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Haruka Shinomiya

"All of us wear masks it's just that--mine isn't just a mask. It's someone else's face entirely."

0 · 495 views · located in Hanamura City

a character in “Stray Memories”, as played by SkyCladSaya06




ImageName || Haruka Shinomiya

Real Name || Miu Shinomiya

Age || 17

Gender || Female

Role || The Impostor

Current Location || Currently staying at a dorm around a stone's throw away from the school she's attending. The dormitory itself is rather luxurious, with it's own indoor pool and restaurant. Her room is a simple studio with air-conditioning and its own bathroom. Almost all her furniture are collapsible and are tucked in the walls when not in use, giving her some additional space when she needs it.

Appearance || Haruka is a rather fashionable individual so suffice to say, she doesn't really conform to just one consistent look. She usually styles her blonde hair in different ways depending on the day. She usually makes her own modifications to her standard school uniform, despite regulations prohibiting it. She's often seen in a variety of casual attire when outside the school. She stands at 5'6" and weighs around 49 kg. She has bright emerald eyes, which she shares with her mother and twin sister.

Vocal Theme || Recall the End - Trustrick

Instrumental Theme || New World Order - Masafumi Takada


Personality || Haruka feigns a rather bright and bubbly persona when it comes to interacting with people, acting very much like the typical teenager girl she is. She displays a happy and outgoing air and she can talk to people about almost anything under the sun. She is very energetic and is usually the first to engage in conversation with others.

That aspect of her personality though, is merely a front she uses as part of her adopted persona. In reality, she is a rather sullen and vengeful individual. She gets mad easily and is rather known for bearing grudges. When it comes to people she hates, she’s the type who’d rather get even than to forgive and forget. She’s also a good liar, making it difficult for people to doubt the things she says.

She’s very determined, to the point of being rebellious, when it comes to getting the things she wants, even reaching the point where she uses rather questionable tactics in order to get it. She follows a rather strange philosophy when it comes to secrets though. One is that she never reveals a secret once it has been willingly shared to her but if it’s something she discovered by herself, she’s not against using it as ammunition against the other party.

She’s rather resilient as well and she’s very capable of picking herself up after failing badly. It’s one of the handful of positive traits she takes pride in and despite her rather fashionable and dainty looks, she doesn’t mind getting dirty and grimy.

Likes || Gossip, Trends, Fashion, Music

Dislikes || Loud Noises, People asking a lot of questions, Traffic, Mysteries


Skills || Haruka has some good skills for adapting into the urban lifestyle. She can blend in as well as stand out among a crowd at the drop of a hat. She's also familiar with the city and is rather street-smart for someone supposedly raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. She's a good liar, and is also good at spreading rumors. Despite her dainty looks, she's quite athletic and possesses enough physical strength to hold her own. She's a good singer as well though not so much a composer and she plays two instruments namely: guitar and synthesizer.

History || The person known as Haruka Shinomiya is remembered as the daughter of two talented musicians living in a luxurious studio within urban Hanamura. She was supposedly a musical prodigy like her parents and has already started building quite a career for herself in the big world. Much of her private life was kept secret of course, and she rarely talked about her past which leads many to believe that she might be hiding some kind of secret lost in the mists of time. And she was. She's hiding the fact that this story isn't about Haruka Shinomiya.

She has a twin sister, Miu. An identical twin born around the same time that she was. They were separated at birth as Miu was given up for adoption; their parents just cannot afford to take care of both at the same time back then. So the two grew up separately: Haruka grew up with a very comfortable life while Miu had to endure the hard days of being an orphan and running wild around the urban streets.

Thanks to the difficult conditions at the orphanage, Miu grew up tough. Tougher than most kids but also a little more withdrawn and sullen. She rarely socializes with others which made it difficult for the agency to find a family who would take care of her. Eventually, someone took her in and all seemed alright for a while. Her foster family were the usual middle-class, white-collar workers that populated a huge portion of Hanamura. Problem is, her foster father had a chronic drinking habit, turning him into quite a violent man under the influence of alcohol. He would take out his anger on Miu when given the opportunity to. It rarely happens but, it has happened enough that Miu soon began to fear for her life.

Some time since she started middle school, Miu met Haruka. They attended different schools but the two schools were close enough that Haruka was able to spot someone who looks like her walking on the other side of the street. Miu also found it odd that someone looked a lot like her on so many levels. Having realized this, Haruka went home and confronted her parents. Of course, she had been discreet. Somehow, she managed to bring up the topic without alerting them that she had met Miu. Her parents did acknowledge that she had a twin sister but then they told her that her twin sister had already passed away, which struck Haruka as odd.

Nonetheless, the two became close friends afterwards. Haruka would often tell Miu stories about her life and Miu did the same. They divulged everything to each other and hid no secrets. Miu also found it odd that her own parents would deny her own existence but she didn't mind so long as she had Haruka. They eventually made up their mind to confront their parents about it once they graduated high school.

Miu bore witness to Haruka's rise to fame. Her twin sister's innate charm and talent allowed her to establish her own name in the world. Despite that though, they never lost contact with each other. Ever since Haruka became famous though, Miu had started dyeing her hair to avoid any identity mix-ups. That didn't mean they didn't use their own physical traits for some fun and games though.

On some days, the two would switch houses, just to see if their respective families would take notice. To that extent, they even started mimicking each other's quirks and habits as well. Neither of them got caught doing it. Every time Haruka would be chased down by fans, she would usually meet up with Miu and they would swap, with Miu using her athleticism to lead the crowd away and escape without getting caught. It was a very fun time for both of them. However, it wasn't meant to last. It couldn't even wait until high school graduation.

When Miu was 15, her foster father had a drunken episode that went out of control and almost reached the point where he tried to kill Miu if not for her ducking away in time and escaping through the back door. Having no one else, she immediately called Haruka for help. Haruka arrived soon after and she helped Miu escape by running to a nearby forest close to the outskirts of the city by a great river. Just when they thought they were in the clear, they heard gunshots behind them. Her foster father brought his gun along. Left with no choice, Haruka swapped clothes with Miu and ran in a different direction in an effort to lead their assailant away and save her sister's life.

Miu tried hard to forget everything that happened next. She could still hear Haruka's footsteps across the undergrowth as she ran. Then followed a single gunshot. After that, Haruka's footsteps were no more. And after a few minutes, so was her foster father's footsteps. When she found the courage to look around, her worst fears were realized. Haruka was shot. She was barely alive when Miu found her. Before she departed the world forever, she entrusted her whole life to Miu. Miu of course, readily accepted though it felt painful to do so.

She buried Haruka by the river, taking great care with the process so that nobody would just stumble upon her by accident. The painful ordeal done, she went home. Back to Haruka's home. Back to the real parents who gave her up.

News of a runaway orphan circulated around town for a while and authorities went on a lookout for a brown haired girl with emerald eyes; Miu's most recent picture circulating around town. Eventually, the anxiety died down and the case also, faded into obscurity. A small funeral was held for Miu, ironically by her foster parents. After that, life went on. No one bothered looking for Haruka. As far as everyone was concerned, she was still alive and kicking, with a small concert due next week.

What they didn't know was that Miu was still alive, living the life of another person. For the sake of everyone involved, Miu took great care in keeping the incident a secret. Besides, life worked out well for her. She was with loving, caring and well-off parents and she gets to ride on Haruka's fame. She managed to attain her dream of living in a state of material happiness. And her twin sister's life was the price she paid for it. There was just one major setback though.

The I.D.C. Hers still read as Miu Shinomiya. For the most part, no one has been asking about it but if she is to enter school and make other transactions, it has to be changed to match her new persona. So she staked out the most competent hacker she could find; the one who supposedly hounds the large shopping district most people frequent. She paid good money for him to tamper with the chip, even throwing in a little extra service for him to keep his mouth shut about the whole ordeal.

A couple of years passed. The ploy had been successful and for a while, Miu thought that things were going to go her way from now on. That is until she received the message. The message about that painful memory being in somebody else's possession and the ways in which to get it back. A game of secrets and deception. Of memories and identities. As much as she was accustomed to failing, Miu didn't want to emerge from the game as a loser.

She's paid a very heavy price to get where she is now. She wasn't going to let it all end now.

Secret || Her real identity. It would cause her a whole string of problems if it was to get out. She'll lose her current life, the agency may take her away and worse, she might be implicated in her twin sister's murder. She can't risk it getting out.


So begins...

Haruka Shinomiya's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gensai Ryuunosuke Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Mizushima Character Portrait: Isamu Hisoka Character Portrait: Nao Kazurimori Character Portrait: Haruka Shinomiya Character Portrait: Akemi Horigome
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"Good day, ____.

What- did you think I was joking? Of course not! I always
hold true to my word. After all, I started a game and I'm not willing to let it die right after I threatened you all with your very worst secrets being shown to everyone in the world! Ahahaha!

Without further ado, here are your first clues--"

The sound of the busy streets of Hanamura during nighttime was lost on the ears of those working within the Ryuunosukes' main building. People within the building of the high-rising business worked almost like clockwork- never stopping from their normal routines. File these, prepare that, answer this was always the same thing almost every single day. On a normal occasion, this would hold true, even for the leader of the Ryuunosuke business himself.

But this was no normal occasion.

6:30 PM. At this time, Gensai Ryuunosuke should be looking out of the window of his living space within the main building, observing the many interactions and movements within the estate. At exactly 6:35, he would then proceed to his desk and handle more paperwork, possibly sneaking in a call with Yukino somewhere in there. By 7:00 he'd be done and have the rest of the hours to his sleeping time at 10:30 for free.

But right now, Gensai stared, puzzled at his phone. Unlike any normal circumstance, he wasn't waiting for a call from any sort of business partners or anything- he stared at the message from the unknown number, containing the clues to start the sick game this...this strange seller has made. There were two problems Gensai had to deal with, on closer look- the first was obviously his secret. He couldn't let the truth of the Fall of the Dragon come to light. He had already taken his steps to making the Ryuunosuke business a fair one towards its competitors, unlike the unjust rule of his forefathers. Had that bastard seller revealed that he had killed both his grandfather and his father, all of that work would be laid to waste, and the entire business would fall with him.

The other problem was something small, and yet so important; someone had let that seller into the Ryuunosuke estate. But who? Was it one of his men? Was it another person entirely? Who did have the rights to get into the estate scot-free, if they weren't working for him? Right now, Gensai had no way to tell.

The man's cool blue eyes swept again and again across the two clues- "Might need some wipers?" Was that person someone who had a car that didn't have any windshield wipers? If only it was that easy- then again, Hanamura was a big city and Gensai didn't want to tire his resources looking for cars that don't have windshield wipers. And knowing how the seller spoke to him that day, it was obvious this was supposed to be some riddle- a riddle that Gensai had no idea how to solve. His eyes shifted towards the second clue- the person who owned the secret in his file.

"The person who owns the secret in your file does not live at home."
"That isn't very useful." It could literally be anything- they could be living in a dorm, or they could be staying somewhere else. Maybe they lived on the streets. Streets weren't considered homes after all. Still, the clue was clearer than the first, and he could at least appreciate the fact that the seller made the second clues easier. Though this still wasn't enough to go off on. At best, he could rely on the idea that perhaps the second person lived in a dorm. He could narrow down his choices to the youth.

Speaking of youth...

He felt his phone buzz and a notification for a new message came up- from Yukino, to boot. His finger hovered over the message for a brief moment- then he slowly tapped it.

Subject: About your endorser...

I got good news for you, Gensai! I just found this great musical prodigy, and judging from how my coworkers say about her, it seems like she's a hit among the younger audiences! I already messaged her about your offer and, well...she said she'd show up at this particular meeting place. Please give her a shot! Her name is Haruka Shinomiya!"

Gensai paused. Did Yukino just really pick her to be his endorser for the newest gadget launch by the Ryuunosukes? He shook his head- she really was that impulsive. He supposed she was doing it for his sake, but still. But at the same time, he should give this musical prodigy a chance- Gensai wasn't one who interacted with the younger people often, so he would let them surprise him this time. And besides, the product launch was literally tomorrow, and he had interacted with the girl every now and then. He had no other choice.

He glanced at his white suit jacket on his coat hanger, and sighed.

Moments later, he had reached the biggest shopping mall in Hanamura- not a place he'd like to be at, considering the amount of people flocking here and there, but this was supposed to be the stage of his product launch tomorrow, and the meeting place where he was supposed to meet Haruka was also within here. He heard rumors of a very skilled hacker hounding this district- that was most likely the seller who had sold off his secret. He gritted his teeth, lowered his head, then briskly walked towards a well-known cafe near the main plaza.

Some people stared as the leader of the Ryuunosuke business stared at his watch, glancing outside the cafe every now and then. All he had to do right now was wait and see- maybe he would get lucky and catch some wind of whoever was in his clues there. After all, the mall was a natural magnet for all sorts of people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gensai Ryuunosuke Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Mizushima Character Portrait: Isamu Hisoka Character Portrait: Nao Kazurimori Character Portrait: Haruka Shinomiya Character Portrait: Akemi Horigome
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Akemi Horigome was sitting up on her bed in her room. The girl had read and reread the email sent to her over and over again, hoping to whatever god was up there that this was just a sick joke. But the more she read about it, the sicker she got over the idea that someone knew everything about her past and about what she was doing. If that ever got exposed, her social standing would be over at school and her parents could very well make her homeless again. Her blood boiled a little. Who the hell was this person to think they could ruin her life like that? How did they even get the hacking capabilities in the first place? She juat growled a bit to herself as she read the clues yet again.
The person who has your secret hides a clue in their past.
"Jesus, can you possibly be more vague asshole?" To her, that could have meant anything. They were abandoned by their mother, they were homeless at one point, they were unloved; god help her if that clue was that they lied because almost everyone does it. "Alright, to hell with that. Who else do I have to watch out for?"
The person who owns the secret in your file leads a secret life.
Akemi didn't know if she wanted to scream, cry, laugh or break her VRMax right then and there. What the fuck did that even mean? Did it mean that they did nothing fun or exciting in their life? Did it mean they had a happy life? Did it mean that they were so ordinary that they wouldn't stand out. Either way, Akemi burned with anger at the idea that someone with an infinitely happier life than hers was learning everything about her secret. She felt okay with killing them for sure. However, an interesting idea struck her. Sure, she could kill that person and get her secret back or talk to the other secret holder and convince them to give her secret back, but who was to say if the mastermind wanted the game to end after that. For all she knew, she could be dragged back in at any time.
"The second I get my secret back, I'm going to kill the fucker who took it from me in the first place."
After uttering that promise, she decided to take her mind off of the game and think for a little bit. Looking in her wallet, she had quite a bit of cash from her latest amazing grade. Of course, she got someone else to do it for her but she still got the money. She figured some retail therapy could do her a lot of good to clear her mind. As she thought that, she walked over to the big mall in Hanamura, taking a break from doing some thinking on her own for once. She was checking out the latest fashions in a clothing store next to the cafe. She figured after getting some dresses, she would indulge herself with some mocha. But for now, she tried on clothing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gensai Ryuunosuke Character Portrait: Kiyoshi Mizushima Character Portrait: Isamu Hisoka Character Portrait: Nao Kazurimori Character Portrait: Haruka Shinomiya Character Portrait: Akemi Horigome
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s p e e c h : #ff78c0 || t h o u g h t s : #ff3636
β™« LOL (Lots of Laugh) - mikumix β™«

No longer does Isamu Hisoka live his life as a shut-in. It's been a few months (a year? he hasn't been counting) since he last locked himself in his studio apartment for days, weeks, a month on end, leaving only for necessities, like buying food or a new keyboard. No longer is he a simple NEET (though, wouldn't such a phrase describe someone with no job, no plans for college, and who spends most of his free time on the internet?). Normally, a trip outside would be a fresh breath of airβ€”an adventure to be had with each step, though he only started feeling this way after he realized being a shut-in wouldn't do. Though, today, he has no such luxury to imagine what adventures he'll be embarking on.

Just a horrid feeling deep in his guts, making his limbs feel like lead. He feels more and more lethargic with each step, as if the secret he's lost weighs him down. The secret is a brick tied to his ankles (weighing him down, causing him to sink down, down, down, though too far out of his reach to untie and save himself) and the looming threat of its release is the ocean. Just what did I do to deserve something like this, anyways? It isn't even my fault. He sighs, squinting at the email on his phone and reading the contents over and over again. I've been a good boy except for that one thing and now some idiot's got my secret out there, somewhere.

He briefly chastises himself internally. He doesn't know who has his secret, so he shouldn't call them an idiot; after all, they're in the same boat as him, so what right does he have to judge a book by a cover he's never even seen?

A few times, Isamu accidentally runs into someone, and they apologize to him, and it feels wrong to him. These people shouldn't be apologizing to someone who conspired with his scummy spawn-of-the-devil ex (though are they truly broken up?) boyfriend to cover up a murder. If Kaito never got him to join the forum in the first place, it would've never happened. Likewise, if 'The Prince' (whoever this guy really was) hadn't wanted his dad dead in the first place, Isamu would be living a free, happy life. He shakes the thoughts off; no point in blaming others (though Kaito deserves all the damn blame, he reminds himself). He lets the others apologize, ducking their heads and saying things like ❛pardon me,❜ or ❛excuse me, miss!❜ and though he is certainly no 'miss,' he does not correct them.

Finally, he arrives at a cafe inside the mall. A bell doesn't chime when he opens the door, and that disappoints him quite a bit, and he decides to focus on that. The decision to focus on small, insignificant things comes as a comfort and distraction to what horrible things are to come. Since he's here, he might as well get something nice, so he waits in line. One of those cute little coffees with designs in the cream would be nice. I wonder if they can do that here? I could get ZEN's face in my coffee...

Almost as if like clockwork, he closes the email app on his phone and pulls up an otoge app, just to pass the time and to get his mind off of things.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gensai Ryuunosuke Character Portrait: Isamu Hisoka Character Portrait: Haruka Shinomiya
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"You understand that part now yes?"

"Yeah, I think I've got most of the basics down. By the way, are you sure you want to go with this arrangement?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we can change the introduction from D-C-A to C-E-A. Trust me, it'll sound so much better on the guitar."

"Umm...since when do you play guitar, Shinomiya-san?"

"Well, let's just say I've been practicing all week..."


Hanamura State University - 4:30 PM. Dismissal

Class had just finished for the upper high school students of the Hanamura State University and students have started heading out, not to go home but to enjoy the nightlife in the city's various recreational districts. Haruka on the other hand, had a habit of lazing around by the guardhouse for a few minutes before heading back to the dorm, which is a little odd for one of Hanamura's beloved daughters.

"Thing is, barely anyone gives a rat's ass for anyone. They think that just because I'm famous, I'd have press crowding me and fans storming up for autographs on a daily basis. No, life isn't like that--even if you're famous." Haruka punctuated her thoughts with a sigh. "Who am I kidding? I ain't famous. Not one bit. "She" is."

"Hey, Haruka!" A girl's voice called out from behind the bench she was sitting on and in a few moments, she was graced with the company of a taller, long-haired girl going by the name of Karen.

"Karen...I thought you had club?" Haruka asks the woman beside her, taking out her phone in order to check the time.

"Change of plans. I got invited to a mixer so I ditched. Besides, it's not like we're particularly busy right now. School festival's still a long way off."

"Another one? How many does that make it now? 40?"

"Sheesh, this is just the fourth one. You added an extra zero, dumbass."

"Whatever. Well, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be heading out early if you're going to one?" Haruka raises a suspicious eye at Karen.

"It's still a little early and--wait, aren't you the one who's always telling me to arrive fashionably late?"

"You do that after you've scored a date, idiot. Haven't I told you that before?" Haruka sighed as she closed her eyes. Conversations with Karen are always going off-topic.

"What are you, my mom now? Geez..." Karen also sighed as she took a seat right next to her musician friend. "But, no. I don't recall you saying that before."

"That only proves you're not listening. Really Karen, sometimes I wonder if you really are my friend." Haruka teases her friend a little.

"Awww...don't say that! I love you Haruka!" Karen responded to the remark by giving Haruka a big hug which Haruka just lightly brushed off.

"Anyway...aren't you supposed to answer my question?"

"Well, I came over to invite you of course!"

"No thanks."

"Wha--why? You've never turned down a mixer before! Come on, Haruka! With an idol like you in our squad, we'll be sure to score some hot guys!" Karen insists in an almost pleading way.

"I'm a musician not an idol. There's a difference. Anyway. I would love to help you girls out but--" Haruka took out her phone as she explained, showing the Ryuunosuke message to her friend. "Duty calls. A little last minute in fact."

"Endorsement offer from--Gensai Ryuunosuke???!!! That guy's like, uber-rich you know?"

"Yes I know. There's a tarp thanking his company hanging from the school gate remember?"

"Yeah! So what's he doing talking to you?"

"Beats me. Well, I've got to get going. Wouldn't want to be late. Otherwise he might make me walk the plank!" With that, Haruka got up to leave, waving her friend a fond farewell as she walked ahead. "See you Karen! Have fun at your mixer!"

"Be careful Haruka. I've heard rumors about these guys--and they're not good at all. Best to stay on your toes."


Haruka arrived at the bustling mall she was instructed to go to. She wasn't that sure why this man wanted to meet with her in such a public spot. Normally, it would've been in a more private location like a restaurant or their office. Circumstances are practically telling her that calling her was a last minute decision on her client's part.

"Let's should be around this corner--whoah!" With her eyes fixed on the message on her phone, Haruka accidentally bumped into another student which immediately caught her attention. "Oh, I'm sorry!" She immediately apologized. Fortunately, the girl looked okay.

"Hmm? Girl?" Haruka wondered about the person she bumped into. She felt strange. Off somehow. "Well, never mind. Not my business."

She eventually got to the cafe her contact outlined in the message. A rather popular chain frequented by well-known personalities. It is rather known for its high-quality brews...and exuberant, inflated prices. She walked in and took a quick glance. She spotted the man she was supposed to meet sitting on one of the two-person tables and she immediately walked over to take the chair adjacent to his.

"Good evening. Yukino-san isn't around? I thought she'd be the one meeting with me but, I reckon she couldn't make it?" She greeted the man in front of her, obviously not intimidated by his presence. "I heard about the offer. Seemed really last minute though. I take it your company would be providing the equipment at the venue? The studio said they'll be closing early tomorrow so we wouldn't be able to get any of our instruments out."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gensai Ryuunosuke Character Portrait: Nao Kazurimori Character Portrait: Haruka Shinomiya
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Class had finished for Eizawa high school half an hour ago, and Nao, like most of the students, had decided to eat outside before heading home. Unlike most of the other students, who left in groups or pairs, Nao intended to eat alone. After hanging out with his classmates for most of the day, doing work and projects and engaging small chat, Nao would much rather have some time to himself for relaxation before heading home. Keeping up pleasantries when you had no idea why 'I saw Mizushiro kissing Tanaka in the courtyard, they're dating! Cute!' or 'Have you heard?! Haruka-san is coming up with a new album!' or 'C'mon, baseball isn't that bad, lets talk strategy and sports!' was so important to others was exhausting. So was feigning just enough interest to prevent himself from looking like a douche, which would just cause him more trouble.

Really... it was so tiring to keep up with people sometimes.

Nao's tiredness wasn't helped by the email he got. Halfway to a ramen shop he liked to frequent, his IDC gave the little bleep that indicated he had mail. Soft rock beating gently in his ears through earphones, Nao pulled up the mail only to see two clues.

??? @ Sent to: Nao Kazurimori
Clue for Condition 1: The person who has your secret reminds one of Kaguya.
Clue for Condition 2: The person who owns the secret in your file still attends school.


Unlike people who normally reacted to others having their lifelong secrets in their hands (anger, tears, begging, all encompassing fear that it might get out etc), Nao just blinked at the message as if it were nothing special. Then he sighed and continued to walk towards his destination.

Clues for the Game. Alright. Nao wasn't entirely sure why the person was doing this, but there was no point denying it to be false. For one thing, he had an inaccessible videofile with him, which made the person seem more likely they were telling the truth. For another, Nao didn't want any possibility of his secret getting out. The memory was visible proof that he had committed murder; he had no desire for his and the people he loved lives to be destroyed by that information if it got spread out.

At least the rules were clearcut. The problem would be figuring out who the people were, and what the clues meant. They were too vague; would more clues be coming on the way? And who or what is Kaguya?

Well... he could think about it over food. Nao paused, looking up at the Ramen shop. The shop was painted in dark but elegant colours, with a Japanese feel to it. Of note was the sign which said Ramenplay at the top in gold letters. It was a small place, but it served good food at reasonable prices, which was a lot more cheaper than the cafe opposite it. And more importantly, it had free wifi, which made it a godsend to anyone who was looking for a good place to eat and work at the same time. Shouldering his backpack, Nao strolled into the restuarant.

A waitress looked up, seeing nothing but a guy in a white short sleeved dress shirt and navy pants enter the restaurant. It was clear he was a student stopping by for a bite to eat. "Welcome! Please, have a seat." She said cheerily, store smile on her face as she directed him to a place near the entrance. If he looked out of the side, he could see the mall over the banister. Nao was lucky - the place was packed during peak hours. As it was, while there were people eating an early dinner, there was still space to seat. "What would you like to eat?"

"Shoyu ramen, please." Nao answered quietly. The girl took the order and left, and for a moment Nao closed his eyes and leant back against his seat, taking the moment to relax.

Moment over. Pulling out his IVC, Nao began to look for 'Kaguya', a frown on his face as he conducted his search online.