi at one point and in eagnerness to earn favor with the Sith he tattled. "I have seen them around. He has been ridding the streets of most violence and helping people out when he can. In fact he offered to help my family at one point but my mother refused because she knew that we could get in trouble if you found out" he told her. Kyiah lifted her chin at him. At the moment, she had him pinned against the wall of the building. Her hand was clamped on his shirt. "Your mother is a smart woman kid. What's your name?" she asked him. "Z-Zanner" he stuttered. "Well Zanner. Do you know where he might be staying and if there is another?" she asked. "I saw a girl with him at one point...close to my age I presume. I don't know where he stays though, nobody does" he told her.

Kyiah nodded and dropped the kid. She tossed him a few coins and waved her hand to make him go away. He gave her a bright smile and ran back to his home. Kyiah continued to ask around and whoever knew something got force choked until they told her. Eventually she found someone who knew where they lived. A young couple with a small baby. Kyiah used the force to pull the baby from the father's hands and threatened them with the death of the baby. Finally the hysterical mother cracked up. "A small apartment not far from here. I'm not sure which one. Please leave my baby alone!" she cried. Kyiah smiled and left the house with the child and family intact and she headed toward the apartment complex that the mother had said the Jedi lived. By now she had concluded that he had a padawan with him. Kyiah walked inside and began to nose through the apartments weather they had owners or not. Finally she made her way to Jay and Revan's and knew it was their's. She could feel it. Kyiah activated her lightsaber and carved her way through the door. It fell with a loud crash and Kyiah entered.

"I'm back" She called sweetly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx Character Portrait: Padawan Revan Merasska
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Kyiah's was intuitive and she quickly realized what Jay was trying to do. Her lightsaber met the one that was coming up to her and she tried to dodge the one that was coming down. She managed to avoid any serious injury but one of Jay's lightsabers cut her on the upper right arm. The cut was gushing blood but it wasn't seriously deep. Every time Kyiah moved it there was a bolt of agony. Kyiah gritted her teeth against the pain and carried on. She easily parried Revan's attacks and managed to get behind the girl. She attempted to cut the girl's waist before going to attack Jay again. Her lightsaber clashed with one of his again and she carried on this time, trying to wear him out enough to make a killing blow. He must be out of practice after all. At least that was one of Kyiah's guesses. She couldn't be sure. Kyiah could feel herself begin to fatigue. She looked around for a distraction and saw a glass vase. She lifted it with the force and it flew towards Jay's head. Kyiah's didn't falter at all. She had done a lot of practice using her gifts while fighting.

Kyiah continued this. Finding objects and shooting them at Jay and Revan while parrying and deflecting multiple blows. Her bright red hair had darkened with sweat and her long bangs stuck to her face and one of her four braids had fallen out. Her face was going red with exhaustion and frustration. Blood was dripping down Kyiah's black armor and staining the floor. Every move she made caused blood to spatter around. Okay, now I'm in a bad spot. I'm starting to get tired and this wound is starting to weaken me. What now? I can't make a run for it. That would be cowardice and it would send these pests the wrong message. But I can't hold out much longer Kyiah thought to herself. Although she kept her face impassive and emotionless. All the two Jedi's would be able to see was the slight exhaustion. Not the worry. Kyiah had spent a long time trying to keep her emotions at bay. They could use that worry against her. "Getting tired yet goody goody?" she snarled at Jay. Her patience running out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx Character Portrait: RC-2439 "Beskar" Character Portrait: Padawan Revan Merasska
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#, as written by cha-kun
RC-2439, "Beskar" lined up the perfect head-shot with the cross-hairs of his Deece's Sniper attachment, but before he could pull the trigger his comlink buzzed. The voice of General Mothonel called over the link, "Beskar, our cover's blown. Meet Revan and I at the safe house." Beskar abandoned his prey and raced back to the General's safe-house. His black camo-cloak whipped behind him as he ran through the lower city streets, blaster at his side. He stopped short of the safe-house. There were two sith troopers watching the approach, but he'd been in worse situations. Hell, once on Felucia he had been stuck behind Seperatist lines, and he single-handedly took and held their communications tower until backup arrived, he had used the enemies own emplacements against them, picking up their weapons when his own ran dry. He jumped up and grabbed the pipes above his head. Climbing hand over hand, he dropped right behind the first trooper, dispatching him silently with his gauntlet's extendable vibro-blade. He killed the other guard in a similar fashion, and when he was certain the coast was clear, he drew his blaster pistol, aiming at the door. he waited next to the door and counted to three under his breath. He depressed the activator on the door and as it slid open he immediately identified the threat in the room. Leveling his pistol at the Sith he said, "Ma'am, I'd suggest you stop immediately, and leave... I will count to three and then I will plaster the walls of this apartment with your brains. Understand? One."