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Carth Orland

"My greatest wish is for this damned stone to be destroyed"

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a character in “Stars of Arina”, as played by Dante Angelico


Carth Orland

"My greatest wish is for this damned stone to be destroyed"


Name: Carth Orland

Nickname: Wish granter, wanderer, The Prince, monk.... The names go on and on
Age: 20

Gender: Male

Position: Holder of the wish stone

Kingdom: Giri

Powers: Is able to grant the wishes of others if they are willing to make an equal trade for it
He is also able to grant his own wishes but again must pay with his life force to grant them or others
He can control and manipulate the earth but only to the extent of the source he is using, he can't make a mountain out of a pebble

Family: Only known child of the elusive figuire known as the King

Stone name: The Stone of Wishes

Where is the stone located: The middle of his right palm

Do you like the stones? No, the stone is evil and no one was ever meant to have all that power to be able to grant wishes

Who is your servant: He doesn't wish for anyone to serve under him (TBA)

Side: In general he wants to live but he is willing to give up his own life if it means the destruction of the stone

Scars/Birthmarks: He is missing his ring finger, something which is considered taboo and an ill omen to the people of Giri

Tattoos/Peircings: He has a tattoo of sage green dragon encircling a black stone that covers the entirety of his left shoulder

Personality: Despite coming from the land of cheats and con men, Carth is a very kind hearted and honest person who wishes to help those who suffer daily and is always willing to have a drink with a stranger but this good natured persona hides a more different side to him for underneath all that is a struggle bubbling, he despises the power of the stone yet yearns to use to his heart desires mainly to fix the previous mistakes he had made by using it. He has never mentioned to anyone who did not already know that he is the holder of the stone and the mere mentioning of even the old legend of the bracelet causes him to become cold and distrustful and will often become hostile if pushed further if he deems their motives to be wrong.

In battle his kind heart is even present then often sparing or if it is unavoidable killing as quickly and painlessly as he can and can often be heard apologising to his opponents.

Bio: He was raised by nobles in his younger years as the only known and possibly alive bastard child of the man know as the King, he never knew either of his parents and relied solely of the moods of the nobles who's only reason for raising him was out of fear of their ruler. It was within these years that he was taught academics and sword fighting, a skill he should both skill and strength in favouring the larger heavier blades as opposed by the slimmer rappers and sabres common among nobility. When he was 16 he was sent to learn from a group of monks famous in the lands for making 'wishes' come true, umbeknowest to them it was these very monks that caused the stone to appear in the palm of his hand (an area which had alwaysbeen sensitive since his birth), by a ceremony that has escaped his memory save for the blinding pain from it all and the dragon tattoo he was given. He stayed with them until his eighteenth birthday, learning in secret all he could about the stone and it's powers along with it's consequences; and he soon mastered the ability to manipulate earth being able to use it for multiple purposes. When he left the monks he soon set to work helping the suffering in his land giving up his own life force so they could be happy but after falling under the sway of the stones power he soon headed into an incident that he will forever regret. After a bit of soul searching he soon set on a path to never use the stone for his own gain and only for others but the subtle calling of unlimited power whether it be from his own head or from the stone itself is unendingly trying to seduce him back down that path.

Talent/Skills: Carth has mastered the use of his bastard sword to which he wields in the one hand that causes terrible pain a fair trade in which he agrees with
He has become a great manipulator of the earth causing it to bend to his will with the greatest of ease but this is still limited by the source

Weapons: His only true weapon is his bastard sword but he also carried a jar of dirt around with him at all time

Loves/Likes: Helping people
Creating patterns with earth
Bloody meat

Hates/Dislikes: The stone
People suffering
The stone/his mind telling him to abuse the stone
People who prey on the less fortunate in any way
The loss of his ring finger

Fears: Falling for the stones power
That he will never be able to correct his wrongs
Being buried alive

Weakness: Seeing other's suffer or allowing them to suffer
The placement of the stone
His love of whiskey

Crush: TBA

Relationship Status: Single

Theme song: Mad World

Other: Has a strong addiction to whiskey

So begins...

Carth Orland's Story


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Toni landed in the flower field with all four claws touching the earth. She had woken up early and decided to stretch her wings out. Toni quickly shifted herself back to her human body. It wasn't a painful process, after you done it a couple of times. First the wings retracted in her back, hidden from sight. Next would be her claws turning into nails and fingers. Her tail would slip back in as well, and wallah;She's human. Luckily she still had her clothes on her. One positive thing about being a dragon. Toni walked back to her 'little hut' near the field To be honest it wasn't little at all. It was normal sized and she had help building it to. It was where the field and the forest touched but never mixed, so she built a place their. It had all the things a person need, -or a dragon if you prefer- food,water, rooms, clothes, space, electricity (don't ask how) and overall her. Toni walked to her room and picked out her outfit for the day. She decided on 'checking' on Carth. Funny thing is, she knew about him, but he didn't know about her.

Toni stilled lived within the Giri land just not near civilization. Getting to the castle walls was where everybody was, so it wasn't going to be hard to get in. Toni looked at the border of the walls, there were normal people walking by giving her some looks. Some where jealousy and others awe. Another positive thing about being a dragon. Toni looked at her watched and smiled. She had timed this moment. She looked to the left and saw the car making it's way towards the front gates. She remembered its departure not to long ago. When the gates opened she waited for the car to get in first and she looked around first before slipping right through the closed gates.

Toni rolled her eyes. 'How am I going to protect the Carth, when someone could easily slip in?' She thought as she hid behind the bushes. She started making her way towards the garden where their was easy access. If you must know this isn't Toni's first time. Swiftly she crept to a bush that was trimmed to look like a rose. She rolled her eyes and continued on her way. A couple of guards past the bush she was currently behind and she rolled her eyes again for the third time. ’Clueless, I’m gonna have a stern talk with him when i wake him up.’ She thought as she made her way to the Castle back doors and she waited until a garden lady came out and she slipped in without her noticing.

“Now on to his room.” She said as she casually walked to the room.


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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If had been a long night for Carth; crying, sobbing, wailing. Those noises filled the queer, little inn He was currently drinking in, each sound plucking at his heart strings as he made his way to the source of the commotion. The crowd seemed to part around him like water on rocks as he reached closer to the centre, what he saw when he was in the middle was truly a heart wrenching sight for anyone who was not made of cold stone. A young boy lay motionless on the dusty floor, his chest showing only the tiniest of a fraction of movement; a pool of blood spreading across the wooden floor creating a gruesome halo around his wounded head. Both parent's face were buried in the dying child's chest, choking back screams and tears, as they grieved ignoring all attempts of comfort and help. After taking a deep breath in and exhaling, Carth knelt down besides the boy and his parents, gripping the father by the shoulder; forcing the man to look him in the eyes, to which the weeping man suddenly realised who he was staring back at. "P-Please you gotta save my boy." The words were wavering and came out as a choked whisper.

"Before I can would you give anything to save him, even if it meant your own lives?" The holder asked, staring harder into the mans bloodshot eyes. ”Yes please we'll do anything just save our little boy!" The shriek hadn't come from the man but from his wife her face tear stained and puffy, desperation hung heavy in each word, Carth couldn't help but to feel her anguish it didn't take being a mind reader to tell these two really did love their child. "Then wish it and I will." He sighed, no matter how many different ways he had tried to use it on occasions like this the only way for his power to start was those two little words to be said... I wish. "Yes, yes! I wish for you to save my boy." She replied, sounding close to hysteria to which the Holder said no words merely rubbed his hands together, sending a burning pain up the side that housed the stone and place them on the boy's split skull, closing his eyes as he did. There was no fancy effects no poof of smoke, or slow healing process as the bone knitted back together. One second the boy was knocking on Death's door the next he was sat up dazed and confused.

"My head hurts, mummy." A small voice squeaked, as a stunned silence swept the room, everyone's eyes cycled from the boy to Carth back to the boy then back to Carth; all with a look of utter disbelief. The lack of noise was broken when the boys parents began sobbing again from happiness and embraced the child tightly, the happy sight filled him full of warmth but deep down there still remained the cold feeling as he felt years leave him and knowing that somehow the parents were going to pay for this transaction, the only question was what would they have to give up? The "Good Samaritan" got back up and went to the bar, ordering a shot of whiskey to which the barmen had replied for that display he no longer had to pay for his drinks and shouted that the first few rounds were on the house for everyone causing the crowd to cheer. After having his fill he decided to head back to his lodgings but before he could exit the inn he was held back by the parents again. "Thank you so much we will never be able to repay you for what you did." The father boomed, his face beaming with awe at the hooded figure.

"There's no need." Carth had replied and with those three words left the building and made his way to his sleeping quarters, collapsing asleep from tiredness and from the effects of the alcohol. When he had woke up his head was pounding him but it was the price he had to pay for his weakness to the amber coloured liquid. After throwing some basic clothing on (boots, pants, a sash and his special gloves concealing the stone) he made his way to the door when he remembered to take his sword with him this time for he had forgotten it the previous night. He casually strode through the corridor outside his room and made his way to the gardens, feeling particularly pleasant from last night incident despite the pounding in his head getting worse with each echoing footstep.


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Toni made her way to us room and opened it. "Rise and Sh-huh?" She looked around and Carth was no where in sight. She face palmed and groaned in fustrastion. "Great he must have past me somehow..." She muttered Geoff spooking over his room again and leaving slamming th door behind. At this rate she didn't care if she got caught, she was going to make herself known today. Toni peeped through the kitchen, rooms, dining area, and she started to make her way to the roof at her last hope on finding him. Opening the door to the roof she searched around for a little while losing hope minute by minute. "I give up!" She yelled throwing her hands up and sitting on the roof edge. She started out at the garden and gasped at what she saw. "No way.." She muttered before slipping the the roost further down. It was like a stairwell as she jumped from roof to roof to get to the last one an she landed on the floor.

Toni started running towrds the figure befor jumping a on its back. "Hi Carth!" She yelled smiling hugely as she clung to his back.

The setting changes from Yalena to Giri


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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"Hi Carth!" a figure behind him shouted although it might as well have been a damn mace to his head the way it was pounding and before he could turn around to see who had called him (the fact that they knew his name didn't concern him, everyone did in the building) a weight was suddenly clinging to his back and the momentum it had hit him with caused him to fall on his hands and knees causing him to yelp as his right arm was a blazed with pain, the stone felt as if it was groaning under the weight it had to currently endure. He tried to push himself back up but his head felt heavier than lead at the time and so he collapsed to the floor his hangover getting the best of him. "Shhhhhhh, my head is killing me if I didn't know any better I'd wish it away." He groaned, trying to pry off the body on his back to no avail. His mind was swimming through his head which made thinking straight nigh on impossible but still he was able to process the fact that never had any of the servants of the building or the guards had ever tackled him like this raising the question who it could possibly be?

”Could you please tell me who you are and for the love of Giri could you be quiet please?" He asked groggily not turning his head from the cold floor to see who was still residing on his back.

The setting changes from Giri to Yalena


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Toni still happily held onto Carth. The only thoughts running through her mind was 'I finally met Carth, I finally met Carth!' She hadn't even noticed that he was crying in pain. In the servants eyes this would be a bad thing but in her eyes, well she hasn't seen it yet. When thoughts stopped roaming through her brain she finally noticed Carth on the floor asking her for her name. "Oh sorry!" She whispers she said getting of of him and pulling him up with her arm. "I'm Tonima, dragon of the wish stone at your service." She bowed "I have been watching you Carth and I picked this day to meet you!" She yelled before quieting her voice again, forgetting he said so. "Oh and by the way, you need better guards, they suck." She said pointing to one of the guards walking by who looked at her in surprise. "Hey you there!" He yelled and ran over to her. "Opps I've been spotted." She giggled before moving past Carth and facing the guard who stood before her.

"You listen to me and you listen well because I am only gonna say this once." She said poking his chest. I'm Carth's new body guard so you'll be answering to me now!" She said now pointing to herself. "I only listen to the ki-" The guard started but was cut off. "Don't speak unless I tell you to, now go find some pain killers for Carth, he seems to have overdone it." She said muttering the last part and the guard looked at her for a second here walking off. Toni smiled and pumped her fist in the air in victory. "Toni 1, guard 0!"


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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As soon as the strange girl name Tonima had mentioned the stone his blood went cold, he knew what she was talking about but what she had meant by dragon and the fact that she had been watching him not only confused worried him greatly. "Oh by the way you need better guards, they suck!" He responded to this statement by merely staring at her, his mind going blank for words. She then proceeded to shout down a passing guard sending him away much to his surprise, these were men paid by nobles to keep their leader's child safe and even if they didn't really do their job properly they hated to be ordered by anyone who wasn't either himself or a noble and here was this stranger who was neither a noble or a military personnel. When the man had disappeared that was when his brain finally decided to kick in gear and he was on his feet looking down at the so called 'Dragon of the wish stone' taking her wrist gently with his left and lead her out of the estate to the inn he had visited the night before, ignoring the salutes of the guards and making his way through the crowds with ease.

It didn't take longer than ten minutes to reach there and he merely stayed silent for the entire walk. Once inside he was greeted warmly by the keeper and the regulars who cheered and made room for him and Tonima to sit, a little table in the corner of the musty room, along with a bottle of his favourite and two shot glasses. He poured himself a shot before downing it as quickly as he could, the warmness dulled his headache relieving his mood a little but not by much. "So, tell me what you know." His eyes were on hers now, not looking as he poured them both a shot now.


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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By the time the guard walked off Toni was already grabbed by the wrist and pulled towards who knows where. "Hey what the heck, where are we going?" She said. Even though Toni could easily get out of his hold she didn't do anything about it. She poked over at him who has been quiet for the longest of times now. Curiousity got the best of her as the walked longer then she thoght. One thing for sure is that she had definetly left the castle walls. 'Shoot, I really wanted to explore more.' she whined internally.

So it seems that he has taken her to a inn. Nobody was familar so she stood on guard, glaring at the people who looked to long. The pathway they had created for her and Carth made them center of attention so being the protector and all she stood alert. Once they set inside people cheered and gave them a seat. A shot was placed infront of her and Carth and he downed one before pouring another. She just pushed hers to the side a bit.

"So, tell me what you know." Carth said and she shrugged. "All I know is that you and me are linked because of the stone." Toni said crossing her fingers to emphasize. "Oh and that I'm your servant and bodyguard, cool right?" She said smiling. Leave it to Toni to make everything sound positive.

The setting changes from Yalena to Giri


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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The answer he got from the girl was disappointing, he expected some grand explanation which he half expected would involve his mysterious father. "Oh and that I'm your servant and bodyguard, cool right?" A smile lit up her face giving him a better chance to examine her features as he thought of what should be said and after looking for several moments he came down to the conclusion that she was attractive but that was it, there wasn't any sign of her age on her face nor her eyes for they both showed wisdom of age and yet a youthful energy but then again it could have been the alcohol speaking already.

Carth sighed at this downing the liquor in the glass before he helped himself to the entire bottle, pouring the liquid down his throat to his heads delight. "I don't want a servant and I definitely don't want a body guard." He said flatly after he wiped his mouth from a trickle of whiskey. "And what do you mean by linked and what was it you said before? Dragon of the wishes stone?" He queried, taking off his glove, which caused him to wince as the fabric scraped along the gem and placed the back of his hand on the table so she could have a look at it.

The setting changes from Giri to Yalena


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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"I don't want a servant and I definitely don't want a body guard." Cartb said and Toni shook her head. "You have a bunch all over the castle, one more couldnt hurt." After that Toni was bombed with questions. So she thought for a second before answering each one with enough imformation to satisfy him. "I am supposed to protect the stone which is now being held by you, the holder." She said pointing to his hand. she could already feel the energy from the stone but it was stronger because she was closer to him. "Yes I am the dragon of the wish stone born to protect the stone and its holder at all the times." Toni said putting emphasis on and.

Toni looks around. She didn't think think would be the place to discuss anything as important as the stone but if he wanted answers, she would give it to him.

The setting changes from Yalena to Giri


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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He mulled over what she told him in his head while he drank from his bottle some more, already the alcohol had begun to affect him causing his head to feel light. He did have servants and guards at the castle but they weren't technically his and more like on loan as long as he stayed in the village it was the same every where they went; the nobles would give him somewhere to stay along with some of their servants and guards in a attempt to gain his favourable hopefully be granted a wish which the lands of Giri had began to notice that Carth had some sort of magical talent. "They aren't my servants and I'll be going soon, this town isn't in need of any more help, I've done all I can." He was being truthful he had done as much as he could without killing himself, he just decided to leave the latter out.

She still hadn't told him what she meant by dragon but he decided that wasn't important at the moment what was important was moving to the next town or village before The Lord of the land came to ask for a wish, something that would undoubtably be selfish and un beneficial to anyone but themselves and although he didn't trust this strange girl, company would be nice while he traveled and so far fear of his father and also his usefulness had deterred any attempts on his life so he was not in any known danger. "I don't want any servants or body guards I am capable of looking after myself, I'm fairly decent with a blade." He started trying to hide his pride in his swordsmanship. "And besides if worse comes to worse I have other means to protect myself." He lifted his hand from the table to put meaning behind his words. "Although I hope I never have to use it for such manners." He whispered to himself, slipping the glove back on with a wince.

He got up from the table and began walking to the door. "I'll be heading back to fetch my gear then I'll head out." He was already walking out the door when he realised he had forgot something, turned around back to the table and grabbed the half empty bottle of whiskey. "You coming or what." With this he made his out of the inn.

The setting changes from Giri to Yalena


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Toni rolled he eyes at him. Thats what I'm here for! She said in her head. This boy had lots to learn. "I'll be heading back to fetch my gear then I'll head out." Carth starts to walk out before coming back to grab the whiskey which she swiftly grabbd here he could. "Your gonna kill yourself here the stone does, sheesh what's he point of being here if your just gonna throw your life away." She said muttering th last sentence here tossing the whiskey to the bartender I deal with. He poked at her in awe and she snapped her fingers in his face. "I'm going to my hut, I'm gonna need to grab some things before we leave." She said loking out the window before tuning back to him. "I trust you not to get kidnapped while I'm gone." She said waking towards the door. She had almost walked out but she turned around. "Oh and meet me where the flower field and the forest touch, I'm pretty sure you'll find me." She smiled here shutting the inn door behind her.

Toni didn't really blend in with the crowd considering her hair an eyes so she quickly slipped into the forest here sprinting off to her hut. When she made it she opened the door and went to her room upstairs and grabbed her weapons first. Her two giant tomahawks which she held in both hands. She set them down in her bag and grabbed some other essentials as well. You never know what you might need. Soon enough she had finished so she made her outside and set her bag down on the feild. She poked around once before she shifted into her dragon. If she was going to wait she might as well have some fun.


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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He walked off to the castle annoyed that he didn't have his whiskey, he was in and out like a ghost grabbing his bag along with food, water and also a small flask of the liquid he craved so much, which he hid under a leather sash around his waist, he thought to himself that the maids must had brought up while he was away and he buckled the scabbard with his sword still in it to his back making sure the hilt was at a comfortable distance from which he could draw it. He began to make his way through the corridors when a couple of guards came up halting his path, looking confused. "Where are you off too sir?" One queried, as he looked from his comrade to Carth. "I'm heading for the next village, I've helped out as much as I can here." He replied calmly, the men looked at each other again before bowing there heads and saluting (there right hand in a clenched fist pressed against their hearts) as was tradition but as he himself saluted back grimacing again as his right hand burned the younger of the two who he now recognised and was astonished to who it was.

The man standing I front of him was the father of the boy of whom he had saved previously, who took a step towards the holder. "Of course sir but would you allow us to escort you to where you wish to go?" The man seemed almost desperate as if this was some sort of payment for the act he had witnessed and Carth couldn't bring himself to say no. "Of course but would you take me to 'where the flower field and forest touch'?" He asked to which the mans reaction and compliance brought a warm smile to his face and followed the two as they lead the way through the streets to which the holder was waved fair well like a hero. The people of the small town had flocked to the streets waving and throwing flowers something which he was astounded by and was further dumb struck when they had even come giving him gifts of food that they place in his bag. He was close to tears at their kindness in return for what he had done for them but this feeling was tainted from the pain that filled him as he knew they would have to pay soon for the wishes they had made.

It hadn't taken long for them to reach the place and the two guards had saluted him and left before he had seen the little hut just at the forest edge. He made his way to the small building taking his time as he took in the scenery, he was glad that for the most part that Giri had beautiful county sides like this, not the harsh deserts that were spotted with the massive cities so famous for their promise of "Your wishes will come true" bullshit. He reached the house and knocked loudly oblivious to everything around him at the present time.


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Toni had already seen the guards and Carth come. They were oblivious to the huge white dragon hidden sighing the clouds. When she was sure the guards were gone she swooped down and landed on the flower field with all fours. Deja vu much? She crept per to her bag and picked it up with her mouth since she was still in dragon mode. She creeped her way over to Carth who was still having on the door. She was going to have to contain her laugh because it was gonna sound like a roar. She thought she was close enough so she could roar in his ear. She felt bad because he was gonna hear the sound of a dragon and they aren't really quiet. So instead of roaring she was just going do something more Toni style. She turned around and grabbed Carth by the tail and put him infront of her face so it poked like she was about to eat him. Whe she dropped him with her mouth still open she quickly turned on her ban so he was now on it. Yea she was evil at times. She set him down and shifted back.

"Sorry Carth, a girls gotta have her fun. I won't do it anymore I promise." She said smiling innocently.

The setting changes from Yalena to Giri


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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For the few moments that Carth was tossed around, his head was a mess and for a second he thought he could hear a voice in his head. " make a wish" it seemed to whisper and he was very close to appyling with the voice when he came face to face with something he never in his life thought he'd see. A Dragon. He looked at it's large reptilian eyes in a cold emotionless stare, fear you see had drained away from him and left an emptiness in it's absence but there was something in the dragon's eyes that the defencless man couldn't quite make out; was it hunger, malice or (and he thought he was crazy with fear for even thinking this) a sort of mischevious delight. What ever it was he didn't have long enough to figuire it out as the dragon had flipped him into the air and the last thing he saw was it's open maw as he closed his eyes and braced for death.

He was completely surprised that not ony was he able to open them but that in place of the winged reptile there now stood Tonima. "Sorry Carth, a girl's gotta have her fun. I promise I won't do it again." The smile she gave him made it hard for him to stay mad at her but the fact she had done that to him and abused her 'power' stung Carth a bit as he looked down at his missing ring finger. He walked past the still smiling girl towards what he believed was the direction of the closest settlement and called back to her to hurry up, when she had he merely looked at her, still feeling the sting of her little joke. "Don't do anything even remotely similar to that again." He stated, his voice sounding surprisingly flat even to him. "You don't know how dangerous that situation was then." A flickerof guilt started to emerge as he recalled almost complying with that voice in his head. "And please don't abuse what you have, I've made that mistake before." He motioned to his left hand as he lifted it slightef.

The setting changes from Giri to Yalena


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Toni pouted and bowed in respect. When he said that she felt guilty. "Yes Carth, never again." She said before lifting her head up and loking at his hand in which was missing a ring finger. She went over to her bag and lifted it up. It was heavy compared to a human but to her it was light. Well excluding her tomahawks. She jogged over to Carth who continued walking again to the nearest settlement. They walked in silence for a second and Toni left it like that. The quiet was getting to much to new so Toni decided to answer Carth's previous question.

"So what exactly do you want to know about us dragons." She started knowing that he knew what she was talking about. "Our youth, strength, flight, anything really." She said. He probably had a lot of questions to ask before but she didn't want to display that type of information in a inn. People would kill to have a dragon locked up and sold, or worse killed. She gulped at the thought. 'How am I suppose to protect him if I'm dead!' she thought panicked.


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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The girl had seemed to sulk for a while leaving Carth to be left to his thoughts, he quickly analysed what had just happened this morning and if he was to be honest with himself he was confused, his life had been simple before; he had a gift and used it to help the unfortunate although sparingly, it hadn't taken him long to realise that his life force was needed to fuel the power while traveling from settlement to settlement, rinse and repeat. Now though this girl... Dragon.... What ever she was had suddenly showed up claiming to be bound by the stone in his right palm and offer her protection and servitude to him without a prise... Something that didn't exist in Giri, a free trade that is and this caused a lot of suspicion. He eyed her up she didn't look much but there was obvious some hidden strength to the girl as the bag and tomahawks (weapons that were not common in Giri) looked like they had some weight behind them.

The silence must have been too much for her as she broke it offering him some answers to a question he thought she'd never answer. "So what exactly do you want to know about us dragons. Our youth, strength, flight, anything really." Carth had to ponder for a moment he knew very little about any known mythology (or zoology; take your pick) of dragons the only dragon he had ever heard of was from the legends of King Raphael. After giving it some time he finally came up with a question, a very simple one to be frank. "Tell me everything, you see I don't really know anything about you lot." He started. "He'll most of the nobles of Giri think you're extinct." Despite the many common folk being able to tell you tales and stories on various dragons many of the nobility merely thought that ol' Raphael had wiped the one and only out.


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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"Tell me everything, you see I don't really know anything about you lot." Carth said and Toni smiled glad that he was willing to speak again. "Well you see dragons are a special kind of creature." She thought a little but trying to put them in words. "For example we stop growing when out body is the strongest." She said thinking back to her first transformation. "When our dragon decides its strong enough we can transform into a human." She smiled a little "Then we stop ageing. So I could be your grandmother really." She laughed at the thought of her pinching his cheeks. "Ummmm what else, oh and depending on how skilled you are at your transformation you can transform back into a human with your clothes on. But it takes awhile." Her cheeks turned bright as her mind took her back to her first transformation.

"We're a strong species, we are stronger than we look, so don't underestimate me." Toni gave him a stren look which meant she was serious which she barely is. "Lucky for me though, I was born the dragon of the wish stone. Other dragons aren't. Your actually not gonna see many around, we're kind of going extinct, if you want to call it that." Toni said not sure what other imformation to give him.


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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He listened intently as Tonima explained to him everything about her race all of it fascinated him. He didn't expect the dragons to be so complicated he had merely thought of them as mere beasts of magical origins before and although they were still magical they were by no means mere beasts, as the girl walking next to him proved. The only thing that caused his attention to change was the reddening of her cheeks, this caused a shadow of a smile to appear on Carth's face at the sight of a mighty dragon blushing. "We're a strong species, we are stronger than we look, so don't underestimate me." Toni carried on, a look was on her face that told him this was not to be taken light heatedly and so he didn't he merely nodded slightly to acknowledge the message. "Lucky for me though, I was born the dragon of the wish stone. Other dragons aren't. Your actually not gonna see many around, we're kind of going extinct, if you want to call it that." The last part only confirmed what he had previously thought but decided to stay off the subject incase it invoked a negative response.

He did ponder why it was lucky of her to be th dragon of the wish stone because Carth himself believed the stone to be more of a curse than a boon. He thought if he had the chance he would get rid of it or more correctly destroy it but this thought also raised the question: to what extent was Toni 'bound to the stone' as she put it and would him wishing it to be destroyed endanger her life and by that demolish his code of not inflicting harm upon another with intent? He needed this answered so he would know where he stood. "Tonima, as you say you're bound to the stone would that mean my death or it's destruction mean the death if you?"


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Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Toni continued her stride along Carth her mind going back in time when the dragon colony split up. She really shouldn't be thinking about a time like that. It was one of the scariest days of her life, no way was she going to think about it again. Slowly she took a breath changing her thoughts and pushing the scary ones to the back of her mind. [i]I need to focus.[i] She thought and what is a better distraction the getting another question to answer. "Tonima, as you say you're bound to the stone would that mean my death or it's destruction mean the death if you?" Carth said and the color on Toni's face drained at the thought of Death. No not dying, Death, as in the shadows leader. "Um....probably." She said not even really sure herself. "Maybe half of me will die, probably the dragon side....." She shuddered at the thought of losing her dragon. "Lets just hope it never comes to that." She said smiling up at him. "Okay?"

Toni was born because of the stone so if the stone was gone she herself might die. Her whole purpose of being here was to protect and serve him at all cost, that was her destiny and she couldn't change it if she wanted to. New thoughts started to roam her mind freely so she decided to change the subject. "Carth how good are you with a sword?" She raised her brow at him curious at his talent. She might duel him just to be sure of his strength.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Tonima
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Carth noticed the colour disappear from the dragon's cheeks and felt a sort of morbidity in the air. Um....probably. Maybe half of me will die, probably the dragon side....." He saw the girl shiver after she mentioned and came to the conclusion that losing one's dragon must have been a terrible fate. "Lets just hope it never comes to that." She said while a smile was bright on her face. "Okay?" He honestly couldn't look her in the eyes, the thought had already crossed his mind that the stone would be the death of him either directly or indirectly and that this fate was I inevitable all that he (or she) could do was post pone it to the best of their abilities but he tried his best to return the smile although he doubt it was very convincing. Another moment of silence passed them as they continued on their journey, though he didn't mind the silence, he would often be alone on these treks to settlements anyway, he had begun to become aware that he enjoyed company more than he expected the average person would.... Was he really that lonely?

The silence was broken once again by Tonima the dragon. "Carth how good are you with a sword?" She asked, a quizzical look upon her face. "I don't relish even the thought of fighting but I can hold my own with the best of them although I ain't one for endurance my hand causes me difficulties." He sighed, this was a modest but honest answer, he was just as good as some of the best swordsman and women of Giri but he would rather avoid a fight altogether than participate in one. There had been times when he had his back against the wall and had no other option (using the stone was not and will never be a option to him) were his skill had come in handy but this relied on brutal and often fatal attacks as he tried to not only finish the fight due to the pain he was in but also reduce the amount of pain that would be inflicted on his opponents. He knew where the question would lead them; a sparring match, not particularly dangerous even for novices but the holder was not happy at the thought of being in unnesecary pain.

Still he had noticed the day was close to it's end and that they would need to make camp for the night, this spar would be a good way to pass the time. He sighed to himself and knew that the question he was about to ask would obviously just provoke this match into play. "What about you? I k ow you said don't underestimate you but you do seem awfully small for a dragon." His stone bearing hand moved to the hilt of his sword as she replied, he would be prepared for this fight.