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Natalia Bonatelli

0 · 908 views · located in Cruise Ship

a character in “Stranded In A Deserted Island”, originally authored by amyreinreaper, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Natalia Bonatelli

Age: 19

Birthday: February 14

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Standing at exactly 5 feet and weighing 105lbs, Natalia is the definition of petite. She has straight, rich wine colored hair that reaches miid-back and big, pale green eyes that contrast with her light, pink-tinted complexion. She normally wears simple, short dresses or skirts and her hair is usually down or in a messy ponytail or bun. She's not too big on appearances.

Pet: Dog (Husky)

Objects brought:
[*] Guitar
[*] Small pocket knife
[*] Rubber bands (for her hair)
[*] Harmonica
[*] Water bottle

Personality: Natalia is a playful, creative, peace loving, easy going person. She's pretty optimistic and hates having any type of conflict with anyone and will most likely try to avoid these situations. Because of this, she tends to get along with basically everyone she meets and makes friends easily. However, despite how it seems, she can actually be very shy which can sometimes cause trouble for her. She doesn't normally start up a conversation with a stranger unless they speak to her first. But usually, once she trust someone and feels comfortable around them she becomes more like herself. She's naturally a caregiver and tends to want to take care of or help anyone who is in trouble or needs a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes her shy nature tries to keep her from going up to that person and offering her hand, but most of the time her wanting to help triumphs over that. Despite her kind nature, however, she is not a pushover. She's very strong willed and will stand up for the things/people she loves. She can also be incredibly stubborn about some things, but is normallu open minded. Over all, she's the go-to person when someone needs help.

[*] Music
[*] Animals
[*] The night time/stars
[*] Experiencing new things

[*] Conflict
[*] Thunderstorms
[*] Arrogance
[*] Prejudice

History: Natalia was born in the city of Verona, Italy and lived there for about 5 years with her parents. Then at the age of 5 her family moved to the U.S. in search of a better life: the American Dream. They lived in Miami, Florida for a couple of years then decided to move to Springfield, Missouri. After a year of living there, when she was 8 years old, the town was hit and completely torn apart by a tornado and she lost both her house and her father. Ever since, Natalia has been terrified of thunder, lightning or anything that reminds her of that tragic day. After having lost her father, her mother and her moved into a small apartment and lived there together until her mother got re-married and they moved into a bigger house. Natalia got a job at a pet shop, which is where she found her dog Bella, started going to a college nearby after having decided to become a vet because of her loves of animals. Now it's her first week off after a year of college and she decided to visit Hawaii which she had always wanted to do since she was a kid, and of course she had to bring her best friend Bella along.

So begins...

Natalia Bonatelli's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Eru Erufu Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei
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#, as written by ____
Day 1
Time of the Day: Morning
Season: Summer

It was a Sunny weather, none would expect a storm to happen, but it was only the first day, it might happen the next day or the other day, but the weather today is truly pleasant indeed, The sun shining brightly, clouds soaring the sky, a bit too hot because of the hot summer climate, but the wind is blowing, and cooling everyone down, and the clouds act as a roof to cover them from the bright shine of the sun.

(Do I fit the role of nature?)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Eru Erufu Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei
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#, as written by ____
Day 1
Time of the Day: Afternoon
Season: Summer

It was at sunset, the sun appears larger as it approaches the horizon of the sea, and the temperature is at its peak, the color of the sky turned into orange, and the ocean matches its color.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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Natalia walks along the railing of the ship with her guitar on her back and her best friend Bella right beside her, just as she had always been. She looks out into the brig blue and the beautiful setting sun and smiles to herself. "No rain clouds in sight" she mumbled to herself then looked down at her companion. "You hungry Bells?" the big, blue eyed dog tilted her head and Natalia smiled, knowing her all too well. "Let's go get something to eat then" she suggested and continued her way down to the lounge.

As she steps inside, she inspects the place thoroughly. looking at all the people carrying on with their conversations. There are also a few pets among the ship. There's a couple of birds roaming around and a small dog. However, Bella's attention seems to focus on one in particular; a small monkey perched on a guy's shoulder. Bella's eyes don't leave the small creature as Natalia makes her way to a nearby table and sits, setting her guitar case next to her, and finally noticing her best friend's interest in the cute little creature. "Look at you wanting to make friends already" Natalia jokes with a soft smile as Bella sits beside her, still focused on the monkey.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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#, as written by ____
"Well this should do I guess." He said as he lifts the bag up and carries it in his back. "Not too heavy, just fine." He said as he walked around outside to test its weight. "He saw Dexter with two more peoples and one of them is obviously interested in the monkey, he approached them. "Well you are quiet the attention grabber Marcel. He said to the monkey.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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Natalia looked up at the sound of a new voice and smiled slightly, knowing he was referring to her dog's interest in the monkey, but doesn't say anything. She tends to be shy when it comes to people she doesn't know, and seeing as she's not sitting with them, she figures it's best if she doesn't butt in to the conversation.

However, she's very surprised when Bella gets to her feet and takes a few steps until she makes it to the monkey. She sniffs it and watches it with curious eyes as Natalia watches, unsure of what to do. She knows Bella won't do a thing to the monkey. She wouldn't even hurt a fly, but she's still never seen one before.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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Dexter watched with a grin as Marcel was approached by so many people. A big dog had come up and Marcel, along with a few oh's, poked the dogs nose. When Sei came up and commented on Marcel getting a lot of attention, Marcel bonced a few times then turned his attention back on the dog. He gave the dog a few pets while he oh'ed and chirped to the dog. Dexter just sat with a big grin on his face as he watched his little friend make a new friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ____
"Well it seems like the dog was the one who is interested in Marcel." he said. "Your dog?" He said to Natalie. "I always wanted to have a dog, well a hound though since I can use them to help me hunt when I enter the wild, but I don't have the money to buy them anyway." He said as he examines Bella.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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Natalia watches with a small smile as her full grown husky plays with the small monkey. Bella has always been quick to make friends, and unlike Natalia, she doesn't have a shy bone in her body. Despite her being a big dog and good at hunting, she has never hurt another animal unless instructed to.

Natalia lifts her head up at the sound of the guys voice and nods in response to his question. "yeah, i've had her since she was just a few months old. She was a stray" As the boy talks about how he wants a hound himself, Natalia glances over at Bella then back up at him. "Well Bella's pretty good at hunting so if you ever need her you can borrow her for the day" she half jokes. Meanwhile Bella sits, watching the monkey as he pokes her, wagging her tail every now and then. Natalia smiles to herself, thinking that maybe a monkey is what she needs to get rid of some of that seemingly endless energy of hers. This might just be the start of a beautiful friendship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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#, as written by ____
"So her name is Bella? Well nice to meet you, I'm Sei." He said to Natalie. "What's your name? Come on, go introduce yourself to us." he said to her then looked at Bella. "Can I touch her by the way? She looks harmless enough." He asked her.

(Can I make it night now?)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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0.00 INK

"Yes, her name is Bella" Natalia nods "and I'm Natalia Bonatelli" she introduces herself with a shy smile "nice to meet you all" as she speaks, a slight Italian accent can be heard. Something she's never really liked. Despite her being in America for more than half of her life, she has yet to have completely lost her accent.

She glances over at Bella and nods "sure. You can pet her all you want. She loves making new friends" Natalia calls her companion's name and without hesitation, the dog gets to her feet and walks over to her owner to sit beside her once again. "Look Bells, another new friend" Natalia says cheerfully as she gestures towards the boy. Bella walks over to him and stands in front of him, wagging her tail in approval. "She likes you" Natalia explains "just don't get on her bad side"

((Fine by me))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Eru Erufu Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ____
Day 1
Time of the Day: Evening
Season: Summer

It is night, the sun is no longer visible, many stars can be seen in the sky, the heat dies down, cool, breezy winds blows at those in the ship. Another day was about to end.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ____
"Hello Bella lets be friends." He said as he pats her head, and hugged. "You're so soft Bella." He said laughing and then stood up. "Oh look what time is it. Well bye I'm going back to my room, see you guys! Tomorrow!." He said to them.

(It has been decided! I rolled 47, tomorrow is storm!!!)-
(made a mistake it was 20 sided dice but still storm, muhahaha I rolled 11!!!)
(If you want to go to the next day quickly go make your characters sleep!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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0.00 INK

((Alright, night night time :P))

Dexter laughs as he sits quietly and watches everyone interact. "Well, bye Sei!" He said to Sei as he walked off. "I reckon it's time for us to go to sleep as well, huh, Marcel?" He added, looking over at the monkey on his shoulder. Marcel yawns, saying in his own way he was ready to sleep. "Well, I guess that's it then. Say goodbye to your new friends Marcel." Dexter adds and Marcel, doing what he was told, jumps off his shoulder and down to the ground. He walks on his back two legs, his tail dragging on the ground and his arms stretched out. He gives the dog, Bella, a hug around the neck. He then climbs up onto the girl's, Natalia, shoulder and giver her a hug around the neck. With a smile, Dexter nods at the girl. "It was nice to meet you Natalia. By the way I'm Dexter and this little guy," Dexter paused, gesturing to the monkey that now perched on his shoulder. "Is Marcel. I think we're going to be seeing a lot of each other if these two are friends now." He said with a small laugh at the end. "Anyways, until tomorrow, Natalia, Bella, Amelia. Off to the brig we go!" Dexter said with a joking look and laugh as he turned and left. Marcel turned and waved goodbye with a few sad sounding ohh's, trying to say to Dexter that he didn't want to leave. "Oh, but tomorrow's a new day, Marcel. You'll be able to spend all day if you want with Bella, okay?" Dexter said with a smile on his face as Marcel nodded and clapped then waved more happily back at the dog and her owner.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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0.00 INK

Natalia waves her goodbyes to Sei as he walks off and smiles at the boy and his companion "Nice to meet you too Dexter" she says as she looks at the cute monkey "And nice to meet you Marcell. You know you're extremely adorable!" Natalia always tends to talk more openly when there's an animal involved. She laughs at the little monkey as he hugs Bella and then her and nods. "Yeah, I think you're right" she halfway laughs as Marcell pleads that he wants to stay. Bella watches him curiously, responding with a low "woo" indicating that she doesn't want him to go either. "You'll see Marcell again tomorrow Bells" Natalia says as she gets to her feet."We should get going too" she grabs her guitar and hangs it over her shoulder then taps Bella softly in the head and waves goodbye to everyone. In response, Bella bows her head slightly, as her own way of saying goodbye and follows Natalia obediently. "I'll see you later Marcell" Natalia says softly before she leaves the lounge with Bella right beside her.

They both make their way up the stairs and to their room only to find that neither of them can fall asleep. Natalia takes the opportunity to practice her guitar and attempt to write some new lyrics as Bella listens attentively, until they finally are able to fall asleep at around 2:30am.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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(SORRY!! Didn't mean to post it 3 times! My phone spazzed out a little ^.^))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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0.00 INK

(Ignore this)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Amelia Redgrave
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0.00 INK

(Ignore this too)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Eru Erufu Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ____
Day 2
Time of the Day: Morning
Season: Summer

It was morning, yet the sky so dark, it is raining hard, it looks like it is about to storm, the tides get stronger, pushing against the side of the ship, lightnings strike down, leaving steams. The ship won't last long, soon it will sink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Nature
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0.00 INK

Natalia wakes up to the sound of thunder and the tides crashing against the side of the ship. It's already morning, but it looks to still be night time. Bella sits on the floor beside her bed as she gets to her feet and quickly throws on some clothes. There's a slight hint of panic in her as she motions Bella to follow her out of the room. If there's anything Natalia hates, it's storms. No matter how small. She walks worriedly down the hall into the main lounge and takes a look around. No one else seems to be panicking even in the slightest bit. "It's just a storm Natalia, just stay calm..." as she mumbles to herself Bella stands beside seeming to be a bit uneasy. Natalia takes a deep breath to attempt to calm her nerves and takes a seat at a small table with Bella. "It's just a storm..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcel the Monkey Character Portrait: Dexter Seymore Character Portrait: Bella the Dog Character Portrait: Natalia Bonatelli Character Portrait: Yamakami Sei Character Portrait: Nature
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As the minutes go by, Natalia notices the storm getting even stronger and she just can't keep herself calm anymore. Considering her bad history with storms, she has kept calm for long enough. Now, her heart rate is slowly increasing and Bella takes notice. The big brown and white dog gets to her feet and nudges Natalia on her arm, indicating that they should go somewhere else where Natalia can't see the storm. Having been by her side for years, Bella knows her owner's fear better than she does. Natalia takes in a deep breath and looks down at her best friend. "Don't worry, Bells, i'm okay." but Bella knows better. She nudges her owner on the arm once again until finally Natalia decides to get and follow her, panic very clearly shown on her face.

As they're walking out, Bella lifts her head to see someone she's seen before. She comes to a stop in front of Dexter and Marcell, looking up at the small monkey and realizing he's scared as well. However, Natalia is so distracted by her panic, she doesn't notice either of them or that Bella has stopped walking.