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Richard Amore

The pride-filled, warrior prince of Lingaria. You may address him as 'Your Royal Highness'.

0 · 547 views · located in The world of Thern

a character in “Stuck In This World. Stuck With You.”, as played by Captain Awesome



Name: Your Royal Highness, Prince Richard, of House Amore, son of His Grace, King William, and Her Majesty, Queen Melissa, and heir to the throne of Lingaria
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Richard stands at a reasonable 5'11 and weighs 144 lbs. (199 lbs. in his armor). While his facial features, and childish, dark brown hair, somewhat hold the appearance of being a 'milklivered' young boy, the Prince of Lingaria is all but that when up close (for most, at least). With his crow-ish, brown eyes, and everlastingly stern facial expression, Richard practically breathes the feeling of authority. His outfit consists of a fine, silk, black-with gold trim overcoat, a black-with gold trim cape, worn over his right shoulder, dark gray cloth undershirt, black, cloth trousers, quality, dark gray boots, made from an exquisite leather, and normally carries a black and gold swagger stick. With it, he may find himself slouching a little bit but, when holding it off of the ground or not using it, you will never see His Royal Highness in a pride-lacking stance for a second.

Equipment: A high-quality longsword, made with command in mind, named 'Arbiter'. Full plate armor of tempered steel, or 'coat of plates.'

Abilities: Richard uses a very royal style of swordsmanship, combined with his own ruthless tactics of brute force; sometimes going as far as to punch his opponent when in close range, or slam his body into an opponent when in close range, while wearing his armor. While it is quite reckless, it proves to be quite devastating to his opponents in one-on-one combat.

Personality: Richard is, by no means, tactful. He can be very cold and upfront and even comes across as calculating. He knows his place in society, and, while he will not rub it in your face, he is not afraid to express this birthright.
Because of his way of seemingly breathing nothing but authority and discipline, others often see him as something other than human but he does have a side to him that others would deem human. It exists, but really only gets brought out by his mother and her ability to practically see right through Richard's skin and into how he really feels about matters.

Backstory: Richard was raised mainly by his father. He is practically hardwired to be a ruler, and a damn-good one, by the standards of the King of Lingaria. He never had what most people would consider to be a real childhood but that was not because of his father. It was always his own choice to pour over his studies to become, in his and his father's opinion, the best man he could be.
Now, he is the pride-and-joy of his father, and a capable general. The stormy disposition that came with this mentality, however, has made his mother and younger sister rather disappointed with how he has turned out...

So begins...

Richard Amore's Story


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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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*Click-clack-click-clack*-goes the road as horses, men, wagons, and carriages alike pass along the cold cobblestone in the early morning.
Near the front of the convoy rides a young man, dressed in clothing that would seem to fit that of much harsher weather than a bit of dew and accompanying Autumn chill. The jet-black horse he rides also looks to be a bit too large to be carrying anything shy of a man in a suit of jousting armor, and perhaps the anvil its steel was shaped on. The clanking of steel plates have been the only noise that seems to be present anymore. When riding for the whole day and hearing nothing but that sound, it almost seems as if it has overwritten the existence of all other sounds. But now that his final destination has come to view over the distant horizon, what can one do but sigh a deep breath of relief?...


The sun has since risen upon the outside world and the people, working to let each other exist. It is so obnoxiously loud outside but the walls of a bedroom protect its inhabitant from that danger, just as the drapes protect her from the sunlight, shining on that obnoxious, outside world. Imaginary knights in shining armor and caretakers protect her from her dark room, keeping her safely inside the cozy, castle world of her subconscious...
But, just then, A SIEGE!!!
"Your Highness! Please get up, your father awaits your presence. Remember, today is the day your future husband, and his family are supposed to arrive?" The cause of this breach of tranquility comes from behind the door.

The setting changes from Donersland to The world of Thern

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Elizabeth groaned sitting up. "Come in, Jeffery.." She mumbled, as she made sure she was presentable, which she was. Her hair was kind of everywhere, and she had the 'just woken up' look on her, but the maids came in, and dolled her up right quick.{Dress, not her.}

She was squeezed into a snug-fitting dress, that was a darker, royal blue color, and fit snug only around her waist up, making her feel nice. From waist down was loose, which she enjoyed to spin around in, as she did, after they dressed her. Her make up was a little heavier than usual, as it was a special occasion, but, you could still tell her true features. Her bright green eyes flickered in the light. The maids brushed out her long hair, which came to her hip, and wrapped it up in a tighter bun.

Soon, Elizabeth made her way down the hall, where she heard the main guards alerting Jeffery of the arrival of... him.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Meanwhile, at the city's front gate, the city guard are on full alert.
"OPEN THE GATE!", calls the guard captain.
"Open the gate!", yells the officer in charge of the men at the gate controls.
"Open the gate.", says one of the guards to the other as they get up and begin pulling down on the crank to open the city gate. Through it comes a small force, approximately 100 yards long, with two carriages and 3/4 of a dozen wagons of supplies. Fathers and mothers stand in front of their homes to watch the foreign royalty pass by; daughters watch from their parents' feet, looking at the horses; sons smile in awe at the sight of heavy infantry, heavy cavalry, and their neat-looking, heavy weapons. Not a peak back from the men. They know it breaks the look of uniformity to make so much as a glance. Despite the various colors, that fit together with black and gold, and crests layered on their tabards, they very much achieve this goal of looking as all one man in many positions of rows and many rows of the whole line.
The routine repeats down through the chain of command among the city watch as the army nears the inner gate, holding the palace and resounding chambers. Just as the frontal line of banner bearer cavalry and royal guard cavalry gets to the edge of the gate...
"Para~ADE!...HOOH!!" A young voice among the cavalry. The sound of the couple hundred men marching, all currently on their right foot, stops with a single, thunderous stomp of one final step. And then the simultaneous, sharp roar of, not men, but a corps of loyal machines of metal, made to look like men-at-arms. "IYE!"
Silence. Not a peep from anything but the light, Autumn breeze and a restless warhorse....
"Leg-ION!...PA~GH!" The young voice practically growls the second word of the apparent order like a dog. It would probably be rather funny, if it were not for the fact that this inaudible, yelling mumble seems to control the entire force in front of the courtyard the country's royal family stands in.
"IYE!", roar back the men. The ranks of men all face left or right, depending on whichever side they are closest to, with a smooth, uniform, sliding movement of their feet, followed by a step back into attention position. Just as quick as the position of the men changed, they do so again by having each line walk forward to open up a path, starting with the men at the front of the previous line, and showing the first carriage and two warmly-dressed men in front of it. The force of men creating the path for this small convoy all make an about haste and turn around, each returning to the same attention position without a second move necessary. Each man clicks his heels together perfectly fine and each man makes the 180-degree turn to face back inward at each other. Meanwhile, the cavalry at the front have already made their way to their own respective sides inside the inner wall, lining up to form a path, through the courtyard of stone, to the royal family. But, just as the show seems to be over, the infantry on each side's front row raise their weapons into the air and then slightly lower them over the pathway, the cavalrymen all drawing their swords and raising them in the same way over the path they helped to create. The cavalryman closest to the group of people out in the courtyard-in the ranks of their right side-is a young man, dressed much like the two back in front of the carriages, and wielding a sword not like the others'; having a much more elegant appearance to it.
With the pathway finally finished, the two men and the carriages they lead make their way through the rows upon rows of men to the front and only make it there after what seems like an eternity. Once they make it to the front, a cavalryman dismounts and brings over a stool to the man on the right of the two in front of the carriages. While this is done, the young man with the elegant sword makes a call, revealing him as the commander shouting the orders. "AHMS!" Once more, he can barely be understood but at least this one sounded kind of like 'arms'. With that command, the men sound, "IYE!" polearms of the heavy infantry are raised back to the sky and the swords of the cavalrymen go back into their sheaths.
The man leading the carriages dismounts his horse and steps down upon the stool before relieving the stool of its burden and stepping down on the cobblestone, followed by the, apparently slightly taller, other man. The man the placed the stool picks it back up and speaks up. "His royal majesty, king-"
"-Bah~, enough of you! Dear lord, why did I even bring you to visit friends?" The man with the stool retreats. "Leonard! How good it is to see you!"
The king responds back, "William, my friend! It's been far too long! What's with the whole display you got going here?" He gestures to the rows of men (kind of hard not to).
"Ah, them? Excuse the amount of unannounced formalities, it has been so long since our last visit. Since then, it has been young Richard's coming of age and I figured now was as good o' time as ever to show how capable of a man he's become."
"I see." The king looks up and to the right at the young man on the black horse. The taller man at the kings side finally pipes up.
"Nephew, get off your high-horse! You're makin' yerse'f look like a damn fool-not greeting your new family like that! Please excuse him, he's got more heart than he does any sense..."
The young man, apparently being Richard, dismounts his own horse and walks over to his father and uncle while the rest of his immediate, and extended, family begin exiting the carriages, with the help of a pair of royal guardsmen each.
The young prince lightly bows to King Leonard. "Y'Grace..." A much smaller voice than before, sharply contrasting to his previous orders. Then, of course, Elizabeth on the king's right-hand side. With a slight hesitation, the boy takes her hand. Speaking, "Yer Highness...", before leaning over and kissing it. The rest follow, greeting each other as friends. King William (39), Queen Melissa (34), Princess Anne (8), Prince Killian (William's brother-37), Princess Rachel (William's sister-in-law-34), Prince Daniel (Killian's son-16), and Prince Abner (Killian's second son-12).

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Elizabeth blushed as he kissed her hand. He was the one she was to wed, and he wasn't the greatest looking guy, but he was good enough for her. She was already in love with his noble steed, who seemed too big for him to her. She snapped back into reality as more guests came, and was greeted by all of them.

Soon, everyone had made their way into the dining room. All of Richard's family sat on one side of a huge table, and all of Elizabeth's family sat on the other side of the table, then Elizabeth and Richard seated at the very end side by side, as if they were jewels. Elizabeth's family consisted of King Leonard (40), Queen Anne (35), Prince Matthew (Elizabeth's younger brother - 8) , Princess Jewels (Elizabeth's sister - 10), and Princess Marie (Elizabeth's sister - 15).

Servants scurried around, trying to feed all of the family, and soon succeeded as they were all laughing and having a good time. Elizabeth tuned out of the main conversation's going on, and looked to Richard. "Have you ever been in love?" It was a legitimate question, and she wasn't going to, she just sucked at talking to outsiders.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Richard pauses with his mouth slightly open and a fork raised half way to its destination. He looks at the woman he is to wed in the coming couple of days with eyes only, not really bothering to move his head with it being so close to where it would be anyway. Instead, he just closes his mouth and gently sets the fork back on the plate before lowering his hand back down to his lap with the other.
Wha~t a child. Couldn't you come up with something better than that? Like...for an actual guy? Anne (the princess), speaks up from next to her brother.
"He~doesn't li~ke girls because he's a bi~g, strong ma~n!" The girl with the sing-song way of speaking looks up at Richard, sitting to her right, and sticks out her tongue with a classic 'thppp!'
Richard, shoots his eyes down at the little gremlin. "Aren't you suppose' to be a princess or something?" And then back to silence. After the prince takes another bite of his food, chews, and swallows, he sighs and rekindles the conversation with his fiancé.
"I don't suppose you have?"

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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"No... I don't think I ever will be." She thought, as she looked at him. "No I have not." Elizabeth looked down for a minute.

She didn't sign up to be pestered by little spoiled brats. "What an ignorant child." She thought aggravated, and stood, her chair making a loud squeaking sound as it was pushed from the table. Click clack click clack was all you heard of Elizabeth, the family growing silent. Her father sighed, her mother bowed her head as they both apologized to Richard's parents. Elizabeth was supposed to be learning horseback riding in more depth and how to shoot a bow like her father had promised, yet as always, she was 'forgotten' amist the preparation for a boy she never even knew existed.

Elizabeth found her way to the stables, where she hopped up on her trusty mare, who was a luminescent white in the dark, with black patches on her back and neck. Elizabeth Hauled herself up on her, and could hear her sister, Marie, calling her name. The wind felt so good against her hair. The horse soon gained speed as it ran throughout the trees surrounding the forest. As Elizabeth held onto her mane, tears pricked her eyes. She felt as if she didn't belong anywhere.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Richard does not bother to look up. He already knows what the girl is doing and that she did not like the answer he gave to a question that, in his opinion, was on a ridiculously childish subject. Anne looks at Elizabeth as she turns her back and then looks back at Richard as she walks away and he does absolutely nothing about it.
"...See? You made her sad!" Anne does her best to get his attention but he simply continues to blow on a fork full of food and take another bite. While William attempts to clear everything with Leonard and Queen Anne, and Richard's uncle does his best to make sense of the situation, Melissa stands and looks over at Richard as he takes his bite of food, before she attempts to go after her future daughter-in-law as fast as the elegance of a queen can take her, which unfortunately, requires her to wear clothing that restricts her body's movement quite a bit. After a moment, she comes back. "The captain of the guard tells me his men think Elizabeth went to the stables. Until they can get a man to go after her, he says they will keep an eye out for her."
Queen Anne speaks up with a concern of her's. "Did he say when that might happen? Fairly soon, right?"
Finally, with a sigh, Richard sets his fork down, wipes his mouth with the cloth napkin off of his lap, and puts it down to the left of his plate before standing and beginning to walk to the stables. "I'll be back. Don' wait up." A very half-assed way of speaking to match his overall half-assed movement in his walk.
Richard walks into the stables, followed by the stable's runner. "How's my horse?"
The stable's master gives the prince a summary of everything. "Pilott has been watered and fed, and is ready to go, but I would not recommend taking him out after the length of travel he's been through. I got word that someone is already coming here to look for Her Highness. Perhaps you should sit this one out or take a native horse? At least, maybe I should call for an escort for you?-"
Richard nearly interrupts the man. "-My horse is fine, I assure you. I won't be needing another and I'm certain she should have more than just one man looking for her. As for the escort, I'll be fine on my own." Despite the seemingly passion-filled statement, Richard seems as passion-filled as a stone brick. Richard mounts his horse and takes off down the cobblestone road. Through the streets, Pilott gallops, its heavy weight creating a loud thump for each foot pressing on the road.
Right away, Richard makes his way through the main street and heads straight to the front gate. "Guard Captain!", Richard calls up to the top of the wall. "Princess Elizabeth! Has she passed through here?"
"As a matter of fact, I opened the gate for her just a little while ago! She seemed rather distraught! She took the road over to Romulus Forest, if that helps you any!"
Richard heard all he needed. "Open the gate!"
The guard captain calls back, "Wait, who are you, anyway?"
"Prince Richard, of House Amore, son of King William!"
"OH! My most sincere apologies Your Hi-"
"I don't care, now open the bloo'y gate!" These people and their damned inability to just do as their superiors say...
The guard captain, a little taken aback by the prince's forwardness, shouts down to the gate captain. "O-Open the gate!"
As soon as he can clear underneath the gap without ducking, the prince rides off after the princess, following the guard captain's only lead to the nearby Romulus Forest.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Richard never thought he would be using his tracking skills, from hunting back home, in this way. To track down people, he figured, as an adult with command over others, it would always be practical to have someone else do it, but he always imagined he would be attempting to track down an escaped prisoner or something else of the likes, not a distraught girl.
The prince has closed in enough to where it is plain to see that the previously made tracks are not only lighter than before, but more fresh than the previous ones as well. By this, he can tell that the princess's horse had slowed down. As he grows closer, Richard's horse begins to grow restless and pipe up. He stops and begins to listen for what he thinks might be the reason for his, usually more quiet horse to be acting this way.
In the distance, another restless horse can be heard. The horse is nearby, and it is calling back to his, in an attempt to get some company. 'Finally...', thinks Richard as he lightly nudges Pilott with his heel; *Click-click* goes the noise coming from his mouth, directed at the horse.
From behind Elizabeth, the soft *pit-pat* of Richard's horse walking into the little clearing.
"You don' really know the kind of people tha' move around the forest at nigh' do you?" While the first thing out of Richard's mouth is somewhat of a tired scold, it does make quite a bit of sense, it being as late in the afternoon as it is...
Richard dismounts his horse. "If I hadn' found you, who knows what could o' happened." His voice, as uncaring as it sounds, does not hold any bit of harshness in it as it does when normally bothering him about something.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Emalyn sighed as her 'knight in shining armor' came up behind her. "Why did they send you? I can't outrun you." She slowly got to her feet. "It's alright because I'm friends with most of those 'things' that come out at night. Most of the time they're all I have." She muttered, looking down. Looking at him then, she smiled, and closed the gap between them, taking his hand. "Why don't you take me to the castle?" She chuckled.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Richard pauses for a moment, looks back at his tired, light draft warhorse that could barely outrun anything-much less a normal, much lighter horse, then looks back at Elizabeth. "I sent myself. A king does not ride out on a moments notice without guards, my cousin, Daniel, I would probably afterwards need to punch for whatever creepy thing he did or said to you, and my uncle...he probably wouldn't know how to get you to come back willingly." The prince takes a step forward as Elizabeth gets up.
"Really? I didn't know that thieves, murderers, and other scoundrels would act so cheery toward a young, very kidnap-worthy princess." The boy raises an eyebrow and chuckles. Or, in the case of Richard and his pathetic, almost lack of ability to really have enough emotions to be considered a human being, he more-or-less blows more air out of his nose than usual, to resemble somewhat of a single chuckle. His usually plastered poker face somewhat gains a bit of feeling to it before going back to its normal, dead feeling as the princess walks closer to him. But then, a small bit of feeling comes back, in the form of a small blush, when Elizabeth takes his hand. How his face remains the same other than that must be the result of some sort of talent.
You girls and your lack of knowledge on the difference between a castle and a palace...
"Of course, Your Highness." As formal as ever...
Having all he came for, Richard turns around and walks his fiancé to her horse.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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"Richard, wait a moment before we ride back, will you? " she pulled his arm getting closer to him, and squeezing his hand. ""It's just so peaceful out here.. And quiet... And we aren't at the castle." She looked in his eyes for a long moment. She could feel twitches up her spine. She liked him. His masculine appeal and his face, was so handsome.

For a moment, Elizabeth hesitated, wanting to kiss him then and there. She felt her pull towards him, when she suddenly let go of him, taking a step back. "I.. I'm sorry. I pushed my limits." She started to walk to her horse, making a clicking sound with her tongue.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Just before he can get her to her horse, he feels her pull herself into him and begin speaking nothing short of mad talk. Richard is confused at the actions of Elizabeth. She never acted like this before...
'No. This is not Elizabeth', he thinks. The prince turns his head away from the approaching girl, just as she stops. "You pushed your own. Don't expect yourself to fall in love on a whim."
Richard turns around and walks toward his horse. "You may end up disappointed..."
Once again, Prince Richard proves how much of a cold person he is. Even if he does have a point, it may have been better to say something that instills a little less...despair.
"Lets get you home." He mounts his horse.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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"I got myself out here, don't you think I could lose you pretty easily out here, Prince Of Cowardness? " she snapped, and squeezed Prin with her heels, making her gallop on the direction of the castle. But, when she was going in, taking Prin to the stables. "They aren't worth our time, baby. " she whispered before he got too close, and sighed.

She then waited for him outside the stables, and sighed. "At least act like you like me in front of our parents." She took his arm.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Richard simply watches as the princess pulls away.
The word 'coward' holds much less sway where I come from, young lady...
"Ha~!" He cracks Pilott's reigns and the Friesian horse takes off after Elizabeth. By the time he gets back, the girl has gained quite a bit of distance from him and his tired horse but they get there. Richard dismounts his horse and lets the stablemen take care of him. "Told you he'd be fine."
"Sure, but I'm not going to pu' on some happy face like it's all cakes over here." Richard remains looking forward as the guards open the large double doors.
"I'm doing a duty for my country and so are you. That's all it is."
Just inside, both mothers are waiting on a bench in the hallway. Richard's mother stands up and immediately hugs Elizabeth.
"There you are! We were so worried! Are you okay?" Richard looks off to the right and down, away from the scene, embarrassed in the way his mother is acting.
"Mother, I told you to not wait up for us..."
Melissa pulls back from the princess and looks at her son. "Oh, hush! What would you know about how worried sick her mother and I were?"
"I-...She is to be my wife in the next few days..of course I was worried."
"And I am to be her mother-in-law." Richard's mother straightens out her arms as she holds onto Elizabeth's shoulders. "Your mother and I were so worried, dear. How are you feeling?"

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Elizabeth is suddenly in Richard's mother's arms, and she politely hugs her back. "I am fine. Ask Mother, I run off all the time." Anne sighs, shaking her head. "And I'm just as worried as the last time. Honey, you can't do that anymore. " Elizabeth nods, and then tries to fight back a yawn, but loses, cupping her hand over her mouth. "Shall I show Richard to his room, Mother?"

Anne shakes her head. " I'll show the going man where he will be sleeping. Take the Queen, and then I'll be by your room as usual. " Elizabeth nods, nodding her head to Richard as goodnight. She takes the Queen down a hallway. "Come this way your highness."

"Come, Richard. Your room is this way. " she goes down a different hall than Elizabeth.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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The next morning, Richard was not found to be in his room. When asked about his whereabouts, his uncle just laughs.
"The boy's ou' playing soldier in the garrison. I wouldn't pay no mind to him but he'll likely be there a while if you want to see him." He smiles and simply carries on.

Meanwhile, Richard is outside by the men's barracks parading in front of a single platoon for each country's military. Both are of course unarmored and Richard is now dressed more properly for the weather [the clothing in his profile], while also sporting a black and gold swagger stick.
It should also be noted that the ranks and files of the Lingarian platoon is more equally blocked up, while the Donerslander platoon seems to be having a few problems with getting behind and between their peers all that nicely. The prince stops his pacing right in front of the Donerslander platoon and then slowly looks down their ranks.
"....No. Do it again!" Almost collectively, the group of men groan at their new order and begin to fall out.
"HEY-HEY! STOP!! STOP MOVING!!!" The platoon, half-way to the other side of the dirt courtyard, stops with all of the men in a disorganized group.
The men yell back, "IYE SIR!-"
"IYE SIR!!-"
"Go." Richard gestures toward the opposite end of the courtyard with his stick and the men continue to move.

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Character Portrait: Richard Amore
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The men jog over to the end of the courtyard, touch a pillar holding up part of the building, and all run back to form up ranks once more. The first men there get in a line behind each other and stick their arms out so each has their middle finger just touching the back of the person in front for the perfect gap distance. The rest fall into new columns and make their own rows. In the first row, each man lifts his left arm so the middle finger touches the next person's right shoulder for the distance while everyone behind falls in with that as well...
And yet, there are still flaws in the way some line up.
The prince once more walks back and inspects the platoon but, as he is about to once more order them to redo it, he notices someone whispering to another.
"Out of my way." Richard stares at two men in the front. "I said MOVE!" The two get out of the way and let the prince through, followed by the next two, and the next. The boy walks up to the one that was whispering. He is clearly a few years older than Richard and much bigger. Definitely a Donerslander.
"You. Got something you need to say?" The man glances over to the one he was whispering to and then back forward.
"GO ON! Spit it out!" The soldier takes a breath and then finally looks the prince in the eye. Mistake number two.
"I was just thinking, this has nothing to do with strategy or fighting our enemies. When we practice, we normally learn how to kill our enemies, sir..." Definitely a Donerslander and mistake number three.
"Hm..." Richard turns around and walks back out to the front of the formation. "He says that you all normally...practice learning how to kill your enemies. That right?"
The men yell back, "IYE SIR!!" A couple of the displaced men start to move back into their previous spots.
"No-no! Get back!"
The two men respond, "Iye sir!"
"Stay where I put you!"
"Iye sir!"
Finally, Richard continues. "By that man's standards...each of you should be able to defeat one my men...but that's no fun, is it?"
"NO SIR!!" The men look around at each other with faces that might as well say, 'What is he talking about?...'
"Is it?" Richard looks at his own men, who respond without question.
"NO SIR!!!" In each of their minds, they know what is coming. It is practically tradition for the drill master to do this to a new platoon in the Lingarian military but...he is still their prince, and that causes a few to be a little confused...
"You, 'Whispering Fairy', get up here. Double-time!" The soldier looks at the men around him and jogs up through the gap to meet the prince, who tosses him a practice sword. "Here, so you don't kill y'self." He then grabs one for himself. "Now, I don't practice as much as my own men do so, by your standards you should be able to hand my ass to me!" Richard takes his stance.
"Sir, I don't want to hurt someone so close to my king-"
"-No-no. You're fine. Here!" He looks back at everyone. "In the presence of all of you..for my demonstration with this man, I relinquish my royal titles! To him right now, I am nothing more than a peasant in drill master's shoes!" He takes his stance once more. "Go on then, give it your best shot."
"...As you wish, my LORD!" The soldier lunges out with the dulled practice sword. Richard parries the attack and makes a movement of his own on the man. It is parried but, when he goes for a left swing strike, the 'peasant drill master' simply parries and holds his sword there as he closes the gap on his opponent and punches him in the face. Taken aback by the sudden strike, the soldier wavers on his balance and steps back, only to find himself being kicked in the center of the chest and knocked to the ground.
"By his logic, he just got put down-ass to dirt-by someone that actually trains half as hard as he does. In actuality...if he had the discipline to back out for a moment, and not make such a risky attack, he would still be on his feet!"
The prince looks at the soldier, who has now gotten back up. "Back in formation."
The man jogs back into his platoon.
"Close those ranks back up!" The men get back into their old formation.
"Now, if this were my country, that man could receive a punishment of some kind for talking back to a commander. But, seeing as this is not my country, I'll let his embarrassment suffice! But let that be a warning, I will not stand for disrespect of that size from any of you again! You may see yourself as the same as your commanders and your other leaders, but I don't. If I see your drill master, I see someone worth the lot of you!" Harsh...
"...RANKS!" Both platoons respond.
..."Dismissed!" The men all fall out and either talk to each other or go about their separate ways.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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"Richard!" Elizabeth waved friendly as she stood from the small bench. She had nothing better to do, so he had stayed and watched her fiancé. Her smile bright, and nails wrrimmed, she felt feminine. Her hair was in a Lon braid that reached down to her hip, and her dress was casual.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Richard sighs and begins walking over. Ironically, he has to get kind of close to be audible, unlike with the men.
The boy lightly bows for the princess, speaking the usual, "Y'Highness..."
He stands back up, somewhat less focused on posture than from yesterday as he rests his hand on the accompanying swagger stick. "My apologies, I didn't expect you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Amore Character Portrait: Princess Elizabeth Marien
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Elizabeth bows in response. "Please No apologizing. We aren't necessarily on royal terms are we?" She shyly smiled, and gently tossed the flower stem she had, replacing it's place with a new flower.