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Summer of Change



a part of Summer of Change, by Collapse.


Collapse holds sovereignty over California, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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California is a part of Summer of Change.

10 Characters Here

Jason Kennedy [44] "The only difference between us is that I didn't sell out who I am."
Sarah Kennedy [43] "Who needs drama? It's pointless."
Ella Kennedy [40] The Little One
Jack White [32] The Jerk
William White [32] "Let's Go!"
Alexandra White [30] "If a snob can find true love, why can't I?"
Alexander White [29] If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask someone else first.
Lyla Kennedy [23] "Mistakes are the only universal form of originality."
Madison Grey [18] "Why am I here again?"
Taylor Stone [18] "I can handle this."

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7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyla Kennedy Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: Jack White Character Portrait: William White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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#, as written by Taunbon
Jason raised an eyebrow at the eager William. He was glad that he seemed willing to step up and take Ella somewhere when no one else probably would, besides himself, but there was no way in hell he was letting his thirteen year old sister ride on the back of a dirt bike as they drove into town. Not a chance in hell. There were so many ways it could end badly, and he was certainly not going to risk his sister just because she wanted to go shopping with her older sister.

"Sorry Will, I don't want Ella riding on the back of the dirt bike in town," Jason said, and he did mean sorry. If Will had his license and was driving a car then he would have been more open to the idea, but he wasn't letting her on the back of a dirt bike in the middle of a town filled with much larger and heavier vehicles around them.

A part of him hoped that Lyla would have learned to pick her battles. Ignore him and then try to sneak around, let him win this one and then try to win the next smaller battle, but out right trying to say she would take Ella was not going to end well. Jason didn't think he had to do it this early, but if his sister really wanted to play that game. They would play that game. He would love to see how far she got once he pulled the battery from her car then removed the fuel filter for good measure. If they were going to the store, they were walking. If Jack dared step in, he would see what happens when the alternator was gone. Two quick bolts and a yank. His vehicle would run fine... for a few miles... then his car battery would die leaving him stranded until he could get someone to pick him up or a tow truck to come and get him and there was no way that Jason would tow him with his truck.

He turned on his heel to commence operation, 'Sister Lockdown', when near the door he heard a voice, a woman's voice coming in over the small intercom. He barely made out the name Madison, as the kitchen wasn't very close to the door, so his mind put two and two together. The nannies had arrived, good, that meant Lyla had to either convince them to let her go to spite him, or she had to sneak around which meant, in some way, that he had won.

Moving over to the intercom, he pressed down on the large red button, "Yea, hold on," Moving his hand over, he pressed down on it for a few seconds to make sure the gate got the command. It should have slid open by now.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyla Kennedy Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy Character Portrait: William White
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#, as written by Writer
Ella was pretty sure that if Jason wouldn't even let her drive with Lyla to go shopping, that riding on the back of Will's bike wasn't going to go over well either. She was right, as Jason confirmed that she wasn't allowed to do go with him. It bothered her for a second, as she imagined how cool it would be to be able to act as if he was her boyfriend who was taking her shopping, but then remembered that the helmet would probably give her horrible hat hair. She was not about to deal with that.

Luckily for her though, Lyla insisted on taking her despite Jason already rejecting the idea. Her sister turned and left, going upstairs to get ready, just as Sarah scolded her and commented on how she was acting like Lyla. Ella didn't mind that comment - in fact, she appreciated it. She didn't mind being disrespectful to Sarah, or even Jason (although she wasn't as confident doing it to him yet, knowing that he actually would punish her), if it meant that she was becoming as cool and rebellious and Lyla was.

Ella was too excited about the idea of going shopping with Lyla to think of another comment to use against Sarah, so she left the kitchen and headed towards the front door. She had left a pair of sandals there after getting them covered in sand the day before at the beach. They had dried off now and she shook off the sand, waiting for Lyla to return to leave as she slipped them on.

The gate buzzer rang, signaling that someone was at the front gates but Ella didn't react to it. At home, she had been banned from answering the intercom after she let in several solicitors and Jehovah's Witnesses. Her parents had warned her that she was only allowed to answer it if she was expecting someone but Ella was too impulsive to not push the button when it rang. After being yelled at for doing it multiple times over the past year, she knew better than to do it again. It wasn't a problem though because only a moment later, Jason approached and did it himself. It didn't even click in Ella's mind that it was the nannies until she decided that she'd wait for Lyla by the car and pulled the door open, only to find two girls standing in the doorway, both only appearing to be only a few years older than Jason. They were a lot younger and prettier than she expected them to be and for a moment, Ella forgot about going shopping with Lyla. She looked the girls up and down before turning back towards Jason, unsure of what she was supposed to say to the girls.

"Me and my sister are going shopping," she said. It came out a bit awkwardly, considering that Ella skipped introducing herself and jumped right to the point, but when she glanced at their bags and remembered that the girls would be staying with them all summer, it started bothering her again. She didn't want them bossing her around in place of her parents, even if her mother had assured her that she would have fun with the nannies. Ella doubted that Lyla would like them and as long as she didn't, Ella wasn't going to either.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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When Taylor brought up getting into a romantic relationship with one of the older boys that were supposed to be living, Madison only rolled her eyes. "I hope you're joking. You know just as well as I do that they're going to be your typical trust fund assholes. They've probably never worked a day in their life and get to live off of mommy and daddy's money for the rest of their lives. Not my type of guy, Taylor," she said, shaking her head but allowing a small smile to escape. Madison hadn't had a real relationship in almost two years. She had broken up with her last boyfriend on mutual ground but since then, she just didn't see a point in investing herself in other people. Deep down, she did hope that she would find someone who was compatible for her but she wasn't counting on it happening any time soon, and certainly not this summer.

Although Madison was tired enough to want to spend their hour drive sleeping, Taylor kept her up with her normal energy, asking about what she had done with her cousin over the past week, what she thought the family's home would look like and discussing the email that Kathryn had sent her.

When they arrived at the home, Madison was no less than impressed. It was a huge and beautiful home that was set right on the beach. As the car drove through the gates, Madison guessed that it was probably one of the nicest homes she had ever seen. It made sense considering the amount of money that the owners were willing to spend on childcare for two months, plus their own expenses as they vacationed in Europe. With everything considered, the amount of money that they would shell out in these two months would probably account for a yearly salary of someone living on minimum wage.

As Taylor paid the cab driver, Madison pulled their bags from the trunk and they were left standing alone in front of their new home for the summer. Before she could give Taylor a 'what did we get ourselves into?' look, the door swung open to reveal a small, blonde girl. Madison guessed that it was either Sarah or Ella Kennedy, although she leaned towards Ella considering that she appeared to be closer to thirteen than fifteen. The little girl stared at them for a moment before announcing that she was going shopping. Madison knew that only one of the Kennedy girls was old enough to drive and she was banned from driving, but Madison figured that Taylor would take care of it. Besides, it didn't seem like the appropriate thing to talk about as their first conversation.

"I'm guessing that you're Ella?" she asked, grabbing her bags and taking a step inside the house towards the blonde. She hoped that one of the older children would appear and make things less awkward but she figured that Taylor would know what to say and do.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyla Kennedy Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy Character Portrait: Alexandra White Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: Jack White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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Sarah started talking to Ella then turned back to Will, asking if he wanted to hang out later. "Hang out with you? well I guess it could be worse" Will joked and he winked at her. Then Will turned to Lyla. "Hey baby, excited to be spending the whole summer with me? if you ever feel lonely, my room's right at the end of the hall." Will finished with a wink. He would have stayed and continued with the flirting, but his bike was calling him. He cleaned off his plate and juice and went into the garage that was connected with the house.

There she was, the only love he will ever have, besides Lyla of course. She was a 2011 Honda CRF450R, or Alice, since it had the coolest Alice in Wonderland art on it. He grabbed the clicker and tried to open the garage door, but nothing happened. He kept clicking it and realized that either the door or the clicker was broken. He opened the back of the clicker and saw that it was missing a battery. "These things still run on batteries? Lame."

Will walked back in, yelling "Hey where are the batteries?" To anyone in particular, he kept walking until he reached the front door. He saw Ella talking to two strangers. Two HOT strangers. Will quickly pushed Ella out of the way and greeted the two women, they couldn't be to much older than Jack and Alexandra. "Hello ladies, Whatever you're selling, I'm buying. Unless, of course, you want me instead." He winked at them. "Now what may i owe the pleasure?"

Will glanced down and saw the suitcases and a large smile came over his face, then he yelled back to the kitchen "The hot nannies are here!" He looked back at them. "Please come on in, my brother Jason will show you to your rooms, then later, I can show you to mine." He stepped out and grabbed their suitcases, lifting them easily and ushered them inside while looking at their butts.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: William White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by British
Since Taylor had to pay the cab driver, it took her an extra few seconds to reach the front door and by then, it was already wide up. A young girl stood in the entryway, telling Madison how she and her sister "were going shopping". Taylor agreed with Madison's assumption that the girl was probably Ella, the youngest of the eight kids that were living there. She was a pretty little girl and reminded Taylor of her stepsister who was only a year younger than Ella was.

"Hi Ella!" Taylor exclaimed enthusiastically, crouching down a bit to get to the girl's eye level. "I'm Taylor and this is Madison," she said, signaling to her friend. "We're going to be spending the summer with you here. Would you mind waiting a little bit to go shopping until we get settled in?" She smiled sweetly at Ella, hoping that she had managed to balance the level of not being too old and demanding sounding with also not trying to sound like she was talking to a two-year-old.

Inside the home, Taylor heard a male voice echoing throughout the halls about batteries and before long, the voice was matched with a young male, probably in his mid-teen years. As Taylor tried to imagine the email in her brain, she figured that he was either William or Alexander White. She was sure that his Prince Charming act probably swooned girls his age, and although Taylor knew that Madison would probably get sick of him fast, she thought it was cute. He shouted something about "hot nannies" being there, making Taylor giggle as he led them farther into the house. So far, so good, she thought to herself as she tried to examine the space around her and watch the young boy and girl at the same time.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: William White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Taunbon
It seemed Ella was going to greet Taylor and Madison herself, so Jason let her as she might be able to get along with them better if he wasn't there introducing himself and ushering their attention elsewhere. Although, he was curious as to what they looked like too as he hoped his parents hadn't hired two older women as he didn't want to see them go through what Lyla would put them through. Whatever money they were promised wasn't enough.

Batteries? Jason paused not sure why he needed batteries. The controls didn't require them, but... what batteries? Jason frowned trying to recall where the utility drawer was as he opened various cabinets and drawers inside the kitchen. Grabbing onto a brass handle, he pulled the last and furthest away drawer tucked into the corner of the kitchen open and there they were. Numerous battery packs and other miscellaneous items. Which kind did William need though? Odds were it was either AA or D batteries. He opened his mouth to yell out to William to ask.

His mouth closed when William yelled again into the house that the 'Hot Nannies' were here so that crossed the 'older women' right off his list. Jason had to fight the small smile that almost spread across his face at how William had yelled that. He didn't lack for confidence, that was for sure. By here, he assumed inside the house which meant Ella had probably already seen them which was good enough for them. He needed to make introductions and get them Lyla's car keys before she did something stupid.

Sliding the drawer closed, Jason walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway where the others were pausing to give both 'hot nannies' a one over. One was darker haired, and while attractive, she didn't give off the vibe that she wanted to be here. The other seemed to be near the opposite, still very attractive 'hot nanny', but she seemed to by enjoying William's show which was nice of her.

He managed to catch the bit about his brother Jason. Honestly, he never thought they were that close, but seeing at how close their families were... he supposed William could call him his 'older brother' very loosely.

"Will, the batteries are in the bottom left kitchen drawer, if you need tools for whatever they should be in the garage or in the toolbox in the back of my truck, let me know if you need to get in as it is locked," Jason said. He wasn't sure why, but he felt he should answer Will's earlier question before saying hi to the nannies that and... he had spent a few thousand dollars on his tools and Will was probably the closest thing to a fellow car enthusiast he had in the house, so there was a little bit of pride there as well. He wanted to offer to help Will carry the luggage, but Will was trying to impress them, so he should probably let him keep going with that.

"Hi, nice to meet you two," Jason said stepping closer to them and extending his right hand, "I am Jason Kennedy, the others are upstairs."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyla Kennedy Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Alexandra White Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: William White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Writer
It took a second for her to nod when one of the girls asked her if she was Ella before the other followed suit and greeted her gleefully. The girl, who introduced herself as Taylor, suggested that she wait to go shopping until later and although Ella wanted to take opportunity of Lyla having time to drive her, she was interested in the new people as well. It seemed like she wasn't the only one because as soon as Will spotted them, he stopped what he was doing and shoved Ella aside in order to capture the girls' attention for himself. Ella scowled and considering pushing him back but she realized that would be babyish and didn't want to seem immature in front of Will, even if he was being a player.

Will led the girls forward and Ella glanced back towards the front door, still unsure about what to do before reluctantly closing the door and following them into the house. She didn't want to seem lame in front of Lyla but she also didn't want to upset Jason, especially after Lyla had just told him to "fuck off". It was something that had surprised Ella, knowing that if she had said it, she would've been sent straight to her room, but with Lyla, it was different. Ella envied her confidence and the way that she really just did and said whatever she wanted. She couldn't even flip off Sarah without getting yelled at for it but it seemed like Lyla could do anything. Ella's idolization of Lyla may have been different if she had seen all of the real consequences that her sister had to endure - the brutal hangovers, threats from her parents, and most recently, her overnight trip to jail, but most of that was hidden from Ella. She heard about the groundings and the lectures but those didn't seem like a steep price to pay for all of the fun that Lyla had, especially when she disregarded most of their warnings anyway.

Jason approached, introducing himself to the girls after directing Will to where the batteries were. "Jason's twenty-two," she said matter-of-factly, "and his girlfriend Alexandra is upstairs." Even though Ella knew that Jason and Alex were only friends, she recognized that Taylor and Madison were pretty and since Jason really didn't have a girlfriend, she didn't want anything to happen between them. It was true that Ella had literally only known them for two minutes, but because Jason had always been the one to devote the most time to Ella, she had always been defensive whenever he brought any girls home, despite how nice they were. She didn't like anyone to take his attention away from her and even now, when part of her wanted him to not care so much, she still feared that he would replace her with these strangers.

"Can we go swimming after Will puts your stuff upstairs? The beach is right outside and I want to go in the water," she said, completely switching the topic as she glanced out the window. By now, she had nearly forgotten about going shopping with Lyla and while she didn't want these girls to get too close to Jason, she was also kind of excited to have them there to do things with.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: William White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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Madison was less than impressed with the teenage boy who flirted with Taylor and her as soon as he approached. He would have been the perfect package... if she was a sixteen-year-old bimbo who wanted someone to sweet talk her before ditching her a week later for a new girl. Since Madison didn't catch him checking out her ass, she figured that his flirting was harmless for now and tried to give him a polite smile as she followed Taylor further into the house. She had to admit that the house was even nicer on the inside than it was outside. There were high ceilings, beautiful furniture and decorations that perfectly accented the home, as well as an elegant staircase that they were approaching. Will had managed to fill his arms with her and Taylor's bags and as Madison glanced up the staircase, an older boy came towards them.

Madison guessed that he was probably only a few years younger than her, which was then confirmed when Ella randomly stated that he was twenty-two. If he hadn't introduced himself as Jason Kennedy, Madison probably could have guessed that he was Ella's brother. They were both blonde and she could see the similarities in their faces, despite the large gap in their ages. It was strange to Madison that Ella would bring up Jason's girlfriend but she was curious to see the others who Jason explained were upstairs. "Nice to meet you," Madison said, returning Jason's handshake. "I'm Madison."

Ella then spoke up again, asking if they would take her swimming. Madison had noticed that the beach was literally in their backyard and although she didn't necessarily enjoy swimming in the ocean, she wouldn't mind laying out and getting some sun for a little while. The kid was thirteen so Madison figured that she would know how to swim on her own. If not, she'd let Taylor take on this little job.

"Sure," Madison replied with another half, forced smile. "We should probably wait to meet your sisters and the other kids first," she offered. Although Madison wasn't privy on awkward introductions, it seemed to make sense that they should get it over with now rather than later.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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Will passed the girls and walked right up to Jason. "Dibs on the scary one." He whispered as he took the bags upstairs to the two adjacent spare bedrooms. He took this time to open each suitcase, hoping he wouldn't get caught, and take a peak at their underwear. "mmm very nice, i will have to see these bad boys in use." He quickly put the underwear back and put each suitcase in each room. He hurriedly left the rooms.

He arrived back downstairs to see Ella pestering the babysitters, then he remembered what Jason said about the batteries. He Walked into the kitchen and got the correct batteries, then decided he might as well give his bike a tune up. He walked back out into the hall and while asked for the keys from Jason. He looked at both girls, now wondering what they looked like naked, then he looked straight at Madison and winked, then did a little nod like 'Hey yo girl, you like what you see?' and of course she did, what girl didn't?

Once Will got the keys he ran to Jason's car and grabbed the tools. He started to think how lucky he was to have car fanatic for a...Brother? Cousin? he was certainly more than a friend, but at the same time not at all. Will didn't know what to call Jason. Sure he wasn't of blood but their families were so close that he was practically family. Will knew that he treated Jason like family, but then what would that make Sarah? That made him shiver, ew, but that was different right? Right. Right? They weren't related so he could still like Sarah, but their two families were so close that Jason was a brother. Will's head hurt and he stopped thinking about it. He got to the garage, and still couldn't open it.

That's when Will realized that he had he wrong clicker. He entered through a back door closer to the garage and looked for the clicker but couldn't find it. That's when Will got his second good idea for the day. He used the tools to tighten up everything and he cleaned the oil and everything else that needed to be checked and double checked. Once that was done he sat down on the bike and switched it on with a small whirr. He turned on the gas and did a doughnut before aiming straight for the open door that led into the house. He revved the engine a couple times. This was going to be epic.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyla Kennedy Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy Character Portrait: Alexandra White Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: Jack White Character Portrait: Alexander White Character Portrait: William White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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0.00 INK

Before Alexandra could respond, Jack slipped past her and headed back to his room. He tossed the dime bag onto his bed and pulled off his t-shirt, dropping it onto the floor as he glanced at his reflection in the mirror. Not too bad, he thought as he flexed, admiring the results of his daily workouts. He turned to his closet, considering putting on a wet suit and going surfing before his door opened and Sarah walked in.

It was obvious very unusual, especially considering their exchange earlier that morning, but as soon as she opened her mouth, it was clear on why she came to him. She wanted alcohol but there was no way he'd get her whiskey.

"Surprise, surprise. Sober Sarah wants the only guy in this house whose cool enough to buy her alcohol to do her a favor," he said, turning to face her with a smirk. "There's no way that I'm getting nailed for buying you whiskey. That shit will fuck you up and since you're an alcohol virgin, you're not gonna even like whiskey. What about beer or those bitch drinks like Mike's Hard or Smirnoff Ice?" He asked, glancing down at his phone and scrolling through his Twitter feed for a moment before glancing back up at her. "If you're set on hard liquor, you can ask Ella if she'll share this with you," he said, rummaging through the back of his closet for a moment before appearing with a pink bottle of raspberry Svedka vodka. Supposedly Ella had seen it at one of the parties she had attended a few weeks earlier and thought it was "pretty", so she had to have it for the summer. Jack had agreed to buy it for her after having a particularly bad argument with his father about how he had to "get his life together" and "be more like Jason". He didn't want Ella to get drunk enough to hurt herself, only to a point where she'd be a problem for Jason.

Jack wasn't sure if he shouldn't have mentioned that he had been buying alcohol for Ella to Sarah, but he knew that she didn't get along well with Lyla, so she probably wouldn't mention it to her. Although Lyla also drank underage, Jack knew that she didn't approve of Ella following in her footsteps so he played dumb whenever Lyla talked about Ella getting alcohol for the parties that she and her friends went to. "Don't mention this to Lyla," he said, grabbing a sweatshirt from his closet and wrapping it around the bottle and handing it to Sarah, knowing that it would be a good enough cover up to transport the bottle a few feet away to her own room, in the unlikely chance that she would run into Alexandra or Jason. "Save some of it for Saturday, though. We're hosting... a few people... for 4th of July, but keep that on the down low."

He could hear Will shouting about the nannies being there and grinned when his younger brother described them as being hot. "Well, that's my cue," he said as he headed towards the door. "By the way, tell your make out partner that he can take his pot back," he said, tilting his head towards where it lay on his bed before passing Sarah and going downstairs.

Will was right, the two girls that were standing in front of him surely were hot. It didn't surprise Jack that Jason was already there, ready to show off and act like he was the head of the house. "I'm Jack," he said, flashing them a smile before Ella piped up about wanting to go swimming. Madison offered to take her once she met the rest of the kids, and although Jack wouldn't be the one to object to seeing her in a bikini, he turned to Ella and said, "I think Sarah wanted to ask you about something she wanted to borrow from you. Clothes or something. She's upstairs." He figured that it would be better to let Sarah portion out Ella's part of the vodka now, when Jason was busy assisting the nannies, than to try to do it later once everything calmed down. He just hoped that Ella would go along with it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack White Character Portrait: William White
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Sarah wasn't surprised when Jack mentioned getting alcohol for Ella, nor was she very mad about it. She wasn't going to tell Jason or anyone else about it either, and she was quite surprised that Jack had actually told her he buys it for Ella.

She grabbed the bottle from him, and she grabbed the bag of weed, leaving Jack's room. She hid the bottle under her bed, and she hid the bag of weed under her bed as well. She figured Alexandra might still be in Alexander's room, so she wasn't going to risk her finding out that it actually was Alexander's. She would just give it to him later.

Sarah slipped on a pair of shoes, and she went outside, where she saw Will on his dirt bike. She waved to him, getting his attention.

"Can I ride too?" she asked him quite loudly, making sure he could hear her over the sound of the engine.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Alexandra White Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: Jack White Character Portrait: Alexander White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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Alexandra had a feeling that Jack was lying, but why? It would hardly benefit him. Would it? She shook her head, a headache coming on from the stress of trying to figure out her twin's intentions. Not wanting to waste her entire day on it, she looked back to Alexander.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you." Was all she said before leaving the room and heading to her bedroom. Done with the confusing detour that she had taken, she entered her bedroom and got back on task. She took a five minute shower, as she always did after a morning work out. Alex then dried her hair, deciding to leave it down since it was a lazy day and there wasn't much point in spending time on it.

Outfit-wise, she decided on her white skirt with her black and white skull top with three quater-length sleeves. Feeling refreshed and ready for the day that had already been so hectic, she left her room and returned downstairs. She'd heard that the nannies were here and was sad that she hadn't been able to greet them when they came in but wasn't too bothered since she was sure Jason or Ella introduced them to the others who probably wouldn't care as much.

Downstairs she found Jason, Ella and Jack with two women who she assumed were the nannies. She approached them with a welcoming smile and light wave. Alex gave Jack a warning look, telling him to not dare to try and sleep with the nannies. She knew it was unlikely to have any effect, considering the amount of times she told him to not get involved with her friends but he did anyway. Putting the bad memories of losing her friends aside, she waited to introduce herself as she could see the nannies were going to be quite overwhelmed by it all.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy Character Portrait: Alexandra White Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: Jack White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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Will revved the engine two more times and right before he was about to take off Sarah came outside. She wanted to ride on his bike. Well of course what girl doesn't want to ride on it. "Sure, come on." Once she was on and wearing a helmet, he revved the engine again and then let go of the break. He suddenly did the classic action movie of doing a slight wheelie for a second, then his front tire hit the Garage floor's concrete and he zipped into the house.

Will was pretty good with handling his bike so he drove the rooms downstairs one by one until he finally reached the front hall. He honked his horn so that His sister, brother, Sarah's sister, brother, and the two nannies, could all move out of the way in time for him to swerve through them into the kitchen. He neared the back door (which he had opened when he thought of this plan) then flew through it.

Once outside, Will drove to the front yard and onto the street. He accelerated and took off heading towards the Motocross track.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: William White
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Sarah let out a squeal as they rode, and she wrapped her arms tightly around Will's waist, as if her life depended on it. Once they were out of the house, Sarah loosened her grip slightly, making sure she wasn't suffocating the poor guy, and she giggled slightly as they rode on the dirt bike. Needless to say, she was having fun.

She liked the feeling of her arms being around Will, but at the same time it was weird. She was used to having her arms around Alexander, her boyfriend, and it felt wrong to embrace Will, but she was afraid that if she left go of him, she'd fall off.

Sarah felt bad for liking the feeling of being close to Will, but she felt safe with him for some reason. Kind of how she felt secure when she was with Alexander, but this was a bit different. She had always been able to be herself around Will, but not around Alexander, and Sarah figured that's why she felt so safe with Will. It couldn't be because she liked him or anything. He was practically her brother, plus she was dating his brother.

She shook her head, trying to clear her mind of those thoughts, and began enjoying the ride again. Sarah let out a small laugh, completely enjoying the ride.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyla Kennedy Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy
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From one of her room's windows, Lyla had watched a car pull up to the summer villa, and it didn't take a genius to guess that it belonged to the two nannies who were staying with them this Summer. It occurs to her, quite immediately, that this is in fact a perfect opportunity. Everyone will probably be distracted by the arrival of the women, and if they aren't distracted by the nannies it will be because something else is capturing their attention. Either way, people won't be paying much attention to anything at all, she supposes.

Were she a better person, Lyla would think more before leaving the house. After all, she had already told Ella that she'd take her shopping, and the younger girl is probably anticipating it. But this is easier, and Lyla has been known to take easier routes when the mood hits her. In this situation, the lull of the ocean waves and the warmth pulls her to be lazy, and choose the easy way out. Perhaps some part of her also wants to actively let down Ella, so she'll stop idolizing her, but it is unlikely that she would even be conscious of this. Instead, without too much thought, she slips out one of the back doors that are near her first-floor bedroom, and walks away from the villa, down onto the beach. Of course, she makes sure to grab a towel and pair of sunglasses on her way out, planning on sunbathing, or maybe finding a crowd to easily involve herself in. She's always been the sort of person who can easily become part of a group without anyone batting too much of an eye. She may lack her brother and parents' drive and motivation, but she has without a doubt inherited the family charisma.

Once she is out of view of the Villa, or at least in a location where she no longer can see the large summer residence, Lyla lays down her towel, and then stretches out on it. The warm sun and ocean breeze make the weather absolutely perfect for the sunshine-loving girl, and had she not just woken up, she would probably fall asleep in the sun. Instead, she plugs into music and decides to relax for a few moments before finding something more interesting to do. Her personality prevents her from being able to just sit around in the sun doing nothing for too long, after all. Rather, she can take short intervals. It is a contrast to her sleeping schedule, which avoids naps and yet can stretch one sleep for far beyond the normal limit on slumbering.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy Character Portrait: Alexandra White Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: Jack White Character Portrait: William White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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#, as written by British
Taylor's eyes flashed away from Ella and Will when an older blonde boy walked towards them. He was gorgeous and he introduced himself, as Jason Kennedy. It wasn't a shock to Taylor who was already getting that big brother, well mannered vibe from him that his mother had described in her email. Although Taylor would never admit it, she was slightly disappointed when Ella pointed out that he had a girlfriend, Alexandra, who was upstairs.

After she got her fair share of gawking over with, she followed Madison's lead and shook Jason's hand before introducing herself. "It's great to meet you too! I'm Taylor. This house is amazing," she stated, smiling at the boy as she pulled her hand away. Taylor turned slightly, thinking that now would be a good time to bring their bags upstairs and get settled in, only to find that Will had brought them up for her. He appeared a moment later, almost simultaneously to Ella asking if they could go swimming. Like Madison, Taylor had also noticed how the home was literally located feet away from the beach. She was surprised when Madison agreed to take Ella, knowing that she would never get in the ocean when they went to the beach together, but Taylor was glad that Madison was already making an effort to help out and get used to taking care of Ella.

Taylor wanted to thank Will for bringing their bags upstairs but he was speaking to Jason about something and after Jason handed him something, he had disappeared down the hall. Two more people, a boy and a girl, had appeared. The boy introduced himself as Jack, and although the girl only offered a wave, Taylor assumed that she was Alexandra. She looked similar to Jack and appeared to be older than eighteen, which was the age that the second oldest girl, Lyla, was supposed to be.

"It's nice to meet you guys," she offered, a smile still present on her face as she watched a younger blonde girl make her way down the stairs and slip past the others, seemingly unnoticed by her siblings and friends. The next few minutes seemed to come so quickly that Taylor didn't know how to react. Jack had directed Ella upstairs and a second later, a dirt bike with Will and the girl she had seen a moment earlier zipped past them and out the back door.

Taylor opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't know what to say. Her mother would have killed her for wearing her roller skates in the house, nonetheless a dirt bike, but she wasn't sure what these kids were used to and guessed that maybe, somehow, this was normal to them. She doubted it and exchanged a worried look with Madison before turning to the others, asking, "Are they allowed to use that in the house?"


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Kennedy Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy Character Portrait: Alexandra White Character Portrait: Madison Grey Character Portrait: William White Character Portrait: Taylor Stone
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#, as written by Taunbon
"Thanks Ella," Jason said trying not to laugh at how his younger sister saw fit to give out additional information about his age and his supposed girlfriend. It wasn't as if he hadn't gotten that joke more then a few times from family and friends, at this point, there wasn't really a point in trying to deny it, just wasted breath. [All Jason could offer Will was a shrug on his 'claim' of the dark one. He had to admit that the dark ones were never his thing, as he always said, never date someone with more baggage then you. It tended to end badly, but Will would need all the help he could get if he planned on trying to get with one of the nannies, and he had no reason to crush his hope.

At least he was able to put their names to their faces now with the introduction from Madison, she seemed nice enough all things considered although he wondered if being nannies was something they did or just a summer time thing? His mind instantly settled on it being a summer thing, unless people wanted to grow up to be nannies these days? In fact, how did one even go about trying to be a nanny? He was glad to see Madison so willing to take Ella to the beach, perhaps the dark look was just a look?

"It is pretty nice, a little too big at some times," Jason said shaking her small hand for a second, he hadn't gotten much of a look at her before as his attention was constantly being grabbed by someone or something, she had a certain 'girl next door' charm, was that even a thing? Well, it was now. He opened his mouth to say something else when, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Alexandra and lifted his hand to wave back at her. How long had she been waiting? His mind was distracted, once again, by a loud horn echoing through the hall. Pushing himself against the wall, he had to fight the urge to stretch his arm out and knock Will off the bike, a flash of yellow hair stayed his hand as they zoomed past, and he saw Sarah on the back. Yea, they were going to be talking when they got back.

Jason stared at the open door, his mouth set in a frown, "No, they aren't allowed to do that in the house," he said, he reached up to rub his forehead, "I will take care of Sarah if you want to deal with Will?" He offered Taylor.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy
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Once at the dirt bike track will let Sarah get off the back. "did you see their faces?! priceless" Will was laughing hard. He got off the bike and went up to the front desk so he could check himself and Sarah in. Once he did that he pushed his bike to the dirt track.

It wasn't a bad track. Sure it was smaller than he would have liked, but it was special to him. This was the first track he ever raced on. It was maybe a mile all the way around, and it had three obstacles. The first obstacle was just a couple of short hills that were designed to be cleared completely if you could. The second was a kind of tight rope. It was three flat boards maybe a foot wide that were suspended by two hills holding up each end and a ditch below. You had to drive across without falling off, but the spaces between the boards were so wide that unless everyone fell off at once, no one would get hurt. Plus you could just drive between them through the ditch. The last obstacle was a jump, launching you nearly 20 feet into the air if you had the right speed, and you were required to do a trick before landing.

Will got his bike up to the start line then revved his engine. He then took off, picking up speed and jumping only a few of the hills, not having the speed yet. Then he got to the boards and drove over one with a little trouble. It was always hard to balance and drive in a perfectly straight line over them. Then he got to the jump. Will turned his handle, causing the bike to accelerate at an incredible speed, then launched off of the ramp. He let got of the handle bars and moved down the bike, He was laying horizontally in the air with his hands on the back of his bike, doing his favorite stunt, the superman. He quickly pulled himself back up and landed on the opposite ramp. He came up to the finish line, which was the starting line too, and stopped. He got off and took off his helmet, then walked up to Sarah. "Your turn, or are you to chicken?" Will winked at Sarah.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: William White
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"Yeah, it was hilarious," Sarah nodded in agreement, laughing just as hard as he was. It was true, their faces were very priceless, and it was quite amusing, but she was quite afraid of what Jason would do when she got back to the house.

Sarah smiled as she watched him ride, but she let out a squeal as he did The Superman stunt, afraid he would get hurt, but when he landed perfectly fine, she relaxed a little.

When Will told her it was her turn, her eyes widened to the size of quarters, "Are you insane? I don't know how to ride this thing!"

Then she realized, she had seen Will just ride it, she could just do everything he did, except for The Superman stunt, she would surely die if she even attempted that.

Sarah sighed, and she took the helmet, and she smirked, "If I die, it's your fault."

She walked to the dirtbike, and she got on it, putting on the helmet, and she revved the engine a few times, just like she had seen Will do, and she took off, slowly picking up speed, since she was kind of afraid.

Sarah didn't jump any of the hills, but soon, the speed picked up, and she started enjoying the ride. Then she got to the boards, and she nearly lost her balance a few times. When she got to the jump, she turned the handle to accelerate her speed, and she took the jump, letting out a loud squeal. She lost her balance, and didn't land. Instead, she fell off the dirt bike, and the bike landed on her leg.

She squealed yeat again, but this time in pain. Sarah tried to push the dirt bike off her leg, but she let out a small shriek.

Sarah had broken her leg once, when she was ten, and she remembers how badly it hurt, and that's how badly her leg was hurting right now.

She clutched her leg in her hands, and she sighed softly.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy
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Will was surprised when Sarah took the helmet and decided to take the course. It concerned him a little because it wasn't an easy one but as she got through the first obstacle he was a little bit more relaxed, she was fine. He watched her almost mess up on the boards and was impressed when she made it across. Then came the jump. Sarah took off and Will watched with awe when he saw her. Sure she didn't do anything cool but for her first time, that was impressive...until she landed.

Will's awe immediately turned into panic. "Sarah!!" he shouted as he ran over, followed by some others. He got to her and quickly pulled the bike off of her, throwing it aside. "You ok? Someone call an ambulance!" Will took a look at her leg and it was bad, she had definitely broken it. How stupid could he be?! Letting her do something like that? He didn't even care about the hell to pay at home, he was to worried.

Finally the paramedics came and helped her into the ambulance and he got into the back with her. He would have to get his bike later.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: William White
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Sarah was still clutching her leg after they got into the ambulance. She glanced at Will, "You didn't have to come with me, you know. I mean, what about your bike? What if someone steals it or something?"

She frowned, not being used to having to stay still. Sarah was the kind of person who couldn't stay still for very long. She wanted so badly to stand up and walk around, but she knew she couldn't.

Sarah was a bit flattered that Will was so concerned about her, but she didn't want him blaming himself for it. If anything, she should be the one taking the blame. She's the one who actually accepted the challenge of riding the stupid dirt bike in the first place, so if anyone gives Will hell about it, Sarah will be pissed.

"You know it's not your fault right?" she looked up at Will, "It's my fault for getting on the stupid bike, I could have said no. So don't you dare take the blame, alright?"

Soon, they arrived to the emergency room, and Sarah was immediately taken to a room, and Will was told to stay in the waiting room, which kind of disappointed Sarah because she wanted Will to be there with her, but she'd just have to get over it.

The doctor was talking to her about her leg, but Sarah didn't hear half of what he was saying because she was trying to decide on how she would explain this to Jason, and everyone else.

The doctor put a cast on her leg, and he gave her a pair of crutches, adjusting the height so they were perfect for her, and he let her leave.

Sarah limped out of the room, using her crutches, and she went to Will.

This was going to be a long summer, especially with a broken leg.

"I don't want to go home. Can we just go somewhere else? I really don't want to deal with Jason right now," Sarah frowned, realizing they would have to call someone to pick them up since they didn't have a vehicle with them.

Sarah figured Lyla was their best choice. Or Jack. They could depend on them to not yell at them for going to the dirt bike track and breaking Sarah's leg, right?


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Kennedy Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy Character Portrait: Jack White
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Will was pacing the floors as Sarah was in the hospital. He wasnt worried about his bike, the guys that worked there knew him and knew his bike, they would take care of it. He was worried however that Sarah would never be able to walk again. Will started going through all the stupid scenarios, like how she might be crippled, or they may have to cut off her leg! would she get a prosthetic? maybe a robot leg? Actually that would be cool. Then she could fight crime like a super hero, and they would call her Leg Girl. No thats stupid. Bionic Woman? Stupid and taken. Miss priss? Will chuckled at that one, then Sarah came out with crutches and her leg still attached. "Thank god they didnt amputate."

"We dont have to go home just yet." Will responded. He knew Jason would kill him, literally. Then he would remove Will's heart and eat it to gain will's powers like the Mayans, and that was only the best possible scenario. Will took out his cell phone. "We still need to go back to the track so i can get my bike back." He dialed Jack's number and put the phone to his head, listening to it ring.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sarah Kennedy Character Portrait: Jack White Character Portrait: William White
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Sarah smiled at him, and she was more than glad that Will didn't want to go home just yet. When he pulled out his phone and dialed a number, she instantly knew it was probably Jack. Everyone knows Will looks up to Jack, so of course he would trust him with something like this.

She leaned on Will, not wanting to put all of her wait onto her good leg. Sarah sighed softly, and started thinking about how mad Jason would be when he found out about Will letting her ride the dirt bike. Just thinking about it was enough to slightly scare Sarah, so she tried her hardest not to think about it.