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Staying Hidden

Staying Hidden


A magick hybrid school

1,347 readers have visited Staying Hidden since FriendlyFishy created it.


When Christopher opened the Magick School he didn't intend for humans to attend it. In fact he merely meant for great warlocks to attend. It started as a very small school, in a very large castle. Today the school is inhabited by many of magick. There are even witches attending. As I said there are also humans attending, recently. There is one very large difference that probably has Christopher rolling in his grave. The school is only inhabited by hybrids now. Thats where the humans come in. The parents sometimes have children that do not have any magick in them at all, but are still required to attend the school. Those children are often thought of as outcast, because they will go on with normal human lives and one of them might reveal the secret of the school.


Weird stuff starts happening at the school. Humans start to go missing, mainly. So a group of students start investigating to try and figure out whats going on. Along the way they fall in love, create unbreakable friendships, make enemies, get their hearts broken, but worst of all their very lives are in danger when the unsuspecting human world gets involved.


Some Notes:
-This school is not just for Warlocks and Witches its for all Magick hybrids, ie: Fairies, Mermaids, Banshee's, Trolls, Giants
-You stop growing at age 23, then you can become a teacher or try to blend into human world, but you will never look anything but that way.
-Teachers can be full blooded creatures or hybrids.
-Hybrids only live with one of their biological parents (if any) and that is the human mother or father.
-Hybrids only live up to a couple thousand years before dying. Full blooded creatures do not have a lifespan, unless murdered.
-Fullbloods can change their shape into normal human shape.
-Hybrids have the ability to turn into their creature shape completely but have very limited weak other powers.
-Christopher is said to still walk the halls late at night when everyone is, supposed to be, in bed.

Alex AKA Mr.Dublow



Code: Select all
[b]Age: [i](14-23 Students 24+ Teachers)[/i][/b]
[b]Magic Creature Hybrid:[/b]
[b]Magic Creature Look: [i](Mother or Father)[/i][/b]
[b]Power: [i](Make up some but don't over do it)[/i][/b]
[b]Mate: [i](Teachers only)[/i][/b]
[b]Class(es): [i](Teacher- what class(es) do you teach?)[/i][/b]
[b]Pet/Protector: [i](Dragon, hellhound, etc.)[/i][/b]
[b]Pet/Protector Look:[/b]
[b]Look: [i](Description or Pic)[/i][/b]

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joneva "JoMo" Mowalt
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0.00 INK

Joneva was definitely nervous. It almost winter break and she didn't know if the humans would make it until the end of the year. She also didn't know if it was going snow at all. The weather man said it was supposed to snow a weak ago and everyone was becoming anxious there wouldn't be snow for the winter formal. She wasn't going but she always loved to spend that night in the woods. Almost everyone else went so those who are regularly in the woods wouldn't be there, well most of them anyway, so she would have the woods mainly to herself. Currently she was at the edge waiting for class to start. She sat at an odd angle high up on a branch shielded from others sight by the leaves. She was suddenly thankful he mother was a Banshee, therefore she was aloud to stay high up in the trees and study her calculus while Ban, her black leopard, lounged on a branch next to her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joneva "JoMo" Mowalt Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Dublow
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0.00 INK

Alex returned to his office right after his meeting with the headmaster. He was informed that another student had gone missing this morning. Frustrated he began to worry for the humans he had gotten to know. He had already had one of them go missing, he didn't want anymore of them to go missing.The most recent to go missing was a the twin of a student of his. It was an unlikely happening. His student showed many indications of the Banshee in her but the boy that went missing was completely human. Suddenly his mind flickered to the banshee like girl. Would she know that her brother had gone missing. He had experienced her screams in his class before, were they for some of the humans that went missing. He struggled to think of the girls name. Then it hit him. Joneva Mowlat. A lot of the students called her screecher because they didn't understand why she would suddenly burst out screaming in the middle of a class or conversation, not that she had many of those. He sighed and then decided to get ready for his gym class that he had in twenty minutes.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
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0.00 INK

Kai stared up at the giant, ancient looking building and sighed. He hated the fact that his birthday was half-way through the first semester of school, because now it meant that the school his brother had graduated from would accept him.

And his mother would force him to go.

So, not only was he starting a new school for his middle school and high school career, but it was also in the middle of the first semester. If that didn't spell 'new kid' he didn't know what did. A small yip at his feet made him look down.

"Come on, Al." Kai commanded to the puppy at his feet, a rare present from his brother. "Let's go find the office. I'm sure that's where my schedule is. Hopefully it'll have a map too." The puppy yipped happily as it followed its new master.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joneva "JoMo" Mowalt
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0.00 INK

Suddenly Jo found herself running to class. She new it wasn't a good idea to wait so long but she couldn't bring herself to leave the trees. She had scared some of the other late students when she fell from the sky, well the top of a tree. Everyone was staring at her and she thought it was simply because she was late. Then she felt the feeling. It was so sudden she bumped into a couple of people. She knew soon she would be screaming. Before she could make a b-line for the dorms she was on the ground screaming in pain. Behind her lids she merely saw red. She felt people touching her and there was a sudden cool on her ankle but she couldn't bring herself out of it. That's when she realized this was someone she came in contact with everyday. The pain just wouldn't go away, only increase.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
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0.00 INK

As Kai wandered the halls, he could conclude that he was totally and completely lost. Why did every corridor look the same!? He was sure he passed that statue seven times now!

At his feet, his golden furred puppy followed along faithfully until his super hearing picked up something. Was it... screaming? at the wail of pain, he started barking and running circles around his master, trying to get the two-legged to follow him.

"Alistair, this is no time for that!" Kai reprimanded, picking the wiggling ball of fuzz up. "Come on, I don't think we've tried this way yet..."

and with that, they started walking in the direction of the source of the screams.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lamora Nyte
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0.00 INK

Lamora wasn't sure whether to get back in the cab or simply accept these new arrangements. The school looked normal enough. With its tall institutionalized walls, perky clean cut court yards and loitering students it could have passed for a normal everyday mundane school... but it wasn't. She didn't like the fact that she had to leave the comfort of her home to study her abilities to a closer level. Dont get her wrong, Lamora loves studying... she just doesnt do well with socializing. Oh she could probably round up a few friends here and there but she'd been so out of touch with the world that she couldn't think of a way to start a conversation. She'd been home schooled since kindergarden for Deaths sake!

With a deep breath she shook away those thoughts and straightened her back. Nothing could be done about it now. The arrangements were done, the seal approved and... well, sealed. It was a done deal. Trudging up toward the entrance of the school she spotted many people stopping and staring at a lone figure. Popping her earphones off (she'd forgotten she'd even had them on) she was met with a horrible scream of pain. Lamora was familiar with screams like those so it didnt phase her much to hear it but she did wonder what the cause of it was. What on Deaths doorstep would cause a girl to scream as if her life were about to be cut short? She averted her gaze and closed her eyes. She felt a compelled need to help but this was her first day... she couldnt get into any trouble... Biting her lip she stood paralized, unable to make up her mind.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joneva "JoMo" Mowalt Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
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0.00 INK

As Kai neared the courtyard, the sound of screaming reached his ears as well. Without thinking, he picked up the pace, running to find the source. The puppy in his arms wiggled loose just as they hit the grass. Finding the source of the screaming was hardly difficult as the girl's volume was practically blood-curdling. Never-the-less, he ran to her side and dropped to his knees.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joneva "JoMo" Mowalt Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Dublow Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
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0.00 INK

Alex heard from students that a girl had dropped to the ground screaming. After a bit of wandering he heard her then quickly found her. He hoped it wasn't the girl he was thinking of but was proved wrong once in sight of the girl. It was Joneva. He sighed and ran inside the circle. There was already a boy next to her but it didn't seem like he knew what he was doing. So Alex pulled out his phone and called one of the other teachers. It didn't take long for Lethe the god of silence to arrive and everything to go mute. Alex nodded at her once then began to pick up the girl. All the while the angel close behind.

Jo felt another hand touch Her. She felt this one stronger because she didn't know this person. She could already see how theu died. They would get bleed to death. She was used to the sound of her screams so when she no longer heard it it tricked her mind into thinking she was done. Then that caused the pain to go away. Once the pain was gone she was aware of what was going on and realized she was being carried by her gym teacher. She had an image of his heart shattered into a million little pieces in the back of her mind. That's how he would die. When she got set down in the nurses office she stood up again and ran from the room. She had never met the nurse and didn't plan on it. She quickly ran to her first class, Death 101.

(When Jonevva sees someone 'die' it can always change. There Is no guarantee they will fit that way.)


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
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0.00 INK

(Don't know, kind of like the way my character's gonna die. Never thought of it before...)

Kai backed away from the teachers in shock as the entire courtyard went silent. Not the kind of silence that came when screaming stopped, nor when everyone was focused on a single object. No, it was as if the entire world had simply stopped making noise. Even his dog barking at his feet didn't cause a stir.

Were his ears broken?

When the student-teacher trio left the courtyard, sound returned, putting his fears at ease. Staring after them, he shook his head and stood. What in the world had he gotten himself into?

"Come on, Alistair. Let's find that office." he said absently as he started back the way they came. "I don't want to be late for first period."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lamora Nyte Character Portrait: Joneva "JoMo" Mowalt Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Dublow Character Portrait: Kai Hikari
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0.00 INK

While her mind battled with a decision, it was picked for her. She watched as a young boy raced to the girls side. Lamora watched as he placed a hand on her but the young girl made no move as to indicate that she felt it. Something seemed familiar in the way the girl screamed, how everything seemed to have fallen away except her own reality. Lamora wanted to pursue that trail of thought but another boy... or, well, a man came and took care of the situation. Her ears popped before complete silence met her ears. A sigh left her lips and she smiled. She knew the silence was false. The girls mouth was wide in her scream and peoples mouths moved to speak. The world was on mute, if only for a moment. What a peculiar talent, she thought as she watched the man race across the court yard with the girl in arms. Not long later the boy followed in a rush.

It was his rush that had her coming back down to Earth. She looked down at the papers in her hands and shuffled through them again to look up what her first class would be. She knew she was going to be late and hated the thought of being stared at like an exhibition so she hurried along into the building. Scanning the numbers next to each door, looking for the correct class she rushed through the unfamiliar hallways.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
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0.00 INK

"Okay, schedule, dorm room, locker, and, finally, a map!" Kai exclaimed as he flipped through the pages quickly. "Now, my first class is 'magic through the ages' in classroom 209A. So that should be right..."

As focused as he was, the teen didn't notice how quiet the halls were until he realized that his dog was not yapping at him like the pup was apt to doing. Looking around, he realized he was alone. "Alistair? Seriously?! Again?!"

Shaking his head, he turned back around to search for his missing 'guardian'. This protector of his was becoming more trouble than it was worth.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lamora Nyte
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0.00 INK

A loud caw had Lamora swirling around to look for the source. She glared at the familiar looking crows that perched on the water fountain and stomped over to them as they preened their feathers. "How in the world did you two get in here? Youre going to get me in trouble..." she muttered at them.

They cocked their heads this way and that watching her, for once not gracing the halls with their usual croaking. She sighed and streched out her hand for them. Corvus, the smaller of the two hopped on and made his way up to her shoulder, pecking her ear up the way. She was use to it by then so she didnt even flinch at the sharp contact. Cronus on the other hand spread his wing in mid flight and hopped in place a bit. "Suit yourself." she said and turned around to walk the down the hallway to find a door leading out. Cronus followed after her once she was far enough in the halway and cawed as he flew past her. Lamora huffed but otherwise just followed her avian guardian. Leading her to a door she opened it up and looked sternly at the two crows. "Out with you now, I'll see you at lunch. Dont cause a fuss now, alright?" she talked to them sternly. Digging in her pocket she dropped two small shiny marbles on the ground and watched as her curious friends picked them up and took them for safe keeping. Shaking her head she chuckled and went back inside. "Silly birds..."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
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0.00 INK

Turns out that the small golden puppy knew exactly where to go for Kai's class. It took a while to find him, of course, but Kai managed to wind his way through the corridors until he stood in front of his first period class. The puppy at his feet barked and chased his tail while the teen stood there speechless.

He looked down at the dog with a slight glare. "Why didn't you do that in the first place?!"

Alistair simply looked at him, tongue lolling out.

"I'm talking to a dog." Kai hid his face in his hands. "Never mind. You." he pointed to the dog. "Stay."

Alistair barked, which may or may not have been an agreement.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Joneva "JoMo" Mowalt
Character Portrait: Alexander "Alex" Dublow
Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
Character Portrait: Lamora Nyte


Character Portrait: Lamora Nyte
Lamora Nyte

"If there was any other way I would but there isn't..."

Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
Kai Hikari 2

"You guys go ahead, I need to finish my homework first."


Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
Kai Hikari 2

"You guys go ahead, I need to finish my homework first."

Character Portrait: Lamora Nyte
Lamora Nyte

"If there was any other way I would but there isn't..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kai Hikari 2
Kai Hikari 2

"You guys go ahead, I need to finish my homework first."

Character Portrait: Lamora Nyte
Lamora Nyte

"If there was any other way I would but there isn't..."

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Re: Staying Hidden

Hi there! My name's Nova, do you mind if I join this?

Re: Staying Hidden

Hi hi! Um, I had a question. Do the student all live in their own separate homes or do they live in school grounds (like in a dorm)? I know the intro page says they live with their human parent but just wanted to make sure so I'm not confused and write/type the wrong thing. :)

Re: Staying Hidden

I look forward to reading about your character.

Re: Staying Hidden

I am going to make a character for this one right now, it looks like a lot of fun.

Re: Staying Hidden

You can start posting at anytime.

Re: Staying Hidden

'Kay 'kay, thank you.

Re: Staying Hidden

Of course! If you need any help just ask me.

Re: Staying Hidden

Hi hi, just wanted to know if I could join in...?

Staying Hidden

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