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Kaliss Vendel

"If you insist on fighting me, know that I will not show mercy."

0 · 466 views · located in The Galaxy

a character in “Star Wars: Time of the Ancients”, as played by Mr. Inkwell


“Put faith not in your gear, nor the force, for that is only a focus for your true inner strength.”

Kaliss Vendel
(KAY-liss Ven-dell)

Full name: Kaliss Vendel
Alias/Nicknames: The Ashen Blade, The Disgraced One
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Human
Birth Date: Unknown
Age: 26
Descendent(of): Karyst Vendel
Current Residence: - Aboard “The Exodus
Job/Profession: - Assassin
Title: - “Gray”/ Exiled Jedi
Allegiance/Alignment/Clan(s): - None.

Height: - 179.2 cm
Weight: - 50 kg
Build: - Thin
Eye Color: - Black
Hair Color: - Black
Handedness: - Ambidextrous
Skin Shade/Color: - Pale
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: - None
He wears white, black, and gray robes, often covering his face with a silver mask. Beneath the slim-fitting robes is his strong, yet lean build. He carries a single long-vibrosword, along with two smaller vibro-daggers. Beneath the mask is a stern, pale, face. A sharp jaw, a soft nose, and deep-set piercing silver eyes. Ink-black hair falls to his chin, but is parted about his face.

Outside of combat, on civilian stations or cities, he often wears more ‘casual’, but still formal attire. He wears a long, black jacket with silver trimmings, opened with an upturned collar and rolled-up sleeves, wearing a long-sleeved white shirt underneath, straightened with an unorganized white necktie. Below, Kaliss wears black pants and white shoes. He carries his sword, Forgotten Fire” beside his waist.

Sexuality/Preference: - Asexual
Sanity: - Perfectly sane
Friends: - Aria Shortail
Likes: - Silence, reading, ice, fire, ‘tending’ to things.
Dislikes: - Wasteless killing, pointless running, anything lacking purpose.
Hobbies: - Reads, trains, meditates.
Kaliss is a quiet, serious proper gentleman who is also a stubborn, hotheaded yet composed individual who appears tough and completely no-nonsense on the surface. He is very determined to accomplish his goals, whatever they may be, but despite so Kaliss is willing to set them aside for the finer things in life, such as genuine companionship. Faith is an unknown thing to him which he doesn't understand but he is still willing to believe in it. Kaliss follows a policy where, rather than judging a man by his appearance or words, their actions are what matters more.

He values points such as heroism, and people who value others over themselves. Although his genuine nature contradicts it, Kaliss does have a soft heart, which at times causes him to be very gullible. Despite this, he still attempts to be as indifferent as possible, especially when regarding force-users. Kaliss is also quite modest when around indecently-dressed or nude women, being flustered or embarrassed when any part or nudity is involved. He has a fondness for reading, as he tends to the Exodus’ on-board library.

“Forgotten Fire”— A black and red vibro-longsword, reminiscent of an ancient tachi, that is cloaked in heat. The sword, once removed from its sheath, activates several plasma-generators within the blade that can combat with that of lightsabers, even if not being nearly as agile. The blade can be wielded with one or both hands, and Kaliss switches frequently between handedness during a fight to reach the full potential of this weapon. The blade is carried most of the time, only in times of stealth is it left behind. The blade is concealed in a large sheath centered on his waist. He typically only draws the blade for that of a formidable foe.
“Ash & Mist”— Two short dagger-like vibro-swords, each of which while not as formidable as a lightsaber, is still a supreme cutting weapon, each gilded with a fine edge of plasma. The blades themselves, while being weaker and shorter than a saber, make up for it with the small ‘smoke’ generators concealed in the hilts and blades of each weapon. The weapons themselves are nearly identical, only Ash is black and silver, and Mist is white and silver. He carries each of these with him at all times, typically on his back.
Combat Attire:
“Silver Robes”—The silver robes he wears are fairly simple yet elegant, and despite what the name implies, are not silver in the least. They are mostly thin, form-fitting white nano-weave cloth. The robes have a hood, which is usually pulled up. During combat, or at other certain times, he wears a silver mask, looking similar of that of a skull.
“Void Walker”— The darker, more streamlined version of his other robes, the weaker, thinner black and gray robes have built-in force dampeners woven throughout the fabric, helping obscure his location. These robes are hooded as well, and come with another darker, skull-like mask[/i[
Accessories: – [i]Beyond the few weapons he carries, Kaliss always is certain to have something nearby for most scenarios. He wears a small force-dampening bracelet that furthers his ability to shroud himself in the force, and a small fire-frost stone set into a necklace, and worn around his neck. He uses the ice to help calm and focus his mind when needed, or awaken a fire should the need arise.

General/Preferred Style: – Combination of Ataru and Shien fighting, with some reliance on Sorensu.
Hand-to-Hand: – Typical martial art style fighting, trained to both attack the enemy, and send the enemy’s attacks back onto themselves.
Weapons Style: – Single long-vibroblade, or perhaps two-shortened weapons, or a single dagger at a time, coupled with force abilities.
Special Abilities/Affinities:
Doesn’t have a preference over light or dark side of the force, and as such, is practiced in countering force attacks from either alignment.

Force Sensitive: - [i[Gifted. [/i]
Force Alignment: - None, gray
Major Powers: - Teleport, invisibility.
Minor Powers: – Force telekinesis
Masters a kind of monochromatic ‘force fire’, which burns cold. He often uses this flame to surround himself in a cloud of smoke before vanishing. He’s an adept acrobat, able to heighten his physical prowess with aid of the force. However, due to his reliance on the force, when drained, he becomes particularly fatigued, and can be easily defeated.

Relationship Status: – None
Mother— Karyst Vendell
Father— Unknown
Siblings— Unknown
Known Languages: Basic, and (some) Aing-Tii
Personal History/Background:
Kaliss, The Ashen Blade, The Disgraced One, or even Kaliss the Failure, is an enigma in core galaxies, and completely unknown to most. This was planned.

Kaliss is a child of the Jedi Order, first discovered when an older washed-up Sith placed her son upon the steps of the temple, claiming he could not be allowed to grow up like her. She was later found dead, her own lightsaber thrust into her chest. The child was accepted into the temple, then taken to the academy to begin his training. He was tutored beneath a veteran of the last Sith war, who taught him the ways of the blade almost exclusively, despite the Council’s protests against it. By the time Kaliss had forged his own saber, they had replaced his tutor. It was quickly found that he had a perceptive grasp of the force, but only truly excelled at cloaking and hiding his own lifeforce. Whether that was concealing himself physically, or through the force. He’s grown rather adept at vanishing completely, almost perfectly invisible from both force-users and non-force users alike.

Before the Order chose a master for him, he was sent off to complete his off-world trials, by establishing relations with a small sect of Aing-Tii monks in the Kathol Rift. His trial was noted for taking much longer than expected, taking even an extra year over the expected dates. During his stay, he secretly trained with one of the monks, learning how they managed to teleport and ‘blink’ to other locations. While he was taught this, he was told there was no light or dark of the force, and that it was only an energy that gripped the entirety of the universe. He learned much from them, but even after extensive training, he only mastered rematerialization towards areas within his line of sight. He was unable to teleport through walls, or like the strongest of monks, between planets, and through time.

When he returned, several members of the Order felt he was slightly stronger in the force, when questioned he told them what he learned during his stay, giving him a deeper understanding of the force itself. He was granted a master then, and both were given the task of quelling a small Imperial establishment on some nearby world. The establishment was governed by a Sith, and the resulting fight that ensued left his master dead, and Kaliss questioning his alignment in the force.

Upon returning to the temple, while everyone else mourned over the loss of his master, he meditated in the force, peering into the dark side. There, he found power, and strength, but also felt it was incomplete. He turned his gaze towards the light, and felt a similar incompleteness. He turned towards his masters, questioning them about this emptiness of the force, and they told him it was just the void he felt from the loss of his master. But he felt none. To him, his master was gone, yes. But the force energy was constant, still there, only it lacked focus, strength, and a medium to carry it.

Worried that idleness wouldn’t suit the young Jedi, the Council sent him to protect a sect of Republic royalty. He spent nearly three years serving as the royal protector, growing into the role, making friends, and further questioning the seeming black-white “sides” of the force. One of the family’s members, the son, began to look into a small Imperial operation taking place on the outer rim of the galaxy.

It turns out they were heading the production of a revolutionary new bomb, one that could be dropped into the cores of planets, and detonated, collapsing the entire planet. He was assigned to help take down the operation, along with several other full-fledged knights. The attack was successful, the plant shut down, and the schematics and plans destroyed. Unfortunately, a particularly insane Sith member started a countdown on one of the bombs he stole, threatening to destroy the planet.

The knights rushed after him, and all were set back and delayed. Kaliss was the only one who made it to his destination, but he paused for just a moment too long during the resulting duel with the Sith, allowing the bomb to drop into the planet’s core. He and the surviving knights were forced to escape the burning planet. Unfortunately, the planet’s collapse and destruction resulted in an offset on the gravitational pull of the system, and the rest of the planets quickly fell into each other, or towards the star, killing millions.

Kaliss escaped the council, and turned his back on the Order, exiled as a disgrace. During his banishment, he renounced the barriers the Order had placed on him, and left himself to study the force as a whole, and not to just look at only light or dark. He realized that death gave way to life, and life would eventually fall to death. Upon this realization, the Jedi Council named him a Heretic, and began treating him less like an old ally, and more like a new enemy.

Only then did he meet Aria, and agreed to be hired on as her “private” assassin, putting his skills of stealth into use. Now, he wears the mask out of disgrace.

“Those lives are gone. They exist purely in my mind. I am forced to carry on the legacy.”

So begins...

Kaliss Vendel's Story


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Character Portrait: Resurgent Sith Character Portrait: Aria Shortail Character Portrait: Kaliss Vendel
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The Corusca Sector

“[color=FF8C00]Hey, Zisk, buddy.[/color]”

The Nautolan servicemen turned around. His short, squat face lit up as his eyes fell upon the newcomers.

“Ah, yes. Aria. How are you today?”

“[color=FF8C00]Just stopping in for a little visit.[/color]”

Aria walked into the room, stepping off the elevator as Kaliss shadowed her movements. She wore her typical attire, the long gold-lined white coat falling over her shoulders. She reached up to straighten the Commissar hat atop her head, which had been disgruntled during the trip down. She loved the speed and luxury of the service elevators, but found the quickness often upset her outfit. She reached down, and straightened the belt on her waist. As she did so, she could feel the weight of the two blaster pistols shift about, hidden by her coat.

Everything now in place, she continued onwards towards the old hanger’s manager. Her nose scrunched up, the smell of fried electronics, fuel, and other random assortments of pungent fluids for starships both old and new filled the air. The lights in the hangar were dim, with only a few brilliant spotlights headed overtop of elegant merchant, war, and explorer ships. Each was rendered defunct, but each also held telltale markings of attempted repairs, either bootleg fixes from the owners themselves, or the professional restoration the servicemen provided.

Zisk wore his dull blue and green mechanic’s smart suit almost proudly, but the suit struggled to hold itself together around the frame of the man. Zisk had been in the repair business through the best and worst, and now the worst had begun to show on him; his eyes held deep bags beneath them, his typically faded pale lime skin had fallen into a shade fitting a distraught leaf than a proud worker. And worst of all, he had unfortunately gained more than a few pounds as the civilized Galaxy seemingly committed suicide, with all the talk of Sith about.

In honesty, the Galaxy had never been better, as the Sith were further on the horizon, and so sparse the republic’s finest could almost put an end to even a recent well-trained Sith. But the public never saw that. They only saw the footage of the few attacks, and heard the horrendous rumors floating about every system of a Sith the next star over.

Here, even in the Capital of the Republic, these rumors still spread, and they showed on the news, the economy, and in the public itself. Paranoia spread, but with it, so did peace.

Zisk was one of the unlucky few that had befallen the rumors, spending nights awake sleepless, and in his actual appearances in public, he’d either be drunk, deliriously tired, or just wasting away in a casino somewhere. His job hours were one of the few times he was none of those things, as he whittled away his time doing what he did best. Starship maintenance and repair.

“So the famous General Aria returns to me.” He faked a bow, “I’m so very delighted. To what can I owe the pleasure?”

Aria snorted, looking back at Kaliss’ stern face, searching for any kind of amusement. There wasn’t any to find. She ignored it and jabbed him with her elbow and kept walking down towards the man.

“[color=FF8C00]Oh ya’ know,[/color]” she started, “[color=FF8C00]just a small little thing really. I was poking around in the upper management, and the boys up top told me you have a ship for me, all ready to go.[/color]”

Zisk’s smile faded. “Well, about that.”

“[color=FF8C00]What about it?[/color]” Aria stopped before the nautolan, a stern expression crossing her face.

She stood with her hands at her hips, and a finger tapping impatiently, on the hilt of her blaster.

Then she smiled and straightened her coat. “[color=FF8C00]Nah, I’m just kidding. So, what’s up with the ship, I was hoping I’d be able to set out soon, big plans ahead, and the House isn’t getting much more interesting.[/color]”

“Oh, the ship’s fine, on paper. But The Exodus isn’t fit for combat. She’s hardly fit to fly.”

“[color=708090]What happened?[/color]” Kaliss stepped out from behind Aria’s shadow, finally deciding to take an interest in the conversation.

He was promised a shot at redemption, but had so far, spent a month in the Capital he’d ran from, staying in one of the smaller Clans that made up the city’s nobility. They only had so many books to read, and he was already nearing the end.

Zisk’s expression changed into a slightly more formal one, as Kaliss’ cold white eyes stared down at him. It wasn’t a condescending stance, as Kaliss practically stood over most others. His height, while not extraordinary, was certainly above-average. But his stare wasn’t the only thing intimidating about him. Kaliss wore mostly black, contrasting sharply against the friendly white his leader wore. His long black coat was lined with silver, and fell down his lean frame until it skirted out of the way of a sheathed vibrosword, hanging from his belt. The handle of the weapon was ink black, and protruded enough from his attire enough to make most nervous. His black clothing was furthered by his long black hair, falling to either side of his stern expression. His black clothing,

“[color=708090]Well?[/color]” Kaliss’ cold, formal voice pulled Zisk from his tance.

“What?” Zisk looked around for a moment, and settled back into his skin. “Right, the ship. Well, the replacement parts are done, ordered in, and sitting about, but we just haven’t put it all together yet. We had a slight tie up with the shipping department. Management’s having a real mess with that one.”

Aria rolled her eyes. “[color=FF8C00]How long do you think it’ll take to put it all together?[/color]”

“Well—” Zisk was cut off by the sound of the elevator rushing back up, the entire room echoing with the electronic hum and whirr of motors.

“It shouldtake about a few weeks, maybe another month. She’s pretty fallen apart. We had to dig deep through her.”

“[color=FF8C00]Another month? Zisk, weren’t you the one who bragged about being able to clear an entire floor in a few months? What happened to that? How long can it take to piece together a single ship?[/color]”

“Well, that was before the galaxy stopped spinning. Now we’ve gotten orders from people more high-and-mighty than yourself, no offense. And besides, you have one of those older class warships, we had to dig the schematics out of the archives for some of those newer kids on floor. She’s a real—”

The elevator kicked back in again, pulling their attention back to the gears and winch. In less than a moment, the elevator’s door reopened, revealing a small gang of several unsavory looking characters.

Four men stood clustered together, each one holding a blaster, and wearing several tight leather layers, each embroidered with studs, and ripped or cut in obscene ways, showing off powerfully built muscles, scratches, scars, or all three. Before them, stood a woman, dressed similarly to the men behind her, her dark skin showing behind the breaks between the black leather. Instead of a blaster in hand, she had a large metal club draped over her shoulder. Her face was sharp, angling in odd places like a knife. Fire glinted in her eyes, and her hair fell down to one side of her face, clean shaven on the left, long, dirty black hair falling down on the right.

She smiled, her teeth like knives.

“Hey! Zisk! Just the man we were looking for!”

Aria and Kaliss looked back at the servicemen, finding him in a state of complete shock.

“Hey boys, move aside!” The intruder barked out. The four men quickly ran to the side, leaving a path open to the elevator.

“This lift’s leaving folks! Step this way!” She mockingly bowed, and stepped to the side.

Kaliss stepped forwards, standing between Zisk and the intruders.

“[color=708090]If it’s a fight you want, I warn you now, I will defend this man’s legacy until my own is struck down.[/color]”

Aria sighed. “[color=FF8C00]Kaliss, they’re after some dirty money, not attacking his honor. Judging by Zisk’s reaction here, I’d say they’re looking in the right place. Am I right about that Zisk?[/color]”

“Uh— yeah. Yes unfortunately.”

The knife-woman sneered. “Touching, the boy thinks he can play with the rest of us! Last chance to leave, I’m feeling generous, don’t waste it!”

Zisk looked up helplessly at Aria. “I can get your ship ready by next week.”

Aria smiled. “[color=FF8C00]Deal. —Kaliss, have fun with those guys, hope you’re not too rusty.[/color”

Kaliss took a deep breath, and outstretched a hand, falling into a defensive stance.

“Cute. Kill him.”

One week later

“[color=FF8C00]Wow Zisk, she looks like new.[/color]”

The Exodus gleamed in the light of the hanger. It had just been pulled out of the repair bay, and had left both Aria and Kaliss shocked at the quality.The Exodus was an old Outrider-class ship, designed for primarily exploration, but held enough weapons aboard to destroy entire outposts. However, she wasn’t very heavily armored, and instead relied on her slim profile, and surprising speed to evade enemy fire. The ship wasn’t as large as a capital ship, but was considerably larger than a typical landing craft, able to house a fully outfitted crew of several, with additional room for the pilots and weapons. The old silver warship held an elegant curved design left behind by the newer, sleek and more functional ships of the modern age.

“Well, it took some work, and more than a few late nights, but here she is.”

“[color=708090]A remarkable ship to say the least.[/color]” Kaliss reached a hand out, tentatively pushing through the Force, touching and feeling the curves of the ship.

“[color=FF8C00]That’s enough lover-boy.[/color]” Aya pushed his hand away. “[color=FF8C00]Well, Zisk, make any last adjustments you see fit, I think it’s time we go get the crew![/color]”

Within the hour, the ‘crew’ was assembled, the ship was boarded, and after finally settling into the ship’s cabins and living spaces, they set a course for Anoat Sector. The ship performed beautifully, lifting free of the gravity of the planet and lifting into the void with little more than a hiccup. Zisk had held up his part of the deal.

Everyone settled in. The troops that Aria had brought along met up in the barracks or break rooms, as Aria herself re-outfitted the entirety of the arsenal. A few of the pilots walked between command stations, checking systems, and testing consoles. Kaliss, fell into his own quarters, which held scarcely a bed, crammed into the closetspace of the ship’s archive library. Kaliss fell into the books immediately, picking up a datapad, and absorbing as much knowledge as he could. It was just a few short hours till they were clear for hyperspace.

As soon as The Exodus had reached open space, they engaged the warp drive. All the tests and checks had come out well, and besides the odd malfunctions with the lighting systems, the ship was perfect.

As the ship disengaged from hyperspace, Kaliss and Aria met up at the command bridge. After a quick discussion with Sadri Artil, one of the techs on the ship, they agreed to stop over at the nearby refuelling station, to see if the minor lighting glitch could be fixed up.

“Yeah, all it would take is a few tweaks in the main electronics chamber, but unfortunately, due to the ship’s age, it’d be rather unsafe to take care of the problem during transit here. There’s only so much an astromech unit can do.”

“[color=708090]If we plan on stopping, perhaps we can inquire on Imperial movements within the sector.[/color]”

Aria threw back her coat, falling into the large command seat in the center of the bridge. “[color=FF8C00]Alright nerds, you can re-route my command. I wanna try and grab some more rounds anyways.[/color]”

The Anoat Sector

The planet Bespin loomed in the distance before them. It hung in the void, the dust and gasses swirling about the planet’s surface. The only notable feature was a nearby refueling and rest station swarmed with hundreds of starships of different kinds, blinking in and out of hyperspace. The station itself was locked in high orbit, and held little more than hangars, docks, garages, markets, a small amount of living space, and an all to high amount of cantinas.

Or as Aria so affectionately put it, “[color=FF8C00]50% Business, 40% Alcohol, almost 100% a waste of time.[/color]”

Bespin, the backyard of the Republic. The Republic’s hands stretched wide and far now, with the Sith all but purged from existence, and have claimed the distant mining planet of Bespin. Even here, in the uncharted backwaters of space, The Republic had made it’s presence known.

It only took a short amount of time to request access. But, once gained, The Exodus swiftly docked, attached securely into the refueling bay. With The Exodus now fully moored outside, and a service portwalk extended to their ship, Kaliss disembarked with Aria, the rest of the crew falling into step behind them. Only Artil stayed behind, to repair the faulty lighting glitch.

The artificial air felt recycled, old, and stale. The smell of old photon engines constantly burning wafted through the air of the landing bay. Several ships were housed on the same sector, the owners and passengers carrying cargo from one to the other. Aria slowed to inspect the floor, Kaliss slowing behind her. The soldiers behind her kept walking, announcing they were heading to the Cantina.

“[color=FF8C00]Right, See ya later guys![/color]”

Kaliss stopped, drawing in a sharp intake of breath. “[color=708090]Aria are those, what I think they are?[/color]”

Aria followed Kaliss’ vision, stopping to see two massive green crustacean creatures locked inside thick cages. “[color=FF8C00]Acklays? How did they even—[/color]” She stopped to turn her attention towards the few people nearby, one of which was standing not too far from the cages.

He managed to look calm, even as he struggled to pull down a massive tarp overtop the creatures. He was a blue-hued Twi’lek male, and wore an unfashionable set of clothes, finished off with a brown leather jacket. A wide-brimmed brown hat laid overtop his head, and he constantly kept pulling it down further, attempting to keep his face hidden.

The Acklays laid in their cages, parked atop a heavy-load bearing cargo transport. The tarp hung loosely overtop their cage and a large flap stuck to the top, exposing the darkened passengers of the cage.

“[color=FF8C00]I doubt he owns those.[/color]” Aria huffed as she powered over towards the man, looking rather irritated.

The man was clearly a smuggler, and must’ve been insane to think he could manage to sneak those past a republic station, even this far out in the void.

Kaliss followed closely behind, readying himself for a conflict. He wasn’t sure on the man’s motives, but he was certain anyone reckless enough to carry an Acklay around for a ride would be reckless enough for a fight, even with someone as well equipped as Aria.

“[color=FF8C00]Hey! Nice pets.[/color]”

The smuggler immediately froze, then as realization crept over him, he donned a smile, twisting around. “Oh yeah, thanks miss. Really a pain to feed, not only the appetite, but the chunk of credits I’ve gotta drop just for a week is nothing to sneeze at, really, you wouldn’t believe the numbers.”

“[color=FF8C00]I bet I wouldn’t.[/color]”

Silence overtook the conversation momentarily.

“Well, ma'am if you don’t mind, I’ve got some pets to care of.” The twi’lek turned, only to be pulled back by Aria’s stern grip.

“[color=FF8C00]If they’re yours, I’ll need to see some registrations.[/color]”

“Funny thing,” The man chuckled, “Lost those ages ago, was planning on renewing them, but with the war and all, just haven’t gotten around to it.”

“[color=FF8C00]Nice try. Now, I applaud your courage for attempting this here, but I’ll have to fetch some authorities.[/color]”

“Oh. Now, no need for that kind of actions miss. In fact, if you’d just look there, you’ll notice the real owner stepping in.”

Aria turned, looking back.

Nothing but empty space.

The Smuggler wrenched free of her grasp, pulling a small sphere from his pocket, and dropping it to the ground. Smoke exploded from the ground.

Aria whipped her head around, and Kaliss lunged forwards, reaching for the man. But he was gone. They stopped and let the smoke overtake them, as Aria crushed the smoke bomb underfoot. Kaliss pulled the tarp down over the Acklays, stopping to check that their cage was still fully sealed.

“[color=708090]The Acklays are secure.[/color]”

“[color=FF8C00]Pity the rest of the guys are off. Ready for a run?[/color]”

“He was headed towards maintenance.[/color]”

They both took off through the remnants of the smoke cloud, tearing down the hall towards the smuggler. They flew into the maintenance wing, briefly glimpsing the blue of the man disappearing around the corner. In this way they ran, each turn closing the distance between them. Closing in towards him, Kaliss reached a hand out, extending it through the force, gripping onto the man’s jacket. He wrenched the man back, throwing him onto the floor.

They stopped above the man, looking down at him. “[color=FF8C00]Thought you could just run?[/color]”

He laughed. “Actually, I did.” I figured I’d loop around and maybe catch one of you by surprise—”


The lights flickered, and something rumbled through the hall. Aria ignored it, pulling the man up to his feet. “[color=FF8C00]C’mon let’s get you somewhere nice and safe.[/color]”

Kaliss shuddered. Something nagged his thoughts, but he ignored it.

They led the man up another elevator, heading down several halls, until they found the main path through the station. They followed the signs, and finally dead-ended into a door. The door swiftly opened to reveal a cantina.


They stepped into the cantina, and almost immediately regretted it. Everyone was horrified by what they saw, and neither wanted to be the first to speak. The cantina lay in ruins, blaster fire singed the far wall, and tables were upturned everywhere. Corpses littered the room, strewn about and gunned down where they had sat in their final moments of life.

“[color=708090]A Sith.[/color]”